Thursday 24 September 2015

The Surveillance Society.

       Big business and state apparatus will always be found to be holding hands, it is a festering marriage that destroys any semblance of democracy. Big business buys governments, governments give the stamp of legitimacy to the big business's plundering of the earth. Both agree that the populace must be kept under control, otherwise their partnership of greed and corruption collapses. Whatever foul deed they get involved in should not surprise us, our only answer to this cancerous marriage is the destruction of the present economic system. Though the fight to get that desired end will take many different shapes, we should not lose sight of the fact that if we want freedom, justice, peace, sustainability, and a society that sees to the needs of all our people, then each battle should be with that destruction of the economic system in mind.
     Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Salesforce, Symantec, and a handful of other companies just betrayed billions of people and publicly aligned themselves with spy agencies like the NSA.1
        We tend to be pretty skeptical, so it’s hard for tech companies to shock us. But this latest development is significant because these companies aren’t even trying to hide the fact that they’re lobbying for MORE government spying, and asking for government handouts and protection if they play nice.
      Here are the facts: last week, this group of companies sent a letter to Congress endorsing bills like CISA—the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act. It’s a dangerous bill that security experts say will erode our privacy while actually making our data less secure.2
      So why are these companies pushing for it? Because the government is offering legal immunity to companies that share private user information with dozens of government agencies.
       We need to act now because if we don’t respond swiftly and loudly, more companies will jump on the bandwagon and sell out their users privacy in exchange for government protection. If more major companies endorse CISA, it will be almost impossible to stop it in Congress.
      We have an opportunity right now, but it won’t last long. If we can create a massive public backlash and make these companies regret endorsing CISA, we can make sure that no other companies are willing to betray their users so publicly, and send a message to Congress that this is still a supremely unpopular bill, no matter what Microsoft and Apple’s lobbyists say.
    Thanks for all you do. More on this soon.
~ Evan at Fight for the Future
P.S. We’re a small group of activists who consistently take on and win huge campaigns — chip in $5 to help us make sure we have the resources we need to beat these companies.
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Can The World's People March Together

       It is hard to imagine that our political lords and masters, who are, no more than the bed fellows of the corporate world, will do anything about climate change. The corporate world's short term strategies for fast profit, is hardly a recipe for change that will address the issue of climate change. It is only by the pressure of the world's people that we can halt this insane policy of profit at the expense of our planet. Capitalism and conservation do not make happy partners, conservation is the sane road, capitalism the insane. 
This from Avaaz:
Dear friends,
     Something magical is happening... All across the world we’re coming together to hit the streets on November 29th — hours before the most important climate summit this decade! This is a day of action not to be missed — click on the map to find an event near you: 

      This is going to be mega! Last year almost 700,000 people took to their streets and created the largest mobilisation on climate change in history. This year we are going even bigger! If hundreds of thousands of us join events in cities and towns everywhere, we’ll show our leaders meeting in Paris that our movement cannot be ignored and we will accept nothing less than an ambitious climate deal, with a global commitment to 100% clean energy!

Click the link to join in and find an event near you:

Let’s seize this moment, for our future, our kids’ futures, and everything we love.
With hope,
Oli, Alice, Morgan, Iain and the rest of the Avaaz team

More Information:
No plan B if Paris climate summit ends in failure, says EU climate chief (The Guardian) 

‘Climate deception dossiers’ expose oil industry lobbying (RTCC)

Taking a call for climate change to the streets (NYTimes)

People's Climate March: the revolution starts here (article on The Guardian by Avaaz founder Ricken Patel)
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Tuesday 22 September 2015

Help The Homeless, Go To Prison!!!

        Once again that part of the state apparatus known as the judicial system shows its inhumane face. A group of people decide to help the homeless, so the occupy an empty building, set up places for the homeless to sleep, organise a street kitchen to help feed, run an advice centre to help homeless people find their way through the maze of bureaucracy that can exclude them form what they are entitled to, and what does this system do? It evicts them and then imprisons those trying to help the homeless. They were obviously stopping somebody or other from making money from the homeless, so they had to be punished.
      Five Activists who had occupied Liverpool’s old Bank of England building to provide shelter and feed the city’s homeless people have been jailed for almost 3 months each.
       The Love Activists moved into the unoccupied building in the middle of April to set up a support centre for Liverpool’s homeless people, incorporating places to sleep, an advice centre and a street kitchen, from where they were evicted in the early hours of 12 May and the homeless activists arrested.
      The defendants were charged in relation to the occupation of the old bank building in Castle Street, Liverpool city centre, as part of a protest over lack of support for the homeless and government austerity.
      John Hall, 50; John Rice, 22; Chelsea Stafford, 19; James Jones, 20, and James Allanson, 20, all pleaded guilty to trespass while a possession order was in place.
        The court also heard a minimum of £91,573 was spent in policing the protest, while the operation to arrest the protesters cost around £27,000. Almost all this budget was used in paying overtime to officers so as to create a heavy oppressive police presence around the building where they used a dispersal order to clear supporters away from the building and, the activists said, were refusing to allow supplies to be taken into the building.
        The Love Activists’ occupation had growing support among residents and businesses of Liverpool. A poll on the Liverpool Echo website at that time gave a majority of those asked believing the group should stand firm against their eviction order.
Read the full article HERE:

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September Sun.

       Thank you September, you came up with the goods when summer failed. Another fine day, another pleasurable spell grinding the pedals, didn't like the wind though, never the less a great wee run. They say that October is to be fine in Scotland. Who knows, perhaps this fair weather cyclist will be cycling at Christmas. Ahh, we can still dream.

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Monday 21 September 2015

Finnish Workers Fight Back.

      An update on the Finnish workers fight back against the vicious attack on their pay and conditions by the right-wing coalition government. This government has tried to do in one fell swoop, what the Cameron Bullingdon Boys have been doing over the last few years. However, the Finnish workers are not taking it lying down, they are organising across the country, isn't it time we followed their example.
      Last week we appealed to you to send messages to the government of Finland condemning proposed new anti-union laws. Over 7,000 of you sent messages, which were shared with the Finnish labour movement. The Finnish Food Workers, on behalf of our affiliates and the wider labour movement have conveyed their warm appreciation for this show of solidarity.
     Workers in Finland's 3 national trade union centers held strikes and demonstrations on September 18 to show their opposition to the new coalition government's proposed legislative attack on collective bargaining rights. Some 300,000 workers engaged in work stoppages, including 10,000 members of the Food Workers Union SEL who held strikes ranging from 15 minutes to 4 days, depending on the company.
    30,000 workers demonstrated in torrential rain in the capital Helsinki and unions held local demonstrations across the country.

The fight has only started.

       If you were not able to respond to our earlier appeal, please take a moment now - CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE
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Sunday 20 September 2015

The Disappearing Common Good Fund.

       The Common Good Fund, money that could improve the quality of life of the citizens of this country, lost, disappeared, misused, mismanaged, shrouded in mystery. It is ours and those deemed to be responsible for looking after it, can't even tell us what it is worth. Pop along and ask about it, find out what you can do about it, find out exactly what it is and how it is supposed to be used.
Thursday, 24th. September, 19:00
The Fred Paton Centre
Carrington Street 
St. George's Cross 
Glasgow G4 9AJ
Five minutes walk from St. George's Cross underground.
The Common Good: What is it and how do we take it back?

        Scotland was formerly divided into 196 Burghs, each containing between the people of each Burgh, what is known as a Common Good Fund. The Common Good Fund of each Burgh consisted of properties, land and money which was available to the common benefit of all the people of each Burgh. Since the demarcations of localities across Scotland has changed over time, Burgh councils have been folded and all responsibility of the Common Good Fund has been transferred to each District Council in Scotland. It has become apparent, however, that the responsibilities of District Councils to keep a proper account of Common Good assets has not been properly fulfilled, even so far as property of the Common Good being illegally sold to private bodies. As a result, the public at large have been so removed from this knowledge of the Common Good that as a people we have been alienated from what is commonly belonging between us. The discussion GAC would like to invite you to is to pursue the questions as to what the Common Good is and how we go about taking back what has been purposefully allowed to fade into the past by our so-called local authorities.

The venue is the Fred Paton Centre a 5 minute walk from St George's X underground on Carrington Street.
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The Long History Of Glasgow's Anarchists.

       We in the city of Glasgow can trace the roots of its anarchist groups, individuals and activities, back into the distant past. We have always been there, standing with the people of the city in their many and varied and sometimes brutal struggles for that better world, for justice and for freedom. The history of the Glasgow anarchists is one of which we can be proud.
         It was in 1894 that Tom Anderson founded the first Scottish Socialist Sunday School, and three years later founded the South Side Socialist Sunday School, which lasted well into the 1930's. In 1910, George (Ballard) Barrett settled in Glasgow and set about holding street meetings with some assistance from John McAra from Edinburgh. Around about the same time George along with John Paton, set up the Glasgow Anarchist Group. 1919 saw the well know anarchist Guy Aldred settle in Glasgow, stating it was, "its citizen's truculent attitude, rebellious spirit and disrespect for leaders" that made him think of settling in Glasgow. Let's hope we can enhance that particular trait in the citizens of our great city. When we mention Guy Aldred, we have to mention Ethel MacDonald. Running along with and over lapping the time of Guy Aldred, we had such gallant working class fighters as, Frank Leech, Charlie and Mollie Baird, Willie McDougal, who helped keep the Workers Open form running until the 1950's, Jimmy and Babs RaesideBobby Lynn, The list goes on and on, some known, some forgotten, some lost in the fog of history, much to our regret. Some others are, Farquar McLay, John Taylor Caldwell, Rita Milton, Allan Burnett, with more on Allan HERE, and Dave Carruthers.
        A little hint of what was happening in the anarchist movement in Glasgow during the 1960's can be read HERE,  and a little later, 1974-1986, HERE.
        These are just a few of the anarchist that have helped shape our city, like I said, there are so many names that have been lost, that this is just a fragment of the picture. What is encouraging is that the anarchist tradition is still alive and well in our city today. There is a crop of enthusiastic individuals and groups, who are still at the forefront of the struggles of the people of our city, and it is uplifting to see that it is not all grey haired and slow walking individuals, but a wonderful gathering of young, intelligent and dedicated individuals, that are forming groups and pushing forward with the anarchist dream of that better world for all.
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There Is No Freedom While Prisons Stand.

       We all know that prisons are one of the state's tools for keeping control of the population, and the development of super high security prisons, is just a tightening of that control. Prisons have never been institutions of reform, except to reform the rebellious to the submissive. They are also symbols of state cruelty, when you consider that a very high proportion of those incarcerated have mental health problems, and/or suffer from substance addiction, they are therefore more in need of medical help rather than locked up in a super high security cage. There is also a very high rate of illiteracy among those incarcerated, the humane answer would be training in literacy, rather than being caged. There is no place in a free society for those repressive symbols of power and repression.
Five days of gatherings and debates September 29th – October 3rd 2015 in Brussels The program of events can be found here.

      If the state counted on silently building in Brussels the largest prison complex in Belgian history, it was mistaken. Against this maxi-prison project, a struggle was born and has intensified. An uncompromising struggle that has taken the initiative, which creates paths without political parties or formal organisations, that embodies itself in self-organisation and direct action against what makes the maxi-prison possible.
      The project to build a maxi-prison is inscribed into a wider economic and political context. In this time of new economic and political instability, the Belgian State, like other States, level up with strengthening the repression. Whether this translates into tougher laws, more control at all levels, cameras everywhere, militarisation of borders, soldiers in the street, urban regeneration to “restore order”, there are also all types of extensive prison building programs. Because prison will always be one of the threats used to try to make us fall into rank as well as a powerful state tool to keep in order its world divided into rich and poor, powerful and excluded, oppressors and oppressed.
If ideas and actions have to join hands, if thought and experience can sharpen the fight we lead, if the construction of the maxi-prison is not just a question of four walls, but perhaps above all a social issue that affects the whole of this society, these five days of gatherings around the struggle against the maxi-prison could be a valuable opportunity.
      At these meetings, comrades from different corners of the world will chat about their experiences of struggle, bringing along their reflections around insurrectionary struggle and explore ways to deepen the fight against the maxi-prison, but not solely.
      Text in French | Program of events in French and Dutch (pdf)
      Further reading: “The struggle against the maxi-prison” (pdf)

Tuesday 29th September, 7:30pm
Le Passage – Rue Rossini 11, Anderlecht
The hour of the revolt (comrade from London)
Wednesday 30th September, 3pm
Lion D’or – Avenue Jamar 5, Anderlecht
The struggle against the maxi-prison
Wednesday 30th September, 7:30pm
Pianofabriek – Rue du Fort 35, Saint-Giles
The struggle against the new Type C prisons in Greece
Thursday 1st October, 7:30pm
Acrata – Rue de la Grande Ile 32, Brussels
Towards the insurrection (comrade from Italy)
Friday 2nd Octoer, 5pm
Acrata – Rue de la Grande Ile 32, Brussels
Undermine the prisons of the democracy in Chile
Friday 2nd Octoer, 7:30pm
Le Passage – Rue Rossini 11, Anderlecht
Rebellion in Spanish prisons (comrade from Spain)
Saturday 3rd October, 2pm
L’eau Chaude – Rue des Renards 25, Marolles
Feedback and perspectives of struggle
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Saturday 19 September 2015

Radical Politics Is Mainstream.

         We often hear people being labelled as being involved "radical politics" but this label is pinned on them by the elitist minority to give the impression that somehow if your view differs from them, you are the minority and therefore your view is radical, or even extremist. However, the truth is "radical politics" is the politics of the working class, which anyone knows is the majority. The vast majority of people believe in an equal society, sharing fairly, helping each other, and caring for the needy and vulnerable, and that is what is labelled "radical politics". The view that we all believe in the existing system where the few get all the wealth while the majority do all the work, is peddled by the establishment and broadcast by the babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, as the majority view.
        Not everybody can articulate in words, the way to structure society for that equality, fairness, caring and sharing, but they carry that desire with them. Theirs is the mainstream view, the majority view, not the "radical" view. The problem to date has been our inability to come together to realise that desire, but we are getting there.
From The Circled A Radio, Lisa McKenzie.

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Friday 18 September 2015

Glasgow Voice From Berlin.

A Glasgow voice from Anarchist Radio Berlin:
       As Anarchist Radio Berlin ( we had the opportunity of talking to an activist of the Anarchist Federation in Glasgow. The interview was about their local activities as well as the Scottish independence referendum and the rise of nationalism in the region.
A-Radio Berlin.

Please send feedback and comments at: aradio-berlin/at/riseup(.)net

Run time18:34 min
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The Festering Marriage Of State And Big Business.

       After four years of solidarity and struggle, a group of workers in Mexico see their comrades being imprisoned  with illegal extortionate bail being set. This is how the state apparatus and the corporate world work hand in hand to repress workers demands. This festering cancerous marriage of state and big business will always work to produce a submissive and cheap labour force, useing the full force of the state to intimidate and repress any call for justice. 
       Here in the West we can see large corporations fill our shopping malls and main streets with a glittering array of commodities, but what they conceal from us is the smell of sweat from over worked, under paid cheap labour which produces this array. The opulence of their premises conceals the miserable conditions of the workers who create all that opulence, and who fill the greedy shareholders fat bank accounts. Our shopping malls are built on a foundation of miserable,  and often dangerous conditions, low pay, and at times slave labour. These are the conditions that capitalism fosters and can't live without.

      Calzado Sandak, a Bata subsidiary, closed its doors illegally four years ago claiming that the plant was unviable. It has now brought criminal charges against the workers who have been picketing outside the plant ever since, accusing them of ‘extortion’. The General Secretary of the union, Gustavo Labastida Adriano is currently in jail and seven of his colleagues, most of whom have worked at the plant for many years, could be arrested at any time.
      “There is a cruel irony here”, says Mr. Raina. “Bata has been able to ignore labour law that protects workers’ rights, and use criminal law to coerce them into giving up their legitimate struggle”.
“In truth, this is a case not of extortion on the part of workers, but of coercion on the part of the company in collusion with the authorities”, explains Mr. Raina. “Although the law says bail for a worker cannot exceed a day’s wages, in this case it has been set at over 2 million dollars. It would take Gustavo 600 years to earn that amount – assuming he still had a job”.
Read the full article HERE:

  Sign the petition page set up by the Calzado Sandak workers here
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Thursday 17 September 2015

Europe's Race To The Right.

      Europe's governments are moving rapidly to the right, and it becomes more obvious and more brutal by the day. Here in the UK the Cameron Bullingdon Club boys are introducing legislation that will make it practically impossible to take strike action, and when you do, the employer will be able to ignore that strike by legally hiring agency workers, (scabs, blacklegs). Spain's gagging laws, among other things, makes demonstrations almost impossible. Finland's new right-wing coalition government is cutting wages and slashing at working conditions. This is the direction of Europe today under the dictate of the financial Mafia and their corporate buddies.
This from IUF:
Stop the government of Finland's massive attack on trade union rights!
      Finland's new right-wing coalition government has announced plans to unilaterally cut pay and benefits negotiated through collective bargaining through legislation which violates basic trade union rights, Conventions of the ILO and international and European human rights instruments. They are asking for solidarity and support.
      On September 9, after unions refused to agree to the proposals, the government announced a series of measures to be legislated and imposed as collective agreements begin to expire next year. These include substantial reductions in compensation for overtime, weekend and night work and sick pay, the elimination of two paid national holidays and a substantial reduction in annual leave. Unions estimate that the impact would be a 4-6% reduction in pay, with the impact falling hardest on the most vulnerable, including part-time and women workers.
     The national trade union centers SAK, STTK and Akava have called for a mass demonstration on September 18 as the first stage in a fight to defeat these laws. The IUF's Finnish affiliates, on behalf of the country's labour movement, have called for messages to be sent to the country's Prime Minister and Minister of labour in the run-up to the demonstration.

You can support them - CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE!
        Add to this Hungary's border fence to protect the purity of their Christian values. Christian values that obviously have no respect for the suffering of other human beings.
        This trend will continue and accelerate as capitalism tries in desperation to salvage itself from another one of its perpetual crisis. Plunder the working class, divide and rule, backed up by ever more brutal state repression. That is tomorrow's world, unless we, the people of Europe, take the only step that will bring an end to capitalist crisis and the misery and mayhem that it spews, bring down the capitalist system. We must consign it to the dustbin of history, with the label, "man's darkest hour".
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Wednesday 16 September 2015

Two Lochs, Two Beauty Spots.

        What a wonderful climate we have in this country, I know, I have an excellent short term memory, it's the other half isn't so good. A beautiful day for the bike, not much wind, lots of sunshine, and no rain, Yee-ha. It was up the Loch again, and on round to Arrochar on Loch Long. Let's hope there are many more days like this still to come.
 You can never grow weary of a view of Loch Lomond, and there are millions.
Looking down Loch Long just across from the Arrochar Hotel

Same spot, looking up the Loch.
Same spot, looking across at the jaggy peaks of the Cobbler.
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24 Years In Prison, Without Sentence?

      An appeal on behalf of Sean Swain.
About Sean Swain: Sean Swain is a hostage held by a lawless rogue-state calling itself “The State of Ohio.”1    He has been held without legal conviction or sentence since 1991 for the self-defense killing of a court official’s relative who broke into Sean’s home and threatened his life. In fall of 2012, prisoners calling themselves the Army of the 12 Monkeys (A12M) got rowdy at Mansfield Correctional, and the prison authorities assumed “that anarchist” Sean Swain must have been behind it and threw him in supermax isolation. Sean denies any involvement or affiliation with the A12M and is in the process of suing the ODRC for targetting him based exclusively on his ideology and political speech.
Received on September 15th:
        We’re not sure what’s going on, but Sean Swain has been blocked from receiving (and presumably sending) JPay emails. He also has not called his primary supporters, or The Final Straw for a new radio segment. We’ll probably hear from him via snail mail sooner or later, but until then, we’ve got to assume he’s cut off.
        When we called the prison, they told us he was not in the hole, and did not have any restrictions on his communication. We suspect they may have transferred him back to a 3B spot, undoing the success of our recent call-in effort. They refused to tell us what security level the block he is held in is on and they got surly and authoritarian when we asked.  It seems that the officers at Sean’s newest prison, Warren CI need to learn that their jobs are a whole lot easier when they don’t provoke anarchists from across the country to call and check in on the welfare of our friend who they hold captive.
WARREN CI: 513-932-3388state repression,politi
        You can call Warren CI and ask the same questions we asked- why does Sean not have access to communication, what security level is he currently housed in, and does the JPay kiosk in his (or any Warren Unit) actually work right now? You can also leave Sean’s Case Manager a voicemail by punching extension 2281, or try and talk to deputy warden Robert Welch, who maybe got Sean moved from 3B to 3A a few weeks ago, he’s at ext 2005. Whatever lucky anarchist happens to be on the call when when of these officers breaks and spills the beans, please drop a line to AnarchistSwain [at] gmail [dot] com.
       Sean doesn’t like when they fuck with his communication access. Being a writer, getting his voice out is one of the things that help Sean feel connected to the outside world. So he’s probably feeling alone and frustrated. Also, his birthday was Sept 12th, so if you haven’t written for a while, or missed sending him birthday wishes, please consider dropping a line and letting him (and the mailroom monkeys who have to read all his incoming communication) know that he is loved and missed.
Sean Swain
Warren CI
P.O. Box 120
5787 State Route 63
Lebanon, Ohio 45036
Current address, as of Aug 14, 2015
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Tuesday 15 September 2015

The Riot.

The Riot.
Surrounded by unaffordable commodities,
offered illusion as reality,
 pushed to pursue the latest
worthless fashion fetish
the individual walks in anger;
trapped by perfect symbols
of a corrupt capitalist system,
everything for sale,
anything can be bought,
including human dignity.
Haunted by the spectre of counter attack
by the many, by the dispossessed,
the power brokers of the system, push
for social controls that leave us 
powerless to express our desire
to be alive,
they struggle with stealth and raw power
to silence the cries of the excluded;
their success will last
as long as the many fear
the power, freedom has to offer. 

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