Friday 11 November 2011


        Here in the West the powers that be always state that they are not involved in regime change. Whether it be Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or elsewhere, they will emphasise that regime change is illegal and not on their agenda. However, nearer home we have seen regime change, right here in Europe. Recently we have seen the Greek government put under pressure from the financial markets because the Prime Minister had the audacity to want to give the people the right to decide on the conditions of their bailout by means of a referendum. The “markets” went bananas, and pressure was put on the Prime Minister to resign. Without any attempt to involve the people, the Prime Minister resigned and an interim government formed with a banker at its head, guess whose side we'll be on?

        No election, no referendum, just a change of regime at the behest of the financial markets. This was rapidly followed by the same procedure in Italy, where the Italian Prime Minister was forced to resign. The change of regime was again not at the request of the people, but from pressure from the financial markets. Two European countries forced into regime change by powers outside their borders. No bombs, no military invasion but never the less a powerful force dictating what was to happen to the people of a sovereign country. The elected government of two separate European countries, usurped by a foreign power, in other words, a coup in two countries within a couple of weeks of each other. European democracy at work.

ann arky's home.

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