Showing posts with label Bullingdon Club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bullingdon Club. Show all posts

Friday 4 March 2016

"We Live In A Democracy", "We Live In A democracy".

       Once again we see British democracy at work. Very important issues are debated in The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, a vote is taken, then the government, our representatives in power, makes its decision on that matter, based on the outcome of that vote. Well that's the theory, the fairy tale that is handed out to the public. The reality is that decisions are driven by dogma, aided and abetted by lobbyists from the financial and corporate worlds, and decided behind closed doors. 
       What could be more important than nuclear weapons, this is a subject with massive destructive consequences not just for us here in the UK, but across the world. Surely this must be debated, well it is to be debated. The various factions are lining up to spout their mantras, but to what purpose? On this matter of universal importance the debate will take place, but the decision has already been taken. It appears that while the opposition is preparing their argument on the immorality of such weapons and the astronomical cost, our democratic government has already set the ball rolling with the renewal of the Trident nuclear weapons system, with a spend figure of an extra £640 million.
      It appears that Michael Fallon, will take the opportunity of the Scottish Conservative Party conference in Edinburgh today, to announce that the trident renewal program is already under way and on the back of this, the government is pouring in an extra £640 million to the arms industry's coffers. Of course the debate as to whether to renew the trident system or not, will still go ahead, after all that's how democracy works. 
       Don't for one minute think that the £640 million is any way near the cost of this government phallus symbol, the real cost of this imperialist thug's toy is hundreds of hospitals, and schools, thousands of teachers and nurses, improvements to social services and lots more. It is in effect in excess of £167 billion. All that being gifted to the arms industry, by their Bullingdon Club friend, our millionaire chancellor of the exchequer, while he is threatening more severe cuts to social services in the coming year.
        Now repeat after me, “We live in a democracy”, “We live in a democracy”. Just keep saying it, and if you're foolish enough, you may well come to believe it.
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Tuesday 12 May 2015

Smell The Stench Of Raw Capitalism.

      The Bullingdon Club, now in control of the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, has stated that it will introduce more legislation to restrict the use of strikes. No doubt it was a directive from their millionaire buddies in the corporate world. So it would seem that when you sign on as an employee of a firm, and that firm treats you like shit, refusing to negotiate your grievance, you are supposed to just put up with it. You will not have the right to say, this has gone too far, we are refusing to work under these conditions, and call a strike until the matter is resolved. No doubt the corporate greed  machine will call this democracy. As Howard Zin and Noam Chomsky have said, big business loves fascism. We are almost there, give the Bullingdon Boys an few more months and see what they unleash on the ordinary people of this country.
      You will be expected to work submissively, or stay at home and watch TV. The streets will only be for consumers. As far as the Bullingdon Club advocates of raw capitalism are concerned, the gloves are off, they are drunk on their new unfettered power. Be prepared for a ferocious fight back, or be shown no mercy, as they capitalise on that power.
The era is different, but the lie is the same.

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Taken For A Ride By The Bullingdon Boys.

     The 2015 Crooks and Liars competition, (general election) is over, and on the bridge of the good ship UK Exploitation, stands the new officer crew, all trained at the Oxbridge sausage factory, ready to steer her to new lands in the world of austerity. They have welcomed on board another member of the Bullingdon Club, one Boris Johnson, whose grandfather eighth removed, was King George II, and is a cousin, again eighth removed, of the captain, Bullingdon Boy, Cameron.
     What this effectively means is, that we the people of these islands have handed over control of our country to a bunch of self-centred, over privileged, pampered, aristocratic parasites, our affairs are going to be handled by a cabal from the Bullingdon Club.
Your Elected Government!!
        Why do we tolerate this? If there is anyone out there who believes that this bunch of self-seeking millionaires will address the problems of the ordinary people, they are naive in the extreme. These products of the Oxbridge sausage factory, have no idea what the problems of the ordinary people are. let alone the answers. Ordinary is not a word that they are familiar with, excess, privilege, pampered, greed, are the words we normally associate with this gang.
       You will be seen and used as peasants, serfs, lesser beings, to be used by them and their corporate millionaire buddies, to increase their already obscene wealth. Anything to alleviate the drudgery of our day to day struggle, will have to wrestled from their grasping hands, and it will be given grudgingly, to be stolen back at the first opportunity.
       Our fathers and mothers, and those before them, have, for generations, suffered at the hands of these people, we have struggled through five years of "austerity", with more promised, and with greater severity, meanwhile, they got richer and richer. Do you honestly think the latest band of robbers will be different?
 Looking after your interests!!
       We have had experience enough to know that the present system doesn't work for us the people, all around us is the evidence that it only works for a privileged few. We are descending further down the spiral of deprivation, all to an agreed plan, an ideology born of greed. We don't have to accept this greed and injustice, the system is not written in tablets of stone, handed down by some divine being. It is a man made system of economics, it can be destroyed by people like you and me, and a fairer more just system that sees to the needs of all our people, can be built in its place. All that is lacking is our will to take the task on.

       However, Stuart Wilks-Heeg, executive director of Democratic Audit, noted that "Boris is politically nimble",[303] while biographer Sonia Purnell stated that Johnson regularly changed his opinion on political issues, commenting on what she perceived to be "an ideological emptiness beneath the staunch Tory exterior."[308] She later referred to his "opportunistic - some might say pragmatic - approach to politics".[309] Former Mayor Ken Livingstone claimed that while he had once feared Johnson as "the most hardline right-wing ideologue since Thatcher", over the course of Johnson's mayoralty he had instead concluded that he was "a fairly lazy tosser who just wants to be there" while doing very little work
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Tuesday 29 July 2014

Still No Democracy.

         Still down south sipping coffee and reading papers, among other things. It was while doing the coffee, paper thing that I came across an article in The Times of July 28th.. which I had to spout my view on. They had a photograph and a full page article on the Bullingon Club, mentioning that a high percentage of those in the photograph had died in the first world war. The article seemed to convey the notion that the war had claimed the lives of all classes. This may be true, but without a shaddow of doubt, it was the ordinary people who paid the highest price by a very large margin.
        There is also another difference. Since this war was nothing other than an imperialist scramble for wealth, power, resources and markets, for thos imperialists and their parasite friends, and the Bullingdon Club was stuffed full Princes and other friends and members of that imperialist class, they are the ones who should have done all the fighting. It was their war, they stood to gain or lose imperial wealth and power. On the other hand, the ordinary people, who died in their millions, came from poverty, and after the greed driven avoidable blood-bath, those who returned, returned to unemployment and poverty.
        I personally, have no sympathy, nor will I shed any tears, for those of the imperialist parasite class, who died fighting an imperialist greed fest, which they engineered. They were defending theur own position of wealth and power, or trying to gain more. They ordinary people, on the other hand, were hoodwinked and bullied into believing they were defending something they never had, and still do not have, namely, "dwmocracy"
      The article is just another plug at the establishment propaganda line, "we're all in this together", pure unadulterated bullshit.


Monday 16 June 2014

When The Insane Hold Power!!

        I never thought that I would find myself nodding approvingly at comments made by that arrogant, privileged, old Etonian, ex-Bullingdon Club member the dangerous buffoon, Boris (he who ordered 3 water cannons for the people of London) Johnson. However in his latest mutterings I feel he has got it right, he refers to that madman, the most holy, St.Tony Blair as unhinged.
      In his Daily Telegraph column, he makes such remarks as, "I have come to the conclusion that Tony Blair has finally gone mad.” He goes on with truths that anybody with any reasoning ability are fully aware, such as, "In discussing the disaster of modern Iraq he made assertions that are so jaw-droppingly and breathtakingly at variance with reality that he surely needs professional psychiatric help." Well said Boris, but we have been saying it for years. Even before he steeped himself in other people's blood in Iraq. Boris continues his truths on St. Tony Blair with further comments such as, "There are more than 100,000 dead Iraqis who would be alive today if we had not gone in and created the conditions for such a conflict, to say nothing of the troops from America, Britain and other countries who have lost their lives in the shambles----.” "That is the truth, and it is time Tony Blair accepted it.” and, "We utterly blitzed the power centres of Iraq with no credible plan for the next stage - and frankly, yes, I do blame Bush and Blair for their unbelievable arrogance in thinking it would work."

       I have to hand it to Buffoon Boris when he says, Blair instinctively understood how war helps to magnify a politician. His remark, "War gives leaders a grandeur they might not otherwise possess. If you hanker after Churchillian or Thatcherian charisma, there is nothing like a victorious war." tells us a lot about our privileged political class and how they think. Boris more or less accuses St. Tony of having sent British forces into the bloody conflict in part to gain personal "grandeur".

       Well said Boris, now why not go the whole way and speak to your privileged, Oxbridge millionaire friends and get their weight behind having him charged with crimes against humanity and then committed to a hospital for the criminally insane.

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Wednesday 4 December 2013

This Society Of Parasites And Privilege.

      It says a lot about the class divided elitist system we, in this country live under, when three lads from the same year, at the same posh, very expensive school, end up at the same time, with three of the most powerful jobs in the country. All members of the arsehole Bullingdon Club for arrogant parasites. As far as the working class are concerned they are also three of the most dangerous men in the country. Groomed at the establishment's sausage factory, Cambridge, to protect their own and their millionaire friend's wealth, they are slotted in to positions of power. 


      I suppose if the working class were to put out a most wanted poster, then No.1 most dangerous man in the country would be George Gideon Oliver Osborne, son of Sir Peter Osborne 17th Baronet, and heir to the title. He lives in his padded bubble of privilege and wealth, oblivious of the troubles and problems of the ordinary people and ruthlessly carries out the dictates of his rich bankster buddies. The establishment has tasked him with the job of removing all wealth from the public sector to the private sector and to prepare the British working class for entry to the sweatshop economy. He does his job with an arrogance and relish. I suppose you could put murderer on that wanted poster, as in his drive to satisfy his billionaire bankster friends, he has introduced policies that increase poverty and deprivation, and in that poisonous cocktail, death lurks and strikes.
      I'm not suggesting for one minute that we should replace this dangerous, arrogant, pompous, privileged parasite, with a more caring compassionate individual. That would make little or no difference what so ever, the corporate beast and the banksters would still be pulling the strings. The public assets would still be plundered and the public wealth sent up to their already fat overflowing coffers.
       No, it's the system that stinks, the elitist profit driven system of exploitation and privilege, that needs to be sorted out. Not changed, just simply scrapped. Capitalism can't be made fair, it can't be made caring, it is first and foremost a system of the few getting rich on the backs of the many, and the gap between rich and poor will always grow. I'm sure you can think of a better way to run our society than handing power and control over our lives to a bunch of pampered parasites from a wealthy privileged background. 

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