Saturday 26 November 2016

Glasgow's Annual Anti-racism March.


         Today, Saturday, November 26th., was Glasgow's annual anti-racism march, and as usual it was a colourful affair, with a host of colourful banners, pipe band and drum ensemble. Despite the very cold weather there was a great turnout. This is encouraging especially in the present climate of a spike in racist abuse. Glasgow, on the whole, is a welcoming city, as I believe most cities are at their core, so we should not really be surprised by the great turnout. However,  congratulations to all those who did brave the very cold weather, to show support for decent human values. It seemed to be a case of everybody and their dogs, joined the march as it snaked its way from Glasgow Green up High Street, through the city to the GFT. Also, as far as I'm concerned, it was encouraging to see a increase in the Red and Black bloc. Let's hope it continues to grow, but at a somewhat increased pace, more than ever, it is needed.
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Friday 25 November 2016

Whose Normal Do We Accept?

       I was born in Garngad, one of the many slum areas in Glasgow, it is now demolished and renamed Royston. Starting my life in that foul area, I didn't feel deprived, the world I lived in was "normal". Our environment always appears normal, no matter what, it is only when you look out the window, or over the wall, you realise that it is not quite as normal as you thought. That is one of the problems we face, as our freedoms are eroded, and society becomes more controlled, it becomes a way of life, it becomes "the normal". We have to keep looking out that window, looking over that wall and realising that there is a different way of doing things, a better way. The ever increasing repressive legislation, the ever increasing surveillance, the ever more vicious cuts in living standards, is a drip-feed, little by little, like the frog in water that is very slowing being heated, the frog unaware of this sits there until it is too late and is boiled.
      How long will we sit and ignore the heat, how long will we absorb the toxic, the repressive, the shift further and further away from tolerance, before we stand up and say, enough, this is not an acceptable "normal".

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ACE Events And More.

        Another very interesting list of events from ACE in Edinburgh. I'm sure if you read through the list you will find at least one, probably more than one, event to capture your enthusiasm. One of the events, not strictly an ACE event, is in Glasgow this Saturday, that's a must, The Anti-Racist March from Glasgow Green.

UPCOMING EVENTS. From Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh 
             * FRIDAY 25 NOVEMBER- Informal training session for all interested in accompanying people to benefits appointments and sickness/ disability benefits assessments. 11.30am – 1.30/2pm at ACE *Friday 25th Nov- Art as Solidarity. Talk by Euan Sutherland. 7pm- 9pm at ACE.
           *Saturday 26th Nov- I Daniel Blake Film Screening. Free showing of film I Daniel Blake at Cineworld, Fountainbridge with panel discussion, including screenwriter Paul Laverty and spokesperson from ECAP. 10.00 am – 1pm.Book via eventbrite, see… If any problems with link please go to Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty Facebook and scroll down to link on 12 November 
           *Saturday 26th Nov- Red and Black Bloc at St Andrew's Day Anti-Racism March. 10:30- 12pm at Glasgow Green. Hosted by Clydeside IWW and the Anarchist Federation. * Saturday 26th Nov- International Women's Strike Discussion and talks. 3pm- 5pm at ACE. 
        * Saturday 26th Nov- Fight for the Night. 6-8pm on the Royal Mile. Join us on the streets of Edinburgh on Saturday 26th November for a march to take back the streets and fight for the night! The Edinburgh University Students’ Association Women’s Liberation Group are organising events to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (November 25th). Folk of all and no genders are welcome to attend and the event is open to both students and non-students. 
         *MONDAY 28 NOVEMBER- Monthly ECAP meeting 7pm at ACE All welcome (meetings last Monday each month – but no meeting in December) * Saturday 3rd December- Disaster Communism, Mutual Aid and Solidarity. Talk and Discussion hosted by The Anarchist Federation. 2-4pm at ACE. 
          *MONDAY 5 DECEMBER- North Edinburgh Housing Action Group monthly meeting 5.45pm at Pilton Central Association, 28-30 Ferry Rd Drive EH4 4BR. All welcome. * Wednesday 7th December- Edinburgh IWW Branch AGM with presentation on Syndicalism. 7-8pm at ACE. All welcome but only IWW members can vote. *Thursday 8th December- Scottish Radical library and archives work session.6pm - 8pm (2nd Thursday each month) at ACE. 
           *TUESDAY 13 DECEMBER- ACE monthly meeting 6pm at ACE All welcome (meetings second Tuesday each month at 6pm) *Saturday 17th Dec- Black Panthers in Britain. Talk by Carlus Hudson 7pm at Ace *Friday 20th Jan- Stand up to Trump. 6-7pm, US consulate.
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Thursday 24 November 2016

The State Is Repression.

     As the babbling brook of bullshit that is our mainstream media, spews out fantasy stories from Brexiters and Remainers, it deliberately turns its focus away from anything that might show the Western "democracies" indulging in there routine state violence, against those who resist the brutal onslaught of the corporate juggernaut. Not many photos, not many reports on the resistance of the water protectors standing firm against the Dakota Access Pipeline. Not many reports of the militarised police brutality throwing the full weight of the American repressive system against unarmed and peaceful demonstrators.  
     Of course we should not be surprised, the so called "mainstream media" is no more than the propaganda unit of the corporate dictatorship under which we live. Their main purpose is to weave illusion, breed compliance, encourage celebrity worship and sustain subservience. 
      Well in spite of their smoke and mirrors and ignoring the reality that is all around them, resistance is still there, it is growing, and sooner or later it will prevail. As the state ups its repression, the people will up their resistance.

        Something that our modern super efficient mainstream media failed to notice.
      Demonstrators protesting against Dakota Access Pipeline say they are trapped on a bridge as North Dakota police fire tear gas and rubber bullets at them, according to live reports on social media.
      The demonstration is taking place on Highway 1806, just north of the main protest camp against the pipeline.
    Officers have also reportedly deployed water cannon on the protesters in below-freezing temperatures, and are using LRAD sound devices.

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Wednesday 23 November 2016

The Bank Of No Money.

       It has been some time now since a group of anarchists and like minded people decided to occupy an empty bank on Deptford High Street, London. Well they are still there and doing fine thank you. Of course they will need all the support they can get, not just to survive, but to spread their ideas and keep up the good work of working with the community creating solidarity where needed and over as wide an area as possible.
This is their latest communiqué:

     We are rats running rabid through the stinking guts of London …
        Sick of the fractured ‘scene’ of squatters in London, sick of faux-punk venues and the fashionable veneer of rebellion, sick of the apathy and passivity, sick of housing where everyone is locked in their own rooms, their own lives, their existence atomised, stinking of fried chicken and choking on the bones of what once was, we came together to act …
     We are a collective of those in active rebellion. Warsaw. Barcelona. Roma. Thessaloniki. London. All over we meet in joint attack.
      We organised on the beaches of London for the TRESPASS gig – selling propaganda to fashionpunx and tourists about the trial of the Warsaw 3, dropping banners and smokeflares whilst the crowd rioted amongst itself, spitting in our faces and rejecting all politics.
      We put on infonights, skyping with comrades from across Europe, and people came and listened, complained that there was nothing organised in London, that everything was too fluid, too temporary, that nothing ever happened, and we laughed to hide the tragedy of their blindness to their own domestication. ‘You can’t win’, they said, and we sneered, knowing our victory is in the struggle itself.
     We meet in the streets outside squats under threat of eviction in Bethnal Green, Brixton, Aldwych, to jeer at bailiffs covered in paint, or see doors battered in, or taunt the cops and accuse them of murder by association. Though we called out for accomplices, few came, but enough remained to support each other and fight.
     We battled outside the Camelot HQ, trapped between lines of security and cops and vans and carnage and refused to let go, refused to give up even one of our number, until all were dispersed and the squat remained, refusing any collaboration with the business snakes trying to turn rebellion into money.
    We gather, seeking out other accomplices. Inspired by the mould that grows on rotting food, we chose our target – a disused bank in the heart of Deptford – a no-go zone for the UKBA immigration filth, a frontline of the gentrification war, a barrio within London where there still exists community, affinity, fucking neighbours instead of yuppies and hipsters and cops cops cops.
      We took it – and lined its innards with mattresses to dull the sounds. Within five days it was packed to the rafters with punks in support of the Warsaw 3, its walls lined with banners, its floor full of curious locals and friends old and new. After how many years, finally a non-commercial venue, free of the tyranny of rent and capital.
      The infonights continue – on the progress of the Warsaw 3, on the antiraids network spreading from Deptford to Whitechapel to beyond, on the arrest of the anarchist comrades in Italy, their words now as dangerous as bombs. Once a week we open the doors for Scum Dine With Me, part-street kitchen, part-info-night, part-cinema, where all and sundry are welcome and fed, and we mix more with our neighbours and friends from further afield.
      The bailiffs came but did not succeed in getting rid of us. On the day we are forced to leave, we will take our ideas, our struggle, our new connections, and spread across London, the UK, Fortress Europe, unstoppably changing and adapting, spreading our disease and infecting new mutantations against domination, power, hierarchy.
      Until we mutate into an end to all forms of oppression.

Until all are free.
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Tuesday 22 November 2016

Lizzie's House Needs Repairs!!!!

       You own a house, it is in need of repairs, so you go to your neighbours in the street and ask them to foot the bill for your house repairs. I think you know where you would be told to go. However, this is what is being suggested by our lords and masters, for an old lady living in one of her several homes, all of which are far to big for her, though she has no worries about the bedroom tax. Lizzie Windsor is no pauper, she has stashed away an unimaginable fortune, lives a life of opulence, pomp and grandeur, at our expense, as do a large contingent of her over privileged off spring. It appears that we have to fork out £369 million, to sort out some repairs at Lizzie’s London abode. It shows the true callous indifference our lords and masters have for us the general public. While they administer “austerity” in the shape of benefit cuts to the sick and needy, cap housing benefit, throwing thousands deeper into poverty, and increasing homelessness, preside over the NHS disintegrating for lack of funds, they are quite openly and publicly spending £369 million repairing a monumental edifice to British imperialism, which is the home to a bunch of extremely wealthy parasites. I’m not suggesting that they should ask the “Royals” to pay for it themselves, I’m suggesting that the whole rotten stinking system of unearned privilege, that is part and parcel of the festering cancerous marriage of imperialism/capitalism/monarchy be labelled, humanity’s darkest hour and swept away and disposed of in the dustbin of history. 
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Monday 21 November 2016

When People Realise They Are The Power-------

       As winter tightens its grip in North Dakota, the struggle to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, continues. The struggle by the Water Protectors is having a real impact, after a petition was delivered to the Bank DNB in Norway, they have sold their assets in that venture.
      Huge news! Bank DNB announced it is going to sell its assets in the Dakota Access Pipeline project!

     It’s clear our message is having an impact. On Tuesday, we delivered hundreds of thousands of signatures right to the Bank’s offices in Norway, and thousands of us flooded its Facebook page with messages in support of the Standing Rock Sioux Nation. 

Two days later, we won.
      Something special happening at Standing Rock!!! When people realise that they are the power, then something special can, and will happen.

Saturday 19 November 2016

Farewell To The Pope Of Hope.

     Recently the babbling brook of bullshit, our mainstream media, has been giving us snippets of Obama, in the last few days of his stint as big chief of the imperialist world, touring the world's capitals for a round of red carpet and banquets. Obviously as he hops from country to country, helping the climate to change in his big jumbo jet, he receives a variety of welcomes and protests.
      In Greece, where the people, mired in poverty, with shattered social services, and who are among those worst hit in Europe by the polices of the neo-liberalism regime that he presided over, showed their thoughts when he arrived in Athens, though the babbling brook of bullshit didn't show much, if any, of that welcome. The people of Athens certainly gave The Prince of Peace, The Pope of Hope, imperialist boss-man, Obama, a rousing display of their feelings.

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Kate Sharpley Library.

     Kate Sharpley: During the war she left her job with a baker and worked in a Woolwich munitions factory. She was among the first people active in the shop stewards movement. Her father and brother were killed in action and her boyfriend (active in the anarcho-syndicalistic Horse Transport Union) was listed as missing believed killed. She suspected, though she had no proof, that he had been shot for mutiny. At the age of 22, when called to receive her family's medals from Queen Mary (wife of George V) she threw the medals back at her, saying "if you like them so much you can have them". The Queen's face was scratched, Kate Sharpley was beaten by police, and imprisoned for a few days, though no charges were brought against her. She was fired from her job at the factory.

      The Kate Sharpley Library is a wonderful asset to anarchists and libertarian socialists across the world, it is an Aladdin’s cave of our history, to learn from and enjoy. A wealth of information that we can dip into, indulge in, or wallow in.
      Their latest bulletin, October No.88, is now on line for all to enjoy. We should always support such rich veins of our history, we can't expect the establishment to record our history for us.
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Friday 18 November 2016

What If------!

      As always, Not Buying Anything, comes up with something thought provoking.

"What if the spider you just killed in your home had spent its entire life thinking that you were its room-mate? 
Ever think about that? 
No, you only think about yourself."
I read this recently, and laughed. Then I thought, and thought some more. It makes sense. I might think differently if I lived in Australia, but I hope not.

Since reading this I have seen it it in other places, unattributed to any author. To me it has the life-positive, anti-violent vibe of Buddhism, or Jainism. It has caused me to be even more aware of the preciousness of life, and how everything just wants to live.

This level of sensitivity to the needs of others can be applied to all situations.

How about,

"What if that computer you are typing on was made by child labour, or is toxic to workers, or destroys the habitat of wild creatures? 
Ever think about that? 
No, you only think about yourself."
"What if that flight you are taking increases your carbon footprint dramatically and adds to potentially catastrophic climate change? 
Ever think about that? 
No, you only think about yourself." 

What if our habits and desires are killing not only spiders, but the very Earth itself? Ever think about that?

"Rest easy spider

My broom

Does not sweep that far."

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The Trophies Of War.


      In Exarchia Square in Athens, they do things differently, apparently they have a rather endearing tradition. They decorate a statue in Exarchia Square with the spoils of their encounters with the state's hounds, the police. The latest artwork is formed from police riot shields and helmets.

      17/11/ Exarhia: Traditional decorating of the statue in the square with riot cop helmets and shields.
     A group of comrades this morning trapped a police van transferring riot cop gear, the comrades managed to grab 2 shields and 2 helmets, before being attacked by the riot cops. The shields and helmets then traditionally decorated the statue in Exarhia square, as happens with all loot that is grabbed by the cops.
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Thursday 17 November 2016

Hands Off!

     State repression goes on day and daily, sometimes dressed in wigs and gowns, wearing the mask of "law and order", sometimes the mask is of and it is raw, savage brutality, but it is always there. The form it takes will vary from state to state, but the aim remains the same, defend the established power structure, and control the population.
     A new zine from 325, Hands Off is worth a read.

     Two unsolved robberies in Aachen lead to an international anarchist witch-hunt involving cops, laboratories, judges and screws. As a result, three anarchists, incorrigible dreamers of freedom and bitter enemies of all power, are arrested in Spain and the Netherlands and extradited to the dungeons of the German State. Let’s seize the challenge of this very contemporary repressive design and transform it into an attack on the existent, each in their own way, with their own means.
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Solidarity With The Water Protectors.

        The fight goes on to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, the number of determined protesters, "Water Protectors", grows by the day, but now they are heading into the winter, and it will make their defence all that more difficult. They need all the support they can get to win this important struggle against the juggernaut of corporate madness.
       This report from The Freedom Socialist Party
  Patrick Burns and I arrived at Standing Rock this morning after flying in to North Dakota from Seattle. We were very moved by the vast panorama of teepees, tents, yurts, a large white geodesic dome and thousands of people. The energy was thrilling! It is clear that the water protectors are strong in their fight to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline and they aren’t going anywhere!
      While many people at the camp were glad about the recent news of the U.S. Department of Army and Interior calling for a delay on further construction of the pipeline, they know that this may not even slow down the drillers and that the movement must keep up the pressure. Several people were justifiably skeptical after experiencing hundreds of years of broken promises and lies by government officials. The camp is in it for the long haul and is preparing for the bitter winter ahead.
       Today, Patrick used his skills to assist in the assembly of over 25 wood stoves for the campers. I talked with many people who have flooded in from all over the country to provide solidarity. I also helped the support team and saw the leadership role many Native women are playing in getting donations sorted and distributed, orienting volunteers, preparing food, and providing security.
     Standing Rock has broad support. You can see it in the hundreds of flags flying at camp from many tribes and countries, and in the banners and signs from feminist, environmental and labor organizations. People greatly appreciated the concrete help and beautiful banner we brought from Radical Women (RW) and the Freedom Socialist Party (FSP). Today’s massive international day of action raised spirits of those on the ground here, despite continued government repression, arrests and pepper-spray targeting the hundreds of people putting their bodies on the line for safe water and the rights of indigenous peoples.
        We look forward to what else this week will bring!
      Gina Petry, the Organizer of Seattle Radical Women, and Patrick Burns, a union carpenter and activist with the Seattle branch of the Freedom Socialist Party, responded to the urgent call for on-site support to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, which will jeopardize the country's water supply by running toxic oil conduits under the Missouri River. They will be in North Dakota through November 20.
       To contribute to the delegation’s expenses, please donate by clicking here. If donations exceed the $2,000 needed for the trip, additional funds will be sent to the Water Protector Legal Collective, which desperately needs money to cover bail and legal costs for arrestees.
        Please contact Radical Women or FSP, or 206-985-4621 (ask for Doug Barnes), if you would like to interview Gina or Patrick after their return or have them make a presentation to your union or community organization.
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Wednesday 16 November 2016

A New Messiah From The Sewers.

        Yea, we are still trying to work out the eventual outcome of the fact that roughly a quarter of Americans, yep, just a quarter of Americans, gave the driving wheel of the most brutal and powerful imperialist country in the world, to a feckless dipshit egotistical, power crazy, TV showman. I still think that on the world stage it will be the unbridled power of the greed driven corporate military complex that will call the shots, with, of course, the blessing of their new figurehead. On the lower scale of what happens on our streets, well that is a different picture. All the right-wing vermin will now crawl out of the sewers, emboldened by their new Messiah. We are in for some very troubling times. We are living in an era of devastating wars, unprecedented inequality, unimaginable population displacement, an era of ever mounting world crises. we are haunted by environmental disaster of our own making, and now we are to receive a tsunami of divisive right-wing, xenophobic, fundamentalism. We are indeed, living in very troubled times

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Live Music, Poetry, Fun And Solidarity.

        The good people of Castlemilk Against Austerity, have been putting on a series of community events, and they are growing in popularity, helping to bring together the rich strands of the community. They range from talks/discussions, poetry and music as well as philosophy and food sharing. They are now putting out the word of their next get-together, and looks as good and rich as the previous.

       This is our next Event please come along and let people know about it they're brilliant nights 

  Live Music Night Fundraiser By the people, for the people A night showcasing local musical talent, should be fun and once again we need the support of the people to make the night a success.
Tickets are available through the page and are a snip at £2.50.
      This will be our 4th Music Night the previous 3 have been great wee nights with amazing talent we even had the Brilliant Gerry Cinnamon do his stuff at the last one. We want to encourage all of us to share ideas about how we can stick up for each other and campaign to change the unfairness, inequality and poverty we are all facing. We know what the issues are and believe that only the people in the community pulling together can really change things. The Live Music Event brings together all that in the most creative way. Everything is original from all the participants with their own music and words with a few auld favs added. It’s not just raising community spirit and unity but also reminding people it’s us who create things not the millionaires.
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Tuesday 15 November 2016