Showing posts with label Boris Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boris Johnson. Show all posts

Sunday 22 January 2023

A swamp

Image courtesy of Ray Davies. 

          Looking at today’s politicians is a bit like looking at the lives of charlatans. Across the Atlantic we have the Trump saga of corruption and delusions, the Biden affair of having classified documents lying hither and thither about his home and various offices. Over here at our end of the swamp we have in that chamber of pomp and privilege, the House of Lords, one of their members, millionaire Michelle Mone, faces accusations that her husband has been linked to at least three tax avoidance schemes by HMRC, so she takes “leave of absence” from her place in the house of ermine, which means of course that she doesn’t have to disclose her financial affairs. Down among the millionaires in that misnomer, The House of Commons, when in fact it is a house of millionaires, we have ex Chancellor of the Exchequer Nadhim Zahawi being fined by HMRC for a reported sum of over a million pounds for avoiding having paid a reported sum of over £3 million in tax. According to him and his cronies, it was an oversight and not deliberate. This is a man who is reputed to have a personal wealth of £100 million. Now one would imagine that a shrewd business millionaire would have the sense to employ a shit hot accountant to make sure his tax affairs were in order, just to keep his “good” name. Will we hear of an accountant being dismissed? Knee deep in wealth, failing to pay over £3million in tax in a tax avoidance scheme, just an oversight, yes and the moon is made of cheese. Of course we know that one Boris Johnson is never far removed for scandal, lying and bluster, well true to form another little piece of skulduggery has surfaced. It appears the Boris was strapped for cash and needed a guarantor for an £800,000 loan, and according to a report in The Sunday Times, a meeting was arranged between Canadian business man Sam Blyth, Mr Sharp and Boris with the idea of Mr. Sharp being a guarantor for Boris’s loan. Mr Sharp was later appointed as chairman of the BBC, an appointment that is made by the Prime Minister and Culture Secretary. Are you reaching for your mask to try and avoid the stink coming from the sewer that is politics today. When will we wise up and bring this festering sewer of a swamp to an end, can’t you hear them laughing at us. We struggle to heat our homes, put food on the table and are told how to live our lives by multi-millionaires who see £3+ million tax avoidance as an oversight. Do we really think this is the way to organise our lives? Is this the society that we want for future generations?

Image courtesy of Global Witness.

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Friday 13 December 2019

Gees, What Have They Done!!!

      So after the manufactured phony excitement over the recent crooks and liars competition, our as our lords and master like to call it, the general election, the people have spoken, and the result is that we have a far right government. So for the next five years you will be expected to get your head down and in a subservient manner work your arse off, and try to remember that some multi million private yacht needs repaired. Abandon your interest in politics, you have done your bit with that little cross on that little bit of paper. Now just knuckle down and let the rich and powerful get on with their plundering of the poor. Or you could look across the seas to Chile, Ecuador, Bolivia, Haiti, France, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Hong Kong, Czech Republic, and many more areas where the people have taken to the streets saying, enough is enough, we will not be impoverished any more, we will not pay homage to the rich parasitical corporate class.

Jacob Rees-Mogg at work on a salary of £76,011, paid by you.
   Over the last ten years, under a less far right regime, we have seen our social services decimated, our education system crumble, our National Health service, starved to breaking point. Now with old Etonians like Jacob Rees-Mogg, personal wealth estimated at £55 million ( £150 million if you include his wife's little bundle), and his other greed driven, power crazy Etonian buddie, Boris Johnson, he who thinks the truth is an illusion, do you think that they will act with the welfare of the people at heart, or will they give free rein to their friends and cronies in  corporate exploiting and plundering machine?
    In my mind, the real people have still to speak, if they do, it will have to be loud and clear and quick.

Boris Johnson, sacked twice for lying, now Prime Minister.

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Friday 6 September 2019

Upper Crust's Arrogance And Disdain For The Plebs.

        I'm always rather reluctant to discuss the pantomime that goes on in our Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, as I tend to see them all as the bacteria that floats on the top of a cesspool. However, watching the recent pompous arrogance of dangerous bumbling Boris, and Joseph Rees Mogg's total upper crust disdain for what was going on, displayed by his full length sleeping posture during the debate, it reminded me of a previous piece I wrote away back in 2010. It was just another public display of arrogance and disgust at the plebs by one of the upper crust privileged parasite class, a certain Sir Nicholas Winterton, as you see, nothing has really changed. How long will we tolerate this dangerous pantomime controlling our lives?

         Recently the media has been blabbing on about a certain member of the parasite class, a Sir Nicholas Winterton, conservative MP for Macclesfield who stated that it was infuriating that he had to pay to travel with his class of person. This “gent” also said, passengers with cheap train tickets are, “a totally different type of people.” Another of his comments that no doubt came from his heart, was, Those in standing areas had, “a different outlook on life” compared with first class passengers. This old windbag and parasite also stated, “They may read a book, but I doubt whether they’re undertaking serious work or study, reading reports or amending reports that MPs do when they travel.”
       Why there should be such surprise or shock at such remarks is what shocks me. This is the real values these people have. They DO believe they are a better class of person, they do feel they have the right to all the privileges and perks that are going. They just don’t say it out loud in the wrong company and that was the mistake of this particular parasite. They smile and spout drivel pretending to engage with the peasants and show a little courtesy now and then as the last thing they want is for peasants with pitch forks arriving at their door. Which would be no bad thing under the present circumstances.

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Tuesday 12 May 2015

Taken For A Ride By The Bullingdon Boys.

     The 2015 Crooks and Liars competition, (general election) is over, and on the bridge of the good ship UK Exploitation, stands the new officer crew, all trained at the Oxbridge sausage factory, ready to steer her to new lands in the world of austerity. They have welcomed on board another member of the Bullingdon Club, one Boris Johnson, whose grandfather eighth removed, was King George II, and is a cousin, again eighth removed, of the captain, Bullingdon Boy, Cameron.
     What this effectively means is, that we the people of these islands have handed over control of our country to a bunch of self-centred, over privileged, pampered, aristocratic parasites, our affairs are going to be handled by a cabal from the Bullingdon Club.
Your Elected Government!!
        Why do we tolerate this? If there is anyone out there who believes that this bunch of self-seeking millionaires will address the problems of the ordinary people, they are naive in the extreme. These products of the Oxbridge sausage factory, have no idea what the problems of the ordinary people are. let alone the answers. Ordinary is not a word that they are familiar with, excess, privilege, pampered, greed, are the words we normally associate with this gang.
       You will be seen and used as peasants, serfs, lesser beings, to be used by them and their corporate millionaire buddies, to increase their already obscene wealth. Anything to alleviate the drudgery of our day to day struggle, will have to wrestled from their grasping hands, and it will be given grudgingly, to be stolen back at the first opportunity.
       Our fathers and mothers, and those before them, have, for generations, suffered at the hands of these people, we have struggled through five years of "austerity", with more promised, and with greater severity, meanwhile, they got richer and richer. Do you honestly think the latest band of robbers will be different?
 Looking after your interests!!
       We have had experience enough to know that the present system doesn't work for us the people, all around us is the evidence that it only works for a privileged few. We are descending further down the spiral of deprivation, all to an agreed plan, an ideology born of greed. We don't have to accept this greed and injustice, the system is not written in tablets of stone, handed down by some divine being. It is a man made system of economics, it can be destroyed by people like you and me, and a fairer more just system that sees to the needs of all our people, can be built in its place. All that is lacking is our will to take the task on.

       However, Stuart Wilks-Heeg, executive director of Democratic Audit, noted that "Boris is politically nimble",[303] while biographer Sonia Purnell stated that Johnson regularly changed his opinion on political issues, commenting on what she perceived to be "an ideological emptiness beneath the staunch Tory exterior."[308] She later referred to his "opportunistic - some might say pragmatic - approach to politics".[309] Former Mayor Ken Livingstone claimed that while he had once feared Johnson as "the most hardline right-wing ideologue since Thatcher", over the course of Johnson's mayoralty he had instead concluded that he was "a fairly lazy tosser who just wants to be there" while doing very little work
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Monday 16 June 2014

When The Insane Hold Power!!

        I never thought that I would find myself nodding approvingly at comments made by that arrogant, privileged, old Etonian, ex-Bullingdon Club member the dangerous buffoon, Boris (he who ordered 3 water cannons for the people of London) Johnson. However in his latest mutterings I feel he has got it right, he refers to that madman, the most holy, St.Tony Blair as unhinged.
      In his Daily Telegraph column, he makes such remarks as, "I have come to the conclusion that Tony Blair has finally gone mad.” He goes on with truths that anybody with any reasoning ability are fully aware, such as, "In discussing the disaster of modern Iraq he made assertions that are so jaw-droppingly and breathtakingly at variance with reality that he surely needs professional psychiatric help." Well said Boris, but we have been saying it for years. Even before he steeped himself in other people's blood in Iraq. Boris continues his truths on St. Tony Blair with further comments such as, "There are more than 100,000 dead Iraqis who would be alive today if we had not gone in and created the conditions for such a conflict, to say nothing of the troops from America, Britain and other countries who have lost their lives in the shambles----.” "That is the truth, and it is time Tony Blair accepted it.” and, "We utterly blitzed the power centres of Iraq with no credible plan for the next stage - and frankly, yes, I do blame Bush and Blair for their unbelievable arrogance in thinking it would work."

       I have to hand it to Buffoon Boris when he says, Blair instinctively understood how war helps to magnify a politician. His remark, "War gives leaders a grandeur they might not otherwise possess. If you hanker after Churchillian or Thatcherian charisma, there is nothing like a victorious war." tells us a lot about our privileged political class and how they think. Boris more or less accuses St. Tony of having sent British forces into the bloody conflict in part to gain personal "grandeur".

       Well said Boris, now why not go the whole way and speak to your privileged, Oxbridge millionaire friends and get their weight behind having him charged with crimes against humanity and then committed to a hospital for the criminally insane.

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Thursday 12 June 2014

Democracy And Water Cannons Don't Walk Hand In Hand.

       Do the hounds of Oxbridge sniff dissent in the air? While Theresa May, possible future queen of the Tory party, and Cameron, with his crown slipping, mull over the possible use of water cannons on our streets, dangerous, ambitious buffoon Johnson, has jumped the gun and order three. Meanwhile the police are salivating at the mouth at the thought of getting new, great big toys. Do they see a rising tide of dissent, have their expert advisers advised them that their continuing plans for swing the austerity axe, will bring in its wake mass unrest? Whatever the reason, water cannons will usher in the end of peaceful protest on our streets. When protesting against some injustice, how do react when faced with rows of shield covered, baton wielding riot police and behind them this monstrosity of brute force, the water cannon? Do you feel confident that everything will be OK as we live in a democracy? Water cannons and democracy do not walk hand in hand. Their only purpose is to intimidate and get you off the street.

This from 38 Degrees:
       Theresa May, the Home Secretary, is deciding on whether to allow the police in England & Wales to use water cannons on our streets. The police say they need them to control protests “from ongoing and potential future austerity measures”. [1]
       Yesterday, London Mayor Boris Johnson jumped the gun and ordered three water cannons for the capital before Theresa’s decision has been made. He’s now been backed by David Cameron, but Theresa May says she’s refusing to be rushed on the important decision. [2]
       38 Degrees member Neal has started a petition demanding that Theresa refuses to lift the ban on water cannons. If we can show there’s enough public opposition to the plans, it could be enough to encourage Theresa to defy David and Boris and keep the machines out of the police’s hands.
     What do you think? You can sign Neal’s petition to keep the ban on the cannons here:

       He says: “The use of water cannon would be a violent and excessive use of force to combat protests on the streets of the UK. The right to protest is one of the most important aspects of our free and open democracy and I believe that the threat of this weapon will be an inhibitor to people of all ages from exercising that right.“

       We have seen all too frequently instances of police abusing their power, and using unnecessary force to break up protests. Be it the death of Ian Tomlinson, or the assault on anti-fracking campaigner Sean O'Donnell, elements of the police force would prefer to use violence and aggression to silence peaceful protest.”

     Can you sign Neal’s petition and demand that Theresa keeps the cannons off our streets?

      Neal started his petition on Campaigns by You, part of the 38 Degrees website where anyone can start a petition to try and make the UK a fairer, more democratic and peaceful place to live. If there’s an issue close to your heart, it takes just a few minutes to get your campaign off the ground. [4]

Thanks for everything you do,
Robin, Bryony, Maddy & the 38 Degrees team.

[1] The Guardian: Police to ask home secretary to approve use of water cannon across country
[2] The Guardian: Cameron and May at odds over Boris Johnson's water cannon
[3] The Guardian: Police accused of brutality as fracking protester is left 'battered and bruised'
[3] Wikipedia: The Death of Ian Tomlinson
[4] Campaigns by You: 
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Wednesday 4 December 2013

This Society Of Parasites And Privilege.

      It says a lot about the class divided elitist system we, in this country live under, when three lads from the same year, at the same posh, very expensive school, end up at the same time, with three of the most powerful jobs in the country. All members of the arsehole Bullingdon Club for arrogant parasites. As far as the working class are concerned they are also three of the most dangerous men in the country. Groomed at the establishment's sausage factory, Cambridge, to protect their own and their millionaire friend's wealth, they are slotted in to positions of power. 


      I suppose if the working class were to put out a most wanted poster, then No.1 most dangerous man in the country would be George Gideon Oliver Osborne, son of Sir Peter Osborne 17th Baronet, and heir to the title. He lives in his padded bubble of privilege and wealth, oblivious of the troubles and problems of the ordinary people and ruthlessly carries out the dictates of his rich bankster buddies. The establishment has tasked him with the job of removing all wealth from the public sector to the private sector and to prepare the British working class for entry to the sweatshop economy. He does his job with an arrogance and relish. I suppose you could put murderer on that wanted poster, as in his drive to satisfy his billionaire bankster friends, he has introduced policies that increase poverty and deprivation, and in that poisonous cocktail, death lurks and strikes.
      I'm not suggesting for one minute that we should replace this dangerous, arrogant, pompous, privileged parasite, with a more caring compassionate individual. That would make little or no difference what so ever, the corporate beast and the banksters would still be pulling the strings. The public assets would still be plundered and the public wealth sent up to their already fat overflowing coffers.
       No, it's the system that stinks, the elitist profit driven system of exploitation and privilege, that needs to be sorted out. Not changed, just simply scrapped. Capitalism can't be made fair, it can't be made caring, it is first and foremost a system of the few getting rich on the backs of the many, and the gap between rich and poor will always grow. I'm sure you can think of a better way to run our society than handing power and control over our lives to a bunch of pampered parasites from a wealthy privileged background. 

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Wednesday 23 January 2013


      It is that time again, Davos, The World Economic Forum, a gathering of the main corporate Mafia members and their minders. This is where and when the corporate Mafia sit down and tell their minders, the national governments, how they want things to be done, how they want things to be structured to enhance their wealth and power and to protect these from any poisonous ideas about benefiting the people.
      It is no small party, there are some 2655 individuals on the official list, among them there will be billionaires and royalty, though I don't think there will be anybody from your street. Since this is all about the corporate mafia structuring the world to suit big business, they will form the largest group, 65% from the corporate world, while 25% of the total attendees will be made up of CEO. Others will be public officials just over 18% and those learned men from academia accounting for almost 7%. Sorry, nobody from your community centre. It may be the World Economic Forum, but according to them, you ain't in it.
     With people like our millionaire Osborne and his Bullingdon Club chum Boris Johnson in attendance, don't expect anything in your favour to come out of this lavish nosh-up. There is another name in attendance, that makes your blood creep, though he will be at home in that company, our very own home grown messianic Tony Blair. He certainly carved a very lucrative patch for himself. I suppose it's his reward for faithfully serving the corporate Mafia, through other people's blood, sweat and tears.
      This gathering is where government policies are sorted out, this is where the direction governments take will be laid down. Forget all this nonsense about elections and party manifestos, they are just the smoke and mirrors of the system. Decisions on your life are taken on high, in the rarefied atmosphere of the marble halls of power. The "representative democracy" is the charade that is there to keep the public feeling they are involved. The corporate world lays down its agenda, governments comply, that's corporate capitalism.

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