We all remember 9/11, but which one? Of
course our babbling Brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, will
recall the twin towers in New York. However in Chile, 9/11, has a
different memory, September 11, 1973, was the beginning of the
military coup lead by General Pinochet, fully supported and backed by
America. It ushered in an era of vicious savagery that lasted until
1990, though General Pinochet was removed from power in 1988. The era
of the military junta saw the blood of the Chilean people flow from
the tens of thousands of beatings, torture, killings and
disappearances perpetrated by the exesses of the of the psychopathic
Pinochet junta, with the full backing of America. So this September
11, let's remember all those who suffered at the hands of fanaticism.
Photo from Arrezafe, original source Hoguera De Ideas

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"A dictatorship is bad when it does not suit us," it seems to say the U.S. government. In Spain we suffered 40 years of bloody dictatorship, supported by the U.S. A hypocrisy that has filled the world with dead. At this very moment I hear the unmistakable sound of American bombers flying overhead, towards the Middle East.