Showing posts with label justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label justice. Show all posts

Thursday 23 May 2013

I Am The Crowd.

I Am The Crowd.

I am the crowd
I swim in the quagmire of poverty
its hooks, its barbs, tear my flesh
rupture my dreams,
I hold my breath for centuries
hoping to break through, gasp pure air.
Through the murky mire
I see bright things, shiny things sparkle
I see women in fine dresses, men in silk shirts
I ask myself
why do I swim in this cesspool?

I want the light and warmth of rectitude
to caress my labouring body,
seeds from my dreams to bloom
like wild flowers in a meadow.
One day, I will use my boundless strength
to haul this torn, battered being
out of the morass
onto the warm grassy bank,
when I do;
woe betide you, women in fine dresses,
woe betide you mister in your fine silk shirt,
should you ever try to get in my way,
for I am the strength of this world
I am the crowd.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

This Crazy World.

This Crazy World
In this crazy world
                    half dead from dereliction
                    half brutalised from deprivation
                    half drowned in a sea of greed
                    half devoured by perpetual need.
                    war shrieks from East to West
                    famine seldom seems to rest
                    hunger stalks the layman's life
                    poverty kills with a silent knife.
We find
                    a pompous pampered arrogant clique
                    live a life that's smooth and sleek
                    far removed from want and fear,
                    bought with another's sweat and tear.
                    not a word do the speak
                    to aid the fallen or the weak
                    preferring to kneel at luxury's shrine
                    repeating their mantra, "This is mine".
Now watch them
                    peddle lies of tongue and pen
                    slyly hoard their plunder then
                    with spurious sanctimonious phrase 
                    shed crocodile tears at man's malaise.
                    is it written that masses must sweat
                    deprivation and misery a constant threat
                    covering the world in measureless wealth
                    so the few can plunder with avid stealth?
In friendship
                    let's clasp each human hand
                    with compassion try to understand
                    our differences, our hopes, our fears
                    dragging mankind from this sea of tears.
                    a world where justice flowers
                    the many reap the fruits of their toiling hours
                    a world of sharing, tending the others need
                    an end to privilege, plunder and greed. 

ann arky's home.

Monday 15 April 2013

May The 1% Prevail!!

          I have never been happy with the 99% - 1% cry of the occupy movement, I don't think it is that clean a break. The vast majority of the 99% don't really want the 99% to take control of everything, they just want a better say in the running of the stinking system in an attempt to make it "fairer", to guarantee a little cake on the table instead of the perpetual stale bread. Inside that 99% however, there is another 1%, perhaps a little more than that, who have higher hopes and dreams than a benevolent capitalism. They don't see taking over the institutions of a rotten system as any answer at all, to them society has to be refashioned, reshaped to fit the dreams of the just. They will have no truck with the pomp and ceremony of past power and will bury tradition that binds us to inequality. Their tomorrow has no grand plan, it is a continuous metamorphosis that perpetually shapes itself to all our needs. Ask them what their tomorrow will look like and they will reply, "I don't know, it all depends on who walks with me." The important thing is that it is all those involved in our society, that determine the shape of our society with justice and freedom at its heart.
Said in another way: 
"------We know what the real causes of the suffering we endure: the sect of power, the cult of money, but also the obedience that they demand and obtain. These causes are perpetuated in the daily lives of human beings by the actions, gestures, relationships that interweave within a society in which we feel that we are strangers everywhere. And these causes – that have to be refused, deserted, demolished – have found shelter in your movement. We have never felt at home in 99% of our modern life, spent lining up to beg for crumbs, and yet you insist on defending 99% of the problem. We will take our possibilities elsewhere. Through the hopes, dreams and actions that have earned your condemnation. You, you still continue you passage through the ocean of universal indignation. You raise your sails passing the ropes to bureaucrats and police. You share space and air with the scum who have made life on this planet so unlivable. You head straight towards a new tomorrow with the hold still full of yesterday’s shit. We won’t climb onto your ship, in case we would never get off of it. We will stay on our rafts which you so despise, because they are so small and light.
But watch out. A vessel that travels with our enemies on board is an opportunity to fine to miss. Do you laugh? Do you have no fear of us because we don’t have the strength board you? You’ve misunderstood us. We don’t want your gold, we don’t at all want to conquer you, We want to make you sink with all your death cargo. To succeed at this, there is no need for a majestic fleet, one fire-ship is enough. Small and light."
Read the full article from Tabula Rasa HERE:

ann arky's home.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Let's Make That Stand.

       Today's poem is with the previous post in mind. It was written a considerable number of years ago, so please forgive the couple of lines that could be claimed as sexist, but I'm sure you'll agree with the essence of the poem.


Come rise with me
here, take my hand
it’s time my brothers
to make that stand,
we’ve bought this world
with blood and tears
shed by our kin
through countless years.
Put an end to war
it’s time for peace
man killing man
has to cease.
No more poverty
in a sea of wealth
all men equal
in a new commonwealth.
Let’s never again kneel
let’s stand up tall
claim what’s ours
justice for all.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 6 April 2013

A Needless Sea of Tears.

And today's poem is:

Though we live in a world of callous commerce
and know justice
is an altar where the caring are sacrificed,
see freedom as a river that runs parched
in the fierce desert of poverty,
our thoughts cannot be chained
our dreams will not be caged.
 We will think beyond the profit race
dream beyond the market place
in friendship clasp each human hand
with compassion try to understand
our differences, our hopes, our fears,
dragging this world from its needless sea of tears.

ann arky's home.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Time to Start Pushing.

     In these so called “difficult times” it is hard to grasp the difference between the rich and the poor. As you and I continue to struggle to maintain a decent standard of life, and millions fail in that attempt, the wealth of the richest parasites looks more and more like monopoly money. According to the Forbes “rich list”, the combined wealth of the world's 1,426 billionaires is a staggering $5.4 trillion. If they decided to fall out with us and form their own country, they would be the fourth richest country in the world, just behind Japan but ahead of Germany. Think of it, a country richer than Germany, with a population of just 1,426??
      At the other end of the scale, approximately one person every 3.5 seconds of each and every day, dies of hunger-related causes, a staggering 25,000 each day, most of these are children. At least 80% of the world's population lives on less than $10 a day. The world is a wealthy place but the split is criminal, with the poorest 40% of the world's population having 5% of the total income and the richest 20% accounting for 75%.
     In a world where 25,000 a day die every day because of hunger, there is an abundance of food. The problem is not the shortage of food, the problem is the system. In this capitalist system everything has to make a profit, the system traps people in poverty and the spiral is downward. Malnutrition means ill health and you are less able to earn your living, and in country after country that is a slow spiralling down to death.
      At one end, a small army with money to burn, obscene wealth for a handful of pampered parasites, private jets, yachts, mansions dotted across the world, the purchase of islands for family homes. All this off the sweat, tears and death of the many. At the other end, a multitude of hungry people, mother after mother watching her child slowly die of hunger.
     By any analysis, the system is unjust, immoral, plain wrong, stinkingly corrupt, unsustainable and not fit for purpose. That is not in doubt, the question is how long will we allow this murder for wealth to continue? How many more mothers will see their children slowly die of hunger while surrounded by food, before we say enough is enough? In a world of abundance, it doesn't take a lot of imagination to take food and distribute it to all who need it, those who stand in the way have to be pushed aside.

ann arky's home.

Monday 4 March 2013

We Are Half Way There!!

       I keep mouthing off about the financial Mafia driving us back to the deprivation of the Victorian era in their attempt at creating a European sweatshop economy, well we are half way there. The figures from a newly published study from the High Pay Centre makes for some interesting reading. Its conclusions are that the UK has returned to the pay inequalities that have not been seen since the 1930's. While we, the ordinary people have seen our incomes shrivel, the top 1% have seen their share of the national income more than double since 1979, they now claim 14.5% of the national income. The national average wage in the UK sits at £20,500, while the 26,000 top earning parasites of this country receive more than that in a month after tax, taking home a tidy sum of at least £21,500 a month. Of course average earnings can be misleading, we have approximately 6.75 million people in the UK earning less than £800 a month. Think of the difference in your standard of living, £800 a month or £21,500 a month, how do you justify that disparity?
     At least one rich retired business man doesn't seem to like this. The Independent on Sunday reported that a certain Sir Mike Darrington, retired CEO of Greggs, has written to the remuneration boards of all the FTSE 100 companies begging them to show restraint on executive pay, no this is not a joke. Strange that he should write this letter AFTER he retired and not before. However I wouldn't hold my breath on a positive response from his FTSE 100 colleagues.
     Of course it is not just in Europe that this great divide is ever widening, in the US they have the same pattern, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. In that land of the free and opportunity, for the year 2009, a mere 311 Americans shared between them a staggering $54 trillion, while 80% of the American population share just 7% of the national wealth. As for the bottom 40%, well they get by with barely any wealth at all. Ah well, that's capitalism for you.
      If we want to change this, and what ordinary sane person wouldn't, we will have to take a very different approach from our Sir Mike Darrington, It is no use appealing to the charity of a bunch of greedy parasites, we have to get rid of them. Would the chickens ask the fox to help them?

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

The Resources Are Already There.

    We all know that the world's wealth is very unfairly distributed, and that's putting it mildly. However although most of us are aware of this “unfair” distribution, it is difficult to grasp the extent. The world's population is approximately 7 billion and at the bottom end of this catastrophic unjust distribution of resources, vast swathes of this population live in unimaginable deprivation. While at the top end there is a small group of individuals with wealth that outstrips that of some nations.
    Let's look at the mass that struggle daily for survival and on numerous occasions don't make it beyond childhood. Approximately 1,000 people die from hunger over hour, mostly children or young people. Every 5 seconds a child dies from hunger related diseases, more than 11 million children die each year from preventable health issues such as, pneumonia, malaria, diarrhoea. In this rich and varied world approximately 1.4 billion people in the developing countries have to live on $1.25 a day or less, and it is estimated that 22,000 children die every single day due to poverty.
     At the top end of this unjust greed driven system we have individuals awash in wealth, wealth of unimaginable proportions. The world's GDP is approximately $70 trillion, while 0.1% of the world's population control $42 trillion and 0.001% control $14.6 trillion. There are 100,000 individuals with assets of $30 million or more and we have 11 million individuals with assets of $1 million or more. The top 20% of the world's population control 82.8% of the world's wealth, while the bottom 20% have less that 1%.
     Not by any stretch of the imagination could this be called an endorsement for capitalism, on the contrary it is an indictment against the system. What could you do with that $42 trillion controlled by that 1%? Well for starters it could pay off the entire debt of Greece, Italy, Ireland, Spain and Portugal ten times over. It could fund 187 years of universal primary and secondary education. Or an even greater achievement, it could fund the UN millennium goal for clean water 1,400 times over. It could also fund 250 years of climate change adaptation.
    So what does this tell us? It tells us that we have sufficient wealth and resources to see to the needs of all the people of this world. It is already there, we don't have to dream up where it will come from. The real problem is just that it is in the hands of a very few extremely greedy individuals, and it is the system of capitalism that has brought this about and will perpetuate this unnecessary unjust divide. To solve the problem of deprivation and early death from preventable disease, capitalism has to go and a society based on mutual aid, co-operation created in its place. It is not rocket science, it is common humanity taking place of greed driven profit. 
Most of these figures were gleaned from

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 26 December 2012


        By anarchist spirit I mean that deeply human sentiment, which aims at the good of all, freedom and justice for all, solidarity and love among the people; which is not an exclusive characteristic only of self-declared anarchists, but inspires all people who have a generous heart and an open mind.

 Errico Malatesta.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 22 December 2012


        Looking at the figures of the prison population in Scotland, and comparing them with the prison population in other European countries you begin to ask yourself some questions. Take Northern Europe and look at the figures for other countries with a similar population. Denmark, population approximately 5.5m, prison population, just over 4,000. Finland, population approximately 5.3m, prison population, 3,100. Norway, population just under 5m, prison population, 3,600. Ireland, population approximately 4.5m, prison population just over 4,400. Not a lot of difference there, but let's look at Scotland, population approximately 5.2m, prison population 8,178, for the year 2011/12. This was an increase of 4% over the last decade. You are looking at approximately double the prison population in Scotland compared to other European countries of similar population size. What makes the situation worse is that this 8,178 prison population is housed in a prison system with a design capacity of 7,840.
      Could it be that we Scots are just a bad lot, just a wee land of terrible people? Or could it be that we have more problems in our society, poverty etc.  get locked up for problems related to mental health and addiction, or is it simply that we have a more authoritarian government in this country. Probably a combination of all of the last three.
        Prisons are never about justice, they are about control, they are about protecting the establishment, the status-quo, about protecting the wealth and power of those who rule over us. The more they feel threatened, the more the prison population will grow.

ann arky's home,

Friday 10 February 2012


           Glasgow Solidarity Network has demonstrated how direct action gets the goods with a successful conclusion to its first fight. Two members of the Glasgow Anarchist Federation and their flatmate discovered that it is illegal in Scotland for letting agents to charge tenants fees apart from rent and deposits. Their letting agent, Martin & Co, had charged the three of them them a substantial £250 "check-in" fee before they had even paid their deposit. They first submitted an official complaint but received only the receipt listing the fees they had paid as a reply. Shelter advised them that they could go to the small claims court, but the court fee would have been £65 with no guarantee of a win! So instead, on 3rd February, they and 15 friends from the Glasgow Solidarity Network delivered a letter in person to the head of the Martin & Co West End office (to the amusement of other staff) giving the company two weeks to return the money. They left quickly, took a picture outside for posterity, and dispersed, some to the pub. The manager must have called the police, because two officers came by the flat on Saturday to have a friendly chat, but thanks to helpful information from the Scottish Activist Legal Project, Solidarity Network members know their rights, and the police left without even taking names. On Tuesday 7th February, just four days later, the tenants received a cheque for the money in full.

Don’t let letting agents get away with charging illegal fees! Don’t let landlords take advantage of you! Join us!

LEAVE A MESSAGE:  07842935713

Friday 6 January 2012


         The question that we should never stop asking everyone who puts on a uniform, and like the man says, if we win the fight at home there'll be no more wars.


ann arky's home.

Monday 31 October 2011


         There are all sorts of pundits spouting what is wrong with the system of capitalism at the moment. Even those who support the system are still critical of the way it is functioning at present. To them the system can be fixed, it is just a bit more regulation and nice ethical CEOs at the top of the corporations, and all will be well. Poverty will disappear and we will all live in abundance. I find this belief in an ethical corporate beast as rather laughable. Corporations buy politicians, politicians move into lucrative positions in the corporate world. A quote from one of these reformers tells us something about the system: Read the full article HERE.
        Our Congress today is a forum for legalized bribery. One consumer group using information from calculates that the financial services industry, including real estate, spent $2.3 billion on federal campaign contributions from 1990 to 2010, which was more than the health care, energy, defense, agriculture and transportation industries combined. Why are there 61 members on the House Committee on Financial Services? So many congressmen want to be in a position to sell votes to Wall Street.

Adbusters corporate flag.

        Don't for a minute think that what goes on in the American political/financial circles doesn't go on here and in every country in the developed world. Another quote from the same article perhaps should be taken seriously over here as well as in America: 4) Finally, an idea from the blogosphere: U.S. congressmen should have to dress like Nascar drivers and wear the logos of all the banks, investment banks, insurance companies and real estate firms that they’re taking money from. The public needs to know. Of course, we will never really know, it is a duplicitous system.

I used to be a politician, but I'm in finance now.

          The basic principles of the system has no room for ethics, the rules are simple, maximise your profit margin, increase your market share and reduce your costs. How do you equate this with improving the conditions of the workforce, removing exploitation, improving the health and safety of all workers and workplaces and of course distributing the proceeds of the labour fairly? Capitalism is an inherently unfair system, those with the wealth are always in a position to exploit those without the wealth, there is nothing fair, just or ethical about that. The system can't be overhauled to eradicate these contradictions, it has to be dismantled and an alternative system created in its place. I'm sure we have the imagination and the resources to create a system that sees to the needs of all our people, based on mutual aid and co-operation, a system of fairness and justice founded on sustainability. The only problem is when, time is running out.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 15 October 2011


       This is taken from "thenormalityofmadness's blog" and is re-posted here in full, it was first posted 16 March 2011. We have all been there in varying degrees, some linger longer than others, some go further than others. It is a well trodden path.

Our Name:
We are the mad community and some of us are treated as second class citizens because of that. If we are ever to change that simple fact then we have to acknowledge our existence within ourselves.
We are the mad community, but we lack the courage to accept who we are.
We are the mad community; we have no dignity in that fact.
We are the mad community, we are ashamed.
Every human being experiences madness in their lives. Emotions are shared, misunderstood elements in all our minds. Does the severity of your experience of the highs or lows of life count as qualifying rank. Some state ‘We all have madness in our life’, but it appears those who have not been labelled ‘mad’ stand outside and judge those of us who have. Some who have been so labelled ‘mad’ exclude those who have not and parade their pain as a claim of ownership.
We are the mad community all of us equally, why can we not own that fact. If we did some of us would not be:
Buried in policy
Excluded by law
Denied justice
We are the mad community and we must demand equal civil and human rights. If abuse effected us all equally we would have no abuse.
Our Name:
Call it as it is, The Mad Community
Clear, concise, uncluttered, understood, plane speak; no doubt who our voices are raised on behalf of! Ourselves! The Mad Community!
All of us!
If we as a group agree that we are all normally mad then agenda’s disappear. We never again have a problem with our spokespersons except in the ability of those spokespersons to deliver our message.
We are the Mad Community. We are all of this community. We are wider society.

Thursday 8 September 2011





Troy Davis


All anti-death penalty activists in the U.S. and worldwide should prepare NOW to organize coordinated actions before Sept. 21. The IAC will send out a proposed date for these actions in conjunction with Georgia activists.


National Day of Coordinated Actions to be set soon. Check for updated info
On March 28, 2011, the US Supreme Court failed to take up the appeal of Troy Davis. AND NOW HIS EXECUTION HAS BEEN SET FOR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21.
Please join the online campaign to STOP THE EXECUTION! FREE TROY DAVIS NOW!
Tell Gov. Deal and the Georgia Pardons and Parole Board:

On March 28, 2011, the US Supreme Court failed to take up the appeal of Troy Anthony Davis, the Savannah, Ga. man whose scheduled execution has been halted three times in the past because of the growing evidence and public belief in his innocence. AND NOW HIS EXECUTION HAS BEEN SET FOR WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21.
Troy Davis is an African American on death row in Georgia. Davis was convicted in the 1989 killing of a police officer despite what Amnesty International calls "overwhelming doubts about his guilt." No physical forensic evidence was presented at Davis' trial, and 7 of the 9 non-police witnesses have recanted their testimony, with at least two saying they were pressured by police to finger Davis as the killer.

CLICK HERE TO TAKE ACTION NOW to let the Georgia Parole Board, Governor, Legislature, and congressional delegation as well as President Obama, U.N. Secretary-General Ban, Congressional leaders and members of the media know you demand No Execution of Troy Davis!
Your messages will go to hundreds of public officials, including the Governor of Georgia, the entire Georgia legislature, each member of the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles, the full Georgia Congressional delegation, as well as President Obama, Attorney General Holder, Congressional leaders, U.N. Secretary-General Ban, and national and local media representatives.


The text of the message reads as follows (you will have the opportunity to edit it if you wish):

To: Governor Deal, Georgia Pardons and Parole Board, Georgia Legislature, Georgia Congressional Delegation, President Obama, Attorney General Holder, Congressional Leaders, U.N. Secretary General Ban

cc: members of the media


On March 28, 2011, the US Supreme Court failed to take up the appeal of Troy Anthony Davis, the Savannah, Ga. man whose scheduled execution has been halted three times in the past because of the growing evidence and public belief in his innocence. He was convicted solely on eye witness testimony, and 7 of the 9 non-police witnesses have since recanted, several alleging that police coerced them into making false statements.

I join with millions in the US and around the world in demanding that you stop the execution of Troy Davis. Serious doubt remains. I call on all those with authority and influence in this decision to grant clemency to Troy Anthony Davis and overturn the death sentence.

Innocence matters to me. Justice matters to everyone.

I urge you to act now.



International Action Center
c/o Solidarity Center
55 W 17th St Suite 5C
New York, NY 10011

Monday 27 December 2010


       How would you live on a £10 food voucher a week and no cash? Add to that the fact that you don't have a place to stay, and you are not allowed to work, then think, how do you survive. Of course you would say that it doesn't happen in this civilised country, it must be some other poorer country in the third world. Of course you are wrong, it is here, and it is now, in one of the richest countries in the world, the UK, and don't let the crap they pump out about the need for “austerity cuts” fool you into thinking that we are not a rich, very rich country. This is the situation of asylum seekers who are going through the appeals process. They receive no state benefits of any kind and are not allowed to work to support themselves. So they sleep rough, here, there and anywhere they can find, the lucky ones get bedding down on a friend's couch or floor for a night or two.

        Mr Joseph Nibizi, Manager of the Red Cross destitution clinic where the weekly food vouchers are given out, said that he has seen the number of destitute asylum seekers queueing up for emergency help grow from 860 in January to 1,400 in July. This type of treatment of a human being is a slow form of state execution, no body can survive such conditions, especially in the recent winters we have had. Mr Nibizi, stated that, “These are human beings. They should be given their basic needs.” Of course we all know that in a civilised society they would be allowed to work and contribute and their needs would be seen to, that's what you call being civilised. Any society that treats a human being in such a fasion is away off the civilisation radar, and if we stand by and allow this without a protest and a demand for justice and humanity for all, then we also are away off the civilisation radar.

     You can read the story of one such asylum seeker at Guardian UK.

Thursday 18 November 2010


      Across the goble ordinary people are imprisoned, tortured and sometinmes killed and their crime, -trying to improve the living conditions of their people while living and working under a repressive regime. We must always stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters who find themselves in this type of situation. The following is an appeal from Labour Start on just one such case. Please show your support HERE.

Colombia: Free jailed trade unionist Rosalba Gaviria Toro

       On 9th March 2009 Rosalba Gaviria Toro, a member of FENSUAGRO, the Colombian Agricultural Workers' Trade Union was detained and accused of 'rebellion'. She has been imprisoned since then in Villa Cristina jail in the city of Armenia, without being convicted of any crime. Rosalba has been an active trade unionist and human rights activist for many years, however, the Colombian authorities have described her as a 'terrorist' - jeopardizing her right to a fair judicial process. There is no legitimate evidence against Rosalba and it would seem that, like so many other political prisoners in Colombia, she has been jailed to silence her and prevent her from carrying out her legitimate work in defense of trade union and human rights.

Wednesday 17 November 2010


Thur 18 Nov - Lobby Scottish Parliament against UKBA -
No UKBA Clearances
Assemble 11am, Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh.

       UKBA's unilateral withdrawal from the Asylum Contract negotiations will be raised at First Minister's Questions on Thursday by Anne McLaughlin MSP. Demonstration outside the Parliament and go inside to a meeting with MSPs.
         Some people will be able to go in to witness the Parliament in action.  If you wish to be one of them, please let Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees know as names have to be arranged in advance. Go into Parliament 11.30am, First Minister's Questions 12 noon.
        Please come along to show your support, even if you can only spare a short time from work.

Bus from Glasgow.
      Join the bus leaving the City Chambers, George Sq at 9.00am, leaving Edinburgh at 2.00pm.  Seats free.  Contributions welcome.
        For more information contact Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees:
Jock – 07896877315

     Watch the Camcorder Guerillas video of Monday's protest against the removal of asylum seekers from Glasgow City Council housing:

Descend on Brand Street Re-open the Negotiations

No Evictions Here.

Saturday 20 November - Outside UKBA, Brand Street, Govan, Glasgow (nearest underground is Cessnock)    10.30 for 11.00am.

        Solidarity Rally with our Refugee Friends and Neighbours and Ceremonial Burning of the Letters.
Glasgow’s traumatised and impoverished refugees have been thrown into a state of alarm by the UKBA’s unilateral withdrawal from the Asylum Contract negotiations and their subsequent callous and contemptuous letter threatening removal at 3 days’ notice to private housing either with YMCA or the notorious Angel Group somewhere in Scotland.  Stand shoulder to shoulder with our fellow refugee citizens in their fight to remain in their homes and communities.  Join the rally at Brand St on Saturday morning.  Bring your letters from UKBA for ceremonial burning outside the loathsome UKBA offices.

Called by Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees, the Right to Work Campaign, Positive Action in Housing and Unity.

For all other enquiries about SACC, visit /contact or phone 07936432519
ann arky's home.

Thursday 11 November 2010


       The free-marketeers ideology gathers pace. Shifting asylum seekers from council housing to private sector housing puts more tax payers money in the pockets of the private sector landlords, apart from the misery and pressure it puts on the individuals and families of those involved.
         The following was taken from;
Keep the Contract with Glasgow City Council!
Join the Protest:

Monday 15 November
Outside Glasgow City Chambers,
George Square.

Today at a meeting in Cranhill it was confirmed that the first asylum seeker families are to be moved out of Glasgow City Council accommodation starting as early as Monday next week. One family has been told they will be moving on Monday. At least two other families have been told they'll also be leaving accommodation provided by the council next week. On Saturday last week, the 900 plus asylum seeker families who are currently accommodated in housing organised by Glasgow City Council received letters stating that the housing contract from the UK Border Agency to house them had been terminated.
        Staff at the Glasgow Asylum Seeker Support Project were told at 3pm on Friday afternoon after their acting head had received the news in an email. The move has taken everyone involved in supporting asylum seekers in Glasgow completely by surprise and came as a shock to many.
       It is still not known where families are going to be moved to and the confusion is spreading anxiety and alarm through the asylum seeker community in Glasgow. Earlier today the UKBA press office was suggesting that, in the short term at least, the other current accommodation providers in Glasgow, the YMCA charity and the notorious Angel Group, would take on the contract. The letters sent out to the tenants however suggest that they could be relocated to anywhere in Scotland.
        Now facing significant disruption to their housing - and potentially facing being moved away from established friends and supporters as well as from services such as GPs and social workers - asylum seekers in Glasgow are extremely alarmed and concerned about this sudden news. Many are concerned about how their children could be affected if they are moved out of established schools. Many are also worried that they may have to move away from friends and supportive neighbours and community groups, breaking the strong ties that have developed over months and years in communities across the city. Other concerns have also been raised about the ability of the YMCA and the Angel Group to provide adequate accommodation at such short notice.
      Since taking over part of the housing contract in 2006, both the Angel Group and the YMCA, have received criticism over how they have provided accommodation to asylum seekers. The Angel Group, in particular, have had many accusations of providing inadequate housing and its staff giving poor service, made against it.
        UNITY is calling for a protest outside of Glasgow City Chambers of everyone concerned about the sudden ending of the housing contract and against the disruption to our communities and its impact on the lives of our friends and neighbours.
      Come to Glasgow City Chambers at 10.30 Monday 15th November to show your opposition to these developments and to call on the UKBA and Glasgow City Council to resolve any difficulties.