Saturday 18 April 2020

The Matrix.

       All this present economic system seems to offer the ordinary people is control, servitude, exploitation and a life of constant struggle for a half decent life. With the ever increasing advance of the cyber world we will watch our freedoms evaporate. It doesn't have to go the way that the power crazy control freaks that are in charge at the moment, want it to go. We still have the time and ability to stop this march to total control. We could turn this lockdown into a general strike and start to take control of our communities and work places and shape the world to suit all our people. Or we could meekly walk into their controlled matrix.

       The First Industrial Repression saw us thrown off the land, forced into crowded towns and cities, used as human fodder for the dark satanic mills of the new steam-powered capitalist world.
       The Second Industrial Repression electrified the rule of The Machine. New generations were born who had never tasted freedom. Their lives and their thinking were increasingly dominated by the rhythms of industrial mass production.
     The Third Industrial Repression heralded the arrival of computers and robots. Human beings were now expected to meekly conform to these automated norms and functions.
       And now we face the onset of the Fourth Industrial Repression (4IR), the most deathly repression of them all…
       The 4IR wants to own, control and profit from everything that exists in this world. Its Internet of Things aims to create a matrix of total connectivity, of which it is the owner. You, your home, your family, your friends, your relationships and your activities will all belong to the 4IR.
      Its technocrats regard you as nothing more than another piece of disposable fleshware, one unit among millions, just another figure on its global balance sheet of exploitation. The 4IR will track you and always know where you are, whom you are with, what you are doing.
       It demands your total obedience. You can have no values, ideals or dreams of your own, only the ones authorised by the system.
       Disobedient units are unproductive units. The 4IR will know how to spot you, if you even so much as consider stepping out of line. Its predictive policing will quickly identify you as an anti-social element, a pre-criminal, a thought criminal. It will send out its robots and its drones to neutralise you and protect the safe functioning of the matrix.

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Feminism in Poland.

         Feminism may be a widely discussed and an accept view point in this country and some others, but there are countries where it has never gone mainstream. Anarchist Radio Berlin was present at the recent and very first Feminist Congress in Poland. This is a short interview in English with one of the oraganisers.

Feminist Congress in Poland

        At the beginning of February 2020, the Anarchist Radio Berlin had the opportunity of participating at the first Feminist Congress in Poland. In Wroclaw we did a small interview with one of the organizers of the congress about the organizing effort and feminism in Poland.
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Murder By Stupidity.

        Coronavirus, yes, they got it wrong, not by accident, but by only accepting advice from one stream of advice that was available, they chose the experts to follow and ignored others well versed in this type of situation. Blindly following "the science", as if there was no other expert advice available. This is gross stupidity and that single minded stupidity is responsible for a vastly increased number of deaths. They can't just wriggle out of it and walk away, too many people have suffered and died. They must be held to account, those deaths are on their watch and on their hands. Can killing by stupidity be called murder? The public must stand up and drive this bunch of stupid single track minds from ever again being in a position to make decisions over our lives.
An extract From The Guardian:
  ‘On 12 March, the government alarmed public health experts by abandoning containment, community case-finding and contact-tracing would stop.’ Boris Johnson arrives at a news conference on 12 March. Photograph: Simon Dawson/PA
     ----Two months on, that anxiety has not gone, although it’s also been joined by a sense of sadness. It’s now clear that so many people have died, and so many more are desperately ill, simply because our politicians refused to listen to and act on advice. Scientists like us said lock down earlier; we said test, trace, isolate. But they decided they knew better. Am I being unfair? The government assures us that its decisions and timing are based on science, as if it is a neutral, value-free process resulting in a specific set of instructions. In reality, the science around coronavirus is in its infancy and developing daily, with researchers across the world trying to understand how the virus spreads, how the body responds – and how to treat it and control it.
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Friday 17 April 2020

State Murders.

       These are difficult times and in some cases quite frightening. No matter how difficult our lives may be at the moment, we should never forget that lives of those entrapped in the various states' prison systems, conditions have always been so. Endemic violence, over crowding, unhygienic, and poor to non-existent health care, is the norm for most prisoners.
      The state has no interest in changing these conditions for the better, and will deal brutally with any prisoners that try to better these conditions.
      I recently posted an article about the death during a hunger strike of a musician in a Turkish prison. Not content with this death the Turkish state sits blindly steeped in its inhumanity while another prisoner is nearing death in the same prison. They will let the prisoner die, but there is a chance that if there is enough public outrage across the planet or even Europe, they might just do something to stop this cruel and totally unnecessary death, solidarity is our weapon. In most states, inhumanity reigns, but in Turkey and Greece, they have developed it to a much higher level. How much longer will we tolerate this inhumanity to fester in our society.

     Mustafa Kocak in Turkey- torture after torture- innocent imprisoned and fighting with death fast.
         Dear friends, human rights defenders! we can't stop to write these alarming information to you. Every day news of injustice are coming and we don't want to watch the family of Mustafa Kocak while facing this pain. Mustafa is in a terrible situation due to the arbitrariness and tyranny of the Turkish state. He is in Kiriklar prison. Above you will have shortly explained the whole case. We want to share with you the video of his sister, in front of prison for weeks with the family Kocak, waiting that he might leave and survive..
        He will die and European Human rights organisations yet didn't respond to our calls, a few deputies sent a letter or made a press statements.
       We need to push the Justice Ministry, also for musician of Grup Yorum brahim Gökcek, who could also die very soon..His friend, singer of the band Grup Yorum died on 288th day of hungerstrike, on 3rd April.
      Both cases explained below.
      Thanks for taking time. Please react with all possible means. Solidarity!
 All other infos and news on:

Free Grup Yorum Twitter and Facebook!
         Hear this Voice. Its the elder sister of Mustafa Kocak. She explains that their lawyers are waiting in Izmir for 2 days to see Mustafa but still not allowed to visit him for weeks.
Yesterday the family had a telephone conversation with Mustafa, the prison interrupted the phone call after 6 minutes, while usually he should have right to speak 10 minutes. This was just in the moment the lawyer wanted to talk about his health issue and application for medical treatment.. Sister Mine Kocak says, all doors are closed to get justice, it's an order from above they say. Please help us!
       What is above! Justice ministry? We call again all deputies, politicians, responsible in the government's to intervene as far as they are defenders of democracy!
       This is the call of the sister of an innocent man who will die or better be killed by Turkish government maybe in the next few days.
Mustafa is on death fast for 290 days against a life sentence only for a fair trial that is rejected to him. Why do we continue to watch this??!
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     Greece: from the Greek Prisons Updates, by Solidarity translations
Urgent news from Domokos Prisons:
       Prisons, the black holes of totalitarianism and dictatorship in the universe of contemporary representative democracy. In D Wing of Domokos prisons, special police forces along with the exterior guard raided Nikos Maziotis’ cell by order of the ministry. They handcuffed him as they messed up his cell, and as we were informed they told him that he was going to be held in disciplinary cells. We have no other information so far except that another prisoners’ cell, whose name we don’t know, was also searched.
       Moreover we know that there has been a decision by Domokos prisoners that they would begin mobilizations demanding the de-congestion of the prisons as of today Friday 17th of April. The response of the state and its mechanisms to the demand for de-congestion NOW, is revenge and repression against anything that is moving in a fighting direction. Their purpose is to terrorize and to totally impose the dogma ‘law and order’, a fundamental tool of imposition inside and outside of prison. There will be further updates.

Solidarity Assembly to the members of Revolutionary Struggle
original post:
       Urgent news from Malandrino Prisons
       Last night a bunch of guards invaded the ward where Giannis Michalidis is held in Z wing in Malandrino prisons. After making a mess of the ward, they departed without any findings. It should be stressed that the search was clearly targeting the comrade, since this was the only ward of the whole prison that a search took place. It is not a coincidence that this is taking place when many prisoners are claiming the de-congestion of prisons, as the ministry is turning the blind eye and mocking them.
        Also, last night special police forces raided and took prisoner Vasilis Dimakis from his cell in D Wing of Korydallos prisons. A prisoner who is struggling for many years with all his might against the incarceration conditions in greek prisons. Moreover, searches were made in Korydallos prison.
        It is evident that the new far right leadership of the ministry of Justice in total collaboration with the ministry of Citizens Protection are going on an orgy of revenge and repression against any form of resistance that springs out from the detention centers. They are fooling the prisoners with false hopes at a time when the situation inside the prisons is more dangerous than ever. Let them know that prisoners are not alone and that their JUST demands are paving the way…
original post:
      Statement of prisoners in D2 Wing in Domokos Prisons:
        As of today 17/4 the prisoners of Domokos prisons are beginning mobilizations demanding the de-congestion of the prisons as a preventative health measure in the face of the corona virus pandemic. We begin by refusing lock-down during lunch hours (12-3pm) and work and meals strike beginning from Tuesday 22/4. We agree and support the demands made by women prisoners in Korydallos as well as in the women prisons in Eleonas, where the prisoners revolted on 9/4, after the death of prisoner Azize Deniroglu. As a response to the announced mobilizations, the ministry of Citizen Protection proceeded to make searches in the cells of D2 wing last night (the cells of Varelas and Maziotis), with the obvious purpose of intimidating us. At the same time, they made a punitive transfer of our fellow prisoner Dimakis from the D wing of Korydallos to Grevena prison as a reaction to the Korydallos prisoners mobilizations who are on work strike since 13/4.
       It is clear that repression is the only answer of the ministry of Citizen Protection to the mobilizations of prisoners in Domokos, Korydallos, Eleonas, Chania and their spreading to Malandrino, Corfu. Repression began from the Korydallos women prisons, where the response to the lock-down refusal on 20/3 was to transfer Pola Roupa. Then there was the preventative transfer of Maziotis on 24/3 to Domokos prisons, followed by the riot police raid to stifle the revolt in Eleonas prisons after the death of prisoner Azize Deniroglu and it continues with the cell searches in Domokos and the transfer of Dimakis to Grevena prisons. The ministry, despite the announcements of the secretary of counter-crime policy Sofia Nikolaou who, during meetings with prisoners, promised to proceed to immediate de-congestion measures, proves that they have no intention to go ahead with this until prisoners start dying from the corona virus in prisons.
Prisoners of D2 Wing in Domokos Prisons 17/4
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Thursday 16 April 2020

Wealth From Death.

     The British state always works hand in glove with the arms industry, it is a big boost to the UK GDP, and is sold to us as creating jobs. The human cost matters nothing to the state or its partners, the arms industry. We sell weapons to any despot ruler, autocratic regime, or military junta, irrespective of its human rights violations. For months the people of Chile have been on the streets in mass protests against a government that is corrupt, in the pocket of big business and the US, dictatorial and involved in a very brutal and vicious repression of the protestors. Protestors have died from police brutality on the street or later at home or in hospital. So in steps the democratic UK and supplies this cesspool of corruption and brutality with arms and crowd control equipment, helping the UK economy. Which translates into making millions for greedy shareholders and CEO. This action by the UK state should have the people of this country on the streets in protest against this ruthless money making inhumanity. We should also be on the streets in solidarity with the struggling people  of Chile.

       In early February, mourners came together to remember the life of 37-year-old Jorge Mora – a man whose life ended on 28 January, hours after a police truck slammed into him outside a football stadium.
      The funeral in Chile’s capital city of Santiago was supposed to be a peaceful affair for Mora’s family and friends, as well as the many football supporters who came to pay their respects. But, when grief turned to anger and demonstrations broke out, the peace was shattered. 
      Protestors and mourners were soon fleeing stinging tear gas fired off by riot police who showed little care for where and who they aimed at. Many escaped to safety, but one was not so lucky – a tear gas canister slammed into the the head of 24-year-old Ariel Moreno. The impact was so devastating that he was dead two days later.----
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        As the lock-down continues, frustration will mount and tensions will grow. It is a tinder box and it will only take one incident of heavy handed police activity to light the fuse. There has been sporadic outbursts of anger here and there, the latest in Belgium. Though different circumstances, it does ring familiar with the riots that erupted in Greece, December, 2008, after the police shooting of 15 year old Alexandros Griroropoulos. 
   Riot in Anderlecht area of Brussels after 19 year old killed by cops
      Enraged youth from the Anderlecht area of the capital city Brussels, Belgium rioted yesterday, attacking cop vehicles and hurled missiles at the cops, injuring one and beating up another. The riot was triggered when a cop patrol pursued a 19 year old on a scooter because he refused to stop for a curfew check. He hit an oncoming cop vehicle head on and died on the spot. Hundreds of angry youth from the local area instantly took to the street after a callout on social media attacking the cops who had arrived to reinforce those involved in the killing. Several cop vehicles were set on fire, one youth liberated a gun from a vehicle, shooting it in the air as he ran off.
       The local youth has been named as Adil and already the media is doing the state’s dirty work by sending out its appeal for calm, using his family as a weapon to suppress the anger of a local youth’s murder and against the curfew. The cops have further reinforced the area today (Sunday), even with water cannon because they fear that the area will breakout in further rioting. Belgium has been in a four-week curfew in an attempt to stem the spread of the coronavirus epidemic.
       This is a clear sign of the riots and insurrection to come that has now arrived in fortress Europe, after other outbreaks of rebellion in other parts of the world, we are even aware of scum media clearly attempting along with the authorities to suppress any outbreaks of rebellion against the coronavirus curfews*. It is only a moment of time before the global backlash erupts.
     First Wuhan, Now Brussels, Insurrection Everywhere!

    *Riots have erupted in Bristol, China & Palestine, even telephone towers burnt around prison island UK, along with reported raids on supermarkets in the South of Italy in response to ‘lockdown measures’ (curfew!)
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Our Home.

       Once again some quiet words of wisdom from "Not Buying Anything", thanks Gregg.

Nature Is The Essentialist Of All Services

Nature is not a capitalist system:
These are the services she provides absolutely free.

Stock markets tank, erasing trillions of dollars of make-belief wealth.
Nature rolls on.
The cogs, gears and levers of the "unstoppable" capitalist machine finally stop - with a whimper.
Nature rolls on, better than ever.
Bars close, gyms close, toy stores close, all the non-essential crap closes.
Nature rolls on.
is the
of all services.
No Nature,
no economy.
Let crony capitalism fail on its own.
Bail out Nature.
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Doing Well.

         In the face of this coronavirus we are told we are all in this together, and we are all struggling together. Yes, these times are hard, but I wonder if it brings a little bit comfort to you to know that not everybody is suffering, some have done quite well during this pandemic. Below is just a short list of some of those who have managed to do quite well over the last week.
Billionaire wealth increases last week:
Jeff Bezos: +$6.8B
Mark Zuckerberg: +$6.2B
Warren Buffett: +$5B
Elon Musk: +$4.2B
Larry Ellison: +$4B
Larry Page: +$3.6B
Bill Gates: +$3.6B

       Yes, we are all in this stinking system together, there are those who create the wealth and struggle for a decent life and there are those who reap the wealth and live a life of unimaginable opulence. Oh, and don't be fooled by their philanthropy, it's petty cash from a bunch of greedy. self serving, ruthless individuals who will stop at nothing to protect their wealth, power, and privileged position. 

      When will we ever learn.
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Wednesday 15 April 2020

Starved NHS.

       A couple more posters to print out and stick up where possible. It would be good to keep pointing out that a very high number of the deaths from this pandemic can be firmly and honestly laid at the feet of the brutal austerity that was forced through on ideological grounds, completely divorced from any shred of humanity. Those pompous, privileged, political minions of the corporate world must be held to account for this vicious crime against the population.

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Talk Is Cheap.

   We now get a daily briefing from our political ballerinas, they seem to enjoy making noises about being on a war footing and mouthing off with Churchillian phrases and platitudes, all noise and empty rumblings. Of course we should always remember that their hero Churchill was the idiot responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands at Gallipoli due to his arrogance and total lack of understanding of the situation.
       Allied casualties reached upward of 200,000 men killed, wounded, or missing in action. The men evacuated from the Gallipoli beaches later were shipped to France, smack into the bloodbath of the Western Front trenches.
       As for Gallipoli, it would be difficult to find another location where so many men from so many nations fought and died in such a small place. Turks, Germans, British, Australians, New Zealanders, French, Indians, Senegalese, Arabs, Austrians, Gurkhas, and others
      Of course Churchill was an imperialist, and therefore revered by our lords and masters. 
     It is the one thing our political ballerinas are good at, mouthing platitudes, and grand sounding soundbites and we are hearing a lot of them with regard to the NHS, but these and other front-line workers are still short of equipment to safeguard them as they do their life saving work. Plenty of vacuous phrases but very short on cash.
     So in our very humble way we have come up with a poster which we have put in our window, just to try to keep in the forefront of people's minds that our government ministers are responsible for the depleted state of our NHS and other social services, all talk but little cash.
   We hope those who have the facilities will print out the poster and display it where they can. Or email us at annarky(at)radicalglasgow(dot)me(dot)uk and we will send you some.
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Wrong Turning?

      It seems that the covid 19 has given the state what it will always strive for, complete control and a submissive population. A population that will police others for the state and report the rule breakers. I don't have the answer to where we are, but I do get a nasty smell from the road we are walking down, a feeling of unease that we have taken the wrong turning and it might be very difficult to find our way back. I believe the following article is well worth pondering.
How to make an invisible enemy become “visible”

           In order to be functional to the State, one doesn’t need to ponder too much on the more general causes of the appearance of this virus, such as globalization and the lack of adequate immune defences thanks to, for example, pollution and the unhealthy lifestyle imposed by the production system; on the contrary one needs above all to look for a common enemy to be fought everywhere, and this can be a person walking in the street, a wayfarer on the road or anyone who doesn’t live in the neighbourhood.
     Why stop and think of how many hospital beds have disappeared over the last thirty years…? I’LL STAY AT HOME!
      Why think about the fact that only those who have the economic possibility can afford to live without wages…? I’LL STAY AT HOME!
      Why consider the fact that even if there is the obligation to stay at home, there are some who don’t have a home…? I’LL STAY AT HOME!
       It’s sufficient to think a little bit more to understand how it’s not a stroll in the streets that increases contagion, but everybody is now ready to report anyone who doesn’t comply with the emergency rules made by the government. It’s not really important to find a way to reduce the possibilities of contagion, what counts is to accept power acritically, going as far as turning into disgusting policemen. All this with the purpose of protecting “public health”, but at what price?
       In a dark period such as the time of the racial laws, a part of the “Italian people” reacted to deportations by closing their shutters so as not to see. On the contrary today, in a similar situation, almost all the “Italian people” open their shutters to see if someone isn’t sticking to the rules.
      Perhaps many deaths will be caused not by the virus but by the liberticidal measures clearly put in place by the State. The real price of the contagion, if we want to submit to the imposed laws, will be precisely the loss of ourselves, of the ability to look at ourselves in the mirror, in the name of something that is supposed to represent us, the State.
       Are you really sure this is worthwhile?
      After all there is a worse evil than the Covid, and this one is really difficult to eradicate… once we absorb all the worst of authority, will we still have a life worth living?
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Tuesday 14 April 2020

Billionaire's Dream.

        The world economy was well on the way to recession before the coronavirus struck, Last year Bloomberg Economics created a model to determine America’s recession odds. The outcome was that the chance of a recession now stands at 100%, bring to and end the nation’s longest-running expansion.
         America may be the leading world economy but the signs of recession were not just in that country. Where America goes economically the rest of the developed world usually follows.
Some figures from Forbes, October 2019:
      Hong Kong, several months of protests that have battered the city’s economy, sending it into a technical recession,” tourism and retail especially hard hit from the ongoing turmoil.
        UK, uncertainty over Brexit would cause UK to fall into recession.
      Germany, EU’s largest economy, due to enter recession from to drop in manufacturing and poor world auto sales.
       Italy, was in a technical recession in second half of 2018 and has faced continued economic woes from weak productivity, high unemployment, huge debt problems.
       China, In part due trade war and slowing world economy, its economy has continued to slow, growth in 2018, 6.6%, 2019, 6.1% and IMF forecast for 2020 5.8%
      According to world economic experts other highly stressed economies around the world include Turkey, Argentina, Iran, Mexico and Brazil, among others.
       Crucial statistic, The world economy will only grow 3% this year, that’s the slowest rate of expansion since the global financial crisis started in 2008.
      So creaking capitalism was about to see its wheels fall off, before the coronavirus descended on us. What the covid 19 has done is merely accelerated the process by about a year or so, and no doubt it will make that recession all that more brutal for the ordinary people of this world. However the billionaire parasite class will probably see the pandemic as a blessing in disguise. Without raising public anger, as in the previous recession, by demanding a massive bailout with public money, the climate has changed and the public are accepting that the state must throw money at the billionaire parasite class to preserve jobs. In actual fact that could be rephrased as, to save the share holders from loosing to much of their loot. The top billionaire parasite class don’t care too much if businesses go bust, they will have the capacity to expand to take up any increase in demand as and when it might return, and all that taxpayers money will oil the wheels of their new plundering era, if we let it happen.
    It won't be too long before they say that restrictions can be eased, eager to get you back to work, as the billionaire parasite class need you to keep building their wealth and power, so what if it cost more lives, to them a large swath of us are expendable without too much loss to their money making endeavours.
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Sunday 12 April 2020

Hold To Account.

      As most people stay with the "guide lines" it is good to see that around my local patch some people or person is useing their walk and exercise time in a positive way.

     Clapping and praise are all well and good, and without a doubt those frontline workers deserve it all. However, all the clapping and verbal praise will not sort the problems within our NHS. Instead of words and patronising phrases from our political ballerinas, we need to see loads of cash being thrown at the NHS, to make up for the plundering this bunch of hypocritical politicians have carried out over the last ten years or more. Dedicated to their ideology of private good, public bad, and to hell with the consequences to the general public, they are responsible for bring the NHS to its knees and are therefore responsible for the resultant deaths, they must be held to account.

      He and his coterie of rich buddies have to be brought to account for their careless, idiotic and vested interests method of handling one of the biggest crisis to hit the world's population in generations. Hundreds of thousands of deaths can't go unanswered or shrugged off as, Oh, it was the pandemic. 
     Let's hope that the public's revulsion at the handling of this crisis by our lords and masters is enough for them to clear our society of this profit driven scum, and change forever the way we structure our society.

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Inhumane System.

      This coronavirus has put some fear in most people as they realise that it can and does mean death to many people. So people take precautions, isolate, good hygiene and clean conditions. Imagine if you're in a situation where you are not allowed to isolate, the hygiene is dubious at best, and the conditions are over crowded and far from clean. You know how this virus spreads and you are aware of these conditions you are forced to live under, what do you do? 
      Prisoners across the globe are crammed in over crowed, insanitary  conditions with insufficient health care and rightly so are rebelling, they have been sentenced to prison not to a death sentence, they are all human and all deserve to be treated as humans. Their conditions at present are a criminal act by the various states.
Thebes, Greece: Rebellion in the women’s prisons of Eleonas in Thebes following the death of a prisoner – Announcement of women prisoners
      9/4/20, The uprising continues in the Women’s Prisons of Eleonas, Thebes. It broke out in the morning, after the death of a 38-year-old prisoner, who developed fever and shortness of breath and died in the ward of the E΄ wing, in front of 20 prisoners. The prisoner died of coronavirus. The other prisoners set fire to mattresses and clothes, while damaging the prison’s refrigerators. A prosecutor has now arrived at the jail and a medical examiner has gone to perform an autopsy. Strong police forces – MAT – who rushed to the prison to prevent the spread of the women’s uprising to all the wings of the prison, carried out extensive beatings and – despite the repression that took place – the uprising spread throughout the prison.
Announcement of women prisoners
      9/4/2020 “Today, April 9, prisoner Azizel Deniroglou died in her ward, helpless, as she also had heart problems and a high fever. She had been begging for help all night as she had chest pains and could not breathe.
According to testimonies, they did not even measure her temperature and we are unaware of the real causes of her death. The shift manager threatened her with a report, because it bothered her. The lifeless body of our fellow prisoner was dragged out with a sheet in front of the shocked eyes of the whole wing. This tragic incident took place in the E wing, where about 120 people are stacked. The prisoners revolted and the uprising spread throughout the prison. Another prisoner died a month ago. The criminal indifference to the prisoners and their health has resulted in the death of many detainees, the government and the Ministry are responsible for sentencing them to death. The government and the Ministry are responsible for the death of this prisoner. We demand the immediate release of patients, mothers with their children and the elderly, who are considered vulnerable, a groups, a total of 1/3 of the prisoners. We will not return to our cells until the end! ”
      Pola Roupa, a political prisoner and member of Revolutionary Struggle, also complained that another woman had died in prison about a month ago. She stressed that: “Despite promises of prison decongestion due to the coronavirus pandemic, nothing has been done yet. Hospitals do not accept inmates from prisons, there is no doctor in Thebes. The vulnerable groups should have been released. ” We are imprisoned. We were not sentenced to death.”
Italy – Revolt in the CPR of Gradisca d’Isonzo
       30/03/2020 Last night prisoners in the CPR of Gradisca, on hunger strike for some days, made their anger and desperation heard again by lighting fires in the cells.
      Police with military back-ups intervened to repress the protest and the fire brigade rushed to extinguish the flames at 9pm, 10pm, midnight and 2am. Furniture, mattresses, and plastic skylights were burning and some cells were damaged. The day before yesterday a person who tested positive to coronavirus and had been taken to the centre from Cremona and put in isolation according to the authorities, suffered a deterioration of his condition, with a high temperature, and was taken to hospital in Cattinara.
      According to what we know, some guards were also put in quarantine, but nothing has been done for the other prisoners of the CPR.

        The list could go but all it would do is re-enforce the fact that we live with a system that has no humanity, a system that sees certain lives as expendable, as long as it works to their rules.
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