Thursday 20 March 2014

In Case You Have Forgotten.

The Glad Cafe, 8pm. 1006A Pollokshaws Road Glasgow G41 2HG

    In case you have forgetten, BrendanMcLaughlin, the man that helped make the Scotia Bar, Glasgow, what it became, an institution, a mecca for poets, writers, singers, song writers, musicians, laughter, patter, political banter, an oasis of friendliness in a big city, is launching his latest album and single on March 22. A must if you know and love Glasgow.

What better way to spend your Saturday night?

Welcome to the Launch of Brendan McLaughlin's The Album 'The Lucky Ones' & The Single 'Independence' With extra special guests Quirky Jade
(A cappeiia) Telemann Ensemble (String Quartet: Oboe & Flute) Umbongo
Nambarrie (Reggae if Ska)

Saturday 22nd 8:00pm.

No charge at door just the promise that you will vote in the referendum

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Austerity Is State Murder.

       I don't think it can be emphasised enough the murderous effects “austerity” has on the ordinary people. As the millionaire cabal talk of tough decisions and tightening belts around their over fed bellies, to the vast majority that means a deterioration in their health. It means cold homes in winter, and kids being deprived of decent meals, therefore jeopardising their future health. It can, and does, also mean stress and deteriorating mental health, and in many cases suicide, as the task of surviving at a decent level becomes impossible. All this is heaped on a population at the dictate of a wealthy elite who are immune to the ravages of that “austerity”. What is more the reasoning behind this policy of “austerity” is supposed to be for “our” benefit, to bring us prosperity, pie-in-the-sky, in some distant future, when in actual fact all we are doing is suffering poverty and all its vile manifestations, in an attempt to recoup the gambling losses of the financial Mafia.
         Every cut in the social welfare is a step towards deprivation, and to some, a step towards an early grave. “Austerity” is a cull on the working class, every deterioration in living conditions is avoidable. Poverty, mental and physical health problems are not accidents, they are the direct result of deliberate policies carried out by an extremely wealthy bunch of self-interested, greed parasites, they are fully aware of the effects, but care not a jot. As long as they are in power, they will do nothing that might jeopardise their own wealth and power, we will always be used to further their wealth and power. Of course there is an alternative, put the ordinary people in power, and let them shape society to the benefit of all our people.

Greece: On the rise of suicides, interview with Stelios Stylianidis

This from Xpressed:
4 additional observations complement the answer to your question:
a) We have an impressive 36% growth of suicide attempts from 2009 to 2011 and a statistically significant relationship between economic hardship (poverty, unemployment, inability to find financial resources for survival) and suicidality in overall population.
b) In our country, due to religious beliefs and the culture of orthodox Christianity (as well as the ‘indirect’ suicides caused in the context of road accidents), there is a strong bias against families declaring suicide as the cause of a sudden death of one of their members (for reasons of being able to hold a religious ceremony).
c) Requests for psychological help that the telephone help lines receive for depression and suicides have increased in recent years by an average of 27% (UMHRI,2010).
d) Furthermore, according to Stuckler (2009), at European level, 1% increase in unemployment is associated with a 0.79% rise in suicides, at ages less than 65 years and every 3% increase in unemployment is associated with a 4.45% increase of suicides.
Read the full article HERE:

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Tuesday 18 March 2014

Nice Cop, Bad Cop.

  Friendly British cops!! Trying to persuade protesters that it is a free democratic country, BUT, you can't stand here, try over there, or somewhere further away from what you are protesting against. Congratulations Glasgow Against ATOS, you stood your ground, it's people like you that will one day make this country a free and democratic place to live.

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On The Streets Of Bosnia Herzegovina.

      In country after country people have been taking to the streets to show their contempt for the existing capitalist system. From Brazil to Spain, Greece to Italy, Turkey to Egypt, Bahrain to Australia, Canada to France, and so it goes on. It is always difficult to get a true picture of what is actually happing as these uprisings occur, as our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, with its short attention span, and distorted vision, spews out its loaded propaganda. Now the babbling brook of bullshit has shifted its hall of mirrors to the Ukraine, and as the mouthpiece of the Western corporate empire, it vomits its bile against the Russian empire. Where does that leave the people?
      Recently we had the people of Bosnia Herzegovina on the streets demanding change, but the babbling brook of bullshit, as usual, dropped that and jumped to the next "hot news", Ukraine, to paint its surrealist picture of the facts. So it is good to get some honest information from what was actually happening on the streets of Bosnia Herzegovina.

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Monday 17 March 2014

The Underworld Of Glasgow's Dirty Politics.

This from Glasgow Games Monitor:
Hi all,
      The Housing meeting organised for Bridgeton Community Learning Campus, tomorrow, Tuesday 18th March has been blocked by the board of directors. This was clearly a politically motivated decision so we've decided to make a public statement on the blog. Please circulate widely as we think people really need to know about this.
        We are trying to re-organise the meeting in an alternate venue very soon and hope to open things up more widely to discuss the dire condition social housing is in, and the way that critical debate has been closed down via regeneration agencies.
Housing Meeting Blocked in Bridgeton:

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Don't Call Me Hero.

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Sunday 16 March 2014

From Victim To Thug, A Sad Journey.

      It is always good to see dissent surface in Israel, more and more Jews are speaking out against the inhumane treatment inflicted on the Palestinian people, by the Jewish state. Sooner or later the barbarity, land grabbing, apartheid and genocide, the people of Palestine are subject to, will blow up in Israel's face, and it will not be a pretty sight. From the sufferers of the Holocaust, to the perpetrators, is a sad and tragic journey, which will reap its justice.

The vanishing country of Palestine.

This from Socialism or Your Money Back:
       ----Entitled We Refuse to Serve in the Occupation Army, the letter charges that this dehumanization hurts Israelis as well. "The problem with the army does not begin or end with the damage it inflicts on Palestinian society. It infiltrates everyday life in Israeli society too: it shapes the educational system, our workforce opportunities, while fostering racism, violence and ethnic, national and gender-based discrimination."
      "We refuse to forsake our principles as a condition to being accepted in our society," reads the joint letter, penned by people aged 16 to 20 who are eligible for compulsory service in the Army. "We have thought about our refusal deeply and we stand by our decisions."----
Read the full article HERE:

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The Fading Of The Pope Of Hope.

       I always hate to say, "I told you so", but at the time Obama, the Pope of Hope, the Prince of Peace, was creating an epidemic of irrational euphoria after his election, I like all those others who see through the smoke and mirrors of the democracy illusion, were aghast at the gullibility of the general public. As far as we were concerned it was a case of "the King is dead, long live the King". We cringed at the expectations that were bound to rot on the vine, we felt sad at the disillusionment that would soon swamp the multitude. Here we are now near the end of his presidency and it is difficult to find a voice in support of the Dragon of the Drones. He stands like the rest of the state leaders, condemned as a war monger, a bulwark against freedom, a crusher of dissent, another figurehead doing the corporate world's  dirty work, by putting the state's stamp of legitimacy all all their corrupt and brutal actions. I hope all those Obama groupies will now reflect and say, when will we ever learn.

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Saturday 15 March 2014

A Living Hell In Greece.

        The conditions that the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers.) has forced on the people of Greece is criminal, it has resulted in a massive increase in health problems, both physical and mental, at the same time as it dismantles the health service. It has destroyed the education system, is responsible for a catastrophic increase in substance abuse and suicides. All in the name of "balancing the books", which translates into making good the financial Mafia's gambling losses. However there is a group, hidden away from the eyes of the public, that suffers appalling, inhumane treatment and conditions, that belong to some barbaric distant past. Here and now, in so called developed and democratic Europe, there are people living in conditions that break ever rule of a civilised society. The Greek prisons take us down through the circles of Dante's Inferno, to a living hell, that must be exposed and eradicated. By this glaring evidence, the Greek state and its masters the Troika, stand condemned of crimes against humanity.

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Change Of Words Doesn't Change The Reality.

       They can change its name, dress it up in fancy words, and spout the usual pie-in-the-sky benefits, but slave labour is still slave labour. Work placements, workfare, internships, traineeships, blaa-blaa-blaa, a great job in the murky distant future, it still boils down to working for nothing, to make a rich company richer, capitalist exploitation at its worst. What is more, it's the master plan of this bunch of millionaire pompous parasites, sitting in that Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, it's their vision of the future, it's their gift to their millionaire corporate buddies.
      George Osborne announced before Christmas that young, unemployed people between the age of 18 and 21 will be forced to attend either a Traineeship, other unpaid work experience position or face a Community Work Placement.  That means young people who refuse to work in Shoezone for free will be forced to carry out 780 hours community work instead – for no wages.  Traineeships are workfare, and claimants  who refuse them face a punishment that is double the length of current community service sentences that can be inflicted by the courts.
Read the full article HERE:
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