Showing posts with label big brother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label big brother. Show all posts

Tuesday 26 May 2015

The Ever More Piercing Eyes Of Big Brother.

    Anybody who thinks living under the heel of any state and its apparatus will not lead to an ever increasing invasion into their private life, is living an illusion. This march for ever more information of its citizens is essential for the state to keep control over those citizens. Big Brother is a son of the state, and it will continually feed that son. We here in the UK have seen an epidemic of CCTV, that has spread like some destructive virus, not by accident.
        As the technology behind CCTV rapidly develops, it becomes ever more intrusive, ever more clever at gathering details, from face recognition to demeanour analysis. This is all gathered, sifted, analysed and stored. Your every movement, that walk to the bookies, that crazy night out, who you meet and where. All details that can and will be, used to control.
      Police Scotland now confirms that it uses controversial face recognition software. So just remember when you next attend a peaceful and legitimate protest, march or whatever, your face is being scanned, compared and stored for future use. Under the prying eye of the state and its intrusive apparatus, "you are never alone". No need to take a selfie, just get access to the police database and you'll find thousands of images of your face from which to choose.
This from the Herald:

    Ms McInnes said the figures were "staggering" and showed Police Scotland was using "intrusive software" extensively. She added: "The photos of over 300,000 Scots are among 18 million included in the national database.
     "The combination of this database with the new facial recognition software has triggered concerns about the protection of our civil liberties. "It could be used to identify protestors at political events or football fans, stifling freedom of speech.
      "I also have real concerns that the privacy of innocent people could be compromised and they could be exposed to the risk of false identification."
Read the full article HERE:
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Saturday 14 March 2015

The End Of Privacy.

         We are moving ever closer to a society of total control, total surveillance. On top of countless thousands of CCTV cameras in all avenues of our life, we have a company in Sweden placing chips in the arms of employees, Glasgow's new experimental, mood and profiling surveillance system, and kids in schools useing palm or finger prints to access parts of the school. Do you honestly think that your life will be enhanced by your every movement, mood and conversation being monitored? Or is your welfare and well-being not on the list at all? 
This very interesting article from Politics in The Zeros:
Woo-hoo, little microscopic sensors will soon be everywhere, tracking us constantly, happily sending data back to motherships somewhere. This of course, will be done solely to help us all make informed decisions. So, no need to worry your silly little heads about, oh, businesses collaborating with governments and sending the data along to them or about what happens when these systems get hacked and exploited. Instead, let us behold our new surveillance society.
I recently wrote about Humanyze, a new startup that has created a smart employee badge to help track employee movements and social interactions throughout the day and correlate the data to company goals.
Humanyze, which doesn’t seem very human to me, monitors everything serfs employees say, including tone of voice, to insure they are being “loyal, plastic robots for a world that doesn’t care.” Whoops, how did that Frank Zappa lyric sneak into a discussion about the wonderfulness of your employer monitoring everything you do? my bad. “I’m sorry Bob, but you’ve been spending far too much time at the coffee maker and we’ve sent a message about this to your boss., and further, your tone of voice has been sarcastic and unhelpful lately.”
But wait, there’s more.
Oral B has a smart toothbrush. The toothbrush uses Bluetooth and a mobile app to capture data about your tooth brushing habits. It includes a timer to make sure you’re brushing for a full two minutes, and it maps your brushing so if you concentrate really hard on your bottom front and give short shrift to your upper molars, the app lets you know and gives you feedback.
Will it spend a nasty note to my dental insurance provider should I not properly brush my molars?
Cheaper sensors will fuel the age of smart everything, says TechCrunch, in a relentlessly perky article mentioning none of the downsides of such monitoring.
Who benefits from this? Hint, the consumer and the citizen are at the bottom of the list, after business and governments.
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Thursday 5 March 2015

The State's Prying Eyes.

     So the Scottish government wants to open the NHS central Register (NHSCR) to 100 or so public bodies. What could possibly go wrong with 100 different public bodies being able to dip into your personal data, after all we know that all these 100 or so public bodies are all fully staffed by totally scrupulously honest people, who would in no way abuse that data!! Not even inadvertently.
     The Scottish government, UK government, French government, American government, Chinese, government, and the rest, they are all the same. They want to collect as much data as possible about you and share it with all branches of their apparatus, and it is always for our benefit, to protect us, but the bottom line is that it is control. They want all their branches to know as much about you a possible. Dipping into your personal data will be local councils, the police, tax collectors, benefit offices, education departments, even Scottish Canals and Quality Meat Scotland. Like I said before, what could possibly go wrong? 
      We all know that a lot of that data would be very useful to commercial entities, insurance companies etc., and they will be doing their level best to pick-pocket little gems to enhance their profits, with over 100 new doors opening, that would make their job so much easier.
      Big Brother walks in many guises, but the aim is always the same, who are you, where are you, what are you up to, why are you there, have you been authorised to be there, who are you mixing with, and why. It costs a lot of money to collect, process and store all that data, and you would be a fool if you thought it was all for your benefit. The tentacles of the state do not caress, they strangle.
   Everyone born in Scotland or registered with a GP north of the border has a Unique Citizen Reference Number (UCRN) held in the NHSCR.
Read the full article HERE:
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Saturday 21 February 2015

The Internet Of Things.

      I recently posted on Glasgow's new experimental surveillance system, where CCTV cameras in Glasgow City Centre are now linked to a central operations room, where ‘emotional recognition’ software identifies the name and mood of pedestrians, including demonstrators, and can then link the person on the camera with social media postings, phone calls, emails, police records, and more. All this without any consultation with the people being snooped upon that the council is "supposed" to serve. Another giant step towards the totally observed population. It has become the norm in this country and elsewhere, to go about your daily business and be photographed thousands of time in a few days. Where you go, what you get up to, all on record for those and such as those, whither you like it or not.
       This new "Big Brother" era is much worse than the what Orwell envisaged, his was simply state control. In this new era of "Big Brother" they want more, it will be a two pronged attack. The state concentrating on control of the population, while the corporate cabal will concentrate on personal information to to shape and mould your consumerism. All your personal data will be up for grabs and sold around "The Market" to those with a vested interest in turning you into a consuming unit to suit their balance sheets.
      More and more of our appliances will be linked, more and more of our personal data will flow in to the office of the security services, and the offices of the corporate greed machine. You will have no say in how it is gathered and how it is used. Welcome to the "Big Brother" that Orwell couldn't have envisaged.

     The Internet of Things is a NSA paradise / Orwellian nightmare, coming real soon to your house, and Silicon Valley wants it to happen as much as NSA does.
      Huge invasions of privacy and loss of freedom are happening now.  Our government pretends to make us safer. Silicon Valley pretends to be helpful. Their real object is to collect as much data about us as they can, and to do that they need to watch and record everything about our online lives. They are two facets of the same data-slurping entity that cares little about personal privacy and freedoms. It’s all about grabbing the data, then exploiting and selling it. You are the product.
Samsung TVs record what we say, then sends it to an anonymous company which converts it to text, so it can process voice commands. They promise to erase the data when done with it. Right. I certainly believe them – just as much as I believe Google reading my email and Siri listening to me will never be abused, intercepted, and exploited by marketeers, criminals, or the government.
     It’s only a matter of time until Samsung gets a court order to turn over voice data files. I bet iPhone’s Siri already has.
     All of this is poisonous for democracy, freedom, and privacy. We have a right to not be snooped on constantly. However, we will need to fight for it. First though, we need to know just how much surveillance is happening now, who is doing it, and where the data goes. I suspect the answer will appall most of us (while government and tech apologists scurry to explain why it actually is good for us.)
Read the full article HERE:

Saturday 14 February 2015

Human Robots.

     After reading about Glasgow City Council's new experimental,  super, secret, Israeli created, surveillance system, with "emotional recognition" software, it should come as no surprise, when learning of this latest mad scientist idea.  
       According to the corporate world, when you work for a company, they own you. A new move down that slave ownership road is being pioneered by a Swedish company who have decided that it is much more efficient to put a chip in your workers body, in this case the hand. This would allow the worker to enter the building, and access it facilities, computers, scanners etc., no ID card no password, just you company inserted chip. The “benefits” are limitless, the chips can be traced and monitored, when you are at your desk and when your are not, how long you spent in the toilet, and so on. They are hoping to be able to let you pay for your meals at the works canteen by flashing your hand. This of course would mean much more of your personal information being implanted in the chip.
      Of course when you leave the building, the chip goes with you. Once inserted, the technology is there, you could be monitored as you go about your normal everyday affairs. and do you think the state will miss that opportunity. This takes Orwellian society to a much higher level, big brother in your home. Roll this out widespread and we become an army of controlled robots. However, our corporate bosses and our political lords and masters, see this as highly efficient, and having unimaginable “benefits”, for who?
      Just another example of how this corporate world, controlled by the financial Mafia, and administered by their puppets, the state apparatus, is devoid of any human empathy, and seeks only total control, to aid profit and power.
 This from The Independent:
       A new Swedish office block is implanting the workers inside of it with computer chips under their skin, rather than issuing them with ID cards.
      The small radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips are pushed under the skin in the hand, and can then be used to open doors or use the photocopier.
       The chips have been offered to the 400 people that have signed up to the Epicenter hi-tech office block in Sweden. That now includes the BBC’s technology reporter Rory Cellan-Jones, who said that when a tattooist put it in there “was a moment of pain - not much worse than any injection - and then he stuck a plaster over my hand”.
     Those behind the chips hope that they will eventually become common enough to be used to pay for sandwiches in the canteen, or even replace passwords and PINs to get into computers. They can also be programmed to hold contact information and communicate with smartphone apps.---------
     -------Hannes Sjoblad, who is chief disruption officer at the office development, told the BBC: “We want to be able to understand this technology before big corporates and big government come to us and say everyone should get chipped — the tax authority chip, the Google or Facebook chip."
      Sjoblad has his electronic business card built into the chip, which others can then access using their smartphones.
    The whole office will be internet-enabled — its building management will be run through Microsoft’s “internet of things” technology. That will tell facilities management when a plant needs watering or a meeting room needs emptying, all through connected appliances and sensors.
     Epicenter is a “members-only workplace collective and innovation hub”, which promises to pioneer new ways of working. It has been built by Swedish property company AMF Fastigheter, and has members including Microsoft.
Read the full article HERE:
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Friday 6 February 2015

Big Brother Lives In Glasgow.

Is this what you pay your taxes for?
       CCTV cameras in Glasgow City Centre are now linked to a central operations room where ‘emotional recognition’ software identifies the name and mood of pedestrians, including demonstrators, and can then link the person on the camera with social media postings, phone calls,
emails, police records, and more. Details are not being made public, but the UK Government may have paid as much as £24m to install this sinister surveillance system from Israeli company, NICE Systems. As with Thatcher’s poll tax, the Cameron Government is piloting the NICE surveillance system only in Scotland, in Glasgow.
      Israeli Army Brigadier General Elkabetz told an audience of potential customers for Israel’s surveillance technology: “We have learned lots from Gaza. It’s a great laboratory.” Glasgow is now also a laboratory for Elkabetz’ latest goods; we are the guinea pigs to test technology that was developed by the Israeli military to carry out, according to Amnesty International, ‘crimes against humanity’ in Palestine.
      There has been no debate in the Council on a system of oversight of this technology. NICE Systems Vice-President told Glasgow City Council that they “look forward to a continued partnership with the city of Glasgow...fully utilizing the capabilities that NICE Situator can provide.” £24m for intensified surveillance at a time of rising demand for food banks and cuts to basic services
Go to to send a letter quickly and easily to all your councillors to demand a public discussion of the NICE contract, not just in Glasgow but other Councils before they also sign up with no public discussion. -
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Thursday 20 February 2014

Big Brother Ain't Leaving Of His Own Accord.

        Some interesting facts about our modern day “democracy”. No matter what you do, e-mail, phone, chat on social media, walk down your main street, stand at a bus stop, walk into a bar, shop at the local supermarket, draw cash from a cash machine, you are being watched and listened to, you are being profiled. Big Brother wants to know what you are up to, who you communicate with, who you meet and where. 

        This is the extent of your freedom, this is the shape of your “democracy”. Do you believe that they are doing this for your benefit? There was the day when you could expect the “bad guys” to be followed and spied on, but in today's “democracy”, everybody is treated like the “bad guys”. Today the state sees no reason why it shouldn't poke its nose into every aspect of everybody's life, to them, everybody is a possible “bad guy” and has to be watched constantly.
       This mass surveillance, this over all scrutiny of our every action, is not going to go away anytime soon. It will only get more intrusive as technology is driven by the paranoid state, which wants total control over its citizens. The state has a constant fear that people will always strive to control their own lives and this would negate the state's existence, obviously it can't let this happen.

     If you want a free democratic society, free from constant intrusive surveillance, then it has to be a society without the state, a community based society organised from the bottom up. The only answer is a society based on co-operation, mutual aid and mutual respect, not one of power and authority.
  • The NSA "has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world." The New York Times
  • The NSA "is harvesting hundreds of millions of contact lists from personal e-mail and instant messaging accounts around the world." Washington Post
  • The NSA "is gathering nearly 5 billion records a day on the whereabouts of cellphones around the world." Washington Post
  • The NSA collects the content and metadata of emails, web activity, chats, social networks, and everything else from fiber-optic cables "that carry much of the world's Internet and phone data." Washington Post
  • NSA "officers on several occasions have channeled their agency's enormous eavesdropping power to spy on love interests." The New York Times
  • NSA "is secretly piggybacking” on Internet advertisers' "cookies" and location data “to pinpoint targets for government hacking and to bolster surveillance." Washington Post
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Thursday 26 December 2013

The Spying, Prying, Society.

        It is unacceptable the way that this surveillance, “big Brother” society, has infiltrated all aspects of our life. The moment you leave through your outside door, the cameras are tracking your every move, where you shop, where you drink, who you meet and whatever else you get up to. If you live in Glasgow, until the recent police helicopter crash on top of the Clutha, you would also have been tracked from the sky. You then go home and think, well that's me free from prying eyes. Well not quite, did you know that Facebook keeps records of all you type, even if you DON'T post it. Yes, your unpublished irate drivel that you decide not to make public, is recorded by Facebook. Facebook of course makes all that available to the various state spying organisations. You have been warned, those unguarded crazy moments in private, are being logged for future reference. In this society, you have no right to privacy.

This from Care2:

       At this point, it's a pretty safe bet that Facebook keeps track of the groups we "like" or the games we play on the site. But now, it turns out that the company has also been keeping track of the notes and comments we don't publish -- even if we never intended to share them with anyone.
       Who hasn't come home from a hard day at work or a frustrating conversation with a loved one, written a status on Facebook, and then decided at the last minute not to hit "post?" All this time, it may have seemed even safer than writing in a diary. But Facebook's policies enable to keep track of every single keystroke entered into the site -- meaning that the company can essentially peer into our private lives whenever it wants.
        To make matters worse, in the United States, Facebook has been recorded sharing data with the National Security Agency. That hasn't extended beyond American borders, but where is the line?
We have the right to censor ourselves without Facebook looking over our shoulder. Tell Facebook to stay out of our private and unpublished posts!
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Monday 23 December 2013

Who Is Big Brother Protecting??

      Here in the UK we have more cameras per head of the population than any other country in Europe, if not the world. A recent visitor to Glasgow from Italy, that I spoke to, was shattered at the volume of cameras watching her every move. She said she felt intimidated and found it difficult to relax when out and about in town. She wanted to know was this array of cameras because Glasgow was a more criminal city than anywhere else. Of course the answer to that is most definitely, NO. Glasgow as well as being plastered with CCTV cameras on every street corner, lamp post, and lots at bus stops, (six at the bus stop at my home) we also have them on buses, in pubs, cafés, restaurants, underground stations, bus and train stations. On top of this, until the recent tragic crash at the Clutha pub, we had a police surveillance helicopter, fitted with an array of sophisticated surveillance equipment, flying low over the city. All of this, we are told, is for our own protection. Are we really that untrustworthy, violent, vicious a bunch of people, that we have to be watched at every move, our every trip to the shops, pub, church, train station, monitored? Would the city descend into mayhem and self destruction, if our lords and masters did not watch our every movement? 

     Forget “our protection” and think “control”. With this volume of detailed surveillance, we are living in a large prison, our minders are watching our every move, and ready to control you should you not be where the deem you should be, if they assess that you are not doing what they think you should be doing. Your patterns of behaviour are being analysed, you are being profiled. Who is big brother protecting? You are in prison.
     Though other cities in other countries, don't suffer the same intrusion of privacy that we do, there is still an anger and indignation at the volume of surveillance they do suffer, where is our anger and indignation?
       The following is a translation from Catalan and appeared in Anarchist News: 

"We refuse to live in a prison" (translated from Catalan)
Today, the society in which we are obliged to live appears ever more like a prison. Our movements are registered and our conversations listened to and controlled systematically via our cellphones. Our emails are analysed and maps of our social networks are created using, for example, Facebook and Twitter.
The national press gets indignant about the tracking of [European] politicians by the NSA but what's certain is that for a long time they have been not only complicit, but directly promoting the sharing of data on a large part of the population between European agencies and the NSA. And on the other hand, we have not seen the same indignation for the dozens of cases of spying on activists carried out by CESICAT [an extralegal or private security apparatus formed by the government of Catalunya, as part of its bid for independence].
An element of devastating quotidianity in this web of social control are the surveillance cameras. They seek to train us to accept "for our own safety" being filmed from the moment we leave our houses in the morning until the moment when we come home at night. Some cities are already installing systems of integrated surveillance with all the cameras in a region linked up to facial and other recognition software.
None of this surprises us, since the very nature of the State is to want to exercise absolute power over life. Freedom is not possible under a power that aims to control and surveille our lives in their entirety. Any attempt to transform this world in accordance with our needs or to recover control over our own lives will be surveilled and punished by the State as an act of criminality. For this reason the struggle for freedom must take the path of illegality.
We refuse to live in a prison. We refuse to be listened to and followed. We refuse to have our movements recorded. We refuse to allow anyone to be obliged to grow up in a world in which they will be recorded, filmed, Twittered, and localised 24 hours a day.
Read the full article HERE:
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Thursday 14 November 2013

The Ever Threatening Presence Of Big Brother.

This information and appeal from OpenMedia:

      Now we know why the TPP Internet censorship plan has been kept so secret.
Wikileaks just made public secret documents that show how industry lobbyists are trying to impose an extreme Internet censorship scheme.1
We knew it was going to be bad. We knew it could mean that entire websites and families could be kicked off the Internet. We knew it could lock out the deaf and the blind.
But the TPP Internet censorship plan is even worse than we thought. The leaked documents reveal that:
  • U.S. President Obama is trying to impose laws that would clamp down on free expression, compel your Internet service provider to track your Internet usage, and impose extreme penalties for everyday online activities.
  • The TPP would create secret transnational Internet censorship courts. It could override national courts and national laws.2
      Yeah, it’s that bad. This leak could change everything -- but only if people know about it. We need to raise a loud public call at this unique moment:
      The leaked documents have revealed that the United States government and lobbyists are nearly alone in pushing the most extreme parts of the TPP’s Internet censorship plan.3
    However, the leaked draft also lets us know which countries oppose these extreme new rules. And here’s the good news: many countries are pushing back.4
      The more voices we join together, the stronger the message we can send. It’s that simple. Your action today will make a difference.
Thank you. We can do this,
     Steve and Josh, on behalf of your team
P.S. If you’re still reading this, it means you care. This plan is worse than our worst fears. Your small team here at are working hard to make sure people know the truth about what’s going on. Can you do your part by chipping in what you can today towards our campaign?
[1] Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. Source: WikiLeaks
[2] How the TPP endangers access to knowledge, technology, and information. Source: Public Citizen.
[3] Leaked treaty is a Hollywood wishlist. Could it derail Obama’s trade agenda? Source: Washington Post.
[4] The Trans Pacific Partnership IP Chapter Leaks: Canada Pushing Back Against Draconian U.S. Demands. Source: Michael Geist.

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Wednesday 24 April 2013

Snoopers' Charter,

     An Appeal from Liberty to try to stop one of Big Brother's tentacles from reaching further into our private affairs:

E-mail your MP      
Read our Blog
    The Home Secretary wants to store your online data, turning you from citizen to suspect. The Snoopers’ Charter (Communications Data Bill) has been met with criticism at every turn but the Home Office is battling to get it into the Queen’s Speech. The Government is far from unified around the Bill and today it has been reported that the Liberal Democrats may block the bill because of the impacts it would have to our privacy.

Help us stop the Snoopers' Charter
 Now is our opportunity to stop this Bill. Will you help us by e-mailing your MP?
      The Communications Data Bill will impact everyone’s lives and only together can we stop it. It is vital that you tell your MP you will not stand for this threat to our civil liberties. If thousands of Liberty members and supporters write to their MPs we can stop the Snoopers’ Charter. 
     We can’t leave this up to chance. Please visit our website now to e-mail your MP.
     When the Coalition Government was formed, it promised "to end the storage of internet and email records without good reason". Let’s remind them of this. 

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Big Brother In The Classroom.

       We all know of them, we get taught about them in school, we sometimes use their "gifts". I'm talking about those millionaire/billionaire philanthropists, who after years of screwing people to make their obscene fortunes, decide to hand some back in the way of a "gift". We are supposed to love them and feel grateful as they drop a library here, a park there, or what ever takes their fancy. One that is in the news quite a lot recently is super billionaire Bill Gates. Just the same as the rest, having made his pile from trying to create a monopoly, he now sees himself a some sort of God figure and believes he has the right to interfere in our lives in an array of ventures. His latest venture is to throw $5 billion at a scheme to put cameras in every classroom in America. Just to improve the teaching of course. No way will the system be used by the state, education authorities or the police or any other body, for any other purpose than improving the kids education!!! Big business and the state will jump at the idea, big business because it will love to get its hands on that $5 billion, and there is a lot of money to be made implementing and maintaining the system, and the state which will be delighted at another section of society having there every move monitored, and have the corporate world do it for them. Of course it will be deemed such a success by the powers that be, that it will be rolled out across the Western world. Big Brother is growing bigger.
      Why is it that those people who manage to screw the public and make a fortune, feel it gives them the knowledge, ability, and the right, to jump into areas of other people's lives, that they have neither the knowledge, ability nor right to do so. Simply it is because in this type of society, money equates with power, and power over-rides knowledge, ability and right. Ah, that's capitalism for you.

ann arky's home.

Monday 24 September 2012


     How long before we see them over head here, as we go about our normal business. Big Brother has all the best of technology.
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Saturday 1 September 2012


          There is a quiet revolution taking place in the developed world and there isn't much coverage in our babbling brook of bullshit, the media. It is considered illegal to send armed assassins into another country and blow somebody's head off. However America does this almost on a daily basis, the reason they seem to get away with it is that they have managed to do this without sending in armed humans. They send their armed drones across borders and and pull the trigger from some air conditioned office in the US. The difference with this method and an assassin, is that a human assassin may succeed with a simple bullet to the head, the drone on the other hand will blow up a building, a car or a truck and tough luck if you happen to be an innocent by-stander. Ten years ago in America's war against the world, less than 5% of its military aircraft were unmanned, now it is approximately 40% unmanned.
          This type of technology is far to good an opportunity for the authorities to ignore, millions of pounds of public money are being poured into the development of drones of all sizes. BAE leads a consortium of defence companies that have been handed almost £31 million in regional funding to come up with a way of making drones capable of sharing our skies with other air users. At the cost of £17 million an old military site in Aberporth in Wales has been turned into the first and largest centre in Europe specifically for flying and testing civilian drones. US congress as asked the Air Space Regulator, The FAA, to free up American airspace for drone use by 2015, the UK is expected to follow suit latter. The FAA also stated that it expected about 10,000 unmanned commercial drones flying in America's airspace by 2017.
       Though they talk of civilian drones, it is the surveillance aspect that authorities are more concerned about. Five police forces in England have tested the use of drones and Staffordshire police still use them. Kent police have teamed up with their partners in UK, France and the Netherlands to try to come up with a policy for using unmanned drones in the English Channel.
The US Homeland Security use unarmed predator drones to police the Mexican border. Big Brother has truly arrived.
        In about 3 years I would expect to see unmanned drones hovering over demonstrations, parades, marches and football grounds, and while you're enjoying that rock concert, have a wee look skywards. There appears to be no limit to which these drones can be put, from the very small, photographing everything the authorities want to keep an eye on, to the larger armed ready to direct force to where the authorities think it is necessary. Control, that's what it is all about, control of you and me.

ann arky's home.

Friday 31 August 2012


         ATOS, is big brother, watching you all the time. Sickness is health, disability is ability to work, you are probably scamming to get the miserly benefit.

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