Showing posts with label cameron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cameron. Show all posts

Sunday 12 August 2012


       Came across this on Lansbury's Lido and thought it was a nice way to say what we all know but the media fail to mention. A little display of the millionaire cabal's inbred hypocrisy.

ann arky's home.


      It is sad that the people of this country allow themselves to be ruled over by products of that factory of pomp and privilege known as Oxbridge. Get mummy or daddy to shove you through the Oxbridge pudding factory and you are assured a job with power, wealth and privilege. At the moment we have that trio of privileged arseholes, Cameron, Osborne and Johnston making mince of our society, and doing it with a smile and arrogance. I know I am not alone in thinking these thoughts.

       This from Organised Rage:

Britain’s top universities are still capable of churning out top-rank arseholes, despite recent attempts to force the odd prole through their doors.

That’s the claim made by bursars at Oxford and Cambridge universities, home to colleges with a proud history of arsehole production. In fact, many of the arseholes who have graduated from the region widely regard themselves to be ‘the envy of the world’.

‘It’s not all inspirational Olympians and dedicated research scientists,’ insisted Dr Jeremy Hogg, chair of Oxford’s St. Windolene’s college. ‘We’re still knocking out the sort of bore that orders breakfast in Latin. For every scientist researching cancer there’s a misunderstood director making wilfully difficult ballet about the fagging system. They’re both arseholes, but only one of them makes a song and dance about it.’
Continue READING:

ann arky's home.

Monday 11 June 2012


          Prime Minister David Cameron left his eight-year-old daughter in a pub following a Sunday lunch, after a mix-up with his wife Samantha. The couple's daughter Nancy wandered off to the toilets while they were arranging lifts and they only realised she was not with them when they got home, The Sun said. The media goes on to put a nice friendly spin on the matter, however our ”family orientated” millionaire prime Minister would no doubt be filled with indignation if he read about such an event happening in a housing scheme, the media would have a field day abusing the parents and calling for the social services to move in and care for the child. I hope the social services will make a call at the millionaire parents home to see where else the poor child may be being neglected. Whether the pub staff looked after her well or not is not the question, to go home from anywhere leaving your child behind is neglect of the highest order, where was their "duty of care". It shows their priorities.

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 25 April 2012


        According to Tory MP Nadine Dorries our two millionaire supreme leaders, Cameron, descended from King William IV and Osborne, heir to a baronetcy, are, to quote, "Not only are Cameron and Osborne two posh boys who don't know the price of milk," "But they are two arrogant posh boys who show no remorse, no contrition, and no passion to want to understand the lives of others - and that is their real crime."

What's milk, and does it have a price? I personally drink Champagne.

         Of course us at the receiving end of their “deficit reduction” policies, (pseudonym for transferring public funds to their friends in the financial Mafia) are fully aware that they have no idea how we the ordinary people live, we are also aware of the fact that they have any inkling to find out. It is two different worlds, one of wealth, privilege, arrogance, greed and power, and ours, of struggle and exploitation. Of course it is not just Cameron and Osborne that are responsible for this dual world, they are more the products of this system of wealth equating with power. It is the system of capitalism that allows and encourages wealth creation through exploitation of the many by the few, and that wealth to become the power that controls us the ordinary people. Running round to the ballot box at the next election with the desire to remove these two privileged prats and replace them with two new shiny smiles in new suits, will in no way change the system. The wealth plundered from the many will still hold the reins of power. As long as we do no more than poke fun at the privileged parasites who control our world and do nothing more drastic, then we are doomed to be that mass being exploited and plundered by that cabal of privileged arrogant prats, they will certainly not give up their position of power and privilege because we call them names.
          Forget the ballot box and organise outside the system to take control of our own lives, start in our communities, to lay the foundations of the type of world we want. A world of fairness, justice and seeing to the needs of all our people, a world of co-operation, sustainability and free from the greed and profit motive of the privileged parasitical prats that infest our lives at present.

Monday 23 April 2012


An appeal from Stop the War Coalition.

        The astonishing comments by two UK army majors serving in Afghanistan, that the war is lost and politicians are "trading soldiers' lives for votes", only reflects the views of most people in this country (SEE:
        The government is continuing to wage the war knowing that the overwhelming majority of people in Britain want the troops brought home now. In addition, the government is pressing for increased Western intervention in Syria -- almost certainly as a stepping stone to a military attack on Iran.
       David Cameron is clearly no different from Tony Blair in his slavish support for America's wars without end. These war policies are making the world ever more insecure and unstable. It is more necessary than ever for the anti-war movement to mobilise the widest possible active opposition to the warmongering of our political leaders.
       We have much work to do,

Saturday 17 March 2012


       As we all know, or should know, the millionaires at the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption are hell bent on turning the NHS into a cash cow for their friends in the corporate world. Turning it from a service at time of need, into a commercial concern where those with money will be able to buy the best treatment available and get it right away, where as the rest of us will have to take our place in the queue and take what is left. Health should never be considered as a money making enterprise, it must always be a service at time of need. However the corporate fascists see our Health Service as one massive market that they can milk, making billions from the sick and vulnerable. It is your child that way be dependent on it in some time in the future, what will you do if it isn't there?
This appeal from AVAAZ.

We have just days to save the NHS. Opposition from doctors, nurses and patients has rocked the government. Our massive outcry now can persuade undecided members of the House of Lords to say no to the bill on Monday and get the government to publish its report on the risks of these changes. Sign here to save the NHS:

Sign the petition
         The battle to save the NHS is now entering its final hours. David Cameron and Andrew Lansley seem determined to drag Britain’s most famous institution to its grave, but if we now stand together we can get the House of Lords to stop this bill in its tracks.
       Public outrage is gripping the country as the Prime Minister persists with a bill that would dismantle the NHS and open the field to private companies. The government refuses to publish its internal report on the risks of the reforms, one reason among many why thousands of health professionals and many politicians oppose the changes. If we now build a massive outcry we can sway our last line of defence -- the House of Lords -- to save the NHS.
        Let’s call on the undecided members in the House of Lords to keep the knives off our NHS and ensure we can all read the official risk report -- sign here and circulate. Our voices will ramp up the pressure as we deliver our petition when we reach key milestones between now and Monday:

      The coalition promised no top-down reorganisation of the National Health Service. Yet it's brought in a bill that threatens to turn large chunks of the NHS over on a plate to private health care companies and cost-cutting consultants, threatening a tidal wave of privatisation that will leave our health system expensive and fragmented, with many of us getting only low-quality care. Citizens are outraged -- according to the latest polls, over half of us want the new bill to be scrapped.
         Public opposition has already delayed the bill and forced several amendments, but the government is refusing to halt the reforms, wrongly insisting that opponents are just a minority group of disgruntled health care professionals and political opponents. The fight for the NHS now depends on the 200 members of the House of Lords who don't belong to a political party. They aren't used to public scrutiny, so if we target them now, we can win and ensure that any reforms of our precious health service are done in concert with health professionals and patients.
           We only have until Monday to tip the balance. The recommendation to delay the debate until after the risk register has been released will throw the NHS a lifeline and allow us all to see the likely impact of this bill. Sign the petition, and send widely.

        Britain is proud of the NHS, which has saved countless lives and won admirers across the world. Let’s act now and ensure our health care system stays free for all.

With hope,

Sam, Antonia, Alex, Alice, Jamie, Ricken and the rest of the Avaaz team

More information:

NHS reforms: Lib Dem divisions resurface as bill returns to parliament (The Guardian)

Time is running out to save the NHS (The Mirror)

NHS costs soar as GPs focus on health reforms (The Guardian)

Cabinet 'revolts against health reforms' (The Telegraph)

Cameron should scrap NHS bill and drop Lansley, says influential Tory blog (The Guardian)

NHS Reforms: More Than Half Of Voters Want To See Changes Dropped (Huffington Post)

Saturday 18 February 2012


         You are probably used to it, the public outcry against a particular piece of intended legislation and the powers that be, say the will hold a consultation on the matter. So you feel confident because there are so many against it, but somehow at the end of the consultation the opposition is thrown out, very strange. Your puzzled, well the following extract from Ben Goldacre helps to explain how the system works. They call it democracy, I call it smoke and mirrors, a con trick, but what do you expect from crooks and liars? So you'll know what to expect from Camerons consultation on his Health and Welfare Reform Bill.

         David Cameron is holding an emergency summit about the troubled NHS bill on Monday. There has been a lot of chatter on twitter about who is, and is not, invited. It's notable, for example, that the elected head of the Royal College of GPs has not been invited: the NHS bill is all about putting power in the hands of GPs, but they have such serious concerns about the bill that they've called, with regret, for it to be dismissed. Continue READING:

ann arky's home.

Friday 27 January 2012


          It seems he's at it again, our shiny faced, multi-millionaire Prime Minister Cameron, is talking about the need for a caring, compassionate capitalism, his verbal diarrhoea also includes such crap like moral markets. I wonder if he will start with his friends in the banking world, after all he comes from a long line of bankers, his father was a stockbroker, so he has influence there. We are all aware of how caring and compassionate are our bankers and stockbrokers. This man can stand in front of cameras and spout about caring capitalism and moral markets, being aware that his ancestors made their fortunes from naked, raw, brutal capitalism, ripping-off the ordinary people. When was the era of caring capitalism, when have we lived with moral markets, that he keeps referring to? While doing his damnedest to pass himself of as an ordinary guy, this smooth over privileged public school product, sits on a fortune that stretches back to his parasite ancestor King William IV. It is said that this ordinary guy left university and walked into a Tory job after a mystery caller from Buckingham Palace recommended him. His background is littered with Sirs, Baronets, Earls, and Viscountesses, and his fortune has grown because of the harsh exploitative capitalism that he supports through his policies as Prime Minister. You can rest assured that any caring, compassion or morality he pushes for, will be to the benefit of his rich privileged parasitical friends, not for the benefit of the likes of you and I.

"And my ancestors will call for caring capitalism."

       This "cry from the heart" for that illusion, caring capitalism, is a true reflection of his hypocrisy and cynicism. He can't possible believe in caring capitalism, he lives in luxury off the back of, and is up to his armpits in, the most brutal and exploitative economic system ever devised by man. It also shows how he believes that the general public are a bunch of fools and will swallow this shit of the caring capitalism. This guy is awash in privilege and luxury because of injustice and exploitation, and he will do everything in his power to make sure that it stays that way.

Sunday 18 December 2011


        David Cameron is on again about the “moral collapse” of Britain, according to him our “live and let live” has lead to a “do as you please” which in turn has contributed to our “moral collapse”. When he and those of his ilk, speak about Britain's “moral collapse” they don't mean them, they mean you and I. The fact that he and his cabal, are millionaires and their fortunes will be invested in a multitude of businesses involved in extracting the maximum profit from those who have considerably less than them, will be contributing to the rape and plunder of the planet and destruction of the environment, is not seen as “moral collapse”, no, to them this is seen as the proper way to do things. This talking of “broken Britain” and our “moral collapse” prepares the ground allowing free market ideology to be pursued as a remedy for “our” “moral collapse”. There is however, a “moral collapse” in those who live in the lap of luxury free from want, free from any fear of deprivation and then inflict poverty and hardship on others. There is “moral collapse” in those who slash at the social benefits of the sick and vulnerable, rip apart the social fabric of our society, knowing that they will be immune to any of the effects. The last thing we should do is listen to a bunch of millionaire parasites spouting about “our” “moral collapse” while they milk the system for all it is worth. It is because of “their” “moral collapse” that we have so many in poverty and deprivation. It is because of “their” “moral collapse” that we have people dying from fuel poverty, it is “their” “moral collapse” that is responsible for the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and else where.

I'll have to do something about Britain's moral collapse.

        Sadly “their” “moral collapse” will continue to inflict misery, deprivation and death on us as long as we allow them to dictate the shape of our society, only when we get rid of the bunch of moralising millionaire parasites and the system that they worship, replacing it with a needs based society, controlled by all those in that society, will we see an end to poverty, deprivation and wars.

   ann arky's home.

Thursday 6 October 2011


Reading well manicured millionaire Cameron's speech given at the Tory party conference, re-enforced my opinion that the guy is an idiot with no grasp of reality, our reality, his is a different world. Telling the ordinary people of this country to clear their credit cards to help the banks, displays his total lack of understanding of how the ordinary people live. He lives such a cloistered life cocooned and pampered in the millionaires club, he can't grasp that most ordinary people have debt on their credit card because they can't afford to buy things cash. Unlike him and his parasite friends, who think it is perfectly normal just to clear your credit card and then nip out and buy the odd bed room suite or new garage and pay with cash, most people with debt have difficulty paying for their heating, their food bills and travel expenses, and don't get paid enough to nip down to the retail park and just buy another washing machine cash, hence the debt. To the ordinary individual, the credit card is not just a convenient way of buying, in this type of society, it quite often, is the only way of buying, we are a low wage economy, when you have a job.

"Clear your credit cards, we bankers need your cash."

He then goes on to tell us to, "show a bit of fight”, from a man who has never had to fight for anything in his entire life. What does he mean? When our gas bill comes in, how should we fight that? Is he saying that we shouldn't pay and instead just pick a fight with the energy company, if so I'm with him all the way. So all you who are in a lousy job with crap wages, and have been facing a wage freeze the last couple of years, and are struggling to make ends meet, follow your great leader millionaire Cameron, and just clear your credit card to help the banks and show some fight when the bills come in, what an arsehole.

ann arky's home.

Monday 3 October 2011


        The following is a short extract from Tony Benn's speech made at the weekend. It is all well and good what he says, but we don't want to to defeat the government and see a Miliband Labour government in its place. After all the man himself Ed, has said that they cannot reverse the cuts. To replace the Cameron/Clegg millionaires with look-a-like named Miliband is hardly going to improve the conditions of the ordinary people of this country. They are all singing from the same music sheet, it's just that the Cameron mob are singing it as a reel, while the Miliband bunch want to sing it as a waltz. The end result will be the same, a drastically decimated welfare system, a low wage economy and millionaires making loads of cash. It is not the faces at the front of the package that is the problem, it is the package itself.

          “The present government is mounting the biggest attack ever made on the welfare state created after the Second World War. Their aim is to finish the work begun under Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s.
         When people came back from the war, the view was that it was the responsibility of government, representing the people as a whole, to provide affordable homes, free medical care, education for all, and key public services.
        All of that is now under threat. The Con-Dem Coalition's programme of austerity and privatisation will take us back 80 years.
          We are going to need a tidal wave of resistance from below to defeat the government. Every one of us needs to get active, involve others, spread the spirit of resistance to help to build a united mass movement to stop the cuts.”

What we want is a mass movement of resistance to change the system, not to change the face at the podium or the bums on the seats of power, and party political politics will never do that.


             Millionaire Cameron wants to put the”GREAT” back into Great Britain. Well, Britain is "GREAT", it just depends on which side of the financial apathied wall you sit. It is “GREAT” if your are Sir Philip Green, owner of Arcadia/Topshop/Burtons/BHS, you earn all that money from that group of companies and you don't pay tax, a nice wee fiddle, you see the company is in his wife's name and surprise, surprise, she doesn't live in Britain, she is a resident of Monaco!! It is “GREAT” if your are one of Britain's too many millionaires. Since the “financial crisis” of 2008 the number of millionaires in Britain has grown from 528,000 to 619,000 an increase of 17%., Britain has the fourth most registered millionaires in the world coming in after USA, Japan and China. So millionaire Cameron has no worries there, Britain is “GREAT” for this bunch of parasites.

It's a GREAT country.
             However, what if you happen to be on the other side of that financial apathied wall? Well millionaire Cameron has a wee problem there. There is nothing “GREAT” about Britain if you are among the 4 million children growing up in poverty, more than 1 in 3, a figure that is amongst the worst in Europe. Nothing “GREAT” if you happen to be one of the 2 million pensioners living below the breadline and facing winter in fuel poverty. Again we are amongst the worst rates of pensioner poverty in Europe. I wonder if millionaire Cameron and his millionaire cabal, can even grasp an inkling of how “UN-GREAT” Britain is for the 20.2% of our young people who live a life on the dole? How “GREAT” is that, a fifth of all our young people unemployed, a waste of talent and resources, a destruction of the future.

          Sorry Mr. millionaire Cameron, you and your corporate cronies with policies of profit before people can never make Britain "GREAT" for the people of this country. You and the system you fight so viciously for, has to go, your greed driven corporate fascism has to be flushed down the toilet before this country can be "GREAT" for all of the people who live and work here.

Sunday 25 September 2011


         While NATO pulverises the Libyan people in the name of freedom for the Libyan people, our subservient media paints a picture of peace loving rebel fighters running around the country freeing their fellow citizens. The method they use to free them is to sit back and wait until NATO blasts the hell out of them and then rush in all guns blazing. If that doesn't work, then they lay siege to the town or city, starve it of food, water and medical supplies, after which they will ask NATO to go back in and terrorise the citizens with a massive bombardment from the air. Thus, Western style freedom crawls its bloody way through Libya.
       What is vomited from the mainstream media has no relation to the truth as it is happening on the ground in that unfortunate country. What is happening is tribal faction killings, looting and ethnic cleansing of towns and cities across Libya, aided and abetted by NATO and its paymasters. The following is a short extract from BEFORE IT'S NEWS.  It is well worth reading the whole article. You certainly will not get the information on the Ten O'clock News.

        ---- Despite desperate attempts by Wall Street and London to proclaim their intervention in Libya a success, even going as far as sending their political proxies Nicolas Sarkozy of France and David Cameron of the United Kingdom for a quick photo opportunity at the rebel held airport in contested Tripoli, vast swaths of the nation are still fiercely resisting NATO and their proxy rebel forces. This includes entire cities still standing in defiance against rebel attempts to "starve them out" and dozens of daily NATO airstrikes (NATO report for September 22) aimed at breaking the population's will to fight on.

         Weeks ago, the rebel forces, led by US State Department and UK Home Office listed terrorists from the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a subsidiary of Al Qaeda, boldly announced plans to starve out cities resisting their unelected, foreign backed seizure of the North African nation. The London Telegraph reported in an article aptly titled, "Libya crisis: Rebel leaders hoping to starve Gaddafi stronghold of Sirte into submission," that under the cover of heavy NATO bombing rebel leaders hoped "to starve Col Gaddafi's home town of Sirte into submission, laying siege to his last remaining stronghold in an attempt to avoid mass bloodshed, according to the man spearheading efforts for a peaceful takeover."

       Fox News would relay an AP report on September 2, 2011, that rebel commanders declared, "we want to save our fighters and not lose a single one in battles with Qaddafi's forces. In the end, we will get Sirte, even if we have to cut water and electricity and let NATO pound it with airstrikes." AP cited Mohammed al-Rajali, a spokesman for the rebel leadership in the eastern city of Benghazi. Ironically, the article was titled, "UN Warns Libya is Short of Water, Fuel, Medicine," a crisis admittedly being caused by the premeditated denial for entire cities of critical supplies for their civilian populations, enabled by NATO bombing and under the cover of UN recognition of the terrorist rebels - a move that has soundly resigned the UN's legitimacy and stated purpose to the scrapheap of history. ___ READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE.

Wednesday 21 September 2011


           The powers that be, tend to criticise hoodies and those who cover their faces at demonstrations marches etc. claiming that if you have nothing to hide, then why cover your face. Of course you and I know that when it comes from the mouths of the state apparatus, they never practice what they preach. It is one set of rules for you and I, and another for them and their minders.

          Well it is much the same with the austerity cuts, you've all heard the the Cameron, Osborne millionaires mantra, “We are all in this together”, or Nick the Clegg's message spewed out at the recent Liberal Conference, “We are all facing hard, very hard, times ahead.” These type of statements coming from the mouths of a cabinet that has 23 millionaires, speaking to people on minimum wage, on benefit, lousy pensions and facing horrendous winter fuel bills, Yea man, we are all in this together, my arse.

"We're all in this together boy."

          When will we wake up to the fact that we are being taken for a bunch of mugs by a group of crooks and liars? Nothing they say or do will in any way benefit us the ordinary people, their crap about “managing the economy” is all about saving the wanker bankers and doing their damnedest to cover the loses of their millionaire friends in the financial sector after their greed feast. They know who their friends are!!!

Monday 22 August 2011


Tel: 020 7801 2768

The fall of the Gadaffi regime in Libya marks yet another turning point in what has been a truly remarkable year in the Middle East. The victory of the rebels, backed by Nato bombing in a six month campaign initiated by the British and French governments, also heralds the rehabilitation of a discredited doctrine -- that of 'humanitarian intervention' -- after the debacle of Iraq and Afghanistan.

The defeat of Gadaffi is now being used to justify military action on the grounds that it has helped the Arab revolutions. David Cameron declared outside Downing Street 22 August 2011, 'This has not been our revolution, but we can be proud that we have played our part.'

The hypocrisy of Cameron is staggering, given the role of British and other western governments in backing up dictators and despots in the region -- only halted in some places by the actions of the Arab people themselves.

The Nato intervention has not been for idealistic values. It has been about regime change, so that a leader more acceptable to western governments and business could replace Gadaffi.

Right to the end, NATO was bent on a military victory and bringing the Transitional National Council (TNC) -- the Benghazi administration -- to power in Libya by force of arms. All proposals for talks to achieve a political solution – whether from within Libya or outside - have been brushed aside.

While many Libyans may welcome the outcome, and will be glad to see the back of Gadaffi, it has a number of negative aspects.

From the international point of view, the most significant thing is that the government of another Arab state has been changed by external force applied by the big imperial powers. There is no real suggestion that the TNC could have come to power unaided. The NATO military intervention, stretching beyond breaking point the mandate given by the United Nations, has been decisive.

This will not be the end of the story. The experience of Iraq teaches that the overthrow of a regime under such circumstances by no means signifies the end of the war. Whether those who have supported Gadaffi will meekly accept the authority of a new government imposed under such circumstances is open to question.

Whatever happens, the deep divisions within Libyan society remain. Likewise, given that the TNC is an amalgam of forces, ranging from the democratic to the Islamist to leaders who are the direct employees of western interests, it may have neither the capacity to resolve existing differences nor the ability to prevent the emergence of new ones, within its own ranks.

David Cameron spelt out the close role Britain and the other western powers will expect to have in running Libya, and in how much detail they have been planned, including ‘stabilisation experts who have been planning for this moment…for months.’

Under these circumstances, the main demand must be an end to all forms of NATO interference in Libya – not just the end of the bombing, but the withdrawal of special forces and a halt to all forms of political interference. The only solution to the crisis in Libya will have to be a Libyan solution. Recent history, from Iraq to Afghanistan, teaches that too.

But beyond that, we must recognise the danger that even a passing 'success' in Libya may embolden the US, British and French governments to believe that the idea of 'liberal interventionism', discredited after Iraq, can be revived on a broader scale. Of course, however it ends the Libyan conflict has not gone as expected and none of the leaders of the aggression have dared introduce ground troops into the war. Nevertheless, the danger of extending the intervention to Syria as part of a programme to control and suppress the 'Arab Spring' is not inconceivable and must be mobilised against.

The old rulers will not be missed if and when they depart. The decisive issues – genuinely democratic and popular regimes across the Arab world, the exclusion of great power interference in the region and justice for the Palestinian people – remain in the balance and require our solidarity.

LINDSEY GERMAN, National Convenor, Stop the War Coalition
ANDREW MURRAY, National Chair, Stop the War Coalition--