Sunday 11 August 2013

Spiraling Into Planned Deprivation.

       Hello Greece, we in the UK are following hard on your heels, as you plunge into orchestrated deprivation, we are right behind you. Recent figures show that we in the UK saw average hourly wages fall faster than most European countries. Since 2010 UK average hourly wages, adjusted for inflation, have fallen 5.5%. This is worse than Spain, 3.3%, Cyprus, 3%, countries that have faced financial turmoil. The only countries that suffered a worse deteriorating hourly wage were Greece, Portugal and Holland. Compare the UK drop with the European average drop of 0.7% and you see the rate at which we are racing towards the sweatshop economy. The UK workers will have lost £6,660 by the time the next election comes round. The present millionaire cabal sitting in The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption have presided over 35 consecutive months of falling real wages. The pattern is set to continue as price rises outstrip wage increases, where there are any wage increases.
       Do you honestly see this changing? Do you believe that voting in another smiling suit will make up any of that lost income? Only a fool would accept that a change of party, from tweedle-dee to tweedle-dum will sort out the falling living standards of the ordinary people. I suppose it is wrong to say “falling” living standards, “falling” implies some sort of unavoidable accident, the correct phrase in this instant should be “driven down” living standards. There is no accident in the way things are going and it is certainly not unavoidable. Everything is going to plan, cheap labour and everything privatised, that is the real aim of this financial Mafia plan. We are well on our way to be part of that corporate dream, sweatshop Europe.
ann arky's home.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Ann Arky,
    Have you by any chance heard of a thing called ‘inner city deprivation’?
    This thing came into quite regular use in the 1980s, after the early 1980s
    events in St Paul’s in Bristol and later in Brixton, Lambeth.
    The 1981 events that followed in some big cities including Birmingham, London showed the state that people were not happy.
    And the state allowed some churches, like those working in Hackney say, to share their concerns at deprivation.
    This is not the case now.
    Deprivation is now being sued in the context of creating a legitimacy about envying the deprived.
    Back in the 1980s, the reference was much more genuine.
    Another thing that is different from the 1980s and now is the presence on various local councils of faces that are ethnic. Even a few MPs are ethnic.
    Back in the 1980s, there weren’t any ethnic councillors to mention nor were there any MPs.
    This changed later in that decade and things have never looked as ‘good’.
    With the arrival of the ethnic quota of councillors and MPs, the clamour against deprivation subsided.
    It was on the subsidence scale when an extra bonus to the PR against society was added by the USA informing us about a thing called Islam and whatever that word represents.
    Suddenly, there was talk of terrorism.
    No time to talk about inner city deprivation!
    Next time we looked we found that Charles Dickens had been reincarnated by the Neo Cons!
    We have been conned by the Neo Cons and are now being herded towards the work house and to even worse concentrations!
    7.28 pm sunday 11 Aug 2013
