Their answer to the aim of increasing profits is lower wages and increase unemployment. So are we here by design, incompetence by our lords and masters, or the inevitability of living with a greed driven, insane economic system that benefits the few at the expense of the many.
Do we wish to be pawns in this economic gambling casino of the pampered parasite class. Can we hand this legacy on to our children and grand children? Surely they deserve better than this as their way of life. Their future is in our hands, we can sit back and let the leeches bleed us dry as we struggle from day to day in a perpetual spiral of increasing poverty. Or we can organise within our communities and workplaces to take control of our lives, and shape society to our desires of seeing to the needs of all our people. We have the ability, imagination and numbers to build that better society based on equality, free association, sustainability and mutual aid, a society where the world is our village and its population our brothers and sister, not our competitors.