Showing posts with label IMF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IMF. Show all posts

Thursday 19 June 2014

In Capitalism, Oil = Blood.

       Is the root of Ukraine’s problem the fact that rich oil and gas deposits were discovered there early in 2013. So naturally, opposing imperialist camps vie for control, and once again as imperialists squabble over control of a country's rich resources, it's the people that suffer. Though oil could and probably will, transform Ukraine, it is at present one of the poorest countries in Europe. Sadly it has recently been given the kiss of death, by the usual vampire, the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers). That means it takes on a massive debt to hand to the corporations to exploit its country, and proceeds to pay back that debt, by massive cuts in social spending, and massive privatisation of public assets. It has to decimate the lives of its people and destroy what social fabric exists, in order to satisfy the blood suckers in the bank of Western imperialists, the IMF.

      Imperialists, of what ever shade, always manage to get workers to pick up guns against workers, they always get some to run with one flag and others to run with yet another. They manage to play the patriotic game, or the ethnic game, in an endeavour to gain control. Though they themselves are never patriotic, the sink their ill gotten wealth in any country that will pay the right dividend. You'll not see many “oligarchs” running in the streets with a Kalashnikov, They tend to be sitting with their banker guarding their thieved pile.

      And so it is at the moment in Ukraine, ordinary worker fighting and killing ordinary worker, to see which imperialist gets the goodies.
This from FREEDOM SOCIALIST (Voice of Revolutionary Feminism).
       The truth is Ukraine’s economy depends on both Russia and Europe. But each side wants to exclude the other. Meanwhile, Ukraine has signed its new loan deal with the IMF, accepting severe cuts to public spending, privatization of public resources, and other austerity measures. Ultra-rich oligarchs continue to loot the country.
     Volodymyr Ishchenko, an anti-capitalist sociologist in Kiev, puts it in a nutshell. “The crazy, irrational capitalist system that inevitably produces competing imperialisms … this is the root of the problem — not only for Ukraine, but for the entire world.”
Read the full article HERE:
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Wednesday 30 April 2014

Finances Inhumanity To Man.

        How far has the social structure of Greece been crushed since the "help" from the financial Mafia and the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) was first given to that unfortunate country? Apart from the 27% unemployment, approximately 60% among the young,  the doubling of suicides since 2010, the rocketing figures of homeless, the epidemic of substance abuse, and the massive increase in hunger and deprivation, there has been an increase in the prison population to the situation of gross overcrowding and inhumanity, as well as an unprecedented increase in immigrants being held in filthy overcrowded detention centres, (concentration camps).

         As the following extract shows, even in the prison hospitals, this inhumanity has reach new levels of inhumanity. It is difficult to believe that this is a 21st. century country in "modern" Europe. It is however, a level quite acceptable to the powers that be, as they continue their plundering of the public purse in an endeavour to regain some of their gambling losses. 

       Besides, prisoners’ fight is a struggle for survival and a one-way road, considering that complaints sketch out an obscure Medieval-inspired stage set. Two hundred and nine (209) patients at the prison hospital ward are cramped to suffocation in filthy “warehouses” fit for 60 people. All are suffering from severe, particularly contagious and painful diseases and 131 are HIV-positive. The number of cases of scabies, TB etc remains to be determined.
      Medical care provided consists in just two (!) permanent physicians, while the relevant appeal for the obligatory public prosecutor’s supervision as required by law has crushed into the indifference of the people responsible, who in fact claim that they “have a family” and are thus unable to enter the premises.
Read the full article HERE:
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Monday 31 March 2014

The Troika's Answer To Unemployment - Pay Off More Workers.

       Across southern Europe unemployment is at life sapping heights, Greece and Spain above 24%, in both these countries unemployment among the young is at the 60% level, while unemployment in Portugal is 16% and Italy 13%, Italy's government debt is estimated by the IMF, (International Mankind Fuckers) to be 130% of GDP. The Spanish people have been on the streets this weekend displaying their anger and disgust, at the policies being dictated by the so called Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers), which are causing widespread misery and poverty. The organisers of the protests have called them “marches of dignity”, one of the many things that the ordinary people are denied in this exploitative system. In Greece, the social fabric of society is in a severe state of collapse. The health service is now third world, the education system has collapsed, the massive increase in poverty and deprivation has been matched by an equally massive increase in substance abuse, suicides and physical and mental health problems. So with unemployment and poverty destroying the present and future generations, in that plunder land, Greece, what is the Troika's answer? Why more unemployment of course.
         The rich parasite bastards that make up the Troika, sitting in their marble halls of power in Brussels, have decreed that Greece has not done enough to to satisfy their masters in the financial Mafia. So they have insisted on the Greek government cutting a further 11,000 public sector workers. (Who dictates how many public sector workers here in the UK are to be paid off???) This despite the Greek economy having shrank by 6.4% last year. This is 2014, six years of bailouts, austerity, massive unemployment, and both government debt and deficit are still lost somewhere in the stratosphere, and the misery and deprivation is also up there and rising. Of course the rest of Europe is not immune to the destruction spewed out by the Troika, who are merely the European managers for the global financial mafia, no country in Europe is an isolated island, look at Souther Europe and you're looking at a picture of Northern Europe's future, sweatshop Europe, the Western corporate dream. The system doesn't work for the people, it can't be modified to something resembling fairness. It is a system of exploitation, where wealth is created by the people and ends up in the bank accounts of self-interested parasites, that's what it is designed to do and it does it with a ruthless efficiency. Only when we control the wealth that we create, and control its distribution, can we hope for a system that will see to the needs of all our people. We don't need them, they do need us. 

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Friday 14 February 2014

Bank Liquidity, Or People's Health?

      The full extent of austerity measures can't really be measured as it is the next generation that will carry a lot of the scars. The deeper the austerity the further into the future the damage goes. Greece is the financial Mafia's biggest European crime against a future generation. The extreme poverty inflicted on today's generation of the people of Greece destroys lives in the present, but the harm to the next generation could be far worse.
     According to Doctors of The World, medical aid group, at this moment in time, 25% of Greek's can't afford health care. This of course hits the most vulnerable, elderly, sick, pregnant women and children. Like the rest of Europe, parents in Greece had the kids immunised, this has now rapidly fallen away. In Greece immunisation of a child over its first six years, costs between €1,400 and €1,800, to an impoverished family this is beyond them. Doctors of The World also claimed that over a recent nine month period they examined 10,633 children and found that 6,580 had not been immunised, that is well over 50% of children not being vaccinated. They also stated that every day they see two and three year old children, who have not been vaccinated. Another of their findings, is the appalling fact that since 2008 to 2011 the number of stillborn babies has increase by 21%. This is the direct result of the policies of the, the European Financial Mafia, the Troika, (ECB, European Central Bank, EC, European Commission, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers.)
     What will the future be like, growing up in a country where child vaccination is disappearing and infant mortality rising, where unemployment is running at 27%, and over 60% among the young, what will this do for the quality of life, for family life? These are just some of the many hidden crimes perpetrated by the financial mafia, in its plundering of the public purse. Generations of deprivation, with all the attendant physical and mental health problems, for no other reason than to fill the coffers of a banking system that got drunk on gambling, and lost. 
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Wednesday 22 January 2014

Greece, A Plundered Land.

    Greece has been out of the financial news recently, creating the impression that the Troika solutions are working. Its double speak Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, was blowing smoke and holding mirrors, as he stated that, Greece would leave the bailout program in 2014. In a national Television broadcast he boasted, “In 2014, Greece will venture out to the markets again,-----there will be no need for new loans and a new bailout”. Well it seems that this is Alice in Wonderland economics. With large loans falling due this year, “experts” say that Greece will default by May, August at the latest.
      According to recent figures, Greece showed a surplus this year of €800 million. However, the payments that Greece has to make this year amount to €31.6 billion, the loan funds available for this are €17.5 billion, their €800 million surplus is no more than coffee money for the corrupt government that oversees the plundering of the people of Greece. The figures just doesn't add up.
      The bailout is no more than a financial Mafia scam, the Troika hands bundles of money to Greece, however the Greek government can't decide how it should be spent, it is simply hands it back to the Troika as interest and capital payments. The dregs left at the bottom of the bucket, can be spent by the Greek government.     
      There is no way out for the people of Greece if they stay with the present economic system, all they will reap is more misery, poverty and deprivation as their future. In the economics of the financial parasites, people don't count.
The people have to tighten their belts if we are to get through these difficult times
                                                                                                                                    What the bailout does guarantee however, is that the Greek government is forced to sell off all its public assets, at knock-down prices, to the corporate friends of the Troika. For Troika, read “financial mafia”, made up of the EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank and the IMF, International Mankind Fuckers. You can rest assured that what ever solution that cabal of financial parasites come up with, will do nothing more than swell their already overflowing coffers, and it will all be at the expense of the ordinary people. In the end, Greece will be a busted, plunder country, all paid for by the deprivation of its people. Of course no country is immune from the festering influence of "the markets", we are all on the agenda for plundering.
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Thursday 12 December 2013

Riot Police At The Funeral March.

      December 11 saw the funeral of Sara, the young 13 year old girl who died from carbon monoxide poisoning in Thessaloniki, after her mother, in desperation to keep herself and her daughter warm, lit a fire in a make-shift stove in their apartment. The young girl and her unemployed mother lived alone and had their power cut off three months earlier. They were doing their best to try and keep warm, as temperatures dropped to near freezing in their part of northern Greece.

       In Greece even a funeral march by students, is accompanied by riot police in full riot gear. The march to the funeral by high school students in the Thessaloniki, was also in commemoration of the murder of a 15 year old teenager, Alexis Grigoropoulos, by a Athens police officer in December 2008. An event that set off a wave of protest that engulfed all of Greece in the worst civil violence experienced since the overthrow of the country's military dictatorship in in 1973.
    Sara died because of the Troika and their subservient Greek puppet government. They forced the banksters' policies of “austerity” and “structural adjustments” onto the people of Greece, they are directly responsible for the deaths by suicide, malnutrition and ill-health that must follow in the wake of their social destruction. These events are not accidents, they are the expected consequences of driving people to deprivation.
     Alexis Grigoropoulos was murdered my the state apparatus, likewise, Sara was murdered by that same state apparatus. You can point a gun and shoot, or you can starve and freeze people, the effect is the same, death by a deliberate action. All the poverty and deprivation brought about by the actions of the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) are not accidental events, they are aware that if you slash people's standard of living, they will suffer, the more you cut, the more they suffer, and that suffering can and does end in death. There is nothing accidental in that.

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Sunday 29 September 2013

Massive Protests Against Golden Dawn.

       It's encouraging to see such a massive protest against Golden Dawn in Greece. The brutal murder of Pavlos Fyssas has been the catalyst in an explosion of anti-fascist sentiment. Even the Troika's, (E.C. European Commission, E.C.B. European Central Bank, I.M.F. International Mankind Fuckers.) puppets, sitting in the marble halls of power in Athens, who just a few weeks ago, were talking of a possible coalition with Golden Dawn have now started to distance themselves from the party of street thugs. It is not a change heart or policy, it is more self preservation, as they don't want any of the blood stains to be seen on their hands. So it's time for the two faced parasites to wear the suit of pseudo respectability.

       A week after antifascist hip-hop singer Pavlos Fyssas was murdered in cold blood by a gang of Golden Dawn thugs, tens of thousands of antifascist protesters staged an impressive rally and marched on the Golden Dawn headquarters in Athens to confront the rising threat of fascism head on. Clashes briefly broke out after riot police prevented the march from reaching the party’s offices and began firing tear gas at protesters to disperse the crowd. Some molotov cocktails were thrown, some trash bins burnt and some bank windows thrown in, but overall the march remained mostly peaceful.
Read the full article HERE:

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Sunday 15 September 2013

Sweatshop Europe Is Still The Aim.

      Like I keep saying, sweatshop Europe is the aim. Now that the People of Greece have seen their living standards trashed and poverty and deprivation is the norm for the ordinary people, it's time to invite in the big corporate plunderers. Time to start useing that poverty and deprivation as available cheap labour.  The puppets sitting in Athens, controlled by the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers), have now rolled out the red carpet for the corporate/financial Mafia to come in and do what they like with the environment.

Public event, 
Thursday 19 September, 7 to 9pm,
Unite House, 128 Theobald’s Road, Holborn, London, WC1X 8TN.
Gold mining in Greece: stories of resistance and repression
       Under the pretext of a severe financial crisis Greece is reasserting its investor-friendly profile by opening up all goldmines across the country without regard to the threats that mining poses to the environment and to people’s livelihoods. Foreign investors are particularly welcome: fast track processes; tax relief; exception from damages; easy money; no royalties; no problems.
      But the true picture is not so rosy! Sham public consultations, questionable deals designed to advance specific corporate interests and the slow but steady destruction of the environment have been met with resistance. The struggle to oppose Eldorado Gold’s plans to create an enormous open pit mine on Mount Kakavos and within the ancient forest of Skouries has succeeded in capturing people’s imagination and inspiring waves of solidarity across the country.
Read the full article HERE:

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Friday 13 September 2013

Puppets Of The Troika.

       Who rules Greece? An email has come to light proving that the Troika,  (EC, European Commission, ECB,European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers.) is dictating to the Greek government what is to be done regarding some purely domestic affairs. If you believe that it is only the Greek government that the Troika put pressure on, you're being rather naive. Why just Greece? After all it is sweatshop Europe that they are trying to  create, not just sweatshop Greece. We are never informed what goes on behind those closed doors in the marble halls of power.
       Nevertheless, the email addressed by Mr Kontolemis to the Greek government contradicts the Justice Minister’s claims: it not only requests that “revisions” be made to the proposed bill, an issue of domestic policy, but it also reminds the government that they have already committed to making these changes in July, and it also demands the legislature’s swift actions, under the threat that the October payment will be withheld.
Read the full article HERE:

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Sunday 8 September 2013

The Resistance Is Alive And Growing.

     There were two stories recently, that the babbling brook of bullshit, our mainstream media, gave banner headlines to and then dropped, giving the impression that nothing else was happening there. One was Cyprus, when it applied for a bailout and was informed that the publics bank accounts would be plundered to help pay for the financial Mafia's gambling debts and the other was when the people of Brazil exploded in anger at injustice and corruption.
      Well the people of Cyprus are still suffering, in the second quarter of this year, its economy contacted by 5.9%, its eighth succesive quarterly contraction. And it gets worse, according to that gang of financial thugs, the Troika,(ECB, European Central Bank, EC, European Commission, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) The Cypriot economy will contract by 8.7% for the year 2013. 
 Cypriot protester holding banner
      What that means for the people of Cyprus is unemployment, poverty and deprivation on a massive scale. It means people struggling to survive and living conditions rapidly deteriorating. However that is no longer news, it all falls into the plan of the people's daily trudge to sweatshop Europe.
      The other story, the rovolt of the people of Brazil, well for a month or so we got articles and TV pictures hundreds of thousands of people on the streets of the cities across Brazil, and then it would seem that tranquility returned to Brazil. Well it hasn't, the fancy parades of Independence Day were disrupted by protesters, demanding an end to corruption and better public services. The traditional Military parade in Rio de Janerio was interrupted as protesters shouted anti government slogans, and the speech, in the capital, Brasilia,  by President Dilma Rouseff, resulted in clashes between the police and protesters where tear gas was used and there were many arrests. People are still looking for every opportunity to voice their anger and disgut and a system that is riddled with corruption and injustice. The friendly football match between Brazil and Australia saw anti-government slogans appearing outside The Mane Garrincha Stadium. 
Brazil protests in Rio de Janeiro
     So it goes on, daily struggles to end this system of exploitaion, poverty, corruption and greed, a system controlled by the corporate world, where the people are of no concern in the calculation of profits. 

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Tuesday 3 September 2013

The State's March To Fascism.

      Day and daily the Greek state bears down on the people, creating enforced poverty and deprivation at the behest of the Troika, (ECB, European Central Bank, EC, European Commission, and the IMF, International Mankind Fuckers). As the anger among the people grows, the state works hard at closing down any hint of free space occupied by the people. Squat after squat is attacked, evicted and closed down, the latest being the Orfanotrofio squat in Thessaloniki, which had existed for years as a social centre in the community. Some of the squats recently evicted have been in existence for more than 20 years. In difficult times the state will crush any attempt by the people to organise among themselves.
     The Greek state is now openly racist, this is another line of its defence, scapegoats. Blame the immigrants for all the ills that beset the people of Greece. In Greece they are rounded up and detained in concentration camps, more than a hint of Nazi Germany. It is the normal progression of the state whenever it feels threatened, a move to open fascism.
       Greece and the Greek people are no different from any other European country. What is happening in Greece is happening here. Though perhaps not as overtly or as brutal, but that is only because the state here doesn't feel the need to go that far, yet. However it is on the agenda whenever they feel that need arises.

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Thursday 11 July 2013

Bare-Knuckle Capitalism.

     Though we can all claim that democracy in Europe is an illusion, a screen of smoke and mirrors, in Greece the illusion has evaporated, the smoke has cleared and the mirrors are shattered. Greece is at the sharp end of the Troika's (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) creation of an all European sweatshop. As the people's resistance grows, so does the state's brutal defence of its power and privileges No where else in Europe is the state so openly brutal and the police given a completely free hand to intimidate and savagely repress the public.
     What was a peaceful march in solidarity with a prisoner on hunger strike became a brutal assault by the fascist Greek state's storm-troopers.

Details of the case of Kostas Sakkas HERE:

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Tuesday 2 July 2013

A Tomorrow Of Deprivation!!

      You take it that the Greek government, (financial Mafia's puppets), have decimated the living standards of the people of Greece, destroyed the education system, turn the country's health system into a Third World health lottery and sent the unemployment rate through the roof, that their financial overlords would be pleased. However, the European financial Mafia, fronted by the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, and the IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) are not happy with with the pace of reforms taking place in Greece, and are threatening to withhold the next bag of blood money from their Greek puppets. They are dissatisfied with the slow rate of the reforms, especially in employment regulations, (deregulation), in the public sector, not enough people paid off, not enough privatised, there is also dissatisfaction with the lack of reforms in the health service, not enough cuts and lack of privatisation, this to a health service that has ceased to exist as a modern health service. What has been done to the people of Greece is a series of brutal criminal acts, all in the name of finance, but to the bunch of parasites, the Troika, it is not enough, the people have to be impoverished much more to satisfy the ideological lust of these financial leeches. The people's assets have to be sold off quicker and cheaper. To satisfy the blood sucking financial Mafia, the plunder of the people of Greece must be rapid and complete. The foundations of sweatshop Europe must be solid with a guarantee of permanency. Then they can move on to the other European countries with a vengeance. That corporate dream is in their sights, a sweatshop Europe that can compete with its Eastern adversaries.
      This is what the future holds for our children and grandchildren if we allow the preaent system to continue to exist. Its destruction is the only hope for any kind of future for those coming generations.

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Saturday 22 June 2013

IMF, An Excellent Serial Killer.

        I have often spouted my hatred of the IMF, International Mankind Fuckers, There is not a country on the planet that they have went into with their grand plan and destroyed the living standards of the people. It is difficult to find the correct name for this gang of assassins, whose target is always the ordinary people. Reading an article from Reporters From The Edge Of Borderline Democracy, I came across this description which comes close to explaining the true nature of the IMF.
       However, are these reasons enough for the executives of the organisation to be apologising? Our answer is unequivocally negative because, contrary to the common perception of the “failed cook”, the IMF is in fact an excellent serial killer. The fact that every time they describe how they killed their victim does not, in any way, mean that they failed in their mission.
It is very informative and it is well worth reading the full article HERE:

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Friday 21 June 2013

The Holy Trinity, The Protectors Of Wealth.

       The people of Greece have experienced what is probably the most rapid deterioration of living standards of any modern developed country. They have entered a world of collapsing education and health-care, vicious wage cuts, stratospheric unemployment, destruction of all social services, massive tax increases and a range of new taxes, all this, to save the banksters and the bond market from facing their gambling losses.
     The resultant misery, ill health, mental and physical, rising addiction problems, increase in suicides, a flood of homelessness, rising crime and violence on the streets and the break up of families as thousands leave Greece to try to survive elsewhere, is not enough. Well according to that Holy Trinity, the protector of wealth and privilege, the Troika, (ECB, European central bank, EC, European Commission, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers), as they are pushing their fascist puppet government in Athens to speed up the pace of “reforms”. It seems that because the Athens puppets couldn't give away the state run natural gas supplier DEPA at a cheap enough price, they are not meeting the criteria set by the Holy Trinity, the Troika, so might not get the rest of the bailout.
      So four years of untold misery for the people of Greece with the promise that they would all then enter the promised land of mythical growth and prosperity for all, looks like it isn't going to work. They haven't sold (handed over) enough of the people's assets to the corporate world, they haven't lowered the wages enough, the haven't dismantled the employment regulations enough. Under no circumstances can the banksters and the bond markets be allowed to lose any of their ill-gotten gains, even if they gamble the lot with the reckless gay abandon of drunk gambling addict.
     There is also the talk of a €2-3 billion shortfall in the funding of the Holy Trinity, as they claim that some European states are dragging their feet on the funding matter. So even if the fascists puppets in Athens gave away all the people's assets and paid-off another few thousand public sector workers, there is a chance that they wont get the money. No matter the outcome, the misery knowingly inflicted on the people of Greece will continue, their situation is not likely to improve much, if at all, for decades to come. 

  It is not the balancing of the budget that has to be addressed, it is not the  Trioka's reforms that have to be speeded up, it is the stinking system of greed driven capitalism that has to be dismantled. Through all this misery and hardship in Greece, the pattern is the same as other countries, the rich are doing just fine, it is the people that have to take the misery to prop up a system of privilege for the few. Is this what we want?

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Friday 14 June 2013

The Unfolding Story Of Greece.

       A few minutes after 11pm on the night of June 11, the signal of the two TV stations of ERT (the Greek state media broadcaster) was abruptly cut, as the Greek fascist government went further down the road of attempting to control the flow of information, or cut it all together. This decision was taken and enforced without any public debate or any vote in parliament. This unprecedented action was carried via a "act of legislative content" which is supposed to be invoked only during a state of emergency. The shut down meant the immediate firing of all the 2,600+ employees, this on top of an unemployment rate of 27.4%, the employees immediately occupied the broadcasting premises. The Greek public have come out in support of the employees occupation and more than 8,000 have gather outside the ERT HQ on Mesogeion Avenue.

     This drastic action by the fascist political puppets of the financial Mafia changes the situation in Greece as it has even angered the other political puppets that are playing the "representative democracy" game with the fascists, and further alienated the people from the government.
        Public sector Unions called a general strike for Thursday 13 June, buses, subway and trains stopped running, train and ferry links were affected, air traffic control was involved, journalists staged an indefinite strike with practically all major newspapers failing to appear, and hospital staff, already under pressure, also reduced staffing in protest at the ERT closure.
            There are some excellent photographs HERE and by Teacher Dude on his flickr site.
     Though the Troika, (ECB, European Central Bank, EC, European Commission, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) consider that their fascist puppets in Athens are doing a good job, the people of Greece have not yet decided which way they will take their country, the book is not yet written.

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Sunday 2 June 2013

From Little Acorns, Great Oak Trees Grow.

     From rolling anger to joined-up protests across Europe. Stockholm, Berne, Istanbul, Frankfurt, while all that was going on there were demonstrations in Athens, Madrid and Lisbon. That number of angry people prepare to take to the streets tells you the system is rotten.

Thousands blockade European Central Bank in Frankfurt

  The Daily Sheeple

    Anti-capitalist protestors have taken to the streets the financial heart of Frankfurt a day ahead of Europe-wide gatherings planned for June 1 to protest leaders handling of the three-year euro debt crisis.

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