Showing posts with label Israeli genocide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israeli genocide. Show all posts

Wednesday, 20 January 2021



   Just in case you missed this little lot. 

Just another day in aparthied Israel: A "settler" vigilante noticed a 'suspicious' Palestinian – and shot him dead

Just another day in aparthied Israel: 11-year-old girl attacked as illegal, Israeli squatters storm Palestinian village

Just another day in aparthied Israel: : Israeli education minister bans rights groups from schools after B'Tselem's damning 'Israeli apartheid' report

Israeli settlements in occupied Palestine constitute violation of intl. : UN chief The establishment by Israel of settlements in the Palestinian territory, - has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law,” Guterres said

UN urges Israel to ‘halt, reverse’ new illegal settlements in occupied West Bank

Fundamentalist Israel Is No Longer Jewish, Says Avrum Burg. On Jewish Supremacy, Democracy and Diaspora ; Former Jewish Agency chairman says he wants no part in Israel's 'new Judaism,' which ignores minorities and undermines democracy.

How Israel is harming the war on antisemitism

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Wednesday, 8 May 2019

A System Where Despots Sit At The Banquet.

Extract from Independent:
      According to the United Nations, the humanitarian situation is so dire Gaza may become completely uninhabitable by next year.
      More than 70 per cent of the youth are unemployed, the highest jobless rate in the world.
       Ninety-seven per cent of the water is undrinkable and more than half the population lives under the poverty line. Until relatively recently families were existing on less than six hours of electricity a day, which also means key infrastructure like sewage plants have not been operating properly.

       The population of Gaza is approximately 1.6 million, with over 50% under 18. Here are some other details the people of Gaza have to endure while living under the yoke of the Israeli Zionist regime, situations created by the direct and deliberate policies of that genocidal regime.
           The average wage declined by over 20% in the past six years. 54% of Gazans are food insecure and over 75% are aid recipients. 35% of Gaza’s farmland and 85% of its fishing waters are totally or partially inaccessible due to Israeli military measures. 50-80 million litres of partially treated sewage are dumped in the sea each day. Over 90% of the water from the Gaza aquifer is undrinkable. 85% of schools in Gaza run on double shifts. About one-third of the items in the essential drug list are out of stock.
        The world powers know what is happening in Gaza and the West bank. The world powers know that the Israeli apartheid Zionist government continues to steal Palestinian land at an ever increasing rate. The world powers know that the conditions in Gaza are sub-human, as a direct and deliberate policy of that Israeli Zionist regime. The world powers know that clean water, sewage disposal and electric power are very sporadic luxuries in Gaza, again due to the direct and deliberate policies of that Zionist Israeli regime. The world powers know that what is happening in Gaza is genocide, again as a result of the direct and deliberate policies of the same Israeli Zionist Apartheid regime.
      Yet those same world powers turn a blind eye, welcome that poisonous regime to their corridors of power, invite them to their banquets, and pompous ceremonies. That makes them equally guilty of these crimes they are complicit. Palestinian suffering is on the hands of all the Western governments, the stench of Palestinian blood seeps through their stinking marble halls of power.
       This situation will not be changed by voting in a new Messiah in this country or that country, the whole rotten system of capitalism that sustains this brutal travesty will always welcome brutal regimes, despots and authoritarian rulers, if there is profit in the deal. Humanity is not in its calculations. To stop this and other brutal inhumanities that ravage our world we have to bring down the root cause, capitalism and its drive for profit at all costs from the insanity of perpetual growth.
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Monday, 14 May 2018

More Than 70 Dead, The Price Of Protest!!

       Six weeks of protests, over 70 dead, including elderly and children, thousands injured, 37 dead and 1,600 injured, today alone, and rising. As far as I can gather, only one Israeli soldier has been slightly injured during this protest. If this was happening in North Korea, China or Russia or any Western country, for that matter, it would be banner headlines in every newspaper, and our TV screens would be pumping it out non stop. However this is Palestinian people, this is the Zionist Israeli state's slaughter, so it may be reported but criticism will be muted. There may even be talk of an inquire about Israeli military's excessive use of force, then it will all settle down and the Palestinian people will be expected to get on with their lives under the yoke of brutal occupation and genocide. How much longer will the people of the world accept this, how much longer will we be complicit in this 21st. century genocide by our silence and inaction?
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Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Oil And Genocide.

        He says it so well, his voice is a voice for justice, David Rovics has sang around the world, and it usually is a powerful message delivered with sincerity and compassion. Syria suffers as does a lot of the Middle East, mainly due to the Imperialists who want to control the oil and gas. However, Gaza has sufferer for decades, because of a religious belief, that some man in the sky promised that land to the Jews. So they go about a brutal land grab and a policy of savage genocide, while the rich Western nations supply the funding and the weaponry. The powers that be are not blind to the suffering of the people of Gaza, it just suits their purpose, as Syria bleeds and Gaza dies, the Imperialists bleat about helping them. So the slaughter and deprivation will continue, until we get rid of those powers that be.

     "If we wash our hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless we side with the powerful — we don’t remain neutral.“

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Thursday, 2 July 2015

There Is No Freedom While Prisons Stand.

    Australia, like America and Israel carries out a brutal policy of genocide on people whose land they have colonised. Of course in Australia and America, they have been at it for much longer than their Israeli friends.
       Australia also has a vicious and cruel policy on migrants, locking them up in concentration camps on somebody else’s island. The colonisers have swamped the territories and now vastly out number the indigenous people, and as is customary with colonisers, the indigenous people are seen as lesser human beings, denied all the basic rights and receive the rough end of the "justice system". The first nation people of Victoria Australia, are now only 1% of the population, but make up 30% of the prison population. A true indicator of how they are treated. To boost prison spaces in Victoria, the authorities are useing shipping containers to house prisoners. Think of the heat stuck in a steel box, think of the cold when the temperature drops.
       Recently in Victoria, Australia, a smoking ban in prisons sparked a riot that was stated by the Australian authorities, as the worst prison riot in recent times. I doubt that it was simply the smoking ban alone that brought this about, I have no doubt, it was a case of the last straw breaking the camel's back.

      Melbourne, Australia, 01.07.15: Hundreds of prisoners at the Metropolitan Remand Centre in Ravenhall have rioted in response to a state-wide ban on smoking in all of the state of Victoria's prison hell-holes. The prisoners attacked screws, lit fires, rammed an exit door, torched prison vehicles and stormed a control room during what the cops are describing as one of the biggest prison riots in recent history. All prison staff were evacuated from the prison and heavily armed police goon squads entered the prison deploying tear gas in an attempt to suppress the riot. The riot began at around 12:20PM on 30.06.15 and continued until 03:00AM on 01:07:15 when the cops finally suppressed the uprising. There are reports from the corporate scum media that several prisoners were injured in the riot and that at least 2 screws got battered. As a result of the riot the entire prison system in Victoria is now on complete lockdown. 

       In response to the riot a snap action was held at a traditional First Nations meeting spot in the inner-city Melbourne suburb of Collingwood by First Nations Liberation (FNL) and their supporters in solidarity with the rioting prisoners. In the state of Victoria, First Nations peoples only make up 1% of the population but make up 30% of Victoria's prison population - this over-representation of First Nations people in the prison system is a direct result of the unceasing genocide that has been waged against First Nations people since the arrival of the colonists in the territories now commonly referred to as Australia in 1788. Afterwards a small group of anarchists painted graffiti on a nearby wall in solidarity with the rioters.

      Solidarity and strength to the Ravenhall rioters who kept the screws and heavily armed cops at bay for almost 15 hours armed only with makeshift weapons, their fists and a fierce will to resist! 

Fire To The Prisons! Destroy The Prison Society!
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Thursday, 1 January 2015

There Is No Going Back.

      2014 was a year of rising unrest, across the globe, neo-liberal/corporatism ran wild, sparking wars, spawning devastation and creating poverty for millions. People lost faith with the usual channels of governance, and took to the streets, in many areas the establishment felt threatened and fanned the rise of fascism. States lurched violently to the right in an act of self preservation. What is becoming ever more obvious is that there can be no return to the "old ways", people have lost their fear, and are no longer demanding change, but creating that change. It will not be an easy road, as the avenues of the left grow in strength and confidence, so the establishment with fear at its heart will strengthen the forces of the right. Repression will be more open, the gloves will be off, the control structure of the existing system will not relinquish its power willingly.

     The choice is limited, we either buckle under and allow the power of the financial Mafia to control all aspects of our lives, or we strengthen our resolve to finally smash  this corrupt, repressive system that is a weaver of illusions, a cancer on humanity, and a destroyer of freedom and justice.

    In many respects, 2014 was a very dark year. Between Israel’s monstrous war on Gaza to the shooting down of a civilian aircraft over the Ukraine, and from the world’s appalling inaction in the face of the ebola outbreak in West Africa on to the thousands of migrants who drowned off the Mediterranean coast this year, there seemed to be little to be hopeful or excited about. Some of the most spectacular mobilizations, from the Euromaidan revolt in Ukraine and the royalist rebellion and military coup in Thailand to the middle class protests that rocked Venezuela, originated not from the left but from the right.
But 2014 also witnessed the steady rise of new progressive forces. In Greece, the conservative-led government just collapsed over its failure to appoint a new president, triggering snap elections to be held on January 25, with the radical left party Syriza slated to win. In Spain, meanwhile, the new leftist party Podemos was founded in January to compete in the European elections, and now, less than a year later, already finds itself catapulted into first position in the polls. Spanish activists hopefully observe that “the fear is changing sides.” In 2015, the European austerity doctrine will face its most serious challenge to date.
Read the full article HERE:
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Friday, 14 November 2014

Another Act Of Inhumanity By Israel.

       Some stories you hear or read shock you, others its surprise. This particular story filled my stomach with churning rage, but no surprise. Somehow it is what I would expect of that fascist apartheid state, the anger is because they get away with it time and time again, while the international community looks the other way.  This brutal state acts out its policy of land grabbing and genocide with impunity, so there is no surprise when they act against anybody who might try to help that neighbour, just anger. I am of course talking about the brutal state of Israel. A state that international justice seems incapable of criticising. It is up to the ordinary people of the world to do their damnedest to bring the state of Israel to its knees, We must boycott all Israeli goods, and publicise their every brutal and unjust action, of which there are many. So when purchasing goods, check the bar code number, and if it starts with  729, dump it, it was made in Israel. There are other codes for Israel, check them out HERE.
     This is the story that didn't surprise me, but filled we with anger and disgust.

    Norway's doctor of peace for Gaza, Mads Gilbert, has been hit by a lifetime ban from entering the region by the Israeli government on Thursday.
     Israeli authorities cited security reasons as to why they have shut doctor Gilbert out from the Gaza Strip.
      The Norwegian 67-year-old has travelled to and from Gaza to treat Palestinians. This summer, the chief physician who lives and works in North Norway, was back working at Shifa hospital, Gaza, where he treated over 50 days many of the 11,000 injured. The doctor was attempting to return to the region in October to help in the hospital and was stopped by Israeli officials from entering. Gilbert says: “When we came back to the Erez border station, the Israeli soldiers told me that I could not go in to Gaza.”
    Now the Israeli government is stating it is for security reasons that Gilbert is banned, according to an email from the Norwegian embassy in Tel Aviv. The embassy took up the case on Gilbert's behalf after he was refused entry last month.
   Norway's Secretary of State, Bård Glad Pedersen, said to VG: “From the Norwegian perspective, we have raised Gilbert's exclusion from Gaza and asked Israel to change their decision. The humanitarian situation in Gaza is still difficult and there is a need for all health workers.”
     Gilbert himself believes the decision is connected to his critical comments against the state of Israel.
       The outspoken peace activist wrote a letter to the global media in July this year, evoking the extreme conditions at the Gaza hospital he worked in.
Who is doctor Mads Gilbert?
  • Born in Oslo, 1947.
  • Head physician specialising in anesthesiology at University Hospital of North Norway.
  • Over 30 years working in international conflict areas, especially Gaza.
  • Awards include Fritt Ords Honorary Prize (2009).
  • Appointed Commander to the Order of St Olaf (2013).
  • Received PhD at University of Iowa.
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Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Hold Israel Accountable.

        So Israel has agreed to open the border of Gaza to let in humanitarian aid and reconstruction materials, how generous. What about normal legal trade, freedom of travel to and from Gaza? I suppose now that they have conceded to the most basic minimum, that will be that. No reparations for 50 days of horrendous, brutal destruction and over reaction, more than 2,000 dead, with more than 70% civilians, including approximately 500 children, 17,000 Palestinian homes destroyed and 25% of the people of Gaza now displaced. Then there is the matter of 40% of Gaza's infrastructure destroyed, schools, hospitals, power station and water works, leading to no sewage disposal, and little or no electricity, for what?
     The cease fire should not be the end of the matter, Israel must be held responsible for its policy of genocide, its ruthless destruction, its continual stealing of Palestinian land, and its imprisonment of the Palestinian people. Of course the American administration, by its words and deeds, is complicit in this on going slaughter and destruction. Recently US Congress passed a resolution backing Israel's actions, and voted to send more money for arms for the Israeli state, while at the same time sending jet fuel, grenade rounds and artillery. Meanwhile Secretary of State, John Kerry, referred to Israel's actions as, " appropriate and legitimate."

       Of course the UK government is also in on the money from bloodshed, as we continue to supply Israel with all manner of equipment to assist them in the genocide of the Palestinian people.
     The British government will not block companies exporting arms to Israel, despite previous warnings that arms licenses would be rescinded if fighting in the Middle East continued.
     Despite a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas being broken on Tuesday, a government spokesperson said the licenses have not been suspended.
      “We said we would suspend licenses if there was a significant resumption of hostilities,” a government spokesperson said.
Business as usual: UK arms factories 'profit' from Palestinian bloodshed

A UK arms factory was recently occupied by nine British activists in protest against the company's alleged complicity in Israel’s Operation Protective Edge. (Image from

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Monday, 25 August 2014

Self Interest Based Compassion.

       Just as a by-the-way, once again my broadband has been behaving like an bad buy, second hand car. Down for the last three days, after being fixed last week, after a ten day breakdown. All is not perfect in our world of hi-tec.
      Bloodshed across the Middle East and Ukraine, among other places, and talk of having a look at highly militarised police forces. Talk of saving this group but not bothering too much about that group, compassion based on self interest, that's the game of world politics. 

An Interesting article from Reader Supported News, by William Boardman:

 Protesters in Ferguson, Missouri. (The News Commenter)
       Rescuing 20,000 or so Yazidis matters more than bringing relief to almost two million Gazans in cities under siege by a relentlessly expansionist, right-wing Israeli government bent on ethnic cleansing? Well, maybe that’s not exactly what Tel Aviv/Jerusalem is up to, but decades of repetitive behavior that includes repeated war crimes is anything but reassuring. How is it better to keep arming Israel, the better to kill Palestinians, or at least to kill those Palestinians who survive the lethal and illegal Israeli occupation and blockade, when the alternative is to support the United Nations and perhaps prevent more atrocities?
       Rescuing 20,000 or so Yazidis matters more than protecting at least as many Americans in Ferguson, a city under siege by white privilege? Saving the Yazidis for now matters more than bringing justice to African-American Americans who have suffered their country’s crimes against their humanity for longer than the United States has existed? How is it better to arm local police with the weapons of international war in a country where police already commit the atrocity of killing a black man on average every 28 hours?
Read the full article HERE:

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Monday, 21 July 2014

The Establishment's Weaving Of Lies.

       That babbling brook of bullshit,the mainstream media, always gets it wrong. At the moment it is pouring out lots of hate rhetoric against Russia, but precious little against the murderous onslaught by the Israeli state against the people of Gaza.
     Also on the WW1 "celebrations", they throw their weight behind the establishment view, of it being a heroic and glorious battle for democracy, which we, being the democratic half of the contest, won of course. I wonder what the German people think about that?
      What we should never forget is that the blood letting that goes by the name of WW1 wasn't won, it was an armistice. It was stopped because the imperialist psychopaths were faced with mutinies, rebellion and spontaneous out breaks of truces between the ordinary soldiers on the front line, some of these young men paid with their lives in front of a firing squad for the act of humanity. At home, the imperialists were faced with another battle, strikes and civil unrest across the continent of Europe. Another factor that brought the war warmongering nut-cases to call a halt, to the greed driven slaughter, was the fact that the death toll continued to soar and the maimed continued to be carried home, they were simply running out of canon-fodder. WW1 was an unimaginable spilling of mainly young blood, to further the aims of greed driven imperialist ambitions, in other words, greed and nothing more.
    Up to the start of that unnecessary blood letting of WW1, Europe had no democracy to defend. After the bloody event, Europe had no democracy anywhere. 100 years after that imperialist blood letting, we the ordinary people are still fighting for democracy in Europe.
Part of an email I recently received: 

         As the UK commences four years of commemorations of the centenary of World War 1, the Northumbria and Newcastle Universities Martin Luther King Peace Committee has released a set of resources to help schoolteachers mark the December 1914 Christmas Truces as part of their World War 1 teaching. They are designed as a corrective to the government-sponsored commemorations of the slaughter in the trenches as a heroic and necessary war.
        The December 1914 Christmas Truces, when British, French and German soldiers stopped fighting to celebrate Christmas, exchange gifts, sing carols, and even play football, are one of the most extraordinary episodes in modern military history. These were not isolated incidents. Following weeks of spasmodic fraternisation by men unconvinced by war propaganda, the Christmas Truces occurred right down the front from the North Sea to Switzerland. Made possible by shared traditions of Christian celebration, they were a hopeful moment of recognition of common humanity and a (brief) rejection of the terrible violence of industrialised war pursued by rulers in a deadly game of global imperial competition for territories and resources. They were quashed by orders backed by threats, and by replacing troops with men 'untainted' by the Truces.
         The truces are worth teaching about because they are simply so remarkable and evocative in themselves. Ordinary men recognising their common humanity infuriated high commands by temporarily stopping the industrialised slaughter of the trenches. However at a time when revisionist historians and politicians are offering retro-chic defences of the First World War as somehow necessary or even heroic, the truces can also teach an important message that may otherwise be overlooked in the centennial commemorations.
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Sunday, 20 July 2014

Follow Chile, Boycott Israeli Goods.

        Saturday's protest in Glasgow, calling for an end to the murderous actions of the Israeli state against the people of Gaza, saw the number of protesters swell considerably from the previous week. Despite the continuous rain, well over a thousand people filled the top of Buchanan Street with banners, placards and plenty of noise. This was repeated in cities and towns across the world, and still the Western governments mumble and mutter platitudes, and look the other way. 

      Chile is the first government to ban trading with the state of Israel, we should all put pressure on our own government to follow suit. We can of course carry out our own boycott of Israeli goods they are easily recognisable. A bar code starting with “729″ indicates that the product is produced in Israel. This is a relatively simple and effective way to support Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation and their ethnic crimes. If it starts with that 729, dump it. Hit them where it hurts, in their pockets. Goods produced in the occupied territories are more difficult as they can vary. This from Boycott Israeli News:
      The Israeli bar code story is not so simple. I purchased several food items from Israel to investigate which could be from the occupied territories. The Achdut Tahini from Industrial Zone Barkan (Occupied Territories) starts out: 7 219.... Pri-Vayerek Olives from  Industrial Zone Har Tov starts: 7 922... (Barbet (Jam) imported from Israel by Supreme Foods of Concord Ont.: 6 507...)
     The bar code might not be completely accurate, but it is an excellent tool and used with reading the label, should help to put pressure on the Israeli state.

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Wednesday, 9 July 2014

If In Glasgow On Saturday 12th. July.

Demonstration and protest in Glasgow, July 12th.:

 Sat 12 July - Stop Attacking Gaza

      1pm corner of Gordon Street, Buchanan Street, Glasgow.

      Palestinians blockaded inside Gaza (the largest open air prison in the world) have been facing a massive onslaught from the Israeli Occupation Force, one of the most powerful militaries in the world.
     Stop the Attack on Gaza! End the Siege. End Israeli Apartheid. End the Occupation. Free Palestine!
      Demo called by various activists, not by any particular organisation. Everyone welcome
      The protest called last week at very short notice was well-attended, lively, determined and welcoming. Let's make this one even better.

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The Israeli State's Genocide Policy.

Protest: Stop the Bombing of Palestine

      Over the last few days Israel has invoked Operation Protective Edge to ramp up the collective punishment of Palestinians, with at least 25 Palestinians killed and 70 injured during the atrocious bombing campaign in Gaza.
      In addition to Gaza, the Israeli repression has escalated in the West Bank to unprecedented levels unseen over the last few years. The situation looks set to get much worse with the Israeli Defence Minister saying yesterday that Israel is "preparing for a battle against Hamas, which will not end within a few days".
Two weeks ago David Cameron condemned the killing of three Israeli teenagers but has remained silent about the death of the Palestinian teenager Mohammed Abu Khedair who was burned alive in East Jerusalem. In March the Prime Minister said his belief in Israel was "unbreakable" and his silence on this latest horrific round of Israeli state violence has shown how true that statement was. Whatever the human rights abuses of the Israeli state, for our Prime Minister it seems nothing will put into question the importance of this key economic and military ally in the Middle East.
      It remains our priority to expose this hypocrisy and to stop the British government's ongoing support for the criminal occupying power. More than a thousand people gathered outside the Israeli embassy last weekend to oppose Israeli terror. Please join us again this Friday:
  • Protest: Stop the Bombing - Stop the Killing - Free Palestine
  • Friday 11 July - 5.30pm - 7.30pm
  • Opposite Embassy of Israel, London W8 4QB
  • Nearest tube: High Street Kensington
  • Share the Facebook event with your contacts
  • Can you help us? We need stewards and helpers for the protest. Please email or telephone 020 7561 4830 if you can help.
The latest stories from the Stop the War web site on Israel's violent campaign:
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Monday, 19 November 2012


       So what is new in this latest show of Israeli aggression? It is part and parcel of the Zionist aims to have all the land that God promised them. Yes, according to the Zionist, away back thousands of years ago, when they were an ancient roaming tribe, God told them that this land was theirs. The problem being that there are millions of people living on these lands, so they have to be removed. And there will be no peace as long as this idiotic claim is at the root of their Zionist government policy. Bit by bit the land of Palestine is disappearing and being settled by fundamentalist Jews, the Palestinian people are the problem, to have God's promise fulfilled, these people have to go, be destroyed, eliminated or call it what you will. This latest onslaught against the Palestinian people is just another step in that direction. In my way of thinking, the word genocide seems to fit. 

Of course you need God's blessing before you kill.

      The last major Israeli assault on the Palestinian people of Gaza was December 27 2008, in what the Israeli state called Operation Cast Lead. As usual with the Israeli state, the action was claimed to be in response rockets being fired from Gaza, and as usual the response was totally and utterly disproportionate. It was state blanket repression of an entire people. It was referred to in most places a a massacre. It involved a co-ordinated attack by land artillery, air bombardment and shelling from the sea. On January 3 the      Israeli state ground forces moved in and attacked many densely populated areas. Gaza was literally cut in two. The operation was ended on January 18 and the withdrawal of Israeli ground forces was complete by January 21. In that short period of brutal overwhelming firepower, it is estimated that 1,400 Palestinians died and 13 Israelis.

      In the 2006 Israeli invasion of the Lebanon, Israel declared all of Lebanon south of the Litani River a kill zone. Within this entire twenty mile area of Lebanon, anyone who was in a vehicle would be targeted and destroyed by the Israeli state terrorist forces. People in villages across the south of the country, who were already without food or water, were unable to flee the bombing or get medical aid.
         Between 1968 and 1974, the Lebanese government registered 3,000 attacks on Lebanon by the Israel state apparatus, which resulted in the brutal murder of 880 Lebanese and Palestinian civilians.
           Of course the attacks on Lebanon by the Israeli state did not start in 1968 with the attack on Beirut airport and the destruction of the Lebanese civilian air fleet. The Israeli aggression started much earlier. Between 1949 and 1964 there were 140 Israeli attacks on Lebanese villages and towns. Some of these attacks include, on July 24th. 1950 a Lebanese civilian plane shot down by Israeli planes, October 1950, Israeli state forces fired on Lebanese civilians killing four at the village of Yarun. In 1959 Israeli state forces hijacked three planes, two civilian planes and one Lebanese military jet, and forced them to land in Israel On August 27th. 1959 Israeli state forces killed one woman and destroyed two houses and three bridges during an Israeli terrorist infiltration into South Lebanon. June 14th 1968 saw the Israeli state terrorists bomb Mays Al-Jabal in South Lebanon and injured 56 people. After the Israeli state terrorist attack on Beirut airport in 1968 their occupation forces killed 11 Palestinians in the ‘Arqub region.
        After 1968 the Israeli state terrorist attacks became so numerous that they would fill the pages of a Glasgow telephone directory. The Israel state apparatus has been attacking and killing Lebanese and Palestinians long before the formation of Hezbollah and the PLO.
         The 2006 Israeli aggression, saw more than 1,000 bombs dropped on 9th August 2006 on Khiyam alone, destroyed the entire infra-structure of Lebanon, killed over 1,000 Lebanese, mainly women and children, children making up almost 50% of those murders. Lets not forget the countless children killed in Gaza over the years of Israeli aggression. During this period the Israeli deaths are in the low hundreds mostly soldiers.
         This is the record of a state that is held up by the Western states as the only democratic state in the Middle East. If this is democracy, who wants it. This is the usual state imperialism doing what it always does, expand and control, brute force while proclaiming democracy, killing while waving the flag of peace. Territory and resources are the aim, people are expendable.

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