Friday 23 May 2014

A Disappearing Population.

      Glasgow was once a city of just over 1 million people, it is now down to around 600,000. It seems to be a city of a disappearing population. Lots of densely populated areas were cleared to make way for motorways, shopping malls, large office blocks and expensive apartments. Its people were dispersed to new towns, overspill areas, and housing schemes on the periphery of the city. Areas of vibrant communities became deserts, before being handed to the big money developers. What's more, it is still going on, Glasgow's East End has seen its local communities banished, to allow big money to make a quick buck on the back of the Commonwealth Games.
FILM SCREENING: GLASGOW (1982), Episodes 3 and 4
A date for your diary, from Glasgow Games Monitor 2014:

(next to Kinning Park Subway),

Sunday 25th May, 2-4pm. FREE
      Second instalment of screenings from a series of films about Glasgow, originally aired on BBC in 1982. The series is a vital document of Glasgow, and the East End in particular, and gives a crucial historical context for understanding present-day social and environmental problems in the city.
     These episodes (3 and 4) focus on housing policy and life in the once notorious Barrowfield estate next to Parkhead stadium, and culture, religion and community belonging in Glasgow, both positive and negative. The screening will be introduced by members of Fight Racism Fight Imperialism (FRFI) and Glasgow Games Monitor. Open discussion to follow. All welcome!
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Who Owns The Earth's Seeds?

         When a quarter of a million farmers commit suicide, I think it is safe to say that there is something far wrong with that countries agriculture policies.
This from March Against Monsanto:

     May 24, 2014 ‘March Against Monsanto’ planned for over 50 countries INTERNATIONAL (May 24, 2014) - On May 24, millions of activists from around the world will once again March Against Monsanto, calling for the permanent boycott of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and other harmful agro-chemicals. Currently, marches will occur on six continents, in 52 countries,with events in over 400 cities. In the US, solidarity marches are slated to occur in 47 states. A comprehensive list of marches can be accessed at
         Tami Monroe Canal, founder of March Against Monsanto (MAM), was inspired to start the movement to protect her two daughters. “Monsanto’s predatory business and corporate agricultural practices threatens their generation’s health, fertility and longevity. MAM supports a sustainable food production system. We must act now to stop GMOs and harmful pesticides.”
        GMOs are not adequately monitored to ensure public safety. Long term, independent, peer reviewed studies were not conducted before GMOs were introduced for human or animal consumption. In the USA, the revolving door between Monsanto employees, government positions, and regulatory authorities has led to key Monsanto figures occupying positions of power at the FDA and EPA. Monsanto has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to obstruct all labeling attempts; they also suppress any research containing results not in their favor. The scientifically established health risks include, but are not limited to: organ damage, sterility, infant mortality, birth defects, auto-immune conditions, allergies and increased cancer risks. GMOs have been partially banned by Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Japan, Luxembourg, Madeira, New Zealand, Peru, South America, Russia, France, Switzerland and Costa Rico, and are currently labelled in 62 countries. Despite this, factory farm animals throughout the world are still fed GMOs.
      Kelly L. Derricks started March Against Monsanto's Agent Orange awareness program, educating supporters on the deadly chemical weapon that Monsanto was the largest manufacturer of during the Vietnam War era. Kelly is the president and co-founder of the non-profit, Children of Vietnam Veterans Health Alliance (COVVHA). The organization fights internationally for the children exposed to Agent Orange through generational exposure that is killing tens of thousands with no recognition from the United States Government. She is quoted saying, "If we fail to realize that March Against Monsanto is not about GMOs alone, then we have already lost the battle."
      Josh Castro, organizer for Quito, Ecuador’s march observes, “Ecuador is such a beautiful place, with the richest biodiversity in the world. We will not allow this Garden of Eden to be compromised by the destructive practices of multinational corporations like Monsanto. Biotechnology is not the solution to world hunger. Agroecology is. Monsanto's harmful practices are causing soil infertility, mono-cropping, loss of biodiversity, habitat destruction, and contributing to beehive collapse. GMO crops cross pollinate with traditional crops, risking peasant farmers' livelihood."
      In India, more than 250,000 farmers have committed suicide after Monsanto's Bt cotton seeds did not perform as promised. Farmers, left in desperate poverty, are opting to free their families of debt by drinking Monsanto pesticide, thereby ending their lives. Many farmers in other countries are also stripped of their livelihood as a result of false promises, seed patenting and meticulous legal action on the part of Monsanto and other big-ag interests. In many parts of Africa, farmers and their communities are left to choose between starving or eating GMOs.
       An “Open Letter from World Scientists to All Governments Concerning Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs),”, signed by 828 scientists from 84 countries, detailed concern regarding GMOs coupled with a call for immediate 5 year suspension of GMO crops in order to conduct “a comprehensive public enquiry of agriculture and food security for all.”
Supporting links:
The World according to Monsanto
Total Disinformation Awareness: Monsanto Suppresses Research On GMO Crops
Anniversary of a Whistle blowing Hero
GMO Scandal: The Long Term Effects of Genetically Modified Food on Humans

Data Pool of MAM:
For media inquiries:
Send messages to the official March Against Monsanto Facebook page:

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Thursday 22 May 2014

Government Backed Corporate Imperialism.

       Giants like Monsanto don't get what they want without the help of the various governments. Governments listen to the corporate wish list, and then proceed to set up funding to smooth the process, and pass legislation to put the stamp of legitimacy on their greed driven agenda. Of course it is all shrouded under the banner of development and aid. Western aid has always been loaded to assist Western corporate giants take advantage of developing nations, the first thought has never been the welfare of the people.
         The new imperialist adventure in Africa goes by the name of “The New Alliance for Food and Nutrition”, for the African nations that sign up, this means that their agriculture policies will be at the mercy of the big greed driven giants like Monsanto, Unilever and DuPont. Just to make it easier for those corporate plunderers, the UK government is throwing £395 million into the pot. Imperialism is not something from the last couple of centuries, it is here and now, and we the tax payers are still funding, the plundering of the African continent. 
      The New Alliance has been modelled on the ‘new vision’ of private investment in agriculture developed by management consultants McKinsey in conjunction with the ABCD group of leading grain traders (ADM, Bunge, Cargill and Louis Dreyfus) and other multinational agribusiness companies. Government officials have acknowledged that most of the content in the national cooperation frameworks has been taken from other corporate initiatives such as AGRA (the Alliance for a New Green Revolution in Africa) and the Grow Africa investment platform of the World Economic Forum. Policy commitments required of African countries joining the New Alliance include ending the free distribution of seeds, phasing out national export controls and making it easier for private investors to take over agricultural land. The UK government’s Department for International Development (DFID) has announced that it will be contributing £395 million from the UK aid budget to the New Alliance over the coming three years.
Read the full article HERE:
         People are now more aware of the greed and corruption that goes on between  corporatism and governments and are organising against this destructive system. Saturday May 24th sees the world event of March against Monsanto, though it should be noted that Monsanto are not the only viper in this basket.


    The global March Against Monsanto will take place this coming Saturday, May 24th! If you haven't RSVP'd to your local event yet, you can find a location near you on this event list. If there isn't a march in your area, you can still start one! Here's how:
      Whether you are physically marching or not, please join our social media hashtag storm that will be coinciding with the march on Saturday. The details and hashtags will be released through the event page and our Facebook page. You can RSVP to the event here.
     Please invite your friends lists to your local events and to the social media storm. Here's an easy plugin for Firefox users to automatically invite all of their Facebook friends:
      To view March Against Monsanto's press release, go here. Please forward this press release to any and all of your press contacts.
       Hope to see everyone out there! Here are our links to stay up to date and get involved:
    Global event list:
Facebook: -
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The global March Against Monsanto will take place this coming Saturday, May 24th! If you haven't RSVP'd to your local event yet, you can find a location near you on this event list. - See more at:

The global March Against Monsanto will take place this coming Saturday, May 24th! If you haven't RSVP'd to your local event yet, you can find a location near you on this event list.

If there isn't a march in your area, you can still start one! Here's how:

Whether you are physically marching or not, please join our social media hashtag storm that will be coinciding with the march on Saturday. The details and hashtags will be released through the event page and our Facebook page. You can RSVP to the event here.

Please invite your friends lists to your local events and to the social media storm. Here's an easy plugin for Firefox users to automatically invite all of their Facebook friends:

To view March Against Monsanto's press release, go here. Please forward this press release to any and all of your press contacts.

Hope to see everyone out there! Here are our links to stay up to date and get involved:

Global event list:
Facebook: - See more at:

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Solidarity Has No Borders.

     By now it should be obvious to all working people, that business doesn't like workers organising to protect themselves. The word "union" can have CEO and their cohorts wetting their knickers at the thought that workers should be organising. From the Carlton Weavers Strike, 1787, to the Ludlow Massacre, 1914, and on to the Thacher era attack on the miners union, it has been the same story, crush any workers who dare to organise for collective security. They are still at it, day and daily we hear the same stories from all the smiling brands, whether it be in manufacturing or services, they see union busting is part of their business. The welcoming KFC, Pizza Hut, etc. put on that show of "welcome" to take customers money, but come down hard on any worker that tries to be active in any way in a union. Non-union, disorganised workers are much easier to exploit, more likely to be subservient to the demands of their employer, hence the need for all workers to be organised and unionised, you know it makes sense.
 This from IUF:
KFC, stop harassing union members!
      Only few days after her return from the 1st IUF International Fast Food Workers' meeting in New York (click here for more) a union representative has been summoned and threatened with legal action from YUM! BRANDS' managers, which owns famous fast food brands such as KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, for simply having attended that meeting.

This is not the first time that union members face brutal repression from the company. In 2011, three workers were terminated after they established a union and sought to bargain a collective agreement with KFC (read more here). The three workers were only reinstated (click here for more) by court order months later.
This harassment spanning three years demonstrates that Yum! Restaurant International (Thailand) does not recognize and respect the human right to freedom of association and collective bargaining and is in breach of its obligations under the OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Rampe du Pont-Rouge, 8, CH-1213, Petit-Lancy (Switzerland)
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Tuesday 20 May 2014

Gentrification, Eviction And Big Money.

       Council capers, gentrification, eviction and big money. An update from Glasgow games Monitor 2014.

       1. "Commonwealth City" was on BBC 1 Scotland last night and shown some of the impacts of the games plus footage of the brutal eviction of the Jaconelli family: 
       2. A new Primer is on the website on sport and participation impacts: 3. We are co-organising a film showing and discussion about Glasgow's social/environmental history at Kinning Park on Sunday, 2-4pm, all welcome. For more details see: Please share this information widely. Cheers,

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Monday 19 May 2014

Time For politicians And Bankers To Leave.

    I recently read an open letter by the leader of the Portuguese dockers union, to Passos, the Prime minister of that country, and published in Xpressed. Though I don't agree with the entire content, I agree with the feelings and the sentiments expressed in the letter, particularly the last couple of paragraphs. The last paragraph could equally apply here or for that matter, to any other country.

        The fury with which you take forward your ideological agenda is so radical that you are unable to look at the consequences for people’s lives. In the Lisbon Port, for example, which is the reality I know better, the irrationality of port law, which you have approved against everything and everyone, has led to 47 dockers being unfairly fired, when their job was crucial for the performance of the port. The bosses have recognised this and have committed to reinstate them all, but nothing erases the suffering of being jobless for one year. Do you have any idea what that means? I know well that you only care about the performance of exports –a reality you have hindered– but let me tell you that your intransigency has a tremendous impact in people’s lives. Unemployment is almost always to blame for other avatars, from divorce to depression, from giving up on having children to losing the house, from the lack of horizons to the illusionary escape of emigrating.
      Passos, listen… we are tired of seeing our relatives, rights and dreams emigrate and we will keep fighting so that you understand quickly that the best for everyone is that you, your government and your bankers leave. Nobody will shed a tear when you sail off. This trip today is a condition for people to have hope in a better future tomorrow. It’s not enough surely, but everything will begin again in that day, whole and clean.
President of the Dockers Union , Traffic workers and Maritime Clerks of the Centre and South of Portugal.
Read the full letter HERE:
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Sunday 18 May 2014

Same Old---Rich Get Richer, Poor Get Poorer.

    They Sunday Times has just released its latest UK “rich list”, and it tells an interesting story, though perhaps one that every ordinary person the the UK already knows. Last year the rich got richer and the poor got poorer, so according to the system, everything is working fine.
     The latest figures show that the richest 1,000 British now have a combined wealth of £518,975 billion, up 15.4% from a year ago, and now accounts for one third of the UK's total GDP. Just to get into that 1,000 rich list, you need to have at least £85 million, if you hope to aspire to the top 500, then you will need to flash around £190 million.
     Philip Beresford, compiler of the list, has been doing this wee job since 1989, said: "I've never seen such a phenomenal rise in personal wealth as the growth in the fortunes of Britain's 1,000 richest people over the past year. "The richest people in Britain have had an astonishing year.--”

We have to stay with austerity, the recovery is still fragile.
      Of course as we would expect, that old lady that stays in Buckingham Palace, done very well this year by adding around £10 million to her already sizeable little pile of loot, bring her in at No. 285 on the list, with a tidy little £330 million.
      The list is a compilation of the usual CEO, landed gentry, TV grinning faces, and smiling celebrities, etc.. “Ordinary common one of us” Jamie Oliver and his wife, added a nice wee bundle of £90 million to their stash, bring it to a health £240 million.
      I should add that these figures are what is called “identifiable wealth”, you know the sort of stuff, land, property, race horse, yachts, works of art, and so on. It does not take into account their bank accounts, that's personal, and no doubt there will by many, and fat, and in diverse places.
      The list also points out that the number of billionaires living in the UK has topped the 100 for the first time, reaching 104, with their combined wealth shooting over the £300 billion. Britain now has more billionaires per head of the population than any other country, and in that cesspool of the financial Mafia, London, there are 72 sterling billionaires, making it the largest concentration of billionaires in any city in the world. So the rich have had an astonishing year with “austerity” meaning that they all ran to the bank shouting “Yipeeee”.
        While at the other end, the you and I end, we saw our incomes shrink by approximately £1,600 since 2010. We have had to cope with bedroom taxes, slave labour workfare schemes, vanishing disability allowances, rocketing energy prices, rising food prices, a greater use of food banks, zero hours contracts, wage increases of less than inflation, if they arrive at all, cuts in benefits and social services. So it is obvious where that massive increase in the “identifiable wealth” among the parasites came from, it came from you and I, they get richer and we get poorer, and we tolerate this!!!
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Saturday 17 May 2014

Greek Mainstream Politics, A Quiet Indoor Affair.

       The political scene has changed dramatically in Greece, elections are not what they used to be. Gone are the days when pre-election rallies were held in the open air with thousands gathering to worship their chosen leader. Massive public affairs with the messiahs from the various parties, mainly two, Pasok and New Democracy, openly accepting the adoration of the faithful. Now it is all so different, such is the loathing by the people of Greece for the mainstream parties and their corrupt cohorts, that meetings are indoors, invitation only and surrounded by security. They dare not show their faces to the general public for fear of a verbal and physical assault, in my opinion, a well deserved response.
Teacher Dude describes one such meeting:  

      Actually, I had no intention of attending the event which I assumed would be an invitation only affair in which the media (or, in my case, not-quite-media) would be kept at arms length. However, following the lead of some friends who were there legitimately, I managed to get myself past the metal detectors and security checks, which was lucky as I would have had a hard time explaining the gas mask in my bag. I'm guessing that telling the police my allergies were playing up would not have been terribly convincing.
       However, once inside the venue I decided to exploit my good luck to get into the swing of things taking pictures of the local conservative nomenclature which has ruled Thessaloniki for generations, noting the preparations being made ahead of the main speech. If only New Democracy paid as much attention to economic policy as it did to the placement of flag waving party workers in the bleachers.
Read the full article HERE:

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Friday 16 May 2014

We Are All The Little Tramps.

      We have had eras of this and that, monarchies, dictators, so called representative democracy, all the same as far as the ordinary person is concerned, a group of thieving parasites at the top, bleeding to death the majority at the bottom. Well we can bring about a new era, the era of the ordinary person, where the majority all benefit from the fruits of their combined labour, and for once in our history, free from parasites. The wee man's speech has a lot going for it, especially on the anniversary of that imperialist led blood bath of the ordinary people in 1914.

First Published on Apr 27, 2014
        In February 1914, in a time of economic turmoil and international conflict, Charlie Chaplin walked onto screens for the very first time as the beloved Little Tramp character. 100 years later, with homelessness on the rise, massive cuts to social security, and an uncaring government trying desperately to drag the country to war once more, Jack Brindelli and friends consider what the Tramp's legacy can teach us in modern times.

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Thursday 15 May 2014

Britain's White Slaves.

       Here "Circled A Radio" discusses a little know history, the British white slaves, and the start of racism.

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Ukraine For The Ukrainians.

       Obama, mouthpiece for Western corporate power, aided and abetted by our own bunch of rabid pups, the Cameron cabal, are ratching up their rhetoric, in an attempt to prepare us for a blood bath in Ukraine, as they want a slice of that unfortunate country. Meanwhile the Russian imperialists are manoeuvring and manipulating to see that they are not outdone in this corporate land grab. Both empires are prepared to sacrifice the blood of the people of Ukraine and the blood of their own citizens to satisfy their power lust. It could be 1914, when the greed of imperialism dragged Europe into the bloodiest era of its existence, all for power and wealth for that psychopathic parasitic scum, that sits on our shoulders like a caked scab, the so called "elite".
      Millions took to the streets to try to stop the illegal invasion of Iraq, we should be prepared to take to the streets again to stop this re-make of that horror story, "The 1914 Land Grab".  


Ukraine Crisis - Public Meetings in Scotland
       Ukraine is at the brink of war. It is being pulled apart by imperialist forces, from the East Russian forces and from the West NATO, the EU and the USA.
       SACC is one of the co-sponsors of a series of public meetings being held in Scotland with Zakhar Popovych from the Ukrainian Left Opposition. Zakhar Popovych will give an eye witness account of recent developments and offer a left analysis of events so far. Obviously Zakhar Popovych cannot represent the full range of left opinion in Ukraine, but we hope these meetings will contribute to a better understanding of the Ukraine crisis and will stimulate debate.
Please invite your friends and help to make these meetings a success
Fri 16 May - Eyewitness report from Ukraine (Dundee)
7.30pm, Queen's Hotel, Nethergate, Dundee DD1 4DU
Sat 17 May - Eyewitness report from Ukraine (Edinburgh)
4-6pm, Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EL
Sun 18 May - Eyewitness report from Ukraine (Glasgow)
2pm, Jurys Inn, 80 Jamaica Street, Glasgow G1 4QG
More about the Ukraine Crisis
Zakhar Popovitch speaking in London (video, 12 March 2014) 
No UK troops for Nato's Ukraine war games - Statement from the Stop the War Coalition (23 April 2014) 
A view on the Ukraine crisis from Scotland by Paul O'Hanlon (10 May 2014) 
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Wednesday 14 May 2014

The Brutality Of The Israeli State.

      Every time you look at what is happening in the Israeli occupied Palestinian territories, you never fail to be shocked at what is happening to the Palestinian people. It is hard to believe that you are reading about the 21st century and hard to believe that the rest of the world not only tolerates this treatment but in many cases condones this barbarity.
        I recently read the report of the Palestinian lawyer who after being released from an Israeli prison, hanged himself in his bedroom. One can only imagine the horrors that drove this quiet rational family man to take his own life. 
 Photo shows Amjad Safadi sitting on couch holding two small girls
     On the morning of 29 April, Amjad Safadi’s wife left their Jerusalem home for work. A little after 8am, Amjad’s younger brother Samer arrived to escort him to a court hearing. As he opened the door to his room, Samer found that Amjad had hanged himself.
     The shocking death of the 39-year-old lawyer and father of two girls came five days after his release from the notorious underground Russian Compound detention center — known in Arabic as the Moskobiyeh — in Jerusalem.
Read the full story HERE:
     The number of Palestinians imprisoned by the Israeli authorities is out of all proportion to the Palestinian population. It is estimated that since 1967, over 650,000 Palestinians have been imprisoned, this accounts for approximately 20% of the population and 40% of the male population. Recent estimates of how many are in prison put the figure at around 6,800, including members of the Palestinian legislative council. Minors are not exempt from this brutality, recent figures put the number of minors imprisoned as over 200, with 29 below the age of 16.
     This is 21st. Century Israel lashing out 19th century treatment to a subjugated people, while the so called civilised world looks the other way.
     Children are often taken suddenly from their homes, often in the middle of the night, with soldiers surrounding the house and then raiding it. Soldiers usually do not have a warrant for arrest or searches. For example, in July of 2010, an unusually heavy number of Israeli soldiers (in 12 jeeps) entered the outskirts of the village to arrest a local youth, 17 year old Ahmad Abed Al-Fatah Burnat, without giving any reason. Ahmad was taken by jeep to Ofer military prison located outside Ramallah. Prisoners in Ofer, especially young boys, are kept in harsh conditions with the intention of pressuring them to give information about other Palestinians. Many are denied food and water for extended periods of time and exposed to extreme cold or heat.
Detailed Report HERE:

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Tuesday 13 May 2014

Still Going On About May Day.

      I know May Day has come and gone, but in this country, the difference between what it has been, what it could be, and what it has become, is striking. The powers that be have taken this wonderful day of celebration and struggle and turned it into a quiet walk, waving a few banners, and a theatrical style audience and performers event, as the various bigwigs do their speech thing. We the ordinary people, the ones who do the every day struggling, become the quiet audience, while the egos sing their songs, and that's your May Day "celebration". Is that what we want? Is that the way it has to be? Well I suppose it is up to us!!

Solidarity Means Attack! from the stimulator on Vimeo.

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Sunday 11 May 2014

Question Everything.

       If they don't teach you to ask why, and question everything, they have failed.
       If you have been through school anywhere from kindergarten up, your probably familiar with this guy, your token teacher/professor. All though all of them are different, you might even like or agree with some of them, the majority do little more than create the next generation of obedient workers. The face on this poster represents that every guy, who takes young impressionable people and molds them into something of his liking.
      Don’t let the image of higher learning fool you, it is far from a neutral setting, it exists to reproduce capital.
The Sirens.
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"The Anarchists", An Anniversary.

          I may be a day behind with this one, but I still think it is an anniversary worth remembering. I believe it was May 10, 1968, during the May 1968, uprising in France that Leo Ferre, an anarchist, and one of France's finest songwriters, and poets wrote the song, "The Anarchists". A man of passion, imagination and, a wonderful performer. Enjoy his passion.

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Saturday 10 May 2014

Two Rats From The Same Sewer.

       Two rats from the same sewer, finance and arms dealers, both are central to the festering abscess that is capitalism. They both feed each other, with death and misery being the result. The corporate financial Mafia are the driving force behind the "austerity" ideology that is responsible for the rapid declining living standards of the ordinary people everywhere. The arm industry, with the help of the financial mafia, the banks, feed the thugs, such as NATO, that create mayhem, death and destruction across the planet, in an attempt to protect the interests of their lords and masters, the corporate world.
       The ordinary people gain nothing from neither, but pay in blood and sweat to fatten the coffers of these, surplus to requirements parasites. Anything that can be done to highlight the true nature of their business and turn the public against them can't be bad.
 This from Act For freedom Now:
--------A local anarchist and member of the Stop NATO Cymru campaign group said: “We took part in the May Day march to draw attention to the struggles of workers all over the world against exploitation and violent oppression which is exacerbated by arms producers here in the UK.
       We targeted Barclays because it’s a major investor in Exelis Inc. the parent company of the EDO Corporation which is guilty of mass-producing arms to sell to oppressive regimes, exacerbating violent conflict and suppressing legitimate protest. Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings Ltd has 5,059,591 shares in Exelis and Barclays PLC has 63,071 shares.
       We entered the branch after leaving the May Day march and refused to leave until we had made an impact. Within half-an-hour the management decided to close, depriving the company of a busy Saturday afternoon’s profit through direct action. We sent our message to the public by plastering the front of the building with stickers which gave details of Barclays’ guilt and sent a clear message to the company that we won’t tolerate money from our communities being used to fund war.”-------
Read the full article HERE:
Support from local coppers
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Living In 1930's, Today.

The 21st. century with 1930 families!!
Published on May 8, 2014
        Food bank providers told MSPs it was "clear" that UK government welfare reform had been one of the drivers of the "terrifying" increase in the number of people using food banks in Scotland.
        Denis Curran from Loaves & Fishes said the use of food banks was "not just growing but exploding" saying people were being penalised for being poor and the "heart of the matter is people are starving".

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Whose Streets?

         What can we learn from past protests? One of the largest and probably longest in the West, in recent years was probably Montreal 2012. For approximately six months the streets belonged to the protesters, though the true extent of this occupation never really got that much coverage from that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media. Here is the story of those six months.

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