Sunday 26 July 2015

Take Your Bottled Water And Get Out.

      We have on our side a vast army of brave, intelligent and compassionate people, we must surely win if we all come together. No group or groups should have to fight in isolation, solidarity is our weapon of success.

     Yesterday Chevron, the company behind the Pacific Trails fracking pipeline, attempted to enter our unceded territories. They have no consent from our chiefs and our hereditary governance system, who are standing strong in their stance against all pipelines. Next to the Wedzin Kwah river, which is pure enough to drink from, Chevron presented us with an offering of bottled water and industrial tobacco.
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Saturday 25 July 2015



Glowing embers in a fading light
Thoughts of absent friends
Memories paint the picture
Creating companions through the night.

Glimpses of that childhood mate
Running wild through youth
Spending days with indecent haste
Then finding age, became sedate.

The first love who lit a fire
That burnt with fervent flame
Causing reason to flee, before
Starting to splutter and then expire.

A youth with a boundless dream
Shaping a thousand tomorrows
A mad dance soon to become
With age, a meandering stream.

Friendships forged in pain
Companions merged by trust
Families spliced in love
Creating a priceless chain.

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Workers, Remember Your History, The State Is Brutal.

      Today, July 25th marks the 106 anniversary of a week of brutal repression and bloodshed in Barcelona. July 25th. 1909 was the start of a week when the Spanish army took to the streets against its own people and with vicious brutality, put done a wave of anger and discontent in the city, similar attacks on the people took place in other cities across Catalonia. It became know as the "Tragic Week". We should always remember, the state, Spanish or any other, will have no hesitation of killing its own people when ever it feels that its power is threatened. It has happened time and time again in country after country.
      Tragic Week (in Catalan la Setmana TrĂ gica, in Spanish la Semana TrĂ¡gica) (25 July – 2 August 1909) is the name used for a series of bloody confrontations between the Spanish army and the working classes of Barcelona and other cities of Catalonia (Spain), backed by anarchists, socialists and republicans, during the last week of July 1909. It was caused by the calling-up of reserve troops by Prime Minister Antonio Maura to be sent as reinforcements when Spain renewed military-colonial activity in Morocco on 9 July, in what is known as the Second Rif War.
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Thankful For The Rain.

     Out on the bike on Friday, nice run. Kept looking at the beautiful lush green all around me. Then started moaning at getting caught in a heavy shower, but thought, if it wasn't for this abundance of showers, I wouldn't be able to look at the beautiful lush green, felt better. Luckily not too far from a tearoom, where I could continue to watch the rain wash that beautiful lush green land.

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Friday 24 July 2015

The Left And Europe.

        Since the "Greek Affair" it is more obvious now than ever before that the EU is not a democratic institution. It never was, it has always been an organisation to allow capital to flow freely across the continent and therefore exert greater power over that area. As time goes on that power will be exerted with greater force and authority in an attempt to continually maximise the profit from their capital and to protect that capital when it runs into problems. The people don't enter the equation. The people can organise a Europe for the people, but it has to be created outside the rules and regulations of capital. The two are totally incompatible.
This from Roar Mag:

Syriza’s strategy to end austerity within the Eurozone has failed. What does this mean for the future of the Greek left and the anti-austerity movement in Europe?
In the past weeks, the masks have really fallen: the structures and legitimacy of the Eurozone are now thoroughly broken. Has the time come for the left to abandon the single currency, or even the EU? And what role are grassroots movements to play in the reconstruction of a radical transnational project against austerity and for a democratic and socially just Europe?
These are some of the questions discussed in this episode of #TalkReal, recorded in Athens during the GCAS World Conference, Democracy Rising. Featuring: Costas Douzinas, acclaimed Greek intellectual close to Syriza; Margarita Tsomou, Greek performer and commentator based in Berlin; Jerome Roos, writer and founder of ROAR Magazine; and Srecko Horvat, Croatian philosopher and member of the board of European Alternatives. Host: Lorenzo Marsili, director of European Alternatives.

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Thursday 23 July 2015

Solidarity Is Our Weapon.

An appeal from Labour Start:  
       The International Union of Foodworkers launched an online campaign last week to support workers on strike at global brewery giant SABMiller.  The company had been refusing to negotiate and was engaging in union-busting practices at its subsidiary in Panama.
      The company's reaction was to block all email messages coming in.  Thousands of campaign supporters received error messages in their inboxes.  You may have been one of them.
       SABMiller has to learn that they can "blacklist" our email servers, but they can't silence our voices.
The IUF has forwarded on all the messages to the workers on strike, and is going to present all the names to the company in the form of a petition.

Please take a moment to send your message today:

      Please share this message widely, among friends, family, and fellow union members.  (Use the links on the right side of this email message.)

Thank you.

Eric Lee 
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Privilege And Corruption, Handmaidens Of Power

     So the vile paedophile child abuse in "high" places keeps trickling out. It seems another overlooked file has been found, giving us four names. Of course they are all dead, it would seem that we only discover "mislaid" files after the people concerned have died. The names of the four in this "recently discovered" file are former Cabinet minister Leon Brittan, Peter Morrison, who was an aide to Margaret Thatcher, ex-diplomat Sir Peter Hayman and former minister William van Straubenzee. Hayman, Morrison and Brittan were all products of the Oxbridge sausage factory, while Straubenzee was from that other establishment where rich people dump their kids, The Royal College of St. Peter in Westminster. This establishment was recently in the news regarding one of its senior teachers and sexual abuse of pupils. 
Sir Peter Hugh Morrison, From wikipedia:
Investigative journalist Nick Davies reported in The Guardian that Morrison received a caution for cottaging with underage boys in public lavatories.[10] Former Conservative minister Edwina Currie stated that Morrison regularly had sex with 16-year-old boys – whilst the legal age of consent (for same-sex relations) at the time was 21.[11] In 2002, Currie described Morrison as a "notable pederast".[12]  
Sir Peter Hayman, From wikipedia:
In October 1978, Hayman left a package of paedophilia-related materials on a London bus. The police traced the package and discovered that Hayman, under the pseudonym "Peter Henderson", had used an apartment in Bayswater, London, to conduct obscene correspondence. In the apartment, police found 45 diaries describing six years of "sexual fantasies" concerning children and activities with prostitutes, articles of female clothing and obscene literature. He was investigated by police but released without charge after being given a warning not to send obscene material through the post.[7][8]
In 1981, Private Eye magazine revealed this event. Then, using parliamentary privilege, MP Geoffrey Dickens asked why Hayman had not been prosecuted.[9][10] The Attorney General's reply indicated that, while Hayman had been found to have received pornographic material through the post, it was not of an extreme nature, was non-commercial and in a sealed envelope, so did not warrant prosecution.[11]
In April 1981 Sir Michael Havers, the Attorney General, said in parliament that, while Hayman was a member of the Paedophile Information Exchange, he was never a member of the executive committee, so was not prosecuted as others were for publishing contact advertisements.[12][13] In 1984, Hayman was convicted for an act of gross indecency in a public lavatory.[1][9]
Sir William Van Staubenzee, From wikipedia:
He was a keen churchman and served as Second Church Estates Commissioner (dealing with Anglican Church matters in the House of Commons) from 1979 to 1987.
In government documents released in July 2015, he is named in connection to child sexual abuse.[2]
Leon Brittan, From wikipedia:
     In 1984, in his capacity as Home Secretary, Brittan was handed a 40-page dossier by Geoffrey Dickens MP that detailed alleged paedophile activity in the 1980s at Westminster.[26] The whereabouts of the dossier is currently unknown, along with other files on organised child abuse previously held by the Home Office.[26] Brittan denied any knowledge of the incident in an e-mail to a Channel 4 News reporter in 2013,[27] and later replied that he had no recollection of the matter to a query from The Independent newspaper.[28] Brittan later declared in 2014 that Dickens had met him at the Home Office and that he had written to Dickens on 20 March 1984, explaining what had been done in relation to the files.[27]
      So, as they say in certain places, all four had form!! Of course all dead, are we offered up these morsels of depravity in an attempt to create the impression that all the bad men are dead, and the living group of parasites are all squeaky clean? We do have one living member of that bunch of corrupt hypocrites named, one Lord Janner, however, he is stated to be too sick to stand trial.
      These are the people who decide what shape our lives should take, from their gilded cage, these privileged, corrupt parasites dictate the quality of our lives, while abusing some of our most vulnerable children. We give them the power over our lives, we are governed by our consent, we can with draw that consent, and they are powerless. When do we start.
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Wednesday 22 July 2015

Desire Armed With Anger.

Our Inheritance.

Now is the time to arm our desire with anger
time to claim our rightful inheritance.
Inheritance, buit by generations of poverty and toil,
river of wealth channelled to financial institutions, 
stolen by the power crowned few.

Treasure, fearlessly wrestled from angry seas.
Riches, arduously torn from the bowels of the Earth.
Bounty, laboriously scratched from unforgiving land.
Asstets, ours by right of life and limb.

Our toil sent a director's son to Eton.
Our poverty paid his daughter's dowry.
Our sweat created the plunderer's sea of plenty.
Our humility gave his crime legality.
Now is the time to arm our desire with anger
time to claim what's ours, with fist and fire.

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Let's Talk About Tomorrow.

      Posting again as a reminder, as I think it is important that we come together to discuss the society we live in, and what we can do to change it in the interests of the people, and away from the plundering of the public purse by the corporate greed machine.

2015 national speaking tour...

       The National Secretary of the IWW, Dave Pike, introduces the fighting union, what it stands for and how it is winning victories for the working class - like higher wages for cleaners, permanency for temps and safety at work for fast food workers. The IWW sees the world as divided by the boss class and the working class, and no-one will fight for our class other than us. We organise so that workers can win for themselves and are not reliant on Union full timers or politicians to fight for them. Come along to this event and find out what the IWW is doing in Europe and around the world, and how you can get involved. Fight for your class.

CCA, Clubroom.
350 Sauchiehall Street.
Glasgow City centre - G4 9AJ

Sat 25 july - 7.15-9.15pm

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Life Without A Government.

     Today, anti-parliamentarians can give a little sigh of relief, the reason being, the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption are empty. Admittedly it is not a permanent feature of the place, just the summer recess. From the 21st. July until 7th. September, we get a break from the hee-hawing, hear, hear, parasites, chuckling and giggling in the UK's most exclusive establishment club. In place of the farce we call Parliament, the babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, will have to look around for more trivial bullshit to spew over us. Meanwhile, most of the "Right Honourable" members, will be taking themselves off to their holiday homes to enjoy their ill-gotten gains.
A welcome sight to all lovers of freedom.

      Of course though we will be bereft of a government for a couple of months, what will continue is the poverty, the food banks will be unable to take a recess. Children will still go hungry, those on benefit will still have to juggle with their pittance in an attempt to survive. Those on workfare will still have to turn up and do their stint of slave labour for some rich corporate greed machine.
     Wouldn't it be wonderful if, during this spell without a government, we could take control of our own lives and send all "The Honourable Members" their P45's informing them to report to their nearest job centre, as their services are no longer required. I know we could do a better job of seeing to the needs of all our people, than any bunch of rich  hypocritical parasites, most of whom are riddled with corruption. They may not all be rich when they enter that cesspool, but they will be rich by the time they leave. Can you say that about any other job open to you?
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Tuesday 21 July 2015

Glasgow Date.

      For those in and around Glasgow a date for your diary this coming Saturday, walk, talk, look and learn, in a friendly fun way.

Saturday 25th, July 15, 1 to 3:00 p.m.
Meeting point: Fairfield Heritage Govan 
1048 Govan Road Glasgow G51 4XS

What is a transect walk?

       A transect walk is an information­ gathering exercise. This simple tool is easily adopted and replicated at the community level. It involves outdoor activities, on-field observation and discussions It is collaborative research, education and action used to gather information to use for change on social or environmental issues. It involves people who are concerned about or affected by an issue and taking a leading role in producing and using knowledge about it.

What does it tell you? Public resources, land use, social
differentiation and mobility in urban communities.

• What resources are abundant or scarce?

• What constraints or problems are in the different areas?

• What possibilities or opportunities are in the different areas?

Saturday 25th, July 15, 1 to 3:00 p.m.

Meeting point: Fairfield Heritage Govan
1048 Govan Road Glasgow G51 4XS
Check website for future walks/events
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Freedom And Music.

     Love music? Heading to Greece this month? Well you should give the the village of Vergina, near Veria, in the north of Greece a visit.
The biggest DIY Festival in Greece is coming back for the 6th consecutive year with a great variety of bands from the UNDERGROUND music scene.
A 3 days DIY festival which helps us organize our needs and promote our culture through music and other activities.

OUR culture which speaks about freedom, solidarity and the struggle against our oppressors and the society of obedience!! We stand opposite and hostile in the commercialization of our lives.
The fest aims to raise money for…
-The solidarity fund for imprisoned and persecuted fighters

-The judicial costs of persecuted fighters in Veria
-The self-managed studio »GIAFKA» records
-The creation of a self-managed photocopy in Veria
-The typographic collective »DRUCK» in Thessaloniki

The fest takes place in Platanakia, an open area outside Vergina, a village close to Veria (North Greece), a wooded location with a small river that gives opportunities to relax and enjoy the nature.
There will also be free campsite and lunch for everyone. «Campers should take note that it is quite cold at night..»
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Monday 20 July 2015

"A Bundle Of Bloody Rags."

     War is state terrorism inflicted on people in another country, war is the expansion of imperialism, and the defence of the power of the imperialists. In this insane capitalist system, war is also a massive creator of profit for a conglomeration of corporate interests. War is never in the interests of the ordinary people.

"A Bundle of Bloody Rags"

But twenty summer suns had past since his first breath
was drawn,
An upright, clean, and manly boy, with hope and vigour
Afresh each day, and in whose eyes the light of
knowledge shone---
But now a torn and bleeding thing it was I looked
As he in fearful torment lay beneath a ruined bridge,,
Where he had crawled on palsied knees that morn at
Vimy Ridge.
I saw him clutch the air and fall, I heard his awful shout,
A jagged piece of riven shell had torn his entrails out;
I knelt and whispered in his ear at that accursed place,
And painfully he turned his head and stared into my face;
His eyes were eyes of hunted brutes, his mouth had
gnawed the sand,
And at his ghastly wound in pain he clawed with frenzied
Although I knew his day of hope had changed to hopeless
I said, "Cheer up, old comrade, we will patch you up
Come, let me get you out of this"--He looked with
frightened eye,
And murmered, "Jim, don't touch me. Christ! O,
Christ, why don't i die?
Jim, Jim---you've got a bayonet there----if you have pity
Then send me west, old Jimmy, pal-----for God's sake,
Jimmy do"
Then a madness came upon him----it was madness that I 
For he cursed the one he loved the most, as madmen
always do,
I listened, for I loved him, though my body burned with 
When he with one despairing shriek pronounced his
mother's name;
I say with shame I listened, for I knew the boy of old,
And the love of kin was graven deep upon his heart of gold,
But now with hatred in his voice he screamed, "No dying
for you, you fiend in human form who shaped my soul 
for this;
Who fed my growing body in your lust-empoisoned 
And wove my mind with crooked lies upon a twisted
Who sent me here with honeyed words to slaughter or to
That you in empty pride might boast one hero in the 
"Heroes! God! more like are we the spawn of hellish
"Heroes! Piles of broken bones and heaps of bloody
Your handiwork, your devil's deed, for this you gave me 
Your contributio to the flames of this foul hell called
If you could see this---- this----
If----you----could----Oh! my God!----the----pain!"----- with
one mad scream he died.
I heard the rattle in his throat, and saw the yellow froth
Of death creep o'er his pallid lips, and bubble as in 
I wiped it off, and gentle closed each glazed wide-open
Then shook my fist in fierce revolt unto the callous sky,
And hurled damnation through the reek of the blood-
stricken sod
Unto the grinning ape that man has deignated God.
Oh! May I never live to watch another comrade die;
The bloody foam upon his mouth, the wild and staring
For never, if I live to be a hundred years or more,
Shall I forget that ghastly sight upon the field of war---
the gaping wound, the tortured look, and what to me 
was worse,
The hate demonical of that dying madman's curse.
I hear it still with horror,though indeed I allways knew
That he had cursed when most he loved, as madmen
always do.
John S. Clarke.  
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Sunday 19 July 2015

Bloody Puncture.

      Another lovely ride round the Campsie area, unfortunately got my first puncture in three years. A sharp tiny granite chip embedded itself in my tyre. Still a great day.
The road home.
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Wealth Built On Poverty.

       Saw this image on arrezafe when reading his article on the new headquarters of the European Central Bank, and thought it was an extremely powerful symbol of capitalism in the developed world. A world where the poor are hidden away, while business continues to function as if everything is fine. Brush that which might shatter the illusion of "everything is fine", under the carpet. 
   Palatial air conditioned shopping malls, city centre gentrification, grand spectacles to woe the tourists, shop windows a blaze with designer labels. Then side streets with people sleeping rough, dark doorways that are home to damaged human beings, crush by a pitiless system. Housing schemes where the vicious teeth of poverty bites at the lives of the many. Capitalism, a compassionless system of contrasts, inequality and injustice. Why do we tolerate this brutality heaped on our own people? 
A monumental feat of engineering, on the banks of the River Main, the seat of the European Central Bank. Spectacular, cold, imposing. 185 meters high, 45 floors. 110,000 square meters. More than 4,000 tons of steel.

"The symbol of the best that a united Europe can achieve," said ECB President at his inauguration. "A great new home for the ECB to fulfill its mandate" , according to Draghi.
Read this and think of Greece!!!
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      Resistance is everywhere, it gains in strength by joining hands in solidarity.

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Saturday 18 July 2015

Never Rise Off Their Arse.

Rebel Tam.

When rebel Tam was in the pit
He tholed the very pangs o' Hell
In fechtin' for the rights o' Man,
And ga'e nae thoucht unto himsel'.

"If I was in Parliament,
By God!" he vowed, "they soon would hear
The trumpet-ca' o' Revolution
Blastin' in their ear!"

Noo he is there, back-bench Tam,
And listens daily to the farce
O' Tweedledum and Tweedledee,
And never rises off his arse.  
Joe Corrie.
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GDP, And All That Crap.

     The world of capitalism and debt is a very strange world. Debt as a percentage of your GDP seems to be taken as a bench mark of a country's viability. Hence Greece gets clobbered, plundered and its people driven into deprivation as its debt, 2013, sits at 177% of GDP. Others are not that far behind, Italy is sitting at 132% of GDP with the USA at 105%. The UK, though low as a percentage of GDP is seeing that percentage rise considerably. When the "crisis" hit in 2008, UK debt was 51.9% of GDP, but has now, 2013, shot up to 90.6%, are we heading towards a Greek situation? Another fact we should remember, after the WWII, the UK was bankrupt, but managed to create the National Health service!! We don't hear a lot about Japan but it seems to survive with a staggering debt of 256% of GDP, why? To whom do all these countries owe that debt? If the Greek economy was devastated and plundered with debt of a mere 177% of GDP, does this mean that the world is heading for a "Greek crisis", as the world debt, 2014, was sitting at an eye-watering 286% of the world's GDP. So in this insane capitalist asylum, the world's debt outstrips all its wealth, who are the banksters and financial Mafia that will call this debt in, and turn the world into another present day Greece? 
       All these crazy figures prove, is that the whole system of capitalism is built on an illusion, a world of shuffling figures, a world where a bunch of people tell us that the world owes more than it is worth, where that bunch of people have the power to destroy an entire country and its people, because we are lead to believe that the illusion is a reality.
      The world belongs to us, the people who live on it, there is nobody above us to whom we owe anything. The debt is an illusion by those who produce nothing, in an attempt to enslave those who produce all the wealth on the planet. Let's stop talking economics, and start talking people's needs, let's stop looking at balance sheets, and see to those needs. Let's shatter the illusion of perpetual growth and create sustainability and mutual aid. It is our only hope of fairness and justice for all our people, it is the only hope of saving our home, the planet.  
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