Thursday 13 October 2011


          We all know that the banks control the governments, finance rules the world. We all should know that the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) is a cartel that works to put every country into debt, then demands that the debt mountain be reduced by every country selling of all its publicly owned assets, thus putting more money into the hands of the private sector. Soon the corporate world will own everything and we will have a society without any public assets or public spaces, it will be total corporate fascism. We are nearly there it is on course to happen very soon, unless we do something to screw the system and take control of our own communities and our lives.
         The following is a short extract from a very interesting article, taken from the Freedom Socialist Party, which puts in in plain language, well worth the read.  Of course I'm not saying political parties are the answer, I see them as more the problem, but the article does help explain the methodology behind the corrupt financial system we live under.       
           Here’s the hitch. Workers, the main consumers, cannot afford to buy endless commodities. In this case, the rock of over-production runs into the hard place of not enough customers. And once again, recession or depression ensues.
The crises of over-production always underlie financial crashes, and the banks cannot fix this problem. But they do prop up their profits through government bailouts and by bleeding the working-class goose that crafts the real golden eggs. The bubbles get bigger, and there are still not enough worker-consumers who can afford to buy, buy, buy.

           Time’s up. The only way out of the quagmire is to dispose of a destructive economic system. Liberal commentators, top union officials and Democratic Party supporters argue for the party to vote for reforms such as more spending to create jobs, meaningful regulation of Wall Street, taxing the rich and corporate giants. Conservative libertarians advise turning back the clock a century or two and going back to “civilized” capitalism without monopolies.
But finance capital has all the power, and there is no way to regulate it within capitalism. For proof, none of the crooks in suits are in jail for their massive, fraudulent sale of questionable mortgage “investments.”
         A whistleblower recently revealed that the Securities and Exchange Commission has been shredding the results of its investigations of the U.S. financial industry for twenty years!
Working people need to militantly organize now in defense of expanded social services, union protections and free speech. In fighting for our rights, we can consolidate the power to overthrow this system and get one that works.

Wednesday 12 October 2011


         I found this poster on the internet, it seems the these protesters have found most of the questions regarding this society, but have they found the answer? Certainly bankers are the bad guys in this affair, but it goes a little deeper than that, it is with the system itself that the real problem lies, the bankers were just following the natural path of a corrupt and unjust system. So getting rid of bankers, in what ever way you please, will not put the world to rights. We have to think beyond our anger and focus on our desires, what kind of society do we really want. Do we want one that is based on competition, profit and self-centred greed, driven by wealthy shareholders, where gaps in wealth are unimaginable, and deprivation drags millions of people into despair and an early grave? Or are we going to go for a society based on the needs of all the people, a community oriented society founded on mutual aid, co-operation, justice and sustainability? What's the point of all the occupations in the world if you keep the system and simple ask your lords and masters to, please give us a little more?

          So do we run a hate a banker campaign, or do we occupy everything and change society into something we would be proud to hand to the next generation, a society where we know, all our grandchildren will be nurtured to reach their full potential as decent human beings.

Tuesday 11 October 2011


        There will lots of people and groups handing out advice to the Occupy Wall St. movement and no doubt some of it will be positive advice and some will be destructive. However this open letter from "anarchists" is probably the best advice they could get, I sincerely hope they read, digest and act on the sound advice contained in the article. Of course it is not just Wall St occupation that should read and act upon the letter, but all those occupations present and to come, and I have no doubt that there will be many more in the not so distant future, be it street, factory, school, public building or community, the advice holds good.

Short extract of the open letter from: CrimethInc. Ex-workers Collective.
Police can’t be trusted.
        They may be “ordinary workers,” but their job is to protect the interests of the ruling class. As long as they remain employed as police, we can’t count on them, however friendly they might act. Occupiers who don’t know this already will learn it first-hand as soon as they threaten the imbalances of wealth and power our society is based on. Anyone who insists that the police exist to protect and serve the common people has probably lived a privileged life, and an obedient one.
Don’t fetishize obedience to the law.
         Laws serve to protect the privileges of the wealthy and powerful; obeying them is not necessarily morally right—it may even be immoral. Slavery was legal. The Nazis had laws too. We have to develop the strength of conscience to do what we know is best, regardless of the laws.

To have a diversity of participants,
      a movement must make space for a diversity of tactics. It’s controlling and self-important to think you know how everyone should act in pursuit of a better world. Denouncing others only equips the authorities to delegitimize, divide, and destroy the movement as a whole. Criticism and debate propel a movement forward, but power grabs cripple it. Th e goal should not be to compel everyone to adopt one set of tactics, but to discover how different approaches can be mutually beneficial.
Don’t assume those who break the law or confront police are agents provocateurs.
       A lot of people have good reason to be angry. Not everyone is resigned to legalistic pacifism; some people still remember how to stand up for themselves. Police violence isn’t just meant to provoke us, it’s meant to hurt and scare us into inaction. In this context, self-defence is essential. Assuming that those at the front of clashes with the authorities are somehow in league with the authorities is not only illogical— it delegitimizes the spirit it takes to challenge the status quo, and dismisses the courage of those who are prepared to do so. This allegation is typical of privileged people who have been taught to trust the authorities and fear everyone who disobeys them.



           "Disabled people are facing the biggest attack on their human rights since the 1930s"

ANTI CUTS SPECIAL. Capitalism's casino - gambling with human rights
Sunday 23rd October, 12 midday
Film and panel discussion.

           Join us for a screening of our latest film THE BROADEST SHOULDERS find out about Guerillas current film project, highlighting the devastating impact of cuts and privatisation on disabled people talk to people directly affected by the cuts take part in the discussion and discover how you can join us in campaigning against cuts to benefits and services

Feedback from disabled activists after our fringe screening/meeting at the STUC rally against the cuts on 1st October
"helped put the fire back in our bellies"
"you don't know how much the support from Camcorder Guerillas means to us"

Full Document Programme.

2. NEW GUERILLA WEBSITE GOES LIVE.            Last year our website fell victim to cyberhacking, but we are now back with a bigger and better website. You can watch over 20 of our films online and keep up to date with events, screening and guerilla happenings at You can also follow us on TWITTER @CamGuerillas

           We have developed a new training course that enables people to make their own short campaign films, edit and distribute them via social media. All this done in one day, with no specialist equipment or prior knowledge needed. Fees are negotiable, depending on size of
organisation; and training can be adapted to your own needs. Get in touch via to find out more.

Internationalism From Below - from John Maclean to Tahrir Square?

7pm-10:00pm, Wednesday 12th October 2011
Kinning Park Complex, 43 Cornwall Street, Glasgow, G41 1BA
FREE Film and discussion event, including screening of Visit Dungavel,
Monster of the Glen.
Full programme.


TEL 0141 332 9775


CCA, Centre for Contemporary Arts,
350 Sauchiehall Street. Glasgow, G2 3JD

ann arky's home.


          Julian Assang at the London anti-war rally October 8th, on one of my pet hates, the duplcious, corrupt, war-complicite, mainstream media. The corporate world's tool for diverting the population's attention away from their dirty, dangerous, planet destroying, greed driven activities. The power elite's creator of charades, illusions and peddler of myths. The enemy of the people.

ann arky's home.

Monday 10 October 2011


          At time when more and more of us are likely to fall foul of "The Law" this little booklet could be of considerable help. It's free, there for the downloading worth publicising.
Hi there,
          I've just finished writing an article entitled HMP - A Survival Guide. It's a free booklet designed to help anyone who is expecting to receive their first custodial sentence; from what to take and what to expect to how to conduct yourself, better your experience and stay strong.
         It's written in a style intended to be digestible for those who need it the most and I believe it has the potential to help a lot of people at a time that can be the hardest in their life thus far.

It's also available as a downloadable pdf and issue article from

        If there is anyway you can support this project (link to it, blog it, give it to people who are at risk of going to prison) or if you have any feedback or suggestions as to how I could best distribute it to potential inmates I'd very much appreciate it.

Please let me know, Carl Cattermole
Carl Cattermole


        An appeal from Amnesty International.
       It’s designed to cause maximum suffering. It generally takes between 20 minutes and two agonising hours to kill someone. Those sentenced to death are more likely to be poor and marginalised, particularly women.

And as you read this, 14 people in Iran are at risk of this inhumane death.

How to stone someone to death.
      Stoning is mandatory under Iranian law for men and women convicted of ‘adultery while married’.
The Penal Code explains in chilling detail how to carry out the punishment, from how deeply to bury the victim in the ground to the size of the stones to use: not so large as to kill too quickly, not so small as to cause too little hurt.

How to help stop stoning.
        However, right now the Iranian authorities are reviewing that very document - the Penal Code - which details all the country’s criminal law. They can and should remove stoning from it.
With your pressure we can encourage them to end this barbaric practice, once and for all.

Thank you,

Clare Bracey
Death Penalty Campaigner

 ann arky's home.


           The Occupy Wall St. movement in America just keeps growing and growing but the media coverage is minimal. How can they ignore such a vast event in their own back yard yet claim to be bring you the news as it happens? They will give you lots of details of celebrities, sex and sleaze and bring you the latest sports results, but on no account bring you information that might help you to sort out the problems in this type of society. Gather your information from the mainstream media and you will be blind and impotent, they are a tool of the corporate fascist system that we live under. They do a wonderful job of creating illusions, of weaving impossible dreams before your eyes, they legitimise greed and excess, they glorify war, they bury reality beneath a sludge of pointless drivel. This is their job and they are very good at it, the world they portray is never the real world where we the real people live.

@OccupyTheHood, Occupy Wall Street from adele pham on Vimeo.


The questions arise. Why war and hunger?
Why does poverty continue to linger?
Why such need in a world of wealth?
Why put a price on a child’s health?
Confused and angry the public stand
gazing in disbelief at this pathetic band.
Those shiney politicians designed by spin
their street credibility paper thin,
the great persuaders looking the mood
struggling so hard just for our good!
Masters of the art of wheeling and dealing
exceptional experts at legal stealing.
Enter the Media, drowning us all in trivial text,
everything you need know
of scandal and sport, crime and sex.
Together they create a world of confusion
all fashion and style, a vicious illusion.
So no matter how often we point at need,
we always drown in a sea of greed,
no debate entered into, no answers found,
the waffle the babble goes round and round.

ann arky's home.

Sunday 9 October 2011


         Several weeks of protests in New York by the Occupy Wall St. movement and still the media give it a very low key approach, the fact that it is spreading to other cities in America makes no difference what so ever. It is not hitting the headlines, there is obviously a form of censorship in the West. You can report protests and up-risings in lots of countries across the world, the further away the better, the nearer to home the less coverage they get. Not much in the European media about the protests in Athens, Madrid and Rome, to mention a few, but lots of cover on the uprisings in the Middle East. As Julian Assange said at the London anti-war protests this weekend, "journalist peddle lies", but what is equally abhorrent is the non reporting of certain events when it might throw a bad light on their lords and masters the corporate world. The mainstream media is a subservient tool of the corporate world, the peddler of illusions, a PR machine for the corporate and political parasites at the top. It is time that we stopped looking to the mainstream media for "news" and stick with the independent alternative media, activists' news-sheets, internet, facebook, twitter, etc. Let the mainstream media peddle their lies to the thin air. Information on Protests and Anti-war info.

By John Hartfield.

ann arky's home.


         We are an unbeatable force, governed by consent, we have the right to withdraw that consent, and when we do, we are ungovernable, our lives will be ours to live.

Source untraced, yet.

am fire,
I surge, I hiss,
sometimes bursting forth in a flame
that lights up the world
illuminating unimagined dreams.
Then the black cloak
blankets out the glow.
Again all is dark,
but, still
beneath the surface
I surge, I hiss,
I endure, waiting, seeking,
building up pressure.
One day I will explode
destroying forever
the Tartarean crust of oppression.
I am fire,
I am the people.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 8 October 2011


       Mitt Romney, front runner for the 2012 Republican Presidential nomination is one of those people that the West is always demonizing, and sending drones out to kill, he is a religious fundamentalist. However, his religious fundamentalism is of the type accepted by the Western warmongering nations, he is a Christian fundamentalist rather than a Islamic fundamentalist. In his recent speech he spouted the usual supremacy crap about how God created America different from other countries, it seems he thinks God is a biased creature who prefers white supremacist Americans over all other people. He is also spewing out the usual shit about America having a unique destiny and was never meant to be, “---one of several equally balanced global powers”, another piece of his delusional drivel, "---God did not create this country to be a nation of followers," and if America doesn't lead the world someone else will. Sounds much like the Nazis in Germany around 1939. Of course it is very difficult to separate an American religious fundamentalist neocon for an old German Nazi, they spew out the same arrogant self centred psychotic bile.

       This religious nut also wants to beef up America's military power and is surrounding himself with the other equally fundamentalists from the G. W. Bush, Iraq massacre era, saying that America would work with United Nations “--where appropriate” but also saying ”-- "know this. While America should work with other nations, we always reserve the right to act alone to protect our vital national interests." Another statement proving he is nothing less than another dangerous religious nutter visionary, he believes, “---this is America's moment”. I can't think of anything more frightening than a bigger military America with a religious nutter sitting with his God controlled finger on the nuclear button.

       Reading his speech I couldn't help thinking that, if this guy was speaking anywhere else in the world, it would probably be on a soap box in a park surrounded by a crowd of laughing hecklers. Sadly in America there are millions who will take him seriously and believe his crap, also a lot of big money will get behind him, the arms industry for one, the oil industry for another, and attempt to propel him into that seat of power. The future looks bleak, if it wasn't for, Occupy Wall St. the demonstrations in Athens, Madrid, Rome, Paris, London and other cities across the world. More power to the people of the world.


      October, a dark and dreich month here in Scotland, but we have one thing that brightens up the month, Glasgow's own International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival. This will be the ninth year of this festival, hence its name DOCUMENT 9. and it is appropriately named, 2011 - A Year of Protest. Those who put this festival together, start the hectic and sometimes tiring work immediately after each festival, it takes a year of meetings viewings and all the other bits the film goers don't see, all we see is the wonderful and exciting results, which this year will run from 20 - 23 October. The festival will be screening over 50 International human rights documentary films along with talks, discussions, live art, performances, exhibitions and music. The launch of the festival takes place at the CCA 350 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow, 7pm on the 20 October 2011. The film festival runs in conjunction with a series of exhibitions, running from 13 – 23 October.

All the details and venues of the Film Festival and the Exhibitions can be found on their website

ann arky's home.

Friday 7 October 2011


         Is it worth it, all that marching and demonstrating against the war, does it make any difference? Well of course it is worth it and of course it makes a difference, if you don't put your ideas on the table, they'll never be taken up. Also, little by little you expose the brutal lies of this corrupt system, consciousness shifts one small step at a time. There is now no doubt in the majority of the people across the world that the Afghan war was built on a series of lies and is maintained by more lies.
      Comedian Mark Steel, with his great sense of the absurd, mocks the endlessly changing justification for the war in Afghanistan - whether it's democracy, the heroin trade, terrorism or women's rights - and celebrates how the anti-war movement across the world has changed people's view of wars and the lies our leaders tell to take us into them.

       Mark Steel will be performing at the Antiwar Mass Assembly in Trafalgar Square on 8 October 2011, alongside John Pilger, Billy Bragg, Jemima Khan, Brian Eno, Julian Assange and many more.

Antiwar Mass Assembly details...

Thursday 6 October 2011


Reading well manicured millionaire Cameron's speech given at the Tory party conference, re-enforced my opinion that the guy is an idiot with no grasp of reality, our reality, his is a different world. Telling the ordinary people of this country to clear their credit cards to help the banks, displays his total lack of understanding of how the ordinary people live. He lives such a cloistered life cocooned and pampered in the millionaires club, he can't grasp that most ordinary people have debt on their credit card because they can't afford to buy things cash. Unlike him and his parasite friends, who think it is perfectly normal just to clear your credit card and then nip out and buy the odd bed room suite or new garage and pay with cash, most people with debt have difficulty paying for their heating, their food bills and travel expenses, and don't get paid enough to nip down to the retail park and just buy another washing machine cash, hence the debt. To the ordinary individual, the credit card is not just a convenient way of buying, in this type of society, it quite often, is the only way of buying, we are a low wage economy, when you have a job.

"Clear your credit cards, we bankers need your cash."

He then goes on to tell us to, "show a bit of fight”, from a man who has never had to fight for anything in his entire life. What does he mean? When our gas bill comes in, how should we fight that? Is he saying that we shouldn't pay and instead just pick a fight with the energy company, if so I'm with him all the way. So all you who are in a lousy job with crap wages, and have been facing a wage freeze the last couple of years, and are struggling to make ends meet, follow your great leader millionaire Cameron, and just clear your credit card to help the banks and show some fight when the bills come in, what an arsehole.

ann arky's home.


     Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain in a recent Wall Street Journal interview showed what the rich elite of America think of the poor, when asked what he thought of the 'Occupy Wall St' movement, he stated, “ Don’t blame Wall Street,--- Don’t blame the big banks, if you don’t have a job and you’re not rich, blame yourself!”

     So there you have it , the possible next president of America's message to the people of America is, if you're unemployed and you are poor, well it's all your own fault. Well perhaps it is, should you have taken so much shit from the system and its elite parasites for so long? Should you have let the greedy parasitical politicians in cohorts with the more greedy and parasitical corporate world take complete control of your lives and screw you day in and day out? So maybe it is your own fault, but now would be a good time to put that right and take back control of your lives. Don't change your leader, change the system.

ann arky's home.


All the signs are that the Anti-war Assembly in Trafalgar Square on Saturday is going to be a memorable day. Grace McCann, will be there, the women who has come closest so far to carrying out a citizen's arrest on Tony Blair. 
      Films, visuals and audio will be an integral part of the day, and when the Assembly ends at 4pm, we will march to Downing Street, led by ex-soldiers and relatives from military families, with the demand that the government bring the troops home now.
      The need to build the political pressure to make the politicians reflect the majority view of public opinion that all the troops should be withdrawn from a futile and unjustified war, was never more apparent following the statement this week by the new US commander of the occupation in Afghanistan, US General John Allen, who said: "We're actually going to be here for a long time."

      Which is why this week, in Trafalgar Square in Britain, and on Freedom Plaza, Washington DC, in the United States, there will be major anti-war events on the tenth of anniversary of the start of the Afghanistan war.
      Please do all you can in these last few days to help publicise the Anti-war Assembly as widely as possible and encourage everyone you know to join us. Users of social networks please spread the word, share and tweet as much as you can.
12 NOON TO 4.00PM
Called by Stop the War Coalition, CND and British Muslim Initiative
Transport from Scotland: