Saturday 24 July 2010

      Is there anybody in this country accepts the result of the Crown Prosecution Service investigation on the Ian Tomlinson case, that is anybody but the police? An avalanche of photographic evidence of a brutal unprovoked assault on an innocent man and their view is no grounds for charging anyone. It appears that the officer who is seen to violently strike Ian Tomlinson from behind had been investigated on two previous occasions, one for excessive violence during an investigation and once for road rage while off duty. As they say in the "force" he has form. This will be seen by almost everybody as another case of whitewash, another case of a death at the hands of the police and nobody held to account. Ian Tomlinson is not alone, the list of such cases goes back a long way.
      1979 saw the death of Blair Peach from a fractured skull when struck on the head by police while attending an anti-nazi demonstration. No officer ever held to account. In 1999 Harry Stanley, a Scot living in London shot dead by police while walking home with a leg for his coffee under his arm. They were acting on a "tip-off" about and Irishman with a gun, again no officer held to account. More recently, in 2005, we had the case of Jean Charles De Menezes a 28 year old Brazilian electrician living in London shot dead on the tube, another case of mistaken identity. The met in this case were found guilty of "breaching health and safety rules". To this list can now be added the name Ian Tomlinson, while walking home brutally assaulted and died the result of an unprovoked attack by a police officer. No officer held to account.

     We are supposed to believe that they are only here for our protection, what crap. The police are here to protect the powers that be, and will always attack those who feel strong enough about the injustice in this system to take to the streets. I have no doubt there will be others names who will be added to this list as more and more people feel the injustice inherent in this capitalist system.

Wednesday 21 July 2010


        The well manicured millionaire twins from the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption's planned cuts are a true slash and burn policy. What they have in mind is the biggest and most sustained cuts since the second world war, and for good measure they'll throw in some tax rises and benefit changes that will hurt all the ordinary people and crush the poorest and most vulnerable in society. So severe is the planned attack on the ordinary people that the rating agency Standard & Poor's has expressed doubts about whether the government has the stomach for the carnage it is planning, but we know it has, as none of the cuts will affect the millionaire cabinet nor their millionaire friends, who, by the way, are responsible for the “debt crisis” they are moaning about.
        Even the IMF is somewhat concerned about the well manicured millionaire twins' cavalier attitude, as France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Britain all have plans to squeeze domestic demand, all spouting, things will be just fine, as they all expect to export more???
       The millionaire cabal keep going on about the need to slash the boated public sector and let the private sector grow and create jobs. Of course they never mention that the public sector had nothing to do with the “debt crisis” in the first place, that wee problem was the full responsibility of the greed driven private sector that the so love, having the binge of its life. Well why shouldn't they love the private sector and want it to grow, they own it!!
       This so called fiscal plan, is no more and no less than a class war battle, a plan to transfer all public assets to the pampered millionaire parasites' private sector, guaranteeing that your every action and desire will make money for them and giving them total control over every aspect of society.
       If we the ordinary people lose this battle we will see the end of all public assets and all public space, our children will inherit nothing, they will be total slaves to the greed and vagaries of the corporate world. It is their world, or it is our world, there is no compromise.
ann arky's home

Monday 19 July 2010


Landlord withholding your deposit?
Employer withholding wages?

Let's do something about it. You don't have to go it alone. Call Glasgow Solidarity Network for support from people like you, standing up for their rights.
Together we win!
Phone or text us on 07982742305
or e-mail us at

Next meeting: Tuesday 20th July.
Daisy Street Community Centre 7pm.

Sunday 18 July 2010


Use an inverted knuckle into the sternum and drive inward and upward.
Drive fingers into groin.
Continue to carry out alternate elbow strikes to the young person's ribs until a release is achieved.
Drive straight fingers into the young person's face, and then quickly drive the straightened fingers of the same hand downwards into the young person's groin area.
Nose distraction" techniques – sharp blows to the nose –
Ram knuckles into ribs and rake shoes down the shins.

        Sounds like training for the SAS but the term “young person” should perhaps give a hint. These are some of the government sanctioned child abuse techniques in an instruction manual used in privately run prisons for young offenders. We are talking about youngsters from 12 to 17 years of age, and this treatment being inflicted by adults.
         Carolyne Willow, national co-ordinator of the Children's Rights Alliance for England (CRAE), which led the campaign for disclosure of this manual following the deaths of two teenage boys in secure training centres, said: "The manual is deeply disturbing and stands as state authorisation of institutionalised child abuse. What made former ministers believe that children as young as 12 could get so out of control so often that staff should be taught how to ram their knuckles into their rib cages? Would we allow paediatricians, teachers or children's home staff to be trained in how to deliberately hurt and humiliate children?"
           Phillip Noyes, director of strategy and development at the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, said: "These shocking revelations graphically illustrate the cruel and degrading violence inflicted at times on children in custody. On occasions these restraint techniques have resulted in children suffering broken arms, noses, wrists and fingers. Painful restraint is a clear breach of children's human rights against some of the most vulnerable youngsters in society and does not have a place in decent society." What Phillip Noyes doesn’t mention is that these techniques have also caused death. A child being killed while in the care of an adult, would that be murder?
         Of course the perpetrators of these acts of child abuse are aware of the possible damage as the manual does give some warnings of the possible effects of such treatment by stating that the techniques risk giving children a "fracture to the skull" and "temporary or permanent blindness caused by rupture to eyeball or detached retina". The manual also acknowledges that the measures could cause asphyxia. One passage, explaining how to administer a head-hold on children, adds that "if breathing is compromised the situation ceases to be a restraint and becomes a medical emergency".
         One thing the state is good at is brutalising those who don’t fit into its grand plan, in the case of privately run young offenders institutions, the state hands over the responsibility for the degradation and humiliation to a private company who proceed to make millions of pounds from the process. As they say, "busines is busines"
          It is not often that I agree with a Sir anything but I’m inclined to agree with Sir Al Aynsley-Green, the former children's commissioner for England and emeritus professor of child health at University College London, when he said: "It's time the whole country knows what is going on under their noses. This is just part of a brutal system, and we welcome the fact this is finally in the open."
       It is finally in the open, but will it change? Well that is up to you and I.

Rebel rebel break the rule,
What does it matter that a “wise” man sees a fool.
Not for you the herd’s dull beat
Making tomorrow, yesterday’s repeat,
Living out the life of a clone
Marching with the crowd but always alone.
Shaping your life from some dusty tome
Playing it safe, staying at home.
Rebel rebel break the rule
Swim in the sea, never the pool.
Live your emotions, feel the surge
Follow your dreams, chase the urge.
Make life though short, an exciting game
Not a mad march for fortune or fame.
Capture the moment, live it now
Being alive your only vow.
Rebel rebel break the rule
In the end,          you’re humanity’s jewel.

ann arky's home.

Friday 16 July 2010



    Activist TV Reporter Training           When: Saturday 24th July 2010 - 10am-6pm
Come and meet everyone and watch some films at 7pm on Friday 23rd July
Where: Forest Cafe, 3 Bristo Place, Edinburgh EH1 1EY       Cost: Free / donation

    Places are limited, so please fill in the application form at Lack of experience is no barrier. Commitment to making social change with video is much more important!

Video Training for Social Change
     Make the news you don't see on the news. visionOntv has created easy templates for rapid-turnaround citizen video news reports. These reports can be made by absolute beginners, or by people with skills but little time.
      Make watchable and effective films for the widest possible audience. Our training programme isbold and unique. We have taken away the obstacles to making effectivefilms by radically simplifying the whole process. Come to the workshop to learn how to make fast-turnaround video news reports. Ourproduction templates will enable you to make films with whateverequipment you already possess. You can even make videos with no camera at all!
       Please bring the items of portable recording equipment you have - video camera, stills camera,mobile phone, laptop computer. We will use them during the workshop. Please note: to complete your productions, an extra session on Sunday morning (at Forest Cafe Edinburgh) will be necessary.

A joint production with Undercurrents.

ann arky's home.



Yes, you there! Are you looking for a flat??

     Imagine a home in Glasgow where you & your flat-mates are actively participating in making a difference in the wider community through your personal choices. Now imagine yourself soaking up countless new skills & finally getting the chance to explore the full potential of your own creativity. Better still; imagine a place where all of your ideas are not only valued but valuable too!
     Well, what’s the point of being awake if you’re not living the dream? We’re a very passionate group of people with a vested interest in simple & sustainable living. Our aim is to work towards an inclusive home with little to no environmental impact by minimizing waste (using compost & wormeries, reducing the amount of packaging we buy & finding creative ways to reuse it) using home made, eco friendly detergents & cleaners, and of course recycling, conscious use of power, heat & water.
      It will also be an empowering grassroots hub for locals & travellers to share and pick up new skills & ideas; a host for couchsurfers, educational documentary nights, jam sessions, weekly communal meals & loads of workshops on everything from clowning to acroyoga!
      The flat boasts 7 big bright sunny rooms, a lounge, 2 full bathrooms, a kitchen and a big HUGE garden to call our own!! It’s furnished with all the essentials at £340 a room & will be ready for occupancy on August 1st 2010 (postcode G12 8BP).
      We prefer that all of the flat-mates are vegetarian or vegan but if you choose to eat meat then we will ask that it is not cooked or prepared in the flat
      If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of then drop us a line!Please include a brief note about how you feel that you could contribute to the home as well as a bit about yourself.

     We can’t wait to hear from you!     Peace & love from The Glasgow Westend Intentional Community.

ann arky's home.

Thursday 15 July 2010



Four more UK soldiers killed in one day, three of them by a recruit to the Afghan army, but Liam Fox, the defence secretary, still says we will "see our mission through and train Afghan security forces so they can look after their own security and our forces one day can come home". The latest opinion poll shows that only 17 percent of the British public agrees with him. Stop the War has called a protest at Downing Street this Friday to represent the vast majority who say bring the troops home.


SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Lance Corporal JOE GLENTON, just released from prison following his court martial for refusing to fight in Afghanistan, ex-soldier ROSS WILLIAMS, jailed in 2008 for refusing to fight in Iraq, CAROLINE LUCAS MP and other MPs. More speakers TBA.

The war in Afghanistan is in crisis. The strategy for the US-led occupation is crumbling. Violence is increasing, with deaths of Afghan civilians and Nato troops at higher levels than at any time since 2001. But the Con-Lib coalition government continues to send troops to kill and die in a war that has no purpose and is being lost. Among the speakers at this rally will be two soldiers who were jailed by the British army for agreeing with the two thirds majority of people in Britain who want all the troops brought home now.
ann arky's home.

Sunday 11 July 2010


Landlord messing you around?

Agency not paying you?

Job centre making life a misery?

Feel like it's too much to cope with alone?

We all face problems like these and it can seem impossible to do anything about them. The Glasgow Solidarity Network is a group of people, just like you, who work together to support one another and stand up for their rights.

Modelled on Seattle Solidarity Network, Anti-Poll Tax unions and the Claimants' Union from the 80's, Glasgow Solidarity Network is a non-hierarchical organisation controlled by its members and unaffiliated to any political group or party. It aims to confront bad landlords, bad employers, and bad jobcentres/benefits agencies through collective direct action and build solidarity between tenants, claimants and workers, active and retired.

Come by Daisy Street on the 13th July to help us get this project off the ground, whether you could really use some solidarity yourself or whether you can offer it to others.



ann arky's home.

Sunday 4 July 2010


       Saturday 3rd July saw Paisley celebrate its long running Sma' Shot Day. This consists of a parade from Brodie Park on the outskirts of the town through the streets to the town centre. The parade is lead by the beating of the Charleston Drum with locals dressed as weavers from the 19th century, in the town centre there are stalls and fun for the kids with the day ending with the burning of the "CORK". An effigy in top hat and tails representing the boss of the weavers of old. In all the literature about the Sma Shot event very little links it to the real reason the event takes place, it was in effect a great victory for organised labour against tight-fisted capital in a bitter dispute during 1856. It is probably the longest running celebration in Britain of a strike victory. It is so easy for these events to be taken over and used as a fun parade and their origins to be forgotten. We should never allow this to happen we must always keep alive the fact that all we have was won from the bosses by what can only be described as long and sometimes very bitter struggles by our forefathers and that struggle goes on today. The events of today mean we have to prepare for further struggle as once again capital is hell-bent on attacking the living standards of the working class.  We need a new "Charleston Drum"
A short history of the Sma' Shot Strike 1856. 

ann arky's home.

Saturday 3 July 2010


How democracy works when the people object to having their living standards trashed to save the bond markets, How the greedy wealthy parasites' minders show their supine support for a corrupt system.

Tuesday 29 June 2010


       As governments across Europe go into action in the class war struggle, swinging their hatchets, administering “fair austerity cuts”(attacks on workers living standards) the people of Europe are beginning to respond. Across Europe there have been several one day general strikes, in Greece, Spain, France and Italy with Greece planning its 5th general strike for today June 29th. which should shape up to be the largest so far in this recent class struggle. June 29th is also the date for another one day general strike in the Basque countries, Spain's CNT syndicalist union has stated that one day stoppages are not enough and has called for pan-European stoppages on the same day. They also said that governments will only back down from their “austerity” plans if the stoppages are made indefinite. The Confederaction Nacional del Trabajo has called for Spain's 5th general strike on September 29th. to be made indefinite.
      There is still enough time to make the Spanish General strike on September 29th the one pan-European and indefinite general strike. However, we here in the UK seem to have some way to go to catch up with our European friends. Our government seems to have hoodwinked a lot of the general public here into believing that these cuts are inevitable and for our benefit. Ask yourself, how can driving the living standard of the general public back to Victorian era poverty be in the interests of that same general public, while the millionaires' club of privileged parasites that drive these cuts, suffer nothing?
       They know it is a class war to safeguard their wealth, power and privileges, isn't it time we saw it in the same light, a class war to safeguard and enhance the living standards of all our people.
ann arky's home.

Sunday 27 June 2010


         So David Cameron, one half of the well manicured millionaire twins,  states we will be out of Afghanistan by 2015, making it a 14 years war on a poverty stricken country. Why 5 years, is that how long it will take them to complete their grand plan down to the last detail? If so what is their grand plan? Or is it just a nice number,  it sounds better than four and a bit years or there abouts, or, I'm not very sure. This 5 years is just an arbitrary number, a statement to please sections of the public but rather a callous way to approach the killing and maiming that is going on in that unfortunate country. Why not NOW, what will be different in 5 years? Does he know what state that country will be in in 5 years, can he tell us what will be regarded as a must for that withdrawal? How can he guarantee  they will have achieved their illusionary grand plan. At the moment the NATO forces are looking at an abject failure and defeat with an escalating rate of killing, but somehow in 5 years it will all be so different with peace and a true democracy flourishing in Afghanistan. The Karzai Mafia in Kabul will no longer be a cabal of drug barons, they'll be honest brokers seeking the well being of the Afghan people. Milk and honey will flow across the dusty plains of Afghanistan and our well manicured millionaires will be able to say it was all worth the sacrifice. Afghanistan will fade from the front pages, the killing will be forgotten and our troops will head off to fight another imperialist venture to make sure that the world accepts the might of Western corporate capitalism. Then the millionaires club at the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption will issue more lies about keeping Britain safe and building democracy in some other unfortunate corner of the globe, while issuing platitudes about the killing and maiming. Doesn't the system make you sick? We could work to change it!!

Tuesday 22 June 2010


     Budget day, we know the damage that is going to be inflicted on our class by the millionaires' club. Are we about to whimper in pain or are we about to ROAR, (Rise-up, Organise, Agitate, Revolt.) in anger and determination. ROAR our intentions that we will not sit quietly and let the milliomaire parasites inflict Victorian era poverty on us and our children.


The problem’s too big
the perpetrators unknown
you can’t beat the system
all on your own.
So it’s easy to withdraw
find your own little cage
turn a blind eye to the suffering
stifle your rage,
but the greed goes on
the poverty’s still there,
you can’t just leave it
for your children to bear.
Others feel as you do
eager to put things right
but locked in isolation
it’s a hopeless fight,
so don’t sit in silence
behind a closed door,
your voice can help raise
a whisper to a roar.

Saturday 19 June 2010


     Tuesday sees well manicured millionaire Osborne, on behalf of the millionaires club, launch his attack on the working class via his emergency budget. This will be the first step to take the working class back to the thirties, back to Victorian poverty. We have to show that we are not going down that road just to save the bond markets and some of his other millionaire friends from suffering some financial loss. They want to safe guard their fortunes at our expense, they know it is a class war, we pay for the problems, not the millionaires that caused the problems. To them, that's the way it should be. We have to show that we also recognise this as a class war and we know who our enemies are. We are not in the same club as that bunch of pampered, parasitical, millionaire hypocrites.
         On Tuesday 22 June there will be a demonstration and rally in George Square Glasgow from 3pm onwards. There will be a host of speakers speaking out against the cuts but no doubt some will be asking for you to vote them into power next time round. That's not the answer, the rally and demonstration is all well and good as a first phase to show our opposition to this savage attack on our living standards and show that we will act in solidarity with all our communities. However the struggle must continue into the workplaces and the local communities. Standing in George Square listening to speakers will not stop the cuts.
        It was on July 31st 1925 that then Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin made the following statement; “All the workers of this country have got to take reductions in wages to help to put industry on its feet.” Yes, they seem to have been a wee bit more honest in those days, no crap about us all being in this together for the sake of the country. Less than a year on from that statement Britain was in the grip of a general strike. The entire working class was solid but were sold down the river by the trade unions. We must learn from that and never let control leave the grass roots. All action against the cuts must be driven and controlled by the people involved, don't play follow-my-leader into the trap of change the party in power and waving at a new smiling shiny leader.
      Workers control, communities controlled by those in that community working in federation with each other to change society, not to change the leader. We don't need leaders, prime ministers, kings or presidents, their record doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Wednesday 16 June 2010


      Remember those Glasgow's arms length organisations, Steven Purcell's baby that brought him praises from Tony Blair and were supposed to save the city council taxpayers, millions, well those millions haven't quite materialised. They were projected to bring, for the year 2009/2010, a nice little sum of £7 million, however the have managed to amass a loss of nearly £5 million. This is a group of 12 organisations that were removed from the scrutiny and control of Glasgow's citizens and have become nice little earners for those appointed to run and oversee them. We also know that Purcell, who resigned after a drugs and cronyism scandal earlier this year was accused by some of offering up jobs in these organisations as “sweeteners” to friends and enemies alike. It was a nice little appointment as councillors could pick up £400,000 in extra salaries as directors of these organisations. The stench of corruption is the same no matter where it comes from, The Westminster House of Corruption or the headquarters of the Glasgow political Mafia.

     While this snouts in troughs act is going on we get information that ten of Scotland's councils are set to lose 10,000 jobs between them, our local Glasgow mob are about to shed 2,800. Some of the Scottish councils have said that they expect to to reduce staffing costs, (cut jobs) by 12% over three years.
      We should make no mistake, the plans that are being made at national and local level will mean massive job cuts, which will result in increased poverty among the ordinary people. Of course it will also mean a drastic cut in services for which we have already paid.
       Our aim should be to organise against these cuts, it is not somebody else’s problem it is right across our communities, we will all be hit, the only exemptions will be the millionaires club that organised the cuts. It is the wealthy, those how will not in any way be touched by these savage cuts that are telling us that it is necessary. They organise, we hurt, should we not be turning that around, we organise, they hurt.

Saturday 12 June 2010


       The capitalist system we live under always shows its true colours when it is up against those who fight for workers rights. The more active the individuals or groups become in defence of their conditions the heavier the system comes down. It will always go as far as it can legally and then resort to other more covert actions if the legal ones don't work, but they will do their damndest to eliminate all opposition to their grasp for profit.
     Too many ordinary people pay with their lives just trying to improve their living standards. The following short extract from Labourstart, says it all:
       The annual survey of trade union rights was released today -- and I'm sorry to say that the news is not good.
       According to the International Trade Union Confederation, 101 trade unionists were killed last year.
And that represents a 30% increase on the year before.
That even a single human being dies because they are members of a trade union is a tragedy.
That 101 are killed in a single year is a moral outrage.
   Only when the workers control the means of production and distribution will this moral outrage stop. as long as the interests of the corporate world hold sway over our lives we will have to defend ourselves against the violence inherent in this system of exploitation and repression.

Tuesday 8 June 2010


        As the European governments move in with the hatchets at the ready to slash and cut the living standards of the working class what will be our response? We have seen massive demonstrations on the streets in Greece. In Spain 75/80% of public sector workers  took strike action against a 5% pay cut. There have been and still are strikes and demonstrations in other countries across Europe. What will we, the working class in this country, do as the well manicured public school boys start swinging their hatchets?
       The next few months will be crucial, the cuts will come fast and furious as well as sudden, if our response is not equal to that we will have lost the momentum. We have to make it quite clear from the very start that these attacks on our living standards will not be accepted. This is a totally one side affair, all the cuts will hurt the ordinary people but will in no way affect those at the top who are responsible for this so called "massive debt".
         Let's not forget, these cuts are to protect the banks and bond holders from suffering any great losses. We are supposed to be the ones to carry the losses, why? Remember, the cabinet of this government has 23 millionaires in its little cabal. How will they hurt as they cut and slash? They know it is a class war and fight accordingly, isn't time we dealt with it in a similar fashion and fight it as an out and out class war. A pan-European class war linking up with the striking workers in all the other European coutries where the people are making a stand against this savage onslaught to their living conditions. Without a doubt the outcome of these cuts will be a return to Victorian poverty for our people, while the financial sector with its millionaire/billionarie friends re-arrange their balance sheets to their favour. Unless!!!

ann arky's home.

Friday 4 June 2010


     A recent study by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation found widening inequalities in all areas of life in Britain. The study, "Life in Britain: Using Millennial Census Data to Understand Poverty, Inequality and Place,"         Some of the key findings are:
       Areas with the highest levels of poor health also tend to have the lowest numbers of doctors, dentists and other health professionals (excluding nurses).
      Areas with high levels of poor health tend also to have high numbers of their population providing informal care for family and friend, as opposed to professional care.
       Areas with the highest proportions of unqualified young people tend to have the lowest number of teachers per head of population. The areas faring the best have four times the density of teachers and one third the rate of unqualified young people. 
       The financial hub of the City of London and the South East accounted for the overwhelming majority of "high-paid jobs." In most other areas, people with very good qualifications are more likely to be employed in lower-paid work. In areas of higher unemployment, those with jobs are less likely to work long hours, but unemployment itself is associated with physical and mental health problems.
      Approximately a million households have three or more cars. About the same number of households that might need a car (those with dependent children, etc.) have none.
      One comment sums it up, "--it is acutely disappointing to discover that so many opportunities and resources still depend on where people live. Wide and persisting inequality is reflected in big differences between 'rich' and 'poor' areas in terms of housing, education and health care as well as economic wealth. Perversely, people living in the poorest neighbourhoods with the greatest needs are often the least likely to have access to the services and support that would help them improve their lives and life chances."
      This failure can be attributed to successive Conservative and Labour governments. The areas with the highest life expectancy 10 years ago are the places that have seen the biggest increase in life expectancy since. Wealth lets you get health.
      Ben Wheeler stated, "The Census data show quite clearly that although living standards have increased in 60 years, the rich and the poor in Britain continue to live in two different worlds."
      The authors of the report have shown Britain as a severely divided society, between those with the greatest need for good health care, education, jobs, housing and transport who continue to have the worst access to opportunities and services 60 years after the founding of the welfare state, and a powerfully rich elite that continues to amass wealth and privilege. All indications are that this divide is widening.
        The rich have rigged voting to make sure nothing changes, if your poor why vote?
        That being the case what do you think will be the outcome of the slashing cuts that are heading the way of the ordinary people of this country? An ever widening gap with the poorest in society heading for deprivation not seen in this country since the 20s/30s.
        Now is the time to organise to protect our people, we can't wait until it is all over and then try to win back some of our conditions. You could fight for a decade and still not be back where we are at present, and that isn't too good is it?

Tuesday 1 June 2010



We unfortunately did not include Palestine Solidarity Campaign -- one of the main organisers -- in the list of those calling for the Gaza Flotilla national demonstration on Saturday 5 June. The full list of organisers is Stop the War, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, British Muslim Initiative, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and Viva Palestina.
Our apologies to PSC, whose website is
ann arky's home.


       The astounding turnout at Monday's emergency protest, when at only a few hours notice, thousands laid siege to David Cameron's residence in Downing Street and then marched to the Israeli Embassy
(see, was a reflection of the intense rage at Israel's deadly attack on the Gaza flotilla, felt by millions worldwide.
        Ours was just one of hundreds of protests that took place in towns and cities across the globe.
A national demonstration in London this Saturday 5 June has been called by Stop the War, CND, BMI and Viva Palestina. The Gaza Flotilla March will assemble at Downing Street at 1.30 and march to the Israeli Embassy
        Monday's emergency demonstration showed how fast we can mobilise if we use all available means to spread the word as fast as possible. Please do all you can to publicise the demonstration among your friends, in your workplace, in your trade union, in your college or school, in your community group etc.


        We urge all local Stop the War groups and trade union branches affiliated to Stop the War to bring their banners on the march.


Please note there is a protest today 1 June at 5pm outside the  Israeli Embassy, High Street Kensington.

ann arky's home.

Monday 31 May 2010


The death toll after the Israeli assault on the Gaz aid flotilla is now reported to be over 20. The attack took place in international waters, making it a major violation of international law. Imagine the response if such an attack had been carried out by Iran. We would now be at war.
     Below is athe press release issued by Stop the War earlier, calling for the British government to condemn the attack and to break links with Israel.

See the Stop the War website for links to videos of the Israeli attack:

Please use all means you can -- by email, text, Facebook, Twitter, phone -- to publicise today's emergency demonstration.


ann arky home.



       Yet another act of Israeli barbarism as its forces storm one of the seven ships on the international flotilla taking aid to Gaza, where Israel’s illegal siege is starving Palestinians of essential resources. At least ten activists on board have been killed by Israeli forces.

        Please join the emergency demonstration today if you can. Publicise it as widely as possible.

See video of Israeli assault from Turkish television:
For updates see: http://http//





William Hague MP,
Foreign Secretary,
King Charles Street,
London, SW1A 2AH

CONTACT YOUR MP: Ask him/her to contact Hague on your behalf


LETTER TO: Nick Clegg MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA

ann arky’s home.

Thursday 27 May 2010


        As we keep hearing about “the cuts” we tend to look at the small picture and think how it might affect ourselves, our family or our friends. This of course suits the powers that be, see it as an isolated thing, a blip in the running of a good system. However if we want to do something about it we have to see the bigger picture and realise that this is a European wide crisis, one of a continuing string of crisis in a rotten corrupt unjust system, not a blip.
        Greece gets a lot of publicity and the rest of Europe thinks aren't we lucky, we're not as bad as Greece. They were shady and corrupt, while we are open and honest, bullshit. All of European governments are shady, and corrupt. What is hitting Greece is going to be the pattern throughout Europe. A little nearer home, Ireland has already been devastated. The people of Ireland are facing a return to an age of poverty and deprivation. Tens of thousand of people in that country have been ruined. The cuts that the Irish people have had inflicted on them is equivalent to the UK slashing its budget by £150billion, approximately 25 times more than our suggested £6billion+.
            In Ireland, apart from the thousands who have lost their homes and their jobs, there are those who are now working 7 days a week just to keep a roof over their heads. Spain is circling the drain, with Italy, Latvia and other European countries putting a brave face on things as the sweat starts to appear on our masters' foreheads. This is a European wide affair and it is only if we the ordinary people link up in solidarity with all the other working class people on the continent can we hope to gain anything from this struggle. It is a struggle, a struggle that has been going on since the start of capitalism. The corporate world are united in their defence of their wealth and privileges, they realise it is a class war, they will defend viciously everything they have, while savagely slashing at the standard of living of the ordinary people. We have to make the same decision and accept this as the continuation of the class war, it is the working class that is going to be decimated if that upper class has it way. You can rest assured no matter how severe the cuts, the millionaires and billionaires will still be sitting on top with their private jets. It is a case now of accepting the class war, organising and standing up in solidarity across the continent. Don't ignore what is happening on the streets of Greece, speak to them, support them, learn from them, the deprivation is coming your way, don't wait until the shit hits the fan.

Wednesday 26 May 2010


       The monotonous call from the two well manicured public school boys and their cabal of millionaires in the cabinet, is “we must cut the national debt”. All their heated waffle is about where and by how much, nobody asks the WHY. The banks and the big financial institutions bet their lot on the roulette wheel of sub-prime mortgages and lost a packet. They turned to their bed partners, the governments and demanded that they make up the losses, with taxpayers money of course. The very obliging governments duly made good the bankers losses and lumbered us with this massive debt. Now those self same financial institutions, banks and bond holders, are concerned that the governments have too much debt and could default and if they default it is the banks and the bond holders that now stand to lose billions. As the can't ask the already bust nations to bail them out again, the only alternative is to get the mountain of debt down by hacking at the government expenditure. That means slashing public services, public sector salaries, destroying the health service, mutilating the education system and heaping thousands more onto the unemployment queue. So basically by sending the ordinary people back to the Victorian era of poverty and deprivation the banks and bond holders will be protected from making huge financial losses.
         So there you have it, strip the public naked and save the billionaires from losing some of their loot. It's a good game if you can get away with it, and it is up to us to see if the do or don't. What do you think? Are we daft enough to let them get away with it, or do we still have some self respect left?

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Sat 29 May - Demo against the EDL (Newcastle)

Urgent Message from UAF Edinburgh.
            The poor General Election results for the BNP in their target areas have led to a number of internal debates in the BNP. Many are blaming Nick Griffin for a failed electoral strategy and the hardcore want to move towards a more traditional fascist approach of street fighting thugs. 
          It is against this backdrop that the English Defence League (EDL) has called for a demonstration in Newcastle on Saturday 29 May. The recent BBC documentary on the EDL (still available in BBC iplayer) showed the racism and violence that runs through it. That is why we need a show of strength with as many people as possible joining the "Unity" demonstration called by Unite Against Fascism.
           UAF Edinburgh is organising transport to this key protest. It will leave Edinburgh at 9am from Waterloo Place (east end of Princes St) and will cost: £20 waged & £10 unwaged. However if you are really skint then we can take you for less.  If you can't make it, could you make a donation to help pay for someone else?
      For tickets, information or to make a donation please email:
ann arky's home.


       Culture and Sport Glasgow workers from unions Unison, Unite, BECTU and GMB will be striking on Friday 28 May and Monday 31 May.  This is a continuation of the fight from the strikes on the April 30 and May 6.
       Strikers will again be picketing major Culture and Sport Glasgow holdings across the city, including Kelvingrove Museum, the People's Palace and the Burrell Collection.  Strikers are protesting because CS Glasgow is:
       Cutting all overtime payments to single time; downgrading some jobs to impose pay cuts of £500 - £2,000 per year; and ending premium rates for work on six public holidays.
       Strikers would appreciate solidarity at the pickets. Anarchist Federation members will be at at least one picket site - if you'd like to meet up, email

        These are your libraries and sports centres, apart from undermining the conditions of the staff, these cuts will put in jeopardy the proper functioning of these facilities. Try to imagine your city without the array of libraries and sports facilities we have. They are far from perfect but to cut and hack at what we already have will deprive many young and old from what meagre facilities we now posses. It will be a poorer city for all of our people if they go ahead with these cuts. We have to defend what we have from the onslaught of cuts that our new millionaire cabinet are going to do their damnedest to inflict on the ordinary people of this country. It is not just a city wide appeal for solidarity, it is a country wide fight.
ann arky's home.

Sunday 23 May 2010


      These are just some of the thoughts that the BNP scumbags haven't got round to writing into their manifesto. Though given the support and time, these and other abhorrent ideas will be come their open aims.

  In February 2009 following the death of the six-year-old son of David Cameron, the Conservative Party leader, Jeffray Marshall, the central London BNP organiser, said: “We live in a country today which is unhealthily dominated by an excess of sentimentality towards the weak and unproductive. No good will come of it.”
      Marshall continued his sick tirade, stating that although it would be “a kindness” to kill children with disabilities”, this was not the same as advocating such a measure as compulsory state policy. “But so what if it is,” he declared. “At least we would all know where we stand. There is actually not a great deal of point in keeping these sort of people alive, after all.”
Mark Collett BNP Director of Publicity said about AIDS: “It is a friendly disease because blacks, drug users and gays have it.”
     Tony “The bomber” Lecomber has advocated a “racially purer” Britain through the sterilisation of the poor, the sick and the disabled. Lecomber even thinks that the rich are “genetically superior” to ordinary people and that poor people shouldn’t be allowed to have children.

Friday 21 May 2010


      Activists in Parliament Square, who have been camping out in protest against the war in Afghanistan, are being threatened with eviction in the run up to the Queens Speech next week. They are asking for people to visit them to show support. Send messages to:
They can also be followed on Twitter at:

ann arky's home.

Thursday 20 May 2010

Citrus worker after citrus worker say...

"I have not complained because I have my family to support and I'm afraid to lose my job." - Marcelino Tepec

"I do not file a claim against my boss for fear of retaliation. I'm afraid he will no longer give me work." - Pule Vargas

"I know my legal rights are being violated by this contractor, but I do not complain because my other co-workers do not complain and I am afraid to speak up for myself." - Javier Cantor

That's why we want to tell you what's been happening in California's citrus groves and ask for your financial assistance.

Narcizo Peralta has worked for a labor contractor in the citrus orchards for nine years. When asked about his employer, he begins a litany of abuses that bother him deeply. "... I work in the citrus and they do not provide water for us. We have to take our own water. They do not provide us with equipment nor do they pay us the minimum wage. When someone gets hurt on the job, the crew boss cusses us out."

The first three items on Narcizo's list are blatantly illegal. If an employer pays less than twice the minimum wage - and citrus growers pretty much all do - they must provide tools and can't expect workers to purchase their own. Yet Narcizo's co-workers report they are required to buy shears, sacks, and gloves out of their own pockets. Employers must also pay the state's minimum wage.

Agricultural employers must provide clean drinking water for workers. Can you imagine working under the hot California sun without it? They are also supposed to provide sanitary bathrooms. But workers report that the bathrooms, when they are available, are filthy.

Rafael Vega has worked for various labor contractors for about 20 years, so he knows what he's talking about when he notes the ways that contractors cheat workers. "This contractor paid us in cash and one day me and my co-worker asked her to pay us with a check so that we could report to social security, and she became upset and fired us all, the entire crew!"

Your donation helps us do the legal work to take the workers' claims to the California Agricultural Labor Board and the courts -- as well as organizing in the fields and meeting with workers in their homes. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you.
ann arky's home.

Tuesday 18 May 2010


         Every time I look at British politics all I see are power hungry greedy careerists, then I think perhaps I'm a little cynical. Now and again along comes a politician that seems to talk a little sense and be held with some respect. Somehow Vince Cable appeared as such a person. When he spoke on the economy people listened. So when he commented on George Osborne's billions of pounds of cuts this year and described them as dangerous and “crazy”, most people nodded approvingly. However, the honourable Vince made those comments shortly before he joined with rich boy George, in the cozy-up richboy's coalition, to help him implement those self same cuts and more for next year. What worth his words now? I should have known that it was not cynicism on my part but knowledge born of a long life of political observations and experiences. Right Honourable Gentlemen, is surely the greatest misnomer in the English language, this has to be a case where the trade description act must be enforced.
       It's the same old story, what is said in opposition has no connection with what is done when in power. What appears in a manifesto is just the car salesman's speel, none of it has any connection with the truth.  


When the hordes run with their flaming torches,
When they light the torch of freedom
Burning all injustices
Scorching all hypocrisies
Making a bonfire of poverty
Throwing dogma, patriotism and religion on the flames,
I’ll be there, among them with my box of matches.

Thursday 13 May 2010


        Comment on that “coalition” government from the pillar of the Tory party the Telegraph which states in its leading article;
         “They [Cameron/Clegg] may be making a virtue out of a necessity, but they are doing it with brio... Such starry-eyed optimism is engaging, but should be treated with caution, particularly given the inexperience of the new administration...”
           While Benedict Brogan in the same paper states;
           "The danger is that an exhausted nation will believe its new leaders, and be sorely disappointed when their brave new world turns out to be a mirage."
           Of course you and I know that these two public school boys will indulge in the same old cuddly up to the rich and powerful, their group, and make the ordinary people pay the price.
           The smiling made up faces of the new kids in town will not make the cuts any easier on us, nor will it do anything for those joining the rising dole queue. We have been to the theatre, we've seen the show, it is now over. Time to go home and face reality and think how to survive the coming onslaught to be delivered by the smiling faces and well manicured hands of those who are immune to such ravages.
ann arky's home.

Wednesday 12 May 2010


One of David Cameron's ancestors: King William IV (1765–1837), uncle of Queen Victoria
     So we are all in this together!! Well from the back ground of our new Prime Minister it would seem that they are all one big family, but in no way related to you or I, or our world. He hails from that little bunch of privileged parasites that have held the reins of power for far too long, and no doubt will do all in his power to see that things stay that way. We can rest assured that he wont be upsetting any of his cousins etc.
    "David Cameron is a direct descendant of George I, George II, George III, and King William IV (great × 5 grandfather) and his mistress Dorothea Jordan (and thus fifth cousin, twice removed of Queen Elizabeth II As an illegitimate descendant of William IV, Cameron is not in the line of succession to the British throne. He is the nephew of Sir William Dugdale, once the chairman of Aston Villa Football Club, and Birmingham-born documentary film-maker Joshua Dugdale is his cousin.[16] In May 2009, tabloid newspaper The Sun published a discovery by amateur genealogist Tony Andrews that Labour politician Harriet Harman is related to David Cameron through her aunt's marriage to his great uncle.