Saturday 16 May 2015

Rage, Rage Against------.

        Dearie me, I missed it by two days, May 14th. Dylan Thomas Day, sorry Dylan. This is probably his best known and one of my favourites.

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

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The Brink Of something Special!!

      It is not often, if at all, that I can thank the Tories for something. What I think the new Bullingdon Boys cabal In the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption have done, is unite the ordinary people across this country. Their arrogance as the feel the glow of their new found power will encourage them to go into full throttle attack. The start will be their £12 billion of cuts that are aimed at the the poorest and most vulnerable in our society, but will impact on all our communities. What £12 billion amounts to is roughly taking £545 from every household in the country. Some people are going to get really clobbered.
      Approximately 70,000 will be affected by the benefit cap, more than 21,000 will suffer when they scrap the housing benefit for under 21 year olds, then there will be roughly 150,000 18 to 21 year olds hit when the scrap the job-seekers allowance and replace it with a six month payment. Between now and 2020, a million more families will have to pay the bedroom tax, the average payment over the five years under this bunch of millionaire parasites will be approximately £3,800. Iain Duncan Smith has already cut the financial help ­available to Bedroom Tax victims by 24%. Discretionary Housing Payments to local authorities which provide a lifeline to hardship cases were slashed from £165million to £125million last month. There is also talk of increasing the bedroom tax to an average of £25. In those dark corridors of power, there has even been discussions of abolishing statutory maternity pay. Then there is their intention to bring more anti-union legislation.
       Of course it is not all screwing the people, there are those higher up the financial ladder that are in the buddies club of the Bullingdon Boys, who will be handed some sweeties. The threshold at which the higher 40% tax rate is paid, will be raised, the top rate of 45% tax will be scrapped, and the level at which inheritance tax is paid will be raised. A little thank-you to those managers of the system.
     Recently in Downing Street, Mr Cameron's FREE home, paid for by you and I, he stated that “We are on the brink of something special.” Well I think we are, I think the people of this country will not sit about and be shafted by a bunch Oxbridge parasites who hold power by only receiving 36.8% of the voters support, 63.2% didn't want them. It is now time to do something about that total lack of democracy.
      Marching from A to B waving banners and chanting, though worth doing to raise the profile of the dissent, but it will not be enough on its own. We have to use our imagination and come up with a variety of tactics, in our communities and workplaces, in town and city centres. In words of the Tory parasites, “ we are all in this together”. We have suffered under the yoke of this system for generations, and it is not getting any easier. As a class we can sort this out, we have the power, the ability and the imagination. Let's come together and fight like our lives depend on it, because they do!!
      There are a series of events and protests coming up, broadcast them, take part in them, organise your own event, but do your damnedest to be part of it.
Here are some of the events coming up:
Glasgow, Peterborough, Manchester, Sheffield, Cardiff, Winchester, Newcastle, Leeds and many more to come – please feel free to leave details of upcoming events, protests or actions in the comments.
Class War and the National Coalition Against Fees and Cuts (NCAFC) have both called a protest in Central London on the day of the state opening of Parliament, May 27th – keep it free.
A massive demonstration wil be taking place in the City of London on the 20th June.
Please help spread the word about all events and let’s make them huge.
Remember, "We are on the brink of something special."
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Thursday 14 May 2015

Two Baltimores.

         The babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, has been pouring a lot of biased gibberish and photos of violence in Baltimore. We know there are “black” areas, and that is where most of the violence occurs. As for the rest of Baltimore, I for one, know nothing. However it seems that it is a city of unbelievable contrasts, a city displaying the capitalist obligatory wealth differences on a major scale.
         A very interesting article from Anarchist News gives a clearer insight to this area, which could be described as two cities.
       Recent riots in Baltimore over the death of Freddie Gray have been the largest there since those following the assassination of Martin Luther King in 1968. They began on April 25, 2015, when a group of protestors split off from a peaceful rally and began hurling bottles at cops and smashing patrol cars.[iv] This happened not far from Camden Yards[v] where white Orioles and Red Sox fans remained untouched behind stadium gates. Others, drunk and racist, brawled with protestors outside nearby sports bars. But Baltimore’s true elites were far from downtown. That Saturday was the 119th running of the Maryland Hunt Cup, a steeplechase horse race in Reisterstown, Baltimore County. A steeplechase, for those less schooled in equestrian pastimes, is where the horses jump over a bunch of fences and ditches and try not to fall over. In Maryland, this particular race provides rich people with an excuse to break out their finest, brightest spring clothes. Bowties, salmon-colored shorts, Lilly Pulitzer dresses in red and green. Flowery sunhats. Mint juleps and Natty Boh beer. White Baltimore ascends toward its ideal form. Down in the fields a horse trips and falls, snapping its leg and pitching the jockey off into the mud. It will be soon be dragged out of view of the garishly-clad onlookers to be shot.
Read the full article HERE:

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UK Democracy, Power To The Few, Misery To The Many.

       Our totally unrepresentative government, it rules over us with only 36.8% of the vote, has some nasty pieces of legislation it aims to push down our throats, like it or not. On Privacy, Teresa May wants more powers for the government to snoop on us. The snoopers charter is being dusted up for re-issue. The right to strike is high on their agenda, to appease their financial masters and corporate buddies, they want that right to be considerably curtailed. However, the legislation they are introducing would make their own election illegal, as they didn't have sufficient mandate to carry out their legislation!! The right to independent thought and speech. Fuehrer Cameron has stated, “For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society,---” so they plan to target people who believe in certain values and they will make it impossible for “extremists” to succeed. I wonder whose definition of “extremist” they will use? There will be a renewed attack on the young and poor, as it plans a £12 billion cut in welfare, one of the proposals is to scrap job seekers allowance for 18-21 year olds, replacing it with a six month allowance. There is also a proposal to scrap the right of those under 21 to claim housing benefit. To show their human credentials, Teresa may has suggested that those who risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean, should be sent back. As always, true to form, the last thing they want you to know is what they get up to behind closed doors. So the Freedom of Information Act, will be amended to make it easier for the government to block information from being made public. Open and transparent government?? Of course one of the things that has long riled them, and their corporate robber buddies, is the protection the ordinary citizen gets from the Human Rights Act, so that is to be scrapped. And just to show their compassion, a gift to be given to their “huntin' an' shootin' fraternity, is that the will scrap the fox hunting ban, allowing their millionaire friends to tally-ho across the countryside with their dogs, ripping foxes to pieces. This is the power you get with 36.8% of the vote, there is something rotten at the heart of Britain. 
      Of course it doesn't have to be like this, we have the power, the ability and the imagination, to transform our society in to a just and fair federation of communities, based on mutual aid, co-operation, and the needs of all our people.
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Wednesday 13 May 2015

The Escape Machine.

       I got a bit pissed off with all the double speak coming out of that cesspool, the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption, and the thought of the oncoming assault on our people. So today I thought I would take a wee break and go for a spin on my carbon-fibre dream machine, see the photo below. It was wonderful, came back renewed, and ready to start my ranting once more. No prizes for guessing where the photo was taken, but I wonder when they will privatise it, there's lots of money to made there!!!.  

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Tuesday 12 May 2015

Smell The Stench Of Raw Capitalism.

      The Bullingdon Club, now in control of the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, has stated that it will introduce more legislation to restrict the use of strikes. No doubt it was a directive from their millionaire buddies in the corporate world. So it would seem that when you sign on as an employee of a firm, and that firm treats you like shit, refusing to negotiate your grievance, you are supposed to just put up with it. You will not have the right to say, this has gone too far, we are refusing to work under these conditions, and call a strike until the matter is resolved. No doubt the corporate greed  machine will call this democracy. As Howard Zin and Noam Chomsky have said, big business loves fascism. We are almost there, give the Bullingdon Boys an few more months and see what they unleash on the ordinary people of this country.
      You will be expected to work submissively, or stay at home and watch TV. The streets will only be for consumers. As far as the Bullingdon Club advocates of raw capitalism are concerned, the gloves are off, they are drunk on their new unfettered power. Be prepared for a ferocious fight back, or be shown no mercy, as they capitalise on that power.
The era is different, but the lie is the same.

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Taken For A Ride By The Bullingdon Boys.

     The 2015 Crooks and Liars competition, (general election) is over, and on the bridge of the good ship UK Exploitation, stands the new officer crew, all trained at the Oxbridge sausage factory, ready to steer her to new lands in the world of austerity. They have welcomed on board another member of the Bullingdon Club, one Boris Johnson, whose grandfather eighth removed, was King George II, and is a cousin, again eighth removed, of the captain, Bullingdon Boy, Cameron.
     What this effectively means is, that we the people of these islands have handed over control of our country to a bunch of self-centred, over privileged, pampered, aristocratic parasites, our affairs are going to be handled by a cabal from the Bullingdon Club.
Your Elected Government!!
        Why do we tolerate this? If there is anyone out there who believes that this bunch of self-seeking millionaires will address the problems of the ordinary people, they are naive in the extreme. These products of the Oxbridge sausage factory, have no idea what the problems of the ordinary people are. let alone the answers. Ordinary is not a word that they are familiar with, excess, privilege, pampered, greed, are the words we normally associate with this gang.
       You will be seen and used as peasants, serfs, lesser beings, to be used by them and their corporate millionaire buddies, to increase their already obscene wealth. Anything to alleviate the drudgery of our day to day struggle, will have to wrestled from their grasping hands, and it will be given grudgingly, to be stolen back at the first opportunity.
       Our fathers and mothers, and those before them, have, for generations, suffered at the hands of these people, we have struggled through five years of "austerity", with more promised, and with greater severity, meanwhile, they got richer and richer. Do you honestly think the latest band of robbers will be different?
 Looking after your interests!!
       We have had experience enough to know that the present system doesn't work for us the people, all around us is the evidence that it only works for a privileged few. We are descending further down the spiral of deprivation, all to an agreed plan, an ideology born of greed. We don't have to accept this greed and injustice, the system is not written in tablets of stone, handed down by some divine being. It is a man made system of economics, it can be destroyed by people like you and me, and a fairer more just system that sees to the needs of all our people, can be built in its place. All that is lacking is our will to take the task on.

       However, Stuart Wilks-Heeg, executive director of Democratic Audit, noted that "Boris is politically nimble",[303] while biographer Sonia Purnell stated that Johnson regularly changed his opinion on political issues, commenting on what she perceived to be "an ideological emptiness beneath the staunch Tory exterior."[308] She later referred to his "opportunistic - some might say pragmatic - approach to politics".[309] Former Mayor Ken Livingstone claimed that while he had once feared Johnson as "the most hardline right-wing ideologue since Thatcher", over the course of Johnson's mayoralty he had instead concluded that he was "a fairly lazy tosser who just wants to be there" while doing very little work
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Monday 11 May 2015

F*** The Troika.

       Today Greece has to hand over €750 million to the IMF, (International Mankind Fuckers), this is chicken feed compared to what the Greek government has to hand over to the financial Mafia come June and July. Greece doesn't have the amount involved, the only may it can hand that money over is if the Troika hand it to Greece first, so that it can hand it back, and therefore in the crazy logic of the financial world, it will have met its obligations.

      This is the insanity on which our daily lives are based, it defies logic, it has moved into the realms of the fantasy of monopoly. Greece is bleeding to death, its people are in dire straights. One part of its economy that has been growing recently is tourism. Tourism in Greece for the year 2014, grew faster than any other country, it brought in roughly €10 billion. What was the IMF's strategy to this stream of money flowing into the Greek coffers? Well kill it, they demanded that the Greek government increase taxes on hotel and restaurant bills, and so slow that stream of wealth. The logic of the financial Mafia.

      All that matters to the Troika, the financial Mafia, is that what ever money a country produces, flows to them, and the people can go to hell in a handcart. Europe is made up of some of the richest countries in the world, but it can stand by and watch a small European country of approximately 11 million people drown in the pit of deprivation to satisfy the bond markets and their pampered parasites. 
        Will Greece stay in the EU? In the EU it will be bled to death to satisfy the banksters, out of the EU, there is the possibility that the people of that small country could take control of their own affairs and shape their own country, rather than follow the dictates of the festering cancer that is the Troika. Who knows, perhaps if that happened, the rest of us in Europe might follow suit.

     “The euro would be strengthened if Greece left,” Alexander Radwan, a Merkel-affiliated lawmaker who voted for granting Greece a temporary extension of its bailout in February, said in an interview. “The other countries could then move closer together and apply the rules more strictly.”
     With European finance ministers due to resume talks on Greece on Monday, hardening sentiment in Germany risks sending mixed signals to investors as Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s government attempts to reach a deal with creditors.

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A Strange Success.

        To most people the human journey on this planet has been a success story, but on reflection, is it the success that most people believe?

Strange Success.

Strangest success story
since life's incubation,
built slowly
generation after generation,
driven by greed
by force, determination,
in vicious exploitation.
Putting the weak
to the sword
soon the strong
learn to hoard,
the thief
his bloody plunder stored
by the looted
now is adored.
Finally achieving
the pinnacle of the plan,
of the ape called man,
on co-operation
a total ban,
the era of competition
now began.
Concern, unity,
synergy, all gone
has the crazy ape
crossed the Rubicon,
his brightest hour
already shone,
crawling from the slime
blindly to oblivion?

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Sunday 10 May 2015

Outside Reality.

     Reality, whose reality? We exist outside their reality.
 Q: The People and poetry, have they not been absorbed by Power?
Response: Well, as with everything else, what I was saying of assimilation, anything, even that which comes from below, well they risk suffering this assimilation, the assimilation by Power.  The only breath of joy is that this assimilation is never complete, never perfect, such that against the pretensions which from Above proclaim having arrived at assimilation, that “ Reality is Everything”, against this, its lies are discovered and that something which does not exist, something of the people, of poetry, continues living. …
Can we create our reality as the accepted reality?
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Banana Repubilc With A Queen.

      A short response to the new bare knuckle capitalists taking full control of the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption. No more watered down austerity, from now on, it is full throttle brutal exploitation, now it will be corporatism in all its savage reality. Do you expect any real opposition to come from those comfy well paid seats, with all their perks? You may get plenty of noise, lots of hee-haw and braying, with some prick shouting "order order", but the outcome will be what the banksters mates, the Cameron clan, want. If you are looking for opposition to this cabal of millionaires, then it will have to come from you and I. All those well minded people who have been elected with the intentions of locking the Tories out of Downing Street, have entered the game and they will have to play by those rules. Real meaningful change will only come when enough of us don't play the game, and break the rules. The rules were put in place to make sure they don't work in our favour, the dice is loaded in favour of wealth and power. We have to create the change we want, and for the sake of future generations, we have to start now.
      As the man said, "We are a banana republic with a queen, and no bananas".

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May Day Every Day.

        I know it has past more than a week ago, but here is a round up of May Day protests across the globe from Stimulator, it also contains a very moving interview with the mother of one of the 43 students that were kidnapped on 26th. September, 2014, in Mexico.

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Saturday 9 May 2015

Song Of The Worms.

       A lot has been said and written about the result of the recent Crooks and Liars competition, the so called general election. All I can say is that I find it strange that the abused south of the border have picked the most brutal of abusers to be their new lord and master. However, I suppose it is all just a matter of degree, since they all dance to the same tune, played by the financial Mafia.

       I'll let Canadian poet Margaret Atwood voice my thoughts.

Song Of The Worms.

We have been underground too long,
we have done our work,
we are many and one,
we remember when we were human
We have lived among roots and stones,
we have sung but no one has listened,
we come into the open air
at night only to love
which disgusts the soles of boots,
their leather strict religion.
We know what a boot looks like
when seen from underneath,
we know the philosophy of boots,
their metaphysic of kicks and ladders.
We are afraid of boots
but contemptuous of the foot that needs them.
Soon we will invade like weeds,
everywhere but slowly;
the captive plants will rebel
with us, fences will topple,
brick walls ripple and fall,
there will be no more boots.
Meanwhile we eat dirt
and sleep; we are waiting
under your feet.
When we say Attack
you will hear nothing
at first.
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Friday 8 May 2015

Built On Racism, Die By Racism.

      That Zionist state of Israel, that claims to be the only democracy in the Middle East, is sooner or later going to implode/explode. While it carries out its policy of genocide against the Palestinian people, in its drive for a "Greater Israel", stacking up bitterness, resentment and hatred across the world, internally, the same nut-case religious fundamentalism is splintering its internal structure. Resentment grows between the ultra-orthodox Jews, who don't work, are paid by the state and are exempt from military service, and the others, who have to work to survive and see their sons and daughters being drafted into the military. Poverty is also a factor, with over 14% of all Jews in Israel living below the poverty line, while billions are spent on policing and military. Another divisive factor in their society is the fact that, some Jews are more equal than other Jews. The Ethiopian Jews, living in Israel come in for some very rough treatment from their "bothers", simply because they don't fit the picture of how they think a Jew should look. The Ethiopian Jews who arrived in Israel in the 1980's make up approximately 2% of the Israeli population, but 40% of the prison population, and where as 14% of the Israeli population lives in poverty, in the Ethiopian section of the community that figure jumps to more than 35%. They are insulted, ridiculed and harassed, simple because of their colour. It seems being a Jew is not enough, you have to look like what they think a Jew should look like.
      Recently the Ethiopian Jews have erupted onto the streets with running battles with the police, this was sparked by an unprovoked attack on a Jewish soldier, who didn't fit their picture, he just happen to be Ethiopian. A state built on racism, will die by racism.

From Dialectical Delinquents:
Israel, Tel Aviv: conflicts between Ethiopian Jews and cops continue “…protesters threw rocks and glass bottles at police, who responded with stun grenades and fired water cannons at protesters. As of midnight Sunday, almost 50 people were injured. According to Israel Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, 23 of them were police officers.” More here Israeli mounted police charged hundreds of Ethiopian-Israeli citizens and fired stun grenades on Sunday to try to clear one of the most violent protests in memory in the heart of Tel Aviv. The protesters, Israeli Jews of Ethiopian origin, were demonstrating against what they say is police racism and brutality after the emergence last week of a video clip that showed policemen shoving and punching a black soldier. Demonstrators overturned a police car and threw bottles and stones at officers in riot gear at Rabin Square in the heart of Israel’s commercial capital. … tear gas was also used, something the police declined to confirm. “I’ve had enough of this behavior by the police, I just don’t trust them any more … when I see the police I spit on the ground,” one female demonstrator who was not identified told Channel 2 before police on horseback had charged. Earlier, demonstrators brought evening rush hour traffic to a standstill for over an hour by blocking one of the city’s main highways. …Tens of thousands of Ethiopian Jews were airlifted to Israel in dramatic, top-secret operations in the 1980s and 1990s after a rabbinical ruling that they were direct descendants of the biblical Jewish Dan tribe. The community, which now numbers around 135,500 out of Israel’s population of over 8 million, has long complained of discrimination, racism and poverty. Tensions rose after an incident a week ago in a Tel Aviv suburb where a closed circuit video camera captured a scuffle between a policeman and a uniformed soldier of Ethiopian descent.”…Netanyahu says “…there is no place for this type of violence” – we know the type he colonises several places for.
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Thursday 7 May 2015

Free The Rebel In You.

      After the Crooks and Liars competition is over, and the insanity is once more slightly hidden, we should not sink into the apathy that keeps this stinking system going. We should pump up the rebel in us all, it is our only hope of saving ourselves from the shackles and poverty of capitalism. forget conformity, forget the rules of this cruel game, forget respect for uniforms, flags and badges, open up ridicule for religion, encourage anger at the pomp and arrogance of monarchy, spit venom at inequality, let your disapproval be loud, spread dissent. 

The Rebel

Rebel rebel break the rule,
What does it matter that a “wise” man sees a fool.
Not for you the herd’s dull beat
Making tomorrow, yesterday’s repeat,
Living out the life of a clone
Marching with the crowd but always alone.
Shaping your life from some dusty tome
Playing it safe, staying at home.
Rebel rebel break the rule
Swim in the sea, never the pool.
Live your emotions, feel the surge
Follow your dreams, chase the urge.
Make life though short, an exciting game
Not a mad march for fortune or fame.
Capture the moment, live it now
Being alive your only vow.
Rebel rebel break the rule
In the end, you’re humanity’s jewel.
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The Solution.

     After this present Crooks and Liars competition is over, its resultant confusion may require the the assembled winners to take some advice from Bertolt Brecht, his poem The Solution, seems to offer the best answer to their problems.

The Solution.

After the uprising of the 17th June
The Secretary of the Writers Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?

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