Showing posts with label Troika. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Troika. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Emancipation Via The Troika????

         Lots of people saw the Syriza victory in Greece as a giant step forward for the left in Europe, change was on its way. However, as soon as they put on the robes of the state and start to debate the rules in the state's rule book with other states, they are doomed. They are playing the game to the tune of the state power mongers. I have no doubt that there is a possibility there will be a few extra crumbs for the people of Greece, but "balancing the books" according to the rules of the financial Mafia will still be a priority. Paying "the debt" by one means or another, privatisation, taxes and "austerity" cuts, will still be on the agenda. The people of Greece deserve more than this from their arduous and brutal struggle over the last 7 years, but their emancipation will not come through the auspices of the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) or any debate with that particular cabal. Their future, like all of us, lies in our own hands, at our level, it will not come down to us from above.
Greece's Obama.
      But the germ of this retreat and recuperation was already there in the Sic/Theorie Communiste  mentality, its heavily abstract notion of theory. This mentality always takes on an idea of theory as something specialist, for theoreticians. That’s why it’s often a question of theory of theory. But it is rarely something for proletarians in struggle, as a support, encouragement and clarification of this struggle (which is not to say that those low in the Sic/TC hierarchy don’t sometimes contribute to proletarian practice – e.g. in the anti-shale gas struggles, or by opening up squats).  This produces in those who identify and produce these “ideas” an intellectual role with an attitude of superiority towards people who haven’t read all the abstractions of Roland Simon or who haven’t read all 3½ volumes of Capital 1000 times and can quote them as quickly as other people can yawn. It’s a theory which considers practical risk, and practical consequences as of a far lesser importance than the sophistication of their ideas. Oh, how they just love to wallow in the notion of their own sophistication!
      Above all, this role demands no break with the hierarchical comportment learnt from dominant social relations and it’s not too hard for those people entrenched in this hierarchical role to “transform” themselves without embarrassment into a politician. It’s not surprising to hear that the TPTG broke with Blaumachen in 2009 precisely because of the Machiavellian manipulations of Woland.
  There is also a link with the political mentality and the determinism of Theorie Communiste. Those who have created their own “good reasons” to see revolution as inevitable invariably create a hierarchy in which the partisans who recognise their explanation are placed at the top; the as yet neutral masses are in the middle, and their opponents who may have competing reasons or no reason at all, are at the bottom. Determinism, in turn, is a logical outcome of the separation reinforced  by this “revolutionary” mentality between themselves and the rest of the proletariat. If one cannot conceive of the masses as individuals capable of determining the conditions of their existence through conscious choice, as people capable of choosing to make a revolution, then it is necessary for a special enlightened group to supply them with an external motivation they can’t resist and which becomes a mentality of faith in the thought of this group which replaces their own theory, colonises their own point of view.
I could say more about Theorie Communiste and all this Sic shit, but for the moment, I’ll leave the last word to a contact who wrote:
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Monday 30 March 2015

Capitalist Success Breeds Mass Unrest.

       I didn't see much of the riots and mass demonstrations that were going on in Frankfurt, appear in our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media. Somehow or other, mass anti-austerity demonstrations on the streets of Europe's most "successful" capitalist nation state, was not considered suitable for mass distribution. Of course we expect that sort of manipulation of events from the corporate owned babbling brook of bullshit, so we seek our information elsewhere. The demonstrations started at the opening ceremony of the new multi-billion Euro headquarters of the ECB, a player in the financial Mafia cabal, known as the Troika, (ECB, European Central Bank, EC, European Commission, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers). It brought thousands onto the streets, who displayed their anger and dissatisfaction with the present system of blatant exploitation.
Obviously on the wrong diet.

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Friday 27 February 2015

Greek Referendum.

        Is Greece heading out of the Euro? I have always felt that the Syriza plan was doomed to fail, as it was asking the European financial Mafia to be compassionate and think of the people of Greece. That bunch of money junkies will not tolerate any form of “left” government in its patch. The so called “left of centre” yes, they will always play ball with the money thugs, but a government that puts the people before the markets? No way. The Syriza group may have a mandate from the people of Greece, but that means nothing to the low life forms that make up the Troika, (EU, European Union, ECB, European Central bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers), Theirs is a world of balance sheets and profit, and there is not a column on that balance sheet for “people”. Syriza was the Oliver, asking the fatcats for, more please, not a strong bargaining position.
      Up until very recently the thought of Greece leaving the Euro had not entered the consciousness of the people of Greece, however, having been booted in the teeth, and told there's plenty more where that came from, the “exit” is being discussed, with the thought in mind, who wants more of this?
      The people of Greece are being told to look to the horizon, and see more of the same, unemployment, poverty, destroyed social services, increase in mental and physical health problems, substance abuse, suicides and homelessness. And they are asking WHY?
      I believe that the next line of thought will be a referendum on the exit from the Euro, with a very strong possibility that it will be for a, get us to hell out of this shithole. They may fear the unknown, but they are now most certainly angry and sick of the known. 
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Tuesday 17 February 2015

Who Rules, People Or Markets?

         What happens in Greece will impact on us, here in the UK, and the rest of Europe, if not the world. Today, the economic system is a world wide ponzi scheme, if one part crumbles, the rest shudders.

      Our struggle is from job centres, to housing schemes, from local issues, to international issues. The Troika, (EU, European Union, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) control Europe and the financial Mafia is tightening its grip on our world, we have to fight it on that international battlefield.
      Leading figures in the German trade union movement have issued an appeal for solidarity with Greece following the resounding election victory of the leftist Syriza party.
      It's an extraordinary statement and trade unionists around the world are being asked to add their names to those of the German trade union leaders.  Thousands have already done so.
       Please read the appeal and add your name here:

     Please share this message with your friends, family and fellow union members.

Thank you!
Eric Lee
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Wednesday 7 January 2015

Democracy Doesn't Come In a Ballot Box.

     The people of Greece go to the polls on the 25th. January to elect a new governing party, and it looks likely, but not a certainty, that Syriza, a collection of left leaning groups, will win. There seems to be some considerable support from anarchists outside Greece, who are cheering on Syriza, should they be doing so? Is Syriza different, or is it just another contender in the monumental “Crooks and Liars” competition? The same competition that takes place at frequent intervals across the globe, our own home grown one takes place this coming May. If they don't get a majority, who will they go into coalition with? The Greek Communist Party has ruled itself out of any co-operation with Syriza, who else will step forward?
----Given the fact that the only other left-wing parliamentary party, the Greek Communist Party (KKE), has explicitly stated they would never support a “government of the left,” all the other potential allies for a coalition government are flanking SYRIZA from the right. There is no need to mention how a moderate governmental fraction could weaken Tsipras’ position inside the country, as well as during the crucial negotiations with the troika of creditors (EU, IMF and ECB), due to start the day after the elections.----
      Nor does Syriza represent a revolutionary stance, it will be trying to do a deal with the Troika, (EU, European Union, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) to get a more palatable arrangement for the people of Greece, a more moderate and compassionate capitalism, some crusts instead of crumbs. And so the system is perpetuated with a few moderate adjustments here and there.
----- A point that needs to be clarified is that, despite its name, SYRIZA’s program is not radical at all, at least in terms of economic issues. Proposals such as the incentives for “green development,” the relaxation of property taxation, increased public investment and food stamps for the extreme poor might have been dismissed by the European social democratic parties of the 1970s as “too moderate.” In the current European context, though, which is monopolized by the obsession of austerity, even SYRIZA’s neo-Keynesianism seems to represent some sort of radical rupture.------
The Obama of Greece??
      What the babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media keep pumping out is that this is a major revolutionary event in representative democracy, when in fact it is all about a bit of disruption in the financial Mafia's policy of grinding the people down to a sweatshop economy, an irritant, a nuisance factor, that might upset some profit margins in their bubble of finance. Don't expect the collapse of capitalism in Greece any time soon, when that happens, it will not be through the ballot box in the great “Crooks and Liars” competition.
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Sunday 7 December 2014

We Are An Image From The Future.

       I can't help but feel for the people of Greece, what has been inflicted on them by the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers), more accurately described as the financial Mafia, is a crime against humanity. Their health service has been trashed, suicides, mental health problems, and substance abuse, have shot up to the stratosphere. Their education system is in a state of collapse, poverty and deprivation is endemic, and homelessness is in epidemic proportions. All this presided over by a cabal of rich, self-centred and corrupt politicians, who always dance to the tune of the financial Mafia.
 Alexis Grigoropoulos.
       Of course it is not all being taken meekly and subserviently by the people of Greece, they continue to fight for the right to dignity and a decent life. This despite being constantly attacked by, what is probably the most brutal police force in Europe. The case of Nikos Romanos epitomises the state brutality under which the people of Greece struggle for dignity. This young man of 21 years at the age of 15, cradled his best friend of the same age, Alexis Grigoropoulos, as he lay dying on the street from a bullet in the chest, from the gun of a member of that brutal police force. Nikos's early youth must have been shaped by this callous act of brutality.
Nikos Romanos after arrest.
      Exactly six years on from that brutal, murderous event on December 6, 2008, Nikos finds himself in prison and on hunger strike, close to death. Acts of solidarity for Nikos take place across Greece, and cities across the world, on a constant bases. If the young Nikos Romanos dies in prison, and with recent reports of his condition pointing to that, it will have been an unnecessary, brutal, callous, vindictive murder, by a brutal callous, vindictive state, that puts its homage to the financial Mafia, above that of the people of Greece. But what will his death mean to the people of Greece, will it finally raise their righteous anger to that point of no return? Their suffering and that of Nikos Romanos, gives them the right to enjoy the ecstasy of their righteous anger.
      That dystopian future is now. On Saturday, it will be exactly six years since Alexis’ murder — and Alexis’ best friend Nikos Romanos, if he is lucky, will be spending it in hospital. Nikos stopped eating on November 10 in protest against the authorities’ refusal to grant him his legal right to educational furlough. His doctors warn that he is in critical condition and could succumb from heart or kidney failure anytime. The government has given hospital staff the order to force-feed him, but the doctors have refused. As Nikos’ health steadily deteriorates, the streets are becoming ever more combustible — especially in anticipation of the annual commemoration march for Alexis on Saturday.
       On Tuesday night, fierce riots broke out in downtown Athens after more than 10.000 people marched through the city in solidarity with Nikos and four anarchist comrades who recently joined him on his hunger strike. The images of burning cars in Exarchia led many to wonder if a replay of 2008 might be in the cards if the state does not give in to Nikos’ demands soon. Riot police responded with the usual teargas and baton rounds, but what was truly worrisome were later reports that at least 10 detainees had been hospitalized with heavy injuries, including broken limbs and ribs. Two Syriza MPs who rushed to the police headquarters found the sixth floor of the building “covered in blood.”
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Monday 17 November 2014

The True Face Of Capitalism.

      The people of Greece are still experiencing the deepest and most rapid decline in social conditions of anywhere in Europe, with all its attendant miseries. The average salary in that unfortunate country has shrunk to a miserly £17,000 per annum. That is of course if you are working, and that is certainly no guarantee, with unemployment running at 25.9% and youth unemployment at 49.3%. With this economic disaster heaped on the people of Greece, under the dictate of the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers), unrest and crime grows rapidly. In parallel with this, state repression increases and so the prison population grows, and in Greece it grows at a staggering rate.
      The Greek prison system is by far, the worst in Europe, and could compare unfavourably with some Third World countries. Overcrowding is away beyond anything acceptable in any civilised country, and is not going to be resolved any time soon.
     With many prisons already at double or triple capacity, hundreds are stuck in police holding cells, many in pre-trial detention, which has an 18-month limit under Greek law. These detainees have no yard access and are kept locked up for months as their cases wind at a snail's pace through the overburdened justice system.
     The Council of Europe's latest annual penal statistics, published in May and covering 2011, show Greek prisons were at 151.7 percent capacity on September 1 that year, with 12,479 inmates crammed into 8,224 available places. The number of inmates has increased steadily. In January 2010, Greek prisons held 11,364 inmates, according to the Justice Ministry's website. On Nov. 1, they reached 13,147, according to Greek prison system figures obtained by the AP. That doesn't include those, like Aslanis, held in police stations.
       Recent Greek prison system documents from late 2013 list a higher capacity number of 9,886 places across the country, but the number is deceptive as it includes at least five prison wings in two prisons that remain shut due to budget cuts.-------

        Bad as the prisons are, the prison hospitals move into a category of their own, somewhere close to the seventh circle of hell in Dante's Inferno.

      — Inmates held in Greece's only prison hospital are refusing food and medication as part of a protest campaign against their severely overcrowded living conditions.
      The Korydallos prison hospital west of Athens is designed to hold 60 men but currently houses more than 200, rights groups and prison staff said Monday. Most are HIV positive and many others suffer from communicable diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis and scabies.
      Protesters posted statements on Facebook and Twitter saying at least 178 of the inmates have been refusing prison food for the past week, while some HIV positive inmates are refusing to take antiretroviral drugs to draw attention to their plight.-------

       It is in the face of this barbarity that we have seen a wave of hunger strikes in Greek prisons. On one recent occasion it was a hunger strike that stretched across the entire Greek prison system. Today their are still individuals on hunger strike, attempting to draw attention to the injustices that they suffer.
      This is the price that the people of Greece are paying as the Troika carries out its experiment to turn Europe into a Western sweatshop, to compete with its rival, the Eastern sweatshop bloc. Greece is capitalism with the gloves off, it is the true face of capitalism.
     A doctor who examined the comrade at Koridallos prison on Thursday morning, November 13th – during the fourth day of hunger strike – reports that 21-year-old Nikos Romanos has lost 3.2 kg of body weight and feels intense weakness and fatigue even after very mild exertion, such as walking from the cell to the prison infirmary. His blood glucose level (measured by finger stick) was 64.
Between the 13th and the 14th of November, 75 prisoners in the Ε wing of Koridallos men’s prison abstained from meals in solidarity with their fellow inmate Romanos.
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Wednesday 30 April 2014

Finances Inhumanity To Man.

        How far has the social structure of Greece been crushed since the "help" from the financial Mafia and the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) was first given to that unfortunate country? Apart from the 27% unemployment, approximately 60% among the young,  the doubling of suicides since 2010, the rocketing figures of homeless, the epidemic of substance abuse, and the massive increase in hunger and deprivation, there has been an increase in the prison population to the situation of gross overcrowding and inhumanity, as well as an unprecedented increase in immigrants being held in filthy overcrowded detention centres, (concentration camps).

         As the following extract shows, even in the prison hospitals, this inhumanity has reach new levels of inhumanity. It is difficult to believe that this is a 21st. century country in "modern" Europe. It is however, a level quite acceptable to the powers that be, as they continue their plundering of the public purse in an endeavour to regain some of their gambling losses. 

       Besides, prisoners’ fight is a struggle for survival and a one-way road, considering that complaints sketch out an obscure Medieval-inspired stage set. Two hundred and nine (209) patients at the prison hospital ward are cramped to suffocation in filthy “warehouses” fit for 60 people. All are suffering from severe, particularly contagious and painful diseases and 131 are HIV-positive. The number of cases of scabies, TB etc remains to be determined.
      Medical care provided consists in just two (!) permanent physicians, while the relevant appeal for the obligatory public prosecutor’s supervision as required by law has crushed into the indifference of the people responsible, who in fact claim that they “have a family” and are thus unable to enter the premises.
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Saturday 15 March 2014

A Living Hell In Greece.

        The conditions that the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers.) has forced on the people of Greece is criminal, it has resulted in a massive increase in health problems, both physical and mental, at the same time as it dismantles the health service. It has destroyed the education system, is responsible for a catastrophic increase in substance abuse and suicides. All in the name of "balancing the books", which translates into making good the financial Mafia's gambling losses. However there is a group, hidden away from the eyes of the public, that suffers appalling, inhumane treatment and conditions, that belong to some barbaric distant past. Here and now, in so called developed and democratic Europe, there are people living in conditions that break ever rule of a civilised society. The Greek prisons take us down through the circles of Dante's Inferno, to a living hell, that must be exposed and eradicated. By this glaring evidence, the Greek state and its masters the Troika, stand condemned of crimes against humanity.

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Friday 14 February 2014

Bank Liquidity, Or People's Health?

      The full extent of austerity measures can't really be measured as it is the next generation that will carry a lot of the scars. The deeper the austerity the further into the future the damage goes. Greece is the financial Mafia's biggest European crime against a future generation. The extreme poverty inflicted on today's generation of the people of Greece destroys lives in the present, but the harm to the next generation could be far worse.
     According to Doctors of The World, medical aid group, at this moment in time, 25% of Greek's can't afford health care. This of course hits the most vulnerable, elderly, sick, pregnant women and children. Like the rest of Europe, parents in Greece had the kids immunised, this has now rapidly fallen away. In Greece immunisation of a child over its first six years, costs between €1,400 and €1,800, to an impoverished family this is beyond them. Doctors of The World also claimed that over a recent nine month period they examined 10,633 children and found that 6,580 had not been immunised, that is well over 50% of children not being vaccinated. They also stated that every day they see two and three year old children, who have not been vaccinated. Another of their findings, is the appalling fact that since 2008 to 2011 the number of stillborn babies has increase by 21%. This is the direct result of the policies of the, the European Financial Mafia, the Troika, (ECB, European Central Bank, EC, European Commission, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers.)
     What will the future be like, growing up in a country where child vaccination is disappearing and infant mortality rising, where unemployment is running at 27%, and over 60% among the young, what will this do for the quality of life, for family life? These are just some of the many hidden crimes perpetrated by the financial mafia, in its plundering of the public purse. Generations of deprivation, with all the attendant physical and mental health problems, for no other reason than to fill the coffers of a banking system that got drunk on gambling, and lost. 
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Wednesday 22 January 2014

Greece, A Plundered Land.

    Greece has been out of the financial news recently, creating the impression that the Troika solutions are working. Its double speak Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, was blowing smoke and holding mirrors, as he stated that, Greece would leave the bailout program in 2014. In a national Television broadcast he boasted, “In 2014, Greece will venture out to the markets again,-----there will be no need for new loans and a new bailout”. Well it seems that this is Alice in Wonderland economics. With large loans falling due this year, “experts” say that Greece will default by May, August at the latest.
      According to recent figures, Greece showed a surplus this year of €800 million. However, the payments that Greece has to make this year amount to €31.6 billion, the loan funds available for this are €17.5 billion, their €800 million surplus is no more than coffee money for the corrupt government that oversees the plundering of the people of Greece. The figures just doesn't add up.
      The bailout is no more than a financial Mafia scam, the Troika hands bundles of money to Greece, however the Greek government can't decide how it should be spent, it is simply hands it back to the Troika as interest and capital payments. The dregs left at the bottom of the bucket, can be spent by the Greek government.     
      There is no way out for the people of Greece if they stay with the present economic system, all they will reap is more misery, poverty and deprivation as their future. In the economics of the financial parasites, people don't count.
The people have to tighten their belts if we are to get through these difficult times
                                                                                                                                    What the bailout does guarantee however, is that the Greek government is forced to sell off all its public assets, at knock-down prices, to the corporate friends of the Troika. For Troika, read “financial mafia”, made up of the EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank and the IMF, International Mankind Fuckers. You can rest assured that what ever solution that cabal of financial parasites come up with, will do nothing more than swell their already overflowing coffers, and it will all be at the expense of the ordinary people. In the end, Greece will be a busted, plunder country, all paid for by the deprivation of its people. Of course no country is immune from the festering influence of "the markets", we are all on the agenda for plundering.
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Thursday 12 December 2013

Riot Police At The Funeral March.

      December 11 saw the funeral of Sara, the young 13 year old girl who died from carbon monoxide poisoning in Thessaloniki, after her mother, in desperation to keep herself and her daughter warm, lit a fire in a make-shift stove in their apartment. The young girl and her unemployed mother lived alone and had their power cut off three months earlier. They were doing their best to try and keep warm, as temperatures dropped to near freezing in their part of northern Greece.

       In Greece even a funeral march by students, is accompanied by riot police in full riot gear. The march to the funeral by high school students in the Thessaloniki, was also in commemoration of the murder of a 15 year old teenager, Alexis Grigoropoulos, by a Athens police officer in December 2008. An event that set off a wave of protest that engulfed all of Greece in the worst civil violence experienced since the overthrow of the country's military dictatorship in in 1973.
    Sara died because of the Troika and their subservient Greek puppet government. They forced the banksters' policies of “austerity” and “structural adjustments” onto the people of Greece, they are directly responsible for the deaths by suicide, malnutrition and ill-health that must follow in the wake of their social destruction. These events are not accidents, they are the expected consequences of driving people to deprivation.
     Alexis Grigoropoulos was murdered my the state apparatus, likewise, Sara was murdered by that same state apparatus. You can point a gun and shoot, or you can starve and freeze people, the effect is the same, death by a deliberate action. All the poverty and deprivation brought about by the actions of the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) are not accidental events, they are aware that if you slash people's standard of living, they will suffer, the more you cut, the more they suffer, and that suffering can and does end in death. There is nothing accidental in that.

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Monday 18 November 2013

Everybody And Their Dog.

     The 17th of November saw the start of mass demonstrations across Greece commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Athens Polytechnic uprising that heralded the eventual fall of the military junta. The the marches, demonstrations and protests were mainly marking that historic moment in Greek history, it was also an opportunity to voice their anger at the forced deprivation at the hands of the Troika puppets, the Greek government.
    The events were a mixture of noise, colour and lots of passion.

40th Anniversary of Athens Polytechnic Uprising in Greece

    On this day, everybody and their dog were there, all with a message, the system stinks.

40th Anniversary of Athens Polytechnic Uprising in Greece
The dog's poster reads, 'Against Euro and Dollar no to money'. 

     Even a dog knows that would work. As I said, there was variety and ingenuity in the protests and demonstrations, but I personally think this one takes a lot of balls.

Greeks commemorate the 40th anniversary of Polytechnic uprising
Photos from Demotix.

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Thursday 14 November 2013

Workers Know Your History - Athens Polytechnic, November 14 1973.


      At the moment Greece is in the hands of a fascist grouping, directed by the financial mafia in the name of the Troika. The recent history of the people of Greece has been a long and brutal struggle against tyranny of one sort or another. It has been one continuous struggle for freedom since the German occupation during the Second World War. November 14 is an important date in that struggle.


     November 1973 saw the start of the massive uprising in Athens against the military junta. It started at the Athens Polytechnic on November 14, and rapidly escalated to a popular anti-junta revolt. It turned into a brutal shedding of Greek blood, when in the early hours of November 17, tanks crashed through the gates of the Polytechnic. The Junta was eventually overthrown. Sadly that struggle for freedom has been way-laid by the corrupt system of “representative democracy” which has led to the present situation where the people of Greece are being raped and plundered by the financial Mafia and offered up on the altar of corporatism. Though the uprising started on November 14, the people of Greece mark the event with large demonstrations on November 17, to honour those brutally killed and injured in the start of Junta reprisals. Demotix has some photos.


     However the struggle continues, not just in Greece, but across the world, people are now aware of the greed and exploitation of this system of capitalism and are rising up against the inequality and in justice. Just as the military Junta was overthrown, so will capitalism, but this time we will get it right.

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