Saturday 19 April 2014


Just a thought------


Tenebrous spectres, they exist,   out there,
on the crumbling edge of chaos.
A father, a son, a brother,
a daughter, a sister, a mother.
Fragments of some shattered family structure;
waste products
from a society being driven to destruction
by a hurricane of greed,
living a life that wears out life,
the devious death of exhaustion from existence.

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Where Have All The People Gone??

        The only way to get to grips with what is happening to Glasgow's East End, is to get down there and find out. I would imagine that if you do, and you should, the first thing you'll probably say is, "where have all the people gone?". Busy, bustling East End has been replace by a series of grandiose schemes that will push up land and house prices, excluding the ordinary people from the area. The ever creeping disease of gentrification spreads it tentacles, feeding the corporate mob and pushing the ordinary people into ghettos, out of sight of the tourists and those who can pay top dollar for their homes.
Glasgow City Council's plans for the people of Glasgow.

This from Glasgow Games Monitor:

Saturday, 26th April, 1-5pm (12.45 for 1pm start). Meet at Bridgeton Cross Umbrella, Bridgeton
Organised by Glasgow Games Monitor 2014:
Regeneration is always imposed from above by local councils, government, land developers and property agents. The organisers of the Commonwealth Games 2014 and Clyde Gateway regeneration projects tell us that everyone will gain a social and economic legacy from the Games and redevelopment in the East End. But is that true?
What is that claim based on?
We say that 'regeneration' is just a sugar-coated name for gentrification: the working of land and property markets and the displacement of poor people with the aim of supposedly 'higher end' values. Large mega-events and regeneration projects like the Commonwealth Games and Clyde Gateway are prime examples of that process. Find out for yourselves! Join Glasgow Games Monitor 2014 and local residents on a public walk to investigate these claims.
In a collective 'territorial inquiry', or investigation from below, we will examine the power relations and money behind planning and policy documents, regeneration agencies, land ownership, housing privatisation, welfare 'austerity', and the organisations that claim to represent community members.
Rather than looking above for solutions to these problems, we aim to discuss and organise collectively with all those who struggle against urban injustice. We will emphasise first of all the experiences of those most directly affected by urban development (through compulsory purchase, displacement, closure of vital services, environmental disruption, road-building, etc). The lesson from similar large-scale
urban projects is that people get the best gains (in terms of social housing, services, public space and amenities) when they resist the privatising logic of 'regeneration' and organise effectively for better conditions.
Glasgow Games Monitor 2014: Contact:

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Friday 18 April 2014


Today's tumbling thought-----


In learned books what do we gain,
argue Heidegger with Russell, Sartre, Berlin,
quote Descartes, Kant, Wittgenstein,
know all the answers
to a world we never live in.

So,   richer by far a labourer be
perhaps, never to read nor write
but with a glance, a smiling eye,
name each tree, each bird in flight.

Who'll stand in awe at a burning sunrise,
enjoy the cool moisture of a summer shower,
wonder at life in a woodland paradise,
marvel at the changing colour in every hour.

Glow at the warmth in a lover's embrace,
willingly give that gentle kiss,
lovingly touch a smiling face,
relish holding hands in silent bliss.

Experience magic through a child's sight,
know how to dry its tear,
when to lift it, hold it tight,
bringing comfort, chasing fear.

Desipient bookworms may shake their head
mock his untutored state, only see a fool;
his knowledge will stand him in greater stead,
he took his learning at a more erudite school.

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The State's Soldierless War.

       War is the state's method of defending and expanding its corporate empire, but becomes increasingly difficult to sustain as public opinion starts to rebel against the continuing line of young dead and injured returning for foreign lands. Enter the drone, the ideal state weapon, war with no casualties to the perpetrator. You can carry out your carnage from a comfortable office, the young people involved can lead a normal office life. No need to get dirty, no need to be fit, no need to risk your life as you kill the others. There is something sinister and immoral about young people sitting in an office, looking at a monitor and unleashing death and devastation on unsuspecting people in another country.
       Over the last ten years or so the use of armed drones has seen an very dramatic increase and an ever increasing spread across more countries, the most recent count is that ten countries in the world have been hit by drone strikes. For a while it was Afghanistan and Pakistan that received the majority of these strikes, but in recent years they have spread to Africa. Yemen being the country that now receives daily strikes, that not only kill, but create terror among the local population of innocent people including children and elderly.
        The state will not give up on war, though we have not declared war since the end of the second world war, we have never been at peace. The US and the UK have been involved in combat in different countries across the globe almost unceasingly. Now with the advent of the drone, that job is becoming easier for the state. We make drone strikes in foreign countries, killing and maiming its citizens, without any declaration of war, we often refer to these countries as friendly nations.
       Countries with drones are on the increase, this is the shape of war to come, no declaration, no troops on the ground, no dead or injured coming home, just death and carnage in a far away place, that we don't know too much about. We are supposed to get on with watching tele and shopping, while the various states squabble as they carve up the the world's resources by means of death and destruction. We can surely do better than this.
This from

      Over half of Yemen's 24.8 million citizens hear it every day — the sound of a robot plane bringing death from the sky.
      Drone strikes don't require troops on the ground. They happen off-screen, and out of Americans' minds. But for the people of Yemen, the constant terror of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, of playing or working near a suspect of some unspecified crime, is what's breeding terrorists in an area crippled by fear.
     Enough of children's scarred skeletons, of cars reduced to melted metal, of the massacre of a foreign people without reason or mercy.
      Please, join us in demanding President Obama stop murder by drone, and stop breeding a new culture of hate, terror and trauma!
PETITION TO PRESIDENT OBAMA: Drone strikes in Yemen do nothing to stop Al Qaeda and everything to terrify civilians, kill innocents and traumatize generations. Stop this brutal practice now.

Click here to sign -- it just takes a second.
-- The folks at

P.S. If the other links aren't working for you, please go here to sign:
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Thursday 17 April 2014

All In The Name Of Profit.

It's all in the name of profit.


The bike just sits there,
dust covering its lovely sheen,
puffing up the Fintry Hills
well,   it's no longer my scene.
Y'see,   as a Clydeside apprentice
I proudly learnt the tradesman's skill,
little did I know then
the price,    asbestos lungs that kill.
Now I just sit through the painful day
gasping each mouthful of air, wondering
how can I make the bastards pay.
They knew it was a killer
a time-bomb in our lungs
but,  because it was so quick and cheap
they firmly held their tongues.
So what,  if it cost the workman's life,
there's always a couple of new workers
in the care of the worker's wife.
Please try to understand my anger
as I and others bear their cost,
a slow death from asbestos lungs,
a vibrant life lost.
Anguish for family and friends,
all in the name of profit:
now that really does offend.
Our anger without direction
is like a blind archer behind the bow,
we have to use our anger
to smash the status-quo.
Perhaps making my dying public,
might provoke righteous indignation
at a system that puts profit
before the health of a nation.

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The Smoke And Mirrors Of Ukraine.

      It is difficult to get the truth of what is going on in the Ukraine, at work are vested interests, each with their own hidden agenda, the propaganda machines are at full throttle. On Ukraine, the mainstream media, that babbling brook of bullshit, has become a raging torrent of sewage. Figures and maps are thrown around, and all of them prove anything you want, or nothing at all. America accuses Russia of destabilising the country for its own interests, something the Americans should know something about, since they have been doing it across the globe for decades. Whatever information we may get from Ukraine, you can rest assured that it will not be the voice of the people of Ukraine. That story will not come through our corrupt, biased and corporate controlled media. 

       There is a very informative article by William Boardman, who writes for Reader Supported News, the article is worth a read, below is just a couple of short quotes:
     Before the Maidan began in Kiev in the fall of 2013, the Russians were allowed by treaty to have 25,000 troops in Ukraine, all in bases in Crimea. Once Russia controlled Crimea, early reports of Russian troops in Ukraine often confused this reality with other things that may or may not have been real, such as the March 7 report that the Pentagon estimated the presence of “20,000 Russian troops in Ukraine.” If true, the Russians would seem to have been under-massed by about 5,000 troops.  Whatever else was true during the Crimea takeover, there were no pictures of massive Russian troop movements. Video of Russian tanks moving to Crimea on trains were, if real, showing those tanks moving unmolested through southern Ukraine, the only rail route from Russia to Crimea.

      And there’s another constituency with a clear vested interested in pushing the Russian threat toward a new Cold War: arms makers (excuse me: “defense contractors”). As the NATO secretary general said quite plainly at the NATO Transformation Seminar, April 8:
“The reality is that Europeans have disarmed too much and for too long In NATO, we have agreed a defence spending guideline of 2% of Gross Domestic Product. Too few Allies meet this guideline. And too many have moved too far in the other direction. This is the time to stop the cuts and start reversing the trend.”
You can read the full article HERE:
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Wednesday 16 April 2014

A Dislike Of The Bond Market.

      It seems that somebody didn't like the idea of Greece re-entering the bond market last Thursday.
ATHENS, Greece  — Suspected domestic exploded a car bomb outside a Bank of Greece building in the heart of Athens Thursday, causing damage but no injuries in a brazen attack hours before a landmark bond issue by the financially struggling country.
Read the full article HERE:
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I'm Sick.

Today's little rant-----


I'm sick of missing the theatre
when "The greatest show on earth",
arrives in town.
Sick of living through the winter
with the heating turned down.

I'm sick of seeing my kids
miss out on this and that.
Sick of living with dampness
in a run-down council flat.

I'm sick of having beans on toast
every other day.
Sick of TV shows extolling
a healthy life-style way.

I'm sick of wearing the same old jacket,
hail, rain or shine.
Sick of being told
the problem's really mine.

I'm sick of being a statistic
in some ministerial debate.
Sick of quietly letting
them decide my fate.

I'm sick of being offered work
if I accept a lower wage.
Sick of trying to control
this pent-up bubbling rage.

I'm sick-----------------
I'm not,   realy sick,
though I soon will be,
I'm just obliged to live
on benefit.

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Propaganda, Propaganda, Propaganda,

      A couple of things that recently got a lot of cover in that babbling brook of bullshit, our mainstream media, one was Greece returning to the bond market, and the other, UK inflation dropping to 1.6%. These two pieces of information were meant to make us all feel a lot better, the propaganda machine was in full throttle. As for Greece entering the bond market, what this means is that the financial Mafia gambling cabal, had another casino in which to place their bets. They were prepared to loan the corrupt Greek state €3 billion at a nice healthy rate of interest of 4.75%, a mere drop in the bucket as far as Greek state debt is concerned. Does this mean that all is well in Greece and that the 27% unemployment, and 60% among the young, will suddenly evaporate? Does it mean that the trashed health service will, like magic, rise to the needs of the people? Will the abject poverty and deprivation be transformed into a land of milk and honey? Well perhaps a look at some of the figures might answer those questions. Greece's public debt in 2008, the date of the gambling casino collapse, was €263.3 billion, and the prediction for 2014 is €322 billion. The size of Greece's debt as a percentage of GDP in that 2008 bubble burst, was 112.9%, 2014's prediction is 175.9%. What Greece's re-entry to the bond market really means is that it is obvious gamblers can't stay away from the casino.
       The excited wetting of nickers among the millionaire cabal sitting in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, at the news the inflation in the UK has dropped for the sixth consecutive month to 1.6%, will not be transferred to the ordinary person on the street. According to a study by The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) mid-range household incomes between 2013 and 2014 were 6% below what they were before the gamblers crisis of 2008. Other interesting figures from the study state that between 2008 and 2013 inflation was 20%, energy prices rose by 60% and food prices by 30%. Where were incomes during this period? Did your income rise enough to cover that 60% rise in energy prices, or the 30% rise in food prices? It is all smoke and mirrors. The truth is that we as a people here in the UK are sliding down the shute to a sweatshop economy. Last year almost a million adults and children received emergency food parcels from food banks, a rise of 163% on the previous year. Irrespective of what the propaganda machine might say, more and more people are turning to food banks for survival. The Trussell trust has over 400 food banks and is opening two a week, compared to only three in 2012/13. Of course The Trussell trust is not the only organisation handing out food help to those in need, they are just the tip of the iceberg. What about those living in areas where there is no Trussell Trust, what about all those who just eat less and feed their kids less, perhaps too proud to seek help or unaware of where to get that help. The Trussell trust states that it is now expanding its services to include welfare advice and providing essentials such as washing powder, nappies and hygiene products, as more and more families are at breaking point and food is not their only problem. This is the true picture of Britain's low inflation figure

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Tuesday 15 April 2014

Important Diary Dates.

    A couple of dates for next week, the first is on Tuesday, April 22 and is hosted by Glasgow Games Monitor 2014. The subject matter, "housing", focusing on Glasgow's East End, though not exclusively. The East End of Glasgow has seen approximately 3,000 resident shunted out to make way for "The Games". A spectacle to feed the corporate greed machine with an estimated £524 million. Of course we all know what happens to the "estimates" in all these types of affairs, they are just the starting point of the rip-off. What would £524 million do if spent on simple improving the housing and social conditions of the East End?

Hi all,
     Two new posts online:
     Public Meeting, Speakers and Discussion, 7-9pm, Tuesday 22nd April, St.Mungo's Academy, 235 Crownpoint Road, Bridgeton, Glasgow, G40 2RA. All Welcome!
    (2) 'Games Monitor on Newsnight
     Please circulate news of the housing meeting widely if possible. We want to engage with local people's experience in particular, but housing for the games and clyde gateway is a citywide issue and we welcome all those with an interest in housing issues.

       The other date is Friday, April 25, the monthly picket outside the ATOS offices in Cadogan street Glasgow. It is important that this picket continues and gains in strength. ATOS may have decided to withdraw early from its contract with the government, mainly due to the unpleasant publicity created by such pickets up and down the country. However, that doesn't mean that the government will abandon its attack on the sick and disabled. The millionaire cabal at the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, have a bucketful of leeches ready and waiting to be unleashed on the vulnerable, when ATOS leaves by the back door, having made millions at the expense of the sick and disabled. 
This from Glasgow Against ATOS:

Friday April 25, 12:30 - 15:00
ATOS Assessment Centre
Carunna House
29 Cadogan Street
     We are Glasgow Against Atos, a dynamic campaign group, defending the sick and disabled. We have been picketing the Atos, Glasgow assessment centre since early 2012.
     Please come and join us in fighting Atos, the DWP and the government cuts against disabled people, their families and carers.
        The weather is getting better – so no excuses, and we’ll see you all outside the assessment centre. All welcome!
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The Wreckers.

A Poem, a thought, or just a simple rant.


The well mannered,    who

with the proper legislation
legitimise    insanity,
with the proper legal channels,
justify    injustice,
with the proper religious devotion,
ethnic    cleanse,
with the proper academic praise,
magnify    the trivia,
with the proper pomp and ceremony,
glorify    the mediocre,
with the proper charitable phrase,
ignore   the poverty,

are the wreckers,   who

with the proper cultured dignity,
create    havoc in their wake.

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Monday 14 April 2014

Shades Of 1914!!

       The Ukraine, two empires squabbling over territory, each wants it in their sphere of interest, each prepared to slaughter the people in their quest for control, shades of 1914!! If you are in or near London this week, a date for your diary.
6.30pm, Tuesday 15 April

· The Wesley Hotel, Euston Street, London NW1 2EZ

       The crisis in the Ukraine continues, with tensions between the big powers growing day by day. There are several factors militating against war in the immediate future, including Russia’s nuclear arsenal and trade links with EU countries. But as the establishment think-tank Stratfor has argued, it would be naive to rule out a conflagration.
        Already NATO air drills are taking place over the Baltics, and the UK and US are sending extra jets to patrol the skies. Poland has requested 10,000 NATO troops to be stationed on its territory and MPs in Kiev have voted to hold joint military exercises with NATO. In the medium to long term, NATO is looking at establishing permanent military bases in Ukraine.
And for today----

Today we live in a peace
midst a thousand pygmy wars;
a humanity bankrupt by its past
dragged wearily through darkness and despair
yearns for a day that's cast
long, warm and fair,
a dawn that sees humankind discard
its class, its nation and prepare
to grind outworn creeds to dust,
so mankind naked is revealed,
then moving with common cause,
what such a dawn may yield. 

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Sunday 13 April 2014

If We Make Everything, Why Are We Hungry?

     We grow, make and distribute everything, and yet some of our brothers and sisters go hungry, why?
Supermarket expropriated in the district of Vyronas as a minimum act of resistance.

      Everything is stolen; everything belongs to us!

     We take back a few of the things we produced with hard labour and our bosses have stolen from us…
       The establishment of a state of emergency, in conjunction with the predatory raids of the bosses at work and in our lives, imposes the fear of repression as well as destitution on society. Disparities in everyday life have a tragic dimension, when hands reach out begging or overturn trash bins hoping to find food. Unemployment and constant price increases of products on the shelves of supermarkets have made us wonder if we can even meet our basic needs.
We do not tolerate this situation; we will resist.
Today (April 11th, 2014), we covered our faces and expropriated one of these big supermarkets. We have made our face visible with our move, and because it disturbs (mostly) their peace as well as their profitability, they will try to track us down. We do not give ourselves over to them, we defy their terrorism, we plan our ways, and respond collectively in the street. We collectivize our resistances and rebel against our oppressors.
       Today, we also made a stop at the manpower employment organization (OAED).
     We left some of the items we took from the supermarket at the local unemployment office as a gesture of class solidarity towards other workers and unemployed; a righteous act that we, those from below, do for ourselves, redistributing the pie. In this modern system of human trafficking, in this contemporary galley, workers in public benefit projects, which the Greek manpower employment organization promotes, are forced to live like slaves for five months. They have no right to holiday or sick leave; they get crumbs, and face the threat of removal from the unemployed register in case they refuse the position assigned to them. Every one of us should know that we outnumber them, and if we want to organize ourselves, we can overthrow the exploiters of our lives.
poor but dishonest
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Wind, Sea And Hills.


     Last Monday, April the 7th. ann arky and partner, took off with the bike and headed for the north eastern corner of Scotland. We stayed in a small village called Gardenstown, near Banff. It is a small area at the bottom of an extremely steep hill and the houses are all crammed together with virtually no space between them, and right on the rocks at the shore facing the North Sea. Your heart bleeds when you think of the life of hardship the residents of the late 19th. early 20th century, must have had to endure just to survive in such a harsh and cramped environment. Herring fishing was their life's blood. Now, most of the cottages are holiday homes, one of which we rented. There is no mobile phone signal and no wi-fi. In the kitchen of the cottage there was instructions telling you that there was no phone signal, but if you walk towards Grovie, past the harbour and the steps down to the beach, there is a phone signal. I had a vision of walking there and seeing this "thing" on the beach with a label, "phone signal". Or perhaps at certain times of the day the village population of holiday makers, congregate at that point and stand in groups with their mobile phones stuck to their ear chatting to the outside world.

      I also believe it is the windiest and hilliest spot on the planet, making it very hard work for ann arky's legs when on the bike. Perhaps I should have recognised the signs, lots of very large wind turbines, always turning at a fair pace. 

      In saying that, it is a very beautiful area and we will be back, though perhaps not to Gardenstown, beautiful as it was, I didn't like the feeling of being trapped, unable to get out of the village without a car. I didn't tackle the hill on the bike.

Near Whitehills.

      I regret not having been able to post a poem a day for the whole month of April, but here we are with today's rendering.


If only we could find the imagination
to see this world as one rich colourful nation,

not a collection of camps, insular and small
always eager to mount a border brawl

sending forth an army of fruit growers
to shed the blood of some seed sowers,

holding high a coloured rag
proclaim, "the blood we shed is for this flag",

believing this justifies the countless dead
across nature's beaty spread.

Can't we learn from yesterday's errors
borders breed false fears and foolish terrors;

each flag waving hand sows the seeds
of tomorrow's pointless brutal deeds.

If only we could find the imagination
to see this world as one rich colourful nation,

all free to walk our chosen path
free from fear of the strangers wrath.

A brother rich or poor we can accept,
a different coloured skin is cause to reject,

smile at a brown eyed sister with reddish hair
yet mock one who walks a jungle path, with bosom bare.

Shower with praise and welcome embrace
anyone from our spurious race,

greet with snarl and angry glare
those strange people from over there;

then using our culture as some kind of shield
guarantee our future in isolation sealed.

if only we could find the imagination
to see this world as one rich colourful nation.

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Monday 7 April 2014

Good Heavevs----!!

Good heavens---!!


The heaven I seek holds no guarded gate
nor boasts no throne on high
has no host on bended knee
no king to call us nigh.

Death shall not be our road of entry
no trumpet blast to show the way,
has no frontier guards for man nor beast
nor some far off judgement day.

The heaven I seek is here and now,
where symbols of power crumble like sand;
standing upright all men shall brothers be,
no one priveleged with high command.

Vibrant life shall be our only passport,
the glorious morning sun our only sign,
with true love of man and beast,
we can have heaven in our time.

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Sunday 6 April 2014

What Do You Do with 500 Tons Of Chemical Weapons?

        Quite recently there was a helluva hullaballoo about Syria's chemical weapons, the self righteous West, demanded the immediate destruction of these weapons, in spite of the fact that America has enough to destroy all life on the planet. This was to show the West being tough with Syria, and also hoping that Syria wouldn't comply, and then we could go in and bomb the shit out of the country.  Of course when Syria complied, the West was left with what to do with all that chemical shit. It is now all off the radar, that babbling brook of bullshit, the media, no longer considers these chemical weapons news. Well what do you with 500 tons of chemical weapons? Well you turn it it sludge and then dump it in the Mediterranean Sea, problem solved. Of course Cyprus and Greece are too too chuffed by this plan, well how would we in the UK feel if it was to be dumped in the Irish Sea? This is the usual short term view that permeates this type of system we live under, all brash gungho, two guns blazing, with no thought of tomorrow.
      This from Xpressed on the Syrian chemical weapons and their destruction:
A threat for fishermen
         The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the United States declare that 500 tons of Syrian precursor substances should be dealt with at sea within a couple of weeks, while the final destruction of the American chemical weapons will not be completed before 2023. On land, the US hopes to destroy 3,100 tons within 10 years. At sea they are convinced that they can process 500 tons within four weeks.
      For the time being, a low degree Ro-Ro, the Arc Futura, with a total of 38 deficiencies since 2000 at European ports, is manoeuvring somewhere in the Mediterranean loaded with an unknown amount of chemical weapons. Only when all the facilities of this particular ship are emptied and all the guns are loaded in Arc Futura and another Ro-Ro specialising in car transportation, the US floating factory will take action. In the planning no refuge port has been foreseen, in case there is a major complication during the hydrolysis process on the Cape Ray.
Read the full article HERE:
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Who Cares?

A little food for thought.


In a world of

movers and shakers and moonbeam rakers
pimps and dealers and real cool free wheelers
slick fork-tongued entrepreneurs
movin' with glitzy glamorous whores
all with an angle, all with a line,
all goin' t'score real big time.

Who cares about

the heavy hearted mother the anguished young brother
the kid on dope searchin' for hope
the Clydesdie father with the asbestos lung
dumped on life's ladder's lowest rung
the damaged big sister conned by a twister
all trying to live in a system with no give.

Where is

the society the community the neighbouring deed
the thought the act for the other's need
the carers the sharers the giving hand
the dream of all our children's promised land
the open world free from hate
where exploitation is an impossible fate?

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How Much Deeper, How Much Longer?

           It is strange that the majority of people in the West seem to tolerate a system that increases wealth, but in tandem with the increase in poverty for the majority. The number of millionaires increases, millionaires become billionaires, corporate bodies see their coffers bursting at the seams, and yet more and more ordinary people slip further down the slippery slope of poverty. In recent years poverty has galloped at an ever increasing pace across Europe, which is a large slice of the so called affluent West. We have seen Greece descend to the realms of a third world country, Spain, Italy and Portugal are skidding along a few paces behind. It is not just the southern European countries that are seeing their populations being pushed back to the poverty of Victorian times. Ireland is hot on the heels of our southern neighbours, and here in the UK we have seen an explosion of food banks as people struggle to survive. Countries that somehow are not usually associated with poverty, have seen their people slide into the mire and stress of deprivation. Germany, the richest nation in Europe, and one of the richest in the world, has seen poverty spread its tentacles further afield, dragging more of its people into that state of misery and blighted future. The Netherlands, seen as an affluent part of “affluent” Europe, in 2012 saw its biggest increase in poverty since 2008, figures from the national agency Statistics Netherland, show that with a population of less than 17 million, the Netherlands has approximately 1.2 million of its people considered to be living in poverty. The Netherlands has also seen a particularly sharp increase in the number of children living in poverty, while in parallel to this there has been a rise in those affected by longterm poverty. And so it goes on, wealth spewing from this society, straight into the pockets of the already very rich. We continue to create wealth at an astonishing rate, but we continue to see poverty spread further and deeper among the general population. 
        How much longer will we accept this injustice, this blatant exploitation? How much deeper in the mire of poverty will we let ourselves be pushed? How much longer will we tolerate the future of our kids and grandkids being blighted by unnecessary and avoidable poverty? The answer is in our hands, if we want to stop the plundering of the wealth that we produce, if we want to see it spread with more justice and equality, we have to do the changing. We can't expect those rich parasites who gain immense wealth and power from the existing system, to do anything to change it for our benefit. We surely have the imagination and ability to create a society of fairness, all that seems to be lacking is the desire. 
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