Showing posts with label parasites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parasites. Show all posts

Sunday 27 November 2011


          Why do we put up with a society that is so torn with unbelievable inequality? We have elderly dyeing from the cold because they can't afford to heat their home. While just along the road a bit, there are those dripping with jewels and finery clinking champagne glasses in jolly merry making. Take our Royal Family, while they bank millions from off-shore wind farms, our elderly are forced to choose between eating or heating. Why does the Royal family make all that money from off-shore wind farms? Well because the own the seabed and most of the coastline around our country. It is all part of the Crown Estates. How did they come to own all that land and sea? Well a guy who went by the name of William the Conqueror, decided that all of England belong to him, future monarchs thought it such a good idea they claimed the rest of the UK. The Crown Estates is now a multi-billion pound, money making empire and and 15% of all its profits go to the Royal family. There is no fear of them ever loosing out if profits fall, if by some weird and impossible event the Crown Estates didn't make any money the Royals would not need to apply for job seekers allowance, their income would be made up from a reserved fund.

         So, first you steal the land and then one of your off shoots, George 3, runs up huge debts, then offers the land back on condition that he and all his off spring, are kept in unbelievable splendour and extravagance for all eternity. Not a bad trick if you can get away with it, but don't try, they'd put you in the nick. Surely the land in any country belongs to the people of that country, not to a bunch of land grabbing parasites.

ann arky's home.

Monday 7 November 2011


             Across the developed world the call is for "austerity cuts" wage cuts/freeze, pension cuts, redundancy. The social service for the ordinary people are being decimated, education, health care, libraries, all being  dismantled. It is even being discussed in the mainstream media, but what the will not say is that this is an all out war against a particular class by another class. This is the rich and wealthy class taking from the working class to protect and enrich themselves, they call it a financial crisis. It is time to realise this is a real war, it is time to call it by its real name, class war. People will die, it may be from the cold, (can't afford to heat themselves) it could be from health problems, (proper service just not there). Like all wars though, there will be more injured than killed and the injuries can be from malnutrition, to mental health. However one of the greatest casualties will be the hopes and dreams of an entire generation of young people. This is a brutal war, and like all wars it is a war for resources, (money & and power), like all wars it is an unnecessary war. Like all wars, you lose if you don't fight back with more determination, organisation and solidarity than your enemy. We all know who that enemy is, it is the corporate capitalist system, and until we defeat that we will continue to lose our people to this brutal onslaught.
             Of course the parasites at the top of this pile of shit, could not wage this war without having their troops on the street. We see their troops around us every day of the week and they will swing into action when ever you try to resist their masters attacks.
          This video was Falmouth, it could be anywhere, yes, your neck of the woods.

ann arky's home.

Friday 28 October 2011


        Every where you look there is evidence that we are all in this together. As most of us see our standard of living nosedive, either through wage cuts/freeze, redundancy or inflation, or perhaps even a hit from at least to of these measures being forced on us by our millionaire lords and masters, it is puzzling how a certain group seem to manage quite well in spite of the “crisis”. Take the directors of the Footsie 100 companies for example, while they go on about hard times and how difficult decisions have to be made they still manage to award themselves a whopping 43% pay increase over the previous year's salary. Perhaps if we look at it as “all in this together” means US not THEM, it all begins to make sense.
I have to make some very difficult decisions.

       To give you some idea of how our captains of industry are suffering in these hard times, take a wee look at the earnings for last year.

Mick Davis(Xstrata) £18,426,105.

Bart Becht (Reckitt) £17,879,000.

Michael Spencer (ICAP) £13,419,619.

Sir Terry Leahy (Tesco) £12.038,303.

Tom Albanese (Rio Tinto) £11,623,162.

Sir Martin Sorrell (WPP Group) £8,949,985.

Todd Kozel (Gulf Keystone Petroleum) £8,913,223.

Don Robert (Experian) £8,601,984.

Edward Bonham Carter (Jupiter Fund Management) £8,530,871.

Dame Marjorie Scardino (Pearson) £8,003,641.

        Not a bad wee packet for a day at the coalface, and remember these are the sweaty palmed greed parasites that sit in board rooms directing plans to cut your wages and conditions, who plan to make you redundant to increase their share of the loot that they cream of your labour. This is capitalism, screw you, I'm all right Jack. It is now raw capitalism, open and blatant exploitation of unimaginable proportions. They see nothing wrong in this greed feast, as far as they are concern the system is working just fine.

Saturday 3 September 2011


          What are you doing in your area, get organised, numbers can change society. You either take it or you fight back. We can create a better society based on the needs of all our people, smashing this system of feeding the rich parasites. Surely the measure of a civilised society is the way it caters for those in most need, and a fair and free health service is a prerequisite of any decent society.  


to protect the NHS

In conjunction with Trades Council Coalition against the Cuts

Outside the Royal Liverpool Hospital

Tuesday 6th September 2011
at 12 Midday2 PM


Friday 3 June 2011


      Behind closed doors and long into the night they met. Then the announcement, Greece and its EU partners have agreed a deal to loan Greece more money. You would think that for the people of Greece that would be a good thing, after all the country is strapped for cash and the people are suffering.

      However this money will not go to make the lives of the Greek people any better, on the contrary, they will have to suffer more pain because of this loan. They will have to face higher taxes, cuts in services, and lower wages, add to that the fact that they will have to sell off all their assets to the corporate world, who at the moment are hovering over Greece like the proverbial vultures. You see, this money isn't really for the Greek people, it is to save the gambling casinos of the world, (the banks and bond markets) from suffering the effects of their excessive greedy gambles that went wrong.

     Over the last few years the banks and bond markets gambled like crazy and it all went wrong and they are virtually bust. So how do they save themselves? Why by getting the taxpayers of the world to fund their losses. The governments of the EU and across the world will slash the standard of living of all the people and the money saved can go to pay off the gamblers debts. Then those same governments will sell off all our public assets to their friends in the corporate greed machine and that should just about save the parasites in the banking and bond markets from losing too much of their unearned cash.

Why should we want to change things??
     Who devised such a wonderful scheme, if you have billions to play with and you lose, no problem, just take the people's money and let them grovel in misery, while you get back to playing with your billions. Oh when will we ever learn????

Saturday 2 April 2011


       The pampered cabal of millionaire parasites that are governing us at the moment are pushing through rapid and massive changes to the NHS that will change it beyond all recognition, and not for the benefit of the ordinary people. The speed and scale of these changes is unprecedented and there will be winners and losers. The losers will be the millions of ordinary patients and the winners will be the corporate world of pharmaceutical giants and the corporate providers.

      What these changes will do is open up the NHS to private profit, diverting tax payers cash from the NHS into the bank accounts of shareholders, money from the sick, I suppose you could call it, "sick money". Did you vote for this?

     The changes will result in longer waiting times for patients. With no cap on the amount hospitals can earn from private patients, NHS patients will keep sliding further down the queue. Did you vote for this?

     Under these proposals there will be a post code lottery. The care patients can expect will vary from place to place, creating health inequalities and hurting vulnerable people. Did you vote for this?

    Hospitals will have to compete for cash in the corporate world and those that fail as profit providers to that corporate world will die from lack of funding and will eventually have to close. Did you vote for this?

     To top it all most of the GP's in the NHS don't want this system to go ahead. They certainly didn't vote for this!!

     We are being governed by a group of pampered parasitical millionaires that have no mandate to carry out any of these changes. The vast majority of the people of this country did not vote for a Conservative government. I'm sure those that vote Liberal Democrat weren't voting for a Conservative government and although Labour looks like a Conservative party, its members did not vote for a conservative government. So who do they represent? Well their own class of course, the millionaires of the corporate world. Of all the changes introduced by this bunch of public school thugs, who stands to lose the most? You and I. Who will sail through this “deficit cutting”, “austerity cuts”, “recession”, “financial crisis”, totally unaware of unemployment, benefit cuts and inflation? Why the Cameron/Clegg club and their millionaire friends. Who stands to gain from these changes? Why the same millionaire's glee club, the corporate world.

What did you vote for??

Saturday 19 February 2011


       As we struggle through our daily grind most seem not to be fully aware of the impact of the cuts being implemented by the public school millionaire thugs. Aware or unaware we can be sure the results will be somewhere between horrendous and apocalyptic, with the public sector employees taking the brunt of this assault, though all the ordinary people will feel the pain.

       All the debate on the media is about how to cut, where to cut and by how much to cut. Nobody is talking about cause, blame, pay-back. The so called “financial collapse”, was predictable and was caused by the greed of the financial centre as they blew a great big housing bubble and aided and abetted by government and bankers gorged on it until it burst. The rewarded themselves, by grabbing massive slices of the mortgage revenue in the form of absurdly large salaries, loan shark commissions and those stratospheric “performance bonuses”. When the pot went dry and their scam collapsed they simple held out the begging bowl and the government, with tax payers money, duly obliged. Groups of individuals were culpable and gained immensely from their greed, but who is being held to account? Nobody, it is expected that the ordinary individual will take the hit, so as to protect the lavish lifestyles of the perpetrators of this giant scam. The very fabric of our society will be shredded, unemployment will soar, what savings the ordinary person thought they had in the value of their home will drop dramatically. Meanwhile the financial Mafia will continue to laugh all the way to the bank. The ordinary people of this country did not cause the “collapse” (mess) they are the victims, but then again, this is capitalism, and that is the way that the system is meant to work. You work all your life, they live off your back. Get used to it, or change it forever.

Friday 28 January 2011


        The Con/Dem millionaire club of public school thugs are about to carry out the greatest con trick since the start of capitalism. They are about to pass legislation to allow for the sell-off of the woodlands that are under the control of the forestry commission. This is vast tracts of forests that are owned by the British people and they will go on offer to the highest bidder. How come that a bunch of millionaires can take a slice of Britain and sell it to their millionaire friends and say it is legal because they made the laws to make it so. How come we are not seeing “peasants with pitchforks” marching on the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption. However the biggest part of this con is the fact that they have stated that local councils can bid for the forests. So let's look at that proposal, these forests belong to the British people and the Con/Dem millionaires are saying that the local councils, who represent the people, can use the local peoples money to buy the land that already belongs to the British people. We are expected to buy our own forests from ourselves with our taxpayers money. Now that is a real con, it is so absurd and far fetch that most people probably don't complain because they think that they must have heard it wrong.

        Make no mistake, the UK is up for sale, every public asset will, before the next election, be sold off to their millionaire friends. That is if it can make a profit for them, if it can't, it will be left for the public to look after. This is happening across the globe, post offices, public land, waterways, water systems and all public, social and health services, all to be transferred to the millionaires' club. What is more it is forever, as far as they are concerned, and has nothing to do with cutting the deficit or any other crap that they try to feed you, that is just one of their excuses.

       No government was voted in to sell off public assets to their friends, but that's what they are doing. Is there still anybody out there that thinks that the government is there to represent the people? Surely by now it should be blatantly obvious that they are there to represent and protect the wealth of their friends the millionaires in the corporate world.

       We don't need them, they need us, to feed of our backs, and keep them in their parasitical pampered life style.

Tuesday 25 January 2011


Cartoon by Peter Brookes.
        The latest figures state that the UK economy shrunk by 0.5% in the last quarter. Everybody shakes their head and says, dreadful figures, but our millionaire Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, says it was all down to the snow and the government will not be blown of course and change its plans. Of course they won't change their plans, why should they? Is there still anybody out there who believes that these "fair cuts" have anything to do with the economy, the deficit, growth or any of the other crap these public school thugs spout? Whether the economy grows, shrinks or stands still, their “austerity cuts” plan will continue, that's because their grand plan is to transfer all public assets into private hands and cutting all social spending is their method. This means that everything you want or do will return a profit to some corporate body or other. Send your kids to the library, well only if you can afford it, take a walk in the forest, well not for long, as they are about to be sold off to those who can afford them, ie. the big corporations. After the implementation of the millionaire cabal's plans we will be a society of profit units or surplus to requirements. We will have no control on how our society is shaped, no redress against those in control, everything will be privately owned and run for profit.

       We have to see through the smoke and mirrors of this bunch of thuggish parasites, they are about to change our society beyond recognition and totally for the benefit of their millionaire friends, it is such a massive shift of power and that's why it is so difficult for some people to grasp. These changes are forever, as far as they are concerned, once we have lost control of all public assets the struggle to take them back could be long and brutal, but get them back we must, otherwise we will be living in a society of true corporate fascism.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 30 November 2010


       The following post is taken from Landsbury's Lido, and it goes some way to show the extent of anger and disgust that is smoldering among the ordinary people of this country. We have students protesting in most of the cities of this country, we have bank occupations happening with ever increasing regularity across the country, there are universities being occupied. The present millionaires' cabal that is intent on pursuing their ideological slash and burn policies are expecting unrest and no doubt are prepared for these events. What we have to do is raise the bar,  students and  small groups of "Citizens United" will not win this fight on their own. It is up to all of us across the social spectrum, working, unemployed, pensioners, students to get their heads together and work on a united front. Pockets of protest can be contained, mass protests of all those in this society that will be hurt by these policies, cannot be. If we hope to win this fight, and we must, then organised solidarity is the way, not on single issues, the issues are all conected, this is a fight to destroy the corporate/financial take over of all aspects of our lives. We want a society that sees to the needs of those in that society, not one that sees to the desires of a bunch of parasitical millionaire shareholders.

The Post:  
        "When I was working for the MOD my union was the Institute of Professional Civil Servants or IPCS for short. Despite the name it was a proper union, affiliated to the TUC and all that. Hardly a bolshy union though, and in my time I think we had one strike call, which was voted against.
       This union has now developed into the union called Prospect which is now overseeing the first ever walkout from the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) at their Aldermaston, Burghfield and associated sites.
        Of course the running of the AWE is now in the hands of private contractors, as is the fate of virtually all of the UKs defence work. It seems that the employees are a bit peeved at being offered a sub 2% wage increase. And not surprising since there has at the same time been increased payments to the AWE board and also to the level of dividends being paid to its controlling companies. There's more cash for the top management and also for the shareholders, but the workers who generate that wealth? Sod all. Of course this just highlights the hypocrisy of the siren voices claiming that 'wereallinthistogether'.
      The government would do well to heed this latest outbreak of industrial dispute. When strikes are called in these establishments then it doesn't bode well for industrial relations in the wider country."
       A moderate voice that can sense the underlying anger, frustration and disgust that will eventually explode in the faces of our millionaire overlords at the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption.

Saturday 20 November 2010


      The millionaire cabal at the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption are always spouting about how everything they do is fair. Their austerity cuts that will throw another million on the dole, is in their way of thinking, fair. A freeze on public sector pay, while the top banksters and other financial over lords reap massive bonuses, is fair. So with these standards of fairness it is no surprise to see that the fair plans for the House of Corruption is to reduce the elected Commons from 650 members to 600 while at the same time they have just announced an extra 54 new members to the Lords bring them up to approximately 750. A little closer look at those 54 new unelected Lords and we find that 43 of them are supports of the millionaires coalition, loading the dice would you say? Of course as we would expect from the millionaire's fairness team most of that 54 unelected over privileged mob, are wealthy donors to the three main parties. Fund us and we will see you fixed up with a wee peerage and all the privileges that go along with the grand title.
       A system of privilege and complete unfairness is the only way to sum of this system of rule by parasites. Millionaires discussing with their millionaire friends in the corporate world about how to carve up the assets of this country to their advantage. Every change that they are implementing will bring lasting hardship to the poorest and most vulnerable in our society and profit the the corporate world. The ordinary people will have to take the pain as the millionaires set about changing society away from any semblance of a welfare system to a free market corporate society. They plan to change society into nothing more than a profit making organisation with the people having no control over any aspect of that society.
      Don't be fooled by the budget blurb and the deficit crap, these are only the excuse to push their ideological agenda. We are told that the UK debt is out of control while the clever Germans are getting it right, but the UK debt in percentage of GDP is approximately 76% while in Germany it is approximately 75% but ours requires a total destruction of the welfare system. The only philosophical answer to that analysis is “bullshit”.
ann arky's home.

Wednesday 18 August 2010


      Are we all daft?? Why do we accept this sort of crap?? We keep being told that there are hard times ahead and we are all in this together. The millionaire cabinet tell us that austerity cuts are necessary and we will all have to tighten our belts. On the surface it looks like that with food price increases running in double figures, pulses up 59% tea up 30% baby milk up 29% baby foods up 21% on 2007 prices, pay freeze and pay cuts, social service cuts, pension cuts, health and education being decimated and unemployment set to hit the stratosphere. Then you take a wee look at the millionaire Mafia that are shouting for these “austerity” cuts and you see a totally different picture.
          Lets take a wee look at how the millionaire parasites are doing. This is how some of them are suffering in these difficult times.

                                                 2009 payment  2010 payment  % increase
S. Hester, C.E. of RBS group      £164,000       £1.227m           648.2
M. Geoghegan, C.E. of HSBC    £1.67m           £5.68m             240.4
S. Wolfson, C.E. Of Next PLC.  £831,000        £1.737m           109.0
S. Rose, C.E. Marks & Spencer £1.77m           £2.606m             47.6

       How about Willie Walsh, the C.E. of British Airways, the guy who has been trying to screw the workers in that industry to the deck with wage cuts and savaging their working conditions. You can see how he has tightened his belt over the last year. In 2009 he had to struggle by on an austerity pay deal of £743,000 and this year so far he has managed to scrape through on a mere £1.024m a slight increase of 37.8% Yea, we're with you Willie, we are all in this together, we want more of your type of austerity.
          When will we ever learn, as the song goes. Do we need these hypocritical parasites feeding off us? It can't be beyond our imagination to device a social structure for society that sees to the needs of all our people based on sustainability. A society freed from the greedy profit driven motive and based on mutual aid. These so called Chief Executives are greedy, useless expendable parasites, I'm sure if the workers occupied their work palces they could run them better without these egocentric worthless appendages. They are no more than the gun slingers hired by the equally parasitical shareholders.
        Anarchists point the way to that better society for all our people, anarchism is the tool that can create a world fit for all our children and our grand children. A world of peace and justice, freed from the fear of deprivation and exploitation, a colourful world fit for a colourful humanity.