Tuesday 4 October 2011


ann arky's home.


          I have never been one to think that democracy will come via a military government. In most cases the top Military are in too cozy a relationship with those at the top you wish to get rid of, they are part and parcel of the same state apparatus. So I thought it would only be a matter of time before there were the usual fractures between the new ruling elite and the real people of Egypt, and now the new ruling class are beginning to show where their plans are heading, the usual control over the working class. Below is an appeal from LabourStart.

        The Egyptian revolution last winter was an inspiration to the whole world. And workers were at the heart of it. Their strikes brought down the Mubarak regime.
But today, Egypt's Military rulers continue to criminalise strikes.
     That hasn't stopped Egyptian workers from walking off the job in their hundreds of thousands. Today, a major strike wave is sweeping the country, with schools, hospital and public transport systems shut down. Those workers face the risk of brutal repression unless the country's military rulers start recognizing their basic human right to join and form trade unions, and to strike.

        Egypt's new independent unions and the International Trade Union Confederation have today launched a major campaign to pressure the new regime to enact a labour law that recognizes workers' rights.
      It's extremely important that you and other members of your union act today by sending off a short message. It will take you less than a minute to do this.
Click here to send off your message.

Please pass this message on to other members of your union.
Thank you!

Eric Lee
ann arky's home.

Monday 3 October 2011


More from that very wet Saturday 1st October Glasgow. The weather didn't dampen their spirits, nor their anger.

ann arky's home.


        The following is a short extract from Tony Benn's speech made at the weekend. It is all well and good what he says, but we don't want to to defeat the government and see a Miliband Labour government in its place. After all the man himself Ed, has said that they cannot reverse the cuts. To replace the Cameron/Clegg millionaires with look-a-like named Miliband is hardly going to improve the conditions of the ordinary people of this country. They are all singing from the same music sheet, it's just that the Cameron mob are singing it as a reel, while the Miliband bunch want to sing it as a waltz. The end result will be the same, a drastically decimated welfare system, a low wage economy and millionaires making loads of cash. It is not the faces at the front of the package that is the problem, it is the package itself.

          “The present government is mounting the biggest attack ever made on the welfare state created after the Second World War. Their aim is to finish the work begun under Margaret Thatcher in the 1980s.
         When people came back from the war, the view was that it was the responsibility of government, representing the people as a whole, to provide affordable homes, free medical care, education for all, and key public services.
        All of that is now under threat. The Con-Dem Coalition's programme of austerity and privatisation will take us back 80 years.
          We are going to need a tidal wave of resistance from below to defeat the government. Every one of us needs to get active, involve others, spread the spirit of resistance to help to build a united mass movement to stop the cuts.”

What we want is a mass movement of resistance to change the system, not to change the face at the podium or the bums on the seats of power, and party political politics will never do that.


Financial herpes, just about sums it up, Greece has been fornicating with the IMF(International Mankind Fuckers) Sounds like this guy is a poet with a vision.

ann arky's home.


             Millionaire Cameron wants to put the”GREAT” back into Great Britain. Well, Britain is "GREAT", it just depends on which side of the financial apathied wall you sit. It is “GREAT” if your are Sir Philip Green, owner of Arcadia/Topshop/Burtons/BHS, you earn all that money from that group of companies and you don't pay tax, a nice wee fiddle, you see the company is in his wife's name and surprise, surprise, she doesn't live in Britain, she is a resident of Monaco!! It is “GREAT” if your are one of Britain's too many millionaires. Since the “financial crisis” of 2008 the number of millionaires in Britain has grown from 528,000 to 619,000 an increase of 17%., Britain has the fourth most registered millionaires in the world coming in after USA, Japan and China. So millionaire Cameron has no worries there, Britain is “GREAT” for this bunch of parasites.

It's a GREAT country.
             However, what if you happen to be on the other side of that financial apathied wall? Well millionaire Cameron has a wee problem there. There is nothing “GREAT” about Britain if you are among the 4 million children growing up in poverty, more than 1 in 3, a figure that is amongst the worst in Europe. Nothing “GREAT” if you happen to be one of the 2 million pensioners living below the breadline and facing winter in fuel poverty. Again we are amongst the worst rates of pensioner poverty in Europe. I wonder if millionaire Cameron and his millionaire cabal, can even grasp an inkling of how “UN-GREAT” Britain is for the 20.2% of our young people who live a life on the dole? How “GREAT” is that, a fifth of all our young people unemployed, a waste of talent and resources, a destruction of the future.

          Sorry Mr. millionaire Cameron, you and your corporate cronies with policies of profit before people can never make Britain "GREAT" for the people of this country. You and the system you fight so viciously for, has to go, your greed driven corporate fascism has to be flushed down the toilet before this country can be "GREAT" for all of the people who live and work here.


       According to our wonderful unbiased mainstream media, this isn't happening. We are talking about thousands occupying Wall St, we are talking about 700 arrests at the Brooklyne Bridge, we are talking about the area being occupied for nearly two weeks, and occupations popping up all over America. It would seem that our media has a problem with its near sight and can't see what is under its nose but has good long sight and can tell you what is happening a couple of thousand miles away, of course with a bit of distortion.

       The stench of the greed from the system is beginning to choke the nostrils of the people and they don't like it. Across the globe people are coming onto the streets and the shout is always the same, “the system doesn't work for the people”. How can we accept a system that alienates so many people. We are aware of the poverty and deprivation that blots every country on the planet, some more than others but no country is immune, the system doesn't work for the people.

        Modifying it will not get rid of the basic principle of the system, put in a dollar and take out two, something for nothing for the few and grinding struggle for the rest. Remember Obama's "change", more of the same type of "change" is what you will get if you just tinker with the system. There are alternatives to this profit driven system, it doesn't take much imagination to come up with a system of co-operation and mutual aid, a system that sees to the needs of all our people based on sustainability. We don't need the parasites of the corporate or financial worlds, they produce nothing of any use, all they are interested in is more power and wealth for their cosy little cabal and the rest of us can go to hell in a hand cart.

      Can we look forward to the time when the people of every country occupy their towns and cities, their villages and communities and decide how they want to live, and how to do it in co-operation and federation with all others, shaking the billionaire parasites off their backs, creating a sustainable world of mutual aid free from deprivation? Why not?

ann arky's home.

Sunday 2 October 2011


Well, what's your reason? Or what's your reason for not being an anarchist?
ann arky's home.


       Our millionaire public school thugs keep spouting that what they are doing is for the benefit of the country. What do they mean by “benefit of country”? What most people would think is that it is for he benefit of the people of that country. However the policies being administered by this bunch of millionaire parasites is most certainly not for the benefit of the people. Let's start with the £9billion cut from disability benefit, hitting some of the most vulnerable in our society. Then of course there is those effects that are not linked to any specific cut, like for example the fact that in the last year FareShare, which redistributes waste food from food manufacturers and super markets to various social care charities, has seen the demand for its food rise from 29,500 to 35,000 and increase of 20%. A lot of those coming forward for the food are from what would be termed “stable families” affected by rising unemployment. The number of charities applying to the FareShare scheme has risen from 600 to 700 over the last year. Almost half of those charities signed up to the scheme have claimed that the demand for their food services has risen by more than 50%. That's an awful lot of people depending on food handouts to survive, in what is one of the richest countries in the world. So much for “the benefit of the country”. Another action for “the benefit of the country” is a wage freeze, and in some cases, a wage cut, on public sector employees, while inflation is running at 5% and fuel bills for heating have risen by 18% this year alone. What is the total so far that are benefiting from these policies?

     Cuts in social services and benefits, wage freeze and wage cuts, high inflation and rocketing fuel prices, cuts in education, closure of libraries, leisure centres, and school, attempts to privatise the National Health Service, higher pension contributions, working longer and lower pensions at retiral, plus unemployment rising, all for your benefit. Of course you won't benefit now, but in 20 years or so this will be a great country for big business, lots of cheap labour and hundreds chasing every job. What you are being promised is the usual pie in the sky for you, and an immediate killing for the millionaire parasite class. So as far as they are concerned what they are doing is for “the benefit of the country”, as they consider it is their country, we are just the tools by which they make their fortunes. In the words of that old song,”When will we ever learn”?

ann arky's home.



         Ten years of death and destruction in Afghanistan and still it goes on. Hundreds of UK troops killed and thousands injured, plus billions of pounds spent on maintaining this inhumane, pointless slaughter. Where does all that money go? It pours into the arms industry who are delighted to see tons of munitions being exploded, creating a need to have them replaced, at the same time allowing the other psychopaths in power across the globe an opportunity to see these destructive weapons in use. A war is like a trade show to the arms industry and it doesn't cost them a penny.

         There are urgent and pressing needs across the globe, they are not being seen to, the usual excuse is lack of resources. How much of the capitalist world's resources are spent on destruction and killing, what impact would there be if all those resources were directed at people's needs? Of course for that to happen we need to get rid of the capitalist system itself. As long as we have the present system of corporate capitalism and national governments, we will have wars and destruction, suffering and deprivation, as the parasites engineer everything to their own benefit.

       The Antiwar Mass Assembly in Trafalgar Square on 8 October is going to be one of Stop the War's most important events.  Thousands of people have pledged to be there (see  http://bit.ly/pBlNMI), transport is being organised around the country (see http://bit.ly/oM17x9), the timetable for the event
has just been published, with a very impressive list of speakers, musicians, artists and performers (see http://bit.ly/poSQPd).



        After ten years of the UK being at war in Afghanistan, how much do we the British people know about that country and its people. At a guess, I'd say practically nothing, except what our biased media spew out from time to time in an attempt to justify that illegal slaughter. This might not be the empirical answer, but it helps.

AFGHANISTAN: A Potted Social History
      I. If the history of Afghanistan is about any one thing, it is about playing hard to get when capital turns on the charm: a mainly small-holding peasantry and artisanal population that spurns the joys of wage-slavery; saturated carpet bombings by external foes (sometimes in conjunction with the Afghani government) that fail to crush the smuggling operations of the mountain people; civil wars and the restricted nature of export crops making (non-drug related) industrial agriculture untenable; mountain bandits collecting taxes from all sides in return for protection, making the state’s tax collectors green with envy; meticulous social engineering plans to divide the country into northern (oil, gas, and minerals) and southern (cheap labour) spheres of influence, overwhelmed by ethnic/tribal/religious complications.Like the Columbian communeros (common land), minga (festive labour and reciprocal labour exchange) and the Russian obshchina, the self-subsistence Afghani local jirga (now devoid of all its communitarian village structures) proves a formidable obstacle to ‘progress’. Its strength is in inverse correlation to the power of the central government. In any case, the small amount of surplus secured by the state makes the seizure of power a dubious victory. Capital has almost given up creating modern structures of domination in Afghanistan, instead it tries to implant itself onto ‘communitarian’ traditions
Read more here; Revolt Against Plenty.

Saturday 1 October 2011


      Saturday October 1st. was probably the wettest day for some considerable time, the morning started with torrential rain and slowly modified to monsoon type downpour before turning to heavy rain for the rest of the afternoon. In spite of this, thousands felt angry enough to march the couple of miles from the Glasgow Green, through the city to Kelvingrove Park. A long slow colourful snake of people slithered their way through Glasgow's wet, semi-flooded streets in cheerful and noisy fashion. The march, against cuts to public services and the attack on public sector workers, was the first of many planned for the coming months.

     What we have to realise is that what this government is embarking on is the biggest and most savage attack in living memory, on the living standards of the people of this country. Under such circumstances there is no alternative but to defend ourselves and fight back with the same savageness and determination as this cabal of corporate fascists.  There is no law against self defence, when you are attacked you have the right to defend yourself. This millionaire government and its corporate bed-fellows are well organised and will be ruthless in their endeavour to privatise everything and to transfer all public assets to their millionaire friends in the corporate world. We must be better organised and even more ruthless than our attacker, if we wish to defeat this unbridled onslaught.


We are not alone in this growing self defence, across Europe there have been mass demonstrations and occupations, from Greece to France, from Spain to Italy, Portugal and Ireland, it has now spread across the Atlantic. Today is the seventh day of continual occupation of Wall St. in New York with 5,000 filling the area on Friday, and for the last three days the central square in Los Angelos has been occupied. We are one.

    We are governed by consent, we can and have the right to withdraw that consent, the system is corrupt, unjust and cannot work for the benefit of the majority of the people, so the majority of the people have the right to destroy it, and in its place create a system that sees to the needs of all our people, a system based on co-operation, mutual aid and sustainability, free from the greed of the profit motive. We have the right and the responsibility to start that creation process now. We owe it to our children and our grandchildren. We start now or we leave a heritage of repression and deprivation to those who follow.

Thursday 29 September 2011


         Occupy LA begins this Saturday Oct 1st! We are Occupying LA in solidarity with Occupy Wall St. (A Peaceful Occupation)
Starting at 10:00am in Pershing Square, marching to City Hall Map Join Us - Bring a sleeping bag, food, supplies, friends!

         The Middle East protests are applauded by the West, protests have been spreading across Europe and now we have them in New York and Los Angelos, could this be the start of something big? I can't wait to hear the Western media ring out the praises of all those brave people facing the wrath of the state machinery. I don't expect anybody to be shot in the West, just pepper sprayed, roughed-up, beaten and arrested, perhaps a few tasered. However, the West is not totally innocent in the field of bring troops on to the streets to handle unrest, Liverpool and Glasgow can testify to that.

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 28 September 2011


        As usual the American government is speaking in its customary duplicitous manner. Its mouthpiece Obama, spouts crap regarding the various and many dictators in the Middle East condemning their repression of peaceful protests, calling for restraint, while selling them the arms and equipment to carry out that repression. At this moment in time the state of Bahrain, with the aid of Saudi troops, is trying to crush any protesters that have the courage to criticise the corrupt and brutal regime. So what does our freedom, peace loving Obama administration do? Well naturally, it does what it always does, it wags its finger with a tut-tut-tut and the proceeds to sell them the necessary equipment to crush the protester. While protesters die on the streets of Bahrain, the US Department of Defence is now preparing to sell $53 million worth of armoured Humvees and missiles to the brutal dictatorship of Bahrain. Well in capitalism, business is business and people are dispensable.

        We know we can't take the words that come from the mouths of those nasty dictators in those strange foreign lands that the West is always trying to bomb into democracy, but is there any statement that we can take at face value when it drips out the mouth of any one of those Western corporate stooges that we call the political class?


            This September marks the 80 anniversary of the Invergordon Mutiny, an event that caused a run on the pound, a panic on the London Stock Exchange and Britain to leave the gold standard. Then, as now, it was a conservative government that was implementing pay cuts on public sector workers, which also applied to naval ratings. Most of the ordinary seamen were to see they pay cut by 10% and in some cases by 25%. The North Atlantic Fleet had put into Invergordon and the sailors learnt of the pay cuts from the newspapers. Meetings were held on shore and the Red Flag was sung by groups of sailors. They had decided to refuse orders except essential duties and on some ships, refused to put to sea. The strike action was spreading throughout the whole North Atlantic Fleet and messages were flowing from the Rear-Admiral Tomkinson, who was in charge of the fleet, the Admiralty and Downing Street. Eventually the Fleet set sail for its home base and some concessions were agreed on the ratings grievances. However, Rear Admiral Tomkinson was held responsible for the problem escalating, claiming he didn't take severe enough action at the start of the strike. Several of the organisers of the mutiny were jailed, 200 sailors from the North Atlantic Fleet were discharged from the service and a further 200 from elsewhere in the navy were discharged for attempting to incite similar actions across the service. One of the organisers, Len Wilcot accepted an invitation to go to the USSR, while another, Fred Copeman, commanded a British battalion of the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War.
That was 1931 and here we are in 2011 and we have a conservative government trying to implement savage cuts to pay and conditions of public sector workers. It seems we the ordinary people never learn, we tolerate a system that every so often takes away everything it can from what the people have fought for, and won. Under this capitalist system what we the ordinary people have is never ours, it is grudgingly surrendered to usafter many a difficult strugle, and then at the first opportunity the parasites try to take it all back. I'm sure we have the imagination to come up with a better and more just system that sees to the needs of all our people, a system built on co-operation, mutual aid and sustainability, free from the greed drive motive of profit for the few. Time to get the parasites off our backs.
ann arky's home.

Tuesday 27 September 2011


          The Nazi BNP is planning to hold a protest, outside the BBC’s Question Time, this Thursday 29th September, when it is filmed at the Contemporary Urban Centre in Liverpool.
Join the counter protest, from 5pm Thursday 29th September 2011, outside the CUC, Greenland street (off Jamaica street ) L1 0BS.

         Everyone, please turn out to demonstrate against racism and fascism and to congratulate the BBC, on refusing to have Nick Griffin on BBC’s Question Time. At this point in time, the police are trying to stop this demonstration, so we need the largest numbers turning up, to ensure everyone in Britain knows that the BNP is NOT welcome in Merseyside.

ann arky's home.