Showing posts with label co-operation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label co-operation. Show all posts

Friday 27 March 2015

Just Thinkin'.

       Looking around we can see lots of campaigns, all highlighting failings in the economic system we live under. There are those who point to the injustice of workfare, the bedroom tax, disability assessment process,, the viciousness of “sanctions”, winter deaths from fuel poverty, the ever increasing need for food banks, homelessness, the lack of care in the community for the elderly and the sick, mentally and physically, low wages, zero hour contracts. Then we move on to MP's fiddling, cronyism in high places, massive bonuses to the corporate bosses, the ever widening gap between rich and poor, and this list only scratches the surface. 
      Surely a system with this volume of flaws and injustices, can honestly be assessed as, not fit for purpose. Wouldn't it be better if all those sincere and dedicated campaigners, accepted that it is not their particular issue that is the problem, it is the economic system that is inherently flawed, and it is to that problem we must direct our energies. Capitalism is a beast of exploitation, it can't be other than that, that's how it works, the primary object of any “business” is to make money for its owners, not to serve the public. If it doesn't make money for its owners, then screw the public, it will shut down, no matter the need of that public. We have to get away from the sticking plaster mentality when we are dealing with a terminal cancer. Capitalism has to be put to rest, deposited in the dustbin of history, it has passed the point of being a bit unfair, it is now destroying the planet, and forcing civilisation to extinction. Its continual drive for growth in a world of finite resources, is a recipe for disaster, there are no redeeming factors in capitalism. It spawns wars, increases poverty, widens the gap between rich and poor, its basic principles are greed and exploitation.
       I personally don't think we have that much time to avert a world wide catastrophe, as our insane system drives ever increasing climatic changes, rapes and plunders the earth of all its finite resources, and all in the name of profit for the few. We know we can organise our lives in a more sane and just manner, we know we can manage the earth's resources in a manner that will preserve them and serve all. We have had hundreds of years of an ever failing system that has never delivered what its proponents claimed it would. Let's focus on bring this system down, not trying to patch its festering last days. Let's focus on creating that better world based on the co-operation and will of the ordinary people, a system based on justice, sanity and fairness, one that attempts to live in harmony with the ecosystem that supports us, not destroy it, for the benefit of the few. We have to spread the anarchist dream and work towards making it a reality, the alternative is a profit driven, rapid descent into extinction. 

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Tuesday 20 January 2015

Everyone Is An Anarchist At Heart.

     To most anarchists it is so obvious that we expect others to see it the same way, but sadly it doesn't work like that. What can be more enriching and liberating than controlling your own live, in mutual co-operation with others, what can be more demeaning than having your life controlled by others, who don't even have your interests at heart? Why do we accept the later, when the former is there for us to take?

Download the PDF:
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Thursday 6 November 2014

There Is Another Way.

        There is another way, but the road will not be easy, the imperialists will try to crush the dream by any means available, propaganda, subterfuge, oppression or outright bloody war, they have done so in the past, and are doing so at this moment in time, wherever freedom raises its flag. As long as the people allow themselves to be governed by a small group with vested interests, they will never taste justice, nor feel freedom.
     In the year after the Gezi uprising, protests continue against the government’s urban redevelopment plans, against police repression, in response to repression of the Kurdish and Alevi populations, and in honor of the martyrs that lost their lives in the uprising. Most recently, angry protests and riots have spread across the country in solidarity with the Kurdish People’s Protection Units fighting against the Islamic State in Kobanê, Rojava. This film chronicles a year of uprisings, resistance and repression since the Gezi uprising in Turkey.

After Gezi: Erdoğan And Political Struggle In Turkey from brandon jourdan on Vimeo.
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Tuesday 30 September 2014

Where Do You Stand?

Where do you stand?

 This from Tahlure Niemy:
I am an Anarchist
I am not what the mass media tells you
I am not for violence, chaos, and disorder
I am not the mad max projections of the state
I am an Anarchist
I support cooperation, direct action, mutual aid, and solidarity
I grow food wherever I can
I protect the land base around me
I help others by lifting them up instead of pushing them down
I am an Anarchist
I do not want others to have power over me
I do not want power over others
I will not be ruled
I reject the power of authority and the state
I am an Anarchist
I am a white male and I realize the privilege this brings
I fight privilege by using my privilege to bring equality for all
I do see color and reject the ideology that liberals project when they say they see no color
I reject this ideology because the statement “I see no color” seeks to rob people of their history, roots, and struggle
I give my support, solidarity, and action to those that have been marginalized and oppressed by the state because of the color of their skin
I am an Anarchist
I am therefore feminist
I reject rape culture, sexism, and patriarchy
I seek equality because I lift others up, not push them down
I am an Anarchist
I do not believe in borders and nationalism
I believe in the free grouping of individuals
I do not believe I am better than anyone else because of where I was born
I am an Anarchist
I fight globalization
I fight this because it has caused the extermination of cultures, the theft of resources, and the destruction it leaves in it’s wake
I am an Anarchist
I believe in autonomy
I support autonomy because people are happier when they do what they are passionate about
I know autonomy is necessary to the creative experience
I am an Anarchist
I weep for the destruction of the cultures and ways of life that the indigenous and un-contacted people have lost due to Capitalism
I show my solidarity and support to the Zapatistas, Palestinians, Africans, and South Americans that have fought to preserve their culture
I am an Anarchist
I am an anti capitalist
I fight capitalism based on it’s destructive nature to the environment
I fight capitalism based on it’s sociopathic nature that some should live better than others
I fight capitalism because systems of hierarchy and competition will always lead to poverty and inequality
I am an Anarchist
I fight the murderous, racist, and homophobic police
I know that the police are rooted in racism because of their history as people who would catch run away slaves and oppress poor minority communities
I fight police because they kill us in the streets and get paid time off instead of murder charges
I fight the police because they support the capitalist system and protect the rich
I fight the police because they fight me
I am an Anarchist
I do not believe in the rule of government
I know that government doesn't help us but actually hurts us
I know that we can cooperate and organize with horizontal consensus decision making
I know that it is the people that make the world operate, not the government
I am an Anarchist
I will remain active in direct action
I will not ask permission to do something
I do not seek the authority of the state
I know that direct action is how we survive
I am an Anarchist
I have no compromise when it comes for the defense of mother Earth
I will block it if they try to ship it
I will shut them down if they try to exploit it
I will destroy their exploitation at the source
I am an Anarchist
I do not fall for liberal ideals in fighting the symptoms of a problem
I fight the cause of the problem
I will not waste my time with such reformist ideals
I am an Anarchist
I know that I am CisGendered
I know others are TransGendered
I identify as he or him
I know this because to be aware of gender issues is solidarity for the trans community
I am an Anarchist
I believe we belong to the Earth, not the other way around
I do not believe in ownership of land or possessions because they have never belonged to anyone
I cannot own something that has been stolen from the people and the planet
I will not take my land or house or possessions with me when I die
I am an Anarchist
I know that the only true freedom is when we have true equality
I know that no one is free while others are oppressed
I will not be ruled over
I am an Anarchist
I will not back down
I will never stop
I will be liberated

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Thursday 25 September 2014

Thursday 13 February 2014

Paint Your Face With War Paint?

       In honest reflection, I think we have to admit that we have made a real mess of the planet. Apart from ripping the planet apart to plunder its finite resources to feed our excesses, we swamp its rivers with noxious chemicals, and fill its atmosphere with deadly pollutants. We destroy its forests and devastate all other forms of animal life, as they get in the way of our “progress”. Basking in the illusion that we are making our lives better, we destroy our only home. We fail to grasp that spaceship earth has no escape capsule. Greed of the few, which is contagious, is sold as “progress” while tinsel and fancy gadgets cover the scars of our bleeding planet. What we should bear in mind is that the planet is much more adaptable than we are as a species, it will change and go on spinning, while we slowly eliminate ourselves with our ever growing greed and arrogance.
      Is it too late? Can we rescue our only home? Who knows, but any chance of rescuing our once beautiful home will require a mass revolution of consciousness among the ordinary people, a destroying all the old tablets of stone, a burying of the myth of “continuous growth”, a levelling of the quality of life of the people across the planet, an end to the greed driven excesses of the few at the expense the many. What ever rescue plan we come up with, will most certainly need to be based on co-operation, mutual aid, sustainability and mutual respect of all life on the planet. The rescue plan for our survival must sit firmly on the foundation of material needs rather than material desires. A realisation that more pretty coloured boxes does not equate with a better quality of life.
     In the Middle East, those questions look like birth defects from residuals of depleted Uranium. Beneath the Arab Spring lie unattainable food costs. In China, you have nets built around factories to prevent suicides and screens projecting sunrise and sunsets since you can’t see them through the smog. Throughout Latin America you have displaced villages and toxin spewing factories demolishing forests. Throughout the affluent nations, you have chronic debt, depression, and people buried under their possessions and gadgets as real world connections wither.
      You have a world overrun by resource wars, power grabs, ponzi schemes, crushed egos, isolation and separation induced anxiety and depression, suppressed populations, and unthinkable wealth. But you have no middle ground. You have no escape.
Read the full article HERE: 
 Tomorrow’s World! 

See the fat cat’s grinning smile
as Corporate Capitalism runs amok,
Chasing profit as it goes
firing millions of ordinary folk.
Raping and polluting land after land,
starting bloody wars.
Toxic waste, sweat shop wages
and oil covered sea shores.
Where have all the flowers gone
beneath this ozone free sky?
To join the birds, to join the fox
on yonder plutonium field to die.
Mercury fish, strontium lamb
trees that never show a leaf,
radio active beaches, toxic streams
good lean BSE-antibiotic beef.
In a world of epidemic, plague and famine
it’s bottled water and chemical food.
Of course, it’s all tested on rats and mice
so you know its got to be good.
Beneath a sky that’s always black,
hurricane winds and endless drought,
its oxygen masks for the toxic air,
corporate profit’s what its all about.
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Wednesday 25 December 2013

Self-Organised Health Structure.

      In the district of Exarchia, in Athens, they have been building the future, in spite of the daily state violence and repressions. If we are to build that better world, it can't be done by patching up the holes left by the state's indifference to our conditions. It has to done by replacing the state's strangle hold on our lives. We can create that better world by being imaginative, daring and working outside the state's tentacles. Asking the state to be our benefactor is only tightening its grip on and control over our lives. This is an excellent example of what is possible, and where we should be aiming.
This is from Contra Info:

Exarchia Self-organized Health Structure (ADYE) —psychologist, pathologist/radiologist, special tutor–child psychologist, gynecologist, speech therapist

    The Exarchia Self-organized Health Structure is an undertaking created through a general assembly of residents, social projects and collectives that live and act in the district of Exarchia.
It’s addressed to the local community of Exarchia, doctors, psychologists, nurses, pharmacists, but also to any other resident who would like to help.
     Basic activity of the Exarchia Self-organized Health Structure is to offer free primary healthcare, immediate help and psychological support as well as to promote the concept of health for all, without any discrimination for reasons of race, skin color, origin, sexual identity or religion.
     Main political conviction of its participants is being able to provide solidarity reciprocally, rather than egoistically or philanthropically, given the fact that we are all potential migrants, homeless, unemployed, precarious workers without access to healthcare services.
     We believe that self-organized health structures are not solely a response to problems in provision of medical care, filling the gap left by the State. Therefore, what we apply in practice is the way we would like to see health in the society we are envisioning, a society of true solidarity and humanity.
     We perceive the project of the Exarchia Self-organized Health Structure as a living cell of social resistance and emancipation against contemporary barbarity, thus we collaborate with people’s assemblies and base unions.
     During the operation hours of the pathology treatment room (Wednesdays and Thursdays, 18–20pm), you are welcome to bring medications that you no longer need.
56, Arachovis Street, VOX, Exarchia Square
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Friday 11 October 2013

All We Need Is Love!!

    The world appears to be sucked into an illusion that happiness comes in fancy containers and since money gets these fancy containers, then money is all we need. However, money is the central part of the con-trick, in reality it is the one thing we can live without, if only we would organise our lives true to our nature. We are social creatures, it is each other that we need, it is sharing that makes us richer and happier. We have enough in this world for everybody, but we screwed up, and fell for the illusion that acquiring more means more happiness. We handed our lives to the illusionists, we live confused and frustrated in their world of smoke and mirrors. Let's get out of the smoke, dispel the illusion and create that world of sharing, co-operation and mutual aid.
     Most people would consider being the last person on earth to be the supreme torture. It would be a form of solitary confinement except the entire globe would be your cell.
      Humans are social creatures, and we do best together whether we like it or not. When it comes right down to it, each other is all we really need.
     Ask anyone that has had to abandon their home in a moments notice during an emergency or disaster.
     Victims of natural disasters like wildfires have reported on what goes through their minds at the moment of reckoning.
     Hint: it has nothing to do with stuff.
We don't need money - we need each other. We don't need to buy things - we need to share things. Yes, our stuff, but also our thoughts, our ideas, our dreams.
       Working together while sharing our creativity has the power to create change and build a better world. A world that recognizes what is really important and what we really need. Then maybe we can prevent there ever being a "last person on earth".

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Tuesday 25 June 2013

Are We Brave Enough To Learn From Baboons?

      I have never been a follower of "it's human nature", as if the way we behave is all laid out in some grand plan, fixed, we are stuck with it, that's the way we are. So this little video was very interesting to me. Like the man said, "Are we brave enough to learn from Baboons?"

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

A World In Revolt.

     It is the universal pattern of this insane economic system called capitalism. Each government can spend billions on all sorts of grand plans, and at the same time cut down on those essentials, like health care, education, social services, pensions, and so forth. The London Olympics cost billions, the war in Afghanistan has cost us billions each of its disastrous 11 years, but we are seeing a rapid deterioration in the living standards of the ordinary people because we can't afford to run a civilised society. The recent events in Turkey were sparked off by the governments plans to build another shopping mall on a green space in a city. 

 Demonstrators face riot police during one of the many protests around Brazil's major cities in Belo Horizonte June 17, 2013. REUTERS-Pedro Vilela

      Yesterday hundreds of thousands, (Reuters put it at 200,000) took to the streets of Brazil in protest at government corruption, with such comments as "They have spent billions of dollars on building stadiums, but nothing on health and education."  More than half a dozen cities saw there centres grind to a standstill, among them Brasilla, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Belo Horizone. The world is in revolt against a system of injustice and insanity.

       So it doesn't matter which bunch of politicians you vote for the outcome is the same, big business gets the contracts, be it arms manufacturers or designers of grandiose edifices to the corporate God of greed, and the people get austerity. The world is awash with wealth, and more and more of that wealth is falling into the hands of fewer and fewer people. It's the way the system is designed to work and it's doing just fine. As long as we continue to accept this insane system we will continue to see the poor grow in number and get poorer and that little bunch of bloated parasites get richer and richer.
       Is it beyond our imagination to devise a system where the wealth of the world is distributed around the planet according to the needs of the people. Is it reckless and terrorist orientated to attempt to bring about a system that sees those who create all that wealth, the ordinary people, control how it should be distributed? The present economic system is not set in tablets of stone, it is not given to us by the booming voice of some other-worldly being on high. It is a man made system that works for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many.
         Our tomorrow will begin when we think co-operation, think community, think mutual aid, think no-borders, think sustainability, think of the heritage we want to leave to our children and our grandchildren. This world is our world, we built the cities and the factories, we grow the food, we therefore have the right to shape it to our needs. we have no need for the blood sucking parasites that bleed us dry to feed their own geed and arrogance.

Hundreds of thousands took to the streets in Brazil tonight protesting corruption, police violence, and a government that funds massive stadiums and ignores public services.
Gosh, conditions in Brazil sound quite a lot like here in the US, don’t they? Maybe it’s time we took to the streets too.
- See more at:
Hundreds of thousands took to the streets in Brazil tonight protesting corruption, police violence, and a government that funds massive stadiums and ignores public services.
Gosh, conditions in Brazil sound quite a lot like here in the US, don’t they? Maybe it’s time we took to the streets too.
- See more at:
Hundreds of thousands took to the streets in Brazil tonight protesting corruption, police violence, and a government that funds massive stadiums and ignores public services.
Gosh, conditions in Brazil sound quite a lot like here in the US, don’t they? Maybe it’s time we took to the streets too.
- See more at:

Wednesday 12 June 2013

What Will Your Grandkids Wages Be?

       According to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, UK wages have fallen more in real terms than ever before. According to Claire Crawford of the IFS “The falls in nominal wages - - - during this recession are unprecedented.” Of course we all know the reason, a deliberate policy by employers, public and private, to use the “crisis” to freeze wages or in some cases cut wages. Workers are facing a continual rise in living costs with inflation running at between 2 to 3%, while aproximately one third of workers who stayed in the same job since the “crisis”, have taken a wage cut or wage freeze. Those who have not, have seen wage increases of well below the inflation rate. Of course any wage increase below inflation is in fact a wage cut.
       With “austerity” set to continue into 2020, can you calculate by how much your income will have fallen in real terms by then? We are well on our way to being the UK section of the European sweatshop economy. With a downwrd spiral forecast until 2020, and then some promise of pie-in-the-sky, you can see what kind of future our kids and grandkids are heading towards.
       Of course this "austerity" business is just for you and I the ordinary guys, those at the top haven't even had a whiff of "austerity". Corporate bodies are holding vast volumes of cash, waiting for the right conditions, a pool of very cheap labour, then they will start to exploit it with a vengeance. Their aim is an abundance of cheap labour, ours is to live a decent life with some dignity, the two are incompatible. The sooner we realise this fact the sooner we can all come together and dismantle this burden on our shoulders and start to create that better world. A world of co-operation in place of competition, of mutual aid in place of profit, a world that sees to all our needs and not the greed of a handful of parasites.

ann arky's home.


Monday 10 June 2013

For The Love Of Poetry.

    Like the title says, for the love of poetry.

For The Love Of Poetry.

To you who love poetry,
whose eyes I try to see,
whose mind I try to reach,
whose heart in tune with mine,
see the weeping, the wounded,
I don't offer the grand plan, the blueprint,
only a heart, a hand.
Like you, I know our world as a beautiful garden,
a bounteous Olypus,
exploited, abused.
Like you, I see vicious claws of poverty
tear the dreams of youth,
pillage the pride of age.
Like you, I hear the heavy tread of tyranny,
shake the humble heart,
crush the human spirit.
I don't offer the grand plan, the blueprint,
only a heart, a hand.
Perhaps, with enough hands, enough hearts
we can at last
stop the weeping, heal the wounded.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

The Resources Are Already There.

    We all know that the world's wealth is very unfairly distributed, and that's putting it mildly. However although most of us are aware of this “unfair” distribution, it is difficult to grasp the extent. The world's population is approximately 7 billion and at the bottom end of this catastrophic unjust distribution of resources, vast swathes of this population live in unimaginable deprivation. While at the top end there is a small group of individuals with wealth that outstrips that of some nations.
    Let's look at the mass that struggle daily for survival and on numerous occasions don't make it beyond childhood. Approximately 1,000 people die from hunger over hour, mostly children or young people. Every 5 seconds a child dies from hunger related diseases, more than 11 million children die each year from preventable health issues such as, pneumonia, malaria, diarrhoea. In this rich and varied world approximately 1.4 billion people in the developing countries have to live on $1.25 a day or less, and it is estimated that 22,000 children die every single day due to poverty.
     At the top end of this unjust greed driven system we have individuals awash in wealth, wealth of unimaginable proportions. The world's GDP is approximately $70 trillion, while 0.1% of the world's population control $42 trillion and 0.001% control $14.6 trillion. There are 100,000 individuals with assets of $30 million or more and we have 11 million individuals with assets of $1 million or more. The top 20% of the world's population control 82.8% of the world's wealth, while the bottom 20% have less that 1%.
     Not by any stretch of the imagination could this be called an endorsement for capitalism, on the contrary it is an indictment against the system. What could you do with that $42 trillion controlled by that 1%? Well for starters it could pay off the entire debt of Greece, Italy, Ireland, Spain and Portugal ten times over. It could fund 187 years of universal primary and secondary education. Or an even greater achievement, it could fund the UN millennium goal for clean water 1,400 times over. It could also fund 250 years of climate change adaptation.
    So what does this tell us? It tells us that we have sufficient wealth and resources to see to the needs of all the people of this world. It is already there, we don't have to dream up where it will come from. The real problem is just that it is in the hands of a very few extremely greedy individuals, and it is the system of capitalism that has brought this about and will perpetuate this unnecessary unjust divide. To solve the problem of deprivation and early death from preventable disease, capitalism has to go and a society based on mutual aid, co-operation created in its place. It is not rocket science, it is common humanity taking place of greed driven profit. 
Most of these figures were gleaned from

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 29 August 2012


         Most people agree that the present "crisis" has still to unfold, we are only at the stage of birth pains, the real "crisis" has still to be born. All the harsh austerity cuts, (raiding the public purse) are just a frenzied attempt by the financial Mafia to stop the unstoppable. The beautiful palace of consumerism built with bubbles of imagined money is about to go POP. The fools that thought creating imaginary money out of nothing was real wealth, are about to experience a very rude awakening. 2013 will be a year of dramatic changes as the world economic system of greed disintegrates and social structures rupture beyond repair. It could be a golden opportunity to refashion the society we wish to live in, a society of communities based on mutual aid and co-operation, a society that sees to the needs of all our people. Or it could be a re-birth of more of the same or worse, it could descend into a world of brutal warlordism. It all depends on the re-action of the people to the struggle that lies ahead.

Unsold goods pile up as crash takes its toll

        In the wake of the Olympics, countless millions of pairs of trainers lie unsold in warehouses. Thousands of Chinese companies from property developers to car manufacturers sit atop mountains of products surplus to a hoped-for demand that never materialised. China became the low-wage manufacturing centre of choice for corporations during the credit-induced 30-year frenzy of growth that preceded the crash. The belief that its burgeoning internal market would absorb an ever increasing volume of production added multiple stories to the house of cards that now lies in ruins.With the global slump worsening and austerity economics stalking the globe, real incomes are dropping fast, so few are spending and consumers are hard to find. The unsold mountains of electronics and white goods are Himalayan in scale. Earlier this month, China’s main retailers descended into a competitive price war, when online trader announced that it would sell home appliances at a zero profit margin. For capitalist companies zero profit is the end of the line. Clearly only the strongest will survive.
Continue READING:

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Friday 10 August 2012


      The media and our millionaire politicians keep going on about the "crisis", however what they fail to mention is that it is not "a" crisis, as capitalism "is" crisis. The capitalist system of economics has lurched from crisis to crisis. Most of these crises bring misery to millions of ordinary people, today's crisis is probably hitting billions of ordinary people. Today because of the nature of the capitalist beast the "crisis" is world wide. In Europe apart from the "financial" crisis, the German economy is in decline, France has returned to recession, the Italian economy is contracting, and just to screw things up a bit more, China's economy is slowing. All that translates into misery for millions of ordinary folk. World wide, this year alone a further 43 million has been added to those suffering hunger. According to Oxfam, almost one billion people are now hungry, that is a staggering one-in-seven of the Earth's population. This is not because we do not have the food and resources to solve this problem, but is because food is not grown to satisfy people's needs, it is grown to make a profit. That's capitalism, your needs can only be seen to if you have the money to create a profit for somebody else.
      As capitalism has grown to become a world wide economic system, hunger and poverty across the globe has grown, not diminished. In country after country as the capitalist system develops, so does the difference between rich and poor. There is nothing in the system that will make it other than this.  If we continue to look to capitalism to solve these problems, we will just move along to another crisis. Hundreds of years of a failed man made economic system, which produces poverty and deprivation for millions and luxuries for the few, surely merits  that we re-think the way we structure society. Let's move away from the billionaires paradise, to a place where we the ordinary people are in charge of the society that we live in, and create a system that sees to the needs of all our people. We have the resources, the ability and the need to destroy this parasite driven system of profit and greed. We can, and for our own benefit and that of future generations, we must, build a society based on mutual aid, justice, co-operation and sustainability. A society of communities in federation with other communities, controlled by all those who live in those communities.
ann arky's home.

Saturday 7 April 2012


        All the reporting and discussion on the "crisis" always refers to the situation as if it were something mechanical, beyond the ability of us mere humans to control or even alter. What they never hint at is that it is not mechanical but human. It is human decisions made for short term selfish human gain. Individuals sitting in their marble halls making decisions as the shift billions in cash around the world, with no other reason than to increase those billions. The human cost, the effect on the lives of the billions of people adversely affected by those decisions is of no consequence. They neither notice nor care, unless it might adversely affect their gambling results. It is not something set in tablets of stone that we have to sit around soaking up the punishment inflicted by the financial mafia, we can take control of all the production and distribution setting up a society based on communities that see to the needs of all our people. We don't need the cabal shareholders that live like parasites of our labours, but they do needs us. Capitalist economics is not some phenomenon of the natural world, it is a man made system of exploitation, it could be wiped away if the will of the people so desire. A better world is possible, just think of a world based on mutual aid, co-operation, sustainability and humanity. Or we could accept this world of injustice, poverty and inequality and leave our grandchildren, a world of exploiation devoid of hope.
        The following is from "This is our job", originally translated from Liberación Total
        Street protests against the attacks of capitalist States on our living conditions have recently spread throughout Europe. Despite the strikes, actions, and massive demonstrations, and despite the broad movements that haven’t even expressed any grand revolutionary aspirations beyond the mere defence of minimum basic necessities, the States have responded with indifference.
        Appealing to confusing economic formulas, numbers, statistics, and abstract concepts, those States have tried to locate the problem’s origin in inaccessible, metaphysical realities. However, the origin and causes of our daily problems have no metaphysical foundation whatsoever. Poverty, exploitation, repression, and systematic abuse are the results of very concrete structures, of specific decisions taken by specific people who have specific interests.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 3 April 2012


            The mainstream media is still not telling the truth, they still don't report the human side of all this "deficit" reduction, they still try to create the impression that everything is going well, with a few protesters creating trouble on the streets. It is those nasty unions trying to undermine the growth strategies of the good and benevolent IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) and their henchmen the financial Mafia. Yes, they have a growth strategy, it is the growth of their already obscene wealth and power. Does it matter if a generation or two of young people are thrown into the whirlpool of despair, that poverty ravages the homes and lives of millions? The don't enter the equation, mere pawns, to the power mongers. People can become an inconvenience, they have to be controlled or they might rebel. That's where the national governments come in, they are merely there to keep control of the civil population, so as to allow the corporate fascists to plunder all public assets and rape the planet. All this in the name of greed, there is nothing on their agenda that is for the benefit of the ordinary people. But the last thing they want you to know is that the people across Europe are rebelling, they are taking to the streets in ever increasing numbers. The people are demanding change, but demanding is not enough, we have to create that change we want. To millions this world system means poverty, deprivation and repression, we can create that other world, a world of mutual aid, free association, voluntary co-operation and sustainability, a world system that sees to the needs of all our people, a world where the parasites have been permanently removed from our backs.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 25 February 2012


         I say it at bus stops, in shops, in the pub, I say it to friends, to acquaintances, to strangers, I say it in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, I say it on the bus, on the train, so I'll say it here again. This is not a national problem, we are living under corporate fascism, this is an international problem. The policies being implemented across the developed world are the policies of a group that have never been elected, have no mandate from the people they are affecting and are working simply in the best interests of their own little group of parasites. Across the developed world the Heinz 57 varieties of political governments from so called socialists, labour, social democrats, to conservative, republican and far right parties are all carrying out the same polices, namely “austerity”. They are merely the managers of the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) polices, policies that are bringing deprivation to millions and dividends and bonuses to the parasites. Who elected the IMF?

            It was George Orwell, author of 1984, who said that, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
        What is the situation now? Is peaceful dissent accepted? Or is it frowned upon and discriminated against? What are our world ‘leaders’ up to? Are they helping us, the masses of working people? Or are they actually perpetuating the existence of an outdated economic system, no matter what the cost?
        What if there was another option. An alternative to all this. What if we didn’t have to live like this? If human beings on a large scale could cooperate with each other for the common good of themselves and their community – does that really sound crazy? Or is it even crazier to believe that they expect us to remain docile and apathetic as they destroy our Earth.
        Is it impossible to have individuals acting selflessly if they understand that this is the better option, or would one rather live under a system where war is good for the economy. Where poverty is rampant on a world-scale and police-state measures are accepted without question.
        It seems to me like the choice is yours. For if we do not act now – it’ll be too late late.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 10 January 2012


       Recently released figures show the shocking level of child poverty in Scotland, these figures show that 13 Scottish councils have wards where more than 30% of children live in severe poverty. The worst areas are Glasgow, West of Scotland, Edinburgh, Dundee, Fife, Aberdeen and Stirling. A quick look at the map of Scotland tells you that those areas just about take in practically all of Scotland's high population areas. The over all child poverty level for the whole of Scotland is more than 20%. Bearing in mind that every child living in poverty is in a home with at least one adult living in poverty, it is a damning picture.

        Labour social justice spokesman Drew Smith said work was the best route out of poverty. Adding, "That is why as well as investment in the vital early years and improving childcare, we need a renewed focus on creating jobs and implementing a Living Wage for Scotland." What a load of crap, when has capitalism ever paid a living wage to all its workers? Dear Mr Smith, that's not how the system works. Why are people in poverty, because they can't access their needs. Why can't they access their needs, because we have created a system whereby the people's needs are priced so as to allow an army of parasites to live in luxury. Our system doesn't produce for the needs of the people, it produces for the wealth of the shareholders. The two tend to be incompatible. Also this angle of work being the answer shifts the blame onto those who are unable to find work. It's their own fault, if only they were working they would be poverty free. History tells us different.

       On hearing the figures Scottish Liberal Democrat education spokesman Liam McArthur said: "In light of this report, and the effect that unemployment has on levels of poverty, it is more clear than ever that effective collaboration at all levels of government is required to help ensure the right conditions for creating jobs and reducing unemployment in our communities." More crap, when has capitalism in any country in the world every produced a society where all were employed and all had a living wage? More of blame the unemployed for the poverty in the country.

         Take two of the worst areas of severe poverty in Scotland, Govan, where I once worked in the shipyards, as part of the Clyde, it was once the shipbuilding capital of the world and Springburn, where I still live, once the steam locomotive manufacturing centre of the British Empire. In those days, lots of employment, but also lots of poverty. In this society the two are not incompatible. However, it was with “effective collaboration at all levels of government” that seen to the demise of both these industries. See Upper Clyde Work-in. Now Govan has a child poverty level of 38% and Springburn has the worst in Scotland with a criminal level 52% of children living in severe poverty. Think of that, more than half the children in an area in the UK living in severe poverty, that's 21st century capitalism in the developed world, not a third world country.

        Of course anybody who is interested in what our society is like will know that poverty has always been part of capitalism. The system is not in any way shape or form fashioned to see to people's needs, it is not a needs based system, profit is the only game in town. All this crap about getting people into employment, being the answer to poverty, is just sound bites for public consumption, in the hope of getting the mouth-piece elected to a cushy job. They don't believe it themselves, if they do, then they are more stupid than I have always stated.

      Child poverty of these levels is an indictment against any system, it is condemning future generations to a stunted development, a waste of the future potential of a people. All this just because we are told that capitalism is the only route available, when common sense tells us otherwise. Mutual aid, co-operation, sustainability and developing a needs based society is there waiting for the people to take it up. The evidence has never been more glaring, the need has never been greater.

ann arky's home.