Showing posts with label corrupt politicians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corrupt politicians. Show all posts

Saturday 14 August 2021

Eton Boy!

          I sometime find it difficult to express my loathing for the political ballerinas who dominate our lives while they prostitute themselves to the corporate world for a slice of the plunder, wealth and privileges gleaned from exploiting the ordinary people. Pampered, privileged parasites of the lowest order. This little video goes some way to describing my feelings for one particular political ballerina come member of the financial Mafia. Enjoy a moment of truth. Thanks Loam for the link.

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Monday 22 April 2019

Our Anger Is Righteous.

     Total disenchantment with the present system, total mistrust of all politicians, is the natural progression from living in this corrupt and exploitative system. It functions by attacking the living conditions of the many, in the name of profit for the few. The natural thing to do when attacked is to defend yourself. Well we have been attacked for generations, and because of this our families are torn apart, our friends and family die younger than they should, our kids' potential is stunted. We are surrounded by poverty, homelessness and low wages for crap jobs, in the midst of unimaginable wealth, that we created, but never share in. At the same time, when some rich corporate employer slots you into  one of its menial low paid jobs, to make more money for them, we are supposed to be grateful.
     Under such conditions, anger is the natural response, but stomping around in pointless individual anger is not the answer. We have to organise and direct that anger at those responsible for  the avoidable poverty, deprivation, injustice and inequality that mires our lives. All the laws and legislation that ties us to conform to these injustices are formulated by that band of corporate protectors, the politicians. They are all part of this cancerous system of capitalism. Direct your anger at the institutions that formulate, manage and enforce these unjust conditions on us, our friends and families. Self defence is not a crime, I will repeat an old Korean saying which translates as "Enjoy the ecstasy of your righteous anger". After all anger at mass avoidable injustice and inequality is justifiable and righteous. 
Thanks Loam for the video.

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Friday 26 February 2016

You May Have To Die, Your Insurance Doesn't Cover This Illness!!!

        We continually hear the two faced lying parasites, wallowing in the perks of that cesspool of self interest, that goes by the name of The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, spout, "the Health Service is safe in our hands ". However, anybody with two brain cells is well aware that the NHS is up for sale, and will be privatised, over a period of some years. The latest gift from the Cameron cabal, to their corporate buddies, is a nice slice of child care in Wiltshire. Come April, child care in Wilshire will become a money making machine for billionaire, Batty Branson, and will fly the flag of "Virgin Care". 
      NHS staff working in child health services in one West county have been told they have a new boss – Richard Branson – after health chiefs unilaterally privatised their entire department in a £64 million deal.
      All community child health services in Wiltshire will be privatised, with council and NHS bosses defending their decision saying it was the best way to ensure a consistent service across the county.
     But leaders representing the staff being transferred said they had real fears the move would mean a worse service for more money, which they said was what happened when taxes were paid for 'profits and shareholders.
      Until now, all the services from Cricklade to Salisbury had been run by five different NHS organisations. The services now part of the deal include children's specialist community nursing, health visiting and speech and language therapy.
      This piece of slicing and dicing of the NHS for corporate profit is not new, nor is it likely to be that last. The final aim is the total privatisation of health care in this country. Your only purpose in this society is to make profit for the multinational corporations, if you can't do that by working for crap wages, then you can do it when your ill. You are just a money making entity, or you are useless, superfluous to requirements. Is that the society you want?

       The NHS has been legally abolished. Perhaps most controversial is the opening up of NHS contracts to unlimited privatisation. Last year alone, out of £9.63bn worth of NHS deals signed, £3.54bn (nearly 40% of them) went to private firms. Private providers are cherry-picking lucrative services to boost their profits leaving the NHS with less money to provide comprehensive care. This neatly ties in with the next aspect of the legislation.
        This continual strangle hold of corporate power over all aspects of our life will continue, health care, education, social services, all to be turned into money making machines for the financial Mafia. If you don't like that, then you will have to stand up and fight one helluva battle, not just to save your NHS, but to save your children and grandchildren from the future enslavement under the yoke of corporate capitalism. Forget attacking the nasty branches of capitalism, we must destroy the root itself. Until we bring about the destruction of capitalism, and send it to the dustbin of history, as man's darkest hour, our conditions are on a downward spiral, with no other purpose than to enhance the wealth of an army of worthless, greedy parasites. 
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Sunday 12 April 2015

TTIP Is Still There.

      TTIP still growls away in the dark corridors of power, its proponents wheeling and dealing, slicing and dicing, between themselves and the corrupt politicians. We can only expect them to come up with a plan that will allow the corporate juggernaut roll mercilessly over any illusion of democracy that still remains. 
     There will be an international campaign of action on April 25th. Across Europe people will be coming together to voice their opposition to this attempt to cement corporatism on to our backs, giving the corporate bosses full control over any legislation that they may consider to be harmful to their profits. 
      On Saturday 18 April people across the world will be protesting against “free trade” deals that are undermining our democracy. In Europe people will be taking part in 100s of actions to stop TTIP, the “trade” deal between the EU and the US.

     With the election coming up in May it is important that we make sure TTIP is on the agenda. People are organising exciting actions across the UK to raise awareness about TTIP and stop this corporate grab of our democracy.

You can find out about existing actions or organise your own on our website.

     People are standing up to “free trade” deals globally. If we stand together, we can defeat these assaults on our democracy. Please join us to protest on 18 April.
Best wishes,
Guy Taylor
Trade campaigner at Global Justice Now
     Already the tobacco giant Philip Morris is suing Uruguay for having some of the best anti-smoking laws in the world, and there’s a good chance it could win, unless we strengthen the fight in court.

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Monday 19 May 2014

Time For politicians And Bankers To Leave.

    I recently read an open letter by the leader of the Portuguese dockers union, to Passos, the Prime minister of that country, and published in Xpressed. Though I don't agree with the entire content, I agree with the feelings and the sentiments expressed in the letter, particularly the last couple of paragraphs. The last paragraph could equally apply here or for that matter, to any other country.

        The fury with which you take forward your ideological agenda is so radical that you are unable to look at the consequences for people’s lives. In the Lisbon Port, for example, which is the reality I know better, the irrationality of port law, which you have approved against everything and everyone, has led to 47 dockers being unfairly fired, when their job was crucial for the performance of the port. The bosses have recognised this and have committed to reinstate them all, but nothing erases the suffering of being jobless for one year. Do you have any idea what that means? I know well that you only care about the performance of exports –a reality you have hindered– but let me tell you that your intransigency has a tremendous impact in people’s lives. Unemployment is almost always to blame for other avatars, from divorce to depression, from giving up on having children to losing the house, from the lack of horizons to the illusionary escape of emigrating.
      Passos, listen… we are tired of seeing our relatives, rights and dreams emigrate and we will keep fighting so that you understand quickly that the best for everyone is that you, your government and your bankers leave. Nobody will shed a tear when you sail off. This trip today is a condition for people to have hope in a better future tomorrow. It’s not enough surely, but everything will begin again in that day, whole and clean.
President of the Dockers Union , Traffic workers and Maritime Clerks of the Centre and South of Portugal.
Read the full letter HERE:
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Wednesday 6 November 2013

Why Vote??

      I posted this some time ago, but saw it again on arrezafe, and decided it was worth another outing.

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Tuesday 18 June 2013

A World In Revolt.

     It is the universal pattern of this insane economic system called capitalism. Each government can spend billions on all sorts of grand plans, and at the same time cut down on those essentials, like health care, education, social services, pensions, and so forth. The London Olympics cost billions, the war in Afghanistan has cost us billions each of its disastrous 11 years, but we are seeing a rapid deterioration in the living standards of the ordinary people because we can't afford to run a civilised society. The recent events in Turkey were sparked off by the governments plans to build another shopping mall on a green space in a city. 

 Demonstrators face riot police during one of the many protests around Brazil's major cities in Belo Horizonte June 17, 2013. REUTERS-Pedro Vilela

      Yesterday hundreds of thousands, (Reuters put it at 200,000) took to the streets of Brazil in protest at government corruption, with such comments as "They have spent billions of dollars on building stadiums, but nothing on health and education."  More than half a dozen cities saw there centres grind to a standstill, among them Brasilla, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Belo Horizone. The world is in revolt against a system of injustice and insanity.

       So it doesn't matter which bunch of politicians you vote for the outcome is the same, big business gets the contracts, be it arms manufacturers or designers of grandiose edifices to the corporate God of greed, and the people get austerity. The world is awash with wealth, and more and more of that wealth is falling into the hands of fewer and fewer people. It's the way the system is designed to work and it's doing just fine. As long as we continue to accept this insane system we will continue to see the poor grow in number and get poorer and that little bunch of bloated parasites get richer and richer.
       Is it beyond our imagination to devise a system where the wealth of the world is distributed around the planet according to the needs of the people. Is it reckless and terrorist orientated to attempt to bring about a system that sees those who create all that wealth, the ordinary people, control how it should be distributed? The present economic system is not set in tablets of stone, it is not given to us by the booming voice of some other-worldly being on high. It is a man made system that works for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many.
         Our tomorrow will begin when we think co-operation, think community, think mutual aid, think no-borders, think sustainability, think of the heritage we want to leave to our children and our grandchildren. This world is our world, we built the cities and the factories, we grow the food, we therefore have the right to shape it to our needs. we have no need for the blood sucking parasites that bleed us dry to feed their own geed and arrogance.

Hundreds of thousands took to the streets in Brazil tonight protesting corruption, police violence, and a government that funds massive stadiums and ignores public services.
Gosh, conditions in Brazil sound quite a lot like here in the US, don’t they? Maybe it’s time we took to the streets too.
- See more at:
Hundreds of thousands took to the streets in Brazil tonight protesting corruption, police violence, and a government that funds massive stadiums and ignores public services.
Gosh, conditions in Brazil sound quite a lot like here in the US, don’t they? Maybe it’s time we took to the streets too.
- See more at:
Hundreds of thousands took to the streets in Brazil tonight protesting corruption, police violence, and a government that funds massive stadiums and ignores public services.
Gosh, conditions in Brazil sound quite a lot like here in the US, don’t they? Maybe it’s time we took to the streets too.
- See more at:

Saturday 4 May 2013

Austerity, A Beast With Blood On Its Teeth.

     Austerity is an ugly beast, it tears at the fabric of society, bloodying the present and devouring the future. It is not just a matter of cutting down on the cappuccinos, skipping a night at the movies, it's the spread of fear, the creation of bitterness, the struggle for survival. With austerity comes anger and to contain that anger, and preserve their own privileged position, the establishment unleashes its fascist dogs, intimidation and repression are necessary for the survival of their ideological beast austerity. Austerity never arrives by accident, it is called in to do its masters bidding. What is happening in Greece is neither an accident nor necessary, it is an ideological plan. What we should not forget is that the austerity beast is already prowling the streets of other countries about to start its ravenous feast and devour the lives of those ordinary people.
    This film is not the Greece I visited for many years, it has been changed, brutalised and its people impoverished, austerity has ravished them. All this because a bunch of corrupt rich politicians follow the grand plan laid down by another bunch of even more rich financial parasites who never live in the world they create, by their enforced austerity. 

Saturday 23 July 2011



       Reading an article on the Euro/Greek problem by Matthew Parris in The Times I was struck by one phrase in particular, “Greece just needs a massive bung plus a cut in living standards”. Being a regular visitor to Greece for several months at a time, I wondered what he really meant. Who has to get the “bung” does this go to the people or does it go to the millionaire class, and whose standard of living does he think should be cut, the ordinary people, who had nothing to do with this crisis, or should the living standards of the millionaire class take the cut? What I have seen of the ordinary Greek people is a living standard that is not exactly luxurious and in some cases too close to poverty to be comfortable. These are the people that go to work every day and struggle to bring their kids up in a reasonable fashion. They were in no way involved in the shuffle betting of the banking class nor the corruption of the well heeled political class, who working together screwed the working people of Greece. I also saw plenty of large off-roaders and luxury cars. So can we get it right this time and see that the massive bung goes to the ordinary people and the cut in living standards is targeted at the banking/political class of corrupt millionaires.

Tuesday 12 July 2011


         As the Murdoch Mafia sewer continues to spew out its toxic dogshit we start to get a better picture of how our political system works. It would seem that the necessary constituents for our “democracy” to function are bent cops that sell information to journalists, reporters that bribe police, officials and hack into phones and computers. The final part of this morally defunct system is the fawning politicians, eager to get into bed with and prostrate themselves before a greed driven media mogul who sits at the top of this pile of shit. He sets the political agenda, his scumbag media Mafia exerts the pressure and the subservient politicians push it through for fear of being out of favour with the mighty mogul and being forced of the gravy train.

       This then is British “representative democracy” a cesspool of duplicitous, greedy arrogant individuals hell bent on seeing to their own ends and screwing the public for all they are worth. Where in all this charade is there anything that is for the benefit of the ordinary people? Where are the benefits for all those who daily grind out an existence, the ones that create all the wealth and carry out all the services in our society? What has this bunch of low-life ever done other than gather up their millions and grasp at power for the own ends. Who needs them? Who wants them? The power they have over us is simple our refusal to use the power we hold ourselves. We are governed by consent, it is about time we withdrew that consent and used our power to create a world that will see to the needs of all our people. As system freed from the profit motive based on mutual aid, sustainability and mutual respect.