Wednesday 22 June 2022

Biased Media.


           Day and daily we are exposed to the horrors of the ongoing disaster in Ukraine, our media show all the misery and horror being inflicted on the people of Ukraine, and it is horror and devastation on a massive scale. However it is the biased way in which these wars are reported, this is a Russian invasion so the media show it up for the horror that it is, but where were these same reporters when the Bush-Blair war mongering duo were inflicting their "Shock & Awe"  in 2003, on the innocent people of Iraq. During that U$A and the NATO's illegal destruction of Iraq, we saw no weeping women, no injured children, no scenes of schools and hospitals being blow to smithereens, no badly injured Iraqi soldiers. It was all about our "smart" bombs and our phony illusion that we were only doing it to save the Iraqi people from an evil dictator. Totally biased bullshit from the subservient media.
         Another brutal attack on innocent people by the peace loving U$A and its NATO war partner, was reported as saving people from violence, that the West has successfully erased for the public consciousness, is the devastation brought down on the people of Yugoslavia in 1999. Again a subservient media painted the picture that the war mongers wanted, as with Iraq, they took the handouts as truth and called it reporting.

Yugoslavia 1999.

                                                Image courtesy of TeleSur.

 The following is taken from Arrezaf.


10 jun 2022 - People’s Daily: Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the end of NATO’s bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. After an international legal team filed lawsuits against NATO on behalf of 3,000 victims over the horrific consequences of up to 15 tons of depleted uranium bombs NATO dropped in 1999, NATO responded by saying it has immunity from prosecution. Do you have any comment?
        Zhao Lijian: Twenty-three years ago, US-led NATO blatantly bombarded the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for 78 days without the approval of the UN Security Council. In total, NATO dropped nearly 420,000 bombs weighing 22,000 tons, including 15 tons of depleted uranium bombs. Over 2,500 people including 79 children were killed and more than one million people became refugees as a direct result of the bombings. 
      What is more heart-wrenching is that death and agony brought by the war lingered for generations till this day. As noted by experts, exposure to radiation emitted by depleted uranium bombs can show no symptom for years and depleted uranium bombs have long-term impact on the environment and human food-chain. In the 10 years after the bombing, about 30,000 people in Serbia developed cancer, among whom 10,000 died. According to the Institute of Public Health of Belgrade, by the end of 2019, the number of registered cancer patients in Serbia was as high as 97,000. A study of the Serbian emergency center shows that among children born in Serbia after 1999, many aged between one and five suffered from ectodermal tumors, many aged between five and nine contracted hematological malignancies, and there is a clear uptick in the morbidity rate of brain cancer among those aged between nine and 18. Besides, by May 2019, 366 Italian military personnel who participated in the NATO military operations have died of cancer, and 7,500 have fallen sick. 
        However, till this day, the US -- the country that sent military aircraft to drop depleted uranium bombs over Serbia and the inventor of this type of bombs as well as the only country that has ever used them -- continues to deny that depleted uranium bombs can directly cause Gulf War syndrome and Kosovo syndrome. During the Gulf War, the US dropped far more depleted uranium bombs over Iraq. NATO is also trying to get away with it by claiming immunity from prosecution. Such moves by the US-led NATO are shocking. Neither the Serbian people, nor people elsewhere in the world seeking justice, will ever agree to this. The US-led NATO should earnestly reflect on its war crimes, and provide a reasonable explanation and compensations to the victims of depleted uranium bombs as soon as possible. NATO must also seriously learn the lesson and stop creating new turmoil and division across the world. 
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Tuesday 21 June 2022


          As the system squeezes out more austerity from the population of ordinary people, in an attempt to re-capitalise their fractured and broken system of exploitation, more people become angry as they see their living standards being decimated and their kids and elderly suffering in the interests of profit. So naturally that anger will spill over onto the streets in the form of strikes, direct action and protests, and rightly so. However the greater our anger and the louder our voices, the harder the state will come down on those who dare to face up to this cull on the poorest and most vulnerable. Already the prisons are filling up with those who dare to take on this battle for a better and fairer life for all our people.
        If we are to win this fight for fairness and justice then we must show solidarity with all those who find themselves enmeshed in the state's web of loaded judicial systems and its repression institutions, the prisons.
       There is a call for a show of solidarity for one such prisoner entrapped in their repressive system, a prisoner of the Greek state, caged for fighting for freedom and justice. Let's show some support for this event and carry it on to solidarity with all those oppressed by the state.


         We're putting on this event in solidarity with anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (on hunger strike since 23/05 in Greece), following a call for international solidarity.
         It would be great to see and chat to you there, and it would also be really helpful if you could share the event/poster far and wide!

All the best,
Clydeside Anarchist Noise.

Please spread far and wide and support those the state desires to silence.

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Sunday 19 June 2022


         I penned the little piece below away back in February 2003, why bother repeating it now you might ask. After all Tony has bent his knee in front of the monarchy, been welcomed into the bosom of the imperial establishment and made a knight. 

 It was a joke then, what makes you think it's different now?
      Well the point is not about Tony, but the fact that we are facing an unprecedented attack on our living standards, millions more of ordinary people are going to be dragged in to poverty, people's health will suffer, kids potential will be stunted and the elderly will go to an earlier grave than they would normally. Meanwhile millionaires and billionaires get richer and richer by the day. So if you are thinking of marching through the streets with you placards, demanding the government do something to help you, then reflect on February 15th. 2003, when 1 million marched in London, 100,000 marched in Glasgow and similar amounts in cities across the planet, all on the same day, the result was to be totally ignored by the government. You will have to come up with something a bit stronger than nice marches and fancy placards. The state and its corporate bedfellows are in a corrupt and festering arrangement but are determined to to protect their power, wealth and privileges and will fight tooth and nail to keep wages down, cut social spending, with the excuse of cutting inflation and balancing the books, the real purpose is of course to re-capitalise their broken and corrupt system. The only way they know how to do that is to make us pay by inflicting crippling austerity on the population.
        You will have to be ready for a bitter fight and perhaps a long one, or you can knuckle down and take what is coming to you. The choice is up to us all, we organise and fight back or we accept our abject poverty and hand the same misery on to our kids and grandkids.    
He didn't listen to you then, what makes you think Boris will now?
       If politicians listen to the will of the people, what should Tony be doing after February 15th, If ever a people spoke loud and and with one voice, it was the British people on Saturday February 15th. A protest voice of 1 million ordinary British people on the streets of London, close to 100,000 on the streets of Glasgow, with nearly as many in Belfast, all saying the same thing, “This war must not happen”. On the same day, this call was repeated across the planet in most major cities. What more does Bush and Blair need to make them realise that they are wrong,
         If there is a war on Iraq, it will be in the name of George W. Bush, Tony Blair and their handful of scullions, most certainly not in the name of the British people.
        What ever we think of Saddam, and what ever we think should happen to him, on one thing we all agree, the Iraqi people must not become collateral damage in the oil barons and weapon makers scramble for richer pickings. If Tony did not get the message on February 15th. Then we must repeat it at regular intervals until he does.
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Friday 17 June 2022


        The over riding aim of the ordinary people of this planet should be on bringing down the state/military industrial complex.  Wars are a necessary part of the state in its desire for power and enhancing that power. War eats the world's resources as it reaps havoc on the civilian population and it is the biggest polluter on earth by far. We the ordinary people never gain from wars, it is that small class of powerful and wealthy parasites that hold the reins of power over our lives who gain. They are the ones who call for war, shout about patriotism and democracy to get the ordinary people onboard to do the killing and be killed, these worthless lying parasites are the ones who gain from the bloodshed.

The following from Anarchist News.

Two days against war and repression 26-27.06.2022 

Sunday, June 26, 2022

      5 p.m.: The ongoing war and the reasons for our internationalism. Against the wars of masters and rulers. Against all states, starting with our own. For the defeat of NATO. Discussion with some comrade editors of the anarchist internationalist fortnightly “Bezmotivny.”

8 p.m.: Buffet dinner.

Monday, June 27, 2022

      5 p.m.: Discussion: Anti-anarchist repression in recent years: from the Scripta Manent trial to 41 bis against Alfredo Cospito. After months of censorship on correspondence and following the repressive Sibilla operation in November, comrade Alfredo Cospito was transferred to a 41 bis regime on May 5, while the cassation ruling of the Scripta Manent trial, in which some 20 anarchists are defendants and for which, in addition to Alfredo, another comrade, Anna Beniamino, is currently imprisoned, is scheduled for June 27.

      In continuity with the struggle against the state and capital, we solidarize with the imprisoned anarchists, support revolutionary practices, and persevere in anarchist propaganda.

8 p.m.: Buffet dinner.

Circolaccio Anarchico

viale della repubblica 1/A – Spoleto

e-mail: circolaccioanarchico[at]inventati[dot]org


[Attached is the manifesto for the initiative].

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          Imagine 100 people go for a garden picnic, and on the table are 100 cakes during the picnic 44 of the people present eat 97 cakes between them, leaving 3 cakes for the other 56 people. I imagine the 56 people left with the 3 cakes would kick up merry hell. Yet we seem to accept this in real life, that’s how capitalism works. The world is our garden, the cakes is the wealth the world produces, so why do we that 56, not kick up merry hell at the situation which is a reality that blights the lives of millions right here and now in our only garden, the world we live in.

 Image courtesy of Visual Capitalism.

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Wednesday 15 June 2022



Image courtesy of
       I have probably spouted this before, in fact, I'm sure I have, but find it difficult not to repeat. We the ordinary people are being asked to change our lifestyle to save the planet. Take a shallower bath, a shorter shower, turn your thermostat down a degree or two, recycle your plastic, food and paper waste. All I'm sure will make some difference to our carbon footprint. However it will not save the human species from extinction, it is just a drop in the ocean. We will only see a real drop in the human carbon footprint when the millionaire/billionaire/CEO class abandon their super-luxury fuel guzzling yachts, their private jets, their caravans of gas guzzling limousines. When they abandon their 20 roomed mansions with its army of servants, when the monarchy abandons its catalogue of opulent palaces and its entourage of hangers-on. Even then it will still be in the balance, the one thing that would make the biggest reduction in our carbon footprint would be dismantling the festering relationship between the military industrial complex and the state, and bring an end to wars. Something the state and its various mouthpieces never mention is that the military and wars are by far the biggest polluters on the planet.
       So forget about that shallow bath or shorter shower and demand the end to the real polluters of the planet, the rich and powerful and the state and its military adventures.                               

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Tuesday 14 June 2022



        I penned this wee article away back in 2003, just before the U$A/UK illegal invasion of Iraq. Nineteen years later and states still see fit to annihilate civilian populations to further their desire for power, resources and markets. The festering relationship of state  and capitalism, sees no other way of preserving their power, wealth and privileges other than by brute force, where we pay with blood and they reap the rewards of power, wealth and privileges. Our very survival depends on the ordinary people of the world coming together and bring about the total destruction of this insane, greed and profit driven festering system of state and capitalism. Your children and grandchildren's future lives depend on our actions now. We are the pinnacle of evolution, or we are the perpetrators of disaster and misery, destroyers of our planet, the choice is ours.
         It is unacceptable that in the twenty first century we are still settling international disputes by the barbaric method of war. Modern war fare does not consist of two armies facing each other over some strange and foreign plain. It is a devastating and horrendous attack on the civilian population and the country’s infrastructure. It is a ferocious and sustained attack by weapons of unimaginable destructive power unleashed on cities, towns and villages from many miles away. There is no real defence against such weapons, if the fireball and blast don’t kill you the depleted uranium will in time and leave a legacy of cancer and deformed births for generations to come. This surely can’t be the answer to any problem, you only stoke the fires of hate and bitterness for future wars.
       If man is as he claims, the pinnacle of evolution, the most intelligent being on the planet, then it must be within his ability to come up with a solution to international disputes that does not create such savage, merciless slaughter and destruction. In all modern warfare it is not just the armed combatants that are targeted, the vast amount of weaponry is not of the anti-personnel type, but designed to destroy a countries infrastructure, that means civilians. The use of such weapons must be considered a war crime.
        It is the ordinary people of this world that must stand up and put an end to this primeval form of activity, it is always the ordinary people that are called up to do the killing and it is always the ordinary people that suffer most.

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Saturday 11 June 2022

Keelie 31.


         June issue of the Glasgow Keelie is out, and once again it is the mighty midget, with plenty of sting, the pocket rocket with the big punch, a right wee Benny Lynch. Find out about the Glasgow council's shenanigans their policy of "consultation/insult-ation on the People's Palace and Winter Gardens. Find out who are struggle for that better Glasgow for all its people, and who are just charlatans weaving illusions as they work for the big businesses. Get your copy on the street, in cafes, pubs, bookshops and at protests for the people. Find out who thinks Glasgow is for Glaswegians and who thinks Glasgow is for profiteering big businesses.

Read the Glasgow Keelie on line:

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         Our so called constitutional Monarchy is a living edifice of British imperialism, steeped in pomp, wealthy and privileges. It scatters its tainted privileges far and wide conferring pompous honours on those who serve and preserve British imperialism. We are about to see this in action when Tony Blair, probably one of the worst war-mongering Prime Ministers the UK has ever had, well until reckless, arrogant duplicitous Boris arrive at No.10. Lying, bloody handed, Tony Blair, he of the illegal Iraq invasion, is about kneel in front of the monarchy, with his fancy hat on, and have bestowed on him one of the privileges with which our constitutional monarchy peppers on the imperialist faithful.
         Far from honouring this blood soaked lying war-monger, he should be facing trail for the bloody, brutal devastation he heaped on the innocent people of Iraq. The people of this country should in no way accept this theatre of pomp and privilege, bolstering UK imperialism, privilege and power.

11 Jun 2022 —
        The UK honours system is anything but honourable. On June 13th draped in robes, gold and plumed hat, Tony Blair will be given the red-carpet treatment and granted the highest honour the Queen can bestow, a Knighthood.
       That’s why we will be outside Windsor Castle to remind Blair he can never wash the blood off his hands.
         Join the public protest at the annual Garter Day procession in Windsor and let the world know there is only one court that Blair should be attending, and it’s not the royal one.
       We are assembling at 1pm at the Queen Victoria Statue on Castle Hill, Windsor, SL4 1PD to say 'Jail Blair! No knighthoods for war criminals'.
      For those traveling from London we will be meeting at Paddington Station at midday for the 12:20 train. Changing at Slough at 12:36.
     It will be a memorable day when we send a memorable message to the gathered media. Be a part of that message!

Thank you for your support.
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Thursday 9 June 2022

Pius xii.


           Religion, like monarchy, is an authoritarian cesspool of an institution, a power seeking, wealth grabbing organisation, hell bent on its own preservation and power, just like monarchy. Through the centuries religion has done its best to dominate the thought processes of the people, and as history shows, like monarchy, has used the most brutal and savage means to preserve its power and wealth.  
       During and after WW2, there were questions being asked about Pope Pius xii and his silence regarding the Nazi brutality, racism and the extermination of the Jews. It is only recently the the full facts have come out, and they are damning, showing the holy man Pius xii to be a duplicitous underhand co-operator with the Nazi regime. Through a series of secret meetings between Pius xii and Hitler's go-between,

                                  Portrait of Philipp von Hessen (National Archives)

It will be noted that their has always been a strand of strong fascist support among our own Royal Family.

        The Holy Father was trying to strike a deal to get Hitler to stop his ant-religion policies in Germany and allow the Catholic church to re-instate Catholic teachings in schools, stop persecutions of any clergy and return the Church's wealth back to the Church. In return Pius xii promised that the Catholic Church would not interfere or criticise the policies of the the Nazi regime, stating that the Church was not interested in party politics. Hence the Holy man's silence on the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazi regime. It was all for the glory of their imaginary wee man in the sky and the wealth and power of his corrupt institution. Religion will side with any despot, dictator, monarch as long as it furthers the power and wealth of their cruel vindictive institution based on an illusion.

        At this first meeting, the pope took out a copy of a letter he had sent Hitler, expressing his appreciation for the führer’s well wishes on his election to the papacy. He read it aloud to the prince, then read Hitler’s reply. Upon finishing the reading, the pope said, “I have been very considerate, and the Reich Chancellor’s reply was very kind. But the situation has since deteriorated.” By way of example, he cited the closing of Catholic schools and seminaries in the Third Reich, the publication of books attacking the Church and the papacy, and the slashing of state funds benefiting the Church in Austria. He told the prince that he was eager to reach an agreement with Hitler and was ready to compromise insofar as his conscience allowed, “but for that to happen, there must before anything else be a truce … I am certain that if peace between Church and state is restored, everyone will be pleased. The German people are united in their love for the Fatherland. Once we have peace, the Catholics will be loyal, more than anyone else.”

Quotes and images taken from The Atlantic, on an article on the book, The Pope at War.   Certainly well worth a read.


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Tuesday 7 June 2022

The Law?


         Pick any state on this state/corporate infested planet and you will find authoritarian repression, exploitation and brutality. Every state is guilty of theses crimes against ordinary people, should they dare to speak out against that authoritarian repression, exploitation and brutality. Dare to point to the inequality and injustice in society and demand change, and you are likely to be targeted. Of course some states are more openly brutal than others, but the pattern is always the same, subservience or suffer.
          The following example is just one of innumerable cases of crass injustice to protect the privileged, pampered, power hungry, parasite class that hold the reins of power, for the time being, how long they hold those reins is up to us.

The following from Anarchist News:

         We have recently sadly learnt that Turkish state repression has struck our comrade, Mahmut Demir – a member of Karala, an organisation which is part of our international coordination – who has been sentenced to 6 months and 7 days in prison without even having a hearing.

This prison sentence was imposed following the complaint of a fascist informant, for “Public humiliation of the Turkish nation, the Republic of Turkey, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, the government of the Republic of Turkey and the judicial organs of the state”. Our comrade, who learned of the reasons for the decision via mail delivery, was not even summoned by the police or the prosecutor's office to testify or defend themselves throughout the trial.

This story, which seems unbelievable, highlights the high levels of Turkish state repression that our comrades there are facing.

Fortunately, at the moment of writing Mahmut is free, but the court has decided to subject him to a five-year observation period, during which time he will be subject to arrest if he insults the Republic of Turkey again.

As an international coordination of anarchists, we can only express our greatest solidarity with Comrade Mahmut and our Karala comrades. 

☆ Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) – Great Britain
☆ Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira (CAB) – Brazil
☆ Die Plattform – Germany
☆ Embat, Organització Llibertària de Catalunya – Catalonia, Spain
☆ Federación Anarquista de Rosario (FAR) – Argentina
☆ Federación Anarquista de Santiago (FAS) – Chile
☆ Federación Anarquista Uruguaya (FAU) – Uruguay
☆ Libertäre Aktion (LA) – Switzerland
☆ Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG) – Australia
☆ Organización Anarquista de Córdoba (OAC) – Argentina

☆ Organización Anarquista de Santa Cruz (OASC) – Argentina

☆ Organización Anarquista de Tucuman (OAT) – Argentina
☆ Organisation Socialiste Libertaire (OSL) – Switzerland
☆ Roja y Negra – Organización Politíca Anarquista – Argentina
☆ TekoÅŸina AnarÅŸist (TA) – Rojava

☆ Union Communiste Libertaire (UCL) – France, Belgium & Switzerland
Related Link:


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Saturday 4 June 2022

Fire Ant.

             I love anarchist serials, and papers that can be spread around the community, workplace and on the street. It is a wonderful simple way of spreading our ideas and it can reach outside the social media bubble. All such literature is important, but one that I think should always get a little extra push from us by spreading it around is those serials, periodicals papers that support anarchist prisoners. Locked in state cages for their beliefs, we mustn't forget them. Fire ant is one and it is available for free download and printing, so why not do a few and spread them around.

The following from Enough is Enough:

          Fire Ant is a quarterly publication focused on spreading the words of anarchist prisoners and generating material solidarity for our imprisoned friends.

Originally published by Fire Ant.

PDF for printing (Fire Ant #13)

          Begun as a collaboration between anarchist prisoners and anarchists in Maine, Fire Ant seeks to raise material aid for anarchist prisoners while fostering communication between anarchists on both sides of the walls.
           Issue #13 is a special June 11th edition of Fire Ant, featuring Sean Swain’s June 11th statement, thoughts on prisoner support from Lauren Swain, an interview with Jennifer Rose, a text by Comrade Z, an autobiographical piece by Thomas Meyer-Falk, Toby Shone’s June 11th statement, Michael Kimble on Afrikan anarchism, updates on Eric King, and the 2022 June 11th call.
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          How the months flash past, half way through the year already and I feel it has just started. For June "Read of the MonthSpirit of Revolt have selected a small serial from July, 1960, "The New Commune", issue No. 6. an organ of Revolutionary Socialism. It is from Spirit of Revolt's Les Foster Collection, T-SOR-36-23-15.  Another reason to delve into the wide range of collections, photos, documents, letters, serials, memorabilia, audio, video and much more, stored on Spirit of Revolt website. It's your history, a history of struggle for that better world for all.

Read The New Commune, No.6 on line:

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Friday 3 June 2022

A Virus.

         Today as the ordinary people of the UK, like those else where in the world, are heading for the biggest fall in living standards for many, many years. People are facing winter unable to heat their homes, struggling to put food on the table and often failing. There is a massive rise in homelessness, in food-banks, our health service is teetering on the edge of collapse due to lack of funding and slices being handed to the corporate word. Our kids' health will be assaulted and their education system is broken.

      Despite these unnecessary conditions being heaped on the population, the UK government see fit to spend an obscene amount of tax payers money on this jamboree celebrating a parasite families imperial power. £28 million of our tax money has been set aside for this obscenity, the lottery fund is donating £22 million to plaster the country with symbols of pomp and imperial power.
      We are supposed to celebrate 70 years of a woman sitting on a throne, a woman whose entire family and many hangers-on, who have never earned a penny from honest work in their lives, and are subsidised to the hilt with tax payers money. This old lady, who we are supposed be enthralled with is labelled a "constitutional" monarch. However, she is the one that opens parliament, and in speeches honestly refers to "her government", she is the one approached by the elected Prime Minister should he wish to close down parliament. She also sits in her palatial surroundings signing death warrants on those poor individuals who are condemned by British Overseas Territories that still have the death penalty. This whole edifice of pomp and power is an attempt to get us all to cheer an obscene display to the world of Britain's brutal imperialism, its past and its determination to hold on to that power, wealth and its privileges. It baffles me seeing all those thousands of people who struggle to make ends meet, willing pay homage to this family of parasites, this edifice to pomp, wealth, power and privileges. All I can say of those throngs who wave flags, cheer this obscenity, is that their minds have been damaged by the fatal and vicious virus of patriotism.
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Wednesday 1 June 2022

Rigger 94.

            Day and daily heroic struggles take place by ordinary people, people who stand for freedom of the individual with respect and mutual aid. The state has no time for such people, they are a threat to its desire for complete control over the population. The state can't function unless it has a subservient populace.
          Most of these battles go unrecorded, but we should however, honour them, celebrate them, record them and spread the word far and wide, to encourage others to stand their ground for the right to be free from an exploitative authoritarian system, that attempts to shackle them to the service of the state and its corporate bed-mate from birth to death.

The following from Enough is Enough:

            Berlin. Soon it will be a years time since the state and its lackeys attempted a large-scale attack, an eviction attempt on our house, the Rigaer 94. The excuse of “Fire Security” served politics as a legitimization to set the neighborhood into an authoritarian state of emergency by erecting a so-called “red zone”, to make an unimpeded entrance of the house possible.

Originally published by Indymedia DE.

         Blazing barricades and their defense preempted the red zone, on the next day the resistance from within the house still didn’t break away. This direct conflict was able to reject passivity and victimization.

     The one-year-anniversary will be an occasion to come together in remembrance, to discuss and to celebrate in a sociable atmosphere.

June 17, 2022

15:00 – Distro and Infotables and Flee market for costs of people facing repression after the 17th of June

17:00 – Discussion on the organization and defense of liberated territories

20:00 – Food & drinks

21:00 – Rebetiko-concert

Meanwhile: Tattoos!

        Please be alert concerning border-crossing and dominant behavior, bring it up when you notice something. At the info-table there will be people that can be approached. Otherwise you can also approach the people behind the bar, at the door or other visitors of the event.

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