Monday 6 June 2016

The Dangerous Infection Of Christian Fundamentalism.

       Our esteemed lords and masters, clinking their glasses in the subsidised bars of that citadel of imperialism, The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, along with our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, are always spewing out verbal sewage about extremists. Of course they always mean the Islamic variety, they never mention the other viral infection on this planet, the Christian variation. This particular sickness is widespread in the US, but is slowly infecting greater numbers here in the UK. Thanks to the Oxbridge cabal of millionaires, so called independent schools are spring up all over the place. In a sane world this would be no bad thing, but when the agenda is set by religious fundamentalism, blind faith, anti-science and egos backed of with big money, the result is far from desirable.
         It has now come to light that there are an increasing number of “faith schools” of the Christian fundamentalist variety, popping up in this country, the most virulent variety being those under the banner of Accelerated Christian Education schools, (ACE) these establishments are a variation of an "education" system, (translates as propaganda system) spawned and developed in the Southern Baptist states of the US, and among the poison they spread is creationism as fact, and women’s submissive position to men. Children are taught in divided slots partitioned from each other. This fundamentalism is extremely dangerous and can poison the minds of children who grow into adults with a closed and bigoted value structure, creating more and deeper unbridgeable chasms in our society.
         Religion must be taken out of education, be should demand education, not indoctrination. Believers can teach at home, or go to their palaces of hallucination, to spout to the willing, but they should never be allowed to take children and blind them to the real world we live in, with their poisonous bigotry and illusionary world of invisible people and magic.

An interesting article from The Independent: 
         A rare photo inside an Accelerated Christian Education school, from the 1980s. Former pupils say the same classroom format is still used in the UK today
  ------ The textbooks used by the schools have also been criticised for providing allegedly inappropriate material. A number of textbooks seen by The Independent and which are reportedly used in schools appear to include worrying content about gay people, women’s rights and also appear to teach creationism as fact.
       One textbook says: “Homosexual, adjective: having unnatural sexual feelings towards one of the same sex… Homosexual activity is another of man’s corruptions of God’s plan.------
Read the full article HERE:
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The Bumpy Road To Aberfolye.

        Still the sun shines, and our dour Scottish personality is already saying, "Aye, we'll pay for this", but grab it while we can. Another glorious day temperature in the 20's and a light wind, magic. After last weeks nasty experience on the Loch road, I decided to go for the Trossachs and settled for Aberfoyle. It has been a few years since I took the bike to this lovely spot. It was a very pleasant run though not much in the way of flat roads. However, again the road surface raises its ugly head. After you go round the round-about at the Rob Roy Inn, the road is a disgrace, as the main road into Aberfoyle, it is broken, potholed, rough  and a danger to cyclists. You have to suffer about half to three quarters of a mile if unrelenting bangs and bumps, on a narrow busy road. I don't know if it is a fact that many motorists are unaware of what goes on under their car while driving over these road surfaces, and they just accept it, but it is costing them money on damaged shock absorbers and tyres. Perhaps if they wake up to that fact they may complain more and get something done about the problem. Of course you face the same road on the way out of Aberfoyle. Never the less, a beautiful day out.
About four years since I visited this lovely spot on the bike.
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Saturday 4 June 2016

No Need For A Shepherd.

The Disobedient.

The shepherd directs, and the flock move,
always with the help of the dog
even sheep can be disobedient.
The disobedient must be controlled
their desire to take their own path
could be the end of the need for a shepherd
and sheep would graze where they will,
there would be no flock
just similar beasts grazing together.
Perhaps we should look at the disobedient
asking why they want to be so,
could it be that they know something we don’t.

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BHS, Capitalist Success Story.

       Our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, are reporting the recent BHS event as if something had gone wrong. As far as capitalism is concerned it worked out perfectly. A guy buys it, makes a fortune and bleeds it dry, then walks away, much richer than when he bought it, capitalism at its best. Is there any idiot out there who thinks that BHS was all about the employees and the customers? These latter two are just components, just the disposable ball-bearings that make the system function, but can be dumped and a replaced by a new set. The BHS can be registered as one of the UK's greatest capitalist success stories, all that effort by the people, creating all that wealth for a small bunch of parasites. Sure some shareholders might have lost some of their filthy loot, but they made a fortune over the life of the company, and the really big fish made a real killing.
 Philip with one of his buddies.
         Let's look at the facts, a guy, let's say Philip Green, buys this "enterprise" and over 15 years he pays his wife £400 million in dividends, that averages out at around £28 million a year, and to add some cream to their cake, it is channelled through a tax haven. No sense in giving any of it back to the people who created that wealth. There are other avenues where the shysters can make more money, that illusion known as the "pension fund". This is where the employee and the employer put money aside so that when the employee retires there will be something there to help them get by. In the case of this particular, "pension fund", when our friend Philip bought the company, its "pension fund" was in surplus to the extent of £5 million. After his 15 years of plundering, wheeling and dealing, slicing and dicing, "stewardship", that £5 million surplus, is now a whopping £571 million deficit. So having cleaned the pot out, and saddling the company with a massive £1.6 billion debt problem, our bold entrepreneur, sells the company to a serial bankrupter, for £1.
 Philip's wee boat, paid for by people like you.
        Meanwhile, Philip walks off into the sunset, with an estimated £3.6 billion bank balance, to take control of his new £100 million+ super yacht, with some serious Bahamas sailing to think about. Far from being a disaster, BHS is text book capitalism, for other "entrepreneurs" to follow. We have seen it in the past, and we will see it in the future, as long as we tolerate this stinking system of greed and plunder. So get used to it, capitalism, milk the masses and live happily ever after, Ah, the beauty of capitalism.
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Friday 3 June 2016

Playing For Change.

       Not a new one, but I posted this just because I like it, so hope you do also.

Uploaded on Feb 5, 2009
          Playing For Change is a movement created to inspire and connect the world through music. Join the movement here:
        From the award-winning documentary, "Playing For Change: Peace Through Music", comes an incredible rendition of the legendary Bob Marley song "One Love" with Keb' Mo' and Manu Chao. This is the third video from the documentary and a follow up to the classic "Stand By Me" and the incredible "Don't Worry." Released in celebration of Bob Marley's birthday on February 6th, this tribute to the legend is performed by musicians around the world adding their part to the song as it traveled the globe.
        "Playing For Change Songs Around The World" CD/DVD available now at Order the "War/No More Trouble," "Stand By Me," "Don't Worry," and "One Love" videos and the new Songs Around The World album now at itunes!
         We are honored to announce the release of PFC3: Songs Around The World - available everywhere now! This CD/DVD set highlights the passion and talent of 185 musicians from 31 different countries. Buy PFC3 Here:
        See the PFC Band live:
To learn more about the work of the PFC Foundation, visit
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Thursday 2 June 2016

Soil Soaked in Blood, All For The Power Of Empire.

        The battle of The Somme anniversary is coming up, July 1st. 1916, no doubt the privileged parasites that hold the reins of power, will want to show this as a battle of glory and honour, but there is no glory in war. As for the Somme. it was a slaughtering field where the blood of youth was poured into the soil to gratify a bunch of psychopathic pompous idiots, who saw war as some sort of board game.The Somme, Wikipedia:
 The Battle of the Somme (French: Bataille de la Somme, German: Schlacht an der Somme), also known as the Somme Offensive, was a battle of the First World War fought by the armies of the British and French empires against the German Empire. It took place between 1 July and 18 November 1916 on both sides of upper reaches of the River Somme in France. It was the largest battle of World War I on the Western Front; more than one million men were wounded or killed, making it one of the bloodiest battles in human history.
ONE MILLION DEAD OR WOUNDED, for what? For empire, wealth and power for the privileged parasites that lord it over us. This description of The Lonsdales, one of the units involved in this carnage for power, is just a glimpse of what was repeated and repeated.

         Few units in the British army can have fared worse on 1 July 1916 than the Lonsdales. Formed of volunteers from north-west England swept up in the outpouring of patriotic fervour at the start of the First World War, the 850-strong battalion joined the walking-pace advance on the first day of the Battle of the Somme. 
       Within hours, they had lost more than 500 men. Not only the commanding officer – shot in the head as he leapt from a trench – but the second-in-command, the adjutant and every one of the company commanders had been either wounded or killed.
        The survivors, next put to work digging up the remains of their friends, lived in a miasma of decomposing bodies and faced continuous shelling without sleep. A week after the massacre, they were ordered to go over the top again. This time they refused. Command was apoplectic. At the troops’ request, Lieutenant George Kirkwood, the battalion’s medical officer, was despatched to see them. He saw at once that the men were at their nerves’ end, and testified in a written report that most of them were suffering from the mysterious new ailment known as “shell shock”.

          DANDELIONS written and sung by STEVE O'DONOGHUE. Steve will be one of the performers at HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN YET? THE TRUTH ABOUT THE SOMME, Sunday 19 June, Heath Street Baptist Church, London NW3 1DN, remembering one of Britain's most disastrous conflicts through words and music. Co-hosted by No Glory in War and Stop the War Coalition. BOOK HERE:
Dandelions, The Lyrics:
Now Arthur was only a young cub
A brave lion and merely fifteen
But with the rest of his pack
He was sent to attack
To a war that was cruel and obscene
But those lions fought hard and fought bravely
While the donkeys just grazed in a field
They had no sense of shame for their barbarous game
And the thousands of lions they killed
And when he saw them marching up Whitehall
I remember what old Arthur said
He said the donkeys are all wearing poppies
So I shall wear dandelions instead
Now every remembrance sunday
Well I pause at eleven o'clock
And I remember those dandy young lions
And those donkeys and their poppycock
Cos they've taken those beautiful poppies
And they use them to glorify war
Well I remember those dandy young lions
And I don't wear a poppy no more
And when he saw them marching up Whitehall
I remember what old Arthur said
He said the donkeys are all wearing poppies
So I shall wear dandelions instead
Now if you take an old dandelion
And just blow it quite gently he'd say
You can see all the dreams of those soldiers
In the seeds as they just float away
But then the wind takes hold of those seeds
And they rise and quickly they soar
Like the spirit of all those old soldiers
Who believed that their war would end war
And when he saw them marching up Whitehall
I remember what old Arthur said
He said the donkeys are all wearing poppies
So I shall wear dandelions instead
Cos those lions were dandy young workers
Who those donkeys so cruelly misled
And if the Donkeys are gonna wear poppies
I shall wear dandelions instead.
And when he saw them marching up Whitehall
I remember what old Arthur said
He said the donkeys are all wearing poppies
So I shall wear dandelions instead
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Everything Is Fine! Keep Shopping.

     There are a limitless number of ways and means of spreading ideas, and we have to continually trawl the stream to find new and interesting ways of reach people with our ideas. You can always come up with your own or borrow one.
This is one from Adbusters

       Last week we challenged you to create widespread cognitive dissonance around the world by putting our Everything Is Fine, Keep Shopping poster up in malls everywhere.
        Cognitive dissonance is a high tension state between two opposing beliefs. It works like a pie in the face, first inducing confusion, then anger, and finally an intense desire to correct the imbalance — to recover the consonance that has been lost.
           It’s an incredibly transformative force . . . a way to get people to reconsider what they hold dear and what they take for granted . . . the jolt that gets people to rethink their life choices.
         Cognitive dissonance feels like low level grass roots fun, but it could be a way to kickstart a world revolution: we ambush people, first in malls, then in gasoline stations, then in supermarkets and all over the physical and mental environments . . . we inject radical ideas into people’s heads and set the tone for a new world order to come.
          Culture Jammers have always messed with consumer culture, and that’s what we are doing with this latest jam. Already posters have gone up in malls and schools around the world. Let’s keep the dissonance going for another week. Print the poster, put it up somewhere and share it with your friends. Check out some of our other spoofs below – or create your own. And send us pictures of your jams and let us know how it feels.
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The Crime That Was Iraq, Blew The Region Apart.

        Anybody with a grain of sincerity accepts that the invasion of Iraq was raw Western imperialism in all its savagery, it was nothing more than a brutal grab for resources, spearheaded by today's leading imperialist power, America. Of course the UK and other minions of the American empire wanted a slice of the plunder, so the played their part. The architects of that vicious onslaught on the people of Iraq have now slipped into wealthy sidelines of the empire, to live out their lives in opulence, but the people of that region are still in the turmoil of war and slaughter. All this will always be dressed up as bring down a dreadful dictator and bring democracy to the people of Iraq. In that region soaked in blood, the flower of democracy has still not seen the light of day. The savagery and the viciousness unleashed by the Western imperialists has spread across the whole region. Millions live in constant terror, trauma, poverty, death and destruction, so that the West can control the resources of that region. 
      The Chilcot inquiry is meant to throw some light on the reasoning behind the whole Iraq disaster, but what will be revealed, and what will be concealed, for so called "security reasons". The establishment will do its utmost to make sure that the truth of this human disaster will never be revealed to the public.
This from Stop The War:
The People's Chilcot Tribunal
8th June, 3-8pm
Amnesty International Human Rights Action Centre Auditorium
17-25 New Inn Yard London EC2A 3EA
          The date of the publication of the Chilcot report is fast approaching. It is clear that the establishment will try to deflect attention away from the examination of the lies and the crimes which the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq entailed.
          They will also try to hide the real economic and geopolitical motives behind the invasion. Under Western occupation, Iraq was treated as a "blank slate". Paul Bremer, the US-imposed governor of occupied Iraq, quickly imposed a neo-colonial constitution which forced open Iraq's markets to Western corporations and enabled them to privatise/plunder the major Iraqi companies and natural resources, including oil of course.
Stop the War Coalition is hosting a People's Chilcot Tribunal to establish who was to blame for Iraq's ongoing tragedy, including over a million deaths, the spread of fundamentalism and conflict across the region, including millions of desperate refugees who are still fleeing for their lives from a region ravaged by war. There will be testimony from a wide range of people including former UN envoy to Iraq Hans von Sponeck, ex-soldiers Ben Griffin and Geoff Martin, writer Tariq Ali, Iraqi dissident and lecturer Sami Ramadani, journalist and playwright Richard Norton-Taylor, political commentator Peter Oborne, Stop the War convenor Lindsey German, CND general secretary Kate Hudson and Peter Brierley from Military Families Against the War.
Tickets are selling fast so make sure you book your place now. Please invite your friends as well. We will also hold a public meeting the day after the report is released.
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Wednesday 1 June 2016

The Engine Still Runs.

        After Sunday's fall at Tarbet, I went to bed with a stiff left knee and a tender bruise on my left calf, I suppose it is where my calf hit the pedal, or the pedal hit my calf, I'll leave that intellectual debate for later. I woke up on Monday morning with a stiff left knee, a darker tender bruise on my left calf, a stiff left wrist and a slight soreness on my left shoulder. This lead me to the conclusion that at my age when you fall, you don't bounce, you crunch.
      I decide that Monday and Tuesday would be, a take it easy couple of days, but Wednesday was so beautiful that I decided to to test the body to see if it still worked. So off I went on the bike, what a wonderful day, a short run out to Campsie Glen, with the usual eating ritual, and felt great, no ill effects. Back home in reasonable style with a smile on my face. Still the odd ache here and there, but the engine still runs.
        No, this is not Germany, it is Haughhead at Campsie Glen, one of those weird places where strange people go to talk to their imaginary friend, who lives in an invisible house in the sky.
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London, The Stinking World Capital Of Corruption.

          The establishment in the UK, backed up by that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, are always spouting how the UK is the champion of righteousness and the guardian of morality, we are that beacon of honesty, showing the rest of the world how it should live. Remember Cameron's remark about having got two of the world's most corrupt countries, Afghanistan and Nigeria to that comedy show, the anti-corruption summit? Of course you and I know that this is no more than a charade, a wonderful illusion of smoke and mirrors. The City of London is mired in stinking financial filth, it is the world’s biggest gambling casino for illicit loot. It is always heart warming to hear this sort of truth coming from somebody who knows a thing or two about corruption. Roberto Saviano, who has been under police protection ever since exposing the activities of the Naples syndicate, the Camorra, has publicly stated that London is the corruption capital of the world.

       In an attack on how London helps criminals launder their money, Roberto Saviano, who has been under police protection since exposing the activities of Naples crime syndicate the Camorra, told an audience at the Hay Festival: “If I asked you what is the most corrupt place on Earth you might tell me it’s Afghanistan, maybe Greece, Nigeria, the South of Italy, and I will tell you it’s the UK.
        He has now been backed by the campaign group Transparency International, whose head of UK advocacy and research Rachel Davies told The Independent: “It’s absolutely true that the UK is one of the leading financial centres for the laundering of corrupt money from overseas, whether through the property market, luxury goods or other sectors.
       “The UK has been a prime location for stashing away illicitly gained wealth, as anti-money laundering systems are weak and sectors such as UK property represent a safe investment, as well as a place to hide corrupt money.”
Read the full article HERE:
       It takes a lot of corrupt financial advisers to have guided London to that pinnacle of depravity, a lot of “city firms” eagerly shuffling the illicit loot, for a fee of course, and encouraging other dodgy millionaires/billionaires to bring their stash to London, with the guarantee that it will be safe from prying eyes. This of course is capitalism, exploited/corrupt wealth safely stuffed into shady deals to grow fatter and fatter. London may hold the world title, but the entire system stinks from the stench of greed and corruption.
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Tuesday 31 May 2016

Even Animals Shouldn't Be Caged.

        A call for solidarity from inside the cages. Most of us outside those state cages of repression, have no idea of what it is like. Apart from the separation from family and friends, there is the restriction on your actions and movements, continuous surveillance, and control, on top of this there is the arbitrator punishment and the brutality. Prison and civilised society, can't co-exist, most of accept that even animals shouldn't be caged. If we aim for a civilised society, we have to bring down the prisons.

From a comrade of ABC Brighton:

         A secret world exists within the high security prison estate in England, known as the Close Supervision Centre (CSC) system. The dehumanisation of CSC prisoners begins at a very early stage, in the official justification for the creation of the CSC system, which focuses on the need to contain a new breed of unmanageable and unpredictable risks. It continues with the creation of classificatory categories of ‘dangerousness’ which objectify prisoners and make more of the category and less of the human in them, and it is reinforced by the tightly controlled and highly regulated routines.
         In addition to isolation and extremely restricted movements, prisoners’ in-cell belongings are carefully regulated and subjected to relentless scrutiny and inspection.
         Prisoners remain in CSC units for years, decades even, made frustrated, angry and bored by their experiences with few avenues to vent their anger and with almost no opportunities to advance through the system. All perceived acts of disobedience or non-compliance by CSC prisoners, even of the most petty kind, are responded to brutally by gangs of prison officers clad in full riot gear who show no mercy when demonstrating their authority and power, sanctioned by Prison Service management at the highest levels.
        Rather than controlling violence, as it officially aims to do, this hyper-controlled environment breeds it. Having now spent six years subject to the unofficial punishment of allocation to the CSC myself, it is clear that without real pressure to force the required change nothing but more negative and oppressive measures will be added.
          Please lend your support for the abolition of the CSC system by attending the protest demonstration:
         21 July between 12.30pm and 2.30pm outside the offices of the Prison Ombudsman and Independent Monitoring Board, Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HS.

Kevan Thakrar A4907AE
Close Supervision Centre,
HMP Wakefield,
5 Love Lane,
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No Freedom While One Prison Stands.

         This Thursday, 2nd June sees 2 ABC related events happening in 1 building!
Fire to the Prison Society! 7pm @ De-Centre: The Empty Cages Collective will join London ABC for a talk and discussion on the prison-industrial complex, its expansion and how people are fighting it. Get your free copy of ‘The Struggle Against the Maxi-Prison in Brussels’ for next month’s discussion and writing for prison abolition.
       Monthly letter writing night: First Thursday of every month, 6-8pm @ Freedom Bookshop, Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High Street, London, E1 7QX
About londonabc
         London Anarchist Black Cross, is a collective set up with the aim of supporting prisoners: political prisoners, people in detention centers or just people fucked over by the capitalist system.
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The Phoney Legal System.

         American imperialism adapts to different situations, from the military overthrow and dirty guerilla wars, in South America, they have now moved to the phoney, "legal process", whereby presidents are removed to suit the American neo-liberal ideology. Anything remotely "leftwing", is seen as a threat, a hindrance to the plundering of that continent, and so must be removed, one way or the other. The result is still the same, turmoil and poverty for the people, and more avenues opened up for the big corporations to loot to their hearts content. The latest Legal removal of a head of state to suit that American ideology, being Dilma Rousseff, no saint, but she did fight the previous military dictatorship and suffer torture and imprisonment for her trouble, now being removed and impeached. She is not alone, others have been removed in similar circumstance to suit the American agenda of looting and plundering the South American continent. However, the people are fighting back and fighting hard.
The latest Video from SubMediaTV:

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Monday 30 May 2016

The Biggest Ponzi scheme In The World, Capitalism.

      Yes it is a con game, a ponzi scheme, a pyramid scheme, disguised as democracy, you are free to buy what you want, after you have produced it all, assuming you have the where with all. And Yes, why don't they get it?
These words from Not Buying Anything:
        Everything is a pyramid scheme these days. Operations that funnel all the wealth to the top, while those at the bottom that are doing all the heavy lifting watch as their quality of life goes down, down, down. I refuse to participate, and always have.
Being this way has created a lot of stress, mostly for other people who don't understand where I am coming from. I understand that when you are soaking in it, deconstructing the intricacies can be difficult. As my good friend Doug once said, "Why can't they see it?"
Indeed, why can't they? Viable alternatives, such as cooperatives, are well known, but largely unused. No one wants to miss out on possibly getting to the top of the scheme, any scheme. Why risk going for a more equal world when you might become one of those that is more equal than everyone else?
But how many actually make it to the top? And once there, how do deal with the loss of your compassion? Your integrity? Your very humanity?
        As always, be careful of what you wish for. It's a pyramid scheme. It's not, you say? Then it's probably a closely related scam known as the ponzi scheme. Because that's how we roll here at the end of capitalism.
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Solidarity Across The Planet.

        Those in struggle in Greece send their thoughts and support to those in struggle in France. Ever more communication and solidarity between those divide by the phoney "borders", created by brutal imperialism, is necessary, as we all struggle to free ourselves from the harness of capitalism. The struggle in Greece, in France, in Rio, in Spain, and all across the planet, is our struggle, nobody should fight this battle alone, one world, one people, one goal, the death of capitalism.  
Greece: Short message to the proletarians of France

        We watch your struggle against the neo-liberal labor reform, from March 9th 2016 (and maybe your reaction was late because of the blind attacks of islamofascists AND the French State). We know that French State trying for years to do its bosses (the bourgeoisie of the country) the favor and transform you into slaves. This is an attack against working class in global scale and your big (financial-capitalist) State plays a dominant role in this attack. If these measures be implemented there (on your country) it will be the most glaring example for the other governments to follow same models.
         We see the courage and dynamics you show in the streets, in workplaces and squares against state oppression and repression. We see how you are braking in practice the state of emergency which has been imposed from November of 2015. These we don’t know are the processes leading up to these glorious protests of resistance. We don’t know what the syndicates say all these years. But we know that today they (syndicates) are fighting to repress you revolt. We have seen it in “our” country with lots of occasions these years, last of them was the appeal of GSEE (General Confederation of Greek Workers) to greek government to cancel the referendum!
         “Unionists”, together with the cops, are trying to impose order (of bosses) against the proletariat. This is the time to drop the masks. Immediate confrontation of class traitors. Workers of France spit them and take the road for the new society. For the society which produce self-organized (without hierarchy and mediations) for all the people. For the society which demands less work and more wealth (material or not). For the society which will not be (as it is not in) need of leaders, borders, fences. For the society which will not be in need of the States and capitalists who are turning all the world in war fields for their profits.
         Forward to the Anarchist (as political organization) and Communist (as financial organization) society.
P.S Don’t forget them: Immediate release of prisoners of the revolt!
Read the full article and comments HERE:
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Sunday 29 May 2016

Resistance And Solidarity, Our Winng Weapons.

       More on the the eviction of the Banc Expropiat in Barcelona. Flour bombs, reminiscent of Glasgow's 1915 rent strike.

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The Unexpected Horror In The Midst Of Beauty.

        Well, well, well, another beautiful day, 17 degrees, a light wind and blue sky, what more could a cyclist ask for. Decided to make today my first run this year up the Loch, (To the uninitiated, that refers to Loch Lomond.) All went very well, purring along at a nice pace until I approached Tarbet when I came to a long snake of stopped cars. I cycled along on the inside and soon discovered why the long queue of vehicles. A motorcyclist had smashed into the back of a car and it looked like a terrible disaster, with several police cars and police all over the place, just as I arrived, two ambulances took off towards Glasgow. The police stopped me from going any further, after a while it was suggested that I could continue on the pavement on the other side of the road. I went off thinking of the young man on the motorbike, his family, and the people who were in the car, a horror visiting so many people.
Looking towards Duck Bay, Loch Lomond.
        As far as I am aware, this pavement on the other side of the road, is part of the official cycle track up the Loch, I never use it, I cycle the road. The surface was atrocious, extremely uneven, pot holed and crack. On a slight descent nearer Tarbet, I encounter a number of potholes, but failed to navigate them without mishap. I went down on my side, slowly regained my feet, bleeding knee, bruised calf, and brake lever moved slightly to the side.
The Tarbet Hotel, Tarbet, Loch Lomond.
       With no other damage I continued to the tearoom at Tarbet, not the much grander Tarbet Hotel, and had that obligatory plate of lentil soup. The events of the run put a damper on the pleasure of the day. With my knee hurting, I was a bit apprehensive about cycling back from Tarbet, but decided to just have a go. Pleased to say, the rest of the run was uneventful, home with an aching knee.
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