Friday 11 December 2015

You're An Anarchist At Heart.

       I have always maintained that we are all anarchists at heart, we don't like to be ordered around, we want to be a partner in what we do, and more and more we see people by-passing institutions of power and attempting to sort things out for themselves, without most of them having considered anarchism in any shape or form. There has been an increase in people moving to stop fracking, gentrification, evictions etc. and they have not been waving an anarchist flag or wearing an anarchist badge. It is just a realisation that if they want something done, then they will have to do it themselves, they no longer see the institutions as being on their side. The more it happens, the more empowered they feel, the more it will grow. Anarchism from the heart, not from the book.
       These newer movements are looking to one another for power, and creating it, horizontally and through self-organization. The state is increasingly rejected as the site from which to change society. Distinct from people who identify as anarchists, most members of newer movements reject the state out of experience and based on their observations from recent history. Foreclosures and evictions continue, water is being shut off in cities and towns from Palestine to Detroit, cuts to public spending and austerity measures are increasing, and land is being plundered by fracking and mining, with no respite in sight.
      After all, why should people turn to the institutions that are responsible for their problems for solutions? Instead, everywhere we see people taking matters into their own hands: affected people have themselves blocked mining companies in Greece and Argentina, and prevented pipes from being laid for fracking across the Americas. In Argentina the Malvinas Assembly stopped Monsanto from constructing what would have been the world’s largest genetically modified seed processing plant. Foreclosures in Spain, Chicago, and San Francisco have been prevented by neighbors coming together and blocking the eviction and auction of homes, and neighbors have also prevented high-end buyers from surveying apartments in working-class neighborhoods, such as Kreuzberg in Berlin. This is not a politics of demanding that others stop exploitation, but stopping it themselves through collective direct action. Distinct from traditional social movements, these are self-organized communities that see the process of the struggle and its goal as interconnected. Again, one can see the anarchist touch here—the spirit of non-hierarchy, horizontalism, and anti-statism—even if people in these movements do not identify themselves as such.
Read the full article HERE:
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In Democracy, Prisons Are An Anathema.

        Prisons are cages where the state locks away those who resist its power, where it tries to intimidate and silence those who would work at breaking its strangle hold over our freedom. Prisons are there to intimidate, repress and silence any real change to the power structure of this unjust and exploitative system. As long as one prison remains, we do not have a free society. For centuries, so often we have found the voice of freedom locked away in some dark and dismal hole for fear that it might light the touch paper of anger that simmers under the surface of so many. For fear that they could be the spark that releases that fire of burning desire for freedom we all carry in our hearts. While prisons stand freedom struggles.
This from Contra Info:
      We who experience the condition of our children, our spouses, our brothers and sisters, our friends being captive.
    We who have heard exterminating sentences to decades of imprisonment handed down by terror-courts of the State of exploiters.
     We who have stood firmly and with dignity by the side of our relatives and friends – captive freedom fighters.
      It’s time that we raised our own voice. It’s time that we proclaimed our own truth.
     We propose and call for a Global Solidarity Action Day joined by relatives and friends of political prisoners.
     From Greece, Italy, Spain to Chile and Mexico and throughout the Earth.
     Let us all together shout out loud:

     We stand by them and will continue to do so. In the face of the barbarity of terror laws of fascist and democratic governments of the empire of wealth, we will continue to resist.
       We propose December 31st as a day of global action undertaken by relatives of political prisoners.
      Through initiatives for manifestations & interventions at prisons, courts, ministries and every centre of Power.
        For human dignity and FREEDOM.
Until the demolition of the last prison left standing
We continue to resist.
Relatives & Friends of prisoners and prosecuted fighters | Greece
call-out in Greek
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Thursday 10 December 2015

ISIS, Turkey, Israel And Blood Stained Oil.

       So America can bomb and smash the Iraqi regime and bring it crashing down, it can step in with NATO and bring down the Libyan regime, but it can't stop the march of ISIS, strange. More than 15 months of bombing, over 8,000 bombing operations, and the oil still keeps on flowing through ISIS to fund their operations. The slaughter and the posturing politics of the imperialist states goes on, with nobody really sure what the hell is going on. The only thing we can be sure of, is that hundreds of thousands of ordinary people are being killed, maimed and traumatised. Hundreds of thousands are fleeing their homeland and and barely surviving in fields and inadequate camps, far from home. A humanitarian crisis across the Middle East and a humanitarian crisis unfolding here in Europe continues to be playing out before our eyes and all because of imperialist foreign policies. Money changes hands, bankers and brokers get rich, governments gobble up the blood stained oil, and the people suffer. This is the playing field of world capitalism.

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Condemning And Condoning Violence.

      Who are the enemies of civilisation, who are the murders of civilians, who gains most from the slaughter on a massive scale? Those who gain most from death and destruction are not bandits, rebels and suicide bombers, no, they are those in expensive clothes, they have yachts, private jets, several homes in different lands, they are the CEO and shareholders of the arms companies. They are lauded in high places by heads of states and governments, they get seats on think tanks, they shape government policy. Such companies as:
AAI Corporation
Alliant Techsystems
Auto-Ordnance Company
BAE Systems Inc.
Bushmaster Firearms International
Colt's Manufacturing Company
General Atomics
General Electric (primarily through GEAE)
General Dynamics
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Raytheon Corporation
Royal Aquarius Empire Corporation
Smith & Wesson
Springfield Armory, Inc.
THOR Global Defense Group
United Technologies (primarily through Pratt and Whitney, Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation)
BAE Systems
Cobham plc

     Of course every state on the planet has its, manufacturers of murder, one can't exist without the other. As long as we have states, we will be shackled to their murderous exploits, as they scheme to increase their power and influence to commandeer the planet's resources.

Please play this . Please!
Posted by Alex George on Thursday, 3 December 2015
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Click on cover image to download Avalanche No.6.

Dear comrades
Avalanche n° 6 just came out in English and French. Copies of the issue can be requested by sending a mail to correspondance[at]riseup[dot]net or by downloading it on the website.
anarchist greetings
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Wednesday 9 December 2015

Palestinian Anarchists.

        If you look you can find information about anarchists from anywhere in the world, well almost. One place that doesn't spring to mind when thinking of anarchism is Palestine. Their battle has been against 60 odd years of occupation, land stealing and genocide, there battle has been one of survival against a brutal expanding occupying power. This tends to, though not necessarily so, lead to nationalism, a coming together under a different banner. I have no doubt that their battle will employ principles of anarchism, but that type of battle tends to emphasis a people against another people. However nationalism is not a healthy state of mind, it tends to have an "us" mindset and usually leads to differences, rather than similarities, divisions rather than co-operation.
       Importantly, Hassan extends her own understanding of anarchism beyond positions merely against state or colonial authoritarianism. She refers to Palestinian novelist and Arab nationalist Ghassan Kanafani, noting that although he challenged the occupation, "…he also challenged patriarchal relations and the bourgeois classes… This is why I think we Arabs - anarchists from Palestine, from Egypt, from Syria, from Bahrain - need to begin reformulating anarchism in a way that reflects our experiences of colonialism, our experiences as women in a patriarchal society, and so on."
      "Just being part of political opposition won't save you," warns Ramadan, who adds that for many women, "When you stand against the occupation, you also have to stand against the family." In fact, the over-emphasized portrayal of women at protests, she maintains, masks the fact that in reality many women have to fight just to be there. Even attending evening meetings requires young women to overcome social boundaries not faced by their male counterparts.
Well worth reading the full article HERE:
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Tuesday 8 December 2015

A Thought From The Past!!!

      The following is a paragraph from a small article that I wrote some years ago. Amazing, I could quite easily have sat down today and penned the same article, as the powers that be, are working steadily at doing just what was proclaimed back then. 

–----- Some economists are proclaiming they have to to make it worse for the many. Insisting that governments must cut social spending to allow the real money makers to start creating greater wealth. While others state that the only formula is to cut social benefits and lower wages. Obviously the survival of the system is more important than the well-being of the people.
     Under these conditions, people have the right to defend themselves by what ever means possible, and that doesn't mean marching in an orderly fashion to some government office, and asking to be employed on a lousy job for a crap wage. We have a better imagination than that!!-----
      Ah well, I'll save it for another few years and use it again. Or are we really going to change things?
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I Think She Was A She---

      Poems come in many shapes and forms, say many things, some trivial, some profound, some deeply moving, some like an intravenous injection of emotion.

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The School Of Americas, A Blood Factory.

      For a while our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media has been giving some space, between celebrities, sex and sport, to the hundreds of thousands painfully grinding their way across Europe from the hell hole that is the Middle East. Not much cover to the fact that the reason for the brutal bloodshed taking place in that region, is the imperialists, past and present, greed and power driven desire to plunder the rich resources of the region.
     This is not a unique situation, it is the pattern of imperialism that goes on across the globe. At the other end of the world, that troubled continent, South America, has faced, and still does, the vicious brutality of empire, as the corporate greed behind the American imperialism, try to crush any opposition to their plunder of the resources of that region.
        South America is steeped in blood, the blood of ordinary people, savagely beaten, tortured, murdered and "disappeared". All at the behest of American corporate power, through the medium of the American military.
      Just as the European imperialists are seeing mass exodus from their killing fields to their "homeland", so the US imperialists are seeing a similar mass increase crossing their border by those fleeing the savagery of their military machine.
     The rivers of blood that have flowed, and are still flowing, to protect the profits of the corporate world, outdo the combined volume of the Nile, Yangtze and the Amazon. Truly, corporate profit can be measured in blood.
This is a video that everybody should see.


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Monday 7 December 2015

Greece's Resurgent Anarchist Movement.

      Anarchist and anarchist groups should always change and adapt to the shifting conditions of the capitalist morass. The aim may be the same, but the route has to be devised as we move forward. In Greece where the capitalist system is an open fight of raw brutality, capitalism with the gloves off, so, Greece's anarchist movement is going through change, and a resurgence. 
This by Tommy Trenchard at Al Jazeera: 

A makeover

     Anarchy is not new to Greece. Though opinions differ on the details, anarchists say the movement started in the port city of Patras, and was brought across the Ionian sea by dockhands from Italy some time in the mid-19th century. Since then it has ebbed and flowed over the years, taking credit for helping to topple Greece's military dictatorship in the early 1970s and fighting educational reform throughout the 1990s.
     But since the beginning of the country's economic crisis in 2008, the movement has been resurgent as disaffected young Greeks look for alternatives to a political and economic system many see as discredited.
    On one Wednesday earlier in the year, I watched as masked anarchists in hoodies and black T-shirts hurled bottles and petrol bombs at riot police in front of the parliament building. Such exchanges have become routine.
      These are, perhaps, the images that most commonly come to mind when people think of anarchists. But after decades of being seen largely as a protest movement of ideologues and dreamers, Greece's anarchists are having a makeover.
      As frustration with conventional politics deepens, the movement is attempting to rebrand itself as a realistic alternative for disillusioned young Greeks by showing that it offers more than violence and vague ideas of freedom. The concert in Kesariani was a part of this initiative.
      "The revolution will not come with flowers," he said. "They need to see that we have the power to create but also to destroy. Again and again."
     Back in K-Vox, however, V is confident that their many pockets of support across the capital can capitalise on the current state of turmoil in the country. "The movement is maturing. All over Athens we have these assemblies now; everywhere small fires are burning. We hope they will join up until they take over the city."
Read the full article HERE:
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