Friday 15 July 2011


      As we here in the West struggle with the repression and exploitation inflicted on us by corporate capitalism, let's not forget those in the developing world who suffer  far more harsh exploitation and a far more brutal repression, sometimes even death for doing what we do,  fight for a better life. This brutality takes place on a daily basis across countless countries, below is just one more of this sickening onslaught against ordinary people, another case of brutal repression to safeguard the wealth and power of that toxic, festering marriage of state and corporate capitalism.

       Basile Mahan Gahé, general secretary of the national trade union center Dignité (whose food and hotel section is affiliated to the IUF) has been transferred from detention in Abidjan to a prison in Boundiali, where he is reportedly only given one meal a day. The trade union leader was kidnapped from his Abidjan home on May 26 and held without charges. Amnesty International believes it has credible reports that he was tortured, particularly in the early days of his detention.

       On June 2, he was visited by an ILO mission which included Mody Guiro, ITUC African regional president/ITUC vice-president. For the mission, Gahé was transferred from his police cell to the Hotel Pergola (transformed into a detention center). The mission over, the prosecutor brought charges - reportedly involving sedition and armed action against the state. - and had him transferred on July 9 to the remote location in the northeast.
We all need a hand.
      Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara has repeatedly called for national reconciliation - yet a trade union leader is being illegally held without charges. All of the country's trade union organizations, other national and international trade union organizations have called for his release. Amnesty International considers him a prisoner at risk of torture.

       Act now! - click here to send a message to President Ouattara (with copies to Ivory Coast embassies in France and Belgium) calling for the immediate and unconditional release of Basile Mahan Gahé.

Ron Oswald.
General Secretary, IUF.
International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF)

8, rampe du Pont-Rouge
1213 Petit Lancy, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 793 22 33
Fax: +41 22 793 22 38

ann arky's home.

Thursday 14 July 2011


       Here in the West we tend to take trade union activity for granted. Agreed we do get hassle in many forms but we never expect to be murdered because our trade union activity. However, the same corporate capitalist system that exists here works hand in glove with violence across the globe. In most developing countries you can and do, face threats, intimidation, beatings and death, simply for standing up for your human rights.Today, in the 21 century, ordinary working people are being murder because the want a decent standard of living, that's corporate capitalism and the state working hand in hand, it is corporate fascism.

       This is an appeal from Labour Start.

Guatemala: End the murders of human rights defenders

        Idar Joel Hernandez Godoy, treasurer of the central executive committee of SITRABI, the banana workers union, was gunned down in cold blood on May 26, less than two months after the murder of another of his comrades, Oscar González Vázquez. SITRABI is calling for international solidarity as they demand justice. Guatemala is now sadly the second most dangerous country in the world in which to be a trade unionist. (Colombia is the first.) According to the latest annual survey of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), 10 trade union activists were killed in Guatemala in 2010 and 10 further killings have been reported so far in 2011. Learn more and send off your message here:

Thank you!

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 12 July 2011


         As the Murdoch Mafia sewer continues to spew out its toxic dogshit we start to get a better picture of how our political system works. It would seem that the necessary constituents for our “democracy” to function are bent cops that sell information to journalists, reporters that bribe police, officials and hack into phones and computers. The final part of this morally defunct system is the fawning politicians, eager to get into bed with and prostrate themselves before a greed driven media mogul who sits at the top of this pile of shit. He sets the political agenda, his scumbag media Mafia exerts the pressure and the subservient politicians push it through for fear of being out of favour with the mighty mogul and being forced of the gravy train.

       This then is British “representative democracy” a cesspool of duplicitous, greedy arrogant individuals hell bent on seeing to their own ends and screwing the public for all they are worth. Where in all this charade is there anything that is for the benefit of the ordinary people? Where are the benefits for all those who daily grind out an existence, the ones that create all the wealth and carry out all the services in our society? What has this bunch of low-life ever done other than gather up their millions and grasp at power for the own ends. Who needs them? Who wants them? The power they have over us is simple our refusal to use the power we hold ourselves. We are governed by consent, it is about time we withdrew that consent and used our power to create a world that will see to the needs of all our people. As system freed from the profit motive based on mutual aid, sustainability and mutual respect.

Monday 11 July 2011


       This is the back and final page of The Teapot Collective Introduction to Anarchy. You can read page 14 HERE.

The Anarchist teapot.

      The Anarchist Teapot has to date (December98) moved through eight buildings in Brighton and two in Worthing, born out of the idea “to have free minds, we must have free tea”. The squatting of disused buildings created autonomous spaces, where we could give tea and food freely without giving ourselves wages or making profits, and encourage communication and organisation. We've also taken the “kitchen” to actions and events around the country, and bookstalls to car boot sales and gigs.
      These are, as we feel, a few of the small things we can do to create anarchy.

Suggested for further reading  (there's lots of interesting stuff in our reading room too!)
Spectacular Times, series of cheap booklets A Distribution, 84b Whitechapel High street, London E1.
Anarchy a graphic Guide, by Clifford Harper, 9the pics and some of the text in this leaflet are stolen from this), Camden Press £4:95.
The Revolution of Everyday Life, by Raoul Vanigen, Rebel Press, £7:95.

Check out the Public House Bookshop, 31 Little Preston Street in Brighton, to the extensive catalogue from AK Distribution, PO Box 12766, Edinburgh EH8 9YE

Or see our bookstall, somewhere near you (maybe)!

      “We are not in the least afraid of ruins. We are going to inherit the Earth. There is not the slightest doubt about that. The ruling class might blast and run its own world before it leaves the stage of history. We carry a new world here in our hearts. That world is growing this minute.”
Buenaventura Durruti, Spain 1936.
      I hope you have found the Teapot Collective's little booklet both enjoyable and informative, though a lot of the above information may be out of date as it has just been copied straight from the wee booklet printed in 1998.
ann arky's home.

Saturday 9 July 2011


  The following is taken from Voices for the Libraries.

        There’s an awful lot of information floating around about library campaigns and closures, and we know not everyone has the time to get to grips with it all! Here’s our quick intro to the current UK public library situation – in a 2 minute and a -10 minute version, to suit busy lifestyles.

We also have both available to download as flyers: VftL 2 min guide, VftL 10 min guide

The 2 minute guide to library campaigns:

1.   Over 10 % of UK Public Libraries are under threat.
2.   Councils have a legal obligation to provide libraries – and they aren’t allowed to charge for book loans.
3.   If you’re worried about libraries in your area, contact your councillor and MP.
4.   You could also set up a campaign or a ‘friends of’ group – Facebook or a blog is a great way to do this.
5.   Want to know more? See

The 10 minute guide to library campaigns:

1.  Over 10 % of UK libraries are currently under threat – over 500 out of a total UK public library provision of just over 4500
2.  Library closures and cutbacks are determined by the local authority, but may be influenced by spending/funding restrictions imposed on them by central government.
3.  The duty of a local council to provide a ”comprehensive and efficient library service” is a legal obligation under the 1964 Public Libraries and Museums Act. The Act also prohibits charging for book loans.
4.  Some councils are suggesting that library services can be run by volunteers. This takes no account of the professional and ethical standards to which professional librarians must adhere, including data protection.
5.  Contact your local councillor if your library service is under threat, to show your support and let them know about why libraries are important. Many councillors don’t know about what libraries do and why they’re vital services.You can also write to your MP.
6.  If you need more information about libraries in your area, a Freedom of Information request can get you real data and statistics. You can find out more about FoI and make requests here:
7.  Many library supporters are forming local groups to protest cutbacks and closures. These often use Facebook or other social media as a central point for their campaign.See Save Doncaster Libraries and Save Somerset Libraries for examples.
8.  If you would like to start a petition, check your local council’s regulations about how many signatures are needed for the petition to be discussed in Council and other requirements for the petition to be valid. Councils are now also required by law to provide an online petition function; check the council website for details. A read-in can be an effective, peaceful protest. See here for information about how to set one up.
9.  Your local librarians may be prohibited by the council from campaigning themselves – don’t expect them to be able to start a campaign group. Also, because libraries are council property, they are not allowed to house a petition about council-related issues. You are allowed to petition outside libraries though!
10. Spread the word! The more people who know about proposed library cuts, the more chance we have of a fair, balanced review of provision. Good places to campaign are supermarkets, sports venues, community centres, and often schools are keen to help.

ann arky's home.


         A little explanation of how the system works, it is over an hour long but well worth staying with it, it is very informative and well made. Settle down with a cup of coffee and enjoy,

ann arky's home.

Friday 8 July 2011


     This is an appeal through Amnesty International, it is an appeal from one human being to another, deportation should not mean death. Migration is not a crime, the system we live under means that on occasions migration is the only way to survive. Nor should you be punished for trying to seek a better life for you and your family under what is a very brutal and exploitive system, corporate capitalism.

     Last October, my husband Jimmy Mubenga was put on a plane accompanied by three private security guards to be forcibly removed from the UK. We had lived in the UK for 16 years and our five children were born here.
      Jimmy died during the removal process. I found out that his death was probably due to the dangerous and abusive techniques used to restrain him. Before he died, witnesses on the plane heard Jimmy cry out that the guards were going to kill him. No one should die like this. Please stop it from happening again

      The guards are under investigation for alleged manslaughter and are currently on bail. I am left struggling to bring up our five children without a father.
      I would not want anyone to have to go through what our family is suffering. Yet there have been many other reports of people being injured while being removed from the UK. If nothing is done it is only a matter of time before there is another death.

      To prevent this, I ask that you write to Home Secretary Theresa May urging her to make the system more humane. This must include proper training of staff carrying out removals, independent monitoring, and making private companies more accountable.

Please take this action in memory of my husband, Jimmy Mubenga.

Thank you,
Adrienne Makenda Kambana  (Jimmy Mubenga's widow)
ann arky's home.

Thursday 7 July 2011



  This little video is just one example of how Western representative democracy applies austerity cuts to its electorate. An example of how your representatives respond to your wishes, remember, you elected them to do your bidding!!!

ann arky's home.


        There are those who say that the Monarch rules Britain, a constitutional Monarch, but she has to put her seal on parliament's work. Others say we are a representative democracy. We elect our representatives and they do our bidding. Well we have a monarch, that's for sure, our vomit media makes sure we are spewed over with stories of her, her family, all their side-kicks and their antics that we fund. As for a representative democracy, well they are certainly elected by a section of the public, though not all my any means, but do they represent us? The recent slashing of all social spending and selling off of all our public assets, against the loudly expressed wishes of that same public, lays the lie of it being a representative democracy. Just who are they representing?
         So who does runs Britain? Recent events are beginning to make that very clear indeed. The News of The World hacking episode with the alleged payments to police officers for information, the spectacle of all the political parties fawning at the feet of a newspaper empire, for fear of it destroying their reputation and their seat on the gravy-train, makes it obvious who sets the menu on the political table.
         It is obvious that if we are to answer honestly, who runs Britain, we have to say, a bunch of greedy morally depraved reporters, bent cops, a cabal of self-centred, power hungry, arrogant millionaire politicians and a greedy media mogul. What is more important is for whose benefit are they running the country? You'd be an idiot if you said, the people of Britain.
By John Hartfield.

       With three wars running, our social services being decimated, our health and education being privatised, unemployment rising and all our public assets being sold for a song to the corporate world, it is simple to work out for whose benefit they are running the country. Of course that could change, it all depends on the people.
ann arky's home.



Rebel rebel break the rule,
What does it matter that a “wise” man sees a fool.
Not for you the herd’s dull beat
Making tomorrow, yesterday’s repeat,
Living out the life of a clone
Marching with the crowd but always alone.
Shaping your life from some dusty tome
Playing it safe, staying at home.

Rebel rebel break the rule
Swim in the sea, never the pool.
Live your emotions, feel the surge
Follow your dreams, chase the urge.
Make life though short, an exciting game
Not a mad march for fortune or fame.
Capture the moment, live it now
Being alive your only vow.

Rebel rebel break the rule
In the end, you’re humanity’s jewel.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 5 July 2011


   This world is built on debt, every country is more or less obliged to borrow, then when their debt is too big for them to handle they sell their debt. Then the countries that buy the debt have too much debt they sell the debt, eventually every country is carrying too much debt and they scurry around for somebody else to buy their debt, but nobody can, well except the Joe public, the tax payer. so they, have to pay for the debt with "austerity cuts", translated that means slashing their standard of living, throwing millions on the dole destroying all social services and selling off all public assets, so that the insane mery-go-round can start up again and the banks and bond markets don't lose their greed gotten gains.

ann arky's home.


     Early morning contract cleaners hired by the City of London at Guildhall have staged a two day strike in protest at unpaid wages. The 34 cleaners only get the minimum wage, but even then cleaning contractor Ocean has underpaid many of them continuously over the last 3 months, despite asking them to work extra hours.

     Their patience ran out on Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 June, when those still unpaid refused to lift a finger until the company gave them assurances they would be paid. Their other workmates agreed to stay put with them in the reception area in solidarity for the duration of their two hour shift. The situation is now on a knife edge, with the company issuing some ‘amended’ payslips, and promising that the rest of the shortfall will be made good this week and in next month’s pay packet.

     The workers, who hail from many different countries, are meanwhile presenting a collective grievance and have vowed to protest if the company fails to come up with the goods.
They belong to the IWW’s 640 (Cleaners and Allied Trades) branch. The last visible protest movements by City cleaners were at UBS's Liverpool Street offices in 2010 and the Willis Building in 2009.

Sent by: IWW 640 (Cleaners and Allied Trades branch)

       This is the UK, you would think that our millionaire PM and his millionaire cabal with their "Big Society" would step in and tell the employer that "we are all in this together", that'll be the day. I have no doubt that the employers board of directors will be on Champagne drinking terms with our millionaire public school thugs who are in charge of The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption. Our media are not slow to run an article about slave labour and unpaid workers in developing countries, adding the usual "tut-tut, those foreigners" but are not so keen in pointing out blatant exploitation right here at the heart of their stinking system of capitalism. 

Monday 4 July 2011


Wednesday 6th July   7:30-1030 pm.

        Greece is currently at the centre of a pan-European struggle against austerity and cuts. As the IMF and their puppets in the PASOK government attempt to force through further austerity measures - amid huge protests, riots and occupations - while the future of the Euro and the global capitalist economy hang in the balance, here at the Hetherington we'll be having a night of food, films and solidarity with the Greek resistance.

Film showings:

- THE POTENTIALITY OF STORMING HEAVEN: a half hour documentary on the youth insurrection in December 2008.

- DEBTOCRACY: made this year, a documentary which examines the current financial situation in Greece, and looks at possible solutions.

Followed by a discussion, and we'll be having Greek food from the Free Hetherington kitchen too!

        How far are you prepared to go along he road of the surveillance society? Some time ago I posted an article on grooming our  kids to accept a surveillance society. Since then nothing has been done to reverse that trend. Government after government increases or re-enforces that surveillance and it is still accepted that it has that right to monitor and control our every movement, all "for our own good" of course.
       This short video shows just how far they can and will go unless we the people tell them to FU** OFF and take control of our own lives and protect our kids from their menacing interference.

ann anrky's home.

Thursday 30 June 2011


       Next up is page 14 of the Teapot Collective Introduction to Anarchy, This is the last page, the next part is about the Teapot Collective and some suggested further reading. You can read page 13 HERE.

By the hundreds of thousands peasants organised in the MST ("Movement of the Landless") in Brazil are squatting land to live and work collectively. In the LA riots a few years ago, the poor revolted, looting and making their communities no-go areas for the authorities. In 1994, theZapatistas liberated many villages in Chiapas, Mexico, and their struggle against free trade agreements which had disasterous effects on the large peasant population has become international with the Encuentros, gatherings of groups and individuals from all over the world fighting corporate powers.

       But anarchy is also about small-scale resistance, about individuals refusing standards, ignoring authority and joining up to improve their lives. Everyday, we can experiment with and learn ways of dealing with each other without leaders or domination, with mutual respect, building the world we want now - in our relationships, our interactions and our resistance.