Saturday 17 August 2013

The Inevitable Fall Of Empires.

         Empires come and empires go and the mighty dollar empire is no different. Its global reach is still there, but its power is somewhat weakened. The wounded empire of the Soviet Union has evolved into a Russian force, China has grown to become the second largest economy on the planet and still growing. The other "empire" that is growing and is possibly the greatest threat to the power of the  the dominant economic empires, is the "empire" of the people. Across the globe people are rising up against the power policies of profit and growth, which impoverishes millions of ordinary people. Country after country take to the streets in an attempt to throw off yoke of economic enslavement. This can only grow as the brutality and greed of the parasite empires becomes more blatant and ruthless, as they make their feverish grasp for survival.

      As the global uprising against its hated neoliberal system spreads like wildfire, it is only a matter of time before we see the fall of the US empire.
Read the full article HERE:

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Little Hitlers In Little Towns.


       In 2012 Graham was dismissed from his job as a swimming pool attendant at a holiday camp near Swanage. This followed several complaints over breaches of Health and Safety guidelines and working time regulations. He believes he was victimised for this and IWW union membership.
     The worst aspect of this case is that when Graham left, a manager who thinks himself a big deal in a small town, threatened to use his influence to prevent Graham from working locally, in effect blacklisting him.
     In view of this Wessex Solidarity have called a day of action against this employer and we're asking all comrades to participate in a communications blockade to coincide.

Phone no's and email addresses for Ulwell Cottage Park

tel: 01929 422823

fax: 01929 421500

email: booking/admin supervisors personal.

    We have the support of Bristol IWW GMB, Solent Solfed and Dorset Socialists. Please spread through your social networks, then try and make the communications blockade viral, it can go international on facebook/twitter.
    As the dispute took place in the off-season we have waited for a Saturday in August for the maximum impact, this is the day when clients arrive and depart; it will really piss them off if people can’t get through on the phone.
Let's teach these petty bourgeois prats a lesson!

An injury to one is an injury to all!
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The Egyptian State's Battle For Survival.

      Whatever it was that the people of Egypt took to the streets for, is certainly not what they have now. What is happening now is the stifling of any idea that the people should control the country. For a while it look like the people might control the country, and that will not be tolerated by the states and other powers around the world. Pressure would be put on the Egyptian establishment to step in and take control. That is what we are witnessing at the moment.

    "Down with the military and Al-Sissi!  Down with the remnants of the Mubarak regime and business elite! Down with the State and all power to autonomous communities!  Long live the Egyptian revolution!"

     This is the powerful and defiant message put out by Egyptian anarchists in the face of the horrific repression being inflicted on the people by the new military regime - the latest local incarnation of the same inhuman power-hungry entity.

Here is the full statement from Tahrir-ICN:

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Friday 16 August 2013

SDL At The Edinburgh Festival!!!

Another reminder:
      The Scottish Defence League have been given permission to march through Edinburgh during the festival. We are going to make a song and dance about it!
     Join Edinburgh UAF on Sat 17th August for our march against the racists. We welcome all fun loving anti-racists to take to our Edinburgh streets:

Meet 12pm on Chambers Street
Music for Scottish Disco Lovers
1:30pm March to Parliament
Assemble at Parliament and stay until SDL leave

Let's make our march as happy and family friendly as we always are. Bring your party hat and dancing feet!
More info HERE:

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The Impossibility Of Infinite Growth.

An extract from an interesting article from Void Mirror:

     We have reached an impasse. Capitalism as we know it is coming apart at the seams. But as financial institutions stagger and crumble, there is no obvious alternative. Organized resistance is scattered and incoherent. The global justice movement is a shadow of its former self. For the simple reason that it's impossible to maintain perpetual growth on a finite planet, it's possible that in a generation or so capitalism will no longer exist. Faced with this prospect, people's knee-jerk reaction is often fear. They cling to capitalism because they can't imagine a better alternative. 

       How did this happen? Is it normal for human beings to be unable to imagine a better world? 
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The Best Are Disobedient.

Thought for today:

       "The best amongst the poor are never grateful. They are ungrateful, discontented, disobedient."
Oscar Wilde.

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Thursday 15 August 2013

There To Protect You?

You know they're only doing their duty!!!!

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Military Democracy.

       Some scenes of how the military bring democracy to a country. Anybody that believes democracy can come from a military coup is naive in the extreme. A military coup is a military coup, is a military dictatorship. If there was a hint of democracy developing in Egypt, the West would have to invade to "protect" the people. However if they are setting up a dictatorship, the West will send them aid. As the military dictatorship struggles to assert itself, the West may take steps to "stabilise" the situation.
      In this bloody clash the numbers killed vary from 100+ to 1,000+ depending on who reports the figures, but what is not in dispute is that the military is killing people, in large numbers, on the streets of Egypt. As usual, the state's violence outstrips that of any terrorist organisation, simply because the state is the world's biggest terrorist organisation.

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Wednesday 14 August 2013

The Many Paths Of Anarchism,

      The following is extract from a Reuters report on anarchist activity in Athens. Of course the anarchists in Greece, like anarchists the world over, are a many faceted bunch who cover the whole spectrum of direct action, with the same aim, to create a free, fair and just society, based on mutual aid, voluntary co-operation, justice and sustainability. It certainly will not come about by asking the authoritarians who oppress us and who try to govern us, "Please will you let us build our free new world?"

Self-styled anarchists armed with wooden sticks fight against the police in an attempt to release a detained comrade (on the floor) in a cloud of tear gas outside the Greek Parliament in Athens in this February 22, 2007 file photo. REUTERS-Yannis Behrakis-Files

(Reuters) - Not far from the Athenian ruins where democracy was born more than 2,500 years ago, young anarchists intent on toppling Greece's political system run a cafe where the beer is cheap and the artwork features police cars set on fire.
     At first glance K*Vox, started a year ago by anarchists who occupied a shuttered building, looks like any other cafe in the bohemian Athens neighborhood of Exarchia. But inside posters show gun-toting guerrilla fighters and the symbol of anarchy - a circle with an A.
Read the full article HERE:

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Our £7 Million Food And Drinks Bill.

       The millionaire cabal in The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption will demolish anything that protects workers wages and conditions. Having recently abolished the Agriculture Wages Board, which was there to help protect agricultural workers from even more excessive exploitation, they have now voted down a Welsh Assembly Bill that was to protect approximately 13,000 Welsh agricultural workers. The UK Attorney General Dominic Grieve has blocked the Agricultural Sector (Wales) Bill saying it was not within the assembly's competence. We can't have those pesky bills protecting people's wages. The matter has now to go to The Supreme Court, to see if the Welsh Assembly can legislate on Welsh people's wages?? They call it democracy.
     While this bunch of millionaire parasites were blocking any attempt to protect workers wages, they were wining and dining themselves, and their cronies, in that Old Boys Club, Westminster, to the tune of £7 million. That's right, during the year 2011/12, while they chatted away their hours in the bars and restaurants, we the tax payers picked up the tab to the tune of £7 million to help satiate their limitless appetite for fine dining. What's their salary for?
       The stench of blatant greed and hypocrisy emanating from this system fills the air across the country, creating misery, poverty and deprivation. A system based on greed, and power to the wealthy, where we seem to sit quietly, while a bunch of Oxbridge pampered parasites legislate to help swell the coffers of their cronies in the corporate world. We go down the tubes if we don't radically change this loaded dice system.

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Tuesday 13 August 2013

Tax Payers Funding Open Racism.

       As the our living conditions are savaged by the financial Mafia, the state will always come up with scapegoats. Today it's those on disability and other benefits, its the fault of the unemployed not trying hard enough to find that mythical job. Of course there is the old favourite, immigrants, they can be blamed for all our ills. It is the same old divide and rule. The tougher the conditions and the stronger the resistance, the more the state hits the scapegoats. Normal state procedure.

       On 5th August Liberty sent a mobile billboard onto the streets of London. It was our response to the nasty Home Office "Go Home" vans that were sowing division across London a few weeks ago.
       Yesterday it emerged that the Home Office have finally recognised the need to consult the public before wider implementation - a step notably absent from the ill-fated pilot, rolled out without any attempt to communicate with affected communities. But there has been no apology whatsoever, nor any acceptance that they badly let down the public with this divisive stunt.

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SDL At The Edinburgh Festival!!!

          A reminder that on Saturday 17 August there will be a rally and protest in Edinburgh, against the SDL and their attempt to bring their stench of fascism and racism to the streets of the City.

     Sat 17 Aug - Racists in Edinburgh - Let’s make a song and a dance about it



           The racist Scottish Defence League (SDL) have been given permission to march through Edinburgh from Waverley Court to Parliament with a Police escort, in the middle of the Edinburgh Festival and Fringe.  
        Edinburgh UAF are not going to allow this hate peddling group to spread their obnoxious message in our city and create discord where we work so hard for unity and harmony.
       Please make time to join the protest against the SDL on this Saturday:
12pm Assemble at Chambers St to help leaflet and get more people to join the protest.

1pm Speeches.

1:30 March to Parliament via South Bridge, High St and Canongate.

Stay at Parliament until SDL are escorted away by Police.

     It is up to us all to show to the citizens of Edinburgh and the thousands of tourists, that the majority reject the SDL’s hate fuelled ideas. So let’s make a song and a dance about it!
    Celebrate our multi-cultural city and our cultural festival. Our protest will have performers from the fringe, an all-female drum band, musicians, indeed everyone who wants to make a stand.

facebook event page

Video message link

You can download leaflets at:

And a poster at:

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Do It Ourselves.

       Detroit is bankrupt, so that opens the doors for the leeches and parasites to jump in and grab all public assets at bargain basement prices. The collapse of the city authorities ability to function because of massive debt, run up by spivs/conmen and corruption, is also an opportunity for the people of Detroit. As the city authorities step back from supplying services, the people, with their usual resilience and ingenuity, can step forward and organise those services themselves. That is happening on various levels in the city.

      “I have connected with a few other individuals who are interested in founding a free school in alignment with meeting the unique needs of each individual child involved while honoring their autonomy and curiosity,” bringing up the idea of “unschooling” in a group setting. In addition, Testa told TSW that a dispute resolution and mediation service would inspire her as well, looking towards solving community problems through a win/win situation and not a punishment/reward model – calling that the status quo.
Read the full article HERE:

          Also across the city people are organising in different ways for example starting "city farms" and growing their own food and distribution system see annarky's Glasgow2Detroit "away-ye-grow"

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      This police brutality was in the United States of America, not in Spain as I previously stated. Correct information from arrezafe:
I apoligise for the misinformation.  

"I am not a descendant of slaves. 
I am descended from humans who were enslaved. "

Makota Valdina
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Monday 12 August 2013

'A Period Of Calm'?


      This is an extract from an Ajazeera article first published in 22 February, 2013. It gives some insight to what the people Gaza have to live under on a daily basis.

What a 'period of calm' looks like in the Occupied Territories

       Three months after the last major Israeli incursion into the Gaza Strip, the "period of calm" is only "calm" for Israel.
        Three months have passed since the ceasefire that brought an end to Israel's eight-day attack on the Gaza Strip known as Operation "Pillar of Defence". This infographic depicts the number of attacks on the Gaza Strip by the Israeli military during this three-month period, as well as the number of Palestinian attacks emanating from Gaza. Since late November, Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip have averaged over one a day, everyday. These include shootings by troops positioned along the border fence, attacks on fishermen working off the Gaza coast, and incursions by the Israeli army.
Read the full article HERE:

[Illustration and design: Rachele Richards]
Ben White is a freelance journalist, writer and activist, specialising in Palestine/Israel. He is a graduate of Cambridge University.The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy.

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States Colonise People Ideologically.

       "Once states get a footing, they tend to crowd out alternatives," says philosopher and La Sierra University professor Gary Chartier, author most recently of Anarchy and Legal Order. "Also, I think they tend to colonize people, ideologically."    Well that's for sure.

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The Myth Of Fair Capitalism.

       So the Labour Party attacks Tesco for employing cheap foreign labour, I suppose if Tesco listens, everything will be alright! You would think that by now it would have sunk into the heads of the "Party of The People" that in that great big cesspool of corporate scum, they're all the same. Why select one small target, do the believe that Tesco is somehow different from the other corporate abusers? What about "zero-hours contracts", what about "workfare" what about the slave like conditions in firms such as Amazon, and so it goes on. It's the same old waffling by the party system, so much time and resources spent trying to convince us that capitalism can be made compassionate and fair, it's all a matter of speaking to them. We just have to convince the blood-sucking corporate parasites that they shouldn't suck us quite so dry and then everything will be fine. 
      We are listening to millionaires who have money invested in the corporate world of greed, so they are hardly likely to want to rock the boat too much, it might affect the value of their shares. Only when the people own and run all the services and means of production will we see compassion and fairness in the transactions. Until then, the fight is against the system, there is no corporate body that has the interests and welfare of the people on its agenda, it is profit first, profit second and profit third.

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Sunday 11 August 2013

Holocaust Mark2.

        Day and daily the repression and the genocide goes on and on. It couldn't go on without the American support and the rest of the Western world turning a blind eye. There is no rhyme or reason to the policies of the Israeli state, except the creation of the Greater Israeli State by expanding its borders and the banishing of the people of Palestine. Victims of the Holocaust are the perpetrators of the new Holocaust.

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Spiraling Into Planned Deprivation.

       Hello Greece, we in the UK are following hard on your heels, as you plunge into orchestrated deprivation, we are right behind you. Recent figures show that we in the UK saw average hourly wages fall faster than most European countries. Since 2010 UK average hourly wages, adjusted for inflation, have fallen 5.5%. This is worse than Spain, 3.3%, Cyprus, 3%, countries that have faced financial turmoil. The only countries that suffered a worse deteriorating hourly wage were Greece, Portugal and Holland. Compare the UK drop with the European average drop of 0.7% and you see the rate at which we are racing towards the sweatshop economy. The UK workers will have lost £6,660 by the time the next election comes round. The present millionaire cabal sitting in The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption have presided over 35 consecutive months of falling real wages. The pattern is set to continue as price rises outstrip wage increases, where there are any wage increases.
       Do you honestly see this changing? Do you believe that voting in another smiling suit will make up any of that lost income? Only a fool would accept that a change of party, from tweedle-dee to tweedle-dum will sort out the falling living standards of the ordinary people. I suppose it is wrong to say “falling” living standards, “falling” implies some sort of unavoidable accident, the correct phrase in this instant should be “driven down” living standards. There is no accident in the way things are going and it is certainly not unavoidable. Everything is going to plan, cheap labour and everything privatised, that is the real aim of this financial Mafia plan. We are well on our way to be part of that corporate dream, sweatshop Europe.
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Saturday 10 August 2013

A Concerted Attack, Requires A Concerted Defence.

      The living conditions of the ordinary people of this country are under attack as never before, and on so many fronts it is imperative that we join all our campaigns into one massive revolt against the financial Mafia's grand plan. This grand plan is being implemented by the Oxbridge millionaire cabal, sitting in The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, and consists of slashing all social services and the demolishing of our hard won working conditions, We have ATOS destroying the lives of the sick and disabled, we have the bedroom tax attacking the poor, we have workfare getting you to work for the multinationals for no wages, and then we have the "zero hours" contracts, tying you to a phone in the hope that you get a few hours work. This is not going to stop until we stop it, you will not wake up tomorrow and find that they have turned all compassionate and are reversing the damage done by their brutal and vicious assault.
      If you don't know where to get involved you could contact your local Clydeside IWW, Anarchist Federation, or Glasgow Against ATOS, a good place to start would be the Glasgow Games Monitor 2014. Here is some info from them:

     A wee digest of new posts up on the site. Note especially the important new documentation of Alex Salmond's visit to the Accord Centre:

Accord Centre:
   Alex Salmond vist to the Accord centre (video and full transcription):

     Image gallery of selected City Council and Scottish Government letters to the Accord:

      Image gallery of Chris Hoy Velodrome occupation:

      Games Monitor comment on 'Atos kills' and the Games:

     Documentation of the 'Dirty Laundry' event on Glasgow Green, 3rd, August (Atos protestors included):

Glasgow Games Monitor 2014:

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