Monday 27 February 2012


         As lots of folk in the UK look at Greece and say that it won't happen here, perhaps a closer look at some of the figures for the UK might make them think again. We as a country are just holding on with our finger tips, it will not take much to push us over the edge and have us in the same scenario as the Greek people are living through. These figures may be a month or so behind the times but nothing that has happened in the interim makes them less alarming. This from the right-wing pro-business class newspaper The Telegraph, January 4:

       Almost one million Britons have taken out an emergency 'payday' loan to help pay their rent or mortgage in the last year, according to Shelter, the housing charity. The high degree of borrowing highlights the 'spiral of debt' that people are falling into to keep a roof over their head, Shelter said. The charity also found that seven million Britons are relying on some form of credit to help pay their housing costs. Campbell Robb, Shelter’s chief executive, said: 'These shocking findings show the extent to which millions of households across the country are desperately struggling to keep their home.'

      Taking out a loan-shark Payday loan to pay your mortgage/rent, is pretty desperate stuff. This conceals a major problem in our economy just one blip and homelessness will rocket, and with unemployment rising fast that blip can't be too far off.
Another quote from The Telegraph on January 9:

     Around six million households would be unable to survive for more than five days if they stopped being paid, such are the low levels of savings among Britons, new research shows. A new report from First Direct, the bank, warns that one in three UK households have less than £250 in accessible savings. A fifth of all households have no savings at all. The bank said that £250 is the equivalent of three days’average monthly household take-home pay. With average monthly outgoing currently at £1,536, these savings would last just five days.
        So as our cabal of coalition millionaires keep telling us the we are on the right track, you can accept that they are lying through their teeth, are extremely devious, for what ever reason, or they are just plain stupid. We are as far as economics are concerned wavering on the edge of the financial precipice.

        The system is bust, normally capitalism brings extreme wealth to a few, some reasonable living for quite a few, and poverty and struggle for the many. Now as we move deeper into corporate fascism with the financial Mafia in complete control, the system produces unbelievable stratospheric wealth for even fewer, a reasonable living for the managers of the system and grinding deprivation for the vast majority. The unelected corporate fascists rule the world. Those who produce all that wealth never get a smell of it, the system is set up to syphon the wealth up the way. So forget changing the government, the party, the President or what ever, it is the system that we have to change.

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          The general public across Europe are not being made fully aware of what is really happening in Greece, the powers that be don't want you to know, as it is a brutal and vicious crime, and the public anger would rightly explode if the full extent of this crime was known. This is a European country that is being turned into a third world country and it is happening with such rapidity that it amounts to a crime against humanity. Hospitals are running out of their very basic needs, schools are devoid of materials for the education of the kids, homeless numbers have gone stratospheric, suicides are rocketing and mental health problems are soaring beyond belief. That is the stage they are at at this moment in time, yet the Troika, (European Union, European Central bank and the IMF) are determined to push further cuts to social spending, increase unemployment, decimate pensions and plunder Greece's public assets. It is rapid asset stripping of a nation for the benefit of the financial Mafia. We would be naive to think that it can't happen to us, it can and in all probability it will. This can't be allowed to continue, what has already been inflicted on the ordinary Greek people is plain and simple, a brutal robbery by a very rich small army of parasites to gratify their unending greed. It is of course class war, the very rich sending in their mercenaries to plunder the assets of the ordinary people. We have to spread the word, let everybody know exactly what is happening to the ordinary people of Greece, every day sees more misery inflicted on the old, the young and the sick, there is no relief in sight for them, unless we change the system.

          February 13, 2012 -- Coalition of Resistance -- The people of Greece face an unprecedented economic and political crisis. They are being driven to poverty and mass unemployment by the demands of the so-called Troika – the European Union, the European Central Bank (ECB) and the International Monetary Fund, which has imposed Lucas Papademos, former vice-president of the ECB, as prime minister.
        Hospitals in Greece are running out of basic medicines, nearly half of all young people are unemployed, workers in some sectors have not been paid for months, and many are forced to resort to soup kitchens or scavenge from rubbish dumps.
Now the Troika demands a cut of 23% to the minimum wage, the sacking of tens of thousands of public sector workers and the decimation of pensions which have already lost nearly 50% of their value. International capital is asset stripping an entire country and ripping apart its social fabric.
Greece is at the cutting edge of the austerity measures that are being introduced across Europe. All the evidence shows that while these measures may protect the interests of the rich, they just make matters worse for the majority of the population. What happens in Greece today we will see in Portugal tomorrow and in Ireland the day after. In Britain, the Coalition government is pursuing similar measures which will see workers earnings cut, working longer for a smaller pension, and the dismantling of the NHS along with other public services.
       Mikis Theodorakis, famous Greek composer of Zorba’s Dance, and Manolis Glezos, veteran resistance fighter against the Nazi occupation, have issued a statement calling for a European Front to defend the people of Greece and all those facing austerity.
The Coalition of Resistance and the People’s Charter have decided to support this call and agreed to work with trades unions, campaigns and parties across Europe to establish a European Solidarity Campaign to defend the people of Greece. The campaign aims to organise solidarity and raise practical support for the people of Greece; they cannot be made to pay for a crisis for which they are not responsible.
       We are writing to you to ask you to endorse this campaign and to publicise it to others.
Below is a list of initial signatories. We will be calling an organising meeting for the campaign in the next week.

Sunday 26 February 2012


          Mutual aid is the basis of any decent society, it takes us away from the capitalist consumer juggernaut, and breaks our dependency on the profit system that bleeds us and keeps us in perpetual struggle for survival. There is no avenue of our lives that we could not enrich by mutual aid. It can be introduced in education, home maintenance, making and repairing things for the community, growing our own food, book sharing schemes, toy swap schemes for the kids, the list is endless. As our involvement grows the list grows and we become more empowered and less dependent on selling ourselves to the highest bidder in an effort to support our families. The dire situation in Greece has forced the Greek people to look for alternatives to try to hold on to their dignity and try to enhance their lives, one of the latest schemes to develop is #tutorpool, a mutual aid scheme of education. The Greek education system, because of "austerity" cuts, has been decimated and is practically defunct, this scheme shows the way we can organise our society outside the state and corporate strangle hold. An extract from Occupied London.


      #tutorpool is an education solidarity network created by ordinary citizens living in an unordinary country in very unordinary times. Summer protests at Syntagma Square and other squares throughout the country fostered more than a profound sense of community and solidarity among citizens in Greece; friendships forged in the “square” gave way to solidarity initiatives.
#tutorpool began spontaneously in twitter after a discussion between few people and took less than a few hours to spread. That explains the use of the hash tag (#) before the name, to remind everyone that internet offers people the tools to meet, organize and work together. In less than a week, #tutorpool begun to take the form of a volunteer network, offering educational support to students whose families could not afford “coaching”. A group of volunteers managed to pull each of their skills together under the website and begun offering online and actual courses to students all over Greece, reaching as far as the isolated islands. At this point, less than two months later than the very first tweet, #tutorpool has more than 300 volunteer teachers, 102 students, and 205 courses offered throughout the country.

 ann arky's home.

Saturday 25 February 2012


        Saturday 25 February the fascist Scottish Defence League held their “static” demo in the centre of Glasgow. No marching waving their banners and giving their Nazi salutes, the bunch of pathetic brain dead morons were herded like a little bunch of sheep and contained at the bottom of St Enoch Square. Standing there in the rain making silly childish gestures with no audience, as the public were going about their business as usual along nearby Argyle Street and Buchanan Street. As well as a multicultural demonstration and rally in George Square, there was a considerable anti-fascist presence on the city centre streets. They were there in case some of the scum came along with their school playground bullying tactics of trying to intimidate the various political stalls in the city centre. They never appeared as they presence of any number of Glasgow anti-fascists would have them running to the nearest toilet.

I want a mirror, so I can do my nazi salute.

         This foul smelling bunch of scum have no place on the Glasgow's streets, the people of Glasgow have a proud history of working class solidarity and struggle and are well capable of flushing this shit down the sewer. Hopefully this particular bucket of sludge has slopped back down the sewer from which it leaked. However we must be eternally vigilant as this type of scum will always rise at times of economic turmoil, trying to find scapegoats to pin the problem on, we cannot let them distract us from the real root of all our problems, the capitalist system. We have to continually organise to bring an end to this unjust exploitative system of corporate capitalism that dominates our lives.

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         I say it at bus stops, in shops, in the pub, I say it to friends, to acquaintances, to strangers, I say it in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, I say it on the bus, on the train, so I'll say it here again. This is not a national problem, we are living under corporate fascism, this is an international problem. The policies being implemented across the developed world are the policies of a group that have never been elected, have no mandate from the people they are affecting and are working simply in the best interests of their own little group of parasites. Across the developed world the Heinz 57 varieties of political governments from so called socialists, labour, social democrats, to conservative, republican and far right parties are all carrying out the same polices, namely “austerity”. They are merely the managers of the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) polices, policies that are bringing deprivation to millions and dividends and bonuses to the parasites. Who elected the IMF?

            It was George Orwell, author of 1984, who said that, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
        What is the situation now? Is peaceful dissent accepted? Or is it frowned upon and discriminated against? What are our world ‘leaders’ up to? Are they helping us, the masses of working people? Or are they actually perpetuating the existence of an outdated economic system, no matter what the cost?
        What if there was another option. An alternative to all this. What if we didn’t have to live like this? If human beings on a large scale could cooperate with each other for the common good of themselves and their community – does that really sound crazy? Or is it even crazier to believe that they expect us to remain docile and apathetic as they destroy our Earth.
        Is it impossible to have individuals acting selflessly if they understand that this is the better option, or would one rather live under a system where war is good for the economy. Where poverty is rampant on a world-scale and police-state measures are accepted without question.
        It seems to me like the choice is yours. For if we do not act now – it’ll be too late late.

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          Today, Glasgow should come together to clean its streets, today the nazi SDL want to turn our streets into avenues of hate. This off-shoot of the EDL/BNP nazi groupings are not welcome on the streets of our city, a city that has a long tradition of stuggling for the betterment of all its people, a city with a proud history of working class unity. We can't allow this band of deranged dangerous nazi nutters to soil that history.

Celebrating Multicultural Glasgow
Saturday 25 FebruaryFrom 12 noon, George Square, Glasgow
Bring flags, balloons, placards & banners
Download the flyer here: Facebook Event here:

See you on Saturday.

       The Islamophobic and racist Scottish Defence League (SDL) has stated its intention to have a demonstrate in Glasgow on 25th February. It will be the first SDL demonstration of 2012. There organisations around the country have recently been attacking mosques, campaigning street stalls and trade unionists.
      Glasgow has a proud history of challenging prejudice and promoting equality. We oppose discrimination of all kinds. We’ve all worked and campaigned together for many years to build a successful, multicultural city where different communities live peacefully side-by-side. We will not accept attempts to create fear and intimidation in our community. The SDL is a violent, racist organisation. They should be opposed wherever they attempt to organise.
      We call upon all people, political parties, trade unions, cultural, youth, faith and community organisations to work together to unite our city and defy the SDL’s attempts to divide us and stir up hatred.
       The last time the SDL tried to march in Glasgow we saw a 3000 strong demonstration of mass unity on the streets.
Lets see that mass unity drive them off the streets again.

Unite Against Fascism (UAF) is a national campaign with the aim of alerting British society to the rising threat of the extreme right, in particular the British National Party (BNP), Britain First and the British Freedom Party gaining an electoral foothold in this country. We aim to unite the broadest possible spectrum of society to counter this threat. UAF is backed by every national trade union, includes members of political parties, anti-racist campaigns, faith organisations, and a variety of individuals in between. We have no affiliations to any political party.
The fight against fascism doesn’t stop once we chase the SDL out of our city.
       We urge you to join UAF and help us fight that fight until the fascists are defeated.
For more info and to get involved:
web ~

email ~
Facebook: UAF Scotland

ann arky's home.

Friday 24 February 2012

THE POOR ACT 2012!!!

       The poor have always been with us, after all we know that capitalism can't solve the problem of poverty, it doesn't function with that aim in mind. All that happens under capitalism is the the levels of poverty vary from decade to decade. Under capitalism the people have no control how the wealth they create is distributed, the system demands the wealth is always syphoned upwards to the few parasites at the top. The poverty level is like the tide it rise and falls and the policies of those who manage the system for their corporate bosses, can have a direct effect on that poverty. The policies being implemented today are sending millions into poverty and there is the cry from some that we are heading back to the 30's. I have always maintained that the present policies being implemented today by this millionaire cabal at the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, are not, as some proclaim, returning us to the hungry 30's, but are returning us to the Victorian era. Back to the days of the workhouses, a time when the poor relied on charities and were graded according to “deserving poor” and “undeserving poor”. The “deserving poor” if they were lucky, were given a pittance, for which they had to show extreme gratitude, the “undeserving poor” were to be punished in some way or other until they showed remorse for the errors of their ways.

If only those bloody undeserving poor worked as hard as me.

Think Left has a very good article on this particular line of thought comparing the Poor Act of 1834 with the Workfare 2012.

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        It is sad that when there is any sort of demonstration against the exploitation by this corporate fascist system, people still have to rely on the viper tongued pro-system media. The mainstream media has always been, and always will be, a propaganda machine for those in power, a pro establishment anti-common people, weaver of illusions. I have often spouted my view on the lies, illusions and omissions that fill the sewer that goes by the name of mainstream media, Media - Lies and Illusions, is just one of my post on this dangerous and vile grouping.

By John Hartfield.

      A couple of statements lifted from Occupied London issued by the anarchist collective Vogliamo Tutto in Athens:
       You were, and you shall remain. scum, informants and journalists. "Hooded-youths loot the centre of Athens. The burning city is at their mercy. Chaos, 50 scum vandalised anything they found in front of them and pushed away the peaceful demonstrators. Where is the police?" (description of the events of Feb 12 by the informant-led media). The lackeys of the bosses offered their credentials once again. The disgusting coverage of journalists who did not hesitate to talk about workers threatened to lose their jobs as a consequence of the riots, or supposed small businessmen (yes, the banks and the multinationals!) of Stadiou Ave! ... to conspiracy theories, to parastatist provocateurs. These are not merely loopy or sensitive journalistic voices. The sewer opened up by the scum of the media is a standard practice of the sovereign. Libel, slander and misinformation aim at the isolation and the condemnation of social counter-violence and the scaring off of fighting and insurgent proletarians. At this crossroads, no-one can avoid taking a stance. You either bow your head, or you take to the streets! Vogliamo tutto e per tutti, anarchist group in the neighbourhood of Nea Smyrni and the surrounding areas

        We were, and we shall remain on the streets and at the barricades. Thousands of insurgent proletarians either chose to rage-fully clash with the repressive forces of the bosses, or they refused to retreat from Syntagma square, despite the countless tear-gas thrown by the riot police." -- A description from what we lived during the magical moments of the barricades but also of the demonstration of February 12. On the day of the sealing of the loan agreement, the day when local and international bosses were deciding the complete sucking off the blood of their subjects, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets. Slogans, passion, clashes, setting alight of banks and commercial chains, expropriation and active solidarity between workers on the streets. The hounds of democracy attacked rabidly but failed to counter the rage of the people. At the news shows later in the evening, a second wave of media-repression attack followed, in an attempt to halt social counter-violence and to slander the multitude in struggle. And yet, everyone who found themselves on the streets those days knows only too well what happened, they know who the true parastatists are, who steal their lives away, who are their enemies. There is no such thing as objective reality. You either remain a spectator, or you are there... Vogliamo tutto e per tutti, anarchist group in the neighbourhood of Nea Smyrni and the surrounding areas

         I have no doubt that the imposed colonial governors in charge of Greece at the moment, now that they have passed their new legislation, will expect the people of Greece to clear the streets and accept their exploitation and deprivation with subservience. As they syphon every public asset out of Greece and raid the public purse for the benefit of the banks and bond markets of the corporate world, the people are an inconvenience, a nuisance factor. No doubt the media will be used to misinform and delude the people to get them to suffer in silence. If that fails, as I believe it will, then the state apparatus will swing into action to brutally repress the justified and righteous anger of the people. It is a time when solidarity across borders is the only answer, this is our struggle, we are not British, French or Greek, we are the people.

Thursday 23 February 2012


       The sooner we learn that this struggle is not national, but international, the sooner we will see an end to the sacrifice of people on the altar of greed. Back when I was a young man, if there was a strike by whoever, miners, dockers or construction workers, the establishment would start to isolate the strikers by demonising them. The propaganda would pour out of how they were well paid, violent disrupters of society, holding us all to ransom, if it wasn't for these violent strickers everything would be fine. Now it is the same tactics, only on an international scale. The victim, in this case is Greece, not miners or dockers, but a nation, now demonise them, they are lazy, corrupt, they have paid themselves too much for too long, they cheated their way into the Euro, if it wasn't for them we would all be doing great with growth racing ahead. The same old lies, the same aim, to isolate and bring the group (nation) to subservience, all for the gain of the corporate fascists who at present control this world.

      The Greek people should not be left alone to fight this battle, what happens in Greece will impact on us, it is our fight as much as it is theirs. Unless we link up across borders and act in unision and in solidarity with each other, we will be picked off one by one, just as we were in the days of disputes within the nation. 
The following is from Occupied London.

        Since the generalized attack on an entire society in terms of labour, social and political rights has been answered massively last Sunday, 12/2, with the concentration of hundreds of thousands of protesters across Greece, the Power plays its last card, that of intensification of repression, to recoup the social rage.
       On Sunday morning, dozens of activists were kidnapped by the State-terrorist, some even from their homes. Four protesters in Athens, defenders of the right to life, and not mere survival, were imprisoned before their trial that it may take months until it starts. Others were prosecuted three days after the protest gatherings and demonstrations in other Greek cities. A few days before that, in TV channels and the media, sold-out politicians, collaborators of the Troika’s executives raise questions over the operation and existence of Indymedia.

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Hypocrisy in Hollywood
Created by: Paralegal        Sent by Peter Kim.

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Wednesday 22 February 2012


This from, Anarchists news dot org

         In a likely retaliation for the Ministry of Justice taking down the Athens Indymedia website and a group of Greek hackers falling in the hands of the repressive Justice system, following last week's riots in Greece, Anonymous just launched "Operation Greece", hacked the Ministry of Justice's website, and sent a clear signal to you-know-who...

What appeared on the government's website, once hacked: (use Tor!)

The guys from GHS (Greek Hacking Scene) had nothing to do with this site. FREE THEM!
You did a big mistake, this was done by Anonymous and not by the guys of GHS.
Citizens of Greece, (CONTINUE READING)


        It is strange how the media, pundits and politicians all discuss where the cuts should be, and how deep and how fast we should cut. No debate on why the cuts, no debate on why the banks were handed trillions of pounds of tax payers money. There is never any debate on why the private debt of the banking sector was transferred to the public's balance sheet. There is never any debate on the fact that the present sovereign debt crisis was created because of this shifting of the private debt crisis in the banking sector, on to the public's balance sheet. Should we not be shifting the debate to, how we can transfer those trillions of pounds back from the banking sector into the public purse, and should we debating how we should cut the banking sector down to size to suit the needs of our society.

We're facing a crisis, you'll have to face austerity cuts.

      Well the reason we have the first debate is because we live in a system of corporate fascism controlled by the financial Mafia. To have the alternative debate we would need to be in some sort of society that sees to the needs of its people. Of course if we lived in a society that seen to the needs of its people, there never would have been the “financial crisis” in the first place. However, the real crisis is that we allow ourselves to be dominated by a bunch of financial parasites who will suck everything they can from the public domain.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 21 February 2012


         Alfie Meadows was beaten by the police on the December 9th 2010 student demonstration and had to have emergency brain surgery to save his life. Now he has been charged with violent disorder. Please help spread the petition to get justice for Alfie

       Signatories include: Tariq Ali, Gigi Ibrahim (Egyptian activist and blogger), John McDonnell (MP), Ken Loach (Film Director), Caroline Lucas (MP), Liam Burns (NUS President),Zita Holbourne (PCS NEC), Mark Thomas (Comedian) and Jody McIntyre (Journalist and Equality Movement Activist).


       On 9th December 2010, tens of thousands of students took part in a national demonstration against MPs voting for £9,000 tuition fees in a mass show of unity against this deeply unpopular policy. Thousands who wanted to protest were met with police charges on horseback and kettling. A senior doctor from Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, who set up a field hospital in Parliament Square, spoke of her experience of being kettled on Westminster Bridge, "It was the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen – it must have been what Hillsborough was like. The crush was just so great." She recorded people suffering from respiratory problems, chest pains and symptoms of severe crushing.

Jody McIntyre was pulled from his wheelchair and dragged along the pavement.
       University student Alfie Meadows came on the demonstration after being involved in a campaign at Middlesex University to save his philosophy department from closure. He was struck so hard on the head with a police baton that he needed emergency brain surgery. Alfie lost his university department and when he protested he received a life threatening injury. But outrageously Alfie has since been charged with violent disorder and faces a trial on 26th March.

       This forms part of a pattern of attacks on protest which has seen hundreds of students arrested and scores either charged or sentenced to long terms in prison. We the undersigned demand an end to political charging and sentencing of protesters and call for all charges against Alfie Meadows to be dropped. We also call for a mobilisation of students, workers and campaigners outside his court hearing on 26th March.

ann arky's home.


        Yippee, hooray, problem solved, the corporate fascist in charge of Europe have given Greece the much discussed bailout. Now we can all go back to watching the football, well if only. What the bailout will mean for the Greek people is deeper cuts in wages, pensions, social care, education and health, more redundancies, more taxes and a quicker and bigger sell off of Greece's public assets, at bargain prices of course. Not only that, but the Greek government will have the corporate financial Mafia sitting in the various Greek ministries in Athens looking over the shoulders of the Greek officials to see that they do what the corporate fascists demand. What was that they said about European democracy??

          This generous offer by the kind hearted compassionate financial Mafia of a bailout of $170 billion to the “Greek people” is somewhat rather devious and not what most people envisage. What is not widely discussed is where will this huge sum of money go??

          The vast majority of the cash will go to finance the bond swap. This allows the Greek bankers to put a wee smile on their faces. Approximately $40 billion will go as “sweeteners” to get the private sector of the financial Mafia to sign up to the deal, a further $30 billion will go to recapitalise the Greek banks. Then there will be a further $46 billion to allow Greece to finance the buying back of bonds, more money for the financial Mafia. A large slice will disappear in expenses in carrying out this grand plan and what is left might find its way into the Greek economy, but I wouldn't hold my breath. With this master plan in place the Greek people can look forward to a decade or two of deprivation on a scale never seen in Europe since the end of the second world war.

         The whole system stinks, the people are debt serfs and it is not their debt. Not until we get rid of the system of profit before people will this change. There is no such beast as caring compassionate capitalism, it can't be modified it has to be dismantled, we have to start from a different basis. Only when we start to build a society based on the needs of the people will this nightmare of injustice and deprivation end. Only when we throw the parasites of the financial Mafia off our backs, can we hope to create a fair and just society based on needs and sustainability.


    Eleven years of  fighting terrorism and thousands of articles of our supposed success, that is Afghanistan, according to our governments and our media. However the truth is a distant picture from that official spin. Eleven years of bombing, killing and maiming and nothing on the ground to show for all that misery, is the truth they will not tell you. Afghanistan must stand as one of the most monumental wastes of human life by any recent governments. Eleven years of lies, spin, death and destruction, eleven years of throwing billions of dollars at the arms industry, and the coalition deaths keep rising. As of December 29 2011 there have been 2,765 coalition deaths in Afghanistan and many, many thousands more injured.  The number of Afghans killed far out numbers the coalition forces, but figures are difficult to come by as the coalition doesn't supply these numbers, but as of 2011 the lowest creditable number of deaths in Aghanistan and Iraq is given as 919,967, that is the lowest creditable figure and it is just short of 1 million.
        Below is a graph showing the ever increasing number of coalition deaths in Afghanistan, and this is spinned out as SUCCESS?

        The media is still spinning success in Afghanistan but that lie can be laid to rest with the publication of a recent article. The following is a short extract, the full article is necessary reading if the truth is what you seek.
How military leaders have let us down
I spent last year in Afghanistan, visiting and talking with U.S. troops and their Afghan partners. My duties with the Army’s Rapid Equipping Force took me into every significant area where our soldiers engage the enemy. Over the course of 12 months, I covered more than 9,000 miles and talked, traveled and patrolled with troops in Kandahar, Kunar, Ghazni, Khost, Paktika, Kunduz, Balkh, Nangarhar and other provinces.
What I saw bore no resemblance to rosy official statements by U.S. military leaders about conditions on the ground.
Entering this deployment, I was sincerely hoping to learn that the claims were true: that conditions in Afghanistan were improving, that the local government and military were progressing toward self-sufficiency. I did not need to witness dramatic improvements to be reassured, but merely hoped to see evidence of positive trends, to see companies or battalions produce even minimal but sustainable progress. Instead, I witnessed the absence of success on virtually every level.

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