Monday 18 November 2013

They Lock You Up To Keep Control.

       Prisons are not there to protect the people, they are there to protect the state and its monopoly on violence and its control over our life. Spyros Stratoulis is just one of millions of glaring examples of those the state incarcerates in its attempt to silence dissent.

The poster reads:

      Solidarity with Spyros Stratoulis, prisoner in struggle for over two decades in the Greek dungeons, who is conducting a hunger strike since November 11th, 2013, demanding a full acquittal from fabricated indictment charges for his alleged membership in a fictitious criminal organization (Thessaloniki, 2012), as well as the immediate re-granting of his exit permits from prison.
“I will respond drastically against the vengeance of the State that attempts to break resisters, against its monopoly of decision upon and looting of our lives, as well as against the indifference of every single puppet toward life, freedom and dignity” Spyros Stratoulis, incarcerated in the prison of Larisa

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