Sunday 3 January 2016

Migrants, Border News.

       Border News, an excellent site for information about migrants fleeing the imperialist created hell-hole that is the Middle East, when they reach the flash-points on the borders of fortress Europe. While the EU flounders around trying to appear at being humane, states across the fortress are continually slipping in tighter controls on the movement of people. From Germany to Sweden, Turkey to Spain, the states are turning the screw on freedom of movement. Of course once the controls are in place, it will be almost impossible to remove them, at least under the present system of authoritarian state control.

General News

German Chancellor Merkel promises a “sensitive reduction” to the flow of refugees in Germany. Germany has reached one million claims for asylum so far this year.
Turkey is returning refugees to war zones. Since making a deal with the EU in September, Syrians are being arbitrarily detained in Turkish detention centres and sometimes forced to sign declarations of “voluntary return” to Syria.
The European Commission announces plans for a European Border and Coast Guard, proposed ‘targeted’ changes to the Schengen Agreement and plans to introduce a special travel document to make it easier for EU countries to return ‘irregular migrants’ to their countries of origin.
17th Dec – Sweden decides to introduce ID checks on all modes of public transport to Sweden, beginning January, 4 2016, including all ferries, trains and buses.

Turkey / Greece

Attempts to cross the Aegean Sea are on a constant high despite seasonal weather conditions. About 25,000 people arrive in Greece per week, as more and more sea crossings turn into fatal accidents.
Alarm Phone demands immediate transfer of all refugees stranded on the Greek military island Farmakonisi – Travellers stuck on the Greek military island face inhumane conditions
14th Dec – Alarm Phone documented, but not prevent a pushback at the Greek-Turkish land border close to Lavara. Four cases of travellers stranded on Greek islands (Kalolimnos, Kastellorizo, Farmakonisi and Strongyli). Travellers on Kalolimnos reportedly suffered police violence.
15th Dec – About 120 people stuck on Farmakonisi without food, water or medical assistance. Five boats in distress near Chios. In one case travellers report that masked men attacked them.
15th Dec – Three bodies recovered after a new shipwreck in the Aegean. 17 survivors, 3 missing.
16th Dec – About 400 people stranded on Farmakonisi. Some wait more than 4 days for transfer to Leros. On Farmakonisi, stranded travellers again left without food, water, medical assistance and shelter from the cold. Some travellers picked up, some left on the island, while others keep arriving.
16th Dec – Lifeless bodies of two Iraqi children found by fishermen on the coast of Çesme, Turkey.
19th Dec – New shipwreck in the Aegean – 18 drowned migrants
20th Dec – A boat in urgent distress near the Turkish coast is rescued by the Turkish Coastguard, but two children later die in a Turkish hospital.

More details on Calais/UK, Morocco/Spanish Border:
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Against Democracy.

      Against Democracy, an anonymous translation is now available of this book from Spain - a book which was used as evidence in trials against arrested anarchists as proof of their criminality... please help distribute and promote it if you find it useful!
       I certainly found it extremely interesting and very informative and certainly worth promoting as widely as possible.
       This is a link to an article about the events from Contra Info:
            The whole book is worth reading but here are part of its conclusions:

5. conclusion.
        As we can see, the term “democracy” has very different meanings depending on where or in what social sector it is used. Perhaps it is such a broad and subjective term that it can’t really be abstractly defended or categorically despised (since the word is often draped over demands and conflicts that contain the dignity of the struggle against injustice and for freedom), but it must always be analyzed critically, because in most cases it is simply the mask used by Power, or some form of Power, to perpetuate itself.
       And in such cases, we should have no moral qualms whatsoever about unmasking, attacking, and destroying it, to open the field to new definitions, which are always contained as such within the acts and realities of the self-management of the people, and the aspirations of individuals.

Alternatives to democracy
        Human beings, because we are social animals, need other people to live and a place where we can be nourished, take shelter from the cold, and develop inwardly, since consciousness is a characteristic inherent in our species.
        As anarchists, we are often asked how we would organize society with no political leaders and no state institutions. We cannot answer this in a closed-minded manner, since the very idea of organizing a society runs contrary to the anarchist ideal.
        In other words, anarchism is not so much a political doctrine as it is a way of life based on three basic points: freedom, respect and responsibility. We are not afraid of the freedom of others; we do not believe that “man is a wolf to his fellow man,” as Hobbes said, nor that competition drives “humanity” to progress, causing everyone to make their best effort. We simply think that given equal conditions people are able to organize without anyone’s arbitration, and without being directed by anyone. This idea does not at all mean that we are all equal; we love differences, and no two beings are equal anywhere in the universe. We do not wish to homogenize anything, or to impose on anyone what their life should be, and simply do not want anyone to impose on us either.
     Throughout history a variety of organizational models and historical experiences have reflected the Idea [1] quite well; but unfortunately the rule of money leaves ever less room for any form of life that fails to meet its criteria, and is able to subjugate, regulate, or even genetically modify (mutate) anything and everything that does not fit into the destructive vortex contained within what’s called “progress.”
        Recent examples that have arisen in many places throughout Spain are those of the open council, or the communitarian forms of work that we have been seeing in many towns for harvesting crops, sharing pastures, or cleaning roads and ditches; there the common good is first and foremost, with horizontal relationships and camaraderie, subject to norms set by the people themselves for the smooth execution of their work.
       Obviously we don’t believe that no problems will ever arise in these relationships, but the mechanisms to resolve them must be consistent with the people’s way of thinking. We have nothing but contempt for bourgeois justice, where a handful of well-paid professionals devote themselves to judging the rest of society based on codes that they create to uphold their own interests.
       Conflict resolution must be an essential part of human relationships themselves, without delegating that responsibility to people outside the conflict. The conditions that are currently in place have led to the degeneration of relationships among people, making us competitive with one another, infantilizing us, and alienating us. In short, it’s never been so easy for us to be enslaved, so we have to remove all of the causes behind it, both physical and mental.
        Social justice is a basic cornerstone of healthy relationships between individuals where there are neither exploiters nor exploited, nor profit extracted at the expense of others. Today the privileged classes tell us that the way of life they have created must be kept exactly as it is, because it is the best of all possible worlds; meanwhile they deliberately ignore how all that supposed prosperity is actually built, and the consequences that it entails for the planet and other groups of human beings: the systematic plundering of raw materials, the irreversible alteration of landscapes, the pollution of water, land and air, and the enormous masses of displaced, subjugated, and dead people left in the wake of the ruling classes’ much-vaunted “prosperity,” based on war and theft, and justified by a condescending moralism that decides what is good and what is going to be made good – since everything else is directly eliminated.
         The individual is the root at the basis of the way free people, i.e., people with the capacity to make their own decisions, function amongst themselves. Each individual is free to do as they please as long as it doesn’t harm other individuals. Then come relationships with your group, or groups based around shared interests. Depending on the needs of each, or the magnitude of the work that needs to be done, these groups can coordinate with others to meet their needs (to exchange products, hold festivals, do work, have experiences…), and thus always uphold the principles of individual and collective freedom.

We’ll try to clarify things a bit more in the following sections:------
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Saturday 2 January 2016

Self-organised Refugee Centre, Athens.

The latest from Anarchist Radio Berlin.

          As Anarchist Radio Berlin we had the opportunity of making an interview with two activists of the occupied and self-organized refugee center Notara26 in Athens, Greece. The comrades tell us about the origins and ideas of their center as well as of the anarchist influence and importance of the Exarchia neighbourhood. They also comment on the topic of governmental (Syriza) policies and the difference of their work to such policies. And they also mention problems encountered in this project.

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Is The Force Awakening?

        2015 saw an increase in opposition to the oppressive, exploitative greed driven system of creaking and cracking capitalism. Across the globe people are more and more taking direct action against what is now known as a planet destroying system that curtails the individuals liberty and enhances the wealth of the rich and powerful. More and more people realise that the usual "political channels" reap no fruit for the ordinary people, more and more we realise that our future is in our own hands, only we can destroy this human cancer that is eating our very existence. Anarchist News gives a review of the last two months of 2015 with photos, dates and details of some of the unrest that is beginning to rise ever higher in opposition to this crime against humanity. 

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A Planet, Or A Concrete And Tarmac Market Place?

         Zad is a huge development that will devastate a vast tract of land around Nantes. It involves building a large airport, and the roads and hotel infrastructure that goes with such a project, it also involves enlarging the port at Saint-Nazaire with all the maze of warehouses, roads and motorways that would be require. This project is massive and will evict people and cause devastation to a vast tract of the environment. It is another example of the march of destructive capitalism, of the concrete and tarmac tsunami that is turning our planet into a concrete and tarmac market place for the corporations.
Afternoon/evening of support to the ZAD of Notre-Dame-Des-Landes
Film, snacks, literature, discussion, pizza, bar, concert. Notre Dame of struggles, 15 Rue Abélard, Lille, Metro: Porte d’Arras
January 9th 2016 from 3pm at La Ferblanterie
Excerpt: For a few months the government has announced its wish, to resume airport works involving the eviction of its inhabitants; destruction of the grove, its cultures and protected species. This is why, following a ZAD call-out to re-establish support committees throughout France, around forty people gathered in Lille on November 25th 2015 to sketch out a new committee.
Program of festivity:
3pm: Film screening of “The battle of black water”.
A film tracing a struggle against a dam project in Couvin, Belgium, notably posing the question of political violence, the compositions during a fight, and finding inventiveness.
4:30pm: Snacks
5:30pm: “Building the ZAD” short film to introduce the discussion after.
It was made by people from the ZAD that in particular shows the different experiences of food and political autonomy.
6pm: Discussion with the presence of people from the ZAD of NDDL
7:30-8pm: Pizza party! / Bar
Read interviews of people struggling on the ZAD or at Notav made ​​by the “Bad Troops” collective.
9pm: Concert:
Comète Normale, Free Jazz
Liberated price except the bar beer
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Friday 1 January 2016

A Communal New Year's Resolution.

        The start of a another year, so let us, the ordinary people resolve to bring together all our dreams. Make this year the rising of all the downtrodden, deprived, exploited, poor, employed, unemployed, the victims of wars, all those who crave justice, all those victimised, all those who desire freedom, let this army join the utopians, poets, and dreamers and smash this corrupt capitalist morality. Let us create a new morality, one of sharing, justice, freedom and equality. Let us silence the politicians and give voice to the poets, let us gag the economists, and listen to the dreamers, let us start building that utopia that resides in all our hearts. Let us begin to build that world we would be proud to let our grand-children inherit.
        We are on the brink of the point of no return, with corruption world wide, powerful and organised, the environment being drowned in corporate sewage, creating dramatic climatic changes that make more and more of our planet uninhabitable. The choice is ours, we can allow this to continue leaving a legacy of poverty, devastation and disaster to our grand-children, or we can stand up, come together in global solidarity, and end this capitalist rape of our planet. Time is not on our side, the sands of time are already running, and we can't turn the egg timer over for another shot.

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Thursday 31 December 2015

A Resolution.

Published on Dec 30, 2015
       On the Eve of 2016, we need a resolution capable of confronting the crisis we face, and making a future worth fighting for.
      "A Resolution" looks back on the crisis and confusion of 2015: climate change-driven wildfires, droughts, and storms; ISIS and their attacks in Paris, Beirut, and Ankara; bankrupt political leaders at COP21 debating how fast to kill the world; and an ever growing number of people murdered by police across American cities. As times grow darker, as despair and hopelessness grow in tandem with stupidity and horror, people everywhere are searching for vision and direction.
      "A Resolution" points to the sparks that are creating a new light in the growing darkness: the revolutionary wave that spread from Tunis to New York; the Kurdish freedom struggle and the war against ISIS in Rojava; the riots and blockades sparked by the killings of Mike Brown and Eric Garner; and the retooling and remaking of life with “civilization starter kits” and “removing the dust” from indigenous knowledges and practices. “We, the people who work every day, who think we ‘don’t have time’ - we are the only ones who can do this,” said a Woodbine co-founder. “No one’s going to do this for us—no politician, no technological innovation, no international agreement. If we want a different future, we are going to have to make it, from where we are and in every place.”
      As people worldwide are taking stock, looking backwards to 2015 and forward to 2016, "A Resolution" shows that amidst growing catastrophe, the only real future is the one we’ll make.
        Woodbine is a hub for building autonomy in the Anthropocene. Our mission is to grow collective material and organizational capacities and build revolution in the 21st century. With a workshop, library, kitchen, and meeting space, we focus on efforts to self-organize, connect, create infrastructures, and develop individual and collective efficacy.

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Money, Oil And The End Of The World As We Know It.


From subMedia TV:
      This we bring you a recap of the COP21 climate clusterfuck in Paris, with Jim Hansen’s reaction to the historic non-agreement and’s condemnation of comrades who defied the protest ban. Over in Greece we look at the yearly riots that commemorate the police murder of Alex Grigoropoulos. On the music break, deceased Greek anarcho MC – Killah P with “I Won’t Cry, I Won’t Fear” Our featured interview is with three brave comrades who managed to stop the flow of dirty tar sands oil to the entire eastern seaboard of Turtle Island, with three bike locks and some egg sandwiches.

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Capitalism's Phoney Christmas.

    So that was Christmas, a period of abundance, an avalanche of gifts, a gorging of food, a tsunami of merriment. Well that's the picture our babbling brook of bullshit would have you believe is the norm, but capitalism doesn't work like that. No doubt in this crazy unjust system there were those who gave diamonds, cars and other expensive gifts, while feasting on an array of exotic foods all washed down with buckets of “the best Champagne”.
      However, there is the other side, the brutal side of capitalism, where kids go hungry and live in a gift free zone. This Christmas saw record levels of our fellow Scots being forced to seek sustenance from foodbanks. This year, according to the Trussell Trust, the week that contained Christmas saw more than 7,000 families and individuals forced to seek help from foodbanks. December was their busiest month, with the week before Christmas being the busiest of the month.

The Trussell Trust said people had been driven to rely on charity due to financial poverty, increased winter fuel bills and the absence of free school meals during the holidays. Many families have been plunged into “financial famine” over the festive period, the charity said.
One foodbank in Glasgow said it had received referrals for nearly a dozen clients in need of help on Christmas Eve.
Last year just over 14,000 people were helped by the foodbanks throughout the entire month of December – an increase of 53% on the previous year's figure of 9,263.
The total included 5,818 people who were helped in the week running up to Christmas Day - a rise of 51% on the figure of 3,842 in 2013. This year's figures dwarfted those for both 2014 and 2013.
       For many, Christmas is not only a period of hunger, but a period of homelessness. According to Alison Watson, deputy director of Shelter Scotland, "It's completely unacceptable that in the 21st Century 100,000 children across Britain will spend Christmas homeless, with nearly 5,000 of them in Scotland. "It's even more damning that in Scotland this represents a 15 per cent increase on the same statistics last year - so the problem seems to be getting worse, not better. 
         Glasgow fares worst in Scotland, with approximately one-fifth of the total, with more than 1,000 children in the city who opened their eyes on Christmas morning to a homeless world. The total of children living in temporary accommodation in Scotland, is up 13 per cent on last year. 
        So this is part of the ugly face of capitalism, poverty and homelessness, with children having their life's potential stunted at an early age, their health and physical development permanently undermined, while others gorge on abundance, they never earned. If you see this injustice and are aware of the suffering involved, then surely you must stand up and work for the destruction of this cancer that is capitalism.
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Wednesday 30 December 2015

Democracy, Secrecy Behind Closed Doors.

      The babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, would have us believe we live in a democracy. A strange democracy, where we choose our lords and masters, pay their salaries and excessive expenses, but that democracy holds the governments papers for thirty years, in secret, away from the prying eyes of the public, that is supposed to be their employer. Some of the stench from those recently released secret papers is now beginning to fill our nostrils. The underhand, back stabbing double dealing of the Thatcher years is now appearing in the public domain. 
     One such stench comes from David Willets, who in Thatcher's government claimed that the Scots were a juicy target for cuts, as well as stating that they could gain votes down south if they were seen to be plundering the Scots, also stating that the Scots had their snouts in the trough. He had to resign because he had "dissembled" in his evidence to the Standards and Privileges Committee over whether pressure was put onto an earlier investigation into Neil Hamilton's brown paper envelope saga. Despite his “dissembling” of evidence, his career would not suffer, in fact he was rewarded like so many of the products from Oxbridge sausage factory, by a cushy number in the “Lords” and is now slouching about in ermine as Baron Willets. 
     Another smell from the recently released secret papers is one Oliver Letwin, another product from the Oxbridge sausage factory, also responsible for the vomiting of rabid racist remarks while serving in Thatcher's band of rogues. He is now a senior policy adviser to King rat Cameron. While an aide to Maggie at No. 10 in 1985, it is alleged that he said that white people are not prone to disorder, and stating that a scheme to encourage black entrepreneurs would only result in them investing in discos and drugs.
       These are just two of the band rabid racist, Oxbridge arseholes, whose views were known to those who brought them into their inner circle, to decide policies that shape our lives, so we can accept that their views are acceptable to the cabal that we keep in luxury, and allow to rule over our lives. No wonder they keep their stinking dirty linen secret for 30 years. Democracy behind closed doors, and with secret papers, if it wasn't so dangerous and disgusting, it would be funny.
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Requiem For A Journey Of No Return.

       In Athens on December 6th. 2008, young 15 year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos was shot dead in the street by a cop, dying in the arms of his young friend of the same age, Nikos Romanos, who is now in a Greek prison.
    This event sparked some of the largest and most widespread riots seen in Greece, 
     Nikos has never spoken publicly about that night and the death of his friend, until now. 
      His public article, "Requiem for a Journey of No Return" can be read on Contra Info.
This is a small extract from that public letter written from prison:

  ------The most ridiculous part of it all is the fact that the propaganda mechanisms of domination attempt to portray murders committed by cops as isolated incidents caused by deranged personalities, as accidents that always occur due to negligence.
     Police murders are neither isolated incidents, nor a Greek phenomenon. They are an extreme manifestation of the democratic imposition upon social margins, poor-devils, delinquents, insubordinates, migrants. Furthermore, police murders confirm that the liberatory war exists, whenever they target insurgents who arm themselves and fight domination with the flame of freedom burning in their hearts.
     These killings are a logical consequence of cops’ perceptions of their role, perceptions with which these individuals are indoctrinated to staff the repressive machines that shield the social machine’s orderly functioning.
     Police firearms do not go off with murderous intentions only in Greece; they murder 15-year-olds in Turkey because they participated in anti-government demonstrations, they murder 16-year-olds in Italy because they didn’t pull over at a police traffic stop, they murder mothers and children in Palestine, they murder dozens of African Americans in the US on purely racist motives, they murder migrants in Sweden’s suburbs, they murder youth in England’s poorest hoods; they murder repeatedly and serially in all corners of the planet to impose social peace.
      And if the examples I’ve brought are known to many, because they have been linked with small-scale and large-scale uprisings in response to statist murders, they do not cease to be a mere drop in the ocean compared to the storm of murderous crackdowns launched by security corps in defence of capitalist domination.
     If we close our eyes and ears to the ceaseless flow of dominant propaganda, we’ll be able to listen to the thousands of anonymous deaths in police stations, terrestrial and maritime border areas, concentration camps, psychiatric institutions and prisons, war zones across the Middle East, and sweatshops that exterminate contemporary slaves. Anyone can hear the cries of people who are being tortured in police cells, who commit suicide in a confinement facility out of desperation, who are sunk by coast guard cops and drowned in the cold waters of the Mediterranean Sea, who are crippling their bodies over multinationals’ production machines in third world countries, who are buried under rubble after blind aerial bombardments conducted by capitalist empires.--------
Read his full account HERE:
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You Resist, Or You Are Complicit.

      Hi friends, comrades, acquaintances, good to be back, hope you all had as good a time as I enjoyed. Though I enjoyed the few days up in St Andrews, and had a wonderful time with the grand-kids, it did nothing to quell the anger and disgust in my belly at the the system under which we live, and under which my grand-children will have to grow up and scratch out a living. I can only see their lives having a bleaker future than I had, UNLESS!!
      We all have to realise we live in an environment of class war. 
Benefit sanctions = class war
Workfare = class war
Wage restraint = class war
Bedroom tax = class war
Zero-hours contracts = class war
Austerity = class war

      The system is a system based on class war, class war is necessary for the system to protect and further the wealth and power of the parasitic cabal that live off the backs of the ordinary people. It never has, never will, and is not intend to, spread the wealth created by the people among the people. If we the people wish to enjoy the wealth that we create, then the system under which we live will have to be destroyed. Capitalism is a cancer on humanity, and a death knell on the environment. The pace of the destruction of peoples and the environment by the capitalist system is ever increasing, and will continue to do so, until we stop its cancerous growth. It will not stop of its own accord, it will not stop because the parasites at the helm consider that they have enough. It will only stop when we say, we have had enough. Accept the legacy of a destroyed world and continuous exploitation for our grandchildren, or start now the fight to destroy this vicious plague of greed, this time-bomb on the planet. 
      There are many ways to fight, undermine, and short-circuit this system, we can all play our part, the system is dependent on our compliance to its needs, the myth of perpetual growth. 
     Consumerism is a war on everything, and we are being compelled to be its soldiers.
      Citizen's money is transformed into consumer bullets, bulldozers and bombs, wreaking havoc far and wide. And we aren't even happier for all of that. Lazier, for sure, but happier? Not so much.
      Advertising is the most insidious propaganda ever produced. It has formed our world view, our purpose for living. “I shop, therefore I am. If some is good, more is better.” It is causing us to volunteer our lives to the pursuit of more everything, and damn the consequences.
       Overconsumption is an act of violence. It harms others, the planet, and the person doing the consuming. It is not a positive act for children or other living things, which is why its explosive powers must be defused and the lies and corrosive myths of consumerism laid bare.
The truth is that harbouring unlimited desires and living large is not in our genetic make up. For most of the human timeline we have lived simply in small nomadic groups. Excessive possessions for most of human history were nothing more than a hindrance, and they still are today.
      We have only recently been drafted into Operation Live To Consume. Citizens have been carefully trained to be consumers, consuming far past the point of need. Perhaps that is the good news.
We still have deep desires in our genetic make up to live that planet-friendly simple lifestyle that worked for us over tens of thousands of years, and still does among the few today that continue these ways.
The ultimate planet-supporting thing to do is to be a conscientious objector, refuse to fight on the consumer battlefield, and commit to a life of nonviolence.
       We can all rejoin the original mission - Operation Consume To Live. It is a mission of enough, of peace and contentment. Of sanity and solidarity.
Remember, we are governed by consent, we can withdraw that consent. 
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Wednesday 23 December 2015

A Wee Break.

      To all my followers, acquaintances, friends and comrades, thanks for your support, banter, criticism and information, here's wishing you all the very best in the coming years. Later today I'm off up the east coast for a few days and will not be back until the end of the year. So the blog may be sleeping for a wee spell. Thanks again, and see you soon, solidarity, freedom and justice.
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Tuesday 22 December 2015

A Serious Problem With Authority.

       A poem from The Anarchist, by Roland Michel Tremblay, translated by Sheila MacLeod.

Ever since I was born you’ve told me what I should do with myself

I’ve never been free to take the slightest little decision

And if I once stood up to tell you I wouldn’t do something

Once just walked away to do something else

That something else soon became your Plan B

I went on doing whatever you wanted me to do

And you wonder why I hate authority

Why I don’t take kindly to criticism

Why I can’t stand people telling me what to do

It’s because you’ve planted these powerful authority figures everywhere

At every level of my existence

Some sort of authority is fencing me in

Checking up on me, spying on what I do

And if I object, however feebly, an army descends on me

An army of parents, teachers, supervisors, directors, priests

Psychologists, policemen, soldiers, agents of all sorts of outfits

What counts is order, conformity’s the thing, total peace without compromise

Well, I’m telling you I’m not the one who has a problem with authority

Too many people have too much authority over everyone else in the world

Don’t be surprised when everything blows up in your face

When someone suddenly pulls a gun and fires it among you at random

You were asking for it and you’ll find it yet

Monday 21 December 2015

The People's History Of Struggle.

        I would like to take this opportunity to talk to you about “Spirit of Revolt”, this is an archive of struggles by the ordinary people, no party political material or support, no trade union history or support, simply a record of the direct actions by people in their daily battles for a better life and for justice. The material we collect is from and about, activists dead and living, events major and small, mainly from the Glasgow/Clydeside area. Why do we feel passionate about, collecting and preserving this material? It is obvious that if you write a history and a large slice of that history is ignored or lost, then you are getting an inaccurate record, a false history, a jigsaw with parts missing. If history fails to record the day to day struggles of the ordinary people, which in many cases it does, then that people become a people without a history. However the ordinary people are certainly not without a history, they have a rich history of ingenuity, resilience, imagination, courage and endless struggles against injustice. It is important to have this recorded and preserved and made easily accessible to the people, it is a history of which we can all be very proud.
      We at Spirit of Revolt feel we do a very important job, all of us are volunteers, most are deeply involved in that history. Our aim is to collect and preserve this material, but not to have it gather dust on some shelves in dark corners of a back room. We wish to bring it alive, make it easily accessible to the public at large, by digitalising it and putting on our website for all to see, read, and hopefully learn from. We also hold exhibitions highlighting events from that grass-roots working class history, hoping that it will help people to see the value of their own history and learn from that history. 
From our poster collection.
       Sadly we live in a capitalist world, and though we are volunteers, we do have costs. Our biggest cost being the need to have a qualified archivist to catalogue this material to international standards, for ease of access and study. There are other cost involved, web design and hosting, computers, scanners and other miscellaneous equipment. All of this trying to raise funds, takes up our time, time that we could devote to the archive itself, improving access, and developing outreach projects.
        So now the pitch, if you think we do a good job, which you think is valuable, and you would like to see us continue, then perhaps you can be tempted to support us financially in some small way, no donation is too small. It can be a one of donation, or better still a small monthly direct debit donation of say two, or five pounds a month, or what ever you feel you can afford. We will be extremely grateful for every donation, you can rest assured it will help us to prolong and improve the archive and its accessibility.
 Unity Trust Bank plc.
 Account name: Spirit of Revolt
 Account number: 20290793
 Sort code: 60-83-01
 Contact us with any questions and enquiries.
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