Tomorrow Saturday, 25th June, 10am. George Square, Glasgow, there is a march in support of the striking railway workers.
So you're pissed off being driven into the grubber, angry at being promised pie in the sky, those illusions of high skilled, high wage jobs, sometime in the next ten to twelve years, perhaps, and in the meantime, go to the food bank, watch your kids shiver at home during the winter, see your elderly rapidly going to their grave earlier than they should. All this while the rich parasite class grow fat on your austerity. Are you angry at those with salaries in the £100,000's telling you not to ask for a big pay rise as it will only feed inflation. At the same time, the boss of Birmingham airport has just been given a 10% rise in his salary. They are having a good laugh at us.
Well you have a right to be angry, this is an extremely wealth country, meanwhile the government is driving the population into dire poverty, while we have an army of millionaires and billionaires, all their wealth gleaned from your labour. So let's get angry, really angry and take our anger onto the streets, join the picket lines of those strikers fighting for a decent wage increase, and protecting their conditions.
Tomorrow Saturday, 25th June, 10am. George Square, Glasgow, there is a march in support of the striking railway workers.
Join them bring your family and friends, bring your street, bring placards, come and make plenty of noise. Their fight is our fight, we the ordinary people of this country, are all being hit by this tsunami of avoidable hardship and with it will come evictions, dire poverty, health problems, children's potential stunted, and a crumbling health service that will end up being privatised.
Tomorrow Saturday, 25th June, 10am. George Square, Glasgow, there is a march in support of the striking railway workers.

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