Tuesday 20 January 2015

Everyone Is An Anarchist At Heart.

     To most anarchists it is so obvious that we expect others to see it the same way, but sadly it doesn't work like that. What can be more enriching and liberating than controlling your own live, in mutual co-operation with others, what can be more demeaning than having your life controlled by others, who don't even have your interests at heart? Why do we accept the later, when the former is there for us to take?

Download the PDF:
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Sunday 18 January 2015

The Omnipotent Market.

      The power of “the market” is something we are told we have to accept, as if it were some omnipotent super being, beyond our control, somewhere in the outer universe, when in fact “the market” is no more than greedy people with lots of money manipulating resources in an attempt to increase or safeguard their unearned wealth and power.
      The latest crisis in “the market“ is oil, once selling at $100 a barrel, now heading for $30 a barrel. Same product, doing the same things, but now looking like it is near worthless, according to “the market”. This transformation is simply brought about by a bunch of greedy oil producers, in this case the Saudis, who see the growth of fracking in places such as America, as a threat to their market share. So they flood the world with their oil and suddenly it's a very cheap product, making the more expensive fracking process look uneconomical. The Saudis aren't to worried about the falling price as they are sitting on a multi-trillion dollar oil fund, and their oil is relatively cheap to get out of the ground.
       However, as these greedy billionaires fight it out to retain their slush money, the effect their squabbles have on the ordinary people can be devastating. If you are an oil producing country and your economy is dependent on oil, and it is more expensive to get your oil out of the ground, then this little squabble means bankruptcy for you, with all the attendant misery that this heaps on the people of that country.
Venezuela Grocery Lines
       This is what is happening to Venezuela at the moment. The country is now running out of money, inflation is soaring and stands at 65%, supermarkets are empty, queues stretch round buildings for everything and anything, as desperate people try to survive. Some area authorities are banning buying groceries on certain days, and banning queueing at night, while protests are on the rise. According to UBS, Venezuela has an 82% possibility of collapse this year. The financial Mafia will descend on Venezuela like a flock of vultures and devour all the assets in the country. The people will suffer poverty and deprivation, and of course it will all be put down to that omnipotent outer space being, “the market”, nobody will be to blame.
     “The market” is capitalism at work, the devastation caused by these workings, are man made, and all the decisions are made by people sitting in boardrooms, protecting their plunder, without a thought for the misery they inflict on the ordinary people. As long as we have capitalism, we will have “the market” destroying people's lives, we will have poverty and deprivation, and we will have wars, as the greedy invisible suits behind the illusion of “the market”, take what measures they deem fit to hold onto their ill-gotten wealth and power.
     The world has enough resources to see to the needs of all its people, it is the insane method of gathering and distributing those resources that is the real problem. Capitalism is a man made system, we can dismantle it, replace it with sanity, create a system based on needs, and bury forever, the illusion of that omnipotent spectre “the market”.
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Saturday 17 January 2015

ISIS, A Long Running Story.

       For those interested in ISIS and what is going on in the Middle East, you could do no better than read Alistair Crooke's historical analysis of the roots of ISIS. The following is a short extract:
Today, ISIS' undermining of the legitimacy of the King's legitimacy is not seen to be problematic, but rather a return to the true origins of the Saudi-Wahhab project.
In the collaborative management of the region by the Saudis and the West in pursuit of the many western projects (countering socialism, Ba'athism, Nasserism, Soviet and Iranian influence), western politicians have highlighted their chosen reading of Saudi Arabia (wealth, modernization and influence), but they chose to ignore the Wahhabist impulse.
After all, the more radical Islamist movements were perceived by Western intelligence services as being more effective in toppling the USSR in Afghanistan -- and in combatting out-of-favor Middle Eastern leaders and states.
Why should we be surprised then, that from Prince Bandar's Saudi-Western mandate to manage the insurgency in Syria against President Assad should have emerged a neo-Ikhwan type of violent, fear-inducing vanguard movement: ISIS? And why should we be surprised -- knowing a little about Wahhabism -- that "moderate" insurgents in Syria would become rarer than a mythical unicorn? Why should we have imagined that radical Wahhabism would create moderates? Or why could we imagine that a doctrine of "One leader, One authority, One mosque: submit to it, or be killed" could ever ultimately lead to moderation or tolerance?
Read the full article HERE:
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Gods And Guns.

     Arming the people to go out and kill for god, no I'm not talking about ISIS or any other Islamic fundamentalists, I'm talking about those white Christian fundamentalists, fighting for capitalist America. Talk about double standards, are we really in a lake of blood because a bunch of opposing religious nutters want to kill all opposing gods and their followers? We have enough on our hands fighting the injustice of capitalism, religion, any religion, just makes that task so much more difficult, When can we send this airy-fairy, insanity of a belief in a man in the sky, to the dustbin of history. Another name for religion would be state sponsored insanity, with the aim of keeping the people in-line and confused.  There are a multitude of infallible gods to pick from, there are so many Gods, that you will soon be able to get them in Poundland, just pick the one that suits your devious purpose.

This From Daily Kos:
"That the impious presumption of legislators and rulers, civil as well as ecclesiastical, who, being themselves but fallible and uninspired men have assumed dominion over the faith of others, setting up their own opinions and modes of thinking as the only true and infallible, and as such endeavouring to impose them on others, hath established and maintained false religions over the greatest part of the world and through all time."
(2nd paragraph, Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom, composed by Thomas Jefferson in 1777, enacted into Virginia law on January 16, 1786)
Excuse me? “GOD and country?” Ahem, well, just WHOSE “god” might that be, U.S. Army?

Let me fairly go out on a limb here and gamble that it is neither the god of Islam nor the god(s) of Hinduism? No way it’s Buddhist, Sikh, Shinto, Native American Spiritualist or The Flying Spaghetti Monster. I believe it’s a very safe bet to presume that the Army is pretending to refer to the “Judeo-Christian” god, and by THAT worn out and duplicitously deceptive label, of course, I really mean what the Army REALLY means; only the “Christian” god, Jesus. Unfortunately, as the experts will tell you, there are literally multiple tens of thousands of distinctly separate denominations of Christianity in existence. So, once again, the question is begged as to exactly WHICH “God” the U.S. Army Special Forces are boldly, publicly and eagerly recruiting for?
Read the full article HERE:
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Friday 16 January 2015

Operation Pandora, UK Version.

     Today, Friday, 16 January, is a day of international solidarity with the anarchists in Spain being harassed and arrested by the Spanish government's Operation Pandora. However, like I said, this ideology of repression against anarchists is not confined to Spain. Here in the UK, the anarchist community around the Bristol area is at the receiving end of a UK version of "Operation Pandora". I have no doubt what so ever, that this will spread across the country. The state will always, first try to silence those most vociferous in their critique of this rotten, stinking, unjust system of power and corruption, they are seen as the greatest threat to its monopoly of power and violence. Stand up in solidarity for all those who see this cancer called capitalism as a blight on humanity. Solidarity has no borders.
       The vast majority of Bristol's anarchist community aren't like this. With their status as queen-and-country-hating tabloid pariahs, few people would be aware of any difference between different anarchist groups. But their methods, goals, and targets differ radically. Groups such as the Anarchist Federation (Afed) and Solidarity Federation (Solfed), which constitute a majority of the scene in the UK are involved in open, public-facing, class-based community work—handing out leaflets, helping workers who go on strike, that kind of thing—rather than acts of fly-by night vandalism.
      But these distinctions don't seem to count for much as far as the police are concerned. Over the past few months, activists from across the anarchist community say the police have been targeting them arbitrarily and indiscriminately. They say individual activists have been harassed, houses raided, workplaces visited, and arrests made without charges.
      The police maintain that they are searching for suspects linked to the IAF, but activists say they are targeting anyone that publicly identifies as an anarchist. And they say it's getting worse by the day. For the last week I've been talking to different members of the anarchist scene in the West Country and the impression I've got is of a community under siege.
Read the full article HERE:
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Sneaky Dave At It Again.

       The Oxbridge millionaire cabal sitting in the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption, have been working hard, not of course in our interest, but the interests of their millionaire corporate buddies. The prince of parasites and defender of deceit, Cameron, is doing his damnedest, to gratify the desires of his masters in the financial Mafia, who have their fingers in the oil industry, by pushing the full-steam ahead button on the fracking laws. Nothing must stand in the way of the money-junkies as they hunger for their next fix, gorging on fracking profit.
     Though with the Saudi’s torpedoing the price of oil to try to sink the fracking competition, the fracking junkies may never get their hit. Never the less we have to be vigilant.
      Wow -- David Cameron's plan to force fracking on us just hit a new low. The prime minister wants to change the law to allow fracking firms to drill under our homes. But now he's fast-tracking his plan through Parliament at a blistering rate.
       Only a HUGE backlash from our MPs can stop him -- and we've got just days to make it happen. Can you tell your MP to vote against the prime minister's plans to force fracking on us?
    Sign the urgent petition to all MPs: https://secure.greenpeace.org.uk/fracking-vote

    Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking as it's often known, is a controversial process where a high-pressure mix of water, sand and chemicals is blasted underground to release trapped gas and oil.
     It's already been banned in France and Bulgaria, and just last month New York joined the list of US states that have taken action to stop the industry.
      Despite massive public opposition, David Cameron is determined to bring fracking to the UK. And right now he's on the cusp of changing our laws to make it easier to roll it out.
   But the prime minister's plan can't get the go ahead without approval from MPs -- and inside the halls of Westminster, a backlash is starting. The Scottish National Party and the Green Party have spoken out against Cameron's plan. Amongst Labour and the Lib Dems voices of dissent are on the rise, while Conservatives are feeling increasingly nervous as we approach the election.
      MPs will vote on the issue before the end of this month -- that's far earlier than expected and a move that would slash the time for debate and scrutiny.
    152,000 people have already asked their MP to vote against Cameron's plan, but we'll be even stronger if thousands more join in. Can you quickly sign?
     We're piling the pressure on before the crucial vote. Alongside our friends at 38 Degrees and Friends of the Earth, teams of volunteers will visit several MPs at their offices -- handing over our petition face-to-face. And then next week, we'll double our impact by sending letters to every single Westminster MP -- telling them who's signed the petition in their constituency, and calling on them to vote down Cameron's plan.
     Together we'll make this petition unmissable, so if you haven't yet, please sign today: https://secure.greenpeace.org.uk/fracking-vote

With all my thanks,

    PS I know you've received a few emails from Greenpeace this week and I hope you're not feeling too overloaded. I wanted to let you know about this urgent news as the new law that will make us powerless to oppose fracking under our homes is being rushed through at an alarming rate -- so we must act fast. Please sign: https://secure.greenpeace.org.uk/fracking-vote 
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk


Thursday 15 January 2015

I'm Not Charlie.

        You can rest assured, the state will use any and every event to tighten its grip over the people. This "Je Suis Charlie" event that is sweeping through Europe like an epidemic, will be used to attempt to turn us into some sort of homogeneous sponge, with one opinion, or your a terrorist. Fit in, say the mantra, or you are worthy of investigation by the state apparatus. To stand up and say "I'm Not Charlie", in no way diminishes the horror and revulsion felt by the barbarity of that act of pointless brutal murder. However to acquiesce, en masse, to a uniformity of response, orchestrated by the very state that represses freedom of speech, or be singled out as, against "freedom of speech", is surely a contradiction.
     This article by Richard Seymour posted in Lenin's Tomb, if true, emphasises the points made above.
     In fact (a correspondent tells me, referring to this article), the provisions of recent legislation (13.11.2014) on the monitoring and reporting of school pupils' speech and behaviour appear to have been put into effect for the first time as the names of children who failed to observe the minute's silence were reported by teachers or supervisors to the head, then to the rectorat - the regional education administration - and on to the police and prosecuting authorities, to be analysed by the intelligence services, who decide whether the facts in question are serious enough to warrant formal investigation of the pupil and his/her family and social network.  

    More widely, there are a series of arrests and sentences being handed down for "justification/gorification of terrorism", including that of a 28 year old man diagnosed with learning disabilities.

     If you are not Charlie, would you please speak up so that we can have you arrested and flung in jail, or re-educated?
Read the full article HERE: 

Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Guilty Of Having The Wrong Book!!!

        The charges against the Spanish anarchists arrested in the state's Operation Pandora, should have red lights flashing in the minds and hearts of all those who value freedom and privacy. Among the charges levelled at those arrested are "possessing certain books" useing "encrypted email" and "the production of publications and forms of communication". How many activists involved in legitimate and peaceful activities, would fall foul of one or more of those categories? You can rest assured that if the Spanish state gets away with this Orwellian performance, it will become the norm, here and in other states across Europe. Possessing a book, no matter how bizarre that book, does not make you a criminal, useing encrypted email is normal practice among most businesses, why should an individual be prosecuted for doing the same? Operation Pandora may be in Spain and it might be a dozen or so individuals, but it has implications for us all, it should not be allowed to slip in under the radar, or we set a precedent for further and future tyranny by the state.
      Match this up with the line-up of hypocritical leaders marching in Paris the other day, spouting "Je suis Charlie" and mouthing platitudes about the freedom of speech. Among them Cameron, our own home bred millionaire hypocrite, who sits on the throne in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption. No doubt he would have had a conversation with the Spanish Prime Minister asking about how Operation Pandora was going.  

      On Thursday December 16 a large-scale police operation took place in the Spanish State. Fourteen homes and community centers were registered in Barcelona, ​​Sabadell, Manresa, and Madrid. Books, pamphlets and computers were seized and eleven people were arrested and sent to the Audiencia Nacional, a special jury for cases of "national interest" in Madrid. They are accused of incorporation, promotion, management and participation in a terrorist organization. However, defense lawyers denounce lack of transparency, customers have had to declare without knowing what they are accused. "They talk about terrorism without specifying specific criminal acts, or individual facts attributed to each" (2). When asked why, Judge Bermudez said "I'm not investigating specific facts, I am researching the organization, and the threat it might pose in the future" (1); making this another case of preventive detention in appearance.--------
     -----The European Parliament report on the surveillance program NSA US States that "privacy is not a right of luxury, but the foundation of a free and democratic society" (3). Recent revelations about the extent of the violation of the right to privacy of all by States show that everything that can spy, will be spied (4). Moreover, we know that criminalize people for using privacy tools have a chilling effect on everyone, and human rights defenders, journalists, and activists in particular. Give up your basic right to privacy by the fear of being labeled as terrorist is unacceptable.
Read the full article HERE: 

For details of solidarity protests see previous post
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Tuesday 13 January 2015

First They Came For The Anarchists----.

Friday, 16 January 2015,  10:00am.
Spanish Consulate General, 
63 North Castle Street, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH2 3LJ 
December 16th 2014 saw 11 anarchists in Barcelona detained in what has been known as "Operation Pandora".
All 11 detainees (4 of them were released on charges on December, 18th) are anarchist activists. One of them is a member of Sabadell CNT union and is still imprisoned. Solicitors for the accused have stated that they have been arrested for being organised; evidence against the accused is non-existent and desperate. Demonstrations have taken place already around Spain, however January 16th may see even bigger demonstrations. Please pass this information on - and if you live in or near a city with an embassy or consulate, let us know!
Join us - We will hand out leaflets against this attempt at criminalisation of anarchism.
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Hypocrites All.

      The tub-thumping hypocritical defenders of "freedom of speech", apart from their persecution of journalists, practically all of them have blood dripping from their fingers, but not in the defence of freedom, but in the defence of their own power, capitalism and the mighty corporate greed machine. 
       All they bring to the public out pouring of outrage, is hypocrisy, repression, warmongering, and hunger for power. Birds of a feather----. 
Jacque Swartz 12 January 23:51
Those marching in the front row of the Paris free speech march yesterday:
- Prime Minister Rajoy of Spain, whose government just passed the Ley Mordaza, a gag law placing historic restrictions on the right to protest in Spain.
- Foreign Minister Lavrov of Russia, which last year jailed a journalist for "insulting a government servant" .
- Foreign Minister Shoukry of Egypt, which as well as Al Jazeera staff has detained journalist Shawkan for around 500 days.
- King Abdullah of Jordan, which last year sentenced a Palestinian journalist to 15 years in prison with hard labour.
- Prime Minister Davutoglu of Turkey, which imprisons more journalists than any other country in the world.
- Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, whose forced killed 17 journalists in Gaza last year (second highest after Syria).
- Foreign Minister Lamamra of Algeria, which has detained journalist Abdessami Abdelhai for 15 months without charges.
- The Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates, which in 2013 held a journalist incommunicado for a month on suspicion of MB links.
- Prime Minister Jomaa of Tunisia, which recently jailed blogger Yassine Ayan for 3 years for "defaming the army".
- The Prime Ministers of Georgia and Bulgaria, both of whom have a record of attacking & beating journalists.
- The Attorney General of the US, where police in Ferguson have recently detained and assaulted Washington Post reporters.
- Prime Minister Samaras of Greece, where riot police beat & injured two journalists at a protest in June last year
- Secretary-General of NATO, who are yet to be held to account for deliberately bombing and killing 16 Serbian journalists in '99.
- President Keita of Mali, where journalists are expelled for covering human rights abuses.
- The Foreign Minister of Bahrain, 2nd biggest jailer of journos in the world per capita (they also torture them).
- Sheikh Mohamed Ben Hamad Ben Khalifa Al Thani of Qatar, which jailed a man for 15 ys for writing the Jasmine poem.
- Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, who had several journalists jailed for insulting him in 2013.
- Prime Minister Cerar of Slovenia, which sentenced a blogger to six months in prison for "defamation" in 2013.
- Prime Minister Enda Kenny of Ireland, where "blasphemy" is considered a criminal offense.
- Prime Minister Kopacz of Poland, which raided a magazine to seize recordings embarrassing for the ruling party.
- Prime Minister Cameron of the UK, where authorities destroyed documents obtained by The Guardian and threatened prosecution.
- Prime Minister Orbán of Hungary, the autocrat of who Amnesty says has "put an end to the free press in Hungary."
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Monday 12 January 2015

Kill TTIP.

     Global corporatism creeps ever forward, TTIP is still not dead. A lot has been done by publicity from various public/social networks to highlight this power monster that is sitting on our shoulders. It is probably the biggest threat to our NHS and other social services, that we have yet encountered, it is the death-knell to that façade, that is labelled democracy, in this society of illusions that we live under.
      We must continue to shout about this creeping corporatism that threatens to take the reins of power from national governments and into the corridors of power of the corporate boardrooms. A place where people disappear from the equations and are replaced by a plus or minus on the profit balance sheet.
       On Thursday we have a rare chance to scrutinise the EU-US trade deal TTIP in Parliament. TTIP is being negotiated in secret. But thanks to campaigning by people like you, our elected representatives will get a chance to air their concerns about TTIP.

We only have 3 days until the debate in Parliament. Please write to your MP to help stop TTIP.

      The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) represents a huge shift in power from ordinary people to corporate interests. It could give corporations new rights to sue governments in dodgy off-shore courts as well as weaken public services and labour and environmental standards.

Take action now to say no to TTIP.

        By the time TTIP is debated in Parliament on Thursday the World Development Movement will have become Global Justice Now. We look forward to continuing to campaign with you for a world where resources are in the hands of the many not the few.

Together we can defeat dangerous trade deals like TTIP.

Best wishes,
Guy Taylor
Trade campaigner, WDM
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

When The State Feels Threatened, You're All Suspects.

        We should pay heed to the "Operation Pandora" that is being played out in Spain, and also the part played in the lead up process, by that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media. It is a formula that will be used by other European states, as they flounder in the face of growing public unrest and anger.  We are governed by consent, however, when we start to withdraw that consent, we are governed by an iron fist, as the state will not willingly relinquish its power. As our burden increases, and our struggle intensifies, the state will remove its kid-gloves and don the knuckledusters. The state can only survive by our subservience. Our desire to think for ourselves, is a noxious gas the the state apparatus. Solidarity knows no borders, solidarity is the winning weapon.
An extract from an article  by Anarcho-syndicalist:
      The State is hardening. The proof: the attempt on the part of the Ministry of the Interior to create a file on people who are arbitrarily classified as “suspects”, and the passage of a Law of Civil Security that gives the police carte blanche to repress any movement that protests in the streets. As opposed to those who propose constitutional reforms, or even to “democratize” the State in order to save it, there is a political sector that seeks to armor it with all kinds of repressive measures. Behind the walls of this fortress the majority of the real powers that have a great deal to lose in this crisis have taken refuge. They are beginning to panic, and that is why the State has embarked upon a change of course; with this goal in mind it is preparing the ground. The communications media were the first to lend a hand in this task, long before the police and the judiciary. For quite a while now fantastic stories about mysterious international visitors, the messengers of anarchy, as well as other tales of the same alarmist type, have been circulating, stories that have a tendency to criminalize the only means that exist which are opaque to Power (an opacity that is itself a scandal): squatted buildings, libertarian cultural centers and self-managed collectives.
Read the full article HERE:

Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

What Email System Do You Use??

    A bit more on Operation Pandora, the Spanish government's move against anarchists.
From Motherboard.vice
    In mid-December, 11 Spanish anarchists were arrested by Catalan police in Barcelona, and it now appears they were detained at least in part because they were using an encrypted suite of secure communication tools known as Riseup.net. At the moment, seven of them are still waiting to stand trial. No formal charges have been made public.
    Early media reports suggested that those charged may have played a role in the destruction of ATMs around the city in 2012 and 2013, but that report hasn't been confirmed, because the Spanish judge presiding over the case has refused to make the official police report public. However, Judge Gomez Bermudez noted this week that the defendants "were using emails with extreme security measures, such as RISEUP.net." The defendants were also accused of having a book called Against Democracy and of having a "internal organizational and bureaucratic structures."

"what email service they use shouldn't be one of the determining factors in whether they're arrested"

Read the full article HERE:
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk