Wednesday 11 February 2015

One World, One Struggle.

    Take a tour of town after town, city after city, country after country, and you'll find unrest, people in struggle, brutal state repression. Keeping the lid on the anger of the people is getting more difficult, as naked capitalism morphs into a corporate world government. In your tour you'll find, no matter the shade of government in power, the policies are the same, and the result is always the same, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
     From US to UK, from Brazil to South Africa, from Tunisia to Malawi, from Greece to Haiti, the state is fighting to keep control and suppress dissent. Compare this to what we get on our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media. We are fed a diet of celebrities, friendly chat shows, quiz games, and of course sport, all to create the illusion that everything is fine, except for a handful of silly foreigners in some far away land, so just keep doing what you're told.
     How long will it be until we join up the dots, and realise that it is an international struggle and we are all involved. Pussy-footing around, electing a new suit to sit on the national throne, just allows the cancer to fester and grow. Cameron, Obama, Merkle, are they really struggling hard to better the lives of the ordinary people? Or are they all dancing to the financial Mafia's tune?

A wee list from Anarchist News:

Weekly World News of Opposition, February 2-8, 2015

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Tuesday 10 February 2015

State Repression Is World Wide.

      Operation Pandora targets anarchists in Spain, and Dorset police target anarchists in UK, there are similar actions by various states across the globe. In the US the case of anarchist Sean Swain has been going on since 1991, and now Sean is putting his life on the line. He needs support and a show of strength and solidarity.
       Sean Swain is a hostage held by a lawless rogue-state calling itself “The State of Ohio.”1    He has been held without legal conviction or sentence since 1991 for the self-defense killing of a court official’s relative who broke into Sean’s home and threatened his life. In fall of 2012, prisoners calling themselves the Army of the 12 Monkeys (A12M) got rowdy at Mansfield Correctional, and the prison authorities assumed “that anarchist” Sean Swain must have been behind it and threw him in supermax isolation. Sean denies any involvement or affiliation with the A12M and is in the process of suing the ODRC for targetting him based exclusively on his ideology and political speech.
      Sean is the only son of a retired auto worker and stay-home mom. He has renounced his high school diploma, his college degree, and his honorable discharge from the U.S. military. Before being taken hostage, Sean worked as a newspaper columnist and as a union organizer.
From 325:
Via ABC Hurricane:

      With fascist fuckweasels ignoring his hungerstrike, anarchist prisoner Sean Swain has vowed to refuse his blood pressure medication, beginning February 9. This medication keeps his blood pressure regulated. To stop taking this medication “cold turkey” is extremely dangerous, as it could cause a spike in blood pressure which can lead to heart attack, stroke or aneurysm.

      “Freedom or death,” Sean said. “I’m not fucking around.”
Fuckweasels have engaged in a concerted, provable pattern of harassing every element of Sean’s communication, waging a war against anarchist expression.
Within 48 hours of suspending his medication, Sean will be in serious danger of medical problems and anticipates he will soon be held incommunicado in a torture cell, in a fuckweasel effort to break his will and cut him off from the outside world. But, as he pointed out, that will not stop his blood pressure from spiking.
How to help Sean, and read the full article HERE
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Are We Loking At WW3?

      The American war party is on the march, their aim, war with Russia, as usual, Europe will be the battlefield, not America. How do you stop the hawks from devouring the doves, it is the eternal struggle and requires the mobilisation of all the people in all the countries. War is never to the advantage of, nor does it benefit, the people, it is always a battle of power mongers for control of resources, territory and markets, it is always for the defence of those warmongering power moguls. In wars, the people gain nothing, the rich and powerful cement their position, and we the people pay for that in blood.

Dark malefic clouds crowd the sky
winds carry the stench of carrion to every nostril,
the crazy ape has followed the faculty of hawks.
All around stand crows, magpies, jackdaws, vultures,
edacious eyes anticipating their putrid feast.
A weary Cassandra laments;
doves, hearts weeping for a better yesterday
forsake their olive branches.

     February 6, 2015 -- Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal -- The Kyiv and NATO-driven civil war in Ukraine is taking new and dangerous turns. The United States is threatening to significantly increase its military support to Kyiv's army and the extreme-right militias allied with it, notably in the form of advanced heavy weapons, including artillery systems and anti-tank weaponry. The NATO countries as a whole are increasing their military presence in eastern Europe, including creating rapid-deployment infantry bases.
      Increased sanctions against Russia are also on the agenda, although Russia's capacity to withstand sanctions as well as the harmful consequences of sanctions on European countries are cooling the enthusiasm for more sanctions and propelling parallel, military options.
Watch the video and read the full article HERE:

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To Slaughter The Image Of God.

       As a life long atheist, I'm always troubled by those who believe in a God, creator of all things, and then go out wearing a uniform and kill their God's creation. To me it seems a total contradiction of all they believe in. However, I also believe that people who base their lives on a foundation of irrationality, will go on to do irrational things.
      I came across this poem while reading an old copy of Guy Aldred's The Word, Volume iv, No.7 February 1943, on The Sparrow's Nest site, and decided to put it on the blog, aimed at those who somehow, can tie together, their love of God, and the need to kill his creation.

I slaughtered a man, a brother,
    In the wild, wild fight at Mons.
I see yet his eyes of horror,
    I hear yet his cries and groans.
We met on the edge of the trenches,
    Where murder, in crimson, rode.
When swish went my blade to his stomach.
   I'd slaughtered the Image of God.

We'd never in anger quarrelled.
     We never had met before.
But someone had dreamt of conquest,
     and we had to buy it with gore.
Perhaps he'd a wife and children,
    Through whose hopes and dreams he strode,
With the pride of a king in his empire,
     An heroic Image of God.

And I asked myself the question,
     As I saw in his glazing eyes:
“Am I my brothers keeper?”
      Till the sod I trod on cries:
“You made his wife a widow,
       Made desolate her abode,
Your thrust made his children orphans,
      You slaughtered the Image of God.”

The cold, cold stars keep blinking,
      And the winds make moaning sighs.
Men worship me as hero, and laud me to the skies.
     But I keep on thinking dully, till my heart gets like a clod,
Of the thrust I made in the trenches
    That slaughtered the Image of God.

James C. Welsh.
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Monday 9 February 2015

Little Soldiers.

          Assemble, in neat rows, march forward in straight lines, and so you start a life of obedience at school. The state has always seen schools as a way of controlling people, rather than enlightening them. Militarism in our schools is not a new phenomenon, however, it is on the increase. While condemning "boy soldiers" in foreign lands, we train them here in this country. This government has seized upon the brutal imperialist squabble of 1914/18 as another chance to glorify war and increase militarism in our schools. That product of the Oxbridge sausage making machine, ex-Education Secretary, Michael Gove, was all for military drilling in schools. He had that mix that is common among the upper class parasites, military and religion. while advocating more military style training in schools, he also wanted every school in England to be presented with a King James Bible. After all they want God's blessing before they slaughter our fellow humans.

    The UK Education Secretary's announcement of a £2 million programme to place former service personnel in British schools has been roundly criticised by faith and civic groups and individuals.
    Michael Gove declared: “Every child can benefit from a military ethos. Self-discipline and teamwork are at the heart of what makes our armed forces the best in the world - and are exactly what all young people need to succeed. ”
Read the full article HERE: 
         Of course we should not tolerate any form of militarism in the education of our children, the opposite is surely the way to help to build a society free from the horrors of war. However, sadly it has been the aim of governments across the globe to indoctrinate our children in preparation for the defence of our lords and masters.
     This is what German pacifist Kurt Tucholsky wrote in an article titled “On effective pacifism”, published in 1927. More than 80 years later, the militarists are still sowing. The presence of the military in schools is only the most outrageous example of the sowing and planting of militarist values into the minds of children and soon-to-be soldiers, or supporters of militarism and war. It is the most outrageous, because on the one hand schools should be about learning positive values and knowledge, and not about propaganda, and on the other hand children are most vulnerable to propaganda and indoctrination.
Read the full article HERE:
      This insidious linking of the education of our children with militarism is solely for the protection of the state and the powers that control that state. it will only be stopped when we get rid of the state. In the meantime, we should be exposing this link, and campaigning to have it removed. That indoctrination of our children has always been there, it wanes and rises, to day it is on the rise again.

      Militarism surfaced again in 1930 when [the writer and journalist] John Langdon-Davies commented with disapproval: "In parliament, to which belongs the ultimate authority over education, there has been a significant movement in favour of a definite military training as part of the curriculum." He added: "We must guard against militarism in education because it aims not at the child's good but at the state's good - and that in a very short-sighted way - and because it atrophies individuality by every means in its power."
The same criticism can be levied against governments today...
Read the full article HERE:
Spot the difference?

For More info:

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Sunday 8 February 2015

The Illusion Of Democracy.

And they call it democracy!!!

From The Herald:
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) is planning to spend £4.2 billion on replacing the Trident nuclear weapons system before the UK parliament has given it the go-ahead, according to a report from the government's National Audit Office (NAO).
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It's Hard To Be An Anarchist.

      Having been conditioned in our early years through the state education system, and other established institutions, it is hard to be an anarchist. It is extremely difficult to wash out all that subtle, and not so subtle, conditioning, shaping and moulding, it is a continuous process. Then there is always that avalanche of distractions thrown at us by the capitalist mode of society. A lot of these trinkets and baubles showered on us, at first glance, seem to make our life easier and "prettier", but in fact that is the illusion, they merely shift freedom and self determination further to the horizon. The trinkets and baubles of capitalism are pacifiers, attempts to keep the beast quiet and subservient. Soon, like junkies, we can become dependent on what the system feeds us. A caged animal, fed sweet tit-bits, is still a caged animal.
      If anything anarchists are optimists, believing, one day, one day, that dream that lurks in every human heart, will burst forth, we will throw away those trinkets and baubles of capitalism, and we will see each other as we really are, brothers and sister of the same village. Until then, we each have to struggle on.
      Without a doubt, vanity and capitalism distort solidarity, confusing it with trivial acts like going to a football match or a concert, trying to appear in photographs and be famous for a moment or feel a momentary surge of energy in observing an artist or intellectual throwing out easy discourses, applaud strongly then go home and continue with their daily routine.
     Or those who show their support by buying a t-shirt with some small text without clarifying that with this, instead of supporting a struggle one is only supporting capitalist industry. And we could mention many similar examples … but this does not happen among anarchists … or does it?
Read the full article HERE:
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Saturday 7 February 2015

Our Shitty Situation.

      The latest from The Stimulator, covering a range of topics from police, oil price, economic chaos, and Greece. Enjoy:

Our shitty situation from on Vimeo.
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When Workers Kill Workers.

    On most occasions, war, in our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, is portrayed as something heroic, with our side standing tall on the moral high ground, and the enemy crawling from the sewers with mean and nasty tactics. How else could they keep recruiting fresh young blood. We can be thankful for that band of heroes the poets, who experience war in all its brutality and record it, as viewed through the eyes of a human being, seeing the destruction and death of another human being.
    One such poet was the Gaelic poet George Campbell Hay, 1915-1984, born in Elderslie and brought up in Kintyre. Due to his pacifist values, for more than a year during WWII, he had tried to avoid conscription. Faced with prison, he opted for non-violent service in the army. George was sent to North Africa and given the job as night watchman. The events of the night May 7th. 1943 traumatised him, and he was never the same again. The event he witnessed was the allied saturation bombing of the German occupied  town of Bizerta.  
What is their name tonight,
the poor streets where every window spews
its flame and smoke,
its sparks and screaming of its inmates,
while house upon house is rent
and collapses in a gust of smoke?
And who tonight are beseeching
Death to come quickly in all their tongues,
or are struggling among stones and beams,
crying in frenzy for help, and are not heard?
Who to-night is paying
the old accustomed tax of common blood?

    Of course we  have to ask ourselves, why in Gaza and many, many more places on this planet, can these words still be applied.
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An Experiment In Living.

     Our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, is always eager to go into the brutal and gory details of ISIS's actions, and how the US lead bombing raids are all that is happening in that region. However in the region of Rojava, there is something else happening, something that our Western masters are not keen on you hearing about. an area struggling to create a new type of society, free from the shackles of the state and free from an institutional police force and prisons. This is an area of approximately 4.6 million people and they are radically changing the nature of society, a massive experiment in living, and our babbling brook of bullshit, can't bring themselves to tell us about it, the blood curling details of war, as far as they are concerned, makes better news. Under no circumstance would they inform us that there is a region where the people are trying to take control of their own lives, it might catch on.
      In the cantons of Rojava, there is a small central government with an absolute minimum of 40% female delegates, but most of the day-to-day work of running society happens at a local level, street by street and village by village. Democratic Confederalism's chief architect, Abdullah Ocalan, says that “Ecology and feminism are central pillars” of the system he has spearheaded, something that you would have to go very far to the margins to hear from Western politicians. In Rojava, men who beat their wives face total ostracism from the community, making their lives in a highly social, connected society virtually impossible. Instead of a police force and jails, 'peace committees' in each municipality work to defuse the cycles of inter-family revenge killings by consensual agreements between both sides – and it works.
Read the full article HERE:
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Friday 6 February 2015

Big Brother Lives In Glasgow.

Is this what you pay your taxes for?
       CCTV cameras in Glasgow City Centre are now linked to a central operations room where ‘emotional recognition’ software identifies the name and mood of pedestrians, including demonstrators, and can then link the person on the camera with social media postings, phone calls,
emails, police records, and more. Details are not being made public, but the UK Government may have paid as much as £24m to install this sinister surveillance system from Israeli company, NICE Systems. As with Thatcher’s poll tax, the Cameron Government is piloting the NICE surveillance system only in Scotland, in Glasgow.
      Israeli Army Brigadier General Elkabetz told an audience of potential customers for Israel’s surveillance technology: “We have learned lots from Gaza. It’s a great laboratory.” Glasgow is now also a laboratory for Elkabetz’ latest goods; we are the guinea pigs to test technology that was developed by the Israeli military to carry out, according to Amnesty International, ‘crimes against humanity’ in Palestine.
      There has been no debate in the Council on a system of oversight of this technology. NICE Systems Vice-President told Glasgow City Council that they “look forward to a continued partnership with the city of Glasgow...fully utilizing the capabilities that NICE Situator can provide.” £24m for intensified surveillance at a time of rising demand for food banks and cuts to basic services
Go to to send a letter quickly and easily to all your councillors to demand a public discussion of the NICE contract, not just in Glasgow but other Councils before they also sign up with no public discussion. -
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The Financial Mafia Rules.

    A rare scene took place in Greece yesterday, February 5th. thousands of people gathered in Syntagma Square in front of the Greek parliament to voice their support for the new government's anti-austerity policies. When have we seen people gather in their thousands to support the Greek government?
The People.
     Greece's new finance minister, Yanis Varoufakis, has returned from his European tour with not much to show for his efforts. He got rumblings of support from those countries who, like his country, are circling the drain-hole in this world of financially controlled madness, but short shrift from the one that holds the purse strings, Germany. Meanwhile, the Greek banks are re-assuring the public that the Greek banks are safe. That may come back to haunt them if there is no agreement by February 28.
    All these brute force tactics by the financial Mafia, fighting to protect is precious bond market bubble, goes on while the people of Greece and other European countries suffer ever increasing poverty and deprivation. In the world of the financial Mafia, the people count for nothing. This battle between the Greek government and the Western Financial Mafia makes clear who controls the show, it is certainly not the elected government of any European country.
 Rulers of the World.
      What we are witnessing is the true picture, the financial Mafia attempting to keep its control over the economies of European countries intact, in a bid to protect itself. The elected governments are expected to follow the dictate of the financial moguls, irrespective of the wishes of the people. Failing this the financial leeches will heap greater misery and deprivation on the people. Suffering of the people is not on their balance sheets. Our so called democracy is an illusion and it is wearing ever thinner.
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Thursday 5 February 2015



      “The worst illiterate is the political illiterate, he doesn’t hear, doesn’t speak, nor participates in the political events. He doesn’t know the cost of life, the price of the bean, of the fish, of the flour, of the rent, of the shoes and of the medicine, all depends on political decisions. The political illiterate is so stupid that he is proud and swells his chest saying that he hates politics. The imbecile doesn’t know that, from his political ignorance is born the prostitute, the abandoned child, and the worst thieves of all, the bad politician, corrupted and flunky of the national and multinational companies.”
Bertolt Brecht
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First They Came For------!!!

      The latest on the Spanish state's repressive Operation Pandora, aimed at anarchists.

      In the night of January 30th, 2015, the 7 comrades who were still imprisoned following the arrests on the 16th of December 2014 as part of Operation Pandora were released.
One day before, the instructing judge of the Audiencia Nacional (Madrid) permitted access to the investigative file, and what we know at the moment is what has been circulated through the website of Mossos d’Esquadra in a press communiqué. They are facing charges such as membership in GAC (Coordinated Anarchist Groups), attacks against banks, posting parcel bombs (one to the Archbishop of Pamplona, one to a member of the fascist congregation Legionaries of Christ, and others to Italian companies), while “they are linked”—always according to the police—with the explosive attacks against the Cathedral of Almudena in Madrid (February 7th, 2013) and the Basilica of the Pillar in Zaragoza (October 2nd, 2013), the latter having led to the indictment and pretrial detention of our comrades Mónica and Francisco.
      The police statement ends with a victorious “according to the investigators, the structure of the GAC/FAI-FRI is disrupted in Catalonia, the stronghold of this criminal organisation with terrorist purposes against the Spanish State”. What these servants of Power do not recognise (and never will) is that they sought to generate fear to all other comrades with this operation, which not only failed, but we can say without a doubt has generated the opposite effect.
No doubt their release from prison and to receive them amongst us is an opportunity to celebrate, because they are no longer locked up, as much because they are with us again to fight shoulder to shoulder against this world of shit. But it is a “celebration” which remains incomplete. The charges remain, as do the bail conditions—obligation to sign three times a week, passport confiscated, etc. Furthermore Mónica and Francisco are still incarcerated… not to mention all the comrades who risk other prison sentences in other cases, and those who have already been convicted.
originally in Spanish
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Wednesday 4 February 2015

I See Misery And Hate.

 Saw this on Contra Info.  
Untitled, needs no explanation.

looking around i see misery and hate
public thugs and their parastate
neo-nazi terror with blunt state support
make no headlines in their media of distort

migrants get murdered in the street
a result of the nation’s deadly seed
‘the people’ alerted by mass migration
cries for fascist laws for the national salvation
hierarchical unions’ are busy to propagate
social peace for the nation’s and bosses’ sake
working until death and working poor
that’s the bosses’, the unions’ and the nation’s lure
all parties and their lulling campaign pledges
cheap confidence tricks and capitalist patches
corrupted and fat thanks to each voice
becoming their toy is the voter’s own choice
together they tighten the belt around your neck
let their national boat suffer a shipwreck
no fatherland, no bosses and no state
join the struggle for freedom and terminate
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