Saturday 26 May 2012


Food for thought from AdBusters:
Dear occupiers, jammers, dreamers,

        Three years after the May 1968 uprising that swept the world, the great French philosopher Michel Foucault observed that a key strategy of power is to “appear inaccessible to events.” Power, Foucault argued with a nod towards 1968’s failed insurrection, acts to “dispel the shock of daily occurrences, to dissolve the event … to exclude the radical break introduced by events.”

       Forty years later, in light of Occupy, Foucault’s observation still strikes home. Despite achieving the impossible at unprecedented speed – sparking a global awakening, triggering a thousand people’s assemblies worldwide, and giving birth to a visceral anti-corporate, pro-democracy spiritual insurrection – Occupy is now struggling through an existential moment. Our movement has been dealt a blow: our May 1 and follow-up events have been dissolved by power; the status quo has shown itself to be far more resilient than many of us expected.

         Now a passionate debate is emerging within our movement. On one side are those who cheer the death of Occupy in the hopes that it will transform into something unexpected and new. And on the other are patient organizers who counsel that all great movements take years to unfold.

ann arky's home.


          We have a system where the poor are pushed deeper and deeper into poverty, and by legislation ruthlessly trapped there. It is a system that will use the language of irrationality to prove its groundless claims. There is the cry from our privileged overlords for a return to family values while at the same time branding a mother who stays at home to look after her children, a scrounger, and if she goes out (forced out) to work, with no time off to care for the kids during the summer holidays, she will be accused of being a bad mother allowing her kids to roam the streets. On occasions when some individual “cheats” the benefit system, all hell breaks loose and our lords and masters scream about all the “lower class” being feckless, lazy parasites. Though they never mention the fact that the system itself is one big ponzi scheme, riddled with fraud and corruption, where that fraud and corruption increases in size as you go up their vitiated ladder.
We have to crack down on those benefit cheats!!
           It is also a system dominated by super-rich, over privileged, privately educated middle aged men, who have no perception of what it is to live at the “ordinary” level of life, to struggle with bills and worry about keeping a roof over your head, or whether your job will be there next month. All that daily struggle is an alien world to the real super-rich parasites who control the system and our daily lives. Like I have said before, they need us, we don't need them.


There will come a time when the hordes remember,
who bound our grand-parents to the yoke of oppression,
who sentenced our parents to deprivation,
who bid poverty sink its teeth into our heart,
who teach our children, greed is a noble art.
Who sent our sons through the gates of hell
to a litany of cambist brawls,
crammed coffers with blood-stained gold
while laughing in Ares' halls.
"Who does these terrible things to us?" they will ask,
and when they remember,
they'll bring an energy that is endless
to drive a fist that is fearless.
Then this merciless market-driven world will crumble
under an insurrection of integrity,
the poor will emerge from the dark husk of capitalism
to live in the light of social justice.
There will come a time when the hordes remember.

Friday 25 May 2012


         In April, 2,000 migrant workers in a factory in Thailand that processes shrimp for a major supplier to Walmart revolted against their abusive and degrading conditions. The workers, from Cambodia and Burma, protested the seizure of their passports by factory owners in Thailand. Police were called. Shots were fired.
          It wasn't just the passport seizure that incited the workers' anger - it was management slashing wages again. Their wages already failed to cover the most basic needs, and this latest action put workers deeper into the factory's debt. Many of them are still legally and financially trapped at the factory, victims of human trafficking. This is not an isolated incident. Also in Thailand, workers at a pineapple factory recently held similar protests over wage reductions. There are now reports of human trafficking involving children under 15, bought and sold to work there. More than 73% of this factory's shipments to the USA go to Walmart.

Sign the petition to Walmart's VP of Ethical Sourcing, calling for him to demand these factory owners end human trafficking immediately and allow independent monitors to audit all of their factories.

For more information, and to sign the petition, click here.

Ron Oswald
General Secretary, IUF

International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF)

8, rampe du Pont-Rouge
1213 Petit Lancy, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 793 22 33
Fax: +41 22 793 22 38


        The collapse of any powerful system, be it monarchy, state or what ever, is always followed by chaos. What we are witnessing at the moment is the collapse of the current powerful force, a financially controlled  economic system. How it plays out will depend on the people, will they take control of their own lives in co-operation with each other, or will the seek out a new Messiah?

         The social unrest, economic gloom and austerity in Europe today mirrors one of the greatest crises in British history, says the historian Michael Wood.
        The news from Europe is getting worse by the day. Economic gloom across the continent and multiple crises in the currency zone. With rising unemployment and inflation there are riots in the streets with forecasts of anarchy in some parts of western Europe. And along with the simmering discontent there is a worrying rise of radical groups and populist right wing movements. In the fringes, secessionists are pushing for independence, indeed for the break up of the whole European order under which we have all lived secure and comfortable for so long.
         At home in Britain there are worrying signs in every town - cuts in public services have led to closures of public baths and libraries, the failure of road maintenance, breakdowns in the food supply and civic order. While political commentators and church leaders talk about a "general decline in morality" and "public apathy", the rich retreat to their mansions and country estates and hoard their cash.
       It all sounds eerily familiar doesn't it? But this is not Angela Merkel's eurozone - it is Roman Britannia towards the year 400, the period of the fall of the Roman Empire.

 ann arky's home.


Message from Unite Against Fascism.

          The Scottish Defence League (SDL) won their court case today, so for the first time these racists will be allowed to march in Scotland. It is outrageous that a Sheriff sees fit to grant racists a march. Racism is not acceptable on the football terraces so why does she think it is acceptable on our streets?
Today’s Unite Against Fascism press release on the court decision can be seen at:
          However while the SDL will be kept on Regent Road, out of sight of almost everyone, we will march right through the middle of town. Unite Against Fascism urges you to come to the Grassmarket for 12 noon, we will then march up to George IV Bridge, down the High St and across The Bridges to Waterloo Place/Regent Road. We will then have a rally with a broad platform of speakers outside St Andrews House. Our march and rally will be well stewarded and safe.
        It is really important that everyone comes to this march. We need to set down a marker that allowing racists to march is not acceptable. Please bring your relatives, friends and colleagues.
We need to demonstrate that they are a minority and that the overwhelming majority say no to racists and Nae Nazis in Edinburgh.
Saturday May 26 12 noon Grassmarket, Edinburgh
Twitterful Follow events on the day @UAFScot
Facebook: Edinburgh Against The Racist SDL Twitter: @UAFScot Email:

Thursday 24 May 2012


        What does austerity lead to, apart from enhancing the bank balances of the financial Mafia. A look at Greece today could be a vision of what is in store for hundreds of millions of ordinary people across Europe. The situation in Greece deteriorates on a daily bases and with no end in sight, and will continue to deteriorate as long as we continue with this corporate fascist money orientated system.

      From tomorrow’s edition of Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachricthen: “The Greece-exit is a done deal: According to the German economic news from financial circles EU and the ECB have abandoned the motherland of democracy as a euro member. The reason is, interestingly, not in the upcoming elections – these are basically become irrelevant. The EU has finally realized that the Greeks have not met any agreements and will not continue not to meet them. A banker: “We helped with the Toika. The help of the troika was tied to conditions. Greece has fulfilled none of the conditions, and has been for months now.”
       The troika is composed of unelected ex-Goldman executives who want to financially rape Greece to further enrich the bankers, who knew damn well the loans they made were junk and should never have been made. The populace of Greece, who had nothing to do with the loans, is being forced to pay for the sins and crimes of others in the name of a bogus “austerity.” So, for a banker to whine that they tried to help Greece is sactimonious, self-serving rubbish. Greece stops paying pharmacies, who are now charging full-price.
The Eurozone banksters are very sorry that granny in Greece may not be able to afford her meds so that the reckless, garbage loans they forced on Greece can be repaid. But really, what’s a few dead grandmothers in comparison to extortion-like loans being repaid so that a corrupt tiny few can further enrich themselves.
       A Greek exit is very bad news for Obama and could seriously threaten his reelection.

 ann arky's home.

Wednesday 23 May 2012


Mexico: Human rights defender kidnapped and tortured
           José Enrique Morales Montaño, of the Center of Support for Workers (CAT) in Puebla was kidnapped and physically tortured on May 15, 2012 as he was headed to the Local Labor Board to accompany a group of textile workers who were fighting a case against a factory in the region. His captors kept a gun pressed to his head for extended periods of time, and threatened to kill him and the other members of the CAT. In the evening of the same day, they left him on an abandoned highway to Veracruz, and stole his cell phone and backpack; he suffered serious injuries.
            Show your solidarity with those in Mexico defending human and labour rights and demand a swift resolution to this injustice.

          Please take a moment to send off your protest message here:

Spread the word - build the campaign!


          May 23 2008, Utah Phillips, a working class hero died, but he still delivers humour and a working class story.

From Wikipedia:

         Bruce Duncan "Utah" Phillips (May 15, 1935 – May 23, 2008)[1] was a labor organizer, folk singer, storyteller, poet and the "Golden Voice of the Great Southwest". He described the struggles of labor unions and the power of direct action, self-identifying as an anarchist.[2] He often promoted the Industrial Workers of the World in his music, actions, and words.

Early years 

       Phillips was born in Cleveland, Ohio, to Edwin Deroger Phillips and Frances Kathleen Coates. He attended East High School in Salt Lake City, Utah. His father, Edwin Phillips, was a labor organizer, and his parents' activism influenced much of his life's work. Phillips was a card-carrying member of the Industrial Workers of the World, the "wobblies," headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Phillips rode the railroads, and wrote songs.[3]

         He served in the United States Army for three years beginning in 1956 (at the latest). Witnessing the devastation of post-war Korea greatly influenced his social and political thinking.

 ann arky's home.

Tuesday 22 May 2012


          In the context of the 2012 NATO Chicago summit, on 20th and 21st May of 2012, many counter-protesters were detained during anti-NATO protest marches. Several anarchists were arrested ‘preemptively’. They were accused of scheduling and preparing militant actions against the summit meeting of the world’s largest warmonger. There are yet no reliable information from friends and comrades who were actually there, but due to the need of dissemination of some facts about the arrests, here follows a first summary by ABC Berlin.

          Late on Wednesday evening of the 16th of May, the cops stormed a house in the neighborhood of Bridgeport in Chicago, without showing an arrest warrant or search warrant, and arrested nine people. Six were released without charges on Friday. However, three were remanded in custody, and are now being subject to investigation and threatened with charges of ‘conspiracy to commit terrorism, material support for terrorism, and possession of explosives or explosive or incendiary devices.’ They are accused of having planned to attack with Molotov cocktails four cops’ stations, the local campaign headquarters of US president Obama, the residence of Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel and other targets in the city. All three were described by the prosecution authorities as self-proclaimed anarchists, having travelled together from Florida several weeks before the scheduled anti-NATO protests in Chicago. During the police raid in the Bridgeport house, a device was confiscated by the cops, who now claim that this was used to make Molotov cocktails; nevertheless, according to the residents, this was simply a kit for making beer at home. A bail bond of 5 million US dollars cash was set for each defendant (a total amount of 1.5 million).


       No matter how far back we go in our history, we always find that the state will always come down hard on those who dare to try to change the system in favour of the ordinary people. Our history is litterd with brutality handed out to people who would dare to challenge the state's monopoly on power. It will fight hard to protect the status-quo retaining the power and wealth in the hands of the few.
THOMAS MUIR, 1765-1799.
Thomas Muir was born and lived at a place called Huntershill, a district just to the north of Glasgow. The house still stands surrounded by it's gardens and trees. Thomas was born into a wealthy home. He studied law at Glasgow University but left on a point of honour in 1780 and completed his studies at Edinburgh University eventually having a law practice in Glasgow. He was however drawn to the reform movements that had developed all over Scotland. The reform movements had gathered momentum as the French revolution in 1789 inspired support for parliamentary reform all over Britain. Thomas Muir had connections with numerous reform societies throughout Scotland; in 1792 with William Skirving he helped to set up Scottish Reform Clubs, the membership open to every class. He wrote many pamphlets and spoke at a considerable number of meetings. He was an open and ardent supporter of radical political reform at a time when the authorities were becoming ever more nervous due to the events in France.
One year later, after presenting a nationalistic address to the Scottish Reform Movement General Convention, on behalf of United Irishmen. Thomas Muir was arrested and charged with sedition. His trial date, which took place in Edinburgh, was brought forward by several months while he was visiting France. Unable to get travelling arrangements in time, his non attendance made him an outlaw. He was found guilty of, '...having created disaffection by means of seditious speeches'. He returned to Scotland in August 1793 and was sentenced to be banished to Botany Bay for 14 years. However, George Washington heard of his sentence and sent the USS Otter to rescue him and take him to the new Republic of America. His escape was made good in 1796, however the USS Otter, on its way home was wrecked off Panama. Thomas Muir was then arrested by the Spanish and taken to Havana where he was deemed to be a spy and shipped back to Spain. On the way back to Spain they encountered three British ships and a battle ensued in which Thomas Muir lost an eye. The Spanish released him in 1797 whereupon he made his way to France. He was made a French citizen and died at Chantilly in 1799.

More on Glasgow's working class history.

ann arky's home.

Monday 21 May 2012


        Not a new video but one that gets the message acros that it is not a national problem, but an international problem.

ann arky's home.

Sunday 20 May 2012


            While the Western world is pre-occupied with saving the Euro, deficit reduction and increasing the banking system's liquidity, Israel continues with its policy of purloining Palestinian land, while at the same time pursuing its agenda of genocide against the Palestinian people. If you have a look at an old map and look at the territory that was marked as Palestine and compare it with what is now considered Palestinian land you get quite a shock. Not only is the land just a fraction of what it was, this land grab by Israel has been allied to thousands of Palestinian deaths at the hands of the Israeli state. In man's blood soaked history I doubt if there has been a longer, more one-sided war. On the one side you have one of the most modern, powerfully equipped military machines in the world, on the other a people armed with second rate makeshift rockets, improvised home-made weaponry and stones, and after approximately 50 years, still the uneven struggle continues. None of this could happen if it was not for the financial and military support of America. What is happening in Palestine is part and parcel of American foreign policy in the Middle East, all the West is also complicit in the death of the the Palestinian people, the destruction of their farms and property and the grabbing of their land.

On May 15, across the shatat and in the homeland, Palestinians marked the 64th anniversary of the Nakba of 1948 in a multitude of ways. We rallied, we held vigils, and we took a quiet moment to remember, reflect, and mourn. On this anniversary, we particularly honored our heroes in Israeli prisons, who conducted the longest, and one of the largest, hunger strikes in history. In our long march to liberation and return, it has always been our people, their undiminished courage, and their towering fortitude, that have carried our struggle through. We are honored to be Palestinian, proud of our people, and the nobility of our cause.
It is therefore with grave concern that we issue this letter expressing our dismay at the continued disregard and disrespect for our struggle and our people by the American Task Force on Palestine (ATFP), and its President, Ziad Asali.
At this time of remembrance, two photos were widely circulated of Asali embracing Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren at a celebration of Israel’s independence hosted by the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC. While Palestinians were mourning the destruction of 531 of our villages, and the expulsion of nearly 800,000 of our people, Asali saw fit to attend a celebration of that moment, and shake the hands of a man whose task it is to silence us and defend the destruction of our homes, theft of our land, starvation of our prisoners, and elimination of our people.
Indeed, this incident is merely the culmination of a long history of ATFP’s betrayal of our people. Since its inception in 2003, with Asali as its President, ATFP has consistently found itself the focus of the Palestinian community’s ire, and the organization’s history carries a string of resignations by one Board member after another in disgust. In the wake of Israel’s 2008-2009 war on Gaza, several Board members stepped down in protest of ATFP comments to CNN effectively absolving Israel of responsibility for its crimes. In his resignation letter to the Board, one member wrote:


        This society has many problems and the recent media coverage of the "floating" of Facebook on the stock market highlighted one, the adoration of money and those who have it. What a screwed up society we live in when individuals becoming billionaires can create a frenzy with hours of media coverage, and sadly the frenzy was among those who will benefit nothing from the corporate event.

Even given my status as an Old Guy Who Loves Facebook — a phenomenon of the modern age characterized by aggravated carpal-tunnel syndrome, a weirdly revived devotion to high-school chums, and a proclivity for throwing old Van Morrison videos out to a gaping world — I have to admit that the giddy national pageant attending Friday's Facebook IPO has left me awfully cold, and awfully pessimistic that this country ever is going to get its economic house in order in anything resembling a fair and just way. Entire news networks dedicating huge blocks of time, the way they once went live for hours covering the Mercury program, to the release of a stock onto the market. People waiting outside in Times Square for the magic moment, as though it were New Year's Eve or VJ Day, and everyone acting as though this whole thing is some kind of national triumph rather than a simple mechanism by which an incredibly wealthy recluse will become an unimaginably wealthy recluse. We get together to cheer for stock. We get together to cheer for money. We get together to cheer for zillionaires, and not a dime of it is ever going to filter down to any of those people waiting behind the barriers in New York, watching the price of the stock tick upwards as though they all had a personal stake in it.
ann arky's home.

Saturday 19 May 2012


A little bit of confirmation never does any harm, enjoy.

ann arky's home.


An appeal from Leeds Anarchist Black Cross on behalf of John Bowden:

         Edinburgh Criminal Justice Services, or what used to be known as the plain Social Work Department, have seriously compromised their professional integrity by defending a member of staff who deliberately told lies in a report to the Parole Boards in an attempt to sabotage my chances of release from prison. Behaving like corrupt policemen instead of traditional social workers seems now to be acceptable practice at Edinburgh Social Services.
In an official report for the Parole Board, written on 29/2/2012 Brendan Barnett, who works for Edinburgh Criminal Justice Services, made the following incredible claims about my original case in 1980:
“Secondary motives for using violence described by the trial judge and acknowledged by Bowden himself suggest a pattern of behaviour that allowed for the predatory targeting of vulnerable human beings on the margins of society defined by race or sexuality.”
“Bowden has suggested that his victims were easily discriminated against on the basis of race and sexuality.”
“There has been no investigation of the values and beliefs that informed Bowden’s targeting of individuals, i.e. what particular characteristics deemed a person worthy of attack: ethnic background, deviant sexuality.”
        There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever to support Barnett’s bizarre claims, and in fact I was convicted in 1982, alongside two other men, of the murder of a white Caucasian heterosexual male during a drunken party in South London.


         While the millionaires' club, also known as the G8, discuss how best to save and maximise the unimaginable wealth of their billionaire friends, for convenience let's call them the financial Mafia, the ordinary people are getting screwed. The talk is all about saving the Euro, protecting the liquidity of the banks and reducing the deficit. All very rational sounding, it is all a matter of figures, percentages etc. and as they sit in splendour, munching on lavish meals, the thought of the suffering inflicted on the ordinary people by their policies will not enter their heads. Of course they may discuss how to control any anger that may arise from that suffering, but not how to alleviate it in any way. We are expendable, in their eyes our suffering is necessary to safeguard their wealth. It is necessary to plunder all public assets to help them balance their crooked books. Unemployment helps to keep down wage bills, increases profit and makes them more competitive, in their eyes a great idea.

"We're going through tough times."

        Across Europe unemployment is rising to levels not seen since that last big “capitalist crisis” in the 30s. In this country there has been 270,000 public sector jobs lost in 2011, 71,000 roles disappeared in education and 31,000 disappeared in the National Health Service. Unemployment is at 8.2%, with unemployment among the young (16 to 24) is at 22.2%, a staggering 1,033,000 young lives being blighted to balance the books of the crooked banking system. Closer to home, here in Glasgow we have three parliamentary constituencies in the city where unemployment is 10% or more. It is not just a matter of employed and unemployed, there is also under-employed. The figures for the last quarter show that those in full employment fell by 13,000 but those in part time employment rose by 118,000, part time employment accounts for more than 18% of the workforce. Of course again these are just figures, they don't in any way portray the misery that is attached to them. Unemployment, under-employment, translates into poverty, malnutrition, illness caused by being unable to heat your home in winter, stress related problems which impinge on personal relationships, and all to appease the accountants of the billionaires.

         What the financial Mafia will be discussing at the G8 is not our world, our world is the well being of all of humanity, theirs is the personal wealth of an army of parasites, we are in conflict with each other. Their decisions negatively impact on our lives, but we don't need them. We can organise the world in a more sane, just, and sustainable manner, we can organise to see to the needs of all our people. The world has enough resources to see to all our needs, it is the money system of the corporate world's wealthy parasites that holds and hordes those resources, creating mass poverty and deprivation in the interests of profit. We should always remember, we are governed by consent, we have the right to withdraw that consent, as I said, we don't need them, but they need us.

ann arky's home.

Friday 18 May 2012


             There is something about this film that I find frightening, could this be the face of a society built on austerity, is this the end product of the financial Mafia's grand plan. Certainly in years of visiting Greece I don't think I saw a beggar on the street until the "financial crisis", now to see people sleeping on the streets of Athens is not the least unusual. As something becomes more commonplace we tend to pay less attention to it, a kind of hopelessness, something we can't do anything about. But we can, we can change the whole stinking system, but that requires we all see the misery on our streets and come together to do something about the injustice.

ann arky's home.

Thursday 17 May 2012


          Have we reached the "Fuck it" point? If not when, can it be now or is it too late? Or will we blindly carry on as if everything is just fine and science will sort things out as the problems arrive? As poverty increases across the planet day by day, it becomes clearer and clearer that something is drastically wrong. Our wonderful economic and science orientated system is seen to be a complete  and utter failure. Seeking answers within a system that is so obviously destroying the planet we live on, is nothing short of insanity. We have to think outside the present system, put the blame where it belongs, on the system we live under and not the individuals trapped within that system. It can't be modified, altered slightly, or turned into a manageable environmental friendly system, it is unmanageable and environmentally destructive. The system has to be destroyed one way or another, and a new consciousness has to take its place. One that neither desires to exploit the planet nor seeks dominance over it and all its inhabitants.  

ann arky's home.


This looked more like confusion rather than policing. Let's hope that our numbers grow and their confusion grows in unison.

See this video and more at Indymedia London

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 16 May 2012


From Bob:
        Common sense, comes from the idea that if enough of us believes something through mass experience - that is, when the vast majority of folk "agree" about something that's what we term "common sense".
          It would seem a reasonable criterion to base a few ideas on anyway.

ann arky's home.