Wednesday 5 November 2014

Net Neutrality Under Threat.

         The internet is important to the way we organise, communicate and keep in touch with friends and family, anything that skews it in favour of big business at the expense of the ordinary member of the population, has got to be stopped. It would be shaping the internet the same way our society is formed, the rich and powerful get he cream while you and I get shoved into the slow lane, a class divided internet is not acceptable. 

Dear Fight for the Future member,
    Did you hear about the massive protests in Hungary? The government there proposed an Internet Tax, that would have charged ordinary internet users exorbitant prices *per gigabite.*
Thousands of people took to the streets in protest, holding their shining cell phones aloft as a symbol of resistance to the unfair Internet Tax. In response, the government announced they would lower the tax.
Instead of accepting the compromise, even more people took to the streets demanding unfettered, affordable access to the free and open web. And they won. The government backed down and took the controversial tax off the table.
      It’s election day here in the U.S. and we face a similar crisis. Regardless of which party comes out on top today, the FCC is set to annihilate net neutrality and open the floodgates for rampant Internet censorship and abuse. This is the moment we’ve been building for. In the last year, Fight for the Future has grown to more than 1 million members! We are stronger than we’ve ever been and we have the power to save net neutrality, but signing petitions and making pho ne calls isn’t going to be enough.
    This Thursday, November 6th we’re organizing emergency protests across the country, but we need more people to step up and help “anchor” protests in their towns. Anchoring a protest is easy: it just means you pick a time and location, and agree to be there and get as many of your friends as possible to come. The protests themselves are simple: we are asking people to gather in the evening at government buildings and hold their glowing cell phones, laptops, and tablets aloft to shine light on the growing corruption in DC and demand real net neutrality.
     We, and several other groups with large email lists, will send an email to our thousands of members in your area encouraging them to attend your event.
You can also reply to this email if you are able to help anchor a protest and we’ll get in touch with you right away.
     The protests on Thursday will be the kickoff for a month of escalating actions leading up to the FCC’s final decision, which we expect to come in early December. We’ll be holding these vigils every Thursday leading up until that point, so if you can help organize one any time in the coming weeks, let us know! Just reply to this email, we’ll see it.
We’ve updated to support these emergency protests.
      Please share the link far and wide and tell as many people as possible that the fight for net neutrality is coming to a head and we need to start something big right now.
For the Internet,
-Evan at Fight for the Future     
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* Keep us fighting, chip in what you can.
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Tuesday 4 November 2014

The End Of The World As We Know It, Do You Care?

         Another informative episode from The Stimulator, from tar sands resistance to mass protests against the disappearance of 43 students and teachers, from Iraq to Kobane.

Locomotive Time Bomb from the stimulator on Vimeo.

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Monday 3 November 2014

Having The Shit Kick Out Of Us.

      George Osborne at the recent Tory party conference announced that if the Tories get in at the next election he would introduce £25 billions worth of new cuts, which would include one of the biggest squeezes of welfare in recent times, at the same time promising his rich friends tax cuts to help pour more cash into their already overflowing coffers. He also announced a two year freeze on working-age benefits. This is another way of saying two year of cuts to working-age benefits, as no doubt inflation will not stay frozen at the same time.
 How the West introduces democracy abroad.
      This arrogant pompous millionaire parasite, also said the the British people could no longer afford to live in a country which spent £100 billion on welfare payments to people of working age. Perhaps he could start by getting his rich billionaire corporate friends to start paying wages that would stop those working, from having to claim benefits just to survive. Of course we are a country that can afford to spend more than £250 million on bombing Libya back to the stone age, and re-entering the Iraq war at an unknown cost, as it forecast to last for years, but missiles being fired are in the region of £250,000 and £750,000 each, and tornadoes flying at a cost of more than £40,000 an hour. However, all we ever get from this bunch of pampered Oxbridge millionaire parasites, is about how the poor and the vulnerable are a heap of scroungers and are costing us too much. 
The West's version of a ballot box in the Middle East.
     We are being severely  beaten in a brutal class war, and the sooner we realise this, the sooner we can begin to address this as united group, aware of our class connections, and take on the pampered parasite class, that at the moment, is kicking the shit out of us.
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Sunday 2 November 2014

Police Controlled Democracy.

         I recently posted about the young protester killed by a police grenade in France on October 26th. Today the protesters are still on the streets in various place across France, protesting the brutal death of this young man, but our babbling brook of bullshit the mainstream media doesn't seen to have noticed. They will of course show rioting, protesting and mass unrest, happening in those far away places, but here in Europe, we have "democracy"!!!! Democracy at the end of police baton, or a riot police shield. In our Western style "democracy" we can now accept that the police are a branch of the military and are armed military style. Here in Scotland there was an attempt to get armed police on the streets on routine duty, all part of the control of the public, in case they start to voice their anger at the total lack of democracy, and the power of the corporate bodies that rule our lives. Policing today is not about law and order, it is all about control of the civilian population, and if that fails, the army will take to the streets, in full fighting kit to put down any threat to the power of the establishment, they've done it before, 1911, two strikers shot and killed in Liverpool, 1919, Glasgow. The "establishment", that body of suits that represents the interests of the corporations, the landed gentry, the aristocracy and the powerful club of millionaires. So a young man/woman being killed on a peaceful protest, is something that will be acceptable to the powers that be, if it protects their pampered position.

A report from Anarchist News:
       (On October 26th, the police in France killed a young demonstrator in Testet, near Toulouse, who was protesting the construction of a dam. This text is a reportback from a march against police brutality in Nantes last night. Nantes is close to Notre-Dame-des-Landes, where the ZAD, Zone à Défendre, is located. The resistance in Testet has also been called a ZAD, and solidarity between the two areas has been very strong.)
In spite of the daily propaganda since Rémi's death and the siege by police, three or four thousand demonstrators heroically gathered (in Nantes) to protest against police violence and the murder of Rémi in Testet. The city is locked down by police with a helicopter above, roadblocks downtown and several checkpoints. A group managed to gather in front of the Nantes prefecture, at the meet-up site.
The gathering is dynamic, young and aggressive. It sets off, shouting,
“The police kill, Nantes stand up!”
Read the full article HERE: 

Photos HERE:

More Information HERE:

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The Monster TTIP, Still Lives.

    It is still there lurking in the murky shadows of the marble halls of power, the monster that is TTIP, but the voices of anger are rising. Let's raise our whisper to a roar.

This from World Development Movement:
       People power is working! After months of protests across Europe the EU is wavering on the EU-US trade deal (TTIP). Leading representatives including the newly appointed EU president Jean-Claude Juncker have hinted that ISDS could be removed from TTIP.
This is a crucial moment to keep up the pressure on decision makers
    More than 750,000 people have already signed the European petition to stop TTIP. Our pressure on policy makers is working, but we need your support to make sure we defeat this undemocratic trade deal.
Help us reach 1 million voices against TTIP
      TTIP threatens to transfer power from elected governments to unaccountable corporations by giving big business a much bigger say in law-making. And if that wasn’t bad enough TTIP could also undermine some of our most precious rights and regulation to protect our environment, workers and food safety.
Add your voice to the protest against undemocratic trade deals like TTIP
      Together we can defeat TTIP and fight for a fair trade system.
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Saturday 1 November 2014

You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet.


        I have always stated that the "austerity" policy has nothing to do with "balancing the books", "debt reduction" or the "financial crisis", it's all about creating sweatshop conditions here in the West, so that our imperialist masters can compete with their rivals in the East. Austerity will be a permanent feature of our future society, it is all ideology, and we are mere units in their productivity plan, units that they can manipulate to reduce the cost. It is unbelievable that vast swaths of people still think that Oxbridge millionaires are the best people to look after the welfare of the poor. That people who grow their wealth and power by investing in large corporations, will in some way help the poor to better wages and conditions, it's an absurd line of thought, our interests are in opposition to their interests. 

      The system is controlled by corporate wealth, with one aim, to grow corporate wealth, and you and I, with our demand for a decent life, stand in the way. No matter what hardship you may think you have been hit by, because of this ideology, you ain't seen nothin' yet, think Greece. The average salary in Greece is now down to £17,000 per annum, that was their first experiment, and it worked, now to roll it out across Europe.

      An extract from an excellent article in The Guardian:
--------Now add in these: disability living allowance starts converting into personal independence payment with a target to remove 500,000 people in new Atos medical tests. The Guardian has revealed how jobcentre staff are under orders to find any sanction to knock people off benefits. New obstacles are strewn in their path: people must apply for their benefits online from computers they don't possess; many of these claimants are semi-literate. When in dire straits, there will be no more crisis loans, only a card for buying food, with not a penny for bus fares. Trussell Trust food banks expect a great surge of the hungry, so they ask everyone to donate the price of an Easter egg.
     Here is the final wicked twist: legal aid has been removed for advice on benefits, housing, divorce, debt, education and employment. On Monday the budget of Citizens Advice for such cases falls from £22m to £3m. The few emergency cases still covered – families facing instant eviction – can only use a phone service, not face-to-face legal help. Law centres will close. There will be no help on school exclusions, landlord or employer harassment, or failure to pay wages.--------
Read the full article HERE: 

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Thursday 30 October 2014

Culpable Homicide.

      Culpable homicide  is a specific offence in various jurisdictions within the Commonwealth of Nations which involves the illegal killing of a person either with or without an intention to kill depending upon how a particular jurisdiction has defined the offence. Unusually for those legal systems which have originated or been influenced during rule by the United Kingdom, the name of the offence associates with Scots law rather than English law.

    Involuntary manslaughter: Involuntary manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice aforethought, either express or implied. It is distinguished from voluntary manslaughter by the absence of intention. It is normally divided into two categories; constructive manslaughter and criminally negligent manslaughter, both of which involve criminal liability.

      By their actions people have died, which of the categories applies to our government?

From the Mirror:

      A grandad who had just found out his benefits were being stopped shot himself dead – after telling friends he was “unable to cope”.
Shaun Pilkington, 58, was sent a letter saying he was to lose his ­Employment and Support ­Allowance, which he got after a long-term illness.
He was told he would have to be reassessed and needed to prove he was eligible. But as the hearing approached, friends said Shaun, a licensed gamekeeper, became discouraged.
Days later he called police and said he was about to kill himself. They found him dead at his flat.-----
      -------Shaun’s estranged family was too upset to talk. He joins a growing list of people who have taken their lives since the Tory-led Coalition employed private firm Atos to reassess thousands of people on long-term benefits.
Blind Tim Salter, 53, of Kinver, Staffordshire, died after being deemed fit to work. A coroner ruled the move to axe his benefit had contributed to his suicide.
Edward Jacques, 47, of Sneinton, Nottingham, took a fatal overdose after his benefit payments were stopped.
Jobless Richard ­Sanderson, 44, of ­Southfields, south-west London, stabbed himself in the heart. Unemployed electrician Lee Robinson, 39, of Crawley, Sussex, also took his own life.
      It is a fact that thousands people have died after being assessed and told they are fit for work, some put the figure at 32 a week. I consider it reasonable to say that in a very high proportion of these deaths, pressure from the government was the prime cause of death. When do we hold them accountable, when will those responsible be brought to justice? Rich pampered parasites sitting at there desks, making decisions that will at best cause distress, at worst death, and continue this over a long period of time, well aware of what is happening to thousands of vulnerable people. They don't belong in our world, but they make the decisions that shatter the lives of our friends and neighbours. Cocooned in their marble halls, they feed and grow fat on the blood of the people. The cesspool of unfeeling parasites has to be destroyed.

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Wednesday 29 October 2014

Rich Country, Poor Pensions.

       Every time one of our pampered privileged millionaire parasites that frequent the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, stick their face in front of a TV camera or a reporters microphone, they spout the same shit about how they fixed the economy. We are told to be grateful, our economy is growing, while the rest of Europe is suffering.
      While Chief Executives rub their sweaty hands as the cash pours into their safe haven, tax dodging , off-shore bank accounts, you and I would search high and low for signs of that “fixed economy” or results from the “growing economy”. While our privileged plunderers tell us how well we are doing, we should have a look at all those struggle countries in Europe. A little look at pensions will indicate how we compare, after all how we treat our elderly is some indication of what type of society we

Fuel poverty kills more people than road accidents in UK.

     These figures are the latest for 2013 and make very interesting reading, especially to us, in the “fixed economy” and the "best growth” in Europe.
Country.      Pension.    Average Earnings.
Spain              £26,366             £23,491
Germany        £26,366              £29,366
Sweden           £25,155              £37,014
France            £15,811              £29,817
Denmark         £11,381             £45,661
Netherlands     £10.981            £35,627
Ireland             £10,415            £41,863
UK                £7,488           £31,413
Greece              £3,756              £17,772
     Actually the UK pension is not yet £7,488, that is the projected figure for 2016, at the moment is nearer £5,500.That puts almost on par with Greece and its economy has been decimated by the ravaging and plundering of the financial Mafia.
       The UK is the tenth richest country in the world by GDP, and the third richest in Europe, yet we languish at the bottom when it comes to the welfare of our elderly. These figures are just one, of the many pointers, to the vast divide in this country between rich and poor. The UK is a true capitalist country, work all your life for carp wages and get a crap pension when you retire. Except of course, if you belong in the echelons of the pampered parasites who at present, hold the levers of power. It is indeed a class society, and it is at war.
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Grief And Hate.

     After the recent killings of two soldiers in Canada, it's own version of the babbling brook of bullshit, its mainstream media, has gone into overdrive with the usual, "We need more surveillance", "what extra powers do the police need", "What laws do we need to change, to get these people sooner" It is the usual and predictable ranting that we get here, whenever there is any violence, suspected or otherwise, by anybody who can be labelled a Muslim.

     However, sadly in Canada the population seem to be falling for the propaganda, and are on the streets calling for these types of actions. This not so subtle, rendering of grief for the victim, then moving on to hatred of a group which the perpetrator can be linked, is brutal, dangerous, and intended state propaganda. It is garnering support for tighter control over the people. Teaching hate and fear of the manufactured enemy abroad, and the imaginary enemy at home, attempting to create in the minds of the people, a desire for a stronger state, and should be resisted at all times.

An extract from a recent article in Anarchist News:
     -----The media is incessantly asking what could draw good Canadian youths to Daesh's ideology. But one could just as well ask what drew the young soldier killed in Ottawa to take up arms in defense of a genocidal, imperialist nation state. Interviews with his family show that he loved the military since he was a child, it just seemed to be in his blood they say. As despicable as it is to claim that any child is born to follow orders to kill and die, Canada is using the same kinds of narratives as Daesh to attract the same directionless, war-fetishizing young men to its cause.
      The grain of truth in the Canadian propaganda is that people in Canada enjoy many social freedoms. The historical narrative is of brave explorers befriending natives (who then somehow disappeared) and who through their work and dedication, opened up the country from sea to sea to sea, and developed an enlightened nation while avoiding the excesses of the United States. The authoritarian project looks different here – it's a trade of complicity for privilege, including the privilege to not be bothered by political matters. In times of crisis though, more is asked of us to stay on the state's good side.-----
Well worth reading the full article HERE:

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Tuesday 28 October 2014

Protester Killed In France.

       According to a report on Contra Info, a protester was killed by the authorities in France, at a protest against a new dam being built on wetlands.

     According to a statement from squatters in the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes, during the night between Saturday and Sunday the 26th of October 2014 a protester named Remi was killed in clashes that broke out after a rally against the construction of a dam along the Sivens forest in the wetland of Testet in the Tarn department (southern France).
      Around 7000 people gathered in the ZAD (zone to be defended) of Testet, after months of police attacks and destruction of the wetland and habitations of those who defend the area. In the late evening and overnight, dozens of people attacked the forces of order that were protecting the dam construction site. Activists expressed their anger trying to delay the resumption of works, originally scheduled for Monday the 27th of October.
      The cops fired rubber bullets (known as flash-balls), distraction devices such as stun hand grenades and fragmentation grenades, and tear gases. According to testimonies of protesters from the Testet wetland area, Remi must have collapsed after being hit with a grenade; then his body was reportedly taken by the repressive forces.
Prefectural authorities stated they did not want to comment on the matter before the official autopsy was made public on Monday. The government has already begun to stigmatize the protesters, in addition to trying to divide them in order to cover up what happened. But they know very well that, whatever they do, this death will have explosive consequences.

        Calls against state violence and updates on planned actions in Nantes and elsewhere at: &

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Housing And Glasgow.

      An important date, mark your diary, an event organised by Glasgow Games Monitor 2014.

Glasgow City Council's treatment of the people of Glasgow.


11.00am – 4.00pm (10.45 for 11.00
start), November 1st, Kinning Park Complex
      The housing monster’s voracious appetite for land and rent has pushed the cost of living to breaking point. In Glasgow, public housing has been eradicated since stock transfer in 2003. Rents in the ‘social housing’ sector inexorably move closer to private-market levels. Mortgage rates continue to rise disproportionately to people’s income, and housing is the staple ingredient of the debt-based economy. Yet ‘the housing question’ seems strangely absent from current debates. This event places housing at the front of the agenda, creating a forum for debate, discussion, and resistance.
       The day will comprise three films on housing which will be used to prompt discussion about the current state of housing in the UK, and Scotland more specifically. In the morning we will discuss the current (miserable) state of housing across tenures and in the afternoon we will discuss the forms of organisation around housing that might be possible or desirable in the current era.
      We want to engage with a range of different groups. Not with the intention of generating a false unity, but with the hope that we can learn from each others’ struggles through discussion and find ways to challenge the housing monster in the present and future. It is our contention that these struggles will have to be undertaken at a range of different levels and that a plurality of struggles, both defensive and offensive, is welcome and necessary. All those with similar interests are warmly invited.
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Protest Mexican Government's Brutality.

      Recently I posted on the disappeared 43 students and teachers who were abducted on September 26, in Mexico, Since then the anger of the people has reached boiling point and they are calling on the solidarity of ordinary people across the world to stand with them. They are asking for a series of mass protests outside Mexican embassies, consulates and other government offices.

Stand with Mexico: Organize in Solidarity with the Disappeared Mexican Student Activists and their Families
       The Mexican state and organized crime are collaborating, and the US-supported “War on Drugs” is in reality political violence. A series of massacres and targeted assassinations, as well as the incarceration of political activists, is unmasking the true nature of the authoritarian murderous system. Tens of thousands have been murdered and disappeared since 2006. The case of 43 student activists, who were disappeared last month by the Mexican police, is bringing the outrage in Mexico to a boiling point, and has created a deep political crisis. The families of the 43 have are asking us to put pressure on the Mexican government. Organize or join protests at a Mexican consulate near you, click here to send an online message to officials in Mexican consulates, and spread the word in your community (print and post the "greatly MISSED" posters below). Students in Mexico are preparing for a National Popular Assembly to coordinate their actions.
Mobilize your community for the November Vigil:
Poster Project: Make the Resistance Visible
Show the names, faces and stories of the 43 students who were disappeared by the Mexican police in your community

Poster Project: Make the Resistance Visible
Show the names, faces and stories of the 43 students who were disappeared by the Mexican police in your community

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Monday 27 October 2014

Remember The Odessa Massacre.

 From The International Action Centre:

  PLEASE POST WIDELY!       Facebook Twitter Addthis

 Neo-Nazi assault on Odessa House of Trade Unions, May 2, 2014


 Ukraine military attack on Donetsk chemical factory, October 20.

Anti-war alert!
     Oct. 23 - Officials of the independent Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, formerly part of southeastern Ukraine, report that the U.S.-backed coup regime in Kiev is preparing a new military offensive against them in violation of the Sept. 5 Minsk ceasefire accords.
     The Ukrainian military has violated the ceasefire every day since it was signed. Ukraine continues to target civilians daily in the capital city of Donetsk. On October 20, Ukrainian forces unleashed missiles in a brazen attack on a chemical factory there.
     This dangerous escalation takes place in the context of two important election dates: Ukrainian parliamentary elections scheduled for Sunday, October 26, and elections for prime minister and parliament in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics on Sunday, November 2.
       The United Nations reports that conservatively more than 5,000 people have been killed in 7 months of civil war. Others estimate 10,000 civilian deaths, continuing at eight per day since the one-sided ceasefire began.
     On October 21, Human Rights Watch charged that Ukraine’s military has used banned cluster bombs. Use of illegal white phosphorous and chlorine weapons has also been reported.
      Washington continues its bipartisan support of the Kiev junta, composed of wealthy Ukrainian oligarchs, pro-Western neoliberal politicians, and open fascists. The U.S. has provided billions of dollars in direct aid to this regime, as well as facilitating a massive IMF bailout package, while cutting food assistance and other vital social programs at home. It has also provided weapons and military assistance to Ukraine through NATO members like Poland and Canada.
      In the U.S., the Obama administration, Congress and the media continue to brazenly lie about the situation in southeast Ukraine, blaming Russia’s government for the upheaval that Washington helped to engineer to further its goal of NATO expansion. The U.S. continues to impose sanctions, carry out provocative military maneuvers, and affect a dangerous war posture toward Russia.
      We urge activists to be on alert for a new Ukrainian military offensive against independent Donetsk and Lugansk, as well as against the resistance in junta-occupied southeastern Ukraine. 

Odessa Massacre Memorial
Be prepared to take to the streets to demand:

Stop the war against the people of Donetsk and Lugansk!

Stop the media cover-up of Ukrainian war crimes!

U.S./NATO out now!
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Sunday 26 October 2014

Remember Gezi Park?

        Remember Gezi Park protests in Turkey, if you do it will be thanks to our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media. Well, despite the silence from those meant to inform, and the brutal repression from the regime, the protests go on and have moved forward. Turkey has not seen many peaceful days since Gezi Park, squats and workers control have been growing, people are resisting the privatisation of public spaces, and the regimes covert support of ISIS has brought more protests on to the streets. There is also a growing awareness by the people, that Turkey is an economic bubble about to burst. Under the glitzy veneer of skyscrapers, opulent shopping malls and an avalanche of "must have" labels, anger is growing, and not just in Turkey, but across the whole of the creaking capitalist edifice. As the gap between rich and poor grows, so does the anger. Can the day of reckoning be far off?

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