Saturday 25 June 2022


              So the bureaucrats of that patch of the planet called Sweden have jumped from being a so called neutral nation to a member of the American imperialist war machine, NATO. Though with confidence we can say that not all who live there are in favour of their being dragged into this NATO war machine. There are those who see it for what it is, a tool for American dominance of the planet, an institution for the furtherance of Western corporate capitalism, and they will make their voices heard.

The following from Act For Freedom Now:


        Some anarchists invaded the hometown of the Swedish Minister of Defence, the Social Democrat Peter Hultqvist. We vandalized several of the Social Democrats’ premises. Locks were glued and messages were painted: FUCK NATO!
        Neither the U.S. Club for Imperialism, nor the petty politicians, own us. You are trying to force decisions on us. Instead, we force ourselves on you. No defense alliance can protect you.

A new time prevails. Anarchy reigns.

Against your wars, your nationalism… FUCK OFF”

via: unoffensiveanimal

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