Saturday 17 September 2011


        Ten years of bloodshed, death, pain and anguish for the Afghan people, over 1500 US deaths and almost 400 UK deaths, for what? The cost of the Afghan 10 year war is shattering both in its cost in human life, also the financial cost. What could that financial package have done other than kill and maim? Billions for death and destruction while at the same time cutting back on social services. It is hardly the hallmark of a civilised society. 


The only beneficiaries of war are the arms traders and their associates.

ann arky's home.


  1. It would be nice to have the choice but our rulers know best and give us what they decide is best for us- at the moment it's bombs.

  2. We are ruled by consent, we can withdraw that consent. Being subservient means you can and will be ruled over, to take control of your own life means you will not. It is only one step from taking control of your own life to the community taking control of their community.
