Showing posts with label Osborne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Osborne. Show all posts

Monday 30 September 2013

Full Circle, Victorian Poverty To Osborne Poverty.

      How far will this government of millionaires go in creating its section of the European sweatshop economy? Well as far as we will let them. Though they failed to get voted in, they managed to cobble together a cabal of privileged parasitical millionaires to push through their agenda of low wage anti-union policies at the behest of the financial/corporate mafia. However they are by no means finished, there are some very vicious plans still to be implemented. Having attacked the unemployed with slave labour "workfare", brutally assaulted  the disabled by means of ATOS, bludgeoned individuals and families with the "bedroom tax" and coerced those working into accepting zero hours contracts, Old Etonian millionaire Osborne, has a super plan to bring back the Victorian workhouse conditions. Come April, all unemployed will be forced to do 30 hours a week of unpaid of charity work, or lose their benefits. If you can't find a job, you can be expected to be out picking up litter etc. saving the council money, and allowing them to pay off some more workers, to be forced to the same work. How you are supposed to find work while doing 30 hours a week slave labour is not mentioned. The reason being that they are well aware that there are no jobs.
      All this bodes well for their corporate  friends, forced labour, and shrinking wages and the promise of more "anti-union legislation". The phrase, "anti-union legislation" translates as an attack on all our working conditions, including health and safety. As far as the corporate greed machine is concerned, health and safety is costly, and that money could be used for shareholders bonuses. After all people are cheap, much cheaper than health and safety. Since taking the reigns of power, this millionaire cabal have managed to cut the average family income, in real terms, by £1,300 annually, and remember, they are talking about the "austerity" conditions lasting until 2018. How much will your average income have shrivelled to by then?
      It is all going to plan, sweatshop Europe is well under way, wages have fallen by approximately 10% since 2010, the unemployed will work for nothing, unions are being decimated, so firing at will isn't a problem, and zero hours contracts take a load off the employers responsibilities. In the marble halls of the corporate world, the champagne glasses are clinking in honour of the Osborne/Cameron attack on the working class.
     He said taking more money off the wealthy to pay for schools, hospitals and defence was “not sensible for a country if it wants to support wealth creation”. On the opening day of the conference he also announced policies that included pulling out of the European Convention on Human Rights. And his shift to the right was reinforced by party chairman Grant Shapps who set out plans for new anti-union laws – as his boss appeared to doze off in the audience.
Read the full article HERE:

     This is the best we can expect from this type of economic system, it's called capitalism. That means make lots of money for corporations at the expense of the people employed. However, it is not the only game in town, as we are continually told. There are other ways to shape our society, there is co-operation, mutual aid, producing to see to the needs of all our people and sustainability. We can create structures that serve us the people, rather than a market, controlled by billionaires. The parasites need us, we don't need them.

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Friday 28 June 2013

Do You Want To Go Done The Plughole?

      Experts come up with what we already know, living standards are falling fast. According to the Joseph Rowantree Foundation, real inflation since 2008 has risen by 25%, and we know that wages have fallen by at least 10% in the same period. The Foundation, also states that in the last 12 months the worst hit are pensioners and those living alone, pensioners seeing a 4.2% increase in living costs, while people living alone have seen an increase of 2.4%. George Gideon Osborne's attack on benefits such as freezing child benefit, tax credits "uprated" by 1% and the increase in the cost of essentials, meant a working couple with two children will be £230 worse off a year, a working lone parent £223 and a single person worse off by £49 per year. On top of this another bunch of experts gave us more information that we the ordinary people already know. The Office of the Children's Commissioner for England states. due to the governments spending cuts along with tax and benefit changes, an additional 500,000 children will be pushed into poverty by 2015.
       We living in this financial Mafia ideological attack don't need experts to tell us that we the ordinary people are being hit hard and being impoverished, and we don't accept experts to telling us that it is necessary. Our poverty is only necessary to save the financial mafia from losing some of their gamled plunderer, plunder that they stole from us the ordinary people.      
     This is the picture of a country where the ordinary people are spiraling down the deprivation plughole. No where in any government report or statement does it say that we will get back to even near the standard of living of 2008. That era is history, the new vision is of sweatshop Europe, with employment regulations shredded, wages at rock bottom and benefits evaporated. Then corporate Europe can compete with the Eastern sweatshop empire. Ah the wonders of capitalism.
ann arky's home.

Sunday 14 April 2013

Labour, Making The Cuts Nicer.

       We all know that the ConDems coalition of millionaires, is hell-bent on slashing benefits of the most vulnerable in society, social spending to them is an anathema, Sadly a high proportion of people see the next election as a possible end to this onslaught by voting Labour, (sorry "New Labour") They somehow have formed the mistaken opinion  that the Miliband gang will change this cruel market drive approach to health and welfare. Sadly they will be find that should the well-heeled Miliband mob get their grubby hands on the reins of power, nothing will change. This particular bunch of hypocrites are traveling around preaching how they will continue with all the trimmings of of Osborne's master plan, but make it fair!! How do you take away support from vulnerable people fairly? how do you cut the benefits of those living on or near the poverty line fairly? Thatcher, Cameron, Miliband, it doesn't make any difference, it is not the smile or the personality that matters, it is the system. Only when we start to dismantle, this greed driven system of capitalism, will we see the vulnerable being cared for as their needs dictate and the pain of poverty being removed.

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 23 January 2013


      It is that time again, Davos, The World Economic Forum, a gathering of the main corporate Mafia members and their minders. This is where and when the corporate Mafia sit down and tell their minders, the national governments, how they want things to be done, how they want things to be structured to enhance their wealth and power and to protect these from any poisonous ideas about benefiting the people.
      It is no small party, there are some 2655 individuals on the official list, among them there will be billionaires and royalty, though I don't think there will be anybody from your street. Since this is all about the corporate mafia structuring the world to suit big business, they will form the largest group, 65% from the corporate world, while 25% of the total attendees will be made up of CEO. Others will be public officials just over 18% and those learned men from academia accounting for almost 7%. Sorry, nobody from your community centre. It may be the World Economic Forum, but according to them, you ain't in it.
     With people like our millionaire Osborne and his Bullingdon Club chum Boris Johnson in attendance, don't expect anything in your favour to come out of this lavish nosh-up. There is another name in attendance, that makes your blood creep, though he will be at home in that company, our very own home grown messianic Tony Blair. He certainly carved a very lucrative patch for himself. I suppose it's his reward for faithfully serving the corporate Mafia, through other people's blood, sweat and tears.
      This gathering is where government policies are sorted out, this is where the direction governments take will be laid down. Forget all this nonsense about elections and party manifestos, they are just the smoke and mirrors of the system. Decisions on your life are taken on high, in the rarefied atmosphere of the marble halls of power. The "representative democracy" is the charade that is there to keep the public feeling they are involved. The corporate world lays down its agenda, governments comply, that's corporate capitalism.

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 5 December 2012


         Here we go, here we go, millionaire Osborne will take centre stage this afternoon and deliver what is meant to be taken as a profound calculated analysis and plan. When in fact it is a series of calculated guesses, smoke and mirrors and a ridged following of ideology. His master plan when he was handed the job of Chancellor of the Exchequer by his millionaire mate, David, was to suck all the money out of the public purse and transfer it to his corporate friends. Of course we were told that this would be painful, but difficult choices had to be made. However our misery would be short lived, we would just have to suffer until 2015, then all our finances would be in great order and we would once again be living the good times, (which never were for the most of us). Now, as 2015 approaches, it is not quite sorted yet, so once again, difficult choices have to be made. That translates into, screw more money from the public purse, hand more money to the corporate world. Sadly that means we will have to wait until 2018, until those ever so rosy good times return. What a load of bullshit.

 "These are difficult times".

      We are on a downward spiral, as far as the living standards of the ordinary people of the developed world are concerned. According to recently released figures, Europe is sinking deeper into recession. The people of Greece have been brutally assaulted by the financial mafia, Spain, Potrugal and Italy are circling the plug hole, Ireland has to intoduce further austerity measures. Here, we are in the hands of a member of the millionaire Etonian old boys club, telling us that we will have to face a few more years of being screwed for the benefit of his corporate friends. What they are trying to get you to swallow is that after ten years or so of slashing our living standards and destroying the fabric of our society, we will all be better off!!! Tell that to the working families that are living in poverty at this moment in time. Tell it to the unemployed youth and the thousands of homeless. Tell it to the one third of our chidren who at present are living below the poverty line. 
       This certainly a master plan, a rigid following of ideology, for the Western corporate world to survive and grow, it has to create a Western wide sweatshop economy. A low wage, unregulated labour force is it last gasp to compete with its Eastern corporate adversary. You and I are intended to be part of that subservient corporate dream. Is that what you want for yourself, your kids and grandkids? If not, we have to organise, resist and act, very quickly, after all that is the way that they work.

ann arky's home.

Sunday 12 August 2012


      It is sad that the people of this country allow themselves to be ruled over by products of that factory of pomp and privilege known as Oxbridge. Get mummy or daddy to shove you through the Oxbridge pudding factory and you are assured a job with power, wealth and privilege. At the moment we have that trio of privileged arseholes, Cameron, Osborne and Johnston making mince of our society, and doing it with a smile and arrogance. I know I am not alone in thinking these thoughts.

       This from Organised Rage:

Britain’s top universities are still capable of churning out top-rank arseholes, despite recent attempts to force the odd prole through their doors.

That’s the claim made by bursars at Oxford and Cambridge universities, home to colleges with a proud history of arsehole production. In fact, many of the arseholes who have graduated from the region widely regard themselves to be ‘the envy of the world’.

‘It’s not all inspirational Olympians and dedicated research scientists,’ insisted Dr Jeremy Hogg, chair of Oxford’s St. Windolene’s college. ‘We’re still knocking out the sort of bore that orders breakfast in Latin. For every scientist researching cancer there’s a misunderstood director making wilfully difficult ballet about the fagging system. They’re both arseholes, but only one of them makes a song and dance about it.’
Continue READING:

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 25 April 2012


        According to Tory MP Nadine Dorries our two millionaire supreme leaders, Cameron, descended from King William IV and Osborne, heir to a baronetcy, are, to quote, "Not only are Cameron and Osborne two posh boys who don't know the price of milk," "But they are two arrogant posh boys who show no remorse, no contrition, and no passion to want to understand the lives of others - and that is their real crime."

What's milk, and does it have a price? I personally drink Champagne.

         Of course us at the receiving end of their “deficit reduction” policies, (pseudonym for transferring public funds to their friends in the financial Mafia) are fully aware that they have no idea how we the ordinary people live, we are also aware of the fact that they have any inkling to find out. It is two different worlds, one of wealth, privilege, arrogance, greed and power, and ours, of struggle and exploitation. Of course it is not just Cameron and Osborne that are responsible for this dual world, they are more the products of this system of wealth equating with power. It is the system of capitalism that allows and encourages wealth creation through exploitation of the many by the few, and that wealth to become the power that controls us the ordinary people. Running round to the ballot box at the next election with the desire to remove these two privileged prats and replace them with two new shiny smiles in new suits, will in no way change the system. The wealth plundered from the many will still hold the reins of power. As long as we do no more than poke fun at the privileged parasites who control our world and do nothing more drastic, then we are doomed to be that mass being exploited and plundered by that cabal of privileged arrogant prats, they will certainly not give up their position of power and privilege because we call them names.
          Forget the ballot box and organise outside the system to take control of our own lives, start in our communities, to lay the foundations of the type of world we want. A world of fairness, justice and seeing to the needs of all our people, a world of co-operation, sustainability and free from the greed and profit motive of the privileged parasitical prats that infest our lives at present.

Wednesday 21 September 2011


           The powers that be, tend to criticise hoodies and those who cover their faces at demonstrations marches etc. claiming that if you have nothing to hide, then why cover your face. Of course you and I know that when it comes from the mouths of the state apparatus, they never practice what they preach. It is one set of rules for you and I, and another for them and their minders.

          Well it is much the same with the austerity cuts, you've all heard the the Cameron, Osborne millionaires mantra, “We are all in this together”, or Nick the Clegg's message spewed out at the recent Liberal Conference, “We are all facing hard, very hard, times ahead.” These type of statements coming from the mouths of a cabinet that has 23 millionaires, speaking to people on minimum wage, on benefit, lousy pensions and facing horrendous winter fuel bills, Yea man, we are all in this together, my arse.

"We're all in this together boy."

          When will we wake up to the fact that we are being taken for a bunch of mugs by a group of crooks and liars? Nothing they say or do will in any way benefit us the ordinary people, their crap about “managing the economy” is all about saving the wanker bankers and doing their damnedest to cover the loses of their millionaire friends in the financial sector after their greed feast. They know who their friends are!!!

Wednesday 8 June 2011


        Recently the Cameron/ Clegg cabal of millionaires were waiting for the IMF to pass judgement on the Osborne hatchet job being perpetrated on the British public. Of course there were loud cheers from the millionaire public school thugs when the IMF gave its vote of approval. Only an idiot would have expected any other verdict. If we consider what the IMF is, we get the general picture. It was created back in 1944 when the it became obvious who the winners were going to be in the final stages of WW2. The new masters of the world came together to form an organisation that would create a world financial system that would guarantee the world's wealth and resources would flow rapidly and only towards them, they wanted total control, the birth of the IMF. According to an examination by ActionAid, of the Malawi famine of 2002/3 its conclusions were that the IMF policies, “bears responsibility for the disaster.” IMF restructuring has devastated countries across Africa and South America. It is an organisation that works towards complete privatisation and low wages. After the 2008 collapse, the IMF congratulated Hungary for continuing to pursue its deficit reduction arrangements by slashing public services. The Hungarian people however had other ideas and got rid of that government, electing a government that promised to make the banks pay for their errors and greed. It introduced a levy on the banks and the IMF blasted the Hungarian government and its people with all the threats it could muster stating that the banks would flee the country and in an act of intimidation, it shut down its entire Hungarian program. Hungary didn't collapse, its people benefited.

         IMF policies have nothing to offer the people of any country, its only purpose is to keep syphoning the wealth up to the elite, to create an ever more powerful corporate world that controls all the planet's resources. Its policies have created famine, deprivation, abject poverty and death to thousands, if not millions across the globe. So why should it do anything else except applaud millionaire Osborne and his millionaire public school thugs when they devastate the public services, destroy the social fabric of our society, slash wages and pensions, and privatise everything in sight. All to make sure that “our” deficit is cleared, which in other terms means that we make sure that the bankers and the bond markets don't lose any of their unearned money that they greedily gambled and lost. It is two different worlds, it is their world of every lower wages and no social services controlled by a bunch of parasites, or it is our world of a decent society with all the social services necessary to keep it a decent society, a society based on needs, mutual aid and sustainability.

ann arky's home.