Thursday 18 August 2011


           It is always good to talk, an impromptue debate from people on the street in one of the areas affected by the disturbances. It is a bit of fresh air compared to the stuff that spews out of the mainstream media.



       A call for solidarity, the cleaners at Heron Tower, employed by LCC need your support on Friday 19 August.

       These cleaners have been working under difficult conditions and have been struggling to get a living wage. After much bullying the management have agreed but have cut their hours and increased their workload. This is the usual response by lots of companies in the service sector. They must not get away with this form of modern day slavery.

        Please support them in their struggle for a living wage, they will be demonstrating at 110 Bishopsgate 5pm August 19, your support could make all the difference as these companies don't like their dirty work to be advertised in public, the more that turn up the less they like it.

Wednesday 17 August 2011


           Just a wee thought. The American taxpayer bailed out the American financial sector to the tune of $700 billion, that's a lot of money. What can you do with $700 billion. Well for starters, you could fund the two illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, well almost, the total cost so far, to the American tax payers for these to brutal and inhumane wars is a staggering $750 billion, so you would need some more taxpayers petty cash. Or you could go a long way to sorting out the 850 million human beings who are starving in this world. Perhaps we could fix the 2.6 billion people who lack sewage services. Then of course there are those 800 million illiterate in the world, what would $700 billion do for that problem? Then in a loving way, we could sort out the problem of the 640 million children who lack adequate housing. The list could go on and on, there is so much we can do in this world to alleviate deprivation and suffering. If we add up the bail-outs across the developed world and threw it at the problems facing the deprived, what a wonderful change there would be, but no, we prefer to throw it at the bankers and the bond market, to try to unsure that they don't lose any of their billions that they have salted away. That's democracy for you!!
ann arky's home.


          What kind of democracy is it when the government minsters influence the courts sentencing policy along ideological lines? I thought that in a democracy the judiciary was meant to be independent and sentencing proportional. What we have in this country is the Prime Minister and some of his millionaire chums in the cabinet calling for sentences away out of all proportion to the actual crime committed, just so they can appeal to their fascist backwoods support and brandish their “tough-on-crime credentials. Four years prison for two young men who put a page on Facebook, is the usual, we will make an example of these young men and scare the shit out of all the other young people. In my book, that has no resemblance to justice. Throwing families out of their home because one member of that family has committed a crime, hardly fair, hardly proportional, and certainly not justice. We can be sure that our right-wing millionaire fascists will use the disturbances and whatever else they can, to further their agenda, more control over the ordinary people, tougher policing in the poorer communities, whole areas to be under curfew, and we will be told, it is all for our own good. No talk of sharing the wealth of this very rich country more equally, no talk of alleviating the poverty and deprivation in some of our communities. No, it will be more control and a tighter grip on what will become ghettos. In capitalism when there are no jobs and they are going through one of their frequent crisis, the people become a bit of a nuisance, so have to be contained so as to allow the better off to get on with their consumerism and the corporate world to get on with its looting and plundering. If we wish to have democracy, we have to get rid of the state and its bed partner, the corporate world. In this modern capitalist world, the state and the corporate world are one, they have merged into one body that has set out to control the world for the gain of the shareholders and the financial sector, it is called corporatism, Mussolini’s name for fascism.

Tuesday 16 August 2011


Help Build the STUC Demonstration Against the Cuts

Wednesday 17th August -

7pm - STUC building, 333 Woodlands Rd. Glasgow.


Dave Moxham (Deputy General Secretary Scottish Trade Union Congress)

Graeme Kirkpatrick (Deputy President National Union of Students Scotland)

Mhairi McAlpine (Campaigner and Coalition of Resistance Activist)

        The STUC has organised a demonstration against the cuts on the 1st of October under the slogan

PeopleFirst: There is a Better Way.


       This is a chance to mobilize the whole of Scottish society against the austerity agenda. And the demonstration takes place in the context of a new financial crisis, riots breaking out across cities in England, and the prospect of serious coordinated strike action against the government in the Autumn. There could not be a more important time to bring everyone together.

         It is absolutely vital that we all make sure that this is one of the biggest demonstrations in Scotlands history. To that end Coalition of Resistance in Glasgow has organized a
mobilizingmeeting to build support for the march this Wednesday 17th August. Please come along and join the discussion. This is an opportunity to bring together people from many different backgrounds to discuss how we can all build this demonstration into the biggest protest Scotland has ever seen.

Yours, Peter Ramand

(secretary, Coalition of Resistance | Glasgow)


        We all know that the corporate world is not a compassionate beast and it will try to squeeze a profit out of anything, including wars, death and destruction. However there must be limits and making investments in cluster bombs when over 100 countries have banned them, is surely the bottom of the barrel, even for the greed merchants in the corporate world.

The following appeal is from Amnesty International.

        Cluster bombs kill and maim indiscriminately – 98 per cent of victims are civilians and a third of those are children. This is why over 100 countries – including the UK – have signed up to an international treaty banning their manufacture and use.
       Yet over a year after this treaty came into force, and despite the fact that cluster bombs are now banned in the UK, some UK-based banks continue to invest in companies which make them.

        The worst of these is the Royal Bank of Scotland – which, don’t forget, is now over 80 per cent owned by UK taxpayers. RBS is known to have invested $80 million in companies which manufacture cluster bombs in the past year1.
        Cluster bombs can remain deadly for years, much like landmines. So civilians in places like Georgia, Kosovo, Lebanon and Laos are at risk long after the fighting has ended. As a member of the global Cluster Munition Coalition2, we’re working to end the suffering cluster bombs cause. But we need organisations like RBS to take responsibility for the part they play.
        Should a taxpayer-funded bank be investing in companies making weapons which are banned by this country? Should any bank invest in companies which make these appalling weapons?

If you think not, please take action now

Thank you.

1. Worldwide investment in Cluster Munitions: a shared responsibility – May 2011 update [IKV Pax Christi (the Netherlands) and Netwerk Vlaanderen (Belgium)]

2. The Cluster Munition Coalition is an international civil society campaign working to eradicate cluster munitions, prevent further casualties from these weapons and put an end for all time to the suffering they cause. The Coalition works through its members in around 100 countries to change the policy and practice of governments and organisations towards these aims and raise awareness of the problem amongst the public.
ann arky's home.

Monday 15 August 2011



 In the Jon Snow blog he refers to  a sense of one law for the poor and one law for the rich. If you live in one of the poorer areas this will be blindingly obvious to you, but if you are one of that bunch of privileged parasites that make up our political class and the corporate world, you will be unaware of that. You will expect the law to protect your haul and the means by which you procured your loot. You will expect the law to keep the riffraff well away from your locality and from your little empire. You will expect it to keep the place safe for you to continue your looting career. Many of the cheating MPs, when found out, simply handed back what they had stolen and that was that, will the individuals that took part in the riots be given the option of handing back what they have stolen and that will be that???  SNOWBLOG is worth a wee read.

            There is a sense in Britain too of a widening gap in both wealth and law – that there is a that there is one law for the elite and one for the poor. Take the MPs’ and Peers’ expenses scandal. A tiny handful of the expenses abusers have gone to jail. The vast majority have been allowed to pay stuff back or retreat to the political undergrowth. How many of the looters will be allowed to bring their plasma screens and running shoes back in return for their freedom? And yet it is the very unpunished abuse of the state by its elected and unelected elite which many argue is part of the landscape that the recent riots played out across.
             We are told thousands of rioters and looters have been arrested. Hundreds have been charged, some have already been punished – many cases are still in train.
Many have pointed to the reality that an even smaller handful of bankers have faced the law even than those politicians who have been prosecuted. No British banker is in jail for what happened in 2008. And as financial upheaval cascades before us all over again, almost no serious measures have been taken to stop the same people from doing it to the people all over again.


I am delighted that our millionaire public school thugs, Cameron and Co. are going to look at our “broken society” they are going to discuss the loss of our “moral compass”. That must be great news for all the ordinary people in this country, perhaps they will start by looking at our MP's fiddles, their massive expenses, unbelievable pensions and their rather generous pay-offs. They could then move to the corporate world and question their ever increasing greed and power, the way the drive down wages, increase the work load and export jobs, creating unemployment, all to satisfy the greed of their shareholders. Then of course there is the subsidies to the private schools for the rich and the deprivation of our public education system. They could also look at the millions that they are spending bombing and killing in Afghanistan and Libya while cutting social services here. Let's hope they don't forget to look at the culture of jobs for the boys among their political and corporate millionaire friends. Yes, there seems to be a group in this country that have lost their “moral compass” but somehow or other I don't think that our millionaire lords and masters will be looking in that direction. To them all that is just fine, it's those bloody youths that seem to be taking a leaf out their masters rule book, and helping themselves to what they want, that will come under the millionaire cabal's scrutiny. It is single mothers that will be criticised, it will be the unemployed for not looking hard enough for a none existent job, and those rascals on sickness benefit that have to be sorted out. Somehow or other I don't think the millionaire public school thugs' “moral compass” will look anything like mine. Theirs will point them in the same old direction, legislating so that the rich can get on with their plundering and looting and the poor can be kept in control.
ann arky's home.

Saturday 13 August 2011


          QUOTE;    “If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.” – Malcolm X

         Our millionaire lord and master Cameron, believes that those who were involved in the disturbances across England last week should be evicted from their home. All the family, even if it was just one member of that family who was involved. He also believes that if they are on benefit, they should lose their benefits. One council has already served an eviction notice on one family.

         This is the usual revenge response that we expect from the right wing millionaire Oxbridge brigade. Well over 1,500 have been arrested in connection with the disturbances, does that mean we will now have over 1,500 more homeless families wandering our streets begging? According to “one-response” millionaire Cameron, that should sort the problem. Having made them homeless will the council now by law be obliged to find them temporary accommodation? Perhaps the millionaire Cameron cabal think that 1,500 extra penniless homeless families wandering our streets, will benefit our society. Perhaps they would care to explain, but explanation is not their strong point.
Looters, I know what I'd do with the buggers.

        This right-wing mob of millionaires only have one response, revenge, hit hard. They will sit in the security of their wealth and enjoy all the opportunities that their wealth offers, spouting morality. A morality that sees their wealth protected at the cost of social services, the public education system and our NHS. So, groups of youths looted some business, what about Oxbridge Cameron and his millionaire friends in the corporate world that have for generations looted our communities of jobs, opportunities, hope. Shifting their wealth to where it will make the greatest profit for their own selfish desires. What has done the greater damage to our society, a group that shut down coal mines, shipyards, steel works, and in the process devastated communities for generations, driving them into abject poverty and deprivation. Or several small groups that looted some stores and smashed up some businesses? Let's focus on the greater damage and get our priorities right.

Thursday 11 August 2011


A call to pay our respects and show our sympathy for the family and a lifelong activist and friend, his dad.

                Suddenly, after his long struggle, on Saturday, 6th August, David (aged 19), beloved son of Tommy and Elaine Kayes, brother of Fiona, much loved grandson, nephew and cousin. A Service will be held at the Co- operative Funeralcare Parlour, Greenock, at 1.00 pm, on Friday, 12th August, thereafter at Knocknairshill Cemetery.
We would love everyone who knew him to come.
Published in Greenock Telegraph on August 10, 2011 Follow this Obituary
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ann arky's home.



      As the political class make their usual one dimensional responses to the events in England of the last fews days, it is good to be able to read something with a little more depth. I always maintain that our over lords and masters, the political and corporate class, know nothing of the society that you and I  inhabit. Our millionaire elitists that sit and pontificate in marble halls, somehow believe that they know the answers to our problems when in fact they don't even know the problems. They are in fact the biggest part of our problems. They enforce a system that creates inequality, and continually widens that gap. They legislate to protect their wealth and privileges and when people object to this unjust, immoral situation, they jump up and shout "crimminality" "thug" "full force of the law" and other meaningless crap.  Those who are shouting loudest are part of a band that fiddled their expenses, get into bed with bankers that laughingly take tax payers money and then pay themselves bonuses that to the ordinary guy, are monopoly money figures. What is more they don't understand why when they talk of respect, most people just get angry.
      The following is a short extract from an article on Libcom and is well worth a read. 

Writer and poet William Wall explores the link between neoliberalism and the UK riots.
            One of the many things that we hear repeated ad nauseam in the context of the present rioting in London is that the rioters are ‘feral’, ‘yobs’, ‘thugs’ or more generously ‘disaffected youth’. All the talk from Cameron and his cohorts is of crime and punishment and ‘the full force of the law’ - as if these young people did not encounter the full force of the law on a daily basis. We are told variously that there is no political context, no political motive, no political enemy – it is ‘criminality pure and simple’. This is because violence against the police (and therefore the state) is not considered in itself to be political. It is because the envy of, the desire for and the acquisition of luxury goods such as plasma TVs and jewellery is not considered political. The political class and the commentariat cannot conceive of themselves as enemies of the people who live in areas like Tottenham where Tory cuts are closing youth centres, which suffer massive unemployment even while the City is booming, and which are the objects of legislation designed to disadvantage them even further.

Wednesday 10 August 2011


       Listening to Cameron spout his usual one dimensional response to the events unfolding in some of the English cities it was difficult not to laugh. Standing there in front of the world's press and stating that violence and criminality are unacceptable and will feel the full force of the law, he surely should have remembered a previous statement that he made;  "Things got a bit out of hand. We smashed the place up and Boris set fire to the toilets"
D Cameron,Oxford,1986.
 No doubt his violence and criminality was just a bit of jolly good fun. He also talks of responsibility of parents towards their children, does he and his millionaire cabinet not have a responsibility to those parents. The same parents that he is slashing their social services, educaution sytem, and privatising their health service and seeing millions condemnd to a life on the dole. What Cameron and his cabal fail to recognise is that when he talks of society there are in fact at least two. one in which he and his millionaire friends inhabit with all the comforts, security and opportunities that come with money in this capitalist system. Then there is the other society the one that they try to rule over, the disenfranchised, the disconnected, the struggling mass that see little opportunity, no security and with ever increasing fuel bills very little comport. Our millionaire over lords have no conception of what life is like in that other society, they can't unvisage the problems let alone come up with the answers and quite frankly, the don't give a shit as long as it doesn't threaten their comfort, wealth, security and opportunities.  
      As far as the events of the last few days are concerned, I feel that the posting that I put up on December 11 2010 after the students demonstration applies equally well in this situation: THERE IS NO LAW AGIANST SELF DEFENCE. 

Sunday 7 August 2011


“it's fair that those with broader shoulders should bear a greater load” (David Cameron, justifying the cuts, Conservative party conference 6 Oct 2010)

'The Broadest Shoulders?'
By Camcorder Guerillas - Scotland 2011 - 4 mins.

They gambled an' lost, an' we've to pay??

         How cuts in benefits will affect disabled people “we are not cheats… we are not scroungers… it’s us who need supporting not the banks” In October 2010 the coalition Government announced public sector cuts of £81 billion, including £18 billion cuts to benefits. Whilst the rich avoid £120 billion of taxes and bankers continue to award themselves huge bonuses, “disabled people are facing the biggest attack on their rights since the 1930s”.

Join us in speaking out against the cuts.

        Share the film with others, Post the film to your facebook, twitter or myspace site. Click on the “Share” Icon. More info on how to share the film​275807
        Embed the film in your website or blog. Click on the “Embed” icon. More info on how to embed the film​help/​faq#what_is_embedding

      Distribute our poster at your workplace, college, union and neighbourhood. Get in touch to discuss organising a screening event.
The Broadest Shoulders? from Camcorder Guerillas on Vimeo.


       Those who know me will be well aware of my loathing for what is generally called "mainstream media".
        It is of course, no more than the propaganda machine for our wonderful billionaire corporate fascism, a mouth piece for our Western imperialism. I have spouted my mouth off about it, written about it and even written poems about it. While browsing I came across this "media dictionary" it makes very enlightening reading.
        I have posted a couple of wee poems that might help to give a better desription of the mainstream media.
By John Hartfield.


The questions arise. Why war and hunger?
Why does poverty continue to linger?
Why such need in a world of wealth?
Why put a price on a child’s health?
Confused and angry the public stand
gazing in disbelief at this pathetic band.
Those shiney politicians designed by spin
their street credibility paper thin,
the great persuaders looking the mood
struggling so hard just for our good!
Masters of the art of wheeling and dealing
exceptional experts at legal stealing.
Enter the Media, drowning us all in trivial text,
everything you need know
of scandal and sport, crime and sex.
Together they create a world of confusion
all fashion and style, a vicious illusion.
So no matter how often we point at need,
we always drown in a sea of greed,
no debate entered into, no answers found,
the waffle the babble goes round and round.

With spin doctors now in full flight
we’ve entered a new era, a brand new age,
no need to think just follow the plan
experts will guide you through the difficult stage,
soon dear consumer, you’ll see the light.
Let Fashion Gurus dictate your style
the colour the length where to be seen
the music you buy the games you play
who to worship from the silver screen
the latest icon, just for a while.
The Media teaches us all we need know
of scandal and sport, crime and sex
who slept with who and where,
who kiss and tell just for the cheques,
depicting society as a smutty peepshow.
Mindless telly invades your home
banal boring bromide, cliched crap
trifling trite trivia and petty pulp
sport, sex and violence always on tap,
churning your brain to a frothy foam.
Programmers with programmes you must pursue
specialists have advice you must take,
freethinking at all cost must be avoided
spontaneity is obviously a mistake
our Leader’s voice the only view.
Each of us, a programmed dual-purpose robot
some to serve, some to produce,
all to function as constant consumers
our first, our last, our only use
in this cabal of cambist’s insidious plot.

Friday 5 August 2011


        As I keep spouting, this “financial crisis” is the corporate world's opportunity to plunder all public assets, and further proof comes in the words of committee secretary Eric Pickles, who has called on all councils to make a list of all their public assets. Land, buildings, art treasures, etc. and to have a look at them to see what can be sold off to raise money to help the council through these hard times. On the understanding that the councils are suppose to represent the people and to look after their assets, how can selling them off to millionaire spivs benefit the people in the long run?
         This is just another opportunity for the millionaire cabal in the Westminster Houses of Corruption and Hypocrisy to sell off what is left of the country to their millionaire chums in the corporate world. The know their class and they will be loyal to their class, they know how to fight a class war. This is a continuation of the public school thugs 1980's game of monopoly, sell sell, sell, but what they are selling to their millionaire chums is not theirs to sell, it is ours and we are not even invited to the game.
          We are heading rapidly to a corporate world where there will be no public spaces, no public assets, where society will have a notice, if you can't afford the price, then stay out. Welcome to corporate fascism. Is this what we want to bequeath to our children and grandchildren?


Dear Friends

         You may have heard that the Scottish Defence League want to march in Edinburgh on the 10th September. Below is a Unity statement we would ask you to sign personally or if possible on behalf of your organisation, also please circulate for support. By uniting against the SDL we prevented them
marching or congregating in Edinburgh before, we must do the same again.

Best wishes
On behalf of UAF Edinburgh
Edinburgh Unity Statement

        We the undersigned strongly oppose plans by the Scottish Defence League (SDL) the Scottish arm of the racist English Defence League (EDL) to march in Edinburgh on 10 September 2011.

       The EDL was a group admired by the Norwegian far right terrorist Anders Breivik. As well as attending a number of EDL events, meeting EDL leaders etc. Breivik openly expressed his wish to start a racial war and praised the EDL’s strategy and tactics.

        The latest rally by the SDL in Irvine on 30 July 2011 saw members hold placards aimed at stirring up hatred against Islam and sporting Blood and Honour (Nazi) tattoos.

         Islamophobia - bigotry against Muslims - is as unacceptable as any other form of racism. It divides and weakens our society by making scapegoats of one community, just as Hitler's Nazis did by targeting Jews in the 1930s. Today the SDL threatens Muslims; tomorrow it could be Jews, Hindus, Sikhs,
black people, lesbians & gay men, travellers or Eastern Europeans.

       There is no place for racists or fascists in Edinburgh’s multi-racial, multi-cultural and multi-religious community. That is why we stand in solidarity with Edinburgh's Muslim community and against the poisonous bigotry of the SDL.

Initiated by Unite Against Fascism-Edinburgh.
Email: if you would like to add your name to this
Unity Statement.