Showing posts with label public assets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label public assets. Show all posts

Saturday 17 September 2011


     While we in this country mobilise against the millionaire bankers' cuts to our living standards, we should not lose sight of the fact that this is not a UK problem. This is a crisis in capitalism across the globe. The financial system is in effect bust, and has to claw in money from the public to save the bankers arses. They have to raise more money from the people and take ownership of all public assets to shore up their greed gotten billions.

      As far as Europe is concerned, Greece is probably at the front line and what is happening there is in all probability coming our way. Recently the Greek government introduced a new tax very much reminiscent of Thatcher’s Poll Tax: every single house owner in the country is to face an “emergency tax” ranging between 3-20 euros per square meter (depending on their property value, location etc). Even people on unemployment benefits are not to be spared of the tax, only offered a discount instead. Practically, this means that an average household of, say, three bedrooms (approx. 100 sq m.) would have to pay an additional of 1,000 euros (!) annually in tax. It doesn't stop there, a staggering increase in VAT (from 13% to 23% for many products), and the effective sacking of thousands of public sector workers. Of course there are the usual exceptions from the new tax, no not the poor hard working, but the more leisurely, religious-use buildings owned by the Church will be exempt. The Orthodox church is the largest property owner in Greece.

      All this information looks innocent on paper, just statistics, percentages, numbers, but when it hits you personally the human effect is a different story. It means poverty in the present time with it likely to continue for decades, destroying the future of the next generation, stress and anguish which at times can be unbearable. Friday 16 September in the Greek Northern city of Thessaloniki, a 55-year old man tried to set himself alight in front of a branch of Piraeus Bank, in protest and desperation for his mounting debt to the bank. He was rescued by passers-by and police and has been transferred to hospital.

      You can write, text, send emails to your MP, decide to change who you vote for at the next election and it will all be to no avail. This is not a national crisis, it is global and it will be won or lost on the streets. It is the system that has to be changed, not the bums on seats of power, nor the smiling faces at the podium.
Some of the details here were taken from


Saturday 3 September 2011


                 So you think we have democracy, well just ask yourself, why do the banks lose a lot of money and then get the ordinary people to pay the bankers what they have gambled and lost? It is one way of getting all public assets into private hands. The march of corporate fascism is well under way and is coming your way, you might not recognise it, but those cuts are the sound of the footsteps of corporate fascism.
           You fight now, or you lose everything you and your forefathers fought for, fight now or you will leave a world of deprivation for your children and your  grandchildren to inherit. It is our world, we the people made everything on this planet, we have bought it with the blood sweat and tears of our forefathers. It is time to claim it back.

ann arky's home.

Friday 5 August 2011


        As I keep spouting, this “financial crisis” is the corporate world's opportunity to plunder all public assets, and further proof comes in the words of committee secretary Eric Pickles, who has called on all councils to make a list of all their public assets. Land, buildings, art treasures, etc. and to have a look at them to see what can be sold off to raise money to help the council through these hard times. On the understanding that the councils are suppose to represent the people and to look after their assets, how can selling them off to millionaire spivs benefit the people in the long run?
         This is just another opportunity for the millionaire cabal in the Westminster Houses of Corruption and Hypocrisy to sell off what is left of the country to their millionaire chums in the corporate world. The know their class and they will be loyal to their class, they know how to fight a class war. This is a continuation of the public school thugs 1980's game of monopoly, sell sell, sell, but what they are selling to their millionaire chums is not theirs to sell, it is ours and we are not even invited to the game.
          We are heading rapidly to a corporate world where there will be no public spaces, no public assets, where society will have a notice, if you can't afford the price, then stay out. Welcome to corporate fascism. Is this what we want to bequeath to our children and grandchildren?

Thursday 7 July 2011


        There are those who say that the Monarch rules Britain, a constitutional Monarch, but she has to put her seal on parliament's work. Others say we are a representative democracy. We elect our representatives and they do our bidding. Well we have a monarch, that's for sure, our vomit media makes sure we are spewed over with stories of her, her family, all their side-kicks and their antics that we fund. As for a representative democracy, well they are certainly elected by a section of the public, though not all my any means, but do they represent us? The recent slashing of all social spending and selling off of all our public assets, against the loudly expressed wishes of that same public, lays the lie of it being a representative democracy. Just who are they representing?
         So who does runs Britain? Recent events are beginning to make that very clear indeed. The News of The World hacking episode with the alleged payments to police officers for information, the spectacle of all the political parties fawning at the feet of a newspaper empire, for fear of it destroying their reputation and their seat on the gravy-train, makes it obvious who sets the menu on the political table.
         It is obvious that if we are to answer honestly, who runs Britain, we have to say, a bunch of greedy morally depraved reporters, bent cops, a cabal of self-centred, power hungry, arrogant millionaire politicians and a greedy media mogul. What is more important is for whose benefit are they running the country? You'd be an idiot if you said, the people of Britain.
By John Hartfield.

       With three wars running, our social services being decimated, our health and education being privatised, unemployment rising and all our public assets being sold for a song to the corporate world, it is simple to work out for whose benefit they are running the country. Of course that could change, it all depends on the people.
ann arky's home.

Monday 20 June 2011


        I have continually spouted that the deficit reduction has nothing to do with deficit reduction. It is all to do with saving the banks and the bond markets from losing any of their illgotten assets and rescue them from their gambling excesses. The billionaire playboys gambled massively and lost, so now they want the ordinary people of the world to pay for their greed. Living standards will be slashed, social services will be decimated, unemployment will rise, pensions will be plundered and all public assets will be sold off at bargain prices to those very billionaire gamblers.
      All this is happening not because your government wants to destroy the social fabric of the nation, but because they are being dictated to by foreign billionaires and as they are in the pay of those billionaires they obey for fear of losing their own wealth, power and privileges. It is an army of occupation taking over all the decision making in their target countries.
      It is explained excellently in the following extract from STURDYBLOG. Please take the time to read the article in full and spread the details as widely as possible. This is your battle, it is not just something that is happening over there in some foreign land. It is here, it is our struggle, it is your and your kids future.

     "I have never been more desperate to explain and more hopeful for your understanding of any single fact than this: The protests in Greece concern all of you directly.

        What is going on in Athens at the moment is resistance against an invasion; an invasion as brutal as that against Poland in 1939. The invading army wears suits instead of uniforms and holds laptops instead of guns, but make no mistake – the attack on our sovereignty is as violent and thorough. Private wealth interests are dictating policy to a sovereign nation, which is expressly and directly against its national interest. Ignore it at your peril. Say to yourselves, if you wish, that perhaps it will stop there. That perhaps the bailiffs will not go after the Portugal and Ireland next. And then Spain and the UK. But it is already beginning to happen. This is why you cannot afford to ignore these events.

      The powers that be have suggested that there is plenty to sell. Josef Schlarmann, a senior member of Angela Merkel’s party, recently made the helpful suggestion that we should sell some of our islands to private buyers in order to pay the interest on these loans, which have been forced on us to stabilise financial institutions and a failed currency experiment. (Of course, it is not a coincidence that recent studies have shown immense reserves of natural gas under the Aegean sea).

       China has waded in, because it holds vast currency reserves and more than a third are in Euros. Sites of historical interest like the Acropolis could be made private. If we do not do as we are told, the explicit threat is that foreign and more responsible politicians will do it by force. Let’s make the Parthenon and the ancient Agora a Disney park, where badly paid locals dress like Plato or Socrates and play out the fantasies of the rich.---"
       We have to admit that the world at this moment in time is owned by gambling billionaires, they buy governments and plunder the planet. We can continue in this fashion and leave a future of deprivation and corporate fascism to our grandchildren, or we can orgainse in solidarity with all the ordinary people of the world and change the way our world is run. We can create a world based on needs, mutual aid and sustainability, we have the resources, we have the ability, all we are lacking is the will to start that change.

Friday 3 June 2011


      Behind closed doors and long into the night they met. Then the announcement, Greece and its EU partners have agreed a deal to loan Greece more money. You would think that for the people of Greece that would be a good thing, after all the country is strapped for cash and the people are suffering.

      However this money will not go to make the lives of the Greek people any better, on the contrary, they will have to suffer more pain because of this loan. They will have to face higher taxes, cuts in services, and lower wages, add to that the fact that they will have to sell off all their assets to the corporate world, who at the moment are hovering over Greece like the proverbial vultures. You see, this money isn't really for the Greek people, it is to save the gambling casinos of the world, (the banks and bond markets) from suffering the effects of their excessive greedy gambles that went wrong.

     Over the last few years the banks and bond markets gambled like crazy and it all went wrong and they are virtually bust. So how do they save themselves? Why by getting the taxpayers of the world to fund their losses. The governments of the EU and across the world will slash the standard of living of all the people and the money saved can go to pay off the gamblers debts. Then those same governments will sell off all our public assets to their friends in the corporate greed machine and that should just about save the parasites in the banking and bond markets from losing too much of their unearned cash.

Why should we want to change things??
     Who devised such a wonderful scheme, if you have billions to play with and you lose, no problem, just take the people's money and let them grovel in misery, while you get back to playing with your billions. Oh when will we ever learn????

Tuesday 17 May 2011


        What you have to realise about the deficit reduction brigade, those millionaires that spout that deep cuts are necessary to reduce the deficit, is that the deficit reduction is not their real aim. The aim of the exercise is to accelerate a vast privatisation program. In there eyes, public assets could be earning their millionaire friends in the corporate world, billions of £s. Practically ever country in the world, China probably being the exception, runs its affairs with a deficit. The entire stinking capitalist system relies on debt to function, or should that be dysfunction, as that seems to be the only way the system runs. The system continually needs debt and fresh capital to fuel their greed driven dream of eternal growth. So the Banking sector has come up with this wonderful illusion, get rid of your deficit and everything in your garden will be rosy, we will all find ourselves in the promised land of milk and honey. Decimate your living standards now and for the foreseeable future and all will be well, and of course the banking sector will not lose any money inspite of all its greed driven dodgy gambling mistakes.

      Of course to get rid of your deficit, you have to sell off all your assets. So, the millionaire public school thugs under the guise of “your government”, lead by the Cameron/Clegg spivs, will hand all our public assets over to the corporate world in the biggest privatisation operation ever undertaken. Everything must go, libraries, museums, public parks, schools, canals, health and welfare, education, all social services, all to be handed over to the private sector to feed the greed of the corporate world. What you will be left with is a corporate society where everything is available, but at a price, good health care, good education, well stocked libraries and fascinating museums, but all at a price. Those who don't have the price, will you can just do without, we will have a society that gives the rich their every wish and the poor a selection of charities. A society designed especially for the corporate world to make loads of money and nothing else.

       Forget the cuts, fight to change society away from profit and greed and towards people's needs. We don't need to carry an army of pampered parasites on our backs, sucking us dry like a plague of leeches.

Tuesday 22 February 2011


      Massive demonstrations for over a week, municipal buildings occupied, spreading to other areas??? You've read it in the papers, saw it on the telly, sorry, no you haven't. I'm not talking about the Middle East, I'm referring to that land of the free, land opportunity, the good ol' US of A. Though these events don't seem to register on the Western media radar.
      It is happening in the state of Wisconsin where they are facing draconian cuts and on top of that the Governor is trying to pass legislation that would abolish collective bargaining for all public sector workers. The workers have not taken it lying down, there have been demonstrations of 70,000+ and they have continued for approximately a week, the municipal building has been occupied and the demonstrations are spreading to other states, read more details HERE. However you will have to look hard and long to find it reported on our “open and fair” media. After all, they don't want to convey the idea that there is unrest here in the West, oh dear no, everything is fine here, we are the model for the rest of the world.
      The cuts and the legislation that is causing the anger among the ordinary people over in America, is exactly what is going on here and in most of the developed world. Not only is the very fabric of our society being decimated to safeguard the financial sector, allowing them to seize all public assets, but they are doing their damnedest to introduce legislation to hamstring the workers from fighting back. It is only a few weeks since we had the Institute of Directors over here spouting the same venom, namely that all collective bargaining should be abolished within the public sector.
      Though the focus is on the Middle East, and I agree, their problems are massive and in most cases, a matter of life and death, that doesn't mean that people in the rest of the world are satisfied with the system. In fact there is growing disgust and anger at the continual siphoning up of all the wealth to a pampered parasitical elite, while at the same time seeing what living standards we have being shredded to protect that pampered elite. Make no mistake, the parasites want even more, and are making a grab for all the public assets that can turn a profit.
       Most of us are living under a government that is putting in place legislation that nobody mandated them to carry out. We have a right to take to the streets and remove those who usurp the will of the people in favour of their millionaire friends. We have a government of parasites legislating to enhance the wealth and power of the parasites.
      A unified resistance to this corporate fascism is required, not a piecemeal, in our own back yard type of response. The attack is on the working class across the globe, the least we can do is to hit back with a pan-European attack on this system of greed and exploitation, while at the same time supporting in what ever way we can all those in other areas who are rising up against injustice and oppression.

Friday 28 January 2011


        The Con/Dem millionaire club of public school thugs are about to carry out the greatest con trick since the start of capitalism. They are about to pass legislation to allow for the sell-off of the woodlands that are under the control of the forestry commission. This is vast tracts of forests that are owned by the British people and they will go on offer to the highest bidder. How come that a bunch of millionaires can take a slice of Britain and sell it to their millionaire friends and say it is legal because they made the laws to make it so. How come we are not seeing “peasants with pitchforks” marching on the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption. However the biggest part of this con is the fact that they have stated that local councils can bid for the forests. So let's look at that proposal, these forests belong to the British people and the Con/Dem millionaires are saying that the local councils, who represent the people, can use the local peoples money to buy the land that already belongs to the British people. We are expected to buy our own forests from ourselves with our taxpayers money. Now that is a real con, it is so absurd and far fetch that most people probably don't complain because they think that they must have heard it wrong.

        Make no mistake, the UK is up for sale, every public asset will, before the next election, be sold off to their millionaire friends. That is if it can make a profit for them, if it can't, it will be left for the public to look after. This is happening across the globe, post offices, public land, waterways, water systems and all public, social and health services, all to be transferred to the millionaires' club. What is more it is forever, as far as they are concerned, and has nothing to do with cutting the deficit or any other crap that they try to feed you, that is just one of their excuses.

       No government was voted in to sell off public assets to their friends, but that's what they are doing. Is there still anybody out there that thinks that the government is there to represent the people? Surely by now it should be blatantly obvious that they are there to represent and protect the wealth of their friends the millionaires in the corporate world.

       We don't need them, they need us, to feed of our backs, and keep them in their parasitical pampered life style.

Tuesday 25 January 2011


Cartoon by Peter Brookes.
        The latest figures state that the UK economy shrunk by 0.5% in the last quarter. Everybody shakes their head and says, dreadful figures, but our millionaire Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, says it was all down to the snow and the government will not be blown of course and change its plans. Of course they won't change their plans, why should they? Is there still anybody out there who believes that these "fair cuts" have anything to do with the economy, the deficit, growth or any of the other crap these public school thugs spout? Whether the economy grows, shrinks or stands still, their “austerity cuts” plan will continue, that's because their grand plan is to transfer all public assets into private hands and cutting all social spending is their method. This means that everything you want or do will return a profit to some corporate body or other. Send your kids to the library, well only if you can afford it, take a walk in the forest, well not for long, as they are about to be sold off to those who can afford them, ie. the big corporations. After the implementation of the millionaire cabal's plans we will be a society of profit units or surplus to requirements. We will have no control on how our society is shaped, no redress against those in control, everything will be privately owned and run for profit.

       We have to see through the smoke and mirrors of this bunch of thuggish parasites, they are about to change our society beyond recognition and totally for the benefit of their millionaire friends, it is such a massive shift of power and that's why it is so difficult for some people to grasp. These changes are forever, as far as they are concerned, once we have lost control of all public assets the struggle to take them back could be long and brutal, but get them back we must, otherwise we will be living in a society of true corporate fascism.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 14 December 2010


        Recent figures from the Bank of England show that in the UK there are over 10 million families that are struggling to pay their bills. There are approximately 26.5 million household in the country, so we are approaching the 50% of UK families in some sort of financial trouble. These figures are before the “we're all in this together” austerity cuts come into play. This an increase from 8.9 million in the last report. These figures do not include the hundreds of thousands of people who have already fallen behind with their various payments. The report also states that 1 in 10 people are having difficulty paying their rent or mortgage. It also states that it expects these figures to get worse next year.

This is the type of life that capitalism brings to the ordinary people, struggle to hold on to your standard of living and facing cuts. This situation is nothing new, no matter how far we go back the story is the same. Go back to 1787, the Calton Weavers strike, three weavers shot dead, and why were they on strike, because they were facing a wage cut. It's the same old story, and it is a brutal story.

We are now being told the full extent of the next round of vicious cuts to be unleashed on the ordinary people of this country. Believe me, these will be the worst that any of us have experienced in our life time. The misery that will be heaped the the ordinary people of this country will be brutal and it will be long lasting, this is not a quick fix policy.

You have to ask yourself, does the government really want to devastate the living standards of the people? We know that there are alternative ways of reducing the deficit, why this way? The truth is it has nothing to do with rapid deficit reduction and all to do with ideology. The deficit is the wonderful excuse to allow them to go hell for leather at transferring all public assets into private hands and that is the real game plan. The cuts will make it impossible for government departments to carry out their appointed duties, and where they fall short, galloping in to the rescue will come the knight in shining armour, the private sector. Then you starve the local councils of funds and they can no longer provide the required services, lo and behold, here he comes again, galloping to the rescue the wonderful capitalist knight in shining armour, ever ready to supply what you want or need, at a profit of course. No such thing as a public service, good lord no, that would be silly, you must always provide a profit for the parasites sitting at the top sucking the life out of society.

Prepare yourself for a society with no public assets, no public spaces, no public services, all corporate owned and controlled, a society of ghettos and poverty with an unbridgeable divide between the deprivation of the many and the opulence of the few. We know there is an alternative, we can build a society that is based on the needs of all our people, we know what we want, a society created on the principles of mutual aid free from the fear of deprivation and exploitation. We have it in our power to destroy this abomination of a system and build a future that we would be proud to hand to the next generation.
Ah Love, Could Thou and I
with Fate Conspire
To Grasp this Sorry Scheme
of Things entire,
Would we not shatter it
to bits, and then
Remould it nearer to
the Hearts Desire!
Extract from Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam.

Monday 13 September 2010


     Geesus, they never give up, you have got to hand it to them for persistence. I am of course referring to our beloved Glasgow City Council, also known as the Mafia in George Square, previously known as the Purcell Gang. They keep coming up with ideas to turn Glasgow's public parks into commercial buildings, private car parks or privately owned expensive play pens for the for those with a large disposable income.
     We have had the wonderful idea of turning part of Victoria Park into a car park, then there was the one about Botanical Gardens housing a night club and café, and we all remember the Pollok Park private play pen where you could have a shot on their swings at £45 a go. There was the other idea of a café and car park in Kelvin Grove Park and having been rebuffed on all of these baffling ideas they have come back with another attack on one of Glasgow's Public parks. This time it is a charity and café in Ruchill Park. These people seem to have an aversion to green spaces except around the leafy suburbs where they live.
     This latest attempt at hiving off Glasgow's public green spaces is in an area where there is an abundance of vacant ground lying derelict waiting for some sort of amenity to spring to enrich the lives of the community. If the Mafia in George Square wish, I'll take them by the hand round the district and show them acres of space for development that would not damage one blade of grass. To build privately run concrete and tarmac on the one green area in the centre of this district would diminish the quality of life in the area. There are all sorts of ludicrous rumblings coming from the mouths of the Mafia, “- it will bring visitors to the Ruchill Park area from all over Scotland and raise the profile of the park and the north of Glasgow.” Once again, turn it into a tourist attraction and to hell with the local people. Building on the park would be blatant destruction of the limited amenities available to the local people of Ruchill.
      Their other attempts to hand Glasgow's Parks to the private sector have been stopped, let's organise to make sure this latest proposed sale of our public assets is stopped in its tracks.