Thursday 29 November 2012


       Quite often, from that babbling brook of bullshit, the media, we hear about the economic hardship being faced by people in Greece, Spain and even now and again hints of what is happening here. Seldom are we told of the misery and deprivation in America. After all, it is the world's biggest economy, the pinnacle of corporate capitalism, so things must be better there, right? Well not quite, a recent Reuters report states that due to the “sub-prime mortgage crisis” (corporate greed) and the stratospheric rise in foreclosures of owner occupier houses, there is now a record number of vacant homes in that land of freedom and opportunity. It seems that the number of vacant homes in America now numbers more than 18.6 million, and according to the national Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, there are 3.5 million homeless people in America. So, that should mean that the homeless problem is solved, each homeless person now has more than 5 homes from which to make a choice of that basic right, a roof over your head!!! Of course it won't happen, so it is obvious that in that land of plenty, the the capital of corporate capitalism, the system is just as screwed up as any other capitalist country. Another little fact from the land of opportunity, there is no other city in the developed world with a greater divide between rich and poor than New York. The bottom 20% of its citizens get by with less than $10,000 a year, you can guess what the top 20% have to struggle by with in glitzy New York, New York??

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Tuesday 27 November 2012


      Open access? Should that not apply to all knowledge? Well it would in a free really democratic system, which at the moment is still just a dream, but we will get there.

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       What the babbling brook of bullshit, the media, put out about Germany is about its "wonderful" economic success, how it is the bank manger of the Euro, the powerhouse of Europe, etc.. What they never mention is the fascist attacks and the complicity of the state in trying to cover these up. Nor do they report the strength of the anti-fascist resistance. One such attack by fascists took place on 21 November 1992 and resulted in the death of one Silvio Meier, the police cover up and false evidence eventually collapsed and there was an "investigation". Since then November 21 has become an annual event and a rallying of anti-fascists. This year in Berlin 6,000 took part in the march and demonstration marking the 20th. anniversary of Silvio's murder.

This from ContraInfo:
    Anti-authoritarian Silvio Meier was stabbed to death by neo-Nazi scum on November 21st, 1992 at the Samariterstraße metro station in Berlin.
     The State tried to water down the murder, presenting it as if it were a common bar brawl among youths. Furthermore, the German police and the mainstream media spread lies based on false statements by the neo-Nazis, who claimed that Silvio attacked them first with a knife, and they allegedly stabbed him in self-defense. Initially Silvio’s three companions, who survived the attack, faced charges and were questioned by cops even while in hospital (two of them suffered serious injuries). The police attempted to hold them responsible for the death of their own friend.*
Continue READING:

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Monday 26 November 2012


       It is fracking out of order!! Tar sands oil, and fracking gas, probably two of the most environmentally devastating process the corporate greed machine has come up with. What is more they are both backed up by a massive PR campaign to paint them people friendly, just as they told us tobacco wasn't harmful.

This from Artists against Fracking:
Why is fracking dangerous?
     Aquifer. To drill down to the shale, one must drill through the aquifer. These drills are known to leak and sometimes even explode, releasing chemicals into this precious source of water.
   Chemicals. The 2011 U.S. House of Representatives investigative report states that out of 2,500 hydraulic fracturing products, more than 650 contain chemicals that are known carcinogens. One would think that the Safe Drinking Water Act – a Federal law – would make such willful contamination illegal, but it is not being applied to Fracking.
    Also, most of these chemicals are not biodegradable. Once they are introduced to the aquifer, they will remain there forever.
Wastewater. Each gas well requires 1-8 million gallons of fresh water. The used water is one of the most hazardous wastes in the U.S., containing carcinogenic Fracking chemicals,remnant oil and hydrocarbons, biocides, as well as naturally occurring radioactive materials, like radon, which is heavier than air and sinks into the communities where people work and live.
      Air Pollution. There are air emissions associated with Fracking, which include methane leaks originating from wells, as well as emissions from the diesel or natural gas-powered equipment such as compressors, drilling rigs, pumps etc..

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Sunday 25 November 2012


     Not a new article, but still very interesting and relevant. It also makes the connection between workfare and the governments plans for expanding the the prison population by "tough" on crime, "tougher" sentencing. After all a prison population is a captive, union free work population, and more and more companies are using prisons as cheap labour pots.
      Workfare isn’t just an austerity measure, it’s part of a longer term restructuring of the labour market. That makes it all the more important to kill it while we still can.
      Workfare has been kicking up a twitter-storm again lately. First with such joys as a permanent job stacking shelves on the Tesco night shift for your £67/week JSA, and unpaid ‘pre-employment training’ which is “mandatory; (...) Claimant informed consent is not required.” Then later it was announced that “disabled people face unlimited unpaid work or cuts in benefit.” This got me thinking. Workfare significantly pre-dates austerity. Labour introduced the New Deal in 1998 during the supposed ‘boom’ years, which was rebranded the Flexible New Deal in 2009. The idea was to ‘help’ people who’d been unemployed for more than 6 months back into work with ‘voluntary’ training and work placements. This went hand in hand with demonising the unemployed as work-shy scroungers – workfare was purportedly to get them back into work.
     In the world of workfare, ‘voluntary’ of course means ‘we’ll sanction you if you refuse’. And if your JSA is sanctioned, it can interrupt other claims such as for housing benefit and cause serious cash-flow problems for claimants. The LSE professor who devised the New Deal was made a Labour peer – Baron Layard – and loads of private sector firms (many with links to Labour) got on the gravy train as ‘providers’. Notionally, this was about ‘helping’ people back to work in a context of relatively full employment and economic growth. The whole thing merrily rolled along until the recession hit, when the scheme was revamped and continued to do exactly the same thing – mandatory unpaid work on pain of losing benefits. Bizarrely, the rhetoric demonising ‘scroungers’ has escalated in keeping with the ratio of jobseekers to jobs. As someone pithily put it on twitter, “JOBSEEKERS: Empirically, there are no jobs, but ideologically, we have potential full employment IF YOU WEREN'T SO LAZY.”
Read the full article HERE:

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       Another voice that our babbling brook of bullshit, the media, don't give much publicity to, if any, but it is there, and thankfully, it is getting louder.

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Saturday 24 November 2012


      Their class know it is all out war and act on it, when does our class accept that it is all out war and act on it?
When this country was at war in the 40s, Whitehall underwent a revolution. Normal rules were circumvented. Convention was thrown out. As one historian put it, everything was thrown at the overriding purpose of beating Hitler.
Well, this country is in the economic equivalent of war today - and we need the same spirit.
We need to forget about crossing every ‘t’ and dotting every ‘i’ and we need to throw everything we’ve got at winning in this global race.
     On the face of it, this is pretty odd. The economic war footing Britain actually had during the second world war involved a command economy, with a union general secretary becoming minister of labour. Neither of these things are likely to be what Cameron meant.
But the rhetoric of a war footing, and therefore the analogy that opponents of austerity are fifth columnists is likely to become more common. It is part of the ideological cover that is overlaying the most significant attack on working class living standards since WW2.
Read the full article HERE:

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Anybody want to add their comments?

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       In a world controlled by "the markets" what happens when "the markets" go crazy? What is likely to happen when a bunch of massively armed Zionist fanatics attack a bunch of heavily armed Islamic fanatics? The innocents stand to suffer immeasurably, that's the nature of the beast we have allowed to grow and allowed to control our world. Fantasy or future?

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       Most of the debate on the present capitalist system and its current problems, that we get on that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, is about how to modify the anomalies and glitches in the system. What is never on there radar is the fact that the system is inherently corrupt and beyond correction. All their debate and arguments seem to flow from the illusionary point of view that there was a time when capitalism was a fair and just system, and all we have to do is get back to those good old days and everything will be just fine. It never was a fair and just system, it never can be, it is based on someone useing others to get richer than them. It has nothing to do with providing a service, that may be, but not necessarily so, a bye product, but it is not the aim.

The biggest loophole is capitalism itself

      As austerity deepens, with spending cuts stretching into the far horizon, there is a renewed focus on the tax that corporations pay, or rather don’t pay. Some argue that if they paid their “fair share”, cuts in services like health and care would not be so severe.
    Others like Richard Murphy of Tax Research UK, go further, claiming that "if only more had been done to tackle rampant tax evasion, Europe would not be facing a crisis today." It’s an attractive – but ultimately misleading – theory that would seem to solve the problem of public finances and the economic crisis at a stroke.
     Tax avoidance by the major corporations is an obvious target, so much so that MPs last week called names like Starbucks and Amazon to explain themselves before the Commons public accounts committee.
Chancellor George Osborne has even dedicated some funding to allow Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs to chase the worst abusers and close loopholes. He even described tax evasion as “morally repugnant”. But it’s making no impact.
       While individuals and small firms are hounded by HMRC with some success, the major transnational corporations continue to run rings around the government, as the PAC found out.
Read the full article HERE:

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Friday 23 November 2012


      Noam Chomsky stated that onus of justification is on authority, if it can't be justified, then it has to be abolished. Of course there are others who have tried to justify the authority of the state and admitted that they can't.


     This essay on the foundations of the authority of the state marks a stage in the development of my concern with problems of political authority and moral autonomy. When I first became deeply interested in the subject, I was quite confident that I could find a satisfactory justification for the traditional democratic doctrine to which I rather unthinkingly gave my allegiance. Indeed, during my first year as a member of the Columbia University Philosophy Department, I taught a course on political philosophy in which I boldly announced that I would formulate and then solve the fundamental problem of political philosophy. I had no trouble formulating the problem- -- roughly speaking, how the moral autonomy of the individual can be made compatible with the legitimate authority of the state. I also had no trouble refuting a number of supposed solutions which had been put forward by various theorists of the democratic state. But midway through the semester, I was forced to go before my class, crestfallen and very embarrassed, to announce that I had failed to discover the grand solution.
     At first, as I struggled with this dilemma, I clung to the conviction that a solution lay just around the next con- ceptual corner. When I read papers on the subject to meetings at various universities, I was forced again and again to represent myself as searching for a theory which I simply could not find. Little by little, I began to shift the emphasis of my exposition. Finally -- whether from philosophical reflection, or simply from chagrin -- I came to the realization that I was really defending the negative rather than looking for the positive. My failure to find any theoretical justification for the authority of the state had convinced me that there was no justification. In short, I had become a philosophical anarchist.
Read the full essay HERE:

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       It is always good to hear somebody speak of Israel in terms that we don't usually hear on TV. I got some pleasure watching the expressions on the faces of the rest of the panel, that alone makes it worth watching. 

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Thursday 22 November 2012


How private is your private life?

I am writing to let you know what is happening with the Government’s Draft Communications Data Bill, also known as the Snoopers’ Charter.

The Government plans to instruct private companies to collect and store our ‘communications data’. That means records of emails, web activity, texts and phone calls – for the entire population. This amounts to mass, blanket surveillance - outsourced to the private sector.
Find out more about the Draft Communications Data Bill here

Your privacy is under threat

Your communications data can build up a very detailed picture of your life: who you have texted, emailed, skyped or phoned on any given day; where you were when the contact was made and for how long; which websites you have visited in the privacy of your own home; details of social media activity…and more.

We can stop the Snoopers’ Charter

Since we learned of the draft bill last year, we have submitted expert evidence to Parliament, secured public statements against the measures at all three main party conferences and encouraged thousands of Liberty members to write to their MPs or sign petitions.

This new law is being reviewed right now so we need your help urgently. We stopped this proposal under the last Government, and together we can stop it again.

Please visit to help us stop the Snoopers’ Charter.

Thank you for your support

Shami Chakrabarti

Director of Liberty

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Just a wee reminder, head down to Radisson on Saturday. 

Glasgow's Radical Independent Book-fair project...

...supporting small press publishers and independent producers...circulating radical reading materials and information...

SAT 24 NOV  from 10am till 5pm approx

Radisson Blu Hotel
1st Floor lobby
Argyle Street, Glasgow
next to (near to Central Station)

mini stall at
Radical Independence Conference

note although there is an entry charge for the Conference -
the RiB stall will be outside the main hall and therefore access to it is free.

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         Nice to see some self help happening in the wake of Sandy. If those who suffered from the power of Sandy, wait for the "proper" authorities to sort things out, their misery will drag on and on, but if they get together and sort it out themselves, things will start to happen.

Construction Materials Expropriated from Luxury Developments in Manhattan, Delivered to Victims of Sandy
NEW YORK, NY—Over the past two weeks, a group of concerned New Yorkers has been expropriating thousands of dollars worth of tools and materials from luxury residential developments across Manhattan and delivering them to neighborhoods devastated by Superstorm Sandy.
    The confiscated materials, some of them never even used, include: shovels, wheelbarrows, hand trucks, pry bars, tarps, buckets, hard bristle brooms, industrial rope, contractor trash bags, particulate masks, work lights, work gloves, flashlights, heat lamps, and gasoline.
    Liberated from their role in building multimillion-dollar pieds-à-terre for wealthy CEOs and Hollywood celebrities, these tools are now in the collective hands of some of the hardest-hit communities in the city where they are now being allocated and shared among the people who need them most. These expropriations will continue as long as the demand for them exists.
The targeted developments are being financed with over a billion dollars in bank loans plus untold millions in tax breaks from the city. All are slated to become high-end residential towers with apartments starting at upwards of $2 million, all no doubt with unparalleled views of the city—perhaps even all the way to its outer edges, where tens of thousands remain without power, heat, and hot water weeks after the storm. People continue to wait hours in line for blankets and batteries while the tools to improve their lives, the tools to help them literally dig themselves out from under the rubble, sit idle behind chained fences, safely tucked in beneath all-weather tarps or locked inside heated office trailers.
Read the full article HERE:

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Wednesday 21 November 2012


     Without condoning the blowing up of innocent people's homes from afar, but there is something of a mis-match here, what I would call a disproportionate response. If somebody throws a stone at your window, would you go and throw a hand-grenade through their window?

The damage done to a house by a Palestinian rocket fired at Israel.

The damage done to a house by an Israeli rocket fired at Gaza.

      Meanwhile the Western dignitaries sympathise with Israel and strongly condemn the Palestinians.
Photos from the BBC.

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      I keep going on about the worst is yet to come, and keep pointing to Greece stating that it is not the exception, it is the pattern of the future. All the crap from our millionaire suits in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, about reducing the deficit and increasing growth, is an attempt at a feel-good factor, it is an illusion. After two years of Millionaire Osborne's master plan of screw the poor and reduce the debt, it is obvious that it is now in complete disarray. The latest figures have shattered even the economic "experts" by the size of the increase in government borrowing. The only growth is in the number of firms going bust and the number just holding for the meantime. That babbling brook of bullshit, our mainstream media, still keep up the fantasy that Greece is the problem, if only we could sort that lot out, everything would be just right. Well, their stock and trade is bullshit, so what do you expect from them? Believe me, the worst is yet to come.
This from A World to Win:

'Zombie capitalism' more dead than alive

     You don’t have to listen too closely to hear the sound of factory gates slamming for the last time, and shutters rolling down over retail outlets. Consumer electrical chain Comet is just one amongst the many household names facing up to the consequences of the accelerating global contraction.
    Closing down sales are in progress across the country and thousands upon thousands of jobs are disappearing. Close to 2,000 of its former employees will be on the streets by the end of November.  
    Workers for iconic brands in every sector are under attack. Alongside Comet comes Hovis. Premier foods, owner of Hovis which it acquired in 2007 with the purchase of Rank Hovis McDougall is struggling with £1 billion of debt. The debt burden was much bigger until it was forced to sell Branston Pickle to the Japanese Mizkan group and Hartley’s jam to the marvellously-named US-based Hain Celestial.
     This summer’s extreme weather around the world devastated crops, driving wheat prices towards the stars, and pushing the cost of Premier’s bread beyond the reach of the Co-op which then cancelled its contract. 
Read the full article HERE:

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The latest from Circled A:

       Scott Crow is a community organizer, writer, strategist and speaker who advocates the philosophy and practices of anarchism for social, environmental, and economic aims. For almost two decades he has continued to use his experience and ideas in co-founding and co-organizing numerous radical grassroots projects in Texas, including Treasure City Thrift, Radical Encuentro Camp, UPROAR (United People Resisting Oppression and Racism), Dirty South Earth First! and the Common Ground Collective, the largest anarchist influenced organization in modern U.S. history to date. In addition to grassroots organizing, he has worked for regional and national organizations, including Greenpeace, Rainforest Action Network, Ruckus Society and A.C.O.R.N. With his partner, he produced the documentary film Angola 3: Black Panthers and the Last Slave Plantation. These political activities lead to him being labeled a “domestic terrorist” by the FBI beginning in the late 90s with investigations that continued for almost a decade.


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Tuesday 20 November 2012


       Once again, organisation and solidarity win the day, 9%. must be one of the best victories in a long while.

IWW Victory!

John Lewis Cleaners Win Pay Rise

      Monday 19 Novermber 2012 -- The industrial Workers of the World are proud to announce their victory in their latest John Lewis cleaners' campaign. On Friday 16 November, the IWW-unionised John Lewis cleaning staff employed by contractor Integrated Cleaning Management won a 9% pay rise as a result of their campaign.
     The outsourced cleaners work at four different John Lewis sites in London and are employed by cleaning contractor Integrated Cleaning Management (ICM). This announcement follows a previous press release on Monday 12 November, in which IWW lodged a fresh pay dispute on behalf the IWW unionised cleaners at John Lewis, and a further press release on Wednesday 14 November, in which the IWW announced our intention to ballot the John Lewis cleaning staff for industrial action. The attached campaign press release can be downloaded at the bottom of this article.


      Some of you young ones might not know of this giant of a man, here he is singing of another giant of a man. Paul Robeson, born April 9th. 1898, was the son of a former slave, won a scholarship to Rutgers University, a brilliant student and for a short term was a lawyer. Became politically active for civil rights and was involved in Council on African Affairs, (CCA). He was an incredible actor/singer and played Othello on Broadway, no one actor has ever given more performances in a Shakespearean play. He gave a concert in Spain during the Spanish Civil War. After WW2 the CCA was placed on the Attorney General's list of Subversive Organisations, this brought him to the attention of  the infamous McCarthy during the McCarthyism era.   
     He refused to recant his beliefs, was refused an international visa, and his income fell dramatically, After this he lived in Harlem and published a periodical that was critical of American policies. The case of Kent V. Dulles brought about the restoration of his right to travel, However soon after this his health deteriorated and he died in January 23rd. 1976.

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     Though it had a greater impact in America than here and no matter the outcome, I personally see the Occupy Movement as a great success. It took more people along that road of making the private public, politicised lots of people and created new networks of communication. It also altered the way lots of people view this society that we live in, opening their eyes to the inequalities and injustices, none of that can be bad. 

This from The Bureau of Public Secrets: 

Looking Back on Occupy

1. Your assessment of the Occupy movement was very positive. What is the overall perception you have of this movement today? What is left of Occupy?
       There is not much left of the Occupy movement as such — almost all the encampments were destroyed in November or December 2011 and virtually no new ones have emerged. On the other hand, the movement was in no way “defeated.” With few exceptions, the people arrested were quickly released and totally exonerated. The elimination of the encampments simply had the effect of forcing the participants onto other, more diverse terrains of struggle. Countless people all over the country continue to meet regularly, to network with each other and to carry out all sorts of actions — picketing banks, disrupting corporate board meetings, blocking home foreclosures, protesting environmental policies (Monsanto, Tar Sands Pipeline, fracking, etc.), in addition to more specifically “occupy” type actions such as attempting to take over and reopen schools and libraries that have been closed and abandoned, or “Homes Not Jails” attempted takeovers of vacant housing to provide dwellings for homeless people. One of the most interesting and well planned of these latter types of actions, “Occupy the Farm,” took place just a few blocks from my home last April, when ecological activists took over a large plot of vacant urban land and turned it into a community garden, planting more than ten thousand seedlings in the space of a few days. The gardener-occupiers were driven out after three weeks, but the agitation continues and has resulted in a temporary victory against a planned commercial development. [November note: Since the completion of this interview the immense disaster relief work of Occupy Sandy is yet another very important and exemplary development.]
      The Occupy movement already had the implicit goal of “reclaiming the commons” — occupying public squares or parks played on this theme, since regardless of quibbles about permits it was obvious that such spaces belong to the public and are, or at least originally were, intended for public use. But these more recent actions have the merit of challenging the fetish of private property in a more direct manner. That fetish has always been extremely strong in the United States, and the police responses to its transgression have always been more immediate and brutal. But I like to hope that these types of actions will eventually weaken the fetish, just as happened in the days of the Civil Rights movement. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, when black people first started restaurant sit-ins, one often heard this argument: “That restaurant belongs to the owner, he has the right to do whatever he wants with it, including deciding who he wants to serve.” But as more and more people kept peacefully sitting in and calmly accepting arrest, the general public was gradually brought around to the idea that there was a “higher law” than property rights — that other rights also had to be respected, such as the right to be treated fairly as a human being. I think this may eventually happen with these post-Occupy invasions of various types of property, as people see the absurdity of there being millions of vacant buildings while there are millions of people living in the streets. Even now many people sympathize with the idea of defending a family against foreclosure, despite the fact that a bank technically owns the home, because there is increasing awareness that the banks have often acted illegally. The notion of reopening abandoned schools, etc., is even more exemplary in that it hints at the notion of a society based on cooperation and generosity rather than on how much money can be made from something.
         The two drawbacks of these types of action are that they are risky and that they thus tend to be the work of a small minority (mostly young and mostly male). Occupying public spaces is much more likely to attract the sympathy, the support, and ultimately the participation of multitudes of ordinary people (including parents, children, elderly, disabled). But for those who want to push the limits and don’t mind the risks, taking over vacant buildings and opening them up to public uses is much more challenging and inspiring than breaking windows.

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Monday 19 November 2012


     People change, circumstances change people, our circumstances are changing dramatically, how will we change? We will change, how rapidly will we change, what direction will we look? Will we seek that Utopia? If not, why not?
Again, from The Greek Streets: presents: ‘Utopia on the Horizon’, a documentary for those who chose to struggle.
     In May 2011, hundreds of thousands of Greeks swarmed into Syntagma Square in Athens to protest against the firesale of their country, their labor rights and their livelihoods to corrupt domestic elites and foreign financial interests.
       In a matter of days, a protest camp was set up — organized on the principles of direct democracy, leaderless self-management and mutual aid — providing a glimpse of utopia in the midst of a devastating financial, political and social crisis. On June 28-29, during a Parliamentary vote on further austerity measures, the state finally responded with brutal force, eventually evicting the protesters from the square and crushing the radical potential of their social experiment.
     A year later, Leonidas Oikonomakis and Jérôme Roos — PhD researchers at the European University Institute and co-authors of the activist blog — returned to Athens to speak to activists involved in the movement and the occupation of Syntagma Square, as well as WWII resistance hero Manolis Glezos. What follows is this dramatic portrait of a country veering on the brink of collapse; and the people who chose to struggle in order to build a new world on the ruins of the old.

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