Showing posts with label iraq. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iraq. Show all posts

Monday 14 December 2015

The Corruption And Greed That Crushes The Empire.

        It is always nice when one of their own turns round and starts to speak the truth, someone who has been with them for a long time and knows how they work and why. Of course most informed people must know the truth about the great American empire, those who don't are those being spoon fed by the media and accepting it as nourishment. However, it is still refreshing to hear it from that source. 
This video was published on Dec 11, 2015.
       Abby Martin interviews retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, former national security advisor to the Reagan administration, who spent years as an assistant to Secretary of State Colin Powell during both Bush administrations. Today, he is honest about the unfixable corruption inside the establishment and the corporate interests driving foreign policy.

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Sunday 15 November 2015

For The World To Live, Europe Must Die.

      We are all human, and in the sea of sorrow at the suffering that occurred in Paris on Friday 13th. November, it is difficult to focus on the bigger picture, we are overwhelmed by the pain and suffering of the dead, wounded and traumatised.  We feel it greater because of the close proximity, we feel less for similar suffering far away, Iraq for example, but it is a small world. The traumatised, weeping parents, family and friends is repeated across the Middle East on a daily basis, but our mainstream media doesn't cover it in the same manner.
       I don't believe "evil",( a word I detest) pops out of a bottle from nowhere, it usually has a history, a birth somewhere in the past. Short term memory will never solve the problem, we have to look a lot deeper into the past, the seeds were sown somewhere at some point. 
     I found the article, For the World to Live, "Europe" Must Die. by Russell Means, brings clarity to this whole question of violence, placing it firmly in an historical context. 

      “The only possible opening for a statement like this is that I detest writing. The process itself epitomizes the European concept of "legitimate thinking": what is written has an importance that is denied the spoken. My culture, the Lakota culture, has an oral tradition, so I ordinarily reject writing. It is one of the white world's ways of destroying the cultures of non-European peoples, the imposing of an abstraction over the spoken relationship of a people.” -- Russell Means (in a 1980 speech)
       The following are two rather large quotes from his article, however, the whole article is well worth the time it takes to read.

       The deaths of hundreds of people in a third world country evidently do not send the world’s press into high alert. In fact, while 500,000 Iraq children died [UNICEF figure] as a result of U.S. bombing of Iraq’s power generation, water purification and sewage processing infrastructure compounded by U.S.-led U.N. sanctions/embargoes of essential food and medical supplies to Iraq, it was given coverage but not the sort of frantic coverage given by ‘terrorist attacks’ in the U.S., Britain, Spain and most recently France. It is hard NOT to compare this lack of empathy to third world citizens to the cultural genocide inflicted on indigenous peoples of North America by European colonizers.
       The attention given to terrorist attacks in Europe and the United States, that Means and Churchill refer to as; ... ‘some people pushing back’, and, ... ‘chickens coming home to roost’, .. are treated as one-offs, and are not viewed by the Western press or Western leaders as part of a ongoing conflict that began with 15th century European colonization. Instead, they are portrayed as coming out of nowhere for 'no reason' [why would anyone attack innocent others?] as if they are pre-shocks that warn of an imminent Armageddon.
        In the wake of the attacks in France, yesterday, Barack Obama’s comment was;
      Once again we’ve seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians. This is an attack, not just on Paris, it’s an attack not just on the people of France, but this is an attack on all of humanity and universal values that we share.”
     ‘Once again’, ... we see Western world leaders pull out the binary ‘good versus evil’ framing, characterizing the colonizing powers and their supporters as ‘good’ and ‘innocent’ and as ‘victims’, ... while those people ‘pushing back’ are characterized in this binary framing, as ‘evil’ and ‘guilty’ and as ‘offenders’.
      Few people can help but think about themselves and their own families undergoing such horror, whether watching helplessly as their children die in the terrible conditions in Iraq arising from infrastructure bombings and embargoes, or whether slaughtered quickly and suddenly in shootings and bombings in Paris restaurants and concert halls.
       Strife is inevitable and war is hell, but pulling out this logical and moral reference framing, which Nietzsche euphemistically terms ‘a great stupidity’, amounts to such blatantly obvious denial that it can only amplify the radicalizing of some increasing fraction of the millions of those who ‘dream of pushing back’ but who, in the larger fraction, remain committed to less violent remedial paths.
     Western leaders are ‘scientific thinkers’ and their discursive reasoning is based on logical assumptions adopted by science, such as;
      “Instead of embracing in its entirety the progressive development of a phenomenon, we simply try to connect each moment with the one immediately preceding. We admit that the present state of the world only depends on the immediate past, without being directly influenced, so to speak, by the recollection of a more distant past.” — Poincare, ‘Origin of Mathematical Physics’
     Such simplification, termed ‘economy of thought’ by philosophers of science, is very convenient when one has gained the position one now has through a program of global domination via colonization [military appropriation of the lands of indigenous peoples] and cultural genocide. It is a scientific concept reinforced by the Enlightenment European view of man as an ‘independent reason-driven being’, a ‘human being’ that is fully and solely responsible for his own behaviour.
      So, look out, push back people, because the statute of limitations on prosecuting colonizer and sovereigntist atrocities expires before it starts, and where there is push-back, those who push back violently will be judged fully and solely responsible for ‘their evil and offensive behaviour’ against the ‘innocent colonizing powers and their innocent, victimized constituents’.
      This essay is NOT aimed at justifying push-back retribution in Paris, New York, London, Madrid and elsewhere. There is no support in it for Western moral judgement based retributive justice. This essay is a commentary on the hypocrisy of Western leadership and the pathetic façade of holier-than-thou innocence coupled with sternly self-righteous commitments to ‘rid the world of evil’. The physical reality of our natural experience is NOT binary; i.e. if we are to be honest we must “embrace in its entirety the progressive development of a phenomenon” and thus connect the authorship of the push-back to colonizing powers who have been spring-loading the pushers-back for a long, long while.--------
And a little further on:

       Meanwhile, global media rushes to support the bald-faced political pitch of ‘good and evil’ on each eruption of push-back violence. Nevertheless, in the intervals, even mainstream media opinion-shapers such as BBC’s Adam Curtis are making documentaries such as ‘Bitter Lake’, advertised quote/unquote as; “How Western leaders' simplistic "good" vs. "evil" narrative has failed”, and how Western political leaders have come to recognize that the source of their power has shifted from rallying people onward and upward towards a Utopian society, to defending people against a global decline and free-fall towards a horrific Dystopia.
       What is unfolding is reminiscent of Nietzsche’s predictions. Nietzsche, in the 1890s, suggested that it would take two centuries for ‘Europe to die’ in the very same sense that Russell Means intends it; to suspend this ridiculous pretense of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ and ‘truth’ and ‘falsehood’ as binary realities; i.e. to restore intuition and harmony-seeking to their natural precedence over reason and morality.
      He didn’t say how it would play out, exactly, other than that there would be “devaluation of the highest values”; i.e. ‘good and evil’ ‘truth and falsehood’, morality and reason.
      Both are already looking pretty shabby on Friday, November 13th, 2015.
Read the full article HERE:
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Monday 5 October 2015

Bring Freedom Through Death.

      Like I always say, our mainstream media is simply a babbling brook of bullshit. It spews out misinformation, distortions and down right lies. It is no more than a propaganda machine for the imperialists, and a money maker for its owners. Truth, real information and honest discussion, are alien to its basic structure. 
 Bringing freedom to the people of Baghdad.
      Below is an extract from a report made at the beginning of this year, The report is the result of studies by respected and highly qualified people in their field, it trashes the frequently circulated figures of deaths by the US/UK war on terror in the Middle East, vomited out by that babbling brook of bullshit, yet up until now they have ignored it. 
 Shock and awe, democracy Western style.
This from Middle East Eye:
A Muslim holocaust. 
       Last month, the Washington DC-based Physicians for Social Responsibility (PRS) released a landmark study concluding that the death toll from 10 years of the "War on Terror" since the 9/11 attacks is at least 1.3 million, and could be as high as 2 million.
      The 97-page report by the Nobel Peace Prize-winning doctors' group is the first to tally up the total number of civilian casualties from US-led counter-terrorism interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
        The PSR report is authored by an interdisciplinary team of leading public health experts, including Dr. Robert Gould, director of health professional outreach and education at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center, and Professor Tim Takaro of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University.
        Yet it has been almost completely blacked out by the English-language media, despite being the first effort by a world-leading public health organisation to produce a scientifically robust calculation of the number of people killed by the US-UK-led "war on terror".
Read the full article HERE
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Tuesday 8 September 2015

Western Imperialism, Plain And Simple.

      The working class should take a few lessons from the UK state apparatus, they never give up. They spout about listening to the will of the people, but when the people say something they don't like, they just wait a bit and then after an avalanche of propaganda, ask again. So the people have spoken, Britain will not bomb Syria, well let's beef up the propaganda of fear, and then ask again. 
A modern graveyard of ordinary people.
      They will destroy Syria, well it is practically destroyed already, but they still want rid of Assad and his cronies, and the rat bag of fundamentalists aren't doing it quick enough. So they need to up the stakes, to complete their original plan, get rid of Assad and claim the oil and gas fields for Western corporatism. Compare this approach with that taken by the UK state on the Scottish independence vote, the people have spoken, it should not be raised again at least for a generation, no matter if circumstances change. They are obviously keener on bombing other sovereign states than they are at allowing a people their independence.
The shape of Western freedom in the Middle East.
       We must stop this insanity being piloted by Cameron and his cronies, we the people of the UK have nothing to gain from blasting the civilian population of any other country. Make no mistake, if UK imperialists start bombing Syria, it will be civilians that will feel the brunt of that savage brutality. Like Iraq, towns and cities will be crushed beneath the power of modern day weapons. It will be ordinary men, women and children that will lie beneath the rumble. The officer and political class will be well protected from the Armageddon spawned by the destructive power of modern weaponry.
No politicians here.
     The gainers will be the Western arms industry and the oil and gas corporations, none of whom will ever be at the forefront of the brutality and savagery of modern warfare. 
Iraq, 17 August 2015.
         The UK state has been at war continuously for centuries, this is just another imperialist venture on top of the hundreds of others. A continuous sacrifice of the lives of ordinary people to further the wealth and power of corporations, floated on the illusion of fighting for democracy, and bring freedom to other people. It will continue as long as we touch our forelock and bend our knee in submission to the state and its brutal, imperialistic apparatus.
        To end this insanity, greed and brutal scramble for power and wealth, we have to sweep away the state, all its control, power and surveillance apparatus, its borders, and that divisive man made creation, the nation state. One world, one people, living in communities linked by co-operation, mutual aid, free association and seeing to the needs of all our people. 
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Sunday 26 July 2015

Collateral Damage.

       I wrote this way back in 2001 at the start of the Afghan illegal invasion, it could equally apply to those other countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria and the rest of the world where imperialism has demanded that war is the only game in town.


Listless eyes, lifeless face
motionless body with hanging limbs
carried by a mother fleeing
foreign policy’s vicious whims.

No toys, no laughter
no playing in the sun,
a short pitiful life;
an Afghan child, 2001.

No plans, no choices
no hope by any name,
collateral damage
in the big players game.

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Thursday 30 April 2015

Imperialism And The Resultant Refugees.

        The outpouring by the babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, on the refugee situation in the Mediterranean, does the usual thing, poor refugees, we do our best, but these people smugglers are evil and we must deal with them harshly. We seldom hear of the main cause of this mass movement of people. Are we to believe that these evil people smugglers go around kidnapping people and shipping them out to Europe against their will? Or is there another reason for this humanitarian crisis? Why are there masses of people looking for any means available to escape the tragedy that is most of Africa today. A look at what has become of North Africa, the whole of the Middle East, and Afghanistan, and try to deny that Western foreign policy has not a very large part to play in the making of this crisis.
     We have destroyed the infrastructure of these countries for nothing more than wealth and power, we have walked away and left the people in dire poverty and ruins, and unleashed a landscape of warlords, and faction fighting. We then spend billions of Euros doing our damnedest to keep those same people out of our slice of the cake, a cake made with the help of their resources. Imperialism is alive and well today, power blocks take what resources they want from other countries. Just as the British Empire raped and pillaged its way across the planet under the Union flag, today the process of imperialism continues, under the banner of “Western democracy”.
 ------Refugees are pushed out of their home countries by pillaging neocolonial economy, conflicts fuelled by the seller of weapons, environmental disasters included in the cost of the European wealth, and finally imperialist invasions, and often have no choice but to flee in the direction of ‘European paradise’. The increasing stratification, hunger, poverty and fear motivate them to walk through deserts, passing oceans, and clinging to aircraft wheels, often submitting themselves under organized smugglers mafias. Frontex’ activities only add more kilometers and obstacles; without breaking Europe’s hegemony and its neo-colonial policies the determination, which families and sometimes entire villages rely on, of those people will never be reduced.
Usually tragedies are happening far away from the eyes of Europeans, but their scale, with an increase in the number of refugees (eg related to the events of the Arab Spring, the massacre of Afghanistan, the Syrian and Ukrainian war), had grown so much that it is impossible to keep ignoring them. Mass drowning off the coast of Italy and assaults on the borders of Ceuta and Melilla, death on the Evros minefields and barbed wire of the Bulgarian border are just a few examples of the tragedied, which become increasingly larger and more frequent as the social crisis in neighboring countries deepens. The crisis, which often is the result of European foreign policy, economic colonization or direct military intervention.--------
Read the full article HERE: 

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Sunday 12 April 2015

Remember Iraq?

     As April, National Poetry Month glides along, I again through my tuppence worth in.

Remember Iraq?

Mammon, God of the New World Order
has spoken:
Any nation who blasphemies 
against the scriptures
of the Holy Free Market economy
shall find its people scorched by fires
that rain out of the western skies
and the people shall suffer perdition
through all eternity.
All the world shall see
Mammon's hi-tec retribution.
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Monday 16 March 2015

Spring Rising, 2015.

        Seeing as America is the biggest culprit in wars and foreign invasions, it is great to see this happening the US. What a pity it wasn't happening in every city across the planet. A bit late for that, but still time for a "Summer Rising".

Lafayette Park
(across from the White House).
Washington, D.C.
March on the Capitol to Demand:
END THE WARS: Iraq, Syria, Ukraine and beyond
Stop new threats of sanctions on Venezuela and Iran
BLACK AND BROWN LIVES MATTER; From Ferguson to Iraq, people of color are under attack by U.S. police and military. We demand an end to racist militarization and wars. We demand justice for the victims of racist brutality here and abroad. We also demand an end to the mass incarceration of millions of poor and working people, as well as freedom for all political prisoners including Mumia Abu Jamal, Leonard Peltier to Aafia Siddiqui and Rasmeh Odeh. 
RESISTANCE IS JUSTIFIED: From Palestine to Staten Island, Wisconsin to Ukraine, people are organizing to fight U.S. oppression and war. Its time to unite this resistance.
The international Action Center, FIST (Fight Imperialism, Stand Together), Solidarity Iran, and the United National Antiwar Coalition are amongst the growing coalition of organizations mobilizing for this major national anti-war action.
The International Action Center is organizing transportation from Baltimore, New York City, Durham, North Carolina, and Philadelphia to this important action. If you are interested in travelling with us to this important demonstration or learning more, contact Scott at
 Spring Rising; was originally proposed by Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox and the Soapbox People's Network. It has been endorsed and will be supported by Amnesty International Charlottesville, the ANSWER, the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, the Baltimore Pledge of ResistanceCenter on Conscience & War, Washington, DCBrooklyn for PeaceBrainerd Area Coalition for Peace (BACP),  Chelsea Neighbors United to End the War,  Citizens for Peace,  CND CYMRU,  CODEPINK, Courage to ResistFISTDC 9/11 Truth,  DC Metro Science for the PeopleDefending Dissent Foundation,  Frack Free Nation, the Granny Peace Brigade of New York CityInternational Action Center,  KnowDrones.comMaryland United for Peace and Justice, Metro DC Committee of Correspondence for Democracy and Ecosocialism, Labor Fightback Network,  Military Families Speak OutMinnesota Peace ActionNational Association Against Police Brutality, the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance, Ohio State Labor Party, the Network to Stop Drone Surveillance and WarfareThe No Fear Coalition, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation,   Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore,  Peace Action in Staten Island, Peace Academy at LibertyPAX Christi USA,  Peace Action MontgomeryPeopleNow.orgPeace Fresno,Popular Resistance, Progressive Democrats of America,   Revolutionary Organization of Labor USA,  SOA Watch, Syracuse Peace CouncilTulsa Peace Fellowship,  United for Peace and Justice,  United National Antiwar CoalitionUpstate Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars,  US Foreign Policy Activist CooperativeVegans for NonviolenceUS Labor Against the WarVeterans For Peace,Veterans for Safe Access,
Virginia Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality, Voices for Creative,  Washington Peace Center, Witness Against TortureWomen"s International League for Peace and Freedom,  World Beyond War, and World Can't WaitPax Christi Phoenix
For more details check out the Spring Rising Website: 
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Tuesday 4 November 2014

The End Of The World As We Know It, Do You Care?

         Another informative episode from The Stimulator, from tar sands resistance to mass protests against the disappearance of 43 students and teachers, from Iraq to Kobane.

Locomotive Time Bomb from the stimulator on Vimeo.

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Monday 3 November 2014

Having The Shit Kick Out Of Us.

      George Osborne at the recent Tory party conference announced that if the Tories get in at the next election he would introduce £25 billions worth of new cuts, which would include one of the biggest squeezes of welfare in recent times, at the same time promising his rich friends tax cuts to help pour more cash into their already overflowing coffers. He also announced a two year freeze on working-age benefits. This is another way of saying two year of cuts to working-age benefits, as no doubt inflation will not stay frozen at the same time.
 How the West introduces democracy abroad.
      This arrogant pompous millionaire parasite, also said the the British people could no longer afford to live in a country which spent £100 billion on welfare payments to people of working age. Perhaps he could start by getting his rich billionaire corporate friends to start paying wages that would stop those working, from having to claim benefits just to survive. Of course we are a country that can afford to spend more than £250 million on bombing Libya back to the stone age, and re-entering the Iraq war at an unknown cost, as it forecast to last for years, but missiles being fired are in the region of £250,000 and £750,000 each, and tornadoes flying at a cost of more than £40,000 an hour. However, all we ever get from this bunch of pampered Oxbridge millionaire parasites, is about how the poor and the vulnerable are a heap of scroungers and are costing us too much. 
The West's version of a ballot box in the Middle East.
     We are being severely  beaten in a brutal class war, and the sooner we realise this, the sooner we can begin to address this as united group, aware of our class connections, and take on the pampered parasite class, that at the moment, is kicking the shit out of us.
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Thursday 9 October 2014

We Are At War.

      Our war mongering, imperialist lords and masters, seem to think that it is not war if you go in and bomb a country, they keep mouthing "No boots on the ground" and that makes everything just fine. However in actual fact there will be "special forces" on the ground. We are not at war, we are just bombing different countries, and of course with our "smart bombs", we only kill the bad guys. The West is always morally justified in killing in foreign countries, after all, we're the good guys, it is other countries that make up "The Axis of Evil" , "The Evil Empire", etc..
        The world pours blood from such psychopathic illusions. War is states' means of retaining power, it is not a bring of democracy, it is not an envoy of peace, it is the imperialists tool for survival.
This from Freedom Socialist Party, The Voice of Revolutionary Feminism:
    President Obama reassured the nation in his special press conference on Sept. 10 that no U.S. “boots on the ground” would be used to “degrade and destroy” ISIS — just bombers. So therefore, this country is not at war. What a pack of lies.
Actually, “targeted military airstrikes” is exactly how imperialists make war in today’s world. And the majority of casualties are civilians. In Syria, for example, Assad’s air superiority has murdered, wounded and displaced millions of non-combatants in three years. Israeli air attacks killed more than 2,100 Palestinians in just a month. Ukraine’s air strikes on eastern Ukraine killed 3,000 mostly civilians, and produced a million refugees in two months. And, as Iraq war vets point out, Iraqis still face radioactivity and infrastructure devastation from the eight-year U.S. military occupation.
As have many before him, the president declared that U.S. militarism is good and just. Nonsense! Empire America created the likes of ISIS and the Taliban to bolster U.S. control over the region and stamp out authentic revolution against gross poverty and repression.
Massive, unconditional humanitarian aid is the only thing the U.S. can offer that will help. No bombs! No drones! No troops! No mercenaries!

Monday 29 September 2014

Oil And Religion, A Bad Mix.

      What is really happening in Iraq and Syria, where does Turkey stand in this bloodshed, where does IS get all their hard wear. Turkey has a vested interest in seeing the Kurds defeated, but as usual, it is all sold as good verses evil, when in fact it is all political manoeuvring for power and territory, by the power mongers. The blood of the people will be shed at the dictate of imperial ideology and religious fundamentalism. Under the veil of a battle between good and evil will lie rich oilfields.
     The corporate imperial West is very reluctant to arm the Kurds as they are building a form of federalism and people's assemblies, not the sort of thing the West wants to see in an oil rich area. No where in this can we say that the West is there for the benefit of the people of that area, the West can quite easily turn its back on brutal repression if the benefits are not rich enough for them. Brutal regimes can be our allies, friendly trading partners, as long as they play ball with their resources. It's when those resources are under threat that those same nations become evil empires and have to be destroyed.

       Moreover, the earlier defeat of IS by the Syrian Kurdish forces both in Kobanê and Sinjar has been interpreted as a slap in the face of the jihadists. Especially the fact that almost a third of the Kurdish militias are made up of women has served to shame the radical Islamists who prefer to see women covered in black robes from head to toe, rather than unveiled, independent and empowered with a AK-47 in their hands.
       The last important fact that has put Kobanê high on the agenda of the Islamic State is that this is the place where the Rojava revolution started on July 19, 2012, when the town was liberated from Assad’s forces and became home to the Democratic People’s Revolution. In this struggle, Syria’s Kurds have declared their autonomy from the state and have since been working to implement democratic confederalism and people’s assemblies as a means to govern themselves.
Read the full article HERE:

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Sunday 28 September 2014

Being Bitten By The Beast You Fed.

        Analysis of what is going on in the Middle East will not be found in the babbling brook of bullshit that is our mainstream media, we have to look back at history. The West's hatred of anything Soviet, lead to the American imperialists handing a blank cheque to the CIA, with the explicit instructions for it to be pour that cash into support, training and funding any ragbag of nut case fundamentalist groups that would take a pop-shot at the Soviets in Afghanistan. Fast forward, through the bombing of Iraq and we arrive at ISlS, or IS, or ISIL, whatever label they wish, it is still the same fundamentalist religious nutters that the American imperialists deliberately created because of their psychopathic desire to control the world. Strange how things come back to bite you.

       (Parenthetic digression: obviously the CIA didn't directly intend to train and arm these aforementioned dangerous assholes: if they'd known where it would all go they'd have been horrified. But in the 1980s they didn't have a clue about Qutbism, so they handed an open chequebook to ISI, who in turn doled out cash and guns to anyone who would inflict grief on the Soviets in Afghanistan, and perhaps if Zbignew Brzezinski's state department had been slightly more forward-looking and clear eyed they might have pondered where all these angry young men with leet bomb-making skillz were going to go once the Soviets were defeated ... but that's all water under the bridge. Or is it? One thing's certainly true: western governments' track record in picking proxies to fight their wars for them are generally so disastrous that it's almost as if they were looking for rabid dogs. Hmm, time to re-read Chomsky.)
        And you know something else? If George W. Bush hadn't had such a raging hard-on for Saddam Hussein, if he hadn't railroaded everyone into invading Iraq, this needn't have happened. Al Qaida have grown into a full-scale scary government-shaped object with a revolutionary ideology because Bush created a power vacuum for them to expand into. (And Obama helped, by not actively propping up the weak Ba'athist regime in Syria — who are bastards, but at least they're not trying to destroy western civilization for a hobby.)
       It is to weep. But we've made our bed and now I suppose we must drop bombs on it.
Read the full article HERE:

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Tuesday 23 September 2014

Those Never Ending Imperialist Adventures.

       Bearing in mind the mutterings from St. Tony Blair, about troops on the ground in Iraq, and Cameron's desire to honour his American masters, we need to redouble our efforts to stop the UK being involved in another Middle East imperialist adventure. Peace and justice can't be bombed into existence.

Tony Blair, David Cameron

Emergency protest: Don't bomb Iraq, Don't bomb Syria. Lobby your MP.
  • Protest Downing Street. 5.30pm Thursday 25th September.
  • Lobby your MP. Use our model letter to write to your MP. It takes 2 minutes.
       David Cameron is planning to recall parliament on Friday to push through a vote for the UK to join the US in bombing Isis in Iraq and possibly Syria.
       If this vote passes British forces will be back in action in Iraq just three years after the last troops were withdrawn from the catastrophic occupation of 2003-11. The development comes in the same week Tony Blair called for renewed bombing in the region and the possibility of boots on the ground.
       All the experience of the terrible wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya has shown that western military action only serves to kill innocents, destroy infrastructure and inflame violence.
      Isis is a reactionary force, but it is in part a product of the disastrous occupation of Iraq by Western powers. Isis is funded by some of our main allies in the region, including Saudi Arabia. Escalating Western military intervention will do nothing to stop them but will create more suffering and further destabilise the region.
     Stop the War is calling on our supporters to protest this Thursday evening outside Downing Street from 5.30pm till 7.30pm. Nearest tubes: Westminster and Charing Cross.
We are also asking supporters to immediately lobby their MPs to vote against bombing.
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Monday 22 September 2014

Tony Blair, Holy Man Of War.

      He's at it again, Britain's own fundamentalist holy man, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, is spouting, we need to put troops on the ground in Iraq. Well Tony, get your gun and go, leave the rest of us to resist this eagerness to enter another bloodbath in Iraq, and else where. We have shed innocent blood in Iraq before, in the 1920's and again in 2003. This Christian fundamentalists  seems to have some sort of psychological fixation with sending young members of the British working class to kill and be killed in some vision of a mythical moral high ground.

      This devout Christian holy man has done very well out of his, "Labour politics", and war crimes, and now flies around in a £30 million hired private jet. His fortune is stated to be in excess of £75 million and growing, but is considered by many, very many, to be a war criminal. This is the type of individual that the babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, continue to interview and quote, as if their words were profound and rational, it's celebrity politics.

      No doubt the other war mongering millionaires in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, will be delighted at his latest Christian mutterings of "send in the troops".
      We can expect nothing but foreign wars and more young innocent blood to flow, as long as we tolerate the Blair, Cameron, Osborne, etc. dangerous puppets of the financial Mafia to control our lives. Our "friendly" interference in Iraq and elsewhere has left millions living in squalor, deprivation and fear, and according to the imperialists, all for their own good. When will we end this charade.

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