Wednesday 22 February 2012


This from, Anarchists news dot org

         In a likely retaliation for the Ministry of Justice taking down the Athens Indymedia website and a group of Greek hackers falling in the hands of the repressive Justice system, following last week's riots in Greece, Anonymous just launched "Operation Greece", hacked the Ministry of Justice's website, and sent a clear signal to you-know-who...

What appeared on the government's website, once hacked: (use Tor!)

The guys from GHS (Greek Hacking Scene) had nothing to do with this site. FREE THEM!
You did a big mistake, this was done by Anonymous and not by the guys of GHS.
Citizens of Greece, (CONTINUE READING)


        It is strange how the media, pundits and politicians all discuss where the cuts should be, and how deep and how fast we should cut. No debate on why the cuts, no debate on why the banks were handed trillions of pounds of tax payers money. There is never any debate on why the private debt of the banking sector was transferred to the public's balance sheet. There is never any debate on the fact that the present sovereign debt crisis was created because of this shifting of the private debt crisis in the banking sector, on to the public's balance sheet. Should we not be shifting the debate to, how we can transfer those trillions of pounds back from the banking sector into the public purse, and should we debating how we should cut the banking sector down to size to suit the needs of our society.

We're facing a crisis, you'll have to face austerity cuts.

      Well the reason we have the first debate is because we live in a system of corporate fascism controlled by the financial Mafia. To have the alternative debate we would need to be in some sort of society that sees to the needs of its people. Of course if we lived in a society that seen to the needs of its people, there never would have been the “financial crisis” in the first place. However, the real crisis is that we allow ourselves to be dominated by a bunch of financial parasites who will suck everything they can from the public domain.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 21 February 2012


         Alfie Meadows was beaten by the police on the December 9th 2010 student demonstration and had to have emergency brain surgery to save his life. Now he has been charged with violent disorder. Please help spread the petition to get justice for Alfie

       Signatories include: Tariq Ali, Gigi Ibrahim (Egyptian activist and blogger), John McDonnell (MP), Ken Loach (Film Director), Caroline Lucas (MP), Liam Burns (NUS President),Zita Holbourne (PCS NEC), Mark Thomas (Comedian) and Jody McIntyre (Journalist and Equality Movement Activist).


       On 9th December 2010, tens of thousands of students took part in a national demonstration against MPs voting for £9,000 tuition fees in a mass show of unity against this deeply unpopular policy. Thousands who wanted to protest were met with police charges on horseback and kettling. A senior doctor from Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, who set up a field hospital in Parliament Square, spoke of her experience of being kettled on Westminster Bridge, "It was the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen – it must have been what Hillsborough was like. The crush was just so great." She recorded people suffering from respiratory problems, chest pains and symptoms of severe crushing.

Jody McIntyre was pulled from his wheelchair and dragged along the pavement.
       University student Alfie Meadows came on the demonstration after being involved in a campaign at Middlesex University to save his philosophy department from closure. He was struck so hard on the head with a police baton that he needed emergency brain surgery. Alfie lost his university department and when he protested he received a life threatening injury. But outrageously Alfie has since been charged with violent disorder and faces a trial on 26th March.

       This forms part of a pattern of attacks on protest which has seen hundreds of students arrested and scores either charged or sentenced to long terms in prison. We the undersigned demand an end to political charging and sentencing of protesters and call for all charges against Alfie Meadows to be dropped. We also call for a mobilisation of students, workers and campaigners outside his court hearing on 26th March.

ann arky's home.


        Yippee, hooray, problem solved, the corporate fascist in charge of Europe have given Greece the much discussed bailout. Now we can all go back to watching the football, well if only. What the bailout will mean for the Greek people is deeper cuts in wages, pensions, social care, education and health, more redundancies, more taxes and a quicker and bigger sell off of Greece's public assets, at bargain prices of course. Not only that, but the Greek government will have the corporate financial Mafia sitting in the various Greek ministries in Athens looking over the shoulders of the Greek officials to see that they do what the corporate fascists demand. What was that they said about European democracy??

          This generous offer by the kind hearted compassionate financial Mafia of a bailout of $170 billion to the “Greek people” is somewhat rather devious and not what most people envisage. What is not widely discussed is where will this huge sum of money go??

          The vast majority of the cash will go to finance the bond swap. This allows the Greek bankers to put a wee smile on their faces. Approximately $40 billion will go as “sweeteners” to get the private sector of the financial Mafia to sign up to the deal, a further $30 billion will go to recapitalise the Greek banks. Then there will be a further $46 billion to allow Greece to finance the buying back of bonds, more money for the financial Mafia. A large slice will disappear in expenses in carrying out this grand plan and what is left might find its way into the Greek economy, but I wouldn't hold my breath. With this master plan in place the Greek people can look forward to a decade or two of deprivation on a scale never seen in Europe since the end of the second world war.

         The whole system stinks, the people are debt serfs and it is not their debt. Not until we get rid of the system of profit before people will this change. There is no such beast as caring compassionate capitalism, it can't be modified it has to be dismantled, we have to start from a different basis. Only when we start to build a society based on the needs of the people will this nightmare of injustice and deprivation end. Only when we throw the parasites of the financial Mafia off our backs, can we hope to create a fair and just society based on needs and sustainability.


    Eleven years of  fighting terrorism and thousands of articles of our supposed success, that is Afghanistan, according to our governments and our media. However the truth is a distant picture from that official spin. Eleven years of bombing, killing and maiming and nothing on the ground to show for all that misery, is the truth they will not tell you. Afghanistan must stand as one of the most monumental wastes of human life by any recent governments. Eleven years of lies, spin, death and destruction, eleven years of throwing billions of dollars at the arms industry, and the coalition deaths keep rising. As of December 29 2011 there have been 2,765 coalition deaths in Afghanistan and many, many thousands more injured.  The number of Afghans killed far out numbers the coalition forces, but figures are difficult to come by as the coalition doesn't supply these numbers, but as of 2011 the lowest creditable number of deaths in Aghanistan and Iraq is given as 919,967, that is the lowest creditable figure and it is just short of 1 million.
        Below is a graph showing the ever increasing number of coalition deaths in Afghanistan, and this is spinned out as SUCCESS?

        The media is still spinning success in Afghanistan but that lie can be laid to rest with the publication of a recent article. The following is a short extract, the full article is necessary reading if the truth is what you seek.
How military leaders have let us down
I spent last year in Afghanistan, visiting and talking with U.S. troops and their Afghan partners. My duties with the Army’s Rapid Equipping Force took me into every significant area where our soldiers engage the enemy. Over the course of 12 months, I covered more than 9,000 miles and talked, traveled and patrolled with troops in Kandahar, Kunar, Ghazni, Khost, Paktika, Kunduz, Balkh, Nangarhar and other provinces.
What I saw bore no resemblance to rosy official statements by U.S. military leaders about conditions on the ground.
Entering this deployment, I was sincerely hoping to learn that the claims were true: that conditions in Afghanistan were improving, that the local government and military were progressing toward self-sufficiency. I did not need to witness dramatic improvements to be reassured, but merely hoped to see evidence of positive trends, to see companies or battalions produce even minimal but sustainable progress. Instead, I witnessed the absence of success on virtually every level.

 ann arky's home.


From Labour Start:

Matteo Parlati stood up to the fascists. Now, he needs us to stand up for him.

Matteo Parlati is a shop steward who works for Ferrari Auto in Italy. He's an activist in FIOM-CGIL, the Italian metal workers union. Last October, when local neo-fascists decided to celebrate Mussolini's infamous March on Rome, Matteo and his colleagues staged a counter-demonstration which was attacked by police. He was then charged with resisting the police and bearing 'moral responsibility' for the clash. (Photos and videos confirm that Matteo was the victim, not the criminal.)

Matteo's fellow shop stewards have unanimously called for

What Matteo did was resist fascism -- this is a basic responsibility of all trade unionists and is not a crime. Please take a moment and send off your message of protest today - and spread the word!

ann arky's home.

Monday 20 February 2012


       While we hear of the demonstrations in Greece and see the scenes of violence and repression on our screens the message seems to be that it is just Greece that is the problem, and once that is sorted everything will be just fine. However, as I keep saying, this is not a national problem, it is not something that the Greek people have done wrong and now they have to pay. What is happening in Greece is happening across the developed world, it is all a matter of degree. You would be hard pushed to find a country in the developed world that doesn't have mass demonstrations by the ordinary people shouting against what is being imposed on them by the financial Mafia. Country after country is ripping up the “social contract” with its people and forcing through “austerity” measures, in other words taking the contents of the public purse and giving it to the bankers, at the dictate of the corporate fascists.

     Each country likes to portray the unrest in other countries to convey the impression that we're OK, It is that other bunch over there that has the problems. However, if you have a system where there is not a country in that system that doesn't have mass angry demonstrations day in day out, weekend after weekend, then you have to ask yourself, is this system working? Is this system seeing to the needs of the people? Is this system worth keeping? Or is this a system that only sees to the desires of a small bunch of parasites at the expense of the vast majority of the people? What we are facing is a system of corporate fascism, an elitist system that will crush any group of people in an attempt to hold onto that privileged position, today Greece, to morrow Portugal, then Ireland, Spain and Italy with perhaps Romania and Hungary along the way. Meanwhile, those who don't suffer the same deprivation, cruelty and insult as the Greek people will still be hit with “austerity” cuts and the demise of the social fabric of our society.








      For many years I have been ranting that the food industry no longer has a connection with agriculture as we envisage it, The food industry is now part and parcel of the chemical industry. Everything we eat, has been processed through a multitude of chemicals, some for flavour, (who wants natural flavours) colouring, (who wants natural colour) and shelf life (who wants fresh food). Then of course there is the production end, the fields and the animals. Everything that grows is treated with pesticides, chemical fertilisers and growth enhancers. The animals and farmed fish are pumped full of growth hormones and antibiotics to the extent that we are now being faced with bacteria that is resistant to any of our known antibiotics, leaving us to face diseases that we can't treat. What might surprise you is that of all the antibiotics sold in America, only about 20% goes to sick people, most of the rest finds its way to the farmed animals and fish. All this is done for profit, not for our health and well being. The image of farms with animals being cared for and tended with a touch of humanity and fed on natural produce is an illusion, it is factory farming on a vast scale for the vast majority of livestock.
       Not content with turning animals and fish into factory produced items, we now have the news that a Dutch university has managed to come up with the first laboratory produce synthetic “meat”. Muscle fibre produced from stem cells has been grown in their laboratory, they commented that “unfortunately it is white”, but they are planning to mix it with blood, (from who or what?) and fat, (from who or what?) and by August they hope to have a hamburger. Any takers for the first bite??
       How far from the natural world will they take our diet? Can you imagine a world where you can be shown round the pork making factory and next door is the meat making factory, while down the road is the fish making factory and the fruit making factory. Of course they are all in very close proximity to the corporate chemical plant. Is this the world you want to leave to your grand kids? Well like it or not, that is the road we are going, unless we change the system, but don't expect that change to come from those who stand to gain billions from this bizarre and unnatural route, there will always be enough fresh natural food at a price for them.

ann arky's home.

Sunday 19 February 2012


        Something that is lacking in all the debate about the Greek debt is the actual suffering of the Greek people. We get long academic out pourings on all the minute detail in economic parlance. We get varitions on the possible effects on this country's banking system and that country's banking system. We are given %'s of debt to GDP, interest rates on the bond markets. We can have the first 20 minutes or so of the evening news on the miriad of statements from the various finance ministers across Europe, telling us banks will have to increase their capital, or banks will have to lend more. However what we don't get is the increase in suicides, the increase in mental health problems, the break down in social relationships, the increase in malnutrition, the increase in drug and alcohol abuse. We are not told that deprivation among the ordinary greek people has gone stratosheric, nor are we told that there are now more than 20,000 homeless in Athens, an ever increasing number of soup kitchens are handing out a bowl of food too an ever increasing army of hungry. There are counties in other parts of the world where these conditions would have aid pouring into them from the West.
      This is the price in human suffering that the Greek people are expected to pay, and pay for at least a couple of generations in an endeavour to save the billionaire bond markets from taking a loss. The financial markets played a dangerous game of throwing cheap magic unearned money at everybody and everything and now they want it all back and it's the people that are expected to pay. We have a system where debt and profit are away more valuable than people, that surely is unacceptable, but don't expect the 1% billionaires to want in any way to change that relationship. Any change will have to come from the 99%, those at the receiving and of this financial corporate fascism's plunder of the public purse. The following is from Two Minds. 
     The potential for loss and actually bearing the consequences from irresponsible extensions of credit was unacceptable to the banking cartel, so they rewrote the laws. Now student loans in America cannot be discharged in bankruptcy court; they are permanent and must be carried and serviced until death. This is the acme of debt-serfdom.
      The global banking cartel has declared Greece's debts to be permanent and its people debt-serfs. More precisely, some privately held debt will be written down, but certainly not all of it, and the debt owed to the European Central Bank cannot be written down a single euro: Greece must pay the interest on the full debt, whatever the costs to its people.
     We might ask why the fully-financialized Status Quo of financial and political Elites so carefully insures no shadow of ethics passes over the Greek debt crisis: If they did, it would become obvious that when debt becomes more important than people, the system is evil and should be dismantled.
 ann arky's home.


Another call from Labour Start, for solidarity:
Ten union leaders - eight of them women - have been fired because they dared to organize.
      They work for Euro S.A. in Ica, Peru, a profitable agricultural export plantation. Euro S.A. is owned by Agricola Athos, which operates in five different regions in Peru and supplies produce to countries in Europe, Asia, and North America. The firings of these workers is part of a pattern of union-busting in Peru.
       We've been asked by the Confederación General de Trabajadores del Perú (CGTP), the largest national trade union center in the country, help get these workers their jobs back and to get their union recognized.

Please take a moment to send off your message - click here:

And please spread the word in your union.

In brief ...
             Last week we announced preliminary results of the Second Annual Survey of Trade Union Use of the Net -- results which we'd like to share with you and your union. I think we learned some interesting things which will help us as trade unionists make better use of the new technology.      


         It would appear that the Scottish Defence League (SDL) intend to hold a “static” demonstration somewhere in the centre of Glasgow on Saturday February 25. It is up to the Glasgow citizens to turn up in their hundreds and show their disgust and hatred of this fascist off-shoot of the English Defence League/BNP Nazi grouping. The ordinary people of Glasgow should make it quite clear that there is no room on our streets for this bunch of racist/Nazi/fascist scum. These people have been responsible for intimidation and violence against any group that shows any form of libertarian views. They have attacked stalls in the city centre because they don't like what they say. When ever these brainless clones raise their empty heads above the sewer it is with the intention of intimidation and violence, they get off on doing Nazi salutes in front of a mirror, we should not allow them to create divisions with in our class, we are all being exploited by the same corporate greed machine, even the Nazi scum, but they are too stupid to realise that fact. They should not be let out alone.

         At a time when we are facing an all out attack on our living standards from the corporate fascist, these brain dead street fascists seek to find scapegoats. It can be anyone who is different, immigrants, people of colour, those with a different religion, all they do is create divisions in the working class making it easier for the corporate fascists to plunder the public purse. The ordinary people have a common cause against the corporate world that is destroying the very fabric of our society, there is only one division, those who own and control the means of production and distribution, and the ordinary people, those exploited of this system. We can't allow the brain dead fascists of the SDL ilk to divert us from our resolve to win a better life for all.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 18 February 2012


        The corporate fascists continue with their hatchet job on the Greek people and at the same time having imposed an financial technocrat as boss of the Greek government, they are now intent on demolishing any semblance of democracy that the Greek people ever had. As well as demanding that the politicians put in writing that they will carry on with the “austerity” measures as directed by the corporate fascists, even after new elections, they are also demanding that they put officials in place in Greece to run the Greek fiscal policies. It is modern colonialism, corporate financial colonialism. What is more there is nothing that says that they can not, and will not, do the same to Italy, Spain, Portugal, Romania, or any other country that they feel they need to, to protect their billions and their power. After all they already have installed a Goldman Sachs hit man to run Italy. We, the ordinary people have to stand with the Greek people, we have to accept that this is not a national struggle, it is international struggle and only by international solidarity of all our people do we have a hope in hell of defeating this corporate assault on all our living conditions.


       It is encouraging to see that there have been demonstrations of solidarity with the Greek people across Europe and there has also been demonstrations of solidarity in the US. Are we slowly awakening to the reality of our situation?  Just some of the support for the Greek people from around the world, may it rapidly grow. 

ann arky's home.


         You are probably used to it, the public outcry against a particular piece of intended legislation and the powers that be, say the will hold a consultation on the matter. So you feel confident because there are so many against it, but somehow at the end of the consultation the opposition is thrown out, very strange. Your puzzled, well the following extract from Ben Goldacre helps to explain how the system works. They call it democracy, I call it smoke and mirrors, a con trick, but what do you expect from crooks and liars? So you'll know what to expect from Camerons consultation on his Health and Welfare Reform Bill.

         David Cameron is holding an emergency summit about the troubled NHS bill on Monday. There has been a lot of chatter on twitter about who is, and is not, invited. It's notable, for example, that the elected head of the Royal College of GPs has not been invited: the NHS bill is all about putting power in the hands of GPs, but they have such serious concerns about the bill that they've called, with regret, for it to be dismissed. Continue READING:

ann arky's home.

Thursday 16 February 2012


       Since the Sunday night's demonstrations of anger in Greece there has been calls for solidarity from cities across Europe. Perhaps the people of Europe are beginning to realise that what is happening in Greece is their struggle, the Greek people are not responsible for this corporate plunder of the public purse and what is happening in Greece will in all possibility be happen in countries across Europe, it will all be a matter of degree, how much the corporate fascists think they can get away with.

     Let’s organize gatherings from 13-2/2012, by 20.00 MEZ, at central railway station forecourts and show our solidarity with the social rebellion —today, not tomorrow.

   The nationalist and racist resentments against Greece are unbearable. Politics, mass media and large misinformed parts of the German population fail and lie deliberately in their ‘analysis’ of the current state of the capitalist system. The effects of the Troika’s strangleholds are being trivialized, thus devaluing the justified protest.

   In Athens and in many other cities, the resistance has now reached a new peak. We cannot leave the victims of the very capitalist system alone, nor allow that people are ripped off their human dignity. We must not fall into the trap of those in Power who want us to turn against each other in order to succeed in their plans.

We are left only with solidarity; otherwise the case of Greece will become a paradigm for us all.


ann arky's home.


Rally to Save Our NHS

7 March, 18.00-19.30. Central Hall,
Westminster and streamed LIVE online

      Those who work in the NHS and those who use it are telling the government they must think again about their controversial Health and Social Care Bill.
        The Bill is still in the House of Lords and this is our best chance to change the proposals before it returns to the Commons, where the government can rely on party whips to get it passed.
        We still have time to stand up and defend the NHS – and show peers, MPs and ministers just how unpopular these proposals are.
       The All Together for the NHS campaign are organising an evening rally in Westminster, opposite Parliament, to show the breadth of opposition to the Bill.
        Please show your support by coming to the rally in person if you can, or pledging to attend our ‘virtual rally’ live online.
       We’ll be asking those who can’t get to London to tune in for a webcast of the live event, and to make as much noise online as they can. Tweet about it, blog and comment about it, or share it on social networks. We can get the internet buzzing in a way the government can’t ignore.
Sign up now to come to London, or to take part online

Organised by the All together for the NHS campaign –
health professionals, patients and the public standing up for our NHS.

ann arky's home.