Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Deported To Death.

   More on the latest death at Yarl's Wood, from Act For Freedom Now:
       Here in England, yesterday (Monday) a man died in Yarl’s Wood detention centre. According to a corporate media report: One female detainee, who asked not to be named, said the man who died was 33 and his wife was also in her mid-thirties. Both were on a visit to the UK from their home in India when they were arrested and detained in the family unit at Yarl’s Wood. The detainee said she thought the couple had children back home in India. “The man’s wife is in a state of shock. She was taken to the legal corridor but she is not speaking,” said the detainee. “The couple had just had breakfast and the man had been drinking an energy drink. Suddenly he collapsed and died.” She added that the couple had been in Yarl’s Wood for two months. “I think they came here with visitors’ visas. They said they wanted to see London but they were detained at the airport and brought to Yarl’s Wood. As far as I know he was healthy and not on any medication. He was very nice and so is she, they would make us all laugh. They were a lovely couple but now she is quite alone.”

   And what happens to some of them that are deported from detention centres?
    On Sunday, the islamic fascist scum of ISIS released a video claiming to show the killing of 28 Ethiopian christians by their soldiers in Libya. Today, three of the people killed were identified by their friends and loved ones as Eritrean refugees who had been deported from migrant detention camps in Israel. Media Report HERE.
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Monday 29 September 2014

There Can Be No Peace Without Justice.

     The massive slaughter may have stopped, and that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media may be selling other pieces of sensationalism, but the misery, hardship and repression continues. Gaza is still an open air prison, and Israel is still a brutal aggressive state, with genocide in its plans.

       A month has now passed since the end of Israel’s massacre of the besieged population of Gaza.
      Gaza may no longer be on our TV screens, but the medieval siege remains in place and Israel appears more determined than ever to press on with the expansion of its illegal Israeli settlements.  
       As civil society organisations in Gaza have said, there is now a battle underway to ensure that Israel is held to account. The outcome of this battle will determine whether Israel’s latest assault will be yet another stage in Israel’s incremental genocide” of Palestinians or the turning point that will bring an end to Israel’s status as an entity above the law. The outcome of this battle depends on you.
       Palestinians everywhere were inspired by the international outpouring of support for Palestine during the Gaza massacre. Hundreds of thousands of people across the world joined the August 9 Day of Rage protests initiated by organisations in Gaza. Israeli ships were prevented from docking at Oakland and other ports in the US. Israeli arms factories were shut down and protests were held at hundreds of retailers across the world that sells Israeli goods.
      And we know that BDS is working: Israeli exporters are complaining that it's becoming impossible to export produce to Israel. Big companies like G4S and Veolia are scaling back their involvement in Israeli crimes. Latin American governments responded to public pressure by withdrawing their ambassadors to Israel.
      What happens next depends on how strong we can build the movement. Get involved with the BDS movement today:
 -       Read our Make an Impact page that is full of ideas on what products to boycott and how to be effective

-       Check out our Get Involved page for tips on how to start a BDS campaign

-       Contact us to find out how to join a local BDS group

-       Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get our latest updates
       We look forward to working with you to build a BDS movement that can make Israel pay a heavy price for its massacre of Palestinians in Gaza. 

The Palestinian BDS National Committee
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Sunday 17 August 2014

Ouroboros, The New Israel.

      What happens to a nation that dehumanises another nation, how does that society come to terms with its brutal treatment of other human beings. how does it justify its savagery? What is happening to the people of Israel as they get behind their government's inhumane treatment of the Palestinian people?
“Tomorrow there’s no teaching in Gaza, they don’t have any children left,” chanted supporters of the attacks on Gaza, waving Israeli flags. 
Of course, none of this is unique to Israel. War and occupation have always brought out humanity’s inner bestiality — from Auschwitz to Abu Ghraib, from Hiroshima to Vietnam. (And no, observing that simple historical fact is not the same as equating Israel’s actions in Gaza to the Nazi Holocaust.) The same fundamental human bestiality has been an undeniable feature of all massacres and all colonial regimes. Not too long ago, great thinkers like Paulo Freire, Aimé Césaire and Frantz Fanon observed with great lucidity how the European colonizer, by brutalizing the colonized, ended up brutalizing himself. Running a colonial regime, they noted, requires not just the dehumanization of the oppressed, but — much more importantly — the thorough dehumanization of the oppressor. Human affects like empathy must be actively repressed to keep the colonial order intact; not only to justify the brutality ideologically, but simply to cope with one’s own atrocities emotionally.
Read the full article HERE:
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Saturday 16 August 2014

Nobody Gives You Freedom.

      Israelis dancing in the streets chanting "Gaza is a graveyard", "There's no school tomorrow, because there are no children left in Gaza", tells you something of the prevailing attitude in Israel. 
         I read a lot, and view a lot, not necessarily agreeing with all I come across, but there is always information to be picked up here and there. One thing I have learnt through reading the proper history, the history of our struggle for justice, is that whatever improvements we have gained, were never given to us by benevolent powers that be, but were wrestled from them by struggle, resistance and confrontation. Without that determination, we would still be steeped in poverty and deprivation worse than the Victorian era, with little or no rights.

Riot4Gaza from the stimulator on Vimeo.

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Wednesday 14 May 2014

The Brutality Of The Israeli State.

      Every time you look at what is happening in the Israeli occupied Palestinian territories, you never fail to be shocked at what is happening to the Palestinian people. It is hard to believe that you are reading about the 21st century and hard to believe that the rest of the world not only tolerates this treatment but in many cases condones this barbarity.
        I recently read the report of the Palestinian lawyer who after being released from an Israeli prison, hanged himself in his bedroom. One can only imagine the horrors that drove this quiet rational family man to take his own life. 
 Photo shows Amjad Safadi sitting on couch holding two small girls
     On the morning of 29 April, Amjad Safadi’s wife left their Jerusalem home for work. A little after 8am, Amjad’s younger brother Samer arrived to escort him to a court hearing. As he opened the door to his room, Samer found that Amjad had hanged himself.
     The shocking death of the 39-year-old lawyer and father of two girls came five days after his release from the notorious underground Russian Compound detention center — known in Arabic as the Moskobiyeh — in Jerusalem.
Read the full story HERE:
     The number of Palestinians imprisoned by the Israeli authorities is out of all proportion to the Palestinian population. It is estimated that since 1967, over 650,000 Palestinians have been imprisoned, this accounts for approximately 20% of the population and 40% of the male population. Recent estimates of how many are in prison put the figure at around 6,800, including members of the Palestinian legislative council. Minors are not exempt from this brutality, recent figures put the number of minors imprisoned as over 200, with 29 below the age of 16.
     This is 21st. Century Israel lashing out 19th century treatment to a subjugated people, while the so called civilised world looks the other way.
     Children are often taken suddenly from their homes, often in the middle of the night, with soldiers surrounding the house and then raiding it. Soldiers usually do not have a warrant for arrest or searches. For example, in July of 2010, an unusually heavy number of Israeli soldiers (in 12 jeeps) entered the outskirts of the village to arrest a local youth, 17 year old Ahmad Abed Al-Fatah Burnat, without giving any reason. Ahmad was taken by jeep to Ofer military prison located outside Ramallah. Prisoners in Ofer, especially young boys, are kept in harsh conditions with the intention of pressuring them to give information about other Palestinians. Many are denied food and water for extended periods of time and exposed to extreme cold or heat.
Detailed Report HERE:

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Sunday 16 March 2014

From Victim To Thug, A Sad Journey.

      It is always good to see dissent surface in Israel, more and more Jews are speaking out against the inhumane treatment inflicted on the Palestinian people, by the Jewish state. Sooner or later the barbarity, land grabbing, apartheid and genocide, the people of Palestine are subject to, will blow up in Israel's face, and it will not be a pretty sight. From the sufferers of the Holocaust, to the perpetrators, is a sad and tragic journey, which will reap its justice.

The vanishing country of Palestine.

This from Socialism or Your Money Back:
       ----Entitled We Refuse to Serve in the Occupation Army, the letter charges that this dehumanization hurts Israelis as well. "The problem with the army does not begin or end with the damage it inflicts on Palestinian society. It infiltrates everyday life in Israeli society too: it shapes the educational system, our workforce opportunities, while fostering racism, violence and ethnic, national and gender-based discrimination."
      "We refuse to forsake our principles as a condition to being accepted in our society," reads the joint letter, penned by people aged 16 to 20 who are eligible for compulsory service in the Army. "We have thought about our refusal deeply and we stand by our decisions."----
Read the full article HERE:

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Monday 10 February 2014

Western Bankrolled Genicide.

     At what point will the Western states give up on Israel, how far down the genocide road must it go before the Western states take action, and it is completely isolated? Are they prepared to see a history where there are no Palestinian people, where the Palestinian lands are part of a Greater Israel, all based on the mutterings of some ancient mythical being. This is a state that is built on the belief that they are the "chosen people" and therefore all others are inferior. Day and daily this unfounded arrogance spreads havoc and misery among the Palestinian people, grabbing their land, destroying their crops. demolishing their homes, terrorising the inhabitants. All the while, the West looks the other way and America bankrolls this genocide being carried out by a state of zealous religious fundamentalist thugs.
Sunday 9 February, this from Middle East monitor:
       Israeli settlers routinely destroy Palestinian olive groves, or directly attack Palestinian villagers and farmers, like the stone-throwing attack pictured above, where villagers at Assira al-Kibliya were attackec by masked settlers [file photo]
Israeli settlers throwing stones at Palestinian Villagers
      Early this morning, settlers uprooted and destroyed over 400 olive saplings in the village of Sinjil, located north of Ramallah.
     According to the mayor of Sinjil, Ayoub Sweed, a number of settlers raided the village, and carried out their attacks on agricultural land in which olives saplings were planted. He noted that this was the third attack in less than a month.
      He also pointed out that the olive saplings that were uprooted were planted as a part of the village's reforestation project funded by the International Committee of the Red Cross, which aims to reclaim and cultivate the land. The number of saplings that were uprooted in less than a month is estimated at about 3,000 saplings.
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Sunday 12 January 2014

Proposals For Genocide Discussed In Parliament!!

      Anybody with two brain cells is fully aware that the Zionist state of Israel is carrying out genocide on the Palestinian people. No matter how they dress it up, they are simply following an ideology of ethnic cleansing, and the creation of Greater Israel at the expense of the Palestinians and other Arab peoples. They plan a one large, pure Jewish state, founded on the say-so of their particular God. Of course they are not doing anything new, it has been tried before, the most successful being America, where the indigenous people were robbed of their land, stuck in pockets called reservations and more or less wiped out as a people with a history and a culture.
     This Zionist ideology is always wrapped up in such phrases as "road map" "Peace talks" "dialogue" etc.. So it is surprising, though disgusting and horrifying to hear the truth spoken in the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset.
     Arguing in favour of the plan was Miri Regev, a former soldier in the Israeli army propaganda unit, and a law-maker in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's hard-right Likud faction. A Palestinian MK accused Regev of wanting to "transfer an entire population."
Regev's reply was stark, but honest: "Yes, as the Americans did to the Indians."
Read the full article HERE:

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Friday 10 January 2014

Creating The Next Generation Of Racist Thugs.

      The daily life of Palestinians. This is absolutely brutish, vicious and terrorising behaviour, what makes it even worse is that they bring their kids along to take part, and in so doing, these thugs perpetuate their hatred and racist bigotry, creating the next generation of religious terrorists. This goes on across the occupied territories on a daily basis, and the world looks the other way, Why?

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Wednesday 25 December 2013

Under Repression, Creativity Still grows.

      Some moving and inspirational works of art by Palestinians, created from Israeli instruments of oppression.

    Although Palestinians have lived under Israeli occupation and apartheid for over six decades, Western narratives usually paint them as hateful and violent, as if they were born with hatred rather than shaped by a life of displacement, discrimination, military rule, poverty and oppression.
    And to deepen the injustice of these narratives, despite being born into these harsh circumstances, the vast majority of Palestinians have still adopted nonviolent strategies of resistance in their continuing struggle for equal rights and justice. Today this nonviolent resistance movement includes: weekly protests against Israel's separation wall, mass mobilisations against Israeli policies of displacement, hunger strikes against Israel's inhumane treatment of prisoners and staging protest camps against Israel's appropriation of land and illegal settlements.
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Black Is White, And White Is Black.

        Every week or more, we hear of a death, maiming or injury, of one or more Palestinians, and that babbling brook of bullshit, the main stream media, always reports it as “retaliation” by Israel, but never do they refer to Palestinian, “retaliation”. This goes all the way back for decades, you would not be blamed for getting the impression that it is the Israeli lands that are being stolen, it is the Israeli people that were being driven from their homes, it is Israeli lands that are being occupied and developed by the Palestinians. Amazing how that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, can have you thinking black is white and white is black.

        Once again we hear that Israel has bombed the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip "in retaliation" for something that they've done against Israelis. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that his country will "respond". Many people would agree that a person in his position has a duty to protect his citizens. Certainly, those in the White House and Downing Street do, which is why Israel gets away with murder, quite literally. It's all down to legitimate self-defence; or so we are led to believe.
       What, though, is the reality? Why is that right of self-defence never extended to the people of Palestine? After all, it is their land which is under occupation; it is their land which is being stolen and colonised; it is their land from which they are being excluded in a decades-long act of ethnic cleansing that its proponents hope will never end.
Read the full article HERE:
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Friday 20 September 2013

Unacceptable And Illegal Collective Punishment.

        The Palestinians are humiliated on a daily basis, life in a concentration camp is unacceptable in today's world, but this goes on, and the world looks the other way, or worse, just waffles on about peace discussions that never go anywhere.

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Sunday 18 August 2013

Anarchists Against The Wall.

     Flashes of bloodshed appear in that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and more, but rarely do we see the daily bloodshed in Gaza and the West Bank. Somehow or other the Zionists manage to keep this episode of apartheid, genocide, land-grabbing bloodshed, out of the bullshit media. This is despite the fact the most Palestinians live in a war zone.
     This short video from Anarchists Against The Wall, was of yesterday's, August 16, weekly demonstrations against "The wall" in Kfur Qaddum.

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Monday 12 August 2013

'A Period Of Calm'?


      This is an extract from an Ajazeera article first published in 22 February, 2013. It gives some insight to what the people Gaza have to live under on a daily basis.

What a 'period of calm' looks like in the Occupied Territories

       Three months after the last major Israeli incursion into the Gaza Strip, the "period of calm" is only "calm" for Israel.
        Three months have passed since the ceasefire that brought an end to Israel's eight-day attack on the Gaza Strip known as Operation "Pillar of Defence". This infographic depicts the number of attacks on the Gaza Strip by the Israeli military during this three-month period, as well as the number of Palestinian attacks emanating from Gaza. Since late November, Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip have averaged over one a day, everyday. These include shootings by troops positioned along the border fence, attacks on fishermen working off the Gaza coast, and incursions by the Israeli army.
Read the full article HERE:

[Illustration and design: Rachele Richards]
Ben White is a freelance journalist, writer and activist, specialising in Palestine/Israel. He is a graduate of Cambridge University.The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy.

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Sunday 11 August 2013

Holocaust Mark2.

        Day and daily the repression and the genocide goes on and on. It couldn't go on without the American support and the rest of the Western world turning a blind eye. There is no rhyme or reason to the policies of the Israeli state, except the creation of the Greater Israeli State by expanding its borders and the banishing of the people of Palestine. Victims of the Holocaust are the perpetrators of the new Holocaust.

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Tuesday 23 July 2013

Twin Fangs Of The Serpent.

      Money and religion, a very dangerous cocktail, like the twin fangs of the serpent, they poison our world, they divide our brothers and sisters, they fester relationships.

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Friday 19 July 2013

The Leader Has Spoken.

     The following is a statement that I think a very large segment of the population might agree with, "saddened that the Jews, who suffered unbelievable levels of persecution during the Holocaust, could within a few years of liberation from the death camps, be inflicting atrocities on Palestinians in the new State of Israel and continue to do so on a daily basis in the West Bank and Gaza".
       It was spoken by a LibDem MP, David Ward, However, the Holocaust Educational Trust. thought fit to complain to the LibDem leader Nick Clegg, who withdrew the party whip from the MP. Is this a case of the LibDem party leader being ignorant of what is happening in that part of the world, or was it a case of him bowing to a powerful Israeli lobby group? Either way it shows the uselessness of that establishment, The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, where an elected representative can be silenced by an unelected bunch with vested interests, and where a widely held opinion can be silenced by the authority of the "party leader".
        Democracy can never be born through the party system, party lines throttle individual opinions. However capitalism thrives in the party system, the corporate world simply buys the parties and things are shaped to suit that corporate world. Any hierarchical system is an anathema to democracy. Democracy demands horizontalism, equality among individuals, the right to voice your opinion free from the over-riding power of "the leader". As long as the people support a party political system, the longer our freedom will be in chains.

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Thursday 18 July 2013

"Anti-Semitic", "The Holocaust".

      You've heard them a million times, "anti-Semitic" and "the holocaust" the twin defences of the Zionist state of Israel. They rebuke any form of criticism, they silence any argument. They conceal the crimes of apartheid and genocide, and supposedly put the stamp of legitimacy and the savage and barbaric treatment of the Palestinian people. 

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Wednesday 17 July 2013

Blood Money.

      The UK state, like all states, works not so much with double standards but with multiple standards. As the UK state sits on its throne built by past colonialism and brutal exploitation and corruption, it passes judgment on other states criticising their human rights record and their civil rights abuses. While at the same time selling them weapons with which to repress the local population. According to The Independent, the UK state has issued more than 3,000 export licences for intelligence and military equipment to countries which it has put on its official list of, guilty of human rights abuses.

      Of course this shouldn't surprise us as the present system has nothing to do with human rights or civil rights, it's all about capitalism. Profit for the corporations overrides all other human concerns. In our greed driven thirst for profit we deliberately turned Libya into a land of warlords, factions and militia, but still manage to sell them more than £54 million worth of military equipment. Our "Honourable Gentlemen" in those Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, are always banging on about those evil countries of Zimbabwe and Iran, but we still managed to sell the former £3 million worth of military equipment, while selling Iran a whopping £803+ million of military equipment, which if our lords and masters have their way will be used against UK troops when we decide to attack that country for its oil and gas.
       Then there is that bastion of democracy and equal rights for women, Saudi Arabia, our UK purveyors of death managed to sell them a staggering £1,863+ million of weapons and equipment. If we turn our eyes to that land of genocide and apartheid, Israel, well you need a lot of military muscle to maintain such a brutal system, so we were able to sell them an eye watering £7,879+ million of military equipment, which the Zionists and settlers, (stealers of Palestinian land) will be truly grateful. 

      Weapons may seem alright in self defence, but only an insane system of greed would make money from arming yourselves and then selling arms to those you are supposed to be arming yourself against. That's the crazy, greedy, brutal and destructive system that we tolerate today.
       The state is the enemy, the state creates wars, the state needs the arms industry. We the people don't need the state, we don't want wars, we don't need the arms industry. We can create a world of co-operation, mutual aid, and sustainability, free from the corrupting influence of power and profit.

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