Showing posts with label exploitation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exploitation. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Which Side Are You On?

From Rabble:
A poster to download and print. PDF (5MB) here. 

       These are the rich. They carve up the world for their profit. The work we do, the rent we pay, the debts we owe, all go to them.
       These are the cops. They are the guard dogs of the rich, programmed to use violence to protect their masters’ wealth.
       These are the migrants. They are people who were born in places exploited by centuries of colonialism and corporate greed. Who rose up against the puppet dictators of the rich. Who escaped from tyrants and bombs. Who are harassed by cops wherever they go. Who are fighting for the freedom to move.
So, whose side are you on?

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Wednesday 14 October 2015

Capitalism = Crisis.

         Capitalism in crisis, capitalism is crisis, to get rid of the crisis in capitalism, we have to get rid of capitalism. Any attempt to tinker with, modify, transform capitalism, will still leave you with capitalism, which is an exploitative system, based on profit for the few and struggle for the many. Dress it up in tinsel, paint it pink, spray it with deodorant, it is still a stinking system whereby the many work for the enrichment of the few. We can never be free if we, the many, depend on working all our lives for the enrichment of the few. Why do we continually struggle through life creating unimaginable wealth for the few? Why do we perpetuate a system of exploitation for the next generation, our children and grandchildren, to inherit? 
           There is a world beyond "market forces", by no stretch of the imagination can the present system be called democracy. It is plutocracy, corporatism, mass exploitation, plundering of public assets, raping of the world's resources, take your pick, but it is not democracy, nor can capitalism ever by democracy.

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Wednesday 15 April 2015

Our Inheritance.

        Half way through the National Poetry Month, this could become a habit, you should try it.
Our Inheritance.

Now is the time to arm our desire with anger
time to claim our rightful inheritance.
Inheritance, built by generations of poverty and toil,
river of wealth channelled to financial institutions,
stolen by the power crowned few.

Treasure, fearlessly wrestled from angry seas.
Riches, arduously torn from the bowels of the earth.
Bounty, labouriously scratched from unforgiving land.
Assets, ours by right of life and limb.

Our toil sent a director's son to Eton.
Our poverty paid his daughter's dowry.
Our sweat created the plunderer's sea of plenty.
Our humility gave his crime legality.
Now is the time to arm our desire with anger,
time to claim what's ours, with fist and fire.

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Wednesday 26 November 2014

"Austerity", Good For Business.

A new video from The People's Assembly.
         George Osborne tells us that Austerity is working, but how are the cuts working for you? Do you have a message for him ahead of his Autumn Statement?
       The People's Assembly hit the streets and asked the public how austerity is working out for them...turns out it isn't!

     My take on it is different. What people should realise is that "austerity" is working, it is doing what it was intended to do, move wealth up to the parasite class. Forget all that crap about balancing the budget, the Cameron-Osborne duo, at the dictate of the financial Mafia, are laying the foundations of the new UK sweatshop, to give their corporate buddies the edge in the cheap labour market. Changing the Chancellor or modifying the policies, so that it doesn't hurt us quite so much, will never solve our problems. The system can't be reformed, it has to be dismantled. It is an exploitative system, it is a big business oriented system, and it is all going the right way for the corporate greed machine.
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Tuesday 14 October 2014

It Must Be Time!!

      How many years have we struggled against exploitation, for how many years has the sweat of our labour been plundered by the idle rich, how many years have we been forced to feed a bunch of parasites and keep them in unimaginable luxury, while our lives are a daily struggle? How long have we played the political party game, and sent a bunch of well paid party members to the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, only to see them feather their own nests, and join the greed driven parasites?
     Anarchist have always been at the forefront of that struggle to free ourselves from the burden of parasites that bleed us into poverty and deprivation. We have always shunned the the institutions of state, seeing them for what they are, guardians of the wealthy and their system of exploitation. 

 Anarcho-Communist Solidarity Alliance

      To emphasise just how long and consistent our stance has been, I thought it would be interesting to take an extract from the oldest publication we at Spirit of Revolt have in our archive. This rare document is titled "An Anarchist MANIFESTO" issued by the London Anarchist Communist Alliance, 1895.
Fellow Workers,
     We come before you as Anarchist Communists to explain our principles. We are aware that the minds of many of you have been poisoned by the lies which all parties have diligently spread about us. But surely the persecutions to which we have been and are subjected by the governing classes of all countries should open the eyes of those who love fair play. Thousands of our comrades are suffering in prison or are driven homeless from one country to the other. Free speech — almost the only part of British liberty that can be of any use to the people — is denied to us in many instances, as the events of the last few years have shown.
      The misery around us is increasing year by year. And yet there was never so much talk about labor as there is now, — labor, for the welfare of which all professional politicians profess to work day and night. A very few sincere and honest but impracticable reformers, in company with a multitude of mere quacks, ambitious placehunters, etc., say they are able to benefit labor, if labor will only follow their useless advice. All this does not lessen the misery in the least : look at the unemployed, the victims of hunger and cold, who die every year in the streets of our rich cities, where wealth of every description is stored up.
      Not only do they suffer who are actually out of work and starving, but every working man who is forced to go through the same dreary routine day by day — the slavery and toil in the factory or workshop — the cheerless home, if the places where they are forced to herd together can be called homes. Is this life worth living? What becomes of the intellectual faculties, the artistic inclinations, nay, the ordinary human feeling and dignity of the greatest part of the workers? All these are warped and wasted, without any chance of development, making the wretched worker nothing but a human tool to be exploited until more profitably replaced by some new invention or machine.
     Is all this misery necessary? It is not if you, the wealth producers, knew that there is enough and to spare of food and of the necessaries of life for all, if all would work. But now, in order to keep the rich in idleness and luxury, all the workers must lead a life of perpetual misery and exploitation. As to these facts we are all agreed; but as to the remedy most of you, unfortunately, have not given up trust in Parliament and the State. We shall explain how the very nature of the State prevents anything good coming from it. What does the State do? It protects the rich and their ill-gotten wealth; it suppresses the attempts of the workers to recover their rights, if these attempts are thought dangerous to the rich. Thus idle electioneering, labor politics etc. are not suppressed, but any effective popular demonstration, vigorous strikes as at Featherstone and Hull, Anarchist propaganda, etc., are suppressed or fought against by the vilest means. Moreover, the State pretending thereby to alleviate the sufferings of the poor, grants Royal Commissions on the Sweating System, the Aged Poor, on Labor in general, or select Committees on the Unemployed — which produce heaps of Blue Books, and give an opportunity to the politicians and labor leaders, “to show themselves off.” And that is about all. If the workers demand more — there is the workhouse; and if not satisfied with that, the truncheons of the police and the bullets and bayonets of the soldiers face them: — not bread, but lead!
        Is it not time we sorted this mess out, and put an end to this greed driven system of exploitation, a system that produces an abundance, but puts the producers in poverty.

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Monday 6 October 2014

The Only Answer, Kill Capitalism.

       The fight against "workfare" and it various permutations, is as admirable as it is necessary. However, if it is successfully destroyed, rest assured, our lords and masters will devise an equally noxious mutant to continue with our exploitation. Capitalism is a system of exploitation, that's how it works. We produce all the wealth of the world, and we get a pittance, the bulk is syphoned up to those who produce nothing, the wanker bankers, corporate CEO, financial Mafia and greedy shareholders. No matter how you look at it, that is total exploitation.

        Trainee schemes, apprenticeships, work placements, low wages, zero hours contracts, workfare, wage freezes/cuts, a minimum wage that nobody can live on, all tools in the exploiters bag of tricks. The political classes work hand in glove with the corporate world, to ensure that the exploitation is total. The slashing of benefits forces desperate people into deprivation, or into lousy, demeaning and/or dangerous, low paid jobs, in an attempt to survive.

      The struggle to improve our conditions has been going on as long as capitalism, and here we are in the 21st century, still struggling, while poverty spreads and wealth accumulates. Have we learnt nothing in 3 or 4 hundred years? It isn't that there isn't enough to go round, we are awash with wealth, it's the system of capitalist exploitation that keeps it in the hands of the few. We are the punters in the gambling casino, the odds are stacked against us, deliberately. Until the majority grasp this fact and decide to do something about it, nothing will change. Capitalism is destroying the planet and its entire population, for what?

        Though the powers that be tell us that it is the only game in town, capitalism is not a system set in tablets of stone, from some mighty god on high, it is simply a man made economic system, that works against the majority. It can be replaced by another man made economic system, that works in favour of the majority, and sees to the needs of all our people. It is up to to us, which one do we want?

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Tuesday 19 August 2014

Financial Mafia's World Wide Slavery.


      We all know that policies such as Workfare, and Work Related Activity Group, create slave labour, misery and stress, and this is aggravated by sanctions. People point the finger at the Cameron Cabal, as if this was their creation and if we could just get rid of that bunch of Oxbridge parasites, it would all be better. What we should realise is that these policies are not indigenous to the UK, the Cameron Cabal don't have the brains to think up such devious ways of getting the corporate wage bills down, they merely follow the instructions of the financial Mafia. These policies are taking place in other countries.

Some Pas Forgione quotes from Australia:
     The federal government has plans to expand Work for the Dole. From July next year it will be compulsory for job-seekers aged 18-30 to do 25 hours of work a week.
        In the same week that employment minister Eric Abetz announced the government would expand Work for the Dole to all job seekers under 50 and that job seekers would have to apply for double the number of jobs than previously, billionaire miner Andrew Forrest released his own recommendations for welfare reform — some of the most punitive ever proposed.
       The federal government is considering a proposal to force young unemployed people into strict military-style boot camps. The plan is an inadequate, simplistic response to the complex problem of youth unemployment. The fact that Labor is seriously exploring the scheme is another indication of how increasingly right-wing the party has become on welfare policy.
    The proposal, promoted as a “possible vote winner” to be announced before the upcoming election, would force early school leavers aged 15 to 21 into tough, hard-line boot camps, though precise details remain sketchy.

      So it is not our little bunch of Oxbridge millionaire parasites that are responsible for the misery and exploitation heaped on us, it is the world wide system of the festering marriage of capitalism and state. The shape of our society and the quality of our lives are decided in the grand marble halls of the faceless financial Mafia. Until we, across the globe, sort out that mob, our lives will continue down the spiral of exploitation and poverty.   

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Tuesday 22 April 2014

Sweatshop Conditions In California.

       Now and again that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, report on dreadful working conditions in some Eastern sweatshop, but seldom, if ever, on the conditions of those working under similar conditions in the so called Western developed countries. Their finger points east, but we should remember that old movie expression, “Go West young man”. The great food basket of America, California, has some of the worst working condition for agricultural workers any where in the world. An abundance of cheap fruit and veg on the back of appalling conditions suffered by under paid, over worked, abused and harassed workers. Capitalism doesn't recognise east or west, it just sees opportunities to exploit. Profit is king.

     The conditions under which many melon pickers in this country work stink. Sometimes literally. Can you help?
Azucena Ordorica has had five years’ experience picking melons in California. Her descriptions of the restrooms near the fields where she has worked are stomach-turning: “The bathrooms were always very dirty,” she says. “When I would open the door, a horrendous smell along with a swarm of flies would come out. The flies were flying and landing all over my body,” she says. “It was horrible.”
    And that’s not the worst of it. According to melon harvester Brenda A. Ruiz, “On occasions bathrooms are not provided.” Brenda also says that “The water that is provided to drink is hot and dirty.” And the bosses find creative ways to take the workers’ meager wages away from them. Brenda reports that she and her co-workers are required to carpool with their supervisors — at a cost of $15 per day!
   Women workers endure special threats and humiliations. Azucena had a particularly traumatic experience with sexual harassment. “On the first day of employment, a supervisor once told me if I had sex with him twice a week, he would make sure I had work for the entire season,” she says. “Since I refused, I was fired.”
People should NOT be subjected to such abuses to support themselves and their families. Cantaloupes and other melon crops bring hundreds of millions of dollars of profit every year to U.S. growers. They can afford to pay their workers better and to ensure that their employees work in safe, sanitary conditions.
     We know it is possible because one exceptional company, Perez Packing Inc. of Firebaugh, California, is working with the UFW to make it happen. We’re currently negotiating with them to give their workers the kind of union contract every farm worker deserves. 
     By sending your contribution today, you’ll allow us to organize at the other melon companies with these horrible abuses. Every donation, regardless of the amount, makes a difference and is greatly appreciated.
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Saturday 15 March 2014

Change Of Words Doesn't Change The Reality.

       They can change its name, dress it up in fancy words, and spout the usual pie-in-the-sky benefits, but slave labour is still slave labour. Work placements, workfare, internships, traineeships, blaa-blaa-blaa, a great job in the murky distant future, it still boils down to working for nothing, to make a rich company richer, capitalist exploitation at its worst. What is more, it's the master plan of this bunch of millionaire pompous parasites, sitting in that Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, it's their vision of the future, it's their gift to their millionaire corporate buddies.
      George Osborne announced before Christmas that young, unemployed people between the age of 18 and 21 will be forced to attend either a Traineeship, other unpaid work experience position or face a Community Work Placement.  That means young people who refuse to work in Shoezone for free will be forced to carry out 780 hours community work instead – for no wages.  Traineeships are workfare, and claimants  who refuse them face a punishment that is double the length of current community service sentences that can be inflicted by the courts.
Read the full article HERE:
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Wednesday 12 March 2014

The Right To Self Defence.

        We are all exploited and repressed wage slaves, or unemployed victims of an oppressive and exploitative system. However, the "system" is not something immutable, written in tablets of stone, handed down from on high, it is an economic system created by men, designed to enrich the few at the expense of the many. What men have created men can pull asunder, we have the right to self defence.

   “Violence is only justifiable when it is necessary to defend oneself and others against violence […] The slave is always in a state of legitimate self-defence and so his violence against the boss, against the oppressor, is always morally justifiable and should only be adjusted by the criterion of utility and economy of human effort and human suffering”
Enrico Malatesta, «Umanità Nova»
25th of August 1921
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Tuesday 4 March 2014

Six Months Free Labour For The Bosses!!

       I can just hear the Cameron/Osborne/ Oxbridge millionaire duet, chucklng over their champagne, "you ain't seen nothin' yet." as they come up with more ways to give their millionaire business friends  more cheap and free labour. The "labour market" is now riddled with part-time low paid jobs, zero hours contracts, workfare slave labour schemes, sanctions and below inflation wage increases, if you get one at all. It doesn't end there, longer slave labour periods, more sanctions, smart cards to monitor your spending and being punished if you don't earn enough, are all part of the package they have in mind for you and your kids. Is there anybody looking at this can still see any illusion of democracy?
An appeal from Boycott Workfare:
      Tens of organisations have already quit workfare. The government will not reveal which organisations are still using it for fear the schemes will collapse. Its contractors complain that they have lost hundreds of placements due to public pressure.
Workfare: If you exploit us we will shut you down!
       But they’re trying it again with a new scheme – “Community Work Placements” – launching on 1 April 2014 which will force claimants to work for six months without pay. Six months – 780 hours – is more than twice the maximum community service sentence. Workfare does not help people find jobs and being unemployed is not a crime.
      This new workfare scheme is part of a raft of draconian measures, misleadingly called “Help to Work”, which are designed to increase sanctions (benefit stoppages) and undermine wages still further.
         For the workfare schemes to happen, they need places to send people, but tens of large charities have already quit. Oxfam stated that the schemes were incompatible with its goal of reducing poverty in the UK. Liverpool CVS has condemned the scheme in the strongest possible terms.
       Our action can stop companies, charities and councils from exploiting forced unpaid work and make make sure this new scheme falls flat on its face. Wherever you are, however you can contribute, take action on 29 March-6 April.
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Monday 20 May 2013

The Brews That Screw.

     Carling, Coors, Cobra, Corona, Crap, Capitalism. More and more of the business world are using the "difficult times" as an excuse to rip-up employment agreements won over years of struggle and negotiation, and replace them with a take it or leave it crap new employment agreement. One that sees the workers' rights shredded and their wages cut, Molson Coors UK, is just the latest to indulge in this "screw-the-worker" campaign.  This is an appeal from Labour Start for solidarity.

Carling.  Coors.  Cobra.  Corona. 
     Famous brews all made by Molson Coors UK -- and that's just the "C"s. Molson Coors UK claims to make great beers and be a great place to work. One of those statements may not be true.
      Recently, the company has told its employees that half of them will face pay cuts of up to £9,000 per year, they'll need to work excessive shift hours and that the employer has decided to tear up an agreement with the union. Workers who don't accept the company proposals stand to be dismissed by 14 June. Workers at Molson Coors UK, represented by Unite the Union, are now balloting for industrial action.
     They are asking for all of us to support the online campaign launched by the IUF - the International Union of Food workers.
Please sign up to the campaign and spread the word to your friends, family and fellow union members.
You can learn more about this struggle from the IUF and Unite.
Want to know more about the IUF and global unions generally?  Order our brand-new 100 page book -- The Global Labour Movement: An Introduction -- for only £3.99.
Thank you!

Eric Lee
ann arky's home.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Internship - Workfare, Exploitation.

      I'm a little confused by the difference in description of "unpaid internship" and "unpaid workfare". A certain Jo Swinson, business minister,  has raised the matter of "unpaid internships" stating that the exploitation of interns was a significant problem and an attack on the minimum wage. She has handed to HM Revenue and Customs, a list of over 100 names of companies she believes are indulging in this exploitation, and lots of them are well known household names, no surprise there.
      It appears that, anyone who is considered to be "working" under law must be paid the minimum wage. This means that if your are given something specific to do, rather than just "observe", then you are said to be "working", and as stated, under the law you must be paid the minimum wage. So all those on "unpaid workfare" should make it clear that if they are unpaid, then under the law, all they can do is "observe".
      Why Jo Swinson should be so concerned about "interns" but not see the same exploitation of those on "workfare" seems a bit a mystery to me. The only difference I can see is that "internship" tends to be voluntary, where as "workfare" is forced. So in this economic system of insanity, it is consider unlawful to be a voluntary "unpaid intern", but it is quite acceptable to be a forced "unpaid workfare" victim. 
      I assume that both the individuals concerned were unemployed before the either voluntarily became an "unpaid intern" or were forced to become an "unpaid workfare" victim. Come on Jo, take another list of all those exploiting "unpaid workfare" victims and hand that to HM Revenue and Customs along with your existing list of exploiters. They are both doing the same thing, exploiting free labour.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 4 September 2012


      Here we are in the 21 century, living in one of the wealthiest countries in the world and we have charities handing out food parcels. According to the Citizens Advice Scotland, around 3,000 people have been given food parcels from The Trussell Trust since April this year. The Trussell Trust operates 6 food banks in Scotland but is scheduled to open more by the end of the year. Its busiest food bank is Dundee where they have handed out 1,188 food parcels between April and September this year. Approximately 50% of those seeking food parcels claim problems with their benefits. What is even more criminal is that almost 50% of food parcels go to those who are working. With food prices having risen by 30.5% over the last five years and massive increases in energy bills on top of wage freezes/cuts, it is no wonder that more and more working people are turning to charity to survive.
      Another feature of this capitalist system is the number of people in Scotland that live in what is called fuel poverty. Fuel poverty is when you have to spend 10% or more of your income on fuel, and here in Scotland we have 35% of the population living under those conditions. The figure is set to rise as another increase in fuel prices are set to hit the poorest hardest. Just another indictment against a system of greed.
     Because of the deliberate policies of our millionaire lords and masters, who frequent the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, we are rapidly heading back to the Victorian era of poverty in the midst of opulence. Our Westminster millionaire cabal are happily and arrogantly creating a society that is based on a low wage economy, where the ever increasing poor can beg or rely on charitable institutions. A low wage economy relies on a pool of desperate people eager for any kind of work as long as it gives them an extra crust. As far as our millionaire cabal of parasites are concerned, cheap labour is good for their millionaire business buddies.
      We have to ask ourselves, is this what we want for our children and our grandchildren? Is there an alternative? The parasitical political class will tell you that it is the only game in town, and all this sacrifice will bring you pie in the sky in the future. Lost generation after lost generation, waiting for that piece of pie from the sky, while the bloated parasites get ever richer and richer. This is all that this system has to offer.
       We want a better world for our children and our grandchildren and we know there is an alternative to this greed driven unjust, unequal, exploitative system. We can create a system that is based on sustainability, that brings our communities together in co-operation and mutual aid, we can create a society that sees to the needs of all our people, we know that there are enough resources to meet these desires. All that is lacking is the will of the people, the desire to take control of our own lives and our communities. The longer we delay the deeper we sink into the capitalist pit of deprivation and the harder it will be to dig ourselves out.

Sunday 29 July 2012


         Despite the savage slashing of the standard of living of the Greek people over the last few years, despite the resulting poverty, degradation and deprivation sweeping across the general population, the financial Mafia have insisted on more of the same. According to the “Troika” (the financial Mafia's hit team) the Greek people have not been crushed enough and the Greek state apparatus agrees. It's not for the Greek government to look out for the interests of the Greek people, they are there to manage the “austerity” plans of the financial Mafia. So on top of gross hardships the people of Greece are struggling under, on top of the “austerity” cuts that are already in place, they have to be hit with a further €11.5 billion in cuts for 2013. Among other degrading measures, this will entail further cuts in pensions, raising the pension age, more cuts to public sector wages, more public sector sackings and more privatisation. Of course we are told that all this transferring of public money to the bankers is for the benefit of the Greek people. To save the bankers and bond markets from suffering from their gambling losses, the people have to be stripped naked. While the financial Mafia recoup their gambled loot, the people are promised pie in the sky in the bye and bye. While this looting goes on, the people are expected to suffer in silence and feel better knowing that the coffers of the bankers are being replenished. All that matters in this crazy, unjust, economic system (corporate fascism) is that the billionaires of this world don't lose their ill gotten plunder, the people are of little or no concern. The world that the people live in can be shit, that's OK, just don't let the leeches and the parasites lose their power and wealth.

You have to cut wages, we need a bailout.

           Of course we have to accept that if we all sit back, sleeping in the illusion that it is all happening somewhere over there and we are all right Jack, we are in for a very rude awakening. It is not a matter of the Greek people done something wrong, so have to pay the price, the Greek people done nothing wrong. It is a pan-European policy and we are all going through the stages. Where Greece is going we are following. Spain and Italy teetering on the brink, Ireland and Portugal, slipping down the slope and several Eastern European countries beside them or not far behind. There is nothing in this process that will show compassion because the people are suffering, we are not in the equation. If we don't like being ripped off by a billionaire class, then we have to sort the problem, we have to take control, we have to shape the society we want. They are shaping it the way that they want it to be, we sit back and let them or we shape it the way we want, there is no compromise. 

ann arky's home.

Saturday 2 June 2012


         Predictions for the global economy and banking system grow more dismal by the day. One financial commentator, Business Insider, puts it thus; “The problem is not Government Debt per se. The real problem is that the $70trillion in G10 debt is collateral for $700 trillion in derivatives--- Yes, that equates to 1200% of global GDP and it rests on very, very weak foundations.”

       Here in Europe the financial Mafia and their action men, the national governments, waffle with all sorts of ideological theories, from bleak brutal austerity, to austerity with grow, but nothing is actually being done, meetings and discussions keep them busy, sort of fiddling while Rome burns. Of course we shouldn't blame them too much, as in actual fact there is nothing they can do, the ship has a large hole well below the water line, it is called “magic money made from nothing”. What this means to the ordinary people caught up in this the biggest ponzi scheme of all times is dire poverty and deprivation on a scale not witnessed before. At this stage of their game unemployment across Europe is now at 11% for the second month in a row. Spain, has the highest unemployment rate in Europe at 24.3%, about the same as the US during the “Great Depression”. Greece at present has 21.7% unemployment, with Italy and Portugal both having 15.2%. France, one of the supposedly economically strong nations of Europe has unemployment running at 10.2%. Even that saviour of the western capitalist system, the US, unemployment has risen again and is now at 8.2%. These figures equate to 17.4 million people out of work across Europe, of that total 3.5 million are 25 years old or younger, up 214,000 on the previous month. What future does that predict for those young people of today and those still at school? In the face of all this “economic gloom” companies across the globe are shedding jobs like trees shed leaves as winter approaches.

        To any informed observer of the capitalist chaos that is at the present time, destroying millions of lives across the planet, it becomes obvious that the system cannot work for the benefit of the ordinary people, it cannot be transformed into some fair, just and compassionate system that will see to the needs of all our people. It is and has always been an unfair, unjust elitist system and at present it is the the throes of its biggest crisis since its inception, and its only chance of survival is to plunder all public resources and assets and in the process destroy the lives of millions of innocent people. This chaos in the capitalist ponzi scheme is also an opportunity for the ordinary people to organise outside the system and take control of their own lives, control of their communities and their work places. To start to build a system that will produce for the needs of all our people freed from the greed for profit, a system that is built on co-operation and sustain ability. Now is probably the best opportunity we have had in years to bring down a system that has exploited our parents and our forefathers, generation after generation. In the words of the song, “From the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success”, however it is up to us, the ordinary people, but we have to do it without, Leaders, Presidents, Monarchs and others of that ilk. Their record is one of greed, disaster, exploitation, war and deprivation.
An attempt to rescue the bankers and their friends.

ann arky's home.