Thursday 3 July 2014

Land Of The Free!!!!!

       It's common currency for the West, with America leading the charge, to shout about injustice, corruption and breach of human rights in other countries, but never batting an eyelid about the stinking cruel, corrupt and unjust prison system right in their own patch. The Greek prison system recently reached exploding point, however, America, "Land of the Free", leads the world in the percentage of its population that it locks up in its cruel privatised prison system.

      Prisons are for intimidation, control, repression, and now for profit, absolutely nothing to do with protecting society, justice or reform. This recently published letter from a prisoner in America highlights the vicious brutality and injustice of the system, with prisoners being held for long terms just waiting for their case to be heard.

Dear IOA,
       Hope this letter finds you in best of health and spirits, as for myself I’m making it. I’ve been trying to get my writ of habeas corpus or motion to dismiss…accepted, but all have been denied without actually telling a fact. Each one of my writs or motions have been held under my constitutional right, each effort has been denied, which violates my constitutional rights and also shows due prejudice of the justice system in Durham county. Why, because I’m black.
       Each day I hear a person getting locked up for 2 grams of crack or heroin with habitual felon status and 28 grams or 14 grams with a gun and they got caught with the drugs or both and their bond is 50 for 14 grams of heroin no gun or 28 grams with a gun…I was never arrested around near any cocaine. By an informant. No arrest, still only accused. No lab work ever came back yet and now the charge is a year old. My bond was a million now for the last 5 months $500,000 bond. 7th Amendment is no excessive bond, cruel and unusual punishment. That’s why I asked your help and the Southern Coalition. My roommate and I watched your protest on the 13th of June, as we watched so did the same officers that accuse the lie on me and him. They watched all of you in the green Chevrolet, the Black F-150s, the white Ford work van, the black run down Crown Victoria with the windows down as you guys have now got their attention. I pray you watch your back for the next 4 to 8 months for just as my charge of a lie got me sitting here, I hope you better luck, if not your bond will be 1 million. Best of luck to all of you and I hope you keep your eyes open for all they do is create lies of past charges, and set up, and if you have a record of any kind they’re going to create a charge. So I ask again watch your backs you won’t know anything till they run up on you with a search warrant or indictment for some charge you done 15 years ago, but you will see them again. Three of them are S.J. Newton, D.T. Rose, and T. Thomas. There’s 18 in all, but you will learn they are a bunch of set-up artists and crooks. For I still don’t have no receipt for the last $150 they took from me when I was arrested on this charge by S.J. Newton. He still hasn’t turned it in or he paid his light bill with my money. There was no drug taken from me when they arrested me so my money since I am Black is theirs. Their word is all that counts and I’m going to sit in their jail because they can do it as long as they want for I have no help to get anyone else to come see me. My lawyer is —-, number is —-, call him tell him I said come see me. Just so you will know you call I will tell him about who I saw on June 13th…He works with District Attorney Nicholas Yates on my charge. I called both of them on the issue and haven’t seen the courtroom since they have been judge shopping ever since. This is why I asked to get the Southern Coalition to come see me. I sent the notarized affidavit of my action to you for record as well as the same copy I’m going to send the Southern Coalition. I ask again please help.
Y. B.
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Wednesday 2 July 2014

Genocide By Any Other Name Is Still Genocide.

      As usual, the Israeli state has responded to the tragic deaths of three young Jews, with massive disproportionate violence. Apart from the 40 air strikes in Gaza since the bodies were found, prior to the finding of the bodies, the Israeli government unleashed a massive violent collective punishment on the people of Gaza. This included a violent rampage of Israeli troops and police, breaking into and ransacking over 1,500 homes, schools and businesses, setting off explosions in Palestinian homes, the arrest of more than 500 residents, most held without charge or trial, over 100 were injured and at least 6 have died one aged 14 from a bullet to the chest and one 78 year old woman from a heart attack, while her house was being ransacked. On top of this, the 680,000 residents of greater Hebron have been surrounded by angry settlers and troops.
      Where else on this earth would this sort of treatment of brutal collective punishment be accepted on the death of three youths. Across the planet, sadly, young people are murdered, but in no city in any country would this type of brutal collective punishment be tolerated without international outrage. Only the Israeli state can get away with this genocide, while the international community looks the other way. Only the Palestinian people can be treated in this manner and be left to suffer in the silence of the international community.
     While the Israel state spouts peace, it stokes the fires of hate, with its brutal genocide of the Palestinian people.

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How Is It To Be Done?

      Have we understood? Have we seen through their tricks? Have we had enough? Will we still try to seek rationalism in an irrational system, seek fairness in a system of power and greed? Will we still accept the illusion of society, when the plunder of the many by the few is the norm? We have had centuries of capitalism, and we have had centuries of war, struggle, poverty and deprivation, never has the system delivered what its advocates proclaim. They say one of the signs of insanity is to keep doing the same thing but expecting a different result. This being the case, we are living with mass insanity, will we continue, or will we stand up, look each other in the eye, admit our stupidity, and vow to start again?
Two extracts from, How Is It To Be Done, from the Tarnac files:
     All the dangerous individuals, all the indocile bodies, all the autonomous human hosts. Then came twenty years of foolishness, vulgarity, isolation and desolation.
How is it to be done ?
     Standing up again. Lifting the head up. By choice or by necessity. Whatever, really, now. Looking at each other in the eyes and saying “let’s start again”. Let everybody know it, as soon as possible.
We are starting again.
      Done with passive resistance, inner exile, conflict by subtraction, survival. We are starting again. In twenty years, we have had enough time to see. We have understood. Demokracy for all, “anti-errorist” struggle, state massacres, capitalist restructuring and the Great Work of the social purge,
by selection,
by casualisation,
by normalisation,
by “modernisation”.
      We have seen, we have understood. The means and the ends. The future that is reserved for us. The one we are denied. The state of exception. The laws that put the police, the administration, the judicial authorities above the laws. The judiciarisation, the psychiatrisation, the medicalisation of everything that escapes the frame. Of everything that flees. .
     We have seen, we have understood. The means and the ends-------

       For instance there are tricks we will no longer fall for. The trick of “society”. To be transformed. To be destroyed. To be bettered. The trick of the social bond. That some would break while others can pretend to “restore” it. We will no longer fall for these tricks.
      One would have to be a militant element of the planetary-petty-bourgeoisie, a citizen really, not to see that society no longer exists. That it has imploded. That it is only an argument for the terror of
those who claim to re/present it. That which has absented.
Read the full article HERE:
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Tuesday 1 July 2014

Seventh Day Of Mass Hunger Strike.

      The Hunger strike by prisoners right across Greece continues, with more prisoners being taken to hospital. How many must go to hospital, and how many will die, before this fascist regime in Greece accepts that it can't continue to treat human beings in this manner. There have been actions across Europe and else, where in support of the prisoners and their call for justice. Where else in a civilised country would you have thousands of prisoners on hunger strike? what intolerable conditions would drive thousands to go on hunger strike? Certainly no civilised democratic country would allow such a situation to develop. This mass hunger strike is testimony to the debased, corrupt and inhuman system that exists in Greece and across Europe to a slightly lesser degree. 

       Dozens of inmates went to the hospital. More specifically, 2 inmates from Corfu prison, some inmates from Amfisa prison and the rest of them from Koridallos prison. They were going to the hospital and most of them were sent back after being given an injection of dextrose!
     Comrades Panagiotis Argirou, Michalis Nikolopoulos and Nikos Romanos remains in the hospital after having a fight for not taking intravenous fluids and dextrose!
      Here is a video from the prisoners of A wing of Koridallos deciding to refuse the night lockdown for one hour with force!
 May health and chaos be within you!

It is also evidence of overcrowding in the prison!!!!

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I Hold A Banner Drenched In Blood---

          They are the enemies of Freedom, the Trinity of Slavery, the Triple Pronged Fork that is destroying our planet, Religion, Politicians, and Nationalism, time to sing a song of truth:
Motörhead - Orgasmatron

“I am the one, Orgasmatron, the outstretched grasping hand
My image is of agony, my servants rape the land
Obsequious and arrogant, clandestine and vain
Two thousand years of misery, of torture in my name
Hypocrisy made paramount, paranoia the law
My name is called religion, sadistic, sacred whore.

I twist the truth, I rule the world, my crown is called deceit
I am the emperor of lies, you grovel at my feet
I rob you and I slaughter you, your downfall is my gain
And still you play the sycophant and revel in your pain
And all my promises are lies, all my love is hate
I am the politician, and I decide your fate

I march before a martyred world, an army for the fight
I speak of great heroic days, of victory and might
I hold a banner drenched in blood, I urge you to be brave
I lead you to your destiny, I lead you to your grave
Your bones will build my palaces, your eyes will stud my crown
For I am Mars, the god of war, and I will cut you down.”

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Monday 30 June 2014

When In Edinburgh - ACE!!

       INFO from the Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh, 17 West Montgomery Place EH7 5HA ACE is open Sats 12-4pm, Tues 12-3pm, Thursday 6 - 8pm Advice and solidarity on benefits, debt, housing etc on Tuesdays. Leith Wholefoods, the Info Shop, Scottish Radical Library and free broadband available all 3 days. Open monthly meetings first Wednesday of the month, 7.30pm at ACE 0131 557 6242
Wednesday 2nd July, 7.30pm at ACE, 17 West Montgomery Place EH7 5HA. All welcome to the monthly meeting of Edinburgh's self-managed resource centre. (meetings first Wednesday every month) ACE and ACE projects like the Scottish Radical Library, ACE Info Shop and Leith Wholefoods always need new volunteers, this is a good chance to come along and find out what is going on....
Thursday 3rd July. Meet 10.45am for 11am start at Festival Square, off Lothian Road EH3 9SR (where big TV screen is) The new Community Work Placements scheme is in difficulty, many charities are boycotting it and the government is having problems getting it up and running. By taking action now we aim to make it unworkable. The more people involved in our actions the more effective they are - all welcome.
SKUNK - BENEFIT GIG FOR ECAP AND ACE. Saturday 5th July. At the Banshee Labyrinth, 29-35 Niddry St, a night of ska, reggae and punk. 7pm till very late. £6 (or £4 with food donation for Food Solidarity project) Now with extended film club night in the Banshee cinema. People needed to help on the door! FREEDOM OF THE CITY - BENEFIT GIG FOR FOOD SOLIDARITY Sunday 6th July, Banshee Labyrinth, 29-35 Niddry St, Doors open 6pm till late Oi Polloi and many more. £7 (£5 with food donation). Benefit for Food Solidarity and Underheugh Ark.

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Solidarity Has No Borders.

      The hunger strike by thousands of prisoners in prisons all over Greece, is still ongoing. One of the prisoners on hunger strike has been removed to hospital and more are joining this nation wide protest. The full horror of the Greek prison system, the overcrowding, degrading inhuman conditions of the prisons and prison hospitals should be shouted from the roof tops. Prison governors are refusing to take any more prisoners, due to gross over-crowding. These are middle ages conditions, in so called developed democratic 21st. century Europe. 

 A photograph smuggled out of a Greek prison hospital.

Governors are refusing to take any more prisoners due to overcrowding.

This update on the hunger strike from Contra Info:
      As of June 27th (5th day of mass hunger strike), more inmates have joined the hunger strike in the prison of Corfu, taking courage from the warm supportive intervention outside the extermination centre.
On the same day, the network of imprisoned fighters called for solidarity with the ongoing struggle in Greek prisons, referring also to the case of hunger striker Nicolò Angelino, hostage of the Italian State.
       In the night of the 27th, the inmates in all wings of Koridallos men’s prison refused to be locked up in the cells for one hour (until 10pm), protesting because there is a huge lack of doctors, nurses and other medical personnel, like stretcher bearers, in the prison and its ‘hospital’ in particular, but also due to the fact that the screws have declared a ‘work stoppage’, thus actually blocking visits between the prisoners and their lawyers or relatives.
Since the 28th of June (6th day of mass hunger strike), protest mobilizations have intensified ahead of voting, on Thursday, July 3rd, 2014, of the new draft law on maximum security prisons.
       In the morning of the 28th, five incarcerated comrades currently on hunger strike were moved to the infirmary in Koridallos men’s prison, namely Yannis Michailidis, Argyris Ntalios and Nikos Romanos, as well as CCF members Michalis Nikolopoulos and Panagiotis Argirou. Meanwhile, over 30 hunger strikers have been transferred there already. As expected, the prison director Maria Stefi (whose car was blown up by anarchists in 2013) has demonstrated a total disregard for their health condition sending most of them quickly back to the wings.
       On June 29th (7th day of mass hunger strike), more hunger strikers reportedly had a fainting episode at Koridallos.

Solidarity has no borders.

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Sunday 29 June 2014

A Wheelchair Is No Excuse For Protesting.

       Recently I drew attention to the harsh treatment by the Transport Police against a group of elderly protesters trying to defend their free bus pass. Well it seems that the police in London, not to be outdone by the Transport Police in Sheffield, have launched a grossly over the top attack on a group of disabled people protesting at Westminster Abbey. The group, part of the Disabled People Against Cuts, (DPAC) were attempting to highlight  the injustice that will be caused by the government's intention to close the Independent Living Fund, (ILF).


      Elderly, pensioner, walking with the aid of a stick, disabled and in a wheelchair, you are all fair game for our boys in blue, well its more high vis-jackets and riot gear now. Of course they are called the Police Force, emphasis on the word FORCE.
This from The Void:
       At one point, so desperate were the police to arrest someone for nothing,  they charged into the crowd causing people to fall onto several wheelchair users.  Such was the sudden aggression of police it is a miracle no-one was severely injured although unconfirmed reports suggest one disabled person did have to receive treatment after this assault.  Police also attempted to remove access ramps for wheelchairs users to prevent them from being able to peacefully protest in the Abbey grounds.  Equipment was damaged and police prevented the planned disabled toilet and other infra-structures to be created which would have led to a safe event.  Throughout the afternoon all those inside the grounds remained at risk of violent arrest, and in fact, as you read this, that might be happening.
Read the full article HERE:
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Saturday 28 June 2014

Just Text Death.

        It says a lot about our present economic system when you look around the world and find that countries with the richest natural resources have some of the poorest people on our earth. The Middle East is a wash with oil, which transfers into unbelievable wealth, but you can't say its people are all very rich. This pattern is repeated across the planet, another example is the Democratic Republic of Congo. A vast country, the second largest in Africa, the 11th largest in the world. As well as having coal, oil and diamonds, it is also the richest source of cobalt in the world. That rather dull looking material produces unimaginable wealth for the corporate world, but little for the people of the that country. In fact it is the opposite, this immeasurable wealth is probably the main cause of the suffering of the people.
       Because of the economic system that prevails today, blood will be shed to get control of that wealth. Sadly that blood is shed for the end product of things like mobile phones and laptops, and these are products that the vast majority of the people who produce that raw material will never see. 

        If it was just dreadful working conditions and poor pay, that would be bad enough, but we are talking about millions dying and millions more suffering unimaginable violence. Since its bitter struggle to be free from the Western colonialists, the country has been blighted by violence, and at the root of that, is the fact that it is very rich in raw materials like cobalt. 

      The Second Congo War, sometimes referred to as the “African World War”, as it involved around twenty armed groups and nine other African countries started in 1998. No doubt all eager to get a slice of that wealth. Although “Peace Accords” were signed in 2003, fighting continued in the east of the country through 2007. In this region the prevalence of all manner of sexual violence and rape is often described as the worst in the world. Since 1998 this conflict has claimed the lives of more than 5.4 million people. Though this was a brutal conflict, more than 90% were not killed in combat, they died from such things as malaria, pneumonia, diarrhoea, and malnutrition, brought about by the usual companions of war, displaced populations ending up living in unsanitary, over crowed conditions, combined with lack of shelter, clean water, food and medical care. What is even more tragic, 47% of those deaths were children under five.
     The country also has great agricultural potential but this is being stifled by this conflict, which still continues. It is the struggle to control those vast mineral resources that drives this most brutal and savage conflict. Is your mobile phone worth it?


       Surely we have the imagination and the ability to device a economic system whereby natural resources do not equate with misery, poverty, deprivation and bloodshed for the many, and unbelievable opulence for the few.

Friday 27 June 2014

The Hell Holes Of Greece.

       The latest on the nation wide prison hunger strike in Greece, this from Contra Info:

Counter-info gathering in Larissa, Greece (June 25th, 2014); the top banner reads: “Maximum security prisons, concentration camps…
Crush the new totalitarianism. Fire to the hellholes”;
the other banner reads: “Invisible and visible prison bars…
The prison society smiles at you. -Anarchists’ Assembly of Larissa”
      Draft bill on new Type-C maximum security prisons will be put to a vote within a week. The Greek parliament is in summer recess; the recess section (consisting of one third of the total number of MPs) is scheduled to vote the bill on Thursday the 3rd of July 2014.
Below are the hunger strikers (per prison) who continue to participate in the nationwide mobilization against the operation of a Greek Guantanamo in Domokos prison:
Koridallos (Athens): 1,480 prisoners
Patras: 550 prisoners
Grevena: 400 prisoners
Larissa: 330 prisoners
Domokos: 300 prisoners
Chania (Crete): 280 prisoners
Nigrita (Serres): 200 prisoners
Amfissa: 200 prisoners
Corfu: 120 prisoners
Trikala: 120 prisoners
Malandrino: 120 prisoners
Avlonas: 100 juvenile prisoners
Kos: 60
Corinth: 50
Nafplion: 50 prisoners
In Alikarnassos (Crete), all inmates abstain from prison food.
     Also, on June 26th, another court session at Koridallos was interrupted, because all of the CCF imprisoned members on trial are currently on hunger strike against the fascist bill of the ministry of Justice.
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Part Of The Blood Stained Western Agenda.

     Listening to and reading, that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, on the matter of Iraq and Syria, I just get confused. None of what they spew out seems to make any sense, and I don't believe that the Western imperialists are sitting back and tut-tutting at what is going on and waiting for the powers that be in that part of the world, to sort it out. I have do doubt that the Western imperialists are the real makers and shakers in that part of the world. I sincerely believe that the slaughter and misery that is being heaped on the people of that part of the world is fulfilling a Western agenda. Our Western lords and master are quite prepared to see, and encourage, countries to descend into civil war, bloodshed and misery, if it suits their aims, in their grand scheme of things, people are of no consequence. It has always been such, today in the Middle East, it is no different.
How Western imposed democracy looks.
      I found this article on ISIS and Iraq, by Counter Punch, enlightening and it did clear some of the fog that surrounds this whole Western created disaster.
       What’s important as far as Obama is concerned, is that the strategic objectives of Isis and those of the United States coincide. Both entities seek greater political representation for Sunnis, both want to minimize Iranian influence in Iraq, and both support a soft partition plan that former president of the Council on Foreign Relations, Leslie H. Gelb, called “The only viable strategy to correct (Iraq ‘s) historical defect and move in stages toward a three-state solution: Kurds in the north, Sunnis in the center and Shiites in the south.” This is why Obama hasn’t attacked the militia even though it has marched to within 50 miles of Baghdad. It’s because the US benefits from these developments.
Read the full article HERE:
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Thursday 26 June 2014

Democracy Under The Financial Mafia.

         I recently posted an article about the mass prison hunger strike in Greece, a protest against an extremely repressive system and proposed draconian legislation. Here is an update with the hunger strike now in its forth day. It is now wide spread across all the Greek prisons. with more than 4,000 prisoners now taking part in the hunger strike protest. By the 23rd. June those participating in this protest against cruelty and repression were: 
Koridallos, Athens: 1,300 inmates 
Patras: 550 inmates 
Grevena: 400 inmates 
Larissa: 300 inmates 
Chania, Crete: 280 inmates 
Domokos (where the Greek State intends to establish the first maximum security prison): 4 wings; that is, 240 inmates 
Amfissa: 200 inmates 
Corfu: 120 inmates 
Trikala: 120 inmates 
Malandrino (one of the toughest prisons; also where Ilir Kareli took the life of a miserable torturer-guard): 120 inmates 
Avlonas (juvenile prison): 100 inmates 
Nigrita, Serres (where prisoner Ilir Kareli was recently murdered by torturers-guards): 80 inmates 
Nafplion: 50 inmates 
On the evening of June 24th – 2nd day of mass hunger strike of over 3,900 prisoners across Greece 
         To date that figure is is now 4,180. For so many people to take such desperate action, tells you something is rotten at the heart of the system. We owe them all the support and solidarity that we can muster. More information HERE.
— nearly 60 anarchists made an anti-prison intervention outside the house of Antonis Samaras, Prime Minister of Greece, in the northern suburb of Kifissia, Athens. Comrades threw anti-repression leaflets in the streets and shouted slogans such as:
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A Family Of Real Benefit Scroungers.

       That family, who by reason of birth, are deemed to be more important than you and I, have cost you and I, the lesser people, a total of £35.7 million last year. This does not count the cost of security, which is considerable but secret, guarding this family, who by reason of their birth are guaranteed a life of unbelievable luxury. No matter their ability, or lack of it, no matter their skills or lack of such, no matter the mistakes they make, they will always have a life of splendour, pomp, privilege and power, paid for by you and I. While you and I struggle to make ends meet, face ever increasing costs, with no matching increase in income, this bunch of pampered parasites, will glide around the world, waited on, hand and foot, take trips in helicopters, funded by you and I, hold and attend banquets in opulent settings, while we tighten our belts to make sure it all happens for them.

Your average UK family living on benefits!!

       Just so as not to let their decadent life style slip, our millionaire government, for next year, has allocated an increased sum of £37.9 million, of our money, to make sure they can continue to live in the decadent style to which we have made them accustomed.
      Of course this family of public funded parasites, living on £37.9 million social benefits, don't think it is quite enough, and doesn't allow them to bring all their property up to the standard that they would wish. A royal source when questioned on this matter of living on benefits, said, "We would like it to be more. We don't like having a property backlog hanging over us. We would like to have enough money to get that fixed... (but) we accept that in recent years the economy has been in such a state that that has been entirely unrealistic." How thoughtful of them.

 The family gets dressed up the day the giro arrives!!

       Perhaps we should request that since it is our money, we should be asked how we would like it spent, send suggestions as to how you would like to spend that £37.9 million, to the Oxbridge Cameron/Osborne gang. Also, since our millionaire Cameron cabal are always on about benefit scroungers, they should take a look at this family, who seem to be working the system with vigour, impunity and avarice. Come on Iain Duncan Smith, sort them out. Not a bloody chance of that happening, not unless we do it ourselves. 

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Wednesday 25 June 2014

Being Elderly Is No Excuse For protesting!!

        Never hold the opinion that because you are elderly, or walk with the aid of a stick, or are in a wheel chair, that the police will not throw you around in their usual heavy handed manner. On Monday this week in Sheffield, a group of elderly passengers decided to take direct action to protect their travel concessions which were under threat. The protest was organised and staged by a group of elderly and disabled passengers in response to South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive's decision stop their free bus pass travel before 9:30am.
       They decided to travel without paying (their entitlement) and called the journey a “Freedom Ride”. What transpired was the usual heavy handed approach by the transport police, resulting in pensioners with walking sticks being knocked over, elder people hand cuffed, and ending up with cuts and bruises and some being taken to hospital. This is how representative democracy protects your right to peaceful protest. "Democracy" enforced by intimidation and repression.


Five rather heavy transport police manhandle pensioner.
This from The Express: 
     They gathered at Sheffield railway station on Monday after travelling without paying from the Meadowhall shopping complex to the city centre in what they billed a “Freedom Ride”.
      Jen Dunstan, of Sheffield Disabled People Against The Cuts, said: “Dozens of elderly and disabled people have been left with bruising. Some have cuts where their skin has broken from being pushed and shoved.”
Read the full article HERE:
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Tuesday 24 June 2014

Springburn, Left To Rot!!

 Springburn Public Halls, left to rot before being knocked down.
       Well, well, poor old Springburn and the North of Glasgow. It seems that our city fathers, at Kremlin in George Square, don't know that our fair city has a North End. In their gigantic tax funded, corporate extravaganza, The Corporatewealth Games, they stated that it was for all the city. I have just received their latest glossy Glasgow Magazine, and being a Springburn man, I had a wee look to see how it would impact on my part of the city, but it seems the city fathers don't know where Springburn is, or perhaps they think it is outside our city, hence the lack of interest.

 Springburn Park winter gardens, yep, left to rot.
      The East End has a time trial running through it to the city centre. The Southside, has a marathon running through it to the city centre. The West End has a road race running through it to the city centre. There are games venues in the East End, the Southside, and the West End, and "live zones" in the East, the city centre, the Southside and the West End. Their wee map is festoon with little symbols indicating Glasgow Landmarks, but nothing in the North side of the city. as far as this piece of corporate plunder is concerned, Springburn is a wasteland, not worth pilfering. Our call to fame in Springburn is our poverty and deprivation, we have the country's worst child poverty and the highest number of request for child care orders. Having "cleansed" the East End of peasants, perhaps they thought that the cost of doing likewise in the North was a cost too far. At least the transport should run as normal in the North of the city. You could visit Springburn every day and not even know there was such a "Greatest Show on Earth" corporate extravaganza going on in our fair soon to be bankrupted city.

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The Duplicity Of The State.

       When will the real truth be told on the criminal act called "The Iraq War"? When will those responsible for this long term illegal disaster be held responsible? Apart from the war veterans who today are suffering a raft of health problems, the ordinary Iraqi people to this day carry the legacy of that brutal, insane and criminal act. Their soil, water and air are contaminated, birth defects are common place, cancers are wide spread, all the direct result of the use of depleted uranium by the forces of the power hungry Western imperialists. 
Some of the birth defects attributed to the use of depleted uranium in Iraq.
         Our right holy, St. Anthony Blair, should be made to look at these pictures and view films like this on a daily basis until he enters the realms of reality and admits, he was wrong, and his act was irresponsible, criminal, brutal and inhumane, and based on duplicity.
       History can hide some dreadful events, but only if we let it, in this case we mustn't let that happen. The full, true and unadulterated story of Iraq and its aftermath, must be told and retold, as a warning of the insanity and duplicitous nature of governments and the state. The damage unleashed by the two Christian fundamentalists, Bush and Blair must be catalogued and used as a reminder of why we must never trust the state.

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Monday 23 June 2014

No Romantic Fable.

For those who don't know; 
"Anarchism is not a romantic fable but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners."
Edward Abbey, A Voice Crying in the Wilderness (1989)
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New Forms Of Workers Organisation.

     Thanks to City Strolls for this, also thanks to Glasgow Anarchist Federation, Clydeside IWW, Spirit of Revolt, and Radical Independent Bookfair for sponsoring and organising this valued discussion. A book launch and talk/discussion, by Immanuel Ness on new forms of workers organisations held in Glasgow on Wednesday 18 June at the Fred Paton Centre.

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